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#92797 01/15/13 08:01 PM
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Nobel Peace Prize Winner
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Nobel Peace Prize Winner
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Wrong Place, Wrong Time, Wrong Clark TOC can be found Here

I know you all wanted me to drag out this A-Plot for three more parts, so I hope you aren't too splat that I kissed... skipped <<oops! blush Freudian slip>> ahead to the other B-Plot stuff. It's not like there are any other interesting Natural Disasters looming on the horizon for Clark to worry about or to interrupt him telling Lois what exactly it is he wants to talk about, right?

Comments are always appreciated like a box of dark chocolates. laugh

Last edited by VirginiaR; 05/16/14 12:36 PM. Reason: Added Link

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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It's not like there are any other interesting Natural Disasters looming on the horizon for Clark to worry about or to interrupt him telling Lois what exactly it is he wants to talk about, right?
Oh, trust me, he will always find a reason to postpone it. razz

He had opened his mouth to confess that he, Superman, was also Clark, but then had decided that hadn’t been the time or the place for that confession. Her love for him was so new, so delicate; he didn’t want to risk damaging it by revealing his deception just yet,
Told ya. mad

At first he wouldn't tell her the truth because she didn't love him as Clark. Now he won't tell her the truth because she loves him as Clark. She is damned if she does and damned if she doesn't. He won't tell her anyway. razz

The more he prolongs the lie, worst it will be when she finds out the truth (because I don't believe he will tell her any time). wallbash


"My wife's love is what unites Krypton and Earth in my heart. Without it, without her, I truly would be in hell."

~ Superman: Man of Tomorrow #15
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C'mon Clark! She loves you. You've got to tell her!


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I have to say I think there is hope for Clark telling her SM=CK. Of course maybe I am too optimitic.

On the other hand, if I remember the schedule right, an astraoid is about to hit the earth soon, so who knows. Personally I am hoping he forgets the curse, and then they can move their relationship forward without that false weight. Of course, I am assuming the curse does not apply. However since he is not the same soul, I can't see how it could.

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In the inky blueness of the pre-dawn sky, Superman hovered in the air over the bay near Pier 31.
What? We skipped ahead. I was thinking we would not get to the point of reckoning in this section.

At around eleven the previous night,
smile1 we get some recap. I was figuring there needed to be more after what Lois told Clark.

Superman could have easily caught him and brought him back to face his bribery charges, for which they had photographic evidence from Lois’s “night of relaxation” in the honeymoon suite, but Clark figured his time and efforts were better spent searching for Rourke.
Harrington will find it hard to stay in hiding long. It will at least be incompatible with staying in congress.

That had been the moment when he realized who Lois’s “skittish source” she had gone to meet that afternoon had been. She had gone, on her own, to see Luthor, and she hadn’t planned to tell her partner about it. Clark knew he shouldn’t have felt surprised, but he had once again let himself be sideswiped by this revelation. She claimed to want to be in an intimate relationship with him, but she was still keeping secret her meetings with a man whom Clark didn't trust.
Lois: Wait, how does my meeting with Luthor have any relevance here. Luthor is just a source, nothing more. I most definately do not want a realtionship with him.

Reader:I have to agree with Lois here. I think Clark is expecting to be able to control too much of what Lois does.

How could he confide in her his biggest secret, or second biggest secret, if she continued to show blatant disregard for his insight regarding Luthor?
Since she has not revealed anything about him to Luthor since back during the Metro Club investigation, I really do not think this objection makes sense at all.

He heard a sigh from down on the docks and instantly knew who it was.
Lois: smile1 Superman recognizes me. Wait, maybe this is a bad thing when I am sneaking around.

Clark:Maybe I need to tell you a secret.


Clark:Ah, it is hard to say, let me think how to tell you it.

Lois:What you expect me to be patient. grumble


Lois: You really do live in la-la land.

Superman had offered to take Lois out of the city for her protection, and she had refused.
Lois: He really does not understand me at all.

She would leave, only after he had removed all the other residents of Metropolis.
Sounds reasonable to me.

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A slight smile curved on the corner of his lips.
At least he still smiles when thinking of Lois. At times it has seemed unlikely that that would remain the case.

Man, how he loved her fire.
He really is in love with all of her.

Clark couldn’t help but recall how alluring Lois had looked in that light blue negligee,
Not good for his continued plan to hold off relations with her until Wells says the curse does not apply.

which she told Superman she had bought to wear for him.
SM: I will take Lois wearing such things for me in any incarnation I can get.

Lois: Well, I was wearing it Clark, not for you, so hah.

SM:Lois, there is something I have to tell you.

Lois: What, you see everything Clark sees.

SM:Why yes.

Lois:I knew it! You did put an alien inplant in his brain.

SM:No, that is not why, you see, Lois, um, I am, um, well, you see.

Lois: What are you trying say.

SM:Oh, gotta go, there is a fire in the hospital. Bye.

Lois: mad when will he ever give me an answer.

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If seven months ago, she had dared to stand at her living room window in it, he would have caved quite willingly on his restriction about not kissing Lois, while he was in uniform.
Lois:Well, I am glad I did not try that. I like Clark more.

It was so different a type of lingerie than he had ever imagined her wearing that, having seen her in it, he hadn’t been able to picture her wearing anything else to bed.
That must have made it really hard to not peek while in the Honeymoon Suite.

If he had known that there was a skimpy and very sexy black teddy hiding in her drawer…
He might have caved totally.

although, come to think of it, that could explain why she blew up at Fred the bellhop for unpacking her unmentionables…
Lois:Come on, even if I had not had such a sexy outfit in my clothes, it would still have been an invasion of privacy for him to unpack them.

or if she had exited the bathroom in that particular outfit after they had kissed on the bed…
Lois: hyper I should have totally done that. Now I will never get to wear it for Clark.

Clark: You could buy a new one.

Lois:I have a better idea. You buy me a new one.

Clark, I bought it for you, her words echoed in his head.
Clark:Why does she have to do this now, when I know there is no way I can do anything about it?

He had been so dumbfounded when he heard her murmur
hyper he hard. OK, I didn't have any real doubt.

She had been worried that he was having some sort of aftershock or had a concussion from the explosion, when the elevator door had started to close on him.
He really should tell her he is SM so she stops worrying so much.

Lois was clearly as interested in a physical relationship with Clark as he was with her.
I half wonder if it should not be "as he was in one with her". Maybe the current wording works, but it almost seems to be missing something.

Unfortunately, he now needed to find a way to cool off her ardor, or explain himself better, so that she would stop trying to seduce him to make love to her.
He could just tell her that if they make love she will die. Of course, that will require explaining an awful lot before she might believe him, and even then it is iffy if she will believe him.

Perhaps he should just tell her that he was Superman, after tonight’s fireworks at the Man of Steel that surely would cool down her desire for Clark lickety-split.
We have come full circle, from him thinking that she will hate SM when she learns he is CK, to him thinking she will dislike CK when she learns he is also Superman.

“How dare you?” Lois had yelled at Superman, after he had suggested she leave town, just in case. “Do you think I don’t trust that you will save us?
Hmm, on second thought that does not sound like anipathy towards SM. Frustration at him, but not antipathy.

Have I ever let you believe that I doubt you or your abilities in any way, shape, or form?”
SM:You doubted my ability while we were talking in Smallville just after we had the confrontation with Trask.

Lois:What are you talking about?

SM:Oh, I forgot to tell you, I am...

Lois: You are who?

SM:I hear sirens, I need to rescue someone, buy.

Lois: mad when will he tell me?

If, on the docks, there had been a tree branch for her to pick up, she would have done so to hit him with it.
Sounds like a good plan, since Clark is being such a lunkhead.

Between you and Clark, I’d be working the dog show circuit. No, not even that,”
Clark you should tell her now, if she knows CK=SM, it will reduce her overall frustration level.

It had been all he could do not to wrap her in his arms and press a kiss to her lips. Had he been dressed otherwise, as Clark instead of Superman, he would have.
Well, Clark, if you would have told her CK=SM earlier, you could have her in your arms right now. It is time to tell her.

Clark:Well, yes, she seems to have made it to the point of being ready to learn the truth. I have not worked up the full courage to tell her. I want to do it at the perfect time.

Reader:There will never be a perfect time.

Clark:Well, when she is mad at SM does not seem the perfect time.

Reader:Come on. It is the perfect time. She will be mad when she learns, so if you tell her now you decrease her number of total times being mad.

He loved that Clark’s current relationship with Lois allowed him the freedom to do that.
party They are in a kissing relationship.

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“If you won’t let me fly you out to Smallville to the Kent’s farm or to L.A. to your sister’s place, could you please stay in your apartment?” he had retorted.
Clark needs to learn what battles to fight, and that this is not worth it.

“What about my story?” she snapped. “The Daily Planet’s newsroom is high enough as well. Anyway, I have to type up Harrington’s B.S. statement. You can drop us off there instead.
Clark you better tell her soon, otherwise she might figure out from noticing she never sees you and SM together.

I’d be of more use at work, pacing the floor, than I would be at home, where there’s no way I’d be able to sleep.”
I have to say this line makes no sense to me. Why is her pacing the floor at the DP better than doing so in her apartment?

Us? How could Superman stop the tidal wave, if Clark was stuck at work?
Well, that is the perfect opening to tell her the truth Clark.

“Where is Clark, anyway? He was here just a minute ago.”
Clark, take this opportunity to not lie.

“He said something about going back to police headquarters to check if there was any new information about the bombing at the Lexor Hotel this afternoon,” Superman had said. “I will recommend to Clark that he stay in his top-floor apartment, after I drop you off.”
Which will cause Lois to go to such apartment. Will she then be glad that CK does not listen to SM either, and how will he deal with that?

He had said the word ‘recommend’ as if it were only a suggestion that she remain at the Daily Planet.
I don't think it would have mattered. In fact, I suspect if he had been more forceful, Lois would have been even faster to disregard his advice.

He should have known it was naïve on his part to assume that she would listen to Superman any more than she didn’t listen to Clark or Perry.
yes he should have.

In the end, Clark had returned to Daily Planet after an hour of searching for Rourke. After what Lois said to Superman after he had dropped her off, Clark just couldn’t stay away.
So, was Lois already gone by the time he returned to the DP as Clark? I was waiting to hear about that, but I don't think we did.

When Superman had set her down on the roof of the Daily Planet several hours before, she hadn’t instantly stepped away and run down to the newsroom to type up her story. Instead, she had hesitated, resting her hand on his arm.
smile1 smile1 party

Lois: I already told Clark that I love him.

Reader:Not while you were not drugged.

Lois:I am sure I did sometime, somehow, somewhere.

Reader:Not so he beleived you.

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The Clark hiding under the Superman suit couldn’t help but sputter in shock, “You love him?”
Considering what happened when he kissed her in the Honeymoon Suite, he should not be too overly surprised.

Clark:But that just showed she wanted me. Loving me is totally different.

Lois’s expression went from baffled to shocked understanding to sadness to anger in the split-second it took for him to return his face from Clark’s to Superman’s.
Clark:Oh no, she saw though my disguise. Now she is going to go balistic on me. I should have told her SM=CK before she saw the truth.

“Now, you’re upset?” she yelled at him.
SM:Whew. I guess I was worried over nothing. She did not see through the disguise.

“Now? You didn’t think I would fall for Clark, did you?
SM:I gave up most of my hope of that happening several time. Never totally, but somewhat from time to time.

I remember that you laughed when I told you about that dream of Clark kissing me that I had all those months ago,
SM: That was not why I laughed. You misunderstood my reaction.

Did you think it ludicrous that someone strong like me could fall for someone like him,
SM:I didn't dare hope for it to occur.

with his frailties, and emotional problems, and… and… and his fears,
SM:He fears for you. His fears are not what you think they are.

which manifest into physical problems?
SM:Umm, Lois, I think you have the wrong idea about why he can't make love with you.

Lois:What mad that no good, double-crossing, he told you about that? grumble is there anything between him and me that you don't know about.

SM:Well, Lois, I am Clark, so.

Lois:You are Clark! What type of a rubbish claim is that. Clark is a much better man than you.

SM:Well, since I am him, not really.

Someone who isn’t perfect like you?
SM:I never claimed to be perfect.

Is that why you were always nudging me towards him? And is it why you’ve never been jealous of Clark and me? Because you thought he was safe.
SM:Well, no. It was because I wanted you two together.

Well, let me tell you, buster,” Lois hollered, shoving his chest with both of her hands.

Clark didn’t resist at all, allowing her push to move him as if he were anyone else.
Hmm, is this wise. It might cause her to see similarities with how she pushes around her partner.

“It’s all your fault that I love Clark,” Lois told him.
SM:Well, it is what I wanted.

“If you hadn’t kept urging me towards him,” she growled, forcibly moving him back another step. “If you hadn’t insisted on him being our go-between, if you hadn’t kept telling me how much he needs me, you wouldn’t be feeling so… so… in shock as you are now. And to think, I wanted to break this gently to you, because I felt sorry for you that I had moved on. The truth of the matter is, you bet on me pining away forever after you, and you lost.” She went to push him one more time, only this time he caught her hands.
So Clark's plot to make Lois fall in love with him by nudging her on as Superman actually did work?

“Lois,” Superman said softly. “I was surprised when you said that you loved Clark, because you told me before you told him.”
Lois: And how exactly can you be sure of that. Maybe I told him but told him to not tell you. Clark is an honorable man, and he would not betray my trust like that.

SM:Ah, well, you see.


SM:I am Clark.

“What are you talking about? Clark knows that I love him.”
The fun thing is that is a true statement.

“Does he?” Superman asked. Well, okay, he did now, but not before. He knew that she wanted him, but love…
I can see his point. Still, I think especially Lois patience with him when he told her about his ex-fiancee should have alerted him to the fact that there was more.

“Sure he does. I’ve told him.” Her eyes widened in horror. “Haven’t I?”
Not in a way that he understood, evidently.

He shook his head. “I don’t see him floating down the street.”
Lois: Well, only you can do that, Superman.

“Oh,” Lois murmured, her anger sizzling out for the time being. “But I know I’ve told him that I love him. You must be mistaken.”
Well, she has told him that. He just figured it was the drugs speaking.

He could see her searching her mind for the time when she had spoken the words that Clark had longed to hear since they first kissed, way back in Trask’s plane.
Wait, he didn't start wanting to hear those words until the kiss on Trask's plane?

“The hardest part of the whole pheromone perfume episode for Clark was learning that you didn’t really love him after all, and that you only said that you loved him because you had been drugged,” he explained.
Is it wise to say this as SM when she does not know SM=CK. It makes it seem CK talks about extremely private things that he would be best off not sharing with any excetp Lois. It also might make her think that CK has shared more with Cat than he has.

“Clark told you about that?” she asked. Her cheeks flushed, and he didn’t know if it was from embarrassment or from her heightened emotions from a few moments before.
He really should tell her the truth now. It will solve more problems than it will create.

Lois shook her head. “Lunkhead,” she grumbled under her breath.
My question is, is she saying CK is a lunkhead for telling SM this, or for believing it, or both?

“Pardon?” Superman asked. Was she talking about Superman him, or Clark him?
Maybe both at once.

“I’m in love with a lunkhead,” Lois said with a chuckling scoff. “What Clark didn’t realize is that… no, I should really be saying this to him, and not to you.”
Which is the perfect time to tell her the truth.

What Clark had wanted was for her to explain right then and there what he ‘hadn’t realized’, but she was right… as always. As long as Lois believed that Clark and Superman were two people, she should only be baring her soul to Clark, the man whom she loved, not to Superman.
So he is now starting to get powerful reasons to tell her the truth.

But, gosh darn it, he didn’t want to have to wait. He had opened his mouth to confess that he, Superman, was also Clark,
hyper hyper he is going to tell her.

but then had decided that hadn’t been the time or the place for that confession.
Umm, they are alone. It seems like the perfect place.

Clark:I want Lois to tell me she loves me at least once before having her go ballistic on me.

Reader:She will recover.

Clark:Proably. Still, this is so new, I can't bear to wreck it yet.

Her love for him was so new, so delicate; he didn’t want to risk damaging it by revealing his deception just yet, not on the brink of a man-made natural disaster.
Maybe he will have the courage when they are on the brink of a natural disaster. maybe he will tell her he is CK just before flying off to face Nighfall. OK, I doubt it, but it would be better than flying off and not telling her.

John Pack Lambert
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Superman pulled his gaze away from where Lois was hiding behind some crates on Pier 31, and back to the present, turning his sights to the sea.
So no recap of Clark going back to the planet after dropping Lois there while SM?

Natural disaster? What had Herb told him about that natural disaster he was supposed to stop?
Which one. As I recall at the end of "Missing Lois" there were two large scale disasters that were both killing thousands.

In all the confusion about pheromones,
And very high desires for Lois.

the broken timeline, curses, and saving Lois’s true Clark, he had forgotten completely about asking Herb to tell him more about the natural disaster,
Not that it would have done much good. This would have assumed that Wells knoew much about it, and that he was willing to share. In the unlikely event that the first had been true, the second would alsmot certainly not have been.

which would destroy this dimension.
Nah, just the earth at worse. Mars would reamin intact.

Herb had said it wouldn’t occur for years, hadn’t he?
For about the minimum possible value of the term "years".

Because without a Superman, nearly the entire population of her world was destroyed, roughly a year or two ago. Altering the future of this dimension cannot do anything but good, Herb had said, during their initial conversation about this dimension.
So Smilley killed off everyone not at his institute?

With dismay, Clark realized that Herb had never said specifically that a ‘natural disaster’ would destroy this dimension;
Not Nighfall then?

Clark had only assumed the disaster was natural. ‘A year or two ago’ from when they had held the conversation in February 1997 would mean that the disaster could have happened as early as February 1995. What if Herb had been wrong? What if in his confusion, he had meant February 1994? What if Rourke’s sabotage of Luthor’s project did more than create this one tidal wave? What if it somehow flooded the Earth?
That would be very bad.

With dread, Clark realized this also meant that he might not have another year before disaster struck. Even if this event wasn’t the cause of this dimension’s destruction, anything he came across from now on could be.
Hey, but he is Superman. He should be able to take care of it.

He had stopped a small tidal wave off the coast of New Zealand prior to coming to this dimension,
So I guess he did lie to Cat. Although, admitting that he did know of that probably would not have been wise. It would have lead to too many questions.

Do you think I don’t trust that you will save us?
I was wondering if you might want to set off the words said by other people and thought in his mind some way. I actually followed it mostly, except maybe when he was remembering what Wells said, but that was mainly because it refered to the past that was future, so it was a mess no matter what.

Lois’s words echoed through his head. She had done nothing but yell at Superman when they had spoken tonight… earlier this morning, but she still hadn’t stopped believing in him.
At least one person believes in him.

Superman straightened his shoulders. If Lois believed in him, then he knew he could do it.

The helicopter fired its projectile into the water. With his telescopic vision, Superman watched how the sonic wave from the ship targeted the object, causing it to explode underwater. On first glance, Luthor’s system worked as it was supposed to. It appeared that either Rourke failed in his vandalism, or Luthor’s people had found how Rourke had tinkered with the system and fixed it in time. Thankfully, 'shock wave' didn't seem to cause a corresponding water wave.
whinging I always liked the incoming Tsunami and Clark destroying it.

A small motorboat zoomed into the restricted test area just as the projectile’s blast reached the surface. Superman sped down to the boat, landing on the deck just in time for its destruction to throw him back into the air.
At least this time he took the blast in the suit, Lois will be less worried this way.

Superman stopped his forward momentum from the blast and quickly flew back down to the scene of the explosion. Both men were dead.
We now have an above canon body count of 6 I believe. Rachel Harris, Walt Irig, Monique Kahn, Miranda, Thadeus Rourke and Bart.

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Still no tidal wave.
You keep cutting out the most exciting parts. I really hope you don't cut out the astroid.

She wondered if Superman had been able to stop it, or if it hadn’t happened as Rourke planned.
Sadly, the latter.

She heard footsteps on the stairs behind her and turned to see Clark approaching her.
smile1 now she can tell him she loves him.

She stood up. “How did you know where to find me?”
Tell her the truth Clark.

Clark looked at her wryly. “Did you really think that Superman hadn’t spotted you?”
Well, OK, it is true, just misleading since she does not know it is SM she is talking to.

Lois rolled her eyes. “No, but he told you where I was.”
Which is probably good. Otherwise she would just have waited there for something to happen.

“How long were you planning on staying out here? Until Superman dropped an exclusive in your lap?” he retorted.

Superman didn’t, did he? “But you’ve talked to him, haven’t you?” she accused.
He really should tell her the truth now.

Clark graced her with a beaming smile.
smile1 He is smiling at her.

She felt a bit vindicated, knowing the billionaire had listened to her after all.
But did he?

“Or Rourke messed up. It was his motorboat that exploded after the test. It hit the water spout that the ‘shock wave’ caused, somehow exploding the boat,” Clark explained. “Killing both Bart and Rourke.”
My bet is on Rourke messing up.

It had been a long night, and there was no exciting tsunami story to type up.
See, I knew it was more fun with the tsunami.

“Lois,” he said softly with an expression of genuine love. “You’re always right.”
Smart move Clark, Smart move.

As they got into the cab, she grinned.
smile1 he got her to smile.

She tilted her head upon his shoulder, thinking, I knew there was a reason I loved him.
I wish she had said this outloud.

She felt like their investigation had gypped her out of one final night with Clark at the Lexor Hotel.
Well, it was a bit hard to be there after the room was bombed.

“Lois, if we go back your place, we’ll never make the deadline for the afternoon edition,”
Lois: Some things are more important than deadlines.

Lois didn’t feel like having this argument again now. “True, you have food, that big bed,
That they can share.

Clark:Bad idea, bad idea.

and that hot shower,”
Is she thinking of sharing the shower as well?

as her gaze focused down on his firm leg muscle, sitting on the seat next to her. She smiled as he shifted in discomfort, another point for her. She added a long dramatic sigh. “Of course, I’d have nothing to wear.”
Clark:You could wear nothing. Wait, no, I did not say that.

Clark cleared his throat. “Technically, you haven’t removed all the clothes you left, when you… uh… er… moved in.”
I guess she was not as irrate on recovering as he feared. Or she was more irrate, and just avoided his place.

Oh, he meant during that time she had told him that she loved him, and he hadn’t believed her because she had been drugged on pheromones.
Well, at least now she accepts why he did not believe her. Although, she has every reason to think he should have.

That time she had moved in?
Wait, did she move in some other time?

The more that she thought of Clark’s apartment, the more appetizing it sounded. Tasty food, comfy bed, hot shower, firm naked muscles, lack of sleep, and her clothes.
She msot definately wants him.

“We better eat at Metro Eats, then,” she said, mentioning the diner down the street from the Planet. “Being that we should at least aim for one of today’s deadlines.”
I guess this makes sense.

“Um… Lois…” he murmured, raising the back of her hand to his lips.
smile1 another kiss.

“We need to…” Whatever he was about to say died on his lips. “Yes, you’re right. We’ll talk later.”
frown they postponed talking again.

We’ll talk later? She didn’t like the sound of that. “That sounds good,” she lied.
It was so much more fun with impatient, pheremone-infected Lois.

“We’ll eat breakfast, write our story, get forty winks, and then meet for dinner at your place to discuss things.”
So now we are going to get to the talk where Clark tells her the truth?

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Unfortunately, Lois and Clark’s dinner plans were delayed.

Lex Luthor called to thank Lois for the tip regarding Rourke and offered her the exclusive story on Project Shock Wave.
I knew there was a reason I did not like Luthor. Hopefully Clark won't be too angry about this delay, although.

Instead of inviting her to dinner, par for the course with him, they arranged a meeting in his office for mid-afternoon.
Oh good, Lois did not cancel with Clark to go with Luthor, that would have been bad, very bad.

The fact that Lex treated her professionally throughout was like a breath of fresh air being pumped into their acquaintanceship. She hated to term their relationship as a ‘friendship’, because Lex had proven himself unworthy of that title.
shock that is quite regularly.

we meet for dinner,
How is this an alternative?

purely professional, I guarantee you.
Professional as in when he bought her?

You let me know about any pertinent investigations in development at the Daily Planet, which I might be interested in, such as this one with Thaddeus Rourke, and I give you insider information on LexCorp, as a secret source, of course,” he suggested.
And when has he ever given her useful information in the past?

Did Lex want her to be his mole at the Daily Planet?
Sounds like it.

“Don’t do yourself an injustice, my dear.
Didn't she tell him not to call her that?

Translation: Lex would pump her about all the stories that she and her colleagues were currently working on to find out information on his competitors, which would give him an edge businesswise, while at the same time allowing him access to a sympathetic ear regarding himself, and his businesses. What would she get in return? Probably a mishmash of exclusive press releases and other useless information, which would send her on a wild goose chase, either make her sound like a Lex Luthor or LexCorp cheerleader, or point her away from where she really ought to be investigating.
party she is understanding the truth.

only after the Toasters had razed the Hob’s River District and Toni’s arrest had essentially put the Metros out of business. LexCorp had gone forward with their revitalization plans, sweeping up the damaged properties at firesale prices.
She is starting to see the light.

“You have given me much to think about, Lex,” Lois said. “I hope you’ll give me time to consider your kind offer.” She needed time to look deeper into these theories and check out some of the other stories where she and Lex had crossed paths, and figure out if it was just a coincidence or if there had been another reason. She also needed time to word her rejection of his offer in such a way that he wouldn’t know that she now had some solid leads for her investigation.
She is planning on rejecting Luthor. This is wonderful news. Even if it is just a continuation of the way things hve been at least since the Nuclear Power plant issue.

“Of course, darling,” Lex said, scooping up her hand again and bringing it to his lips to kiss it.
Only Clark is allowed to do that.

I’ll be in Washington this weekend.
Why is she going to Washington?

“I understand that you two shared the honeymoon suite at the Lexor Hotel, during your current investigation,” he continued.
Lois: I knew we should have gone under assumed names.

because they had been at staying at his hotel?
I think there is one too many times "at" appears in that sentance.

“But thank you.”
Clark: We don't want this. We do not want to be in his debt.

“What ‘department’ would that be? The ‘department’ of my life, which is personal?” Lois snapped,
party she is really going to tell him off now.

“Thank you for the interview, Mr. Luthor. Good day,” she said, opening the door and marching out of his office.

And good riddance!
party she has fully walked out on Luthor. party

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Originally posted by John Lambert:
I have to say I think there is hope for Clark telling her SM=CK. Of course maybe I am too optimitic.

On the other hand, if I remember the schedule right, an astraoid is about to hit the earth soon, so who knows. Personally I am hoping he forgets the curse, and then they can move their relationship forward without that false weight. Of course, I am assuming the curse does not apply. However since he is not the same soul, I can't see how it could.
Wait a minute... if Clark loses his memory, including the knowledge of a curse, and Lois thinks the world is ending. . . party


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Andreia: Thanks for the FDK. laugh
Oh, trust me, he will always find a reason to postpone it.
CLARK: [Linked Image]

Told ya. <<READER: mad>>

At first he wouldn't tell her the truth because she didn't love him as Clark. Now he won't tell her the truth because she loves him as Clark. She is damned if she does and damned if she doesn't. He won't tell her anyway. <<UW expresses her dissatisfaction with Clark's fear of sharing his secrets with Lois.
In Clark's defense, he wanted to tell her, but they were standing on the roof of the DP building in the middle of February (i.e. very cold) and he needed to go find Rourke to stop a natural disaster, so it really wasn't the right time. Wouldn't it be worse if he told her and then just flew off because he (Superman) was required elsewhere, allowing her to stew and not vent her anger?

The more he prolongs the lie, worst it will be when she finds out the truth (because I don't believe he will tell her any time).
Hmmm Possibly. Maybe if he reinfects her with Revenge first...

CLARK: shock Are you nuts?

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Joan: Thanks for reading and commenting. smile1
C'mon Clark! She loves you. You've got to tell her!
CLARK: Thanks for the advice. I'll keep that under advisement.

rkn: Thanks for popping in to say hello. wave

Wait a minute... if Clark loses his memory, including the knowledge of a curse, and Lois thinks the world is ending. . .
LOIS: <<jots down note... if Clark ever loses his memory, take advantage of him>> Thanks. I'm sure he'll thank me later. laugh

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Hi Virginia,

As Ultra Woman said, I'm thinking that Nightfall is the. Natural disaster he is there to head off. I'm thinking that is also the event that screwed up the timeline by killing Tempus' ancestor and once Alt Superman stops Nightfall the timeline can then be restored.

Herb replied, “My boy, I never say … impossible.” "Lois and Clarks"

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Originally posted by KenJ:
Hi Virginia,

As Ultra Woman said, I'm thinking that Nightfall is the. Natural disaster he is there to head off. I'm thinking that is also the event that screwed up the timeline by killing Tempus' ancestor and once Alt Superman stops Nightfall the timeline can then be restored.
I'm sure Clark will, THINK that's the one. The thing is there's a hint in the last epic that Nightfall would have been a near miss and thus not the natural disaster in question.

CLARK: No. I'm just worried I'm a jinx.
CLARK: Yeah. Let's face it, ever since she's known me, Lois's been kidnapped, frozen, pushed off buildings, almost stabbed, poisoned, buried alive and who knows what else, and it's all because of me.
-"Contact" (You're not her jinx, you're her blessing.)
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John: Thanks for the FDK. hyper I'll try to get to the rest of it this afternoon. Yesterday I was plagued with computer problems.

I have to say I think there is hope for Clark telling her SM=CK. Of course maybe I am too optimitic.
There's always hope when it comes to Clark doing the right thing.

On the other hand, if I remember the schedule right, an astraoid is about to hit the earth soon, so who knows. Personally I am hoping he forgets the curse, and then they can move their relationship forward without that false weight.
CLARK: Asteroid? What asteroid? I have no idea what you're talking about? No asteroid ever hit Earth.

Of course, I am assuming the curse does not apply.
Yes, it would be bad if Lois seduced a forgetful Clark only to have end up killing her, or him. evil

However since he is not the same soul, I can't see how it could.
So, an exact duplicate of a person from another dimension would have a different soul? So, there's Soul A-Canon Clark. Soul B-Alt-Clark. And Soul C-exact copy of Soul A, but slightly different (Ghost Clark / Carlos? / dead Kal-El's soul), since this is a different dimension from canon. Or do they all share different aspects from the same soul?

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Originally posted by KenJ:
Hi Virginia,

As Ultra Woman said, I'm thinking that Nightfall is the. Natural disaster he is there to head off. I'm thinking that is also the event that screwed up the timeline by killing Tempus' ancestor and once Alt Superman stops Nightfall the timeline can then be restored.
Actually, we learn in "Another Lois" they somehow survived Nightfall without Superman. I am not sure if I should tell how that occured, but it did.

The Disasters that Superman is needed to prevent seem to have been Larry Smiley's new flood of the earth/Bob Fences death-ray. Well, the body count was pretty bad before that, what with the colonist shuttle exploding and other stuff, but it is only when those two combined hit the earth that anything like most of the population dies.

John Pack Lambert
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I was wondering, what happened with the tsunami in "Missing Lois". I remember Jimmy and Lois went undercover to the honeymoon suite, but I don't remember any details of what they learned there.

John Pack Lambert
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