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#93087 01/29/13 07:21 PM
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Wrong Place, Wrong Time, Wrong Clark TOC can be found Here

So, how is Clark going to fair? Will he be successful? Will he fail? Will he get amnesia? Will he be fine?

For these answers (mostly), tune in Friday for the next installment of "As the Superhero Turns". wink

As always, your comments are appreciated.

Last edited by VirginiaR; 05/14/14 11:31 AM. Reason: Added Link

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Nice chapter I can't wait for the next and the rest. Laura

Clark: “If we can be born in an instant, and die in an instant, why can’t we fall in love in an instant?”

Caroline's "Stardust"
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On the other hand, did Cat know where Clark went to when he ran his inconvenient errands?
Yes, Cat knows.

“Who are you? His social secretary,” Cat snapped.
Well, I guess you could consider a girlfriend that.

“I’m his best friend,” Lois returned.

“We both know exactly what you are to Clark. He’s my best friend, and I’m his, so just deal already,”
Actually, I think Clark would back Lois on this one.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” What had Clark told Cat about their relationship? They weren’t supposed to be talking to anyone at work about it yet.
That does not keep Cat from assuming she knowns what is going on.

Okay, that wasn’t true. Lois had told somebody. She had told Superman that she loved Clark.
So actually she has told no one other than Clark, but she just does not realize that.

now that she was officially dating Clark? What was up everyone? She was the same hard-nosed reporter, she’d always been. Wasn’t she?
That sentance "what was up everyone?" seems to be missing something. Maybe it should have a "with" I am not totally sure.

Back in 1994 in his dimension, no “Nightfall” or any other kind of asteroid had hit, or had come close to hitting Earth. He couldn’t believe that something that independent of Earth’s history would have changed between universes.
Well, it is a logical theory. Unless someone on earth did something to draw in Nightfall.

As Joe Regular, member of the press, Clark Kent hadn’t needed to know.
This explanation makes sense. But is it really what happend?

which would burn up or be reduced to harmless in size by traveling into the Earth's mesosphere, would be like cannonballs fired at the defenseless station. If Superman exploded the asteroid, he could then make sure that the remaining meteors created would be burned up by his heat vision or blown off course using his breath.
Assuming he is not too hurt by the initial impact.

Angry that they gave him less than four days’ notice before impact and less than twelve hours warning before his ‘mission’, Superman had insisted that they inform him regarding their first knowledge of Nightfall and that such a collision was imminent.
This is a totally logical demand.

General Zeitlin notified him that nine months earlier there had been a discussion, within a very select group, to scrap or delay the Prometheus program in order to send the Asgard rocket into space to deal with the Nightfall asteroid.
That is not going to make Clark a happy camper. They waited as long as possible to tell him for no good reason at all.

initial calculations had shown, at that time, that there was a larger than fifty percent chance that the asteroid would miss Earth.
Maybe these were right.

When Professor Daitch had reexamined those calculations this morning after the eclipse, the percentage had dropped to under ten that the asteroid would miss Earth completely.
I guess this makes there notifying Superman now not seem quite so irresponsible. Up until now they thought it would not hit.

“I’m beat, Lois. I’m going write up that story and then crash. I expect tomorrow’s going to be a long day,” he said, closing his eyes, frustrated at yet another delay.
I guess I can understand why he is putting it off, still when does he plan to tell her? This does not sound wise.

Clark wanted nothing more than to tell Lois the truth, explain to her what he, Superman he, had to do for mankind, and sleep the night away in her arms.
That sounds like a good plan to me. Of course I am not sure Lois will want to spend the night with him after he tells her Ck=SM.

Unfortunately, telling her on the cusp of such a mission, and then leaving, was cruel.
I guess he does have a point.

He really did need his rest before flying a million miles to be a Kryptonian bomb, instead of spending the night answering Lois’s million and one questions.
I will grant that.

Additionally, after he told her the truth, if on the off-chance that she would let him sleep over, she would be satisfied with neither letting him just sleep in her arms or the explanation he would have to give why they wouldn’t be able to do more.
Well, if he says he has to rest up for the mission, without trying to explain it more than that, she just might accept it, for then.

“Why? What’s happening tomorrow? What did they say at the meeting?” Lois probed, as he knew she would.

“I’ll let Superman tell you,” he said. “Good night, Lois.”
I guess this makes sense.

“Hey! What about breakfast tomorrow? I really feel like I should make up for this morning,” she suggested.
I would hope he would tell her, but I doubt he will then.

“That sounds great. I’ll swing by early,” he said. “I really am sorry about this, Lois, please remember that. I love you.”
This may be very important for her to know.

“Thanks. Me too, Clark.
party party she loves him.

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Lois took a deep breath and slowly exhaled, trying to control her anxiety. “It’s going to miss.”
She is pretty sure of this.

Superman appeared unconvinced. “Lois, this is a matter of imminent world security. If you have a source who has information, which the experts at EPRAD don’t, this is not the time to hold back. Who told you that Nightfall would miss Earth?”
Superman has a very good point.

She didn’t believe it herself. She had no idea if Clark had told Superman about her visions, dreams, and hunches but even so, they weren’t wholly reliable. “Nobody did. I just know.”
She probably should at least tell him it is from a dream, he is not likely to believe if she does not.

“Tell me more,” he requested.
smile1 he wants to at least know.

Superman believed her! Her heart raced.
Of course he does.

Clark was right. Superman still cared for her. His trust in her was like a warm blanket on this cold night.
Maybe he will tell her the truth now.

“I don’t know if Clark has told you, but I’m kind of psychic,” she murmured.
SM:I think I know why to, but go on.

She didn’t want anyone, especially Superman, to think she was crazy.
More reasons he should tell her that SM=CK. I guess since he plans on telling her, he does not need more reasons per se. However they obviously are not pressing enough since he keeps procrastinating the conversation.

One of the dreams she had last night was about being dragged through the bullpen at work, kicking and screaming, wrapped up in a straitjacket.
I am surprised she has not had any dreams about CK=SM. Oh wait, she did have such dreams, but just dismissed them as crazy dreams.

She wasn’t a little kid anymore, after all; she didn’t need someone bigger and stronger than her to help her calm her fears.
We all need someone else at times. I guess it is hard to admit it though.

“Go on,” Superman said, his voice full of support, which reminded her of why she had fallen so quickly and deeply for him.
Well, at least Lois loves both of Clark's personas.

If Superman went after the asteroid, something bad would happen to Clark. Just thinking about it made her shiver.
She is so right, although she does not know why. of course the converse is not neccesarily true. Bad things may happen to Clark if Superman does not go.

and the memory of it was trying to push itself to the forefront of my mind,”
Of course that is because she really did live it.

Lois couldn’t look Superman in the eye while she retold this dream, because although most of it had come true, in some sense, it was as if all the details were wrong. Her co-workers had been sprayed by a drug, which made them go crazy in love with her, but not as it had in the dream.
Because Clark was not there to protect her in the dream.

She had checked into the Lexor honeymoon suite, but with Clark, not Jimbo.
So does she now think they were undercover in her dream?

“But when I stepped into the honeymoon suite it was as if I had been pulled forward in time, because I was suddenly in front of the bank of television sets in the newsroom. They were counting down to something momentous. I could tell everyone was on the edge. When they reached zero, nothing happened. Perry turned to me and said, ‘It didn’t hit’.” She stopped pacing and faced Superman. “See, it will miss.”
Hopefully this will be enough to convince Clark that he does not need to attack Nightfall.

The expression on Superman’s face personified sorrow. “Mr. White wasn’t more specific?” he asked.
On the other hand it is not a very clear indication.

“It’s true. I swear to you, Superman. You have to believe me. No, Nightfall wasn’t mentioned by name…” she began pleading her case, before he took hold of her shoulders as if in preparation to pull her into his arms to comfort her, only he stopped himself at the last second, causing her to jerk.
Another reason he really should tell her CK=SM.

“I believe you, Lois,” Superman insisted.
But will that be enough for him to not act?

“If you go into space,” Lois said, her voice rasping through her tears. She wiped her nose with the back of her hand. “Something will happen to Clark.”
How will he deal with this detail.

His expression softened and Superman pulled her into his embrace. “I know you do,” he murmured as he kissed the top of her head. “And I hope, for your sake, that nothing does happen to him.”
He should at least tell her. Although at this point it might make her more worried.

John Pack Lambert
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It was late when Clark landed on the back porch of the Kents’ house.
smile1 he is seeing the Kents again.

something happened to him, and therefore to her boyfriend Clark?
Maybe the is a way he can prepare more so the thing does not happen.

He had explained everything to Lois in the letter addressed to her, everything about how he was Superman, how he came from another dimension to search for her, and about finding her true Clark in the Brazilian rainforest.
So did he mention the curse?

“He’s a priest?” Martha asked. “Is that why you suddenly decided to move forward with your relationship with Lois, after telling us it would never happen after that trouble you two had with the perfume?”
Well, since he knew Carlos was a priest before the perfume incident, that is probably not a factor.

When Lois had finally said ‘I love you’, he found he was unable to tell her ‘no’, yet again… well, at least, as it pertained to their relationship.
He really is not good at telling Lois no.

Lois:He had told me no more than enough about making love. Way more than enough.

“Well, that, and knowing that Lois returns my love. It’s hard to willingly give her over to a stranger, even if she should be rightfully his.”
Now the question is, will they send the letters?

Martha grinned. “I’m so happy for you,” she said, setting the pile of letters on the coffee table, where they promptly slipped off. She picked them up off the floor, pausing as she held up a thick one. “Clark Jerome Kent, are you flying off on a dangerous mission without first telling Lois who you are?”
Yes, finally someone is calling him on a stupid action.

“Do you think telling her just a few short hours before I’m to fly up into space is an even better idea?
Yes, that way she will recognize him no matter what he looks like when he lands.

Drop this news in her lap and then disappear on her? She has already told Superman that she doesn’t want me to go,” he said.
That is an odd phrasing. I half think he should say "doen't want him to go", but since speaking about yourself in the 3rd person is confusing, it probably makes sense he says something that confuses the whole issue of who Lois does not want going.

“How would you like it if you were to find out that Lois was pregnant with your child from a big thick letter such as this, after she went on assignment and never returned?”
Would her being pregnant be relevant if she was missing?

He took a deep breath and exhaled. “Anyway, Lois will never become pregnant with my child,” he confessed. “We cannot… can’t…” He closed his eyes, unable to say more.
That is totally besides the point. Martha was giving an example.

Clark remembered when Lana had told him how she never wanted to have children.
Lana was truly messed up and manipualtive.

He had tried to bring up the topic of adoption or foster children, but Lana had just given him that look, and he knew that the topic was closed.
I half wish Lana had become pregnant anyway, but I am not sadistic enough to wish her as a mother on any child.

When Wells had told him that in his dimension that Superman was known as the “father” of Utopia due to his and his Lois’s descendants, Clark felt like that part of his soul had burst with renewed hope.
Of course, maybe they were not biological descendants.

He could be a father. Now, that possibility had been taken from him again.
Unless they find a way to break the curse, or the curse does not really apply.

Even if he and Lois could somehow forge an intimate relationship without actually making love, who was to say that artificial insemination wouldn’t activate the curse and kill her.
Now that is a good question. He really should get the technical details of the curse figured out.

He was still hopeful that Herb would come back any day now with a solution,
I doubt Herb will return before May.

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“There doesn’t need to be two of us, covering Superman’s departure, Lois, and you know it,” Clark replied, once again giving her the exclusive.
That would be hard for Clark to cover himself in a public place.

“I’m going to stay down here and get the pulse of the crowd. I’ll meet up with you at the end of the day, okay?”
Unless something bad happens on the mission.

Lois held tighter onto his hand. “I’d feel better if we weren’t separated, Clark,” she said.
Well, that is a way to keep him from going into space.

A genuine smile grew on his sad face, and he pressed a soft kiss to her lips.
party more kissing.

“Thank you, minha,” he whispered.
party he is using the name for her.

“I love you.” The crowd pulled him back and out of her hand, and he disappeared.
Wait, he just said this when other reporters were nearby.

I’ll meet up with you at the end of the day, okay? He had said. She planned to hold him to that.
Why do I have the sinking suspicion he will miss the meeting?

Superman pushed a lock of her hair behind her ear and a hint of a smile appeared briefly on his lips. “I’ll be back. We’ll go flying,” he insisted.

“I hope so.”
Wait, she is OK with going flying with him. That seems odd considering what their relationship is.

In that instant, Lois knew that he would much rather stay on Earth here with her, but he was Superman, the world’s hero, and he had to go.
I guess that makes sense. They really do not have evidence to convince people Superman is not needed.

A kiss that would shatter the definition of the word kiss.

A kiss… like the ones she already shared with Clark.
If they do kiss will she realize in that moment that CK=SM?

Lois closed her eyes briefly in pain, wishing she had given Clark a proper kiss goodbye when they had separated down in the crowd. She wished she had told him that she loved him. She wished that Clark hadn’t kissed her, but rather that she had kissed him. She had a strange feeling that she had already lost him, and that kiss they shared had been one of ‘goodbye’.
I am really getting scared about what will happen next.

Lois had replied that even though that too was impressive, she would personally feel better about his chances if he carried the tanks, just in case.
So he is listening to her.

I have to admit I am really scared that something truly horrible is about to happen. I am really afraid Superman is about to die.

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Originally posted by Laurach:
Nice chapter I can't wait for the next and the rest. Laura
Thanks Laura. Glad you're enjoying the ride. laugh

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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John: Thanks for the long FDK smile1

Well, I guess you could consider a girlfriend that.

Actually, I think Clark would back Lois on this one.
CLARK: My, look at the time. I really should be... [Linked Image]

That does not keep Cat from assuming she knowns what is going on.
Cat's good at the gossip business.

So actually she has told no one other than Clark, but she just does not realize that.
[Linked Image]

That sentance "what was up everyone?" seems to be missing something. Maybe it should have a "with" I am not totally sure.
Yes, thanks. Fixed.

Well, it is a logical theory. Unless someone on earth did something to draw in Nightfall.
LEX: It wasn't me!

This explanation makes sense. But is it really what happend?
CLARK: Finding out for sure would require me to go back to my home dimension and... no, thank you.

Assuming he is not too hurt by the initial impact.
CLARK: Nah, I can do this. Easy Pisy.

CANON CLARK: I wouldn't put it quite like that.

Maybe these were right.
Maybe. Maybe not.

I guess this makes there notifying Superman now not seem quite so irresponsible. Up until now they thought it would not hit.

I guess I can understand why he is putting it off, still when does he plan to tell her? This does not sound wise.
CLARK: I'm doing what I can.

That sounds like a good plan to me. Of course I am not sure Lois will want to spend the night with him after he tells her Ck=SM.
CLARK: Hey, there's still a part of me which still optimistic.

Well, if he says he has to rest up for the mission, without trying to explain it more than that, she just might accept it, for then.
LOIS: Sure. Sure, I will. [Linked Image] I mean, the man that I love is about to go a million miles into space on a dangerous mission I don't want him to go on and I may never see him again. So, of course, I'll let him sleep, instead of exhausting him so he delays lift off...

I would hope he would tell her, but I doubt he will then.
He'd have even less time then.

This may be very important for her to know.
LOIS: That's always important. laugh

She is pretty sure of this.
[Linked Image]

She probably should at least tell him it is from a dream, he is not likely to believe if she does not.
Give her time.

he wants to at least know.
It wouldn't bode well for their future relationship if he didn't listen to her.

Maybe he will tell her the truth now.

More reasons he should tell her that SM=CK. I guess since he plans on telling her, he does not need more reasons per se. However they obviously are not pressing enough since he keeps procrastinating the conversation.
Plus, he doesn't know she's having nightmare about going crazy.

I am surprised she has not had any dreams about CK=SM. Oh wait, she did have such dreams, but just dismissed them as crazy dreams.

We all need someone else at times. I guess it is hard to admit it though.
Lois isn't one to ever admit that she needs someone.

Well, at least Lois loves both of Clark's personas.
Clark knows this, which is why he believes he has a shot at her forgiving him.

She is so right, although she does not know why. of course the converse is not neccesarily true. Bad things may happen to Clark if Superman does not go.
Not if the asteroid misses.

LEX: But something else might hit Clark... Oh, wait, did I say that? laugh

So does she now think they were undercover in her dream?
LOIS: It's better than thinking I dreamed that I married Jimbo.

Hopefully this will be enough to convince Clark that he does not need to attack Nightfall.
The word of psychic isn't definitive proof.

On the other hand it is not a very clear indication.

Another reason he really should tell her CK=SM.
CLARK: All right already. I'm working on it!

He should at least tell her. Although at this point it might make her more worried.
CLARK: There's no winning, is there?

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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-- Response to John's FDK - Cont.

he is seeing the Kents again.
See, I said a cameo appearance coming up.

Maybe the is a way he can prepare more so the thing does not happen.

So did he mention the curse?
If he's dead, the curse is kind of a moot point.

Well, since he knew Carlos was a priest before the perfume incident, that is probably not a factor.
Possibly, a little bit of a factor. He found out the day before.

He really is not good at telling Lois no.
CLARK: You try to tell Lois 'no'. No, I mean it. No, don't try, do it. Because if anyone else tells Lois 'yes'...

Lois:He had told me no more than enough about making love. Way more than enough.
For her own safety.

LOIS: :rolleyes:

Now the question is, will they send the letters?

Yes, finally someone is calling him on a stupid action.
Martha = Super Mom!

Yes, that way she will recognize him no matter what he looks like when he lands.
So, she wouldn't recognize Clark?

That is an odd phrasing. I half think he should say "doen't want him to go", but since speaking about yourself in the 3rd person is confusing, it probably makes sense he says something that confuses the whole issue of who Lois does not want going.
Another problem with talking about oneself in the 3rd person. wink

Would her being pregnant be relevant if she was missing?
What if she was pregnant, went missing, and he found her a year later with amnesia and no baby? The point is her withholding information from him. Martha could have just as easily said "if Lois told you she loved you in a letter" (had she not told him that before) after disappearing. The point was "not telling something important" at the right time only to reveal it in a letter if you die. Some news is better given face to face.

That is totally besides the point. Martha was giving an example.
One he took to heart.

Lana was truly messed up and manipualtive.

I half wish Lana had become pregnant anyway, but I am not sadistic enough to wish her as a mother on any child.
See Female Hawk's Accused.

Of course, maybe they were not biological descendants.
They might not be.

CLARK: help

So he is listening to her.
CLARK: Again, not THAT much of a lunkhead.

I have to admit I am really scared that something truly horrible is about to happen. I am really afraid Superman is about to die.
Thanks for the feedback. wave

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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LOIS: Sure. Sure, I will. [Linked Image] I mean, the man that I love is about to go a million miles into space on a dangerous mission I don't want him to go on and I may never see him again. So, of course, I'll let him sleep, instead of exhausting him so he delays lift off...
Hmm, I guess maybe there is not much chance telling her would give him rest. Especially since if he tells her CK=SM, she will go from not wanting him to go to REALLY not wanting him to go.

I would hope he would tell her, but I doubt he will then.
He'd have even less time then.
At the rate he is going he will never have any time.

he wants to at least know.
It wouldn't bode well for their future relationship if he didn't listen to her.
Clark:See, Lois, unlike some people <cough> Luthor <cough> I do listen to you.

Plus, he doesn't know she's having nightmare about going crazy.
But didn't she tell him about the nightmare of being dragged off in a straight-jacket, or did she just rmeember that and not tell him.

Well, at least Lois loves both of Clark's personas.
Clark knows this, which is why he believes he has a shot at her forgiving him.
Just as long as he remebers he has to earn her forgiveness after she realizes what he has done wrong.

{QUOTE]Bad things may happen to Clark if Superman does not go.
Not if the asteroid misses.[/Quote]

I was not thinking of as a result, just in that time.

Hopefully this will be enough to convince Clark that he does not need to attack Nightfall.
The word of psychic isn't definitive proof.
But has she ever been wrong?

Clark:She thought my name was Chuck. Do I need to say more.

John Pack Lambert
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So, she wouldn't recognize Clark?
Clark:She hasn't yet when I was not wearing my glasses.

Reader:Well, I am thinking she either will think he is Clark, and wonder what happened to Superman, or realize he is Superman falling from the sky, and be really worried about Clark.

I half wish Lana had become pregnant anyway, but I am not sadistic enough to wish her as a mother on any child.
See Female Hawk's Accused.
I do not envy that child at all.

Now that is a good question. He really should get the technical details of the curse figured out.
Which is one of the things he requested from Herb.
So, Herb is supposed to tell him what exactly it takes to activate the curse? I was going to say "going to", but then I realized assuming Herb would succeed was unwise.

I doubt Herb will return before May.
HERB: If I found a cure...
Since he has a time machine, does he actually have to return before finding the cure, ever? I mean, there is no limit to how much time he spends before may, well other than his life=span, right?

Wait, she is OK with going flying with him. That seems odd considering what their relationship is.
I was more thinking he is her ex-boyfriend. Wouldn't the whole thing be awkward? Based on what she knows of course.

If they do kiss will she realize in that moment that CK=SM?
We'll never know, because she doesn't kiss him here.
Canon Clark:This Clark is much better at avoiding kissing Lois as SM.

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Originally posted by John Lambert:
Hmm, I guess maybe there is not much chance telling her would give him rest. Especially since if he tells her CK=SM, she will go from not wanting him to go to REALLY not wanting him to go.
Well, there is that reasoning as well.

At the rate he is going he will never have any time.

Clark:See, Lois, unlike some people <cough> Luthor <cough> I do listen to you.
LOIS: Listening is only part of being in a relationship.

But didn't she tell him about the nightmare of being dragged off in a straight-jacket, or did she just rmeember that and not tell him.
She remembered it, but didn't tell him about it.

Just as long as he remebers he has to earn her forgiveness after she realizes what he has done wrong.
CLARK: Oh, right. My bad. [Linked Image] I had forgotten about that. Another reason to delay, delay, delay.

But has she ever been wrong?

Clark:She thought my name was Chuck. Do I need to say more.
She also thought that Jimmy would die in the Messenger warehouse, Ralph would rape her, and she'd marry Jimbo.

Clark:She hasn't yet when I was not wearing my glasses.

Reader:Well, I am thinking she either will think he is Clark, and wonder what happened to Superman, or realize he is Superman falling from the sky, and be really worried about Clark.
So, would Lois recognize Clark without his glasses, his hair not slicked back, and not dressed as Superman? Hmmmm. [Linked Image]

I do not envy that child at all.
I don't think any of us do.

So, Herb is supposed to tell him what exactly it takes to activate the curse? I was going to say "going to", but then I realized assuming Herb would succeed was unwise.
Well, he told Herb to find the antidote, so wouldn't that mean to find out the details of the curse? Oh, right. He didn't spell it out for Herb.

Since he has a time machine, does he actually have to return before finding the cure, ever? I mean, there is no limit to how much time he spends before may, well other than his life=span, right?
Sounds logical.

I was more thinking he is her ex-boyfriend. Wouldn't the whole thing be awkward? Based on what she knows of course.
Well, Clark's thinking when he returns, he'll tell her the truth, and therefore they'll go flying. Lois is thinking that flying with Superman is like DFCB for an adrenaline junkie like her.

Canon Clark:This Clark is much better at avoiding kissing Lois as SM.
It really is the *only* thing he's better at avoiding as SM.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Did Cat just accept this weird personality trait, no questions asked?
[Linked Image]

“Who are you? His social secretary,” Cat snapped. “Just tell him that his best friend needs to talk to him, okay? Urgently.”
wave Michael

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Michael: Oh, how about one more? laugh

So, Lois has told her work husband and Clark has told his work wife.

Perry’s stuffing a baby into the printing press?
Um... the edition is his baby.

LOIS: I was hoping for a bit pregnant, but sadly…

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Oh, how about one more?
Ooooh! And I’ll finish my open list, too cool

quote: Perry’s stuffing a baby into the printing press?

Um... the edition is his baby.
So, wrong editor in the joke?

quote: No, she’s now Clark’s girlfriend.

LOIS: [Eek!] That's worse than preggers.
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Originally posted by Darth Michael:
So, wrong editor in the joke?
Was it a cross-bred half-Perry, half-Lex clone?

Except, Clark would probably lock a pregnant Lois into a room so fluffy and secure that it makes a padded room feel like a stone quarry.
LOIS: Well, as long as he left me with my briefcase.

So, he *is* a plant!
As Trask suggested?

Right. *Way* more evil.
Hey, I always put my cookies back... no, sorry, I don't do that. I mean, my toys... Yes! Toys! Eventually. laugh

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Was it a cross-bred half-Perry, half-Lex clone?
wave Michael

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Originally posted by Darth Michael:
So, Preston Carpenter?

He took out the lockpicks first. And the replacement lockpicks hidden inside the lining. Plus, the door only has a lock on the outside.
LOIS: <<in a huff>> Well, then forget the whole thing!

That’s been what, 50 parts ago?
Possibly. angel-devil

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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LOIS: <<in a huff>> Well, then forget the whole thing!
The getting pregnant thing? Or the fun stuff that leads to getting pregnant by Clark? Funny aside: getting pregnant by Lex would also involve being locked up.

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Originally posted by Darth Michael:
The getting pregnant thing? Or the fun stuff that leads to getting pregnant by Clark? Funny aside: getting pregnant by Lex would also involve being locked up.
LOIS: The whole getting pregnant thing. At least for this story.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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