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Wrong Place, Wrong Time, Wrong Clark TOC can be found HereMad Dog Lane is on the case. A few more questions answered. A few more posed. Comments?
Last edited by VirginiaR; 05/14/14 12:22 PM. Reason: Added Link
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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and Lois needed to type up the lies from the EPRAD press conference into some kind of coherent story. I guess Lois does not trust EPRAD. “She said that Cat was wrong,” Lois replied. Isn't that one of Lois' base assumptions before anyway? Lois wished Star had been more specific on Clark’s condition. Although that might just mislead her even more. Lois wondered if that was how she sounded to Clark or Superman when she spoke about her visions. She hoped not. No for two reasons. 1-he loves her, and thus she never really sounds crazy to him. 2-he actually believes she is remembering from the past, although he does not realize it is a double past.
John Pack Lambert
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Okay, maybe not every time she looked at him, but often enough. And she wonders why her co-workers suspect something between her and Clark. She missed him down to her very core.[/Qote]
It would do Clark good to know this. Although right now it migth not tell him much, since he does not remember.
[Quote]A part of her hated that he had that power over her, but it wasn’t as if he knew about it and used it against her. When the not using it against her is true, the not knowing it, hmm. I am not sure. Although, he probably at a minimum does not realize things are as intense as they really are. She loved that his eyes still lit up when he knew that they would be spending time together, as if he had been granted the greatest gift in the world to be in her company, Clark: Well, it is the main reason I switched universes. even if all they would be doing was going to some boring press conference. Clark:Press conferences are never boring with Lois there. Clark had taught her that there was more to her life than work, that relationships could be just as fulfilling, and just as pleasurable. With Clark missing, it was as if someone had stabbed the hole with a shovel and started emptying it, once more. She really needs Clark back ASAP. Actually she needed him back before, but now would work. Moreover, Clark had, technically, disappeared only the night before. But actually she has not seen him for over a day now. If she had talked to him on the phone it might be one thing, but just getting a message from him really does not count. Whose toes had he stepped on? Luthor's. Who would want to him to disappear? Luthor. Was there something on his desk or computer that would give her a clue or a direction in which to investigate? Probably not. Especially since what he has done to outrage Luthor is all known to Lois, she just does not see how it leads to the problem. After going through the folders stacked up on his desk, none of which contained information she didn’t already know about, So either he tells her about all his investigations, or wisely hides anything fairly well he does not want her to know about. an extra box of pencils, he did seem to break quite a few of those, Is that because he is Superman and it does not really take much to do so? He had been wearing his “Charlie” pair since October. Now how will he go undercover? Clark made everything look good.  she likes Clark. OK, that was already obvious, but I wanted to be happy. She took the glasses and tried them on.  he got the call from Henderson? “What?” she growled, more from the guilt she was feeling for confusing Superman’s caresses with Clark’s Now Clark needs to tell her CK=SM for her own emotional well being. “Yes, sir, I found everything… well, except… Hey, Lois, terrific! You found CK’s spare pair of glasses,” Jimmy said, taking the glasses case, which she had forgotten was in her hand, and tucking it in a side pocket of the bag. I was right. They are sending her to retrieve Clark. “You’re not,” Perry replied. “You’re meeting, Bill… Henderson. Clark is in the hospital.” What, they are keeping her from Clark? Or is it just she has to talk to Henderson first? “Oh, God! The bodies,” Lois said, looking up at her boss. “Someone tried to kill him.” Well, at least Lois knows what is up. between last summer and Christmas, MPD found somewhere around twelve bodies in Hob’s Bay,” Lois said. “They had originally thought it had something to do with the canal initiation rites that the gangs had implemented last summer, which Clark had reported on. If the gang member survived being tossed into a canal and floated out to sea, then he showed he was tough enough to be a ‘made man’.” She rolled her eyes at the stupidity of that logic. So actually most of the bodies were not related to gangs. Lois nodded. “And some of the bodies found in the Bay were gang members, but not all were. On closer examination, MPD discovered that some of the bodies, approximately five of them, were of businessmen or men without any direct or non-direct ties to gangs, and two more were John Does. None of the men had been drugged nor could any evidence of foul play be found. MPD has been assuming that the men committed suicide, but I had always felt like that was an easy out for them. A rash of suicides by drowning? Please!” It is an easy out, but that does not mean it is untrue. “Lois!” Perry barked, stopping her cold. “Henderson released this information to us as a courtesy. Clark’s identity isn’t been revealed to the press. In fact, MPD is issuing a dummy story about some petty criminal having escaped from custody and having ended up accidentally falling into the harbor. Henderson has asked us to hold off on the story for Clark’s safety. He doesn’t want the killer to find out that Kent’s alive and try again.” This is actually very logical. Since Luthor's men will not tell him about forgetting to remove the handcuffs he won't suspect at all.
John Pack Lambert
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“And you can’t rush off, calling every hospital out there and trying to find out which one has Clark,” Lois:What? Then how am I going to find my partner? “Whoever went after Kent may go after you as well, or might be following you because he knows that you’re partners. Inspector Henderson wants you both in protective custody.” Hmm, I guess this makes sense at some level. However it is probably overly caustious. Although, maybe Lois is still being tailed. Actually, probably not if Luthor does not realize she is looking for Clark. “Yes!” Lois latched onto that word and pointed at him. “Thank you, Jimmy. Clark’s my partner and my best friend. I need to see him.” She focused her gaze their boss with an extra emphasis. “I need to see for myself that he’s okay.” I think this is all reasonable. “At the Twelfth Precinct,” Perry replied. “And, Lois, for Clark’s sake, don’t tell anyone!” This might be quite difficult for her. Lois glanced down at it. Lex Luthor telephoned and wants to meet with you. She balled it up and stuffed it into her coat pocket after pressing the elevator call button. I was hoping she would totally ignore the message from Joe. Now I have to fear she might go see Luthor which would be really bad. It might be a cold day in hell, but it didn’t mean she would meet with Lex while Clark was in the hospital.  she is putting off meeting Luthor. I don't trust him to let her leave a meeting.
John Pack Lambert
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Bill had left word at the desk that he was waiting for Lois Lane. He suspected that she would arrive within an hour of his call to White, but she had made it in twenty-seven minutes. He is underestimating her attachment to Clark. Either she was ticked off as hell at him for requesting her presence in his office, or Kent meant more to her than she had ever led on. I am so confused. Am I right in thinking this is not the Henderson who was there after the bombing of the Honeymoon Suite? He knew that both could easily be true, but knowing Lane, if she had merely been mad, she would have ignored his summons unilaterally. Having beaten his estimate by more than a half-hour, led him to believe that Lane had been worried about Kent. At least someone gets what is going on. He stared at her, wondering if she had seen the resemblance that he had noticed. So he does realize Clark looks like SM. “No. He’s a material witness. Anyway, he’s not ready to see visitors,” Henderson said. Somehow I don't see Lois being very keen about not seeing him. He knew if he let her have access to Kent, she would throw a fit until he either was released into her custody, or until the whole media corps, and thus all of Metropolis, was aware that Kent was still alive, which Henderson was quite sure wasn’t in the best interest for Kent. Someone was after Kent, and the man had no recollection of who it was, let alone who he himself was. Until Kent remembered, it was best if he stayed under MPD guard. Actually, wouldn't it be easier to get Lois to cooperate if they let her see him. The idea that Kent might actually be Superman in disguise scared the hell out of him, particularly since he was vulnerable enough to not only be seriously injured but also treated with an IV. Bill refused to let himself consider that possibility for more than a minute at a time. If Superman had someone trying to kill his alter ego, had no memories, was vulnerable and therefore, had no powers, and there was an asteroid, with which they required his assistance, bearing down on the planet in just a few days time… no, Henderson didn’t want to dwell on the probability that his hunch could be right. Yes, things look horrible right now. “I’ve brought the clothes that you requested for him,” Lane said, pointing down at the bag. I am surrpised she admits that so soon. It is a key bargaining chip. I thought the Voyeur was just after the kink factor.” Another false assumption. “There’s a message on Clark’s answering machine from the National Bank of New Troy, about Clark’s safety deposit box having been one of the ones robbed in the day before yesterday’s hold-up,” she said, finishing up. She seems to know more about that than Clark ever did. “Well, someone bombed our suite at the Lexor Hotel a couple of weeks ago. So it was the other Henderson that did follow up. You saw Kent’s apartment, Ms. Lane. It wasn’t robbed; someone was looking for something. Do you know what?” Henderson asked. “Could it have something to do with one of your current stories?” Maybe she will think it was Luthor looking for his past. OK, I doubt it, but I can hope. “Before Nightfall, Clark and I were between investigations, so I don’t know to which story it could be related. As far as I know, he isn’t looking into anything on his own.” Well that is one point where Lois is wrong. Clark is clearly doing an investigation on his own, although it has not made any progress lately. Henderson shifted uncomfortably in his seat. He knew of one person Kent was investigating that he hadn’t yet told his partner about, Lex Luthor. If the MPD could tie Kent’s attempted murder to Luthor, it would break wide open the case against the man. I can see why he might not want to tell Lois this. They still have absolutely no evidence. “Whatever it was the robbers were looking for, they didn’t find it. Clark told me that he never keeps anything of value in his apartment, because he’s been robbed before,” Lane said. Well he never said he was robbed around here. Interesting tidbit, and yet his fingerprints weren’t on file, and neither were Superman’s for that matter. The hero had accidentally broken the blotter when the officer had tried to fingerprint him after his arrest during the November’s heat wave. They had only ended up with smudges. Now, Henderson wondered if it had been accidentally on purpose, so that Superman’s and Kent’s prints could never be compared as a way of identifying him. So Henderson really does think SM=CK, even though he is hoping it is not so. Lois stared at him as if the thought never occurred to her. “I… I… don’t know. I didn’t even know he had one until last night. Why don’t you ask him?” Henderson is going to try to doge that question. If Lois knowns CK has amnesia she will really want to go see him. Now, Henderson wondered if White left him with the unpleasant task of informing Lane of her partner’s mental condition. From the way she was acting, he doubted Lane would let drop the matter of Kent’s location, if she knew he had no memories. Actually I don't see her letting that issue drop under any circumstances at all. Did she know about the similarities that he had noticed between Kent and Superman? Anything that might suggest such she has managed to dismiss. If Lane knew that Kent was Superman, and that the world needed Superman to save it from the asteroid, maybe that was why she wanted to contact her partner, At this point she might claim such just to contact him, but clearly she wants to find CK way more than SM. She thought for a moment before snapping her fingers. “Christmas! Another floater was found in that exact location, wasn’t it? Sounds like Metropolis has a serial killer, Inspector.”
“It could be a coincidence,” he replied. Well there is a connection, but it is actually all Lois' fault. I need to get that story from him to give to Perry. I don't think Clark ever wanted her to tell Perry that story. This tender, caring partner routine almost had him convinced. Actually she is majorly downplaying how much she cares about Clark. I don't think the story is really what she wants at all, just an excuse. Lane considered this, before asking, “Will you let me see Clark?”  she has outmanovered Henderson. Ouch, Bill thought, rubbing his neck and setting the bag back onto his desk. He had never seen Mad Dog Lane use the guilt card before. Who knew she could wield it so skillfully?  she will find Clark yet. Yes, putting a tracker on the bag would have been easier than following him herself, but more problematic, being that it was the MPD. They didn’t like it when people bugged their employees.</font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Plus, if they detected it, the whole process would have failed.
[quote]She had gotten the feeling that Henderson was holding out on her. There was something he wasn’t telling her. Actually there are lots of things he is not telling her. Henderson’s car eventually turned into the parking lot of Metropolis County Hospital.  she has found the hospital. She should have known. It was the closest hospital to the docks. It wasn’t her usual stomping grounds, so the nursing staff wouldn’t know her on sight, which was good. After half an hour of wandering the halls, feeling completely lost, Lois finally rounded a corner and saw a uniformed policeman, sitting outside a door. He held a cup of coffee and was reading a magazine. BINGO! She had found Clark.  Although how is she going to outmanover the officer? The rooms on either side of Clark were being left empty for some reason, probably for his safety. Her esteem of Henderson rose another notch. The inspector would not be a happy camper if Lois were caught breaking into her partner’s room. So, she better not get caught. Well, I guess we do not have to bring out the wildguys since Lois and Clark are in the same building. I was hoping she would figure out a way past the gaurd sooner, but I guess I have to wait.
John Pack Lambert
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Aw poor Lois, I hope she sees Clark soon. They need Superman! Good job, more soon. laura
Clark: “If we can be born in an instant, and die in an instant, why can’t we fall in love in an instant?”
Caroline's "Stardust"
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John: Thanks for the FDK.  I'm glad you're enjoying my story. I guess Lois does not trust EPRAD. Would you trust the people who sent your former love up into space and from whence he didn't return? Isn't that one of Lois' base assumptions before anyway? LOIS: It never hurts to have a second opinion which agrees with your own. Although that might just mislead her even more. Star did say that Lois would find Clark "confused". No for two reasons. 1-he loves her, and thus she never really sounds crazy to him. 2-he actually believes she is remembering from the past, although he does not realize it is a double past. LOIS: 1) of course, he does. And could you explain a bit more on the second reasoning. You lost me there. And she wonders why her co-workers suspect something between her and Clark. CAT: Because "I love Lois" is tattooed on his forehead. I noticed it from day one. CLARK: I have no idea what... It would do Clark good to know this. Although right now it migth not tell him much, since he does not remember. CLARK: So, this woman who misses me... Is she cute? When the not using it against her is true, the not knowing it, hmm. I am not sure. Although, he probably at a minimum does not realize things are as intense as they really are. Clark: Well, it is the main reason I switched universes. LOIS: Oh  you're just saying that. Aren't you? You don't really believe that you came from another dimension, do you? Oh, great. Another weirdo! I attract them like flies to a garbage truck. Clark:Press conferences are never boring with Lois there. LOIS: Isn't he sweet? She really needs Clark back ASAP. Actually she needed him back before, but now would work. Yep, how about almost now? But actually she has not seen him for over a day now. If she had talked to him on the phone it might be one thing, but just getting a message from him really does not count. It was better than nothing. LEX: I believe John is trying to frame me for Mr. Kent's murder. HENDERSON: Nobody has announced that Kent has been murdered yet. LEX: Isn't that why you're here? I have an alibi. HENDERSON: I didn't say when he disappeared. LEX: Either way. I was in meetings all day. Probably not. Especially since what he has done to outrage Luthor is all known to Lois, she just does not see how it leads to the problem. And he's learned to keep private investigations off his desk, due to everyone investigating his desk and apartment back in his home dimension. So either he tells her about all his investigations, or wisely hides anything fairly well he does not want her to know about. CLARK: Not just her, but yes. Is that because he is Superman and it does not really take much to do so? That might have something to do with it. CAT: It's because he's drooling over Lois and isn't paying attention to what he's doing. He'd break pencil points even if he didn't have abilities. There's a reason he's the only one with an electric pencil sharpener on his desk. Now how will he go undercover? she is going to figure out they are non-corrective. Either that or she's going to see she needs the same prescription as Clark. Hmm, well I guess she assumes they must be a little corrective. -1 or +1 really don't see that different than nothing. It is not really a sketch of her at all. It is a sketch of the other Lois. This might cause <mad> if Lois understood what it really was. LOIS: What do you mean? Do I have a clone? A double? A twin? EW: Actually, THIS is the picture which used to be attached to the backside of his driver's license, which Lois looked at on her birthday and he quickly snatched back when she went to turn it over. Well, actually they are largely both the same secret. Being able to draw well is a super ability? Clark:Lois, I like your hair however it is. True. I guess it does make more sense to assume Clark imagined her hair like this, than to assume he had met an altered version of her with hair that short. LOIS: Maybe he's not from an alternative dimension but from the Future. That makes sense. Oh no, she is going to cut her hair so that she won't be reminded of Superman touching here. Clark really should tell her CK=SM. Hmmmm. Interesting theory. Clark:What, how could I possibly be SM. I am sick in a hospital bed. That does not make sense at all. CLARK: Sure, I'll be Superman, if you like Superman, pretty lady. Who's Superman? he got the call from Henderson? PERRY: Did I say that? No! I just called her into my office. Must you always read between the lines. It could be about her story being too fluffy. Now Clark needs to tell her CK=SM for her own emotional well being. Like he didn't need to do that in canon as well. I was right. They are sending her to retrieve Clark. 1/2 point? What, they are keeping her from Clark? Or is it just she has to talk to Henderson first? Well, at least Lois knows what is up. LOIS: I'm not blind, people! I can see the facts and come to an obvious conclusion... and why are you all looking at me with such strange expressions? So actually most of the bodies were not related to gangs. The ones found in Hob's Bay, no. They did find some more bodies still in the canals which were all gang members. It is an easy out, but that does not mean it is untrue. LOIS: Too pat. Too convenient. Too boring if true. This is actually very logical. Since Luthor's men will not tell him about forgetting to remove the handcuffs he won't suspect at all. JONESY: Yes, best not to admit to making mistakes to the Boss.
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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-- Continuation of Response to John's FDK -- Lois:What? Then how am I going to find my partner? Pretty much. Hmm, I guess this makes sense at some level. However it is probably overly caustious. Although, maybe Lois is still being tailed. Actually, probably not if Luthor does not realize she is looking for Clark. Lois is not currently being tailed. LEX: This might be quite difficult for her. Who is she going to tell? I was hoping she would totally ignore the message from Joe. Now I have to fear she might go see Luthor which would be really bad. I am surrpised she admits that so soon. It is a key bargaining chip. There might be another reason for this. Another false assumption. LOIS: Hey, you don't have to sleep in that apartment. She seems to know more about that than Clark ever did. The robbery happened while he was busy with EPRAD the night before (the night of the eclipse), so he didn't hear about it. Then he went to deal with Nightfall. After hearing the message on Clark's machine, Lois did more research into the robbery. Maybe she will think it was Luthor looking for his past. OK, I doubt it, but I can hope. Nope. No reason to tie Lex to this. Well that is one point where Lois is wrong. Clark is clearly doing an investigation on his own, although it has not made any progress lately. Hence the "as far as she knew" disclaimer. I can see why he might not want to tell Lois this. They still have absolutely no evidence. Yep. And the fewer people who know about it, the better. Well he never said he was robbed around here. No, he didn't. So Henderson really does think SM=CK, even though he is hoping it is not so. He's trying not to believe it. Henderson is going to try to doge that question. If Lois knowns CK has amnesia she will really want to go see him. HENDERSON: I plead the fifth. Anything that might suggest such she has managed to dismiss. LOIS: That would be... whoa! Well there is a connection, but it is actually all Lois' fault. LEX: <<raises hand>> I'm sorry, John, I'd like to claim victory for this one. I don't think Clark ever wanted her to tell Perry that story. Maybe not ALL the details... Actually she is majorly downplaying how much she cares about Clark. I don't think the story is really what she wants at all, just an excuse. And yet it still comes shining through.  No, the story is just an excuse. she has outmanovered Henderson. HENDERSON: Hasn't happened yet. she did not figure out a way to go see Clark. I was so hoping. LOIS: Oh, ye, of little faith. Clearly, Henderson hasn't learned what happens when you tell a bad... er... Mad Dog 'no'. Plus, if they detected it, the whole process would have failed. That too. Actually there are lots of things he is not telling her. HENDERSON: Like she was fully honest with me, either. Although how is she going to outmanover the officer? LOIS: What am I? An amateur? Well, I guess we do not have to bring out the wildguys since Lois and Clark are in the same building. I was hoping she would figure out a way past the gaurd sooner, but I guess I have to wait. Sorry, I did need to leave some story for the next part. 
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Laura: Thanks for reading and commenting. Aw poor Lois, I hope she sees Clark soon. They need Superman! So putting Lois and Clark together makes Superman? ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/midi/konfus/a015.gif) CLARK: Hey, it's worth a shot! Thank you.  Late Tuesday night!
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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I guess Lois does not trust EPRAD. Would you trust the people who sent your former love up into space and from whence he didn't return? You do have a point. LOIS: 1) of course, he does. And could you explain a bit more on the second reasoning. You lost me there. Nah, I will leave the tough work of doing that to Clark. CAT: Because "I love Lois" is tattooed on his forehead. I noticed it from day one. Lois:We have not be in a relationship that long. Wait, I did not admit that. I mean, I had not relationship with Clark in May or January. Those are the only months I am yet prepeared to discuss. CLARK: So, this woman who misses me... Is she cute? Henderson is failing in his duties if he has not shown you her picture yet.
John Pack Lambert
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Well, actually they are largely both the same secret. Being able to draw well is a super ability? I always figured it was with the amazing accuracy Clark had.
John Pack Lambert
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Originally posted by John Lambert: Lois:We have not be in a relationship that long. Wait, I did not admit that. I mean, I had not relationship with Clark in May or January. Those are the only months I am yet prepeared to discuss. May - August. Mid-Oct - mid-December, possibly January. Henderson is failing in his duties if he has not shown you her picture yet. HENDERSON: Why would I carry a picture of Lane around with me? I always figured it was with the amazing accuracy Clark had. Oh, you mean a combo of fast, steady hands and eidetic memory?
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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May - August. Mid-Oct - mid-December, possibly January. So they were in a relationship for all of September? I might actually restart my re-reading soon. I got through to about the start of the boxing thing, which was where we were at when I first started reading the story, and not further. So I really have no clue if it flows from that point to this well. Henderson is failing in his duties if he has not shown you her picture yet. HENDERSON: Why would I carry a picture of Lane around with me?  OK, so maybe you do have a point. I guess he would see no more reason to show Clark a picture of Lois than a picture of Perry. I always figured it was with the amazing accuracy Clark had. Oh, you mean a combo of fast, steady hands and eidetic memory? But it is just more cool to call it "super drawing", along with his super-weaving ability used in the comics once.
John Pack Lambert
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Originally posted by John Lambert: EW: May - August. Mid-Oct - mid-December, possibly January.
ER: So they were in a relationship for all of September? I might actually restart my re-reading soon. I got through to about the start of the boxing thing, which was where we were at when I first started reading the story, and not further. So I really have no clue if it flows from that point to this well. Firstly, estimations. Secondly, Lex shot Lois in August and Lois and Clark had this flirty non-relationship relationship between then and mid-Sept. when she went undercover at the Metro. Then Lex told her that Clark has no past, which bothered her until late September when they celebrated her birthday. They attended the Kerth Awards in early Oct. Then in Mid-October they went to Smallville... OK, so maybe you do have a point. I guess he would see no more reason to show Clark a picture of Lois than a picture of Perry. LOIS: I photograph better? But it is just more cool to call it "super drawing", along with his super-weaving ability used in the comics once. 
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Lois threw him a disbelieving look. If Lois had thought Star unhelpful regarding Clark, what made him think she’d believe anything the psychic said about Superman? She’s got a point there. “Okay,” Jimmy said, raising his hands in surrender. “So, she didn’t say anything useful at all?”
“She said that Cat was wrong,” Lois replied. ‘You will find Clark through a trusted friend,’ Star had said.
Lois wished Star had been more specific on Clark’s condition. So, it’s ‘Find Superman, find Clark’ and when Lois asks how to find Superman, it’s ‘Find Clark, find Superman’? Lois wondered if that was how she sounded to Clark or Superman when she spoke about her visions. She hoped not. Oh, sure, she’d trip over that hole every once and a while, and pile more work on top of it to try to fill it, but the hole had always remained. ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/midi/froehlich/d025.gif) You have to dig up the road around it, too, and completely repave the section. Clark had taught her that there was more to her life than work, that relationships could be just as fulfilling, and just as pleasurable. And that’s before nookie. Moreover, Clark had, technically, disappeared only the night before. So, she’s going to the cuckoo place if he remains missing for another year or so? She opened the paper to see if there was anything written on it to indicate what the key was for. The paper was sketch of her with short hair. Huh. Still doesn’t explain the key. Unless it’s the one to her heart. Or her chastity belt. Although, I completely understand and agree with the reasoning behind why you’ll cut it short,’ Star had said. ‘Clark likes it and she wants to please her man’? Clark had been keeping more than secrets about his past from her. He had never told her what a truly talented sketch artist he was. She should see the Lois-nudes he does. “I know, I wasn’t very diplomatic or unbiased about Cosgrove and Zeitlin, but those guys are telling everyone that everything is ‘all right’ when they don’t believe it themselves.” Lois stilled. Glasses? Her eyes widened. “You found Clark?” she gasped in anticipation of Perry’s affirmative answer. Yes. And he wants an open-casket ceremony, so they need to dress him and have his glasses.
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Boards Chief Administrator Nobel Peace Prize Winner
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Perry replied, before Lois launched herself against his chest.
Jimmy winced, mumbling, “Oh, no, Lois. Don’t hug the Chief.” She’s allowed to do that. He’s her sugar daddy. “What was CK doing in Hob’s Bay at this time of year?” Jimmy asked. Umm…fishing? “They had originally thought it had something to do with the canal initiation rites that the gangs had implemented last summer, which Clark had reported on. Right. You did mention that months ago. Lois nodded. “And some of the bodies found in the Bay were gang members, but not all were. I wonder if Lex had someone plant the idea with the gang leaders to hide his own trash. and two more were John Does. They killed *two* presidents?  Henderson broke her. Congratulations. He had never seen Mad Dog Lane use the guilt card before. Who knew she could wield it so skillfully? She’s in a relationship now and had always been a quick study? Lois set down her sandwich and turned the key in her Jeep. It had taken several hours, and the sun to set, but finally Henderson left the Twelfth Precinct with the black bag in hand.  Michael
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An ’a’ is missing before Page One. Also, isn’t that a lie. Didn’t he tell her Superman was back? Clark did not tell Lois Superman had returned. He just told her to not worry because Superman is invulnerable. Other people were able to infer Superman's return from Clark's call, but Lois was not.
John Pack Lambert
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Joined: Aug 2012
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She knew that because he was a ‘material witness’ he was under guard, which meant that there was a MPD officer outside his room. If you pronounce MPD as "em pee dee" than it should be "an MPD officer". On the other hand if you say it Mipid, sort of like mxyzptlk, than the current form works.
John Pack Lambert
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Nobel Peace Prize Winner
Nobel Peace Prize Winner
Joined: Apr 2011
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Michael: It's Tuesday. Time to answer another FDK.  No, thank you. Where's the hot brunette? Woo-woo! Uh-oh. Wait. Perry’s not sending Lois out of town, is he? PERRY: Yes. And he wants an open-casket ceremony, so they need to dress him and have his glasses. ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/midi/boese/a045.gif) That would be really cruel.
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Nobel Peace Prize Winner
Nobel Peace Prize Winner
Joined: Apr 2011
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-- continuation of response to Michael's FDK --- She’s allowed to do that. He’s her sugar daddy. CAT: No wonder she's his lil' darling. “What was CK doing in Hob’s Bay at this time of year?” Jimmy asked.
ER: Umm…fishing? CLARK: ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/smilie/konfus/n065.gif) Shark! Right. You did mention that months ago. I like to pretend things are important to a story by mentioning them again way later. ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/smilie/frech/e025.gif) So, the reader never knows if a detail is just a detail, a red herring, or important. I wonder if Lex had someone plant the idea with the gang leaders to hide his own trash. LEX: LOIS: They killed *two* presidents? CLARK: Henderson broke her. Congratulations. Did he? Or did she just want him to think that? She’s in a relationship now and had always been a quick study? Well, that kind of explains SOME of his powers. LOL LOIS: It will be really awkward when it turns out that that room holds Thaddeus Roarke. *Really* awkward. ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/smilie/frech/e010.gif)
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.