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#93732 03/05/13 07:00 PM
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Wrong Place, Wrong Time, Wrong Clark TOC can be found Here

And now the fun really begins. evil


Last edited by VirginiaR; 05/14/14 11:08 AM. Reason: Added Link

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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“I hope you don’t mind me eating your food, but that Indian stuff just smelled off to me.” He shivered with disgust. “The last thing I need is to be on the toilet with the asteroid strikes. What a way to go, huh?”
I don't know if you meant with the asteroid strikes or when the asteroid strikes. Either way it is hilarious. rotflol I sure hope I never get struck with the asteroid strikes. . . I should probably stay away from Indian food.


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Originally posted by rkn:
“I hope you don’t mind me eating your food, but that Indian stuff just smelled off to me.” He shivered with disgust. “The last thing I need is to be on the toilet with the asteroid strikes. What a way to go, huh?”
I don't know if you meant with the asteroid strikes or when the asteroid strikes. Either way it is hilarious. rotflol I sure hope I never get struck with the asteroid strikes. . . I should probably stay away from Indian food.
rotflol blush Yikes! I knew the Ralph chain was bad...

I swear I think there must be a virus on my computer which changes words which were correct when I wrote them, so that they're incorrect by the time I post them. wallbash

Thanks for catching this. I've cured Jimmy's asteroid problem and he feels much better now.

JIMMY: Thanks. Phew.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Yeah - no one's been affected by Ralph's Indian food.

It's only morning but you're killing me here:

“Perchance the lady would be interested in dessert,” Asabi suggested. “The chef has prepared a selection of options. There is dark chocolate mousse, New York style cheesecake with strawberry sauce, petits fours, crème brulee, fresh fruit tart, and a chocolate brownie sundae with hazelnut ice cream.”
Way to go Lois and get them all!

I love Cat helping Clark.


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Joan: It was Cat's plan to have Jimmy K.O.'d by the food, but I found a nicer way to get him out of the way. <<I felt bad about taking his scoop away from him>>

It's only morning but you're killing me here: <<description of what Lex has for dessert>>
Way to go Lois and get them all!
I figure Lex would go all out since it was the end of the world, and he knows Lois has a sweet tooth. It's easier to reject a generic "dessert" than a "dessert menu". laugh

I love Cat helping Clark.
She's still not done. wave

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Oh dear, it looks like Lois got manipulated RIGHT into a corner again. I suspect her comment from canon will still be useful to extricate herself but I wonder what that will mean for Luthor and Clark (I know, I know. I'm asking for "spoilers" so don't worry about it.)

CLARK: No. I'm just worried I'm a jinx.
CLARK: Yeah. Let's face it, ever since she's known me, Lois's been kidnapped, frozen, pushed off buildings, almost stabbed, poisoned, buried alive and who knows what else, and it's all because of me.
-"Contact" (You're not her jinx, you're her blessing.)
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Christina: Thanks for the comment.
Oh dear, it looks like Lois got manipulated RIGHT into a corner again.
Well, at least she's consistently blind, right?

I suspect her comment from canon will still be useful to extricate herself but I wonder what that will mean for Luthor and Clark (I know, I know. I'm asking for "spoilers" so don't worry about it.)
Unfortunately, due to spoilage laws on this website I cannot reveal what will happen in parts to come. Although, one of my Betas DID need to go on vacation after reading it. dance )

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Him and his big mouth. If he hadn’t suggested that she call Luthor back about whatever information the man could provide, Clark would still be kissing Lois.
frown that Lois has left.

That had been very nice, very nice indeed, and entirely too short. But, unfortunately, she was right. The fate of the world was more important.
Not that Luthor will really help with that.

For a second, it almost seemed invisible, as if it was made of glass instead of solid wood.
This door is different from his door in canon. That had so much glass that Lois broke some of it to get in when she saw Superman on the ground in "Top Copy".

smile1 Clark's powers are coming back. This world might not be destroyed by the astroid.

“Oh, really? I didn’t think of that. Cat suggested I try this place,” Jimmy said. “Why not? How bad could it be, right?”
Why does Cat want to get Jimmy sick?

How serious were they?
Well at the time Lois thought you were about to propose and planned on sleeping with you every night.

Clark:They why is she not wearing a ring?

Reader:I said she thought you were going to propose, not that you did.

Clark:Why would I not want to marry Lois?

Reader:Ah, well you want to marry Lois, its complicated. Don't worry too much about it for now.

He smiled at this thought and wondered why she hadn’t said anything all day.
She was actually following the advice of the psychiatrist. Although the fact that they have not publicaly acknowledged their relationship also is a factor.

Maybe he would feel hesitant about saying anything if Lois didn’t recognize him. He hoped never to be in that position himself.
Please tell me Deter will not appaear in this tale.

[Quiote]How old was he anyway, he wondered. He shrugged it off.[/Quote]

This is a question no one knows the answer to. a- he is a time traveler, which has just given us headaches on its own. B-No one is really sure if he really got to earth in just a very short time, or if because he was traveling at relativistic speeds/faster than the speed of light time slowed for him while traveling to earth. Although I guess functionally that does not affect his age, it just means he may have been born much sooner than he seems to have been.

His quick check of the bathroom had also revealed a large unopened box of condoms under the sink. They had been in a paper sack and shoved in the back behind his cleaning supplies. That was a strange place to hide such items.
Well, it actually sounds like it was meant to "hide" them, as opposed to just keep them.

Cat had said that he and Lois hadn’t done anything at the Lexor. Clearly, that was wishful thinking on her part.
Well the condoms box is unopened, so he has no evidence of having used such items. Of course that could just mean they just went through the previous box and he just got this box. Maybe that is why it is hidden away, because it is the backup for when the current box gets used up.

No matter what that dream Meena said, it still didn’t feel like him.
I am surprised he has not decided that Meena was Lois in the flesh. However I guess since she has not said anything about what happened last night, and since he knows they clearly had some sort of relationship after the kisses, not to mention finding the clothes, it makes sense he figured he just dreamed her presence there.

The doctor told him to stay bundled up for at least the first forty-eight hours out of the hospital.
Thus making Cat's actions seem even crazier.

Clark’s brow furrowed, having not followed one word of what Jimmy had told him. “President Presley?” he guessed.
hyper They found the suit. Now Jimmy can write the story that Superman has returned.

“CK!” Jimmy exclaimed. “What are you doing with a Superman Suit?”
Clark:Well, maybe Cat is right. Still, better not tell Jimmy that.

John Pack Lambert
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Lex had asked Lois to meet him at his penthouse. Being that it was after hours, she could understand that. Personally, she was glad to avoid bumping into Mrs. Cox.
She does not fear Luthor enough.

All Lois wanted to do was learn what Lex knew and leave as quickly as possible to get back to Clark’s kisses.
Sounds like a good plan, but somehow I fear Luthor will take a long time to tell her nothing, or at least nothing useful.

On the cab ride over, she realized that it couldn’t be very important or Lex would have announced it on LNN, instead of coming to her.
So why didn't she just go back to Clark's now?

She should have known better than to fall for another one of Lex’s traps.
Well, knowing it is a trap makes her safer. However, it might not get her out.

she allowed him to kiss her cheek.
Her revulstion at Luthor is still too low if she allows him to kiss her in any way.

“Thank you, Lex, but I’ve already eaten,” Lois said, grateful that she and Clark had stopped for soup and sandwiches on the walk to his apartment.
Also wisely she did not mention that she ate dinner with her parner.

“Whenever I want to, I’m sure, Lex. The asteroid isn’t going to hit. Superman will save us, and life will go on as before,”
smile1 she still trusts Superman.

“Oh, have you heard from him?” Lex asked.
Technically she has kissed him even, but she does not know that.

Would she really want to live in a world without Superman?
It would be a very hard world. Although the biggest problem with it she does not realize because she does not know SM=CK.

She had been lucky that Clark hadn’t been hurt more.
Everyone is lucky because of this. Only a select few realize why.

“All in good time, my dear.
If she was smart she would call his bluff and start walking out now.

Mrs. Kent? As in his mother? Clark’s heart started to both ache and race at the same time. He hadn’t even recognized his mom’s voice, and why had she called him ‘Jerome’?
Fortuantly that is easily explained.

“Clark?” Cat whispered, and he covered up the receiver again. “Your folks are dead.”
That really is an uncalled for reaction to the situation.

She grabbed his arm. “Clark! You’ve known them since October,
Which just shows how little Cat knows. Even Lois knows he has known them longer than that.

when you and Lois went out there to help them with some kidnapped neighbor or something. You stole their dead son’s identity. You aren’t their son.”
He is as much their son as the toher Clark ever was. At least they got to interact with him while alive.

“I’m sorry,” he said to his folks, glaring at Cat. “She’s a little crazy.”
I have to agree with Clark's assesment here.

“Jerome, who was that woman?” Martha asked. “You’ve never mentioned her.”
Lois would be very glad to learn that detail.

“He probably didn’t want us to get the wrong impression, Martha,” Jonathan returned.
He does have a good point. Also, it is more Clark is Cat's best friend than the other way around. For Clark Jimmy and Lois are at least friends more or less almost as much as Cat. Lois maybe more, but since she is his girlfriend it is hard to say for sure.

“Now, Jerome, the Cat woman is right. There’s no time to lose.
I guess Jonathan is right. However Cat seems to be going about this all wrong. Especially since Jonathan and Martha are more parents to Clark than she is willing to admit.

“Jonathan!” Martha scolded. “As we told you before, Jerome, you’re always welcome to be our son. I’d love for you to call me ‘Mom’.”
I think Martha understands th truth the best right now.

“You sort of adopted us this past summer,” Jonathan clarified.
smile1 Cat's chronology is being undermined.

“We’re doing this all wrong, Jonathan. The poor boy doesn’t remember who he is. Where are those letters he brought us Thursday night?” Martha said.
smile1 The letters.

Thursday night? That was three nights ago. How could he have been in Kansas three nights earlier? He had been with Lois on Friday morning before Superman took off on his mission.
Well, it only takes about 3 hours if that to fly from Kansas to Metropolis, so it is doable.

“Well, then I’ll gloss over anything… private,”
Well it is a letter from him, so I can't see reading it as too problematic. Desperate times call for desperate measures.

“‘I hate that I’m telling you this via a letter. I really wanted to tell you in person and have been trying to do so for a while.
Well, at least he knows he wanted to tell Lois.

“‘Lois, I love you. I have always loved you. From the first moment I saw you, when you barged into my interview with Perry and called me ‘Chuck’.
party Now he knows for sure he is Chuck. Not that he really had much doubt after what Jimmy told him, or really any after kissing Lois.

You stopped my heart when you recognized ‘Superman’ even before I told you that name.
Technically this is not an admission that he is Superman.

I’ve wanted to confess to you my other identity as Superman
So here he says it clearly. party Now Clark almsot has to accept he is Superman.

“What? No! No! This isn’t true!” Clark exclaimed.
I guess though it is a lot to take in. Denying still makes sense.

You’re from another parallel dimension, where the Martha and Jonathan Kent, who found and adopted you, died when you were still a boy.”
Umm, now he is going to really freak out.

I’m afraid someone found out his true identity,”
Fortunantly Cat is wrong about this detail.

“You’re nuts!” Clark exclaimed, dropping the phone and stepping away from her.
He probably still has a point.

“No, I’m not, Clark. We’re just out of time. We have less than twenty-four hours to get you suited up to save the planet, and we don’t have time to be patient,” Cat said, reaching for his hand.
So are Jonthan and Martha still on the other end of the line. That detail got a bit confused.

“It about time I headed back to the Planet,”
I think it should say "It's".

She got a cold prickly feeling at her neck,
Don't go Lois, don't go.

In her dream, Lex had loved her.
Yes, but with Luthor love is an odd and twisted thing.

She still hoped nobody would hurt Clark because her,
I think that should be "because of her".

What was the point of owning such vehicles if he never drove them?
At first I wondered if these were from his other guests. Then I wondered if they were used for The Boss business. However my final conclusion is that they serve the same function as his secret colections. He likes having them and looking at them as things of beauty that he alone enjoys.

Moreover, why store them in very expensive per square inch Metropolis?
To flaunt his wealth?

They descended for a few minutes and when the doors opened, she saw what looked like the inside of an old ship, steel plated walls.
I still have a big fear that Luthor won't let her get out. I hope he does, but we shall see.

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As Jimmy set his bags from the restaurant down on the dining room table, Clark watched Lois shut the door behind her with one long last look.
There there. People rarely die from ‘food’ bought Ralph’s restroom chain. You’ll probably see her again in the morning. If she manages to escape from Lex’s gilded cage.

How are we going to watch the Asgard Rocket blowing up Nightfall? Shoot! Do you have a radio?”
Same as with nude entertainment. Using a telescope.

Clark was still staring at his front door, wishing he could watch Lois through it. For a second, it almost seemed invisible, as if it was made of glass instead of solid wood.

Lex smiled indulgently at Lois, and then said to Asabi, “All of them. Why should we hold back?”
So, they’re going to have an orgy?

“Oh, right. Geez!” Jimmy stood up and grabbed Clark’s arm. “Lois said that you had a Page One story before you disappeared. Do you think this is related?”
CLARK: [Linked Image] Superman donates space suit to charity auction.

There wasn’t a mark, or a line, or even an indentation to show him where the wound had been.
Maybe he should try putting the finger into the mixer?

If so, it could prove that Superman made it back to Earth alive after colliding with the first asteroid.”
And now he’s naked and probably holed up with some young heiress or a porn starlet or two.

“Hello? This is Martha Kent. I’m looking for…” She paused.

“Mrs. Kent! It’s Jimmy Olsen,” Jimmy said, putting the phone back to his ear.
[Linked Image] Jimmy! What if it’s the Kents who have finally put out a hit on the guy who stole their dead son’s identity?

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“Why, hello, Jimmy. That’s why we called now. With the Asgard Rocket about to collide with the asteroid, we figured everyone would be glued to their TVs, and the lines would finally be free.
She’s a smart cookie!

“You need to talk to the Kents, Clark. Don’t open the door. Don’t answer the phone. I’ll be back as soon as I can,” Jimmy suggested, walking up to the door.
So, he’s going to remember over the phone and when Jimmy gets back, the apartment will be empty and Lois will kill Jimmy?

Jimmy nodded. “Okay. Stay safe,” he said, opening the door to find Cat Grant on the other side. “Cat? What are you doing here?”
wave Michael

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John: I'm a little behind on my responding as I got stuck in a scene that just wouldn't work for me, but now my cushion is frightfully low... let's see I just finished 100 and will post 95 Tuesday night... Yikes! 5 parts. So, I apologize if my responses are a bit delayed.

<<Sad>> that Lois has left.
All things (for the most part) happen for a reason.

Not that Luthor will really help with that.
They don't know that.

This door is different from his door in canon. That had so much glass that Lois broke some of it to get in when she saw Superman on the ground in "Top Copy".
No, he has switched to a solid wood door here. Having been robbed several (hundred) times in alt-dimension and then since moving here as made him extra cautious.

Clark's powers are coming back. This world might not be destroyed by the astroid.
Are they? Or is he just remembering that the door used to have glass?

Why does Cat want to get Jimmy sick?
CAT: The better for him to leave, my dear.

Well at the time Lois thought you were about to propose and planned on sleeping with you every night.

Clark:They why is she not wearing a ring?

Reader:I said she thought you were going to propose, not that you did.

Clark:Why would I not want to marry Lois?

Reader:Ah, well you want to marry Lois, its complicated. Don't worry too much about it for now.
Actually, they've discussed marriage several times already. wink

She was actually following the advice of the psychiatrist. Although the fact that they have not publicaly acknowledged their relationship also is a factor.
And factor in that she didn't want to say 'we're dating' only to have him reject her, too.

Please tell me Deter will not appaear in this tale.
cool No comment.

This is a question no one knows the answer to. a- he is a time traveler, which has just given us headaches on its own. B-No one is really sure if he really got to earth in just a very short time, or if because he was traveling at relativistic speeds/faster than the speed of light time slowed for him while traveling to earth. Although I guess functionally that does not affect his age, it just means he may have been born much sooner than he seems to have been.
CLARK: dizzy

Let's just say early 30s.

CLARK: Thanks.

Well, it actually sounds like it was meant to "hide" them, as opposed to just keep them.
You know that. I know that. He doesn't know that.

Well the condoms box is unopened, so he has no evidence of having used such items. Of course that could just mean they just went through the previous box and he just got this box. Maybe that is why it is hidden away, because it is the backup for when the current box gets used up.
Yep, spare box. wink

I am surprised he has not decided that Meena was Lois in the flesh. However I guess since she has not said anything about what happened last night, and since he knows they clearly had some sort of relationship after the kisses, not to mention finding the clothes, it makes sense he figured he just dreamed her presence there.
Until proven otherwise, "Meena" is a fantasy character in his opinion.

CLARK: mecry

Thus making Cat's actions seem even crazier.
CAT: <<shrugs adorably>>

But Cat does not know the full truth.
She knows more than Clark.

They found the suit. Now Jimmy can write the story that Superman has returned.
I felt bad that I took away his big break, so I did this instead upset his stomach.

<<Tank cries at missed opportunities>>

Clark:Well, maybe Cat is right. Still, better not tell Jimmy that.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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-- Continuation of response to John's FDK --

She does not fear Luthor enough.
LOIS: I don't "fear" anyone.

Sounds like a good plan, but somehow I fear Luthor will take a long time to tell her nothing, or at least nothing useful.
LEX: But I like the scenic route. It makes it more difficult for people to find the bodies.

So why didn't she just go back to Clark's now?

Well, knowing it is a trap makes her safer. However, it might not get her out.
LOIS: <<double checks briefcase>> Lock picks. Check.

Her revulstion at Luthor is still too low if she allows him to kiss her in any way.
There's a certain group of people who believe that kissing cheeks is an acceptable form of greeting. Throwing up on Luthor when he might have information for her, will not help her career any.

Also wisely she did not mention that she ate dinner with her partner.
Extra information that didn't need to be said.

she still trusts Superman.
LOIS: He hasn't given me a reason for not trusting him, other than dumping me for my own good.

It would be a very hard world. Although the biggest problem with it she does not realize because she does not know SM=CK.
Technically, if CK doesn't recover his abilities, she *could* live in a world without Superman. A post-asteroid wasteland, perhaps, but live indeed.

If she was smart she would call his bluff and start walking out now.
While she doesn't trust Luthor like canon Lois did, she still is more courteous with him than with others... due to his position in Metropolis. That's not really a bridge she wants to burn.

Fortuantly that is easily explained.

That really is an uncalled for reaction to the situation.
Speedy recovery is of an essence at the moment.

Which just shows how little Cat knows. Even Lois knows he has known them longer than that.
Yes, but Lois went to Smallville with him. Cat did not.

He is as much their son as the other Clark ever was. At least they got to interact with him while alive.
I first I thought you were talking about the alt-Kents.

MARTHA & JONATHAN: Thanks for the salt in our wounds.

He does have a good point. Also, it is more Clark is Cat's best friend than the other way around. For Clark Jimmy and Lois are at least friends more or less almost as much as Cat. Lois maybe more, but since she is his girlfriend it is hard to say for sure.
Clark is friends with all of them in very different ways. Jimmy is his guy friend; they do guy stuff together. Lois is his partner, the woman he loves, and wants to spend his life with. Cat is more his confidant.

I guess Jonathan is right. However Cat seems to be going about this all wrong. Especially since Jonathan and Martha are more parents to Clark than she is willing to admit.
She doesn't know this. She thinks they're only friends.

Cat's chronology is being undermined.
You really don't like Cat much, do you?

Well, it only takes about 3 hours if that to fly from Kansas to Metropolis, so it is doable.
Improbable. But doable.

Well it is a letter from him, so I can't see reading it as too problematic. Desperate times call for desperate measures.
Yes, but he doesn't remember writing it.

So here he says it clearly. Now Clark almsot has to accept he is Superman.
Acceptance is only the first step.

I guess though it is a lot to take in. Denying still makes sense.

Umm, now he is going to really freak out.

Fortunantly Cat is wrong about this detail.
Better to err on the side of caution.

So are Jonthan and Martha still on the other end of the line. That detail got a bit confused.
Yes, Clark hadn't hung up on them, just dropped the phone on the ground.

I think it should say "It's".
Thanks. Fixed.

Don't go Lois, don't go.

Yes, but with Luthor love is an odd and twisted thing.
You know that. I know that. Clark knows that. Lois still hasn't taken off her sunglasses in the dark room.

I think that should be "because of her".
I'm going to blame the grammar gnomes. I swear they keep coming into my computer and changing my copy. Thanks for catching that. laugh

At first I wondered if these were from his other guests.
The other guests haven't started to arrive yet.

Then I wondered if they were used for The Boss business.
I was going to say that "The Boss" doesn't meet with anyone below Boss level, but that's not true. He met with Menken, and that Smart Kid's doctor Carleton, the scientist from MoSB, Miranda, even Jack in Foundling (okay, he hung back in the shadows but he was there). He's actually more out in the open than I thought. Usually they meet in HIS office though.

However my final conclusion is that they serve the same function as his secret colections. He likes having them and looking at them as things of beauty that he alone enjoys.
Ding! Ding! DING! We've got a winner!

To flaunt his wealth?
This is a man with money to burn. Literally.

I still have a big fear that Luthor won't let her get out. I hope he does, but we shall see.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Originally posted by VirginiaR:
[b]John: I'm a little behind on my responding as I got stuck in a scene that just wouldn't work for me, but now my cushion is frightfully low... let's see I just finished 100 and will post 95 Tuesday night... Yikes! 5 parts. So, I apologize if my responses are a bit delayed.[/b]

Hey this was delayed anyway, so I understand.

[QUOTE]Not that Luthor will really help with that.
They don't know that.
Clark:I have a strong feeling he won't be helpful.

Clark's powers are coming back. This world might not be destroyed by the astroid.
Are they? Or is he just remembering that the door used to have glass?
I am sticking with my first explanation.

Actually, they've discussed marriage several times already. wink
Ture, but he has not proposed. Anyway the main example of that that comes to mind was connected with him telling her about alternate dimension in a way she did not believe it, so it is not clear they ever seriously discussed it.

And factor in that she didn't want to say 'we're dating' only to have him reject her, too.
Although since she heard him tell nurse Michelle about him, she really should not worry about that possibility.

John Pack Lambert
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There's a certain group of people who believe that kissing cheeks is an acceptable form of greeting.
Not from a mass murderer.

Extra information that didn't need to be said.
Good point, but if she thought of Luthor as a friend she might have let it slip.

Technically, if CK doesn't recover his abilities, she *could* live in a world without Superman. A post-asteroid wasteland, perhaps, but live indeed.
But would it really be "without Superman" if Clark was there? Is not Superman more than just the abilities?

Which just shows how little Cat knows. Even Lois knows he has known them longer than that.
Yes, but Lois went to Smallville with him. Cat did not.
True, but it still shows Lois knows more than Cat.

Lois: smile1 I know more than cat. smile1

Cat's chronology is being undermined.
You really don't like Cat much, do you?
I don;t think I like Cat at all. I still feel she is invading Lois's proper territory.

Well, it only takes about 3 hours if that to fly from Kansas to Metropolis, so it is doable.
Improbable. But doable.
Actually there is nothing he knows which says he was in Metropolis any particular time beofe Thursday night, so maybe he had been on a week-long visit to the Kents. It really does not seem improbable with what he actually knows.

Fortunantly Cat is wrong about this detail.
Better to err on the side of caution.
Lois:Not if it keeps you from the story.

Yes, but with Luthor love is an odd and twisted thing.
You know that. I know that. Clark knows that. Lois still hasn't taken off her sunglasses in the dark room.
Although she seems close to realizing that Luthors's love does not cause him to treat her right. On the other hand, him shooting her should lead her to realize that whatever his feelings for her may be they do not gaurantee her safety.

Then I wondered if they were used for The Boss business.
I was going to say that "The Boss" doesn't meet with anyone below Boss level, but that's not true. He met with Menken, and that Smart Kid's doctor Carleton, the scientist from MoSB, Miranda, even Jack in Foundling (okay, he hung back in the shadows but he was there). He's actually more out in the open than I thought. Usually they meet in HIS office though.
So he does not need cars for The Boss business.

However my final conclusion is that they serve the same function as his secret colections. He likes having them and looking at them as things of beauty that he alone enjoys.
Ding! Ding! DING! We've got a winner!
smile1 I get more points.

John Pack Lambert
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I don't think Lois should have eaten any of the desserts or accepted a drink from Luthor. I kept thinking that he would have drugged her that way. If there's one thing I've learned from the Count of Monte Cristo, it's not to eat anything in the house of your enemies. I guess she doesn't really see him as an enemy, despite not trusting him, but I get the feeling that he's not just going to let her go like he did in the show. The whole thing is just creepy.

"It is a remarkable dichotomy. In many ways, Clark is the most human of us all. Then...he shoots fire from the skies, and it is difficult not to think of him as a god. And how fortunate we all are that it does not occur to him." -Batman (in Superman/Batman #3 by Jeph Loeb)
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Michael: wave Thanks again for all your wonderful comments.
There there. People rarely die from ‘food’ bought Ralph’s restroom chain. You’ll probably see her again in the morning. If she manages to escape from Lex’s gilded cage.
CLARK: eek What?! Ralph's is a bad chain?...

I just had an clap

<<Shoots self in foot>>
Is that the gun you were talking about earlier? I was wondering what Chekov was doing in my story.

CLARK: Umm… Role play with Lois? She dresses up as Wonder Woman, I as Superman, and then bo-chicca-bow-wow.
JIMMY: Really? Do you need a Batman?


JIMMY: A Green Lantern?


JIMMY: A Robin?


JIMMY: A hotdog vendor?


JIMMY: A photographer?

CLARK: <<contemplates this for a minute, what Lois would say to that suggestion>>

<<LOIS: No!>>

CLARK: <<frowns>> No.

Don’t worry, it’s likely that it will get to unpredictable very soon. And then, back to predictable again, when he comes to visit her on a nightly basis.
LOIS: <<Chained up in her copy-cat apartment>> Oh, look, it's the crazy multi-billionaire coming to ravish me again and hope I'll scream with pleasure. How exciting. Please note my sarcasm.

The tranqs in the wine?
LEX: [Linked Image] I have no idea to what you're referring.

No 2nd comma.
Thanks. I have no idea how that got in there. blush

Yes, I know she's not supposed to say 'yes' to dessert but that's a generic dessert. She's been given a dessert menu, much harder to resist.

LOIS: The first and the last one? Now! <drool>
Pretty much.

So, they’re going to have an orgy?
Well, this Clark does like chocolate now, so why hold back?

Superman donates space suit to charity auction.
Dats the one.

Maybe he should try putting the finger into the mixer?
CLARK: Is it Margarita time?

And now he’s naked and probably holed up with some young heiress or a porn starlet or two.
Why not? It's what Bill Church, Jr. would do.

Jimmy! What if it’s the Kents who have finally put out a hit on the guy who stole their dead son’s identity?
JIMMY: But... but... but... I *like* the Kents. They fed me when I was locked in the Sheriff's car.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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-- Continuation of my response to Michael's FDK --
She’s a smart cookie!
JONATHAN: What? You thought I just married her for her looks?

So, he’s going to remember over the phone and when Jimmy gets back, the apartment will be empty and Lois will kill Jimmy?

LOIS: Minha? What’s that supposed to mean?
LOIS: Oh, is *that* how that's spelled? I never would have guessed that from the way Clark pronounced it.

CLARK: So, I’m not just a creep but a crazy delusional creep?
LOIS: <<shrugs>> Well, at least he's out of my life. <<tosses away letter>> Has anyone seen Superman?

MARTHA (deep voice): Yes, Clark, you know it to be true. I may not be your mother, but you are my son.

By putting a little prince into her belly?
LEX: All in good time, my good man.

she saw what looked like the inside of an old ship, steel plated walls.
ER: That sentence sounds a bit off.
Yeah, it always has for me too. How about:
she saw what looked like the inside of an old naval ship, a corridor with steel plated walls.
or would this...

she saw a corridor with steel plated walls. It reminded her of the inside of an old naval ship.
sound better?

***End of Part 93***
ER: /smacks full force against said steel plated wall/ Owwww
laugh Hope your head feels better.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Originally posted by John Lambert:
Clark:I have a strong feeling he won't be helpful.
JIMMY: Cool, is like the force talking to him?

LOIS: [Linked Image]

True, but he has not proposed. Anyway the main example of that that comes to mind was connected with him telling her about alternate dimension in a way she did not believe it, so it is not clear they ever seriously discussed it.
She proposed then, and he accepted. Then there was the night before when he carried her inside her apartment and had a flash back to her canon Wedding to Lex and remembered trying on "Lois Lane Kent" for size, and she said that it felt 'weird'. Clark grumbled something to the effect of "It doesn't sound weird to me." Then there was the faux wedding from HiM. But, yes, none of those discussions were serious.

Although since she heard him tell nurse Michelle about him, she really should not worry about that possibility.
But after meeting her, and seeing her personality, he might have changed his mind.

Not from a mass murderer.
LOIS: That hasn't been proven yet.

But would it really be "without Superman" if Clark was there? Is not Superman more than just the abilities?
Well, he's Superman because of his abilities + Clark's goodness + skintight suit, but without the abilities and the suit, he's merely Clark.

I don;t think I like Cat at all. I still feel she is invading Lois's proper territory.
Or she's merely proving how much Clark really loves Lois?

Lois: Not if it keeps you from the story.
CAT: We're not talking about a story, we're talking about Clark's life!

Although she seems close to realizing that Luthors's love does not cause him to treat her right. On the other hand, him shooting her should lead her to realize that whatever his feelings for her may be they do not gaurantee her safety.
She did stop "dating" him after he shot her.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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mrsMxyzptlk: Thanks for the comments. smile1
I don't think Lois should have eaten any of the desserts or accepted a drink from Luthor. I kept thinking that he would have drugged her that way. If there's one thing I've learned from the Count of Monte Cristo, it's not to eat anything in the house of your enemies. I guess she doesn't really see him as an enemy, despite not trusting him, but I get the feeling that he's not just going to let her go like he did in the show. The whole thing is just creepy.
It's supposed to be creepy (at least in my story). I don't know which emotion they were going for in canon. Romantic? razz Doubtful. Lex's idea of romance? huh

Lois isn't Lex's enemy, Superman is. Lois is merely a means to an end... a tool, mind you. It doesn't make her any safer, true, but he's more interested in tricking her away from Superman than trapping her, which he'll only do as a last resort. Of course, the end of the world *could* be considered the last resort...

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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