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Wrong Place, Wrong Time, Wrong Clark TOC can be found HereSuch a busy, busy day for Lois, and still so much to do. Comments greatly appreciated.
Last edited by VirginiaR; 05/14/14 12:06 PM. Reason: Added Link
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Well I will make more comments latter, but for now  Lois made it out.  Clark got to talk to Lois.  Lois managed to convince Clark she still loves him. I can't believe Cat expected her plan to work in any way. No matter what Clark said, Lois was going to come over there to get Cat away.
John Pack Lambert
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“I’m not him!” Clark said, holding up his hands in self-defense. “I know I may have said that to get you into the sack, but it’s not true. It’s not!” He is still in denial. She smiled like a Cheshire Cat. “Oh, so now you’re tempted.”
“No!” How could he be tempted when he has Lois? “I haven’t forgotten about Lois!” He never forgot about Lois. 
John Pack Lambert
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“Of course, you remember your love for Lois. That you’re strong enough to move that bureau there,” she said, indicating his armoire with a tilt of her head. “That you can’t remember.” Well the first he has reminders of, the second not so much. “If you can’t do it, then I’ll realize that you’re not healed enough to fly into space. Which will cause her to get him to try to expose himself again. “Martha? Jonathan? Cat’s gone nuts! Call the police, will you?” I am surprised he did not call the police himself. “I’m not going to hurt you, Clark,” Cat purred in a very seductive manner. “I’m here to help you.” He does not want that kind of help.
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He had to admit that while she was an attractive woman, he didn’t desire her as he did Lois. Cat just wasn’t the woman he wanted.  he doesn't want Cat. “It’s all about control, Clark. Use too much heat vision and you could melt your coffee cup. Use the right amount…” Cat moaned with a lick of her lips. “You could warm me up just toasty.” She is persistent. Although I think for Clark it is getting annoying. “Cat! No!” Clark exclaimed, stepping away. When will she get it? “See, control. You still have it. If you didn’t, we’d be rolling around messing up your sheets right now, big fellow. I guarantee it,” That seems to be a totally different type of control. “It’s an armoire,” he corrected,  He might not remember much, but he remembers this.
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“Here goes nothing,” he said, nudging the armoire again. It slid forward about an inch.  He will recover and save the world. “A bunker?” Lois said. Why didn’t that surprise her? Didn’t every multi-billionaire have one? Does Bruce Wayne? unless of course he meant that the four of them and a hundred and ninety-six of their buddies would be locked in his bunker for the next three years leaving Lois, Clark, and the rest of world to live in peace. Superman, of course, would have saved Earth. Somehow I expect Luthor to have ways of telling there is not impact and coming back to the surface afterward. I wish he didn't but I figure he probably does. Lex said, as if the rest of the population of Earth were a mere afterthought. I have to say i don't get how Lois accepted marrying him after this interchange in canon. Even if there were a few months in between. On a totally unrelated note, have we reached a point where we are further into the year than the story is? It was just like Lex to decorate his bunker like his penthouse with big urns and antiques. Very practical. Is she being sarcastic here? At first read I was totally lost by that observation, but now I think I see the sarcasm. I am not good at detecting sarcasm. He didn’t understand how to survive by scratching out an existence with his bare hands. This is why he built it at the level of 200 people, so he could still have a porper number of minions. “The larger one would have missed Earth completely. So, yes, I do,” Lex said. I hope Lois stores the fact that Luthor suspects this in her mind to better evaluate his actions later. If Superman had taken a minute to get a second opinion, he might still be around to do this planet some good,” He was operating with 3 people. It made sense to assume that the team of Daitch, Zeitlin and Cosgrove had gotten multiple opinions. Luthors lines here don't really add up. Why had Daitch’s numbers changed but Lex’s hadn’t? Because Luthor messed with Daitch's numbers. “There wasn’t time. By the time I learned what EPRAD had convinced Superman to do, he had already left on his mission,” Lex said with a shrug. I hope Lois does not buy this line. Especially since the claim of an indending impact was made public hours before Daitch even asked Superman to intervene. She knew this to be true, because right now, she was having difficulty controlling her desire to punch Lex. to be my special guest on mankind’s next great adventure,” Is this line from canon. Hmm. I am surprsied she was not more creeped out there. Lex closed the gap between them. “Because I care,” he said, and she could see it in his eyes that he did care. “And, I must admit, three years will be a long time without… companionship.” Oh yeah, he is creepy. I am also not convinced he really answered her question either. He seems to be more close to answering "why a young, nubile female" without anything indicating Lois in particular. She could be naïve and assume he meant ‘friend’ but that would be just plain stupid. It would only work if he was bringing lots fewer people, and even then, I don't think so.  Although I don't think Luthor really likes her at all. He is obsessed with the idea of owning her, but has no feeling for her as a real person. The third richest man in the world had chosen her out of all the women the world as his companion, I think that should be "women of the". On another note, actually she is being naive if she thinks she is the "one" chosen. Somehow despite Luthor's lines I figure he is bringing along other potential "companions". but there was no way that she would accept.  She won't accept. OK, I never for a moment thought she would. Not since the voyeur was exposed, and even less so since her reaction to Luthor's invitation for weekly dinner. Actually, probably not since he shot her, and it did not look likely even before that. She was in love with Clark and, even if she weren’t, she wouldn’t accept. This makes total sense. She was beginning to discover what kind of man Lex really was, and trading her personal self-worth for a space in Lex’s ark would make her feel no better than a prostitute. That would be before Luthor even tried any moves on her. She would rather risk her survival in the outside world, thank you very much. This makes a lot of sense, even without Superman and CK. Was he asking her to marry him? To be his wife? No, he hadn’t used those words, Rich guys do not mean marriage unless they say so. OK, there are a few exceptions, the one that comes to mind the fastest is the truly fun 1930s film "Car of Dreams", but there at least the rich guy has the excuse that he is posing as a not rich guy, and even at that he still gets slapped by the girl since she thinks he was trying to make her his mistress. and he had on more than one occasion demonstrated to her that he didn't consider their relationship to be an equal one. Marriage is an acknowledgement of equal footing. Even when it does not include one or both parties agreeing to be sexually exclusive. Therefore, what did he want from her? A mere bedmate? That still might not properly catch his views. In the meaning and sense of the word where it is synonymous with servant or slave most likely. That seems to be his main goal. However, Lex would probably misconstrue her meaning, if she asked him such a question. He would also probably lie. He would take anything other than a clear rejection as acceptance. This is true, except that "a clear rejection" to Lois might not even count as a rejection at all to Luthor. On the other hand, how would Lex construe her rejection? What would he do? Good question. Is he confident enough that SM is dead to let risk taking actions that will make it easy to prosecute him if SM somehow did actually survive and stops the astroid? “Well, I… uh… I don’t know… I…” she sputtered to come up with something to say as Lex was waiting. She sat down on the hard sofa. I guess this makes sense. She wants to reject him in a way that will not cause him to fear letting her go. It was possible that he was so out of touch with people that he didn’t realize how creepy this was. At some level this has to be it. Well sort of. It seems he figures his suave exterior makes it so he can hide any internal oddity. She went into the kitchen and opened a drawer. There was pot she had thrown out last November after trying to cook some homemade cranberry jelly to go with her microwave Thanksgiving dinner. It had been easier to throw it away than try to clean it. Should this not seem really odd to her, its not like Luthor ever came in her kitchen.
John Pack Lambert
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She went into the bedroom and saw that someone had made the bed with her favorite sheet set. And when was Luthor ever in her bedroom? Lex had been in neither of those rooms in her apartment.  She is seeing the truth. like a gilded cage built just for her. Somehow it brings to mind "A Doll's House" by Ibsen. Although even there the man has a higher level of respect for his wife than Luthor does for Lois. Not much, but some. Kent! Did he have to be right about that too? Actually hadn't Clark been torn between it being Luthor and being B-39? A chill passed down her spine, and she knew with certainty that the longer she remained in this underground lair, the more difficult it would be for her to convince Lex to let her leave. I guess that makes sense. He has clearly done some illegal things. If she leaves quickly he will figure she might have not put two and two together. Although she does have the advantage that he does not know about the changes to her place. He evidently didn’t know the difference between right and wrong. Or he just does not care. “May I call someone to pack your personal belongings?” he asked. She could see the hope on his face. Wow, he really does not want her leaving even a little. She wouldn’t be surprised if an investigation of that copycat apartment didn’t reveal hidden microphones and cameras in there as well. Although would Luthor want others to be able to track his own behavior? That gofer who hangs around you?” His perpetual refusal to remember Jimmy's name. “I heard he walked out on you,” Lex said. Luthor is really getting too cocky for his own good. How would he kniow this? Also he seems to be too confident in the effectveness of his goons. No one ever suspected Clark had "walked out". Lois was posive he was kidnapped, and no one else really gave any reason to doubt. How had Lex known Clark had disappeared, unless he had been instrumental in making it happen? Point to Lois. She was thankful that she and Clark decided to stand in the crowd to watch the Asgard Rocket launch that afternoon instead of up in the press area. I did wonder how they avoided Clark's return becoming public knowledge. She knew she was protesting too much, but she didn’t want Lex to send anyone to Clark’s apartment to double-check. This is brilliant. Protesting too much might at times be taken as a sign that the person involved doubts the truth of their claim, or that the claim is false. However no one takes it to mean the claim is more true than you say it is. The assumption is if you could disprove with a simple "he did return" you would never say anythign else. Her eyes widened at this admission of guilt that neither Perry nor Henderson would ever consider a concrete fact. IT might be enough to focus their search. I guess it would not be enough to bring a court case against Luthor for kidnapping Clark, even if his memories fully return. “Lois, mob rule isn’t a pretty sight. You don’t have to see it,” Shouldn't Luthor not be telling her to leave. I mean he is the mob, and he rules here in the bunker, so is that not mob rule?  I hope Clark does not turn the astroid around until there is less than an hour left. That way we will be rid of Luthor for a bit.
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Clark sat on his sofa with his head in hands. He didn’t want to look into the bedroom where the secret compartment of Superman costumes still stood open, or at the Suit itself hanging from the top of the armoire. Well, at least, it explained why there was a Superman costume hiding under his sweaters, or did it? This still does not prove CK=SM. Maybe he just keeps SM's clothes for him. Although moving the dresser might prove CK=SM, but the stuff behind it, not really. “Oh.” Clark didn’t have any memories of him either. This is true on more levels than Clark realizes. Although if he actually followed what the Kents told him, he might sort of realize such. “Or maybe I’ll be really hurt. I was in the hospital just this morning, don’t forget,” Clark replied. Or he could crash but not get hurt. Clark jerked his arm free and rolled up his sleeve. If he were Superman, he might be fireproof, but his clothes certainly weren’t. Oh, I see why Cat did not bother with this detail. She has no problem with his clothes burning off. “Cooling breath. You can freeze stuff with your breath,” she said as if it were something that happened to everyone. If I were Clark I would freeze Cat at this point to get some peace and quiet. “I don’t understand it. Your abilities are coming back, but haphazardly. Sounds like a result of double expose to red kryptonite as well as green kryptonite. However I am not sure even Clark knows about red kryptonite. Clark tried not to look cynical. “You’ve seen it?” Nope, of the living only Thomas, Martha, Jonathan, Lois, Clark, Luthor, one or two of Luthor's assistants and Wayne Irig have seen it. Oh, and maybe some lab tech in Wichita, hmm, OK that is quite a few people afterall. Apparently, the Kents’ neighbors had found a big chunk of the stuff and Trask wanted it take it from them to kill you. I think that should be "wanted to take". His and Lois’s first kiss to be exact. Good he remembers that part, and even better not to tell Cat. “Nobody knows that, Clark. That was the whole point in stealing young baby Kent’s identity. I hope he followed Martha and Jonathan's conversation enough to realize that Cat does not really understand that. “I know, and the Kents know, that’s it,” Cat replied. Well except Carlos. And now Henderson. Cat appeared doubtful. “This may not be the right time. You should wait until you’re running on full steam again, honeybuns,” she recommended, tapping her forehead. Actually I think now would be a wonderful time to tell her. Maybe even give her the note to read with him standing by. “There had to be a reason you haven’t told her yet, Well for the last week or so it has just been they have been too busy and not had the right time. Hopefully he does not put too much credence in Cat's advice. OK, I mainly want him to tell her before he recovers his memory enough to remember Wells' claim about a curse. Which leads to another question. In canon Wells bothered to get proof that the curse existed, but not here. Although depending on how the curse works, even if Clark and Lois made love before going on what may have been the real honeymoon that Wells interupted, Wells might not be totally wrong. Technically they it may only apply to consumation of marriage. There was one story where Lois and Clark tell Wells that he is wrong, because they did not wait and his response was that since he still had the "Lois dies" newspaper from the next day evidently it only worked when the actions were after marriage. and you never told me what it was. You keep your relationship with Lois very close to the vest, I guess even if he does not use the letter, he could ask Martha for the letter to help him make sure he knowns what to say to Lois. Although since he has an eidetic memory, maybe the fact he has heard the whole letter does is enough. He can just think over it again to understand what is up. “‘Lois is soooo beautiful. Why won’t she talk to me? Forgive me? Love me? It’s always Superman this, or Superman that. Clearly she has not interacted much with Clark in the last week. He could not get away with such claims since just after the bombing. Well, OK, maybe just after the bombing he could still claim such. Just because Lois bought sexy lingerie with the intent of wearing it for him does not mean she loves him. However that night she said the l word to him. Cat stood back up. “Let’s get you out of those clothes and into the Suit. Clark:I can change on my own, thankyou very much Cat. I do not need your help for that. The phone rang. He glanced over at it and then back at Cat. Jimmy had told him not to answer the phone. But what if it is Lois? “Now, go get undressed. Hello?”  I so hope Lois heard that line. “Cat!” Lois growled loud enough for him to hear. “What the hell are you doing there?” Lois:I just hope Clark was able to resist her moves. I really should have stayed kissing him. “I’m trying to help Clark remember,” Cat retorted. “How’s Luthor? Are you all ready to forgive him and get back together?”
“What?” Clark gasped, sitting up. Well, I guess Cat does not know Clark and Lois were kissing so recently. Still, she is introducing way to much information to Clark without any context. Lois had dumped the third richest man in the world for him? Things could be worse.  Clark does not think Lois has gone back to Luthor. Cat shrugged, ignoring Clark’s outstretched hand. “Hell, if I know. Upset stomach or something, I gather. He left just as I got here.” The ironic thing is if Cat had paid attention to what Jimmy's actual objective was than she would have a way to maybe convince Lois not to come there. Although even a possible Superman lead would not cause Lois to let Clark stay with Cat in his current condition. “She’s trying to help me remember who I am,” he said, defending Cat. “She has some unorthodox techniques, but I…” Now Lois is going to think things were worse than they really wore. “Come on, Clark. Tell Lois you’ll see her in the morning,” Cat called from the bedroom. “Get off the phone, so we can get cracking on phase two.” Even if he did this, I don't think it would discorage Lois from coming over. “Phase two? What’s that? No!” Lois hollered in his ear before he could figure out how to explain it. Especially since he may only sort of know what it is. “Don’t tell me, and whatever you do, don’t listen to her, Clark! Remember, she’s just your friend and I’m your… your… the one you kiss. Actually I am a bit surprised she didn't just call herself his girlfriend. I guess they have not used that term, so she maybe was about to say partner and realized that was not strong enough. You better be fully clothed when I get there, or so help me God…” The phone disconnected with a reverberating slam. Well, it is not like Clark needs to change his clothes to try to fly. Clark had a strange feeling he knew why Henderson had called her Mad Dog. So what is going to happen? I really am excited for the next part.
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“I’m not him!” Clark said, holding up his hands in self-defense. “I know I may have said that to get you into the sack, but it’s not true. It’s not!” ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/midi/frech/e040.gif) Poor guy. No, Clark. All you had to say was that you’ve got a pulse of 60. “So, you and I…” Clark gulped, pointing between them. “We never…”
She smiled like a Cheshire Cat. “Oh, so now you’re tempted.”
“No!” She’s naughty! My hands and tongue on your bare skin. The heat of my body making you scream with pleasure. Is she trying to evoke some form of physical reaction? LOIS: Oh, she can get her physical reaction, all right. She shrugged, pulling off her sweatshirt to reveal a body hugging t-shirt. “I’m willing to try anything to get your memory back.” This was what her apartment had been last summer, back when the Voyeur had been spying on her. Must be a coincidence. Oh, crap! Damn Kent! Did he have to be right about that too? CLARK: /adorable shrug/
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He evidently didn’t know the difference between right and wrong. LEX: “I could push you off the balcony,” Cat said. “Maybe instinct will kick in.” 
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“I’m not that bad,” Clark insisted. READERS: Oh yes, he is. Cat stood back up. “Let’s get you out of those clothes and into the Suit. Maybe that will help you remember. Tactile memories or something.” Ooooh! She gets to help him change! CAT: Hey, I’ve got to get *something* out of this gig. she pointed out, before speaking into the receiver. “Now, go get undressed. Hello?” Oh dear. Lois is on the other end of the line and she *heard* this. Cat’s so dead. “Cat!” Lois growled loud enough for him to hear. “What the hell are you doing there?”  Michael /heads over to part 95/ Hey!
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All around a good time. I am really liking Cat in this story. More soon. Laura
Clark: “If we can be born in an instant, and die in an instant, why can’t we fall in love in an instant?”
Caroline's "Stardust"
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It's fun having Cat helping Clark remember. Love her teasing him about Lois. “‘Oh, Cat, I love her sooooo much.’” S Joan
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John: Thanks for the comments. I'm glad you enjoyed Lois's "escape". <<Party! Party! Party!>> I can't believe Cat expected her plan to work in any way. No matter what Clark said, Lois was going to come over there to get Cat away. Cat is as persistent as all the other DP reporters. How could he be tempted when he has Lois? Technically, Lois isn't there at the moment. Anyway, Cat is only teasing. Which will cause her to get him to try to expose himself again. She has the world's and Clark's best interests at heart. She is persistent. Although I think for Clark it is getting annoying. Oh, so his memories are returning? That seems to be a totally different type of control. It doesn't matter what color or shape a rabbit is, it's still a rabbit. He will recover and save the world. Possibly. The Bat Cave doesn't count? Somehow I expect Luthor to have ways of telling there is not impact and coming back to the surface afterward. I wish he didn't but I figure he probably does. Yeah, he's sneaky that way. I have to say i don't get how Lois accepted marrying him after this interchange in canon. Even if there were a few months in between. You and me both. On a totally unrelated note, have we reached a point where we are further into the year than the story is?  You mean being that we're into March in RL and the story is still back in February? Yes. I'll post a timeline reminder with tonight's part. Edit: Sorry, TOMORROW night's part.  Kids have off from school tomorrow so it feels like Friday already. Is she being sarcastic here? At first read I was totally lost by that observation, but now I think I see the sarcasm. I am not good at detecting sarcasm. That would be before Luthor even tried any moves on her. Yep, selling her body for her safety would happen before he even touched her. It isn't worth the price. Rich guys do not mean marriage unless they say so. OK, there are a few exceptions, the one that comes to mind the fastest is the truly fun 1930s film "Car of Dreams", but there at least the rich guy has the excuse that he is posing as a not rich guy, and even at that he still gets slapped by the girl since she thinks he was trying to make her his mistress. That was basically Lois's point. Marriage is an acknowledgement of equal footing. Even when it does not include one or both parties agreeing to be sexually exclusive. Men who marry trophy wives don't believe in a marriage of equals either. A concubine? JOHN: In the meaning and sense of the word where it is synonymous with servant or slave most likely. Yes, willing slave. His prisoner? JOHN: That seems to be his main goal. This one would be without her consent. He would also probably lie. That too. This is true, except that "a clear rejection" to Lois might not even count as a rejection at all to Luthor. LOIS: ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/smilie/boese/k085.gif) LEX: She likes me. Good question. Is he confident enough that SM is dead to let risk taking actions that will make it easy to prosecute him if SM somehow did actually survive and stops the astroid? Even if Superman were still around, would he be able to find Lois in a bunker 500 ft below street level? I guess this makes sense. She wants to reject him in a way that will not cause him to fear letting her go. Should this not seem really odd to her, its not like Luthor ever came in her kitchen. It does feel odd to her.
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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-- Continuation of Response to John's FDK -- And when was Luthor ever in her bedroom? LOIS: Hello? NEVER! Somehow it brings to mind "A Doll's House" by Ibsen. Although even there the man has a higher level of respect for his wife than Luthor does for Lois. Not much, but some. LEX: I'm confused. What is this "respect" word? Actually hadn't Clark been torn between it being Luthor and being B-39? Nope. That was at first. After the discovery of Monique Kahn's body and the cameras in Lois's apartment matching those found at the Carlen Building, which blew up as soon as Superman entered (shortly after SM arrived in Metropolis), Clark has believed it was Luthor. “May I call someone to pack your personal belongings?” he asked. She could see the hope on his face.
JOHN: Wow, he really does not want her leaving even a little. Scarey thing. Another canon line of dialogue. Why did canon Lois ever *want* to marry this creep? Although would Luthor want others to be able to track his own behavior? I bet he has the ability to turn them on and off by remote. His perpetual refusal to remember Jimmy's name. Doesn't matter how many times he lives this life, he still hasn't learned Jimmy name. Luthor is really getting too cocky for his own good. How would he know this? Also he seems to be too confident in the effectveness of his goons. No one ever suspected Clark had "walked out". Lois was positive he was kidnapped, and no one else really gave any reason to doubt. Let's see: a) from his DP mole; b) from the person he has following Lois around; c) from inner LNN gossip; or d) from the person who threw Clark into Hob's Bay. I did wonder how they avoided Clark's return becoming public knowledge. I told you that they spent the afternoon in the sunshine. This is brilliant. Protesting too much might at times be taken as a sign that the person involved doubts the truth of their claim, or that the claim is false. However no one takes it to mean the claim is more true than you say it is. The assumption is if you could disprove with a simple "he did return" you would never say anythign else. CAT: So, did you sleep with Lois, Clark? CLARK: Sleep? Sure did. We did LOTS of sleeping together. More sleeping than I've been getting lately. I woke up feeling better than any other night since I moved to town. CAT: <<holds up hand>> Okay. Enough already. I don't need the gruesome details. CLARK:  Always good to hear. Thanks for the comments.
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Michael: I'll get back to your FDK once I've done your 92 & 93's FDK.  Thanks for being patient with me. Laura: Thanks for the comment. I'm glad you're enjoying it. I am really liking Cat in this story. She's lots of fun. Joan: Thanks for reading. Cat trying to help Clark get back his memories was a main reason Cat got a large part in this story. When I was first thinking about doing this story, Jonathan Kent was originally killed when he fell off the ladder (and Martha had married the widower Wayne Irig), so I thought about bringing them out from Kansas, but then I decided not to kill of Jonathan, because frankly I like Jonathan. But I couldn't imagine the Kents making the trip to Metropolis if Jonathan was in a wheelchair. So, Clark needed someone in on the secret and who was local to Metropolis (in town), but couldn't be Lois for plot reasons... I was watching what Cat said to Clark during many of her interactions during S1 and saw that much of her dialogue could be used with two meanings... AS IF SHE KNEW. 
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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How could he be tempted when he has Lois? Technically, Lois isn't there at the moment. Anyway, Cat is only teasing. I meant in the more general sense. I assume Clark does not need Lois to be physically present for her to deter temptation. Clark:After seeing Lois Cat is no temptation. Somehow I expect Luthor to have ways of telling there is not impact and coming back to the surface afterward. I wish he didn't but I figure he probably does. Yeah, he's sneaky that way. Lois:Must disable Lex's exterior cameras before returning to Clark. I hope Lois stores the fact that Luthor suspects this in her mind to better evaluate his actions later. Lois learns a lot about Lex in this part that she won't readily forget. And this is why "Wrong Clark" is so much more enjoyable than Season 1. Lois is not perpetually ignoring the bad that Luthor does. I hope Lois does not buy this line. Especially since the claim of an indending impact was made public hours before Daitch even asked Superman to intervene. Yes, but if Lex was traveling at the time of the announcement, it is possible that he didn't real / hear latest news reports until arriving to Metropolis. In Luthor's case, realistically, no. I don't think she buys Luthor's lines much at all. She doesn't.  she is not accepting Luthor's lies. She figures a fully cognizant Clark would rescue here even without knowng CK=SM. She trusts Clark that much to save her. She knows that Clark with brains would leave no stone unturned to find her. She's hopeful regarding amnesiac Clark. Clark:I will even use my exception strength to free Meena. to be my special guest on mankind’s next great adventure,”
JOHN: Is this line from canon. Hmm. I am surprsied she was not more creeped out there. Yep, from canon. Actually the more I think about it, the less I understand why Lois ever dated Luthor after this incident. Although I don't think Luthor really likes her at all. He is obsessed with the idea of owning her, but has no feeling for her as a real person. Does he with anyone? Good point, but most people do not ever even debate if they are friends with Luthor. On another note, actually she is being naive if she thinks she is the "one" chosen. Somehow despite Luthor's lines I figure he is bringing along other potential "companions". LEX: But I didn't invite Mrs. Cox.  Lois:And I was so hoping she would be one of the people to go into hiding. Good question. Is he confident enough that SM is dead to let risk taking actions that will make it easy to prosecute him if SM somehow did actually survive and stops the astroid? Even if Superman were still around, would he be able to find Lois in a bunker 500 ft below street level? I think so, but maybe I am overconfident in his abilities.
John Pack Lambert
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“May I call someone to pack your personal belongings?” he asked. She could see the hope on his face.
JOHN: Wow, he really does not want her leaving even a little. Scarey thing. Another canon line of dialogue. Why did canon Lois ever *want* to marry this creep? I never understood why either. Something in her brain must have broken when Superman turned her down. That is the only explantion. Or maybe Luthor was drugging her food. Although would Luthor want others to be able to track his own behavior? I bet he has the ability to turn them on and off by remote. I guess that would make sense for him. CAT: So, did you sleep with Lois, Clark? CLARK: Sleep? Sure did. We did LOTS of sleeping together. More sleeping than I've been getting lately. I woke up feeling better than any other night since I moved to town. CAT: <<holds up hand>> Okay. Enough already. I don't need the gruesome details. CLARK: Canon dialogue, and you know he mean Mob = crazed crowd of people, right? Yes, but my interpretation was so much more fun. </font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif"> Luthor is letting her go. I am still shocked he did, especially after she saw so much of the apartment. I guess he figures that the asteroid will hit. If it doesn't it would be a bit hard to build a case for stalking against him. Not any more than canon Lois did. But canon Lois had no clear evidence her apartment had been bugged. Oh, I see why Cat did not bother with this detail. She has no problem with his clothes burning off. Or she knows about his aura. But his aura is the reason his suits are so tight. It is not large enough to protect regular clothing. If I were Clark I would freeze Cat at this point to get some peace and quiet. Well, that's not very nice. Cat is trying to save the world, after all. I still think she is being overly pushy. Actually I think now would be a wonderful time to tell her. Maybe even give her the note to read with him standing by. Yes, but you know more about what's going on than either Cat or Clark at this point. I guess he was not very clear in the note that he had really wanted to tell her. That's the rumor. Of course, if you watch the 'Soul Mates' episode, Barron Tempos said to curse their love for all time, not the consummation of said love. Those were Herb's words, but it was possible the wizard / warlock used that interpretation. It might also depend on how creative or sadistic the warlock was. However I think that I will go with the notion that Wells was just trying be discrete. Come to think of it that is the impression from his dialogue, that he is trying to avoid saying "have sex", not that if it meant to be specifically a "consumate the marriage" reference. I guess even if he does not use the letter, he could ask Martha for the letter to help him make sure he knowns what to say to Lois. Although since he has an eidetic memory, maybe the fact he has heard the whole letter does is enough. He can just think over it again to understand what is up. He only heard the first paragraph of the letter. So wait, are there parts of the letter we know about that he did not hear? Now Lois is going to think things were worse than they really wore. CLARK: I cannot help that Lois thinks the worst of Cat. That is true. It is not his fault that Cat choses such ways to express herself. Actually I am a bit surprised she didn't just call herself his girlfriend. I guess they have not used that term, so she maybe was about to say partner and realized that was not strong enough. I don't recall Lois ever using this term to describe herself at any time during the series. Hmm, intriguing. Maybe that is why Scardino did not go away.
John Pack Lambert
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Michael: I feel so behind.  I've been trying to catch up on my cushion (I'm going to send Part 102 to Beta today. If I don't write 103 in 24 hours, which is doubtful, it will be down to 5 parts again.  ), so I apologize for all the delays. Poor guy. No, Clark. All you had to say was that you’ve got a pulse of 60. CAT: That's not exactly true. There are plenty of men I have turned down, and will continue to turn down, even if the world DOES end. True, Clark isn't one of them, but <<shrugs>> Yes, here she is still using her flirty banter with Clark and he has no idea she's just teasing. CAT: I'm teasing? Oh, right. Of course I am. Is she trying to evoke some form of physical reaction? CAT: One can always hope. ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/smilie/frech/e025.gif) Hey, I'm willing to do anything to Clark to help him recover his memories and save the world. LOIS: Oh, she can get her physical reaction, all right. Poor Cat. Taking one for the entire world. See! By having her corner him against it? Possibly. CAT: See, the ER agrees with me. CLARK: The *evil* reader. Hello? That’s not fair. She distracted me. Can I get a do-over?  Well, I thought it was funny. Little finger. Just below the top halfway down the side. Usually. But he's forgotten that move. ‘the’ missing before the wall. Thanks. Fixed. Actually, no. Put a hole into it, sure. But a single finger can’t take out enough material with a single flick. Maybe if it hit a load bearing wall? Great. No we’ve got *two* Clarks afraid of touching Lois on these boards. Don't worry, it's only a passing phase with this one. CLARK: Well, I do. Just not with her. Yes, he is. Although, normally, he doesn’t change in front of Cat. If he's too modest to change in front of Nurse Michelle, why would he in front of Cat? CAT: Bruce: Just one? Oliver Queen: <huh> Bruce has his public one and his private one? I don't know Oliver Queen. Plus, they could put some reinforced concrete over the exits. LOIS: It wouldn't be fair to any of the regular people Lex suckered into his bunker to be servants (slaves), but otherwise, I like the idea. and that he was smarter than a giant lizard. ER: laughter <<until he cries>> So, Lex isn't smarter than a giant lizard. LEX: Mrs. Cox! Find the street address of the ER and send him a nice box of arsenic chocolates will you? LEX: Every empire needs an Emperor. A person telling the others what to do. Not everyone is born to be a peon. LEX: Why is this concept so difficult for some people to understand? No, Lois. The big one: <<make big boom-boom>> The small one: <<makes small boom-boom>> (Actually, smaller than that) Actually, the smaller Nightfall asteroid is larger than the one estimated to be meteor that caused the extinction of the dinosaurs. I just enjoyed Lois making a comment that nobody else seemed to differentiate between the two asteroids during ASU. (Even to the point of calling the larger and smaller asteroids by the same name.) Can someone please go all Brutus on this Caesar? Patience, grasshopper. Do her keys match, too, by any chance? LEX: No, of course not. Why would I do that? There's only one set of keys, and, lookie there, they're on Lex's keyring. Imagine that! Including the surveillance installations, given how Lex didn’t have time to remodel the place after Lois redecorated her place back topside. ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/midi/froehlich/d025.gif) LEX: The better to watch you, my dear. CLARK: I could do it with having been there just once or twice. LEX: Exactly, perhaps I have photographic memory like your dead friend here. CLARK: I'm not dead. LEX: “Because I can,” he said, ER: <<sneakily changes line>> I don't think that's exactly what Lex said. LOIS: I’ll get to be empress! LEX: Umm…nononono no. I… u… concubine. Nobody said nothing about no empress. Yes, and how well did being empress turn out for the Lois in Bobbart's "The Pub"? Maybe he just wants a partner for playing Go? LOIS: Sorry, I don't play that game. How about "Stop"? ER: <<Suggests Lois test this rejection theory with her knee>> LEX: ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/smilie/liebe/k050.gif) She's *my* kind of woman! Wowza! Why not? I love it when he does that.
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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-- Continuation of Response to Michael's FDK -- LEX: <<huh>> What’s ‘right’? Oh. The EW misspelled. See, the difference between might and wrong is that ‘wrong’ is what people without might do to offend those who have might. CLARK: Hey, even without my memories, I know the difference between Right and Left. LOIS: Okay, so where's the phone number of that priest friend of yours? No, it’s just that it’s going to be dangerous out there soon, so… LOIS: So, he's protecting little fragile ol' me? Gee, how lovely. LEX: No, not unless you start digging into the walls. Those fiber optic cameras are a great invention. Much easier to conceal, especially during a renovation. Probably best not to dig into walls 500 meters below ground though. LEX: They haven’t yet said that it will hit Metropolis. Actually, if it does hit Metropolis, the bunker will be kind of a moot point. Well, the lack of sunlight will destroy the trees needed to make the paper pulp to make the paper on which the newspaper is printed, so... But she does, every day the The Boss™ is allowed to draw breath in Metropolis that is not filtered by steel bars. LOIS: There's a Mob Boss ruling Metropolis? ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/midi/konfus/a050.gif) How could I have missed it? No wonder Star thought I was blind. Actually, there’s a story out there where Lois was his teenage daughter and Lex umm…had her as his companion.  I'm guessing that neither of them knew about Ellen's philandering? How about the backalley that leads to the entrance of Ralph’s apartment building? LOIS: I said "Street". Back alleys aren't streets. Anyway, I have no fear of Ralph, when I'm carrying my gun. Suddenly, Lois felt hand on her shoulder and then a cloth covered her mouth and nose. It smelled sweet. She knew that clogging smell. She- Clearly, there is a story in need of being written. No, that could be explained a lot of different ways. His imagination isn't what it used to be with his memories. CLARK: /Lois/ <<bounces off the alley>> /Lois/ <<bounces off the alley>> /Lois/ <<bounces off the alley>> /Lois/ <<bounces off the alley>> /LOIS/ <<finally learns how to fly>> Not quite.  Bingo! Whine. Mope. Pout. Glower. Check! Check! Check! Check! Yep. He's not a clone. “I’m not that bad,” Clark insisted. READERS: Oh yes, he is. But that's why we love him. Ooooh! She gets to help him change! CAT: Hey, I’ve got to get *something* out of this gig. Saving the world? CAT: Right. Right. But everyone gets that. EW: Bragging rights over Lois? CAT: <<contemplates this option>> Oh dear. Lois is on the other end of the line and she *heard* this. Cat’s so dead. CLARK: But I can't love someone who kills people. “Cat!” Lois growled loud enough for him to hear. “What the hell are you doing there?” CAT: Getting him undressed. Why? LOIS: Not even close. Not even in the same ballpark. CLARK: Because she gets mad a lot? Nope. CLARK: 'Cause she likes meaty bones? CAT: Who doesn't? CLARK: Because she likes chewing on bones? CAT: Perhaps. LOIS: ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/midi/konfus/a050.gif) Because when I get my teeth into something I don't let go? CLARK: No, that can't be it. Because she wants to have lots of puppies?
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.