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#93975 03/22/13 08:54 PM
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Wrong Place, Wrong Time, Wrong Clark TOC can be found Here

evil Hope you were surprised? party thud

Last edited by VirginiaR; 05/14/14 11:59 AM. Reason: Added Link

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Was I surprised? What do you think?

I've been reading this, not posted any comments before as I've only recently registered for the boards, but believe me I have been hooked from the very first word.

Firstly, Lois and her 'knowledge'. As of the previous chapter I kind of came to the conclusion that she didn't know, even though it seemed like she was calling him Clark. I wasn't sure what was going on in her mind instead though. Then came the kiss, and the comment “You’re right, Superman, one kiss changes everything.” At this point I knew she'd figured it out. So, Clark's presumption that she knew actually ended up being true.

I came to this chapter with such great excitement. It turns out I was right!!! Although I'm upset that Lois thinks Clark cheated. IT'S NOT TRUE. And now poor Lois is convinced she (effectively) cheated on Clark and feels bad about it. THAT'S NOT TRUE EITHER. I hope Clark gets back soon and they have a serious and wonderful talk.

Now the real surprise ... Perry. You nailed that so well. Lois's thoughts on spilling the secret within just 15 minutes were great. Perry's reaction to 'almost' knowing the truth. I must say that I love this development, but it truly was a surprise.

Final comment: Love the fact that a kiss gave it all away. Kind of remindes me of *covers mouth*. Some readers will know exactly what I'm talking about. wink

Lois: "You put up with me for the same reason I put up with you. It's because I'm completely in love with you."
Clark: "And I love you ... Did we just make up?"
Lois: "I think so."
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"She had just cheated on her boyfriend...with her boyfriend."

Ah the triangle!!! How I've missed it in thecomics. THis is where things are rather interesting in this pairing and what makes the idea she knows fun to play with.

I don't thnk you need to worry about things, Lois. It seems Like Clark/Suoerman may already figured out y know (although the exact timing on that knowledge is a little off.).
The positive thing about his perception of the timing is hat he doesn't KNOW you cheated on him with him (again,. The fun to write/read but a mess to be a part of triangle of two.)

Wow, the fact that Ckark doesn't have the official connection if family really DOES affect how Lois sees him. .

CLARK: No. I'm just worried I'm a jinx.
CLARK: Yeah. Let's face it, ever since she's known me, Lois's been kidnapped, frozen, pushed off buildings, almost stabbed, poisoned, buried alive and who knows what else, and it's all because of me.
-"Contact" (You're not her jinx, you're her blessing.)
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“How about a lift?” Superman suggested. Chest to chest, he floated them the two of them into the air straight up and into the clouds.
I think the first "them" is not needed.

John Pack Lambert
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“If Cat Grant is over at Clark’s apartment, I swear I’m going to tear her limb from limb,” Lois grumbled as she marched down Clinton Ave.
I guess I understand why Cat went, but is does make things difficult for Clark.

If Clark and Cat had done something, she knew she wouldn’t be able to lay it all at Cat’s doorstep.
Which is why she should not suspect they have done anything. I guess though she has not seen Clark's refusals of anything with Cat the way we have.

Clark clearly didn’t have his memories back, being that he couldn’t remember how he styled his hair.
Maybe he is just trying something new.

He nodded again. “The same. No memories, except…” He glanced at her with longing.
smile1 He still remembers her, she should not doubt him.

The first was how Superman always touched her,
She should be paying attention to the clues.

and the second… well, it felt more like something remembered from a dream.
It is how true Clark touched her.

It felt good to be in Clark’s arms again. She had been worried about him all night. Once more, his embrace made her feel safe.
smile1 they are embracing.

Lois knew Superman would stop Nightfall. She knew it,
smile1 she still belives in him.

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but with each passing hour without hearing from him, each minute the clock ticked closer towards doomsday, her fear for Superman’s well-being increased.
She really needs to learn the truth.

She shifted her gaze back to Clark. She loved Clark so much, but there was still a part of her, which was enamored with Superman, which still loved Superman, and which would always love him. It was so unfair. Clark deserved better from her.
Well, I guess this will make it slightly easier in some ways when she learns the truth.

“Here. Let me…” He scooped her up and cradled her in his arms, as Superman was apt to do.
Another clue.

Clark stared at her, really focused on her, and his eyes widened. Suddenly, his lips crashed down on hers in fiery passion.
She should see he loves only her.

Faintly, as if carried on a breeze, she heard someone, a female voice, calling to Clark. Was that what he had heard?
He should have told her Cat was there. She was bound to figure it out, and would assume the worse more if he did not tell her.

“I’ve got to run,” he announced, kissing Lois’s cheek and turning towards the blue front door of his building. “I’ll meet up with you at the Planet.”
He should have known Lois would have noticed Cat even if she did not say anything.

It didn’t hurt as much as her heart was hurting from the twisting occuring inside her chest.
I knew Cat's presence would cause problems.

She took another step, trying to catch her breath from the pain of the knowledge that Clark had Cat Grant in his apartment, and that he hadn’t told her.
Well, if he had told her would she have believed his claims that nothing happened?

Her eyes squeezed shut. He had run off as soon as he had heard her. He had been with Lois, but he had run off to be with Cat.
Hopefully he can convince her that was not his goal. He might have to mention the intruder though.

She had believed Clark when he said that he and Cat were just friends. She had bought it, despite knowing what kind of person Cat was. She was a fool! Clark had certainly slept with that strumpet.
Hopefully she can be convinced that this is no more true now then it was in the past.

That would explain his lack of shoes.
So she did notice the missing shoes.

But when Cat had awoken and called to him, he instantly dropped Lois and ran off to be with her.
Yet he was kissing and caressing her, not Cat. I guess it sort of makes sense she sees it that way. I guess after her father it is hard to truly trust men.

Lois couldn’t breathe. She loved Clark. She had been so certain that he loved her in return. How could he have done this to her?
Maybe she needs to realize if it does not add up, she is missing something.

She had promised Perry, her one and only true friend, that she would be there for him.
I hope Calrk can convince her she is wrong about him and Cat.

“Oh, Superman… Clark…” She didn’t know how to put into words her feeling of betrayal.
So she does not suspect CK=SM at all. He maybe should have let her say more.

She knew that the real Clark loved her, but since his amnesiac self had slept with Cat, would she ever be able to forgive him?
frown that she still thinks Clark would ever sleep with Cat.

Somehow, Superman had known of Clark’s betrayal and how she had needed him.
This is a major jump even for her. She has said nothing of Clark "betraying" and yet she thinks he knows.

“How about a lift?” Superman suggested. Chest to chest, he floated them the two of them into the air straight up and into the clouds.
Shouldn't she realize he is holding her differently?

Lois distinctly remembered the first time Superman had taken her into the clouds. It had been so romantic.
Oddly enough, he had been doing it to outmanouver her.

As she gazed deep into Superman’s eyes, it wasn’t hard to recall how it had once been between the two of them. The feelings, which had overpowered her when she had first met him. She relived all those stormy unguarded gazes of longing, which would turn her knees to jelly and held promise of passions to come, that Superman had given her all last summer.
So Clark was right he was shooting himself in the foot in his chances with her as himself.

His anguish when Lex had shot her and how Superman had blamed himself, even to the point of breaking up with her. Yet, despite that, Superman had continued to guard her, and only her, for weeks afterwards, giving up being a hero to make sure that she remained safe.
smile1 she understands why SM did what he did, even if she does not know everything yet.

She didn’t see how she could ever love another again.
whinging she has given up on Clark. I guess if he had slept with Cat I would not blame her, but since his real goal was to go stop Nightfall, and since she was getting abducted, I think he can explain this. I wish he had not left Lois though. He should have realized she was more hurt than she let on.

She remembered the fear and uncertainty that she had lived with day-in and day-out over the last three days, not knowing whether Superman was alive or dead.
She really has it much rouger than Cat. Cat may complain, but at least she knows SM is alive.

He had erased all her grievances with one simple apology.
Clark:If I knew it would be this easy when Lois learned I was SM, I would have told her ages ago.

It felt so good to be in his arms, to be held by him again, and to know that everything would be okay.
How can she say that when she still thinks Clark cheated on her?

Superman was still the sweet, kind, and gentle man he had always been, and deep where she had buried them when he had broken her heart in the woods all those months ago, the missing seven pieces of her heart murmured with hope.
dance she has hope.

That little encouragement was all that Lois needed to press her lips onto his. She melted into him as he opened his mouth, not to protest, but to deepen the kiss. He still wanted her as much as she wanted him.
dance more kissing.

The problem was that Lois didn’t love Superman anymore as she once had. Despite the betrayal of Clark being with Cat, Lois still only really wanted to be with him.
dance she still wants Clark. Now he just has to convince her that he and Cat were not doing what she thought. Ever. In any way.

“Oh, Clark,” she murmured through her tears. How could Clark have done this to her? She remembered how, during her first kiss with Clark, she had pretended he was Superman, and now with Superman all she wanted was to be kissing Clark.
Fortunantly for Lois she can have her hearts desire in all cases.

Here, Lois was no better than her father, cheating on Clark!
Sadly for her father though Mrs. Del Campo was not Ellen in disguise.

She had no proof that Clark had succumbed to Cat’s wiles,
party party At least she recognizes she has no evidence agaisnt Clark that proves anythign.

only that he had withheld the information that Cat had been at his apartment.
Which was probably unwise. However, considering how much he did not want to deal with them fighting I can hardly blame him.

The first chance Lois had, she was kissing another man,
Actually technically it is the same man.

Superman didn’t kiss her.
I am surprised she did not notice this before.

Superman flat out, stubbornly, refused to kiss her.
He doesn't remember why. Plus he thinks the reason why is gone. He might have a clue as to why, but he does not remember that detail.

Superman’s kisses wouldn’t be so warm, and soft, and addicting as Clark’s, would they?
Good question. I like that she is noticing how alike the kisses are. In canon that always seemed odd that she didn't notice anything, especially since it was a touch that eventually clued her in. Especially since during the heat incident he touched her in the exact, once as SM and once as CK, about as far apart as he did when she finally clues in.

“Lois,” Superman murmured against her lips, even sounding like Clark.
party she is figuring it out.

The more she kissed Superman, the more recognizable this familiar sensation became, this sensation that she wasn’t kissing Superman, but she was actually kissing a man whose lips she knew quite well.
Hopefully she is also realizing that Clark did not run off to be with Cat the way she thought he was. Although I really am confused why he ran back to his aparetment at all. Oh right, he needed to get the boots.

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She continued to stare at him. How could she not? Superman was none other than her partner Clark Kent, the man she loved, the man without a past. It all made sense now.
Finally!! hyper

I was afraid you were going to take us down another turn.

Can't wait to see how this works out.


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“I noticed that Clark has a mole right above his lip,” Cat’s voice echoed in her head. “You never noticed that.”

Sure, Lois had. There it was, right above… Superman’s lip.
I knew really noticing the mole would destroy Superman's secret. I guess making sure people don't look at his face was crucial.

Lois raised her eyes to Superman’s and recognized the same deep pools that she had fallen into numerous times when gazing into Clark’s eyes. The only difference was a pair of glasses.
dance she knows.

the man she loved,
dance she still loves him. ALthough she might still be mad about Cat. Hmm.

the man without a past.
He does need to tell her more. Not that he really knows much more.

It all made sense now.
Except that there are lots of things she does not know. Also, some things she does know will not really add up.

Superman, Clark, whoever he was, smiled sheepishly at her. “I’m sorry, Lois, but I’ve got to go.”
frown that they did not talk more know. I guess that is why you had the intruder. Otherwise Clark would just need to stop Nightfall, and that would leave him a little more time to talk to her.

“Right,” Lois replied automatically with no conscious thought behind the words. “Nightfall.”
I guess explaning that an intruder had tried to kill Cat and then jumped from the apartment and he needs to report it to Henderson would be a bit much at this point.

“Will you be all right?” he asked.
Why bother asking, the last time he trusted she was alright, he clearly made the wrong decision.

She nodded slowly. How could she not be all right? Her boyfriend was the same man who had smashed her heart into smithereens,
I guess it makes sense this still hurts her.

the same man who claimed they could never have a relationship,
Well, that is because he sees himself as first and foremost Clark. Hopefully he will be able to convince her that he is Clark first.

and the same man who had disappeared at the same time as her boyfriend.
Now she knows why.

Lois set her hand over the hand caressing her face, and then touched his face with her other hand, running her thumb over his mole. “You’re right, Superman, one kiss changes everything.”
I wish she had said Clark here. However, I guess she does not yet realize that Clark is who he is, Superman is what he can do. Also, it would have made it too clear to use she knew what was up.

She had just cheated on her boyfriend with… her boyfriend.
Which makes no sense. Especially since he thought she knew it was him. They really do need to talk. However, I guess stopping Nightfall comes first.

Lois wished this development changed things. She wished that his one lie made everything all right, but the truth of the matter was that Lois had cheated on Clark.
And yet at another level it means that she has not even been tempted to cheat on her man since she first met him. She has never even been close to cheating.

Sure, it was with Clark’s alter ego, a flying superhero, but at the time that she had initiated the kiss, she hadn’t known that.
But he had no clue she did not know it was him.

All that she had known was that she was in pain from Clark’s supposed betrayal,
I am glad she now thinks of it as a supposed betrayal.

but that somehow Lex Luthor had acquired the power to hurt him,
I guess this is true. Although not in the way she thinks. Hopefully his memory of the boat and being underwater returns soon, so they are not over scared.

the ability to kill Superman,
He probably still has some kryptonite.

and Lex was doing this because of her.
Actually, with SM it is the other way around. His interest in her is caused by his perception she has a connection with SM.

Therefore, Lois would be the only person who would be able to stop Lex.
She might be right.

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Her mind buzzed with what had just happened, what it meant,
Hopefully she no longer thinks Clark was cheating on her.

why she hadn’t seen the clues before,
His fear of discorvery caused him to hide them, but without his memory he lacked a deep seated fear.

She felt like she was repeating that day she had jumped out of Trask’s airplane and Superman had caught her.
Except this time she is not afraid Superman is dead.

Only how had he caught her? Clark had been up in Trask’s plane too.
Much faster to hear her scream than if he had been elsewhere.

Oh, that was right; he had told her that he had jumped out after her.
And the logistics of SM catching both of them had not bothered her?

Ralph stuck a finger in Lois’s face. “This is about Kent, isn’t it? He told you about me reminding him of our little bet on the Nets game, didn’t he?”
So that was Ralph.

Ralph blanched. “Geez, Lane, don’t get your panties in a twist. It was only fifty bucks.”
So did he manage to extort the money from Clark?

“If I see you anywhere near Clark in the next week,
So she realizes he does not have all his memory back, or she is just angry?

but that you tried to con Clark.”
I guess he did not get the money.

Lois’s eyes widened. How could she answer that question?
Clark:See coming up with excuses is harder than people think.

“Uh… he had something to do,” she sputtered and returned inside the conference room, shutting the door.
Well it is true. It was very important to.

“Did you threaten to kill him too?” Ralph yelled through the closed door. “Is that how he ended up brainless?”
Ralph really rubs me the wrong way. Lacking memories and being "brainless" are not the same thing. His willingness to exploit people's weaknesses makes him a really unliable character. I guess though that is the whole point of him, we are not supposed to like him, at all, ever, in any way.

She sat down on the couch and buried her face in her hands. It was her fault that Lex's goons had abducted Clark and thrown him in the bay.
Not at all. She is not responsible for Luthor being so disturbed, in any way.

Lex had tried to kill him because of her, she was sure of it.
smile1 she accepts the truth about Luthor.

Now, she only had to prove it.
That is the truly difficult part.

Lois felt battered and bruised from all the ups and downs in her two relationships with the same man, whose true identity she still did not know.
At least she does not assume she knows the full truth.

Clearly he wasn’t “Clark Kent”.
Of course she is wrong. He may or may not be able to convince her that he is really Clark with his current memories.

Clark Kent was the baby in the almost unmarked grave in Smallville.
A baby from Krypton.

“Superman” wasn’t a name, but a title, a nickname of sorts for what he could do.
smile1 she realizes Superman is not truly who he is.

“Chuck” was the closest to a real name that she had for him, but she had given him that pet name.
True, but in some ways that means it has more meaning.

What was his real name anyway?
Clark:Clark Jerome Kent.


Clark:This will take a lot of explaining, and I really don't remember much of it. Some of it makes no sense, like how you made the Superman suit and yet did not know I was Superman.

Lois:I did not make the Superman suit.

Clark:Sure you did, back when you had shorter hair.

Lois: dizzy

Clark:I don't really understand either. By the way, did I help you move?

Lois: dizzy I havn't moved since before we met.

Clark:But I rmeember you living in a different place. Oh, this is so confusing.

[Quote}"I'm a horrible person[/Quote]

I think she is being way to hard on herself. Clark would never see her actions as cheating, and if he doesn't, then how can they be?

and an even worse reporter,”
Destroying a man's ability to live a normal life is not a good reporters job.

she said as the tears poured down her cheeks. “I’m weak,
No, her heart just sees what her mind misses.

and gullible,
She has seen through Luthor. Maybe not as quick as some, but sonner than most.

and blind.”
But she saw the truth about Clark now.

“Wow, you discovered all that in less than an hour?” he asked.
Lois:Some of it I learned last night.

“I found out who Clark Kent really is,” she admitted.
Actually, she is still not one of the people who knows the full truth. Well, she has been told most of it, but has not pieced it together.

She could hear the incredulity in his voice. He thought she was carrying on over nothing. Nothing. Ha! She wished. “I can’t tell you.”
Words sure to cause him to press for more information.

Lois jumped to her feet and started to pace. “You already know, don’t you? I bet you do. I’m sure everyone here knows. If Cat had figured it out, clearly it couldn’t be that difficult, right? I’m such an idiot!”
The surest way to destroy a cover is to reveal it exists to begin with.

“You’re not an idiot, honey. What’s bothering you? Did something happen with Clark?”
Clearly Perry does not know if he is worried. Well, unless he knows a lot, hmm.

“Yes, I cheated on him!”
At least she no longer thinks he cheated on her. Still I don't think she is right she cheated on him. I think in her heart she knew the truth.

she announced, quickening her pace. “I kissed another man, kind of, sort of, not really. Well, I thought it was another man.”
So now Perry knows he has a secret identity.

“Yes! No! I don’t know. Maybe, sort of. Don’t say you didn’t know about it, because according to Cat the whole office knows,” Lois snapped.
Waht Cat claims and the truth are not always the same.

“Lois, what the whole office knows and what the whole office suspects are two different things entirely,” Perry clarified.
And Cat uses one for the other. She also sues aggresive hinting to smoke out information.

“Okay, so perhaps I’m not an idiot,” she said, dropping back onto the sofa, but that didn’t stop her from feeling like one, a galactic one.
frown she still gets negative impact from Tempus after he erased himself from time.

“Maybe everyone else doesn’t know.”
Just Cat, and Martha, and Jonathan, and Henderson and Carlos. Although She does not know Carlos, and Martha and Jonathan knew the truth about baby Clark to help them.

“Slow down, Lois. First things first, you found out Clark’s true identity?” Perry said.

“Mostly,” she admitted, biting her bottom lip.
At least she recognizes there are still important things she does not know.

“He’s not Clark Kent from Kansas then?” Perry probed.

She scoffed with a roll of her eyes. “Hardly.”
Actually he is, just a different Kansas.

“No, our Clark, the guy we know as Clark stole that Clark’s identity.
Not really, he did not know there was a Clark Kent to steal the identity of.

“I’m not sure, and I won’t be sure until he tells me,” Lois said,
At least she accepts she does not know the full truth.

Lois’s eyes went wide as she gulped. Holy crap! She tried to laugh away this guess but she found that she couldn’t move.
So much for her claim she is such a better liar than Clark.

The best she could manage was a weak smile. Was this why Clark hadn’t told her? Not fifteen minutes had passed since she had found out, and she had already given away his secret to the editor of their newspaper.
Well, maybe at some level it is why he did not tell her without plenty of time to explain.

He held up his hands. “I don’t know this.”
He needs to not know it.

“I kissed him.”

Perry looked both confused and skeptical at the same time, before asking, “Who?”
This is not really a convincing explanation.

“But you’ve kissed him before, haven’t you?” he asked.
Lois:No. Trask was totally wrong in thinking I had a romantic relationship with Superman.

“No! It was the first time. Well, I mean, I’ve kissed Clark plenty of times,
Clark:Our kissing has not been sufficient. I think we should do some more before talking.

but this was the first time I’d kissed him while he was dressed in the Super Suit,” Lois admitted.
At least now Perry knows why she thinks she knows.

“I was so excited to see him, Superman him, and know that he would save us from Nightfall, that I went a little overboard with my greeting.” Okay, that wasn’t the full truth, but it was close enough.
Actually it sounds like a complete lie. However it is probably better than bringing up she thought Clark was cheating with Cat.

“So, you’re not sure. Good. Let’s keep it that way.
Lois:But I want to know.

If I don’t have the cold hard facts, I can’t print it. This conversation never happened,” Perry said, heading for the door.
Oh, he wants to be left in the dark. Makes sense. The fewer people who know, the safer the secret is.

“Fine by me,” Lois agreed. If Clark ever found out that she had spilled the beans on him to their editor, he would be less than thrilled.
Hmm, and will she be able to keep this secret?

Perry turned around to face her again. “Did you say that Superman’s back? That he’s heading to stop Nightfall?”

“No, because we didn’t have that conversation,” she retorted.
At first I thought she meant her and Superman. On second reading I say she is denying having talked to Perry.

“But Superman is back. He just gave me a lift to the Planet.”
That at least is true.

“For future reference, Lois, that’s the story you should lead with!” Perry growled,
It avoids unwanted conversations.

Well, I am glad Lois knows. I am hoping she gets to talk with Clark about all this soon.

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The key was really the kiss. Finally! dance

The problem is that within 15 minutes she did spill the beans to Perry. Way to go Lois. frown

Herb replied, “My boy, I never say … impossible.” "Lois and Clarks"

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A half hour earlier…
And now we’ll see who was right help

As soon as he had heard her, Clark had run off.
Wait, does that mean that Cat’s Superman’s alter ego?

Damn cat! It didn’t hurt as much as her heart was hurting from the twisting occuring inside her chest.
So, how often did you have to check the correct casing of the cats in these parts? Also, typo in ‘occurring’.

Clark’s seven-hundred pound gorilla returned and he was hugging Lois to his chest so tightly she felt as if her ribs were cracking.

She had just cheated on her boyfriend with… her boyfriend.
Maybe she shouldn’t tell him. He doesn’t take it too well.

Therefore, Lois would be the only person who would be able to stop Lex.
Actually, Superman could, too. Provided he can float perfectly in place while holding a high-powered sniper rifle.

Huh, half time of the part and bed time, too! wave Michael

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Ah, this chapter was great!

I don't know which part was my favorite. Maybe when Lois compared Superman to a marshmallow or her yelling at Ralph. No, no, it was when she FINALLY figured it out! But then I also liked when she spilled it to Perry...

Oh, I don't know! I liked all of it!

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Her mind buzzed with what had just happened,
Superman had just pulled her pants down.

what it meant,
Option for sex on the ceiling.

why she hadn’t seen the clues before,
[Linked Image]

and what she should do now.
Date call-me-Danielle(sic)?

The déjà vu was overpowering.
Oh dear. She’s finally going mad.

Ralph was inside the room with some mousey researcher, who was about to make the worse mistake of her life.
See? See? /points to earlier FDK/

He had pushed her skirt up to her upper thighs and was about to do unspeakable things to that poor woman.

If Cat had figured it out, clearly it couldn’t be that difficult, right? I’m such an idiot!”
To be fair, she is exceptionally focused on the male anatomy.

“You’re not an idiot, honey. What’s bothering you? Did something happen with Clark?”
Not yet.

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“Yes, I cheated on him!” she announced, quickening her pace
RALPH: eek It wasn’t me! Just tell Kent that it wasn’t me. That smell ain’t not me, either. I’m leaving now. I hear they need a new reporter on the Aleutians.

“Well, I know with ninety-five percent certainty,” Lois said. “Until he tells me outright, I won’t know for sure, but I’m pretty sure I’m sure.” She nodded.
She could always try to use a knife on him. Although if she uses the brand new kitchen knife and he tries to convince her to put it down, that might not actually constitute actual proof.

“But he’s not a risk. I can promise you that.”
The nice, state-sponsored thug in a major’s uniform thinks differently.

“Uh-huh,” he replied, not sounding convinced. “Is he a mole from the Metropolis Star?”
Nooooo. He’s not got the cleavage for it. Although, putting him in a place where he can get ‘close’ to the DP’s leading lady might be a wise move. And if they do it right, he might not just get the scoop but destroy her in the process, too.

“No,” Lois said, still smiling. The law loves Superman.
MAYSON: [Linked Image]

“No. I said that there were bad men after him, and there are,” she conceded.
/points at Lex/

“Is Clark an undercover police officer or an FBI agent?”

“Kind of. Not really, but yeah, that works,” she said, nodding.
:rolleyes: Just tell him the truth. He’s the last son of a royal house that has come extinct in some unfortunate events back home and now he’s here incognito.

Her brow furrowed as she considered how, when, and where he might have used his abilities for a story.
/waits for her to get mad all over again over the Met Sew Rec Fac incident/ After all, he did pull her out as Superman after ‘putting her there as Clark’.

Perry thought about this for a minute, and then asked, “Is he an ultra-billionaire just trying to lead a normal life?”
LOIS: wave Michael

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Wonderful! I loved this part! Woo hoo! more soon. Laura

Clark: “If we can be born in an instant, and die in an instant, why can’t we fall in love in an instant?”

Caroline's "Stardust"
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Why can't Lois keep her mouth shut? And why couldn't she claim she was upset about some personal problem and refuse to discuss it with Perry? Of course, Perry is irritatingly persistent about wanting her to divulge what's bugging her, even though it's none of his business. I guess since he is one of Lois's few confidants, if not the only one, he seems to think he is entitled to know everything that goes on with her.

One thing I wondered was why does Lois assume that Cat knows that Clark is Superman? I didn't notice anything that would reasonably imply that, unless Lois assumes, correctly, that that is why Cat has been at Clark's apartment. Though I like that she thinks Cat figured it out, rather than assuming that Clark told Cat.

"It is a remarkable dichotomy. In many ways, Clark is the most human of us all. Then...he shoots fire from the skies, and it is difficult not to think of him as a god. And how fortunate we all are that it does not occur to him." -Batman (in Superman/Batman #3 by Jeph Loeb)
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Ralph was inside the room with some mousey researcher, who was about to make the worse mistake of her life. He had pushed her skirt up to her upper thighs and was about to do unspeakable things to that poor woman.
I think you wanted to say "worst mistake of her life".

John Pack Lambert
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KatherineKent: Hi! wave And welcome to my story.
Was I surprised? What do you think?
Enough to delurk. So, probably? [Linked Image]

I've been reading this, not posted any comments before as I've only recently registered for the boards, but believe me I have been hooked from the very first word.
Thanks. Always good to hear. [Linked Image]

Firstly, Lois and her 'knowledge'. As of the previous chapter I kind of came to the conclusion that she didn't know, even though it seemed like she was calling him Clark. I wasn't sure what was going on in her mind instead though. Then came the kiss, and the comment “You’re right, Superman, one kiss changes everything.” At this point I knew she'd figured it out. So, Clark's presumption that she knew actually ended up being true.
But not when he thought she did.

I came to this chapter with such great excitement. It turns out I was right!!! Although I'm upset that Lois thinks Clark cheated. IT'S NOT TRUE.
Lois hadn't had time to process the information and this was the first conclusion she had jumped to. Once she calmed down (thank you, Superman), she realized Clark would never do that.

And now poor Lois is convinced she (effectively) cheated on Clark and feels bad about it. THAT'S NOT TRUE EITHER.
If you think about it in the manner that if she HADN'T figured out the secret at that point and time, and still thought that Clark and Superman were two men (or if they were really two separate people)... then she would've considered the kiss as cheating. At the point when she had kissed Superman she thought they were two people, so that's why she's feeling guilty, because she believes that she's capible of cheating on Clark.

I hope Clark gets back soon and they have a serious and wonderful talk.
Um... [Linked Image]you *have* been reading my story, right? [Linked Image]

Now the real surprise ... Perry. You nailed that so well. Lois's thoughts on spilling the secret within just 15 minutes were great. Perry's reaction to 'almost' knowing the truth. I must say that I love this development, but it truly was a surprise.
Yeah, that was the surprise I was talking about.

Final comment: Love the fact that a kiss gave it all away. Kind of remindes me of *covers mouth*. Some readers will know exactly what I'm talking about.
Where Lois covers her mouth and gasps in "And the Answer is..."?

Thanks for reading. Welcome, again, to the boards! wave

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Thank you all for your comments. [Linked Image]

Christina: smile1 How did I know you'd appreciate this turn in the triangle? hyper Hi! Glad to see you're still reading.

Ah, this chapter was great!
Thank you. [Linked Image]

I don't know which part was my favorite. Maybe when Lois compared Superman to a marshmallow or her yelling at Ralph. No, no, it was when she FINALLY figured it out! But then I also liked when she spilled it to Perry...
[Linked Image]

Oh, I don't know! I liked all of it!
Well, gee, golly, shucks. Thanks. [Linked Image]

Laura: Thanks for reading and commenting.

Wonderful! I loved this part! Woo hoo!
Thanks. blush

mrsMxyzptlk: Hmmmmm. Are you one of those people who enjoys twists and turns in stories better if the next part is available to read already? laugh

Why can't Lois keep her mouth shut? And why couldn't she claim she was upset about some personal problem and refuse to discuss it with Perry?
Um... she did.

Of course, Perry is irritatingly persistent about wanting her to divulge what's bugging her, even though it's none of his business. I guess since he is one of Lois's few confidants, if not the only one, he seems to think he is entitled to know everything that goes on with her.
Perry was only trying to help.

One thing I wondered was why does Lois assume that Cat knows that Clark is Superman?
Lois will address her thinking on this a bit in 99 and more in Part 100. Basically it was Cat's comment on Clark's mole which [Linked Image] clued Lois in. There are two ways to consider Clark's friendship to Cat (in Lois's opinion): A) Either they're having sex and he's been lying this whole time, or B) the reason Clark is friends with Cat is because she knows his secret and he has no choice in the matter. (a-ha! wallbash Suddenly, why they are friends makes sense to Lois.)

I didn't notice anything that would reasonably imply that, unless Lois assumes, correctly, that that is why Cat has been at Clark's apartment. Though I like that she thinks Cat figured it out, rather than assuming that Clark told Cat.
LOIS: Well, if he had *told* Cat, instead of her figuring it out on her own, then I would just have to kill him.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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John: Thanks for the long FDK. Sorry about the delayed response. Life's crazy this week.
think the first "them" is not needed.
Thanks. Fixed.

I guess I understand why Cat went, but is does make things difficult for Clark.
And who's fault is that? Cat's? Nope. Clark's!

Which is why she should not suspect they have done anything. I guess though she has not seen Clark's refusals of anything with Cat the way we have.
Nope. Cat is smart enough not to make such an obvious move while Lois is there.

Maybe he is just trying something new.

She should be paying attention to the clues.
Yes, all those clues are starting to pile up, they could almost knock her over now.

It is how true Clark touched her.
[Linked Image]

She really needs to learn the truth.
I'll put it on my to-do list.

He should have told her Cat was there. She was bound to figure it out, and would assume the worse more if he did not tell her.
He was thinking of a way to tell her, when he got distracted by his Superman memories.

He should have known Lois would have noticed Cat even if she did not say anything.
Clark with full memories would know, but this guy doesn't have full memories yet.

I knew Cat's presence would cause problems.
That's part of her fun. Lois's assumptions.

Well, if he had told her would she have believed his claims that nothing happened?
LOIS: We'll never know now, will we?

Hopefully he can convince her that was not his goal. He might have to mention the intruder though.
It depends on how much time passes before he sees and talks with her again.

Hopefully she can be convinced that this is no more true now then it was in the past.
One is more likely to jump to wrong conclusions when faced with new information. After she has had time to think about things, she'll be able to think more clearly.

Maybe she needs to realize if it does not add up, she is missing something.
In too much pain to think clearly.

I hope Calrk can convince her she is wrong about him and Cat.
We'll have to see.

So she does not suspect CK=SM at all. He maybe should have let her say more.
She's too distraught to talk.

<<sad>> that she still thinks Clark would ever sleep with Cat.
Well, Clark has had his DNA reset with the amnesia and (in Lois's opinion) a man doesn't think with his head.

This is a major jump even for her. She has said nothing of Clark "betraying" and yet she thinks he knows.
Well, she's not far from Clark's apartment, it is possible that Superman had stopped there first and saw Cat and Clark together... and went to find Lois to comfort her.

Shouldn't she realize he is holding her differently?
Actually, when he took her up into the clouds initially, he held her like this (like he does in WhaLtTA).

Oddly enough, he had been doing it to outmanouver her.

So Clark was right he was shooting himself in the foot in his chances with her as himself.

she understands why SM did what he did, even if she does not know everything yet.
She figured this out before his press conference at STAR Labs.

she has given up on Clark. I guess if he had slept with Cat I would not blame her, but since his real goal was to go stop Nightfall, and since she was getting abducted, I think he can explain this. I wish he had not left Lois though. He should have realized she was more hurt than she let on.
She was abducted? Amnesiac Clark didn't know. Full Brained Clark would have known better.

She really has it much rouger than Cat. Cat may complain, but at least she knows SM is alive.

Clark:If I knew it would be this easy when Lois learned I was SM, I would have told her ages ago.
laugh You go right on thinking that Clark.

How can she say that when she still thinks Clark cheated on her?
She's not thinking about Clark at the moment.

she has hope.
Hope of her chances with Superman, not Clark.

she still wants Clark. Now he just has to convince her that he and Cat were not doing what she thought. Ever. In any way.
Talking was never their strong point.

Sadly for her father though Mrs. Del Campo was not Ellen in disguise.
That would have been a funny twist on canon. laugh

At least she recognizes she has no evidence agaisnt Clark that proves anythign.
She just needed some time for the shock to wear off.

Actually technically it is the same man.
She doesn't know that.

I am surprised she did not notice this before.
She wasn't thinking about Superman.

He doesn't remember why. Plus he thinks the reason why is gone. He might have a clue as to why, but he does not remember that detail.
[Linked Image]

Good question. I like that she is noticing how alike the kisses are. In canon that always seemed odd that she didn't notice anything, especially since it was a touch that eventually clued her in. Especially since during the heat incident he touched her in the exact, once as SM and once as CK, about as far apart as he did when she finally clues in.
Of course, the two times she really kissed Superman (after PML and pre-Nightfall mission) Lois was a bit distracted and wasn't thinking of Clark at the time.

Hopefully she is also realizing that Clark did not run off to be with Cat the way she thought he was. Although I really am confused why he ran back to his aparetment at all. Oh right, he needed to get the boots.
She already figured that point out. Yes, he had to get his boots, and he wanted to let Cat know that he had his memories, and to thank her for her assistance, before heading off to stop Nightfall.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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