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Wrong Place, Wrong Time, Wrong Clark TOC can be found HereSadly, my cushion has dropped down to 5 parts again.  Then I'll be back two weeks from tonight with Part 101. I'm sure you'll all be too busy voting for your favorite Kerth stories to even notice my absence. Thanks for reading, and I hope you now understand why the man jumped off of Clark's patio. To give Lois extra time to vent and think things through before meeting up with Clark again... Or will it be Superman?... Or both?
Last edited by VirginiaR; 05/14/14 10:55 AM. Reason: Added Link
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Nice to see Lois finally putting the pieces together. This line was fun: He hadn’t become editor in chief just because he could spin a straw story into gold. Joan
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 That Lois and Clark did not meet up in this section. I was so hoping that would happen, but I guess I should have figured we would have to wait longer. I guess it does make sense to work through Lois' thoughts on the matter. actually, he had! He had saved that city worker under the street when the gas line exploded. But she did not realize that was Superman until later. As she stirred in her non-dairy creamer, she remembered the ‘missing chain link’ at the Messenger warehouse. Of course! Clark had pulled the chains apart.  Lois is realizing the truth. Well his explanation was more believable at the time. There was no doubt in her mind why Superman had never kissed her. But he just did a few hours ago. OK, he thought she already knew, but she does not know that. If she did she would be less worried about it. She certainly hadn’t earned it. No wonder he had sent her off to look for Superman’s space ship at the Metropolis Sewage Reclamation Facility. I am surprised she still thinks he did this. The question, which kept rearing up in her head though, was ‘why’? Why did Clark keep trying? Why? Why hadn’t he just given up on her? Because he loves you Lois and knows how empty it is to live without you. It will probably be a long time before she realizes that, with his memories not fully back yet. I guess she does not realize his memories are still not fully back. “Apparently, I’ve had a huge crush on you since you first called me ‘Chuck’,” Clark had told her just the night before. He remembers the most important things. He just used his super hearing, that was what. He probably can read lips too. That way he can outwit actual sound-proffing. Clark knew he would have to lie to Trask to keep his Clark Kent cover intact, Actually linking to the machines had some risk of exposing that he was an alien outright. Why hadn’t she seen the simplest reason that Clark could contact Superman was that he was Superman? Good question, she did not have any counter evidence that early. Except maybe his reaction to seeing her blood. Moreover, Clark loved her.  He does not remember the curse. “So, there could be someone else out there still trying to kill you?” Even without the associate there is still the guy who highered them. “Someone who had attempted to kill one of Superman’s friends,” Henderson returned. More like someone who had failed to follow The Boss's orders.
John Pack Lambert
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Did Lex know that Clark was Superman? Fortunantly no. Was that why he had Kryptonite? Not at all. Fortunantly he did not even directly control the kryptonite that injured Clark. On the other hand, if Lex had done what Lois suspected he had done, he’d probably want Kryptonite for protection from Metropolis’ hero taking him down. True. Although Lex has it more out of proactive than defensive evil. Did Lex know what Kryptonite could do to Superman? Not exactly. At least he has never seen it in action. Had he gone after Clark specifically with Kryptonite, Fortunantly no. or had he exposed Clark by accident? This is right, although Lex figured only a little in the exposure. It was mainly an accident. Her article about what had happened in Smallville with Trask. Why, oh why, had Clark let her include that part in her article? This is the hardest question to answer to date. Lois closed her eyes in a wince. Clark had been trying to tell her the truth way back in October, but she hadn’t listened.  she sees the truth. She had laughed at the suggestion. This hurt him more than Lois realizes. Seeing Lana again had just torn him up, and learning about Rachel's death. And being exposed. So I guess he was not feeling supper, and when Lois laughed it was just too much. I guess she does have a point. I still feel for Clark though. How was Lois supposed to know that Kryptonite removed Superman’s protective shell, the ability to heal himself, and his other powers? All she had been told was the rock could kill Superman, not make him defenseless. Good point. The truth of the matter was that if Clark had seriously wanted to convince her he was Superman, he had done a lousy job at it. I guess I have to agree with her. She refused to feel guilty for not believing Clark. It wasn’t her fault; it was his. She is mostly right. Still, he was feeling down about everything. Did the Kryptonite need to be a “rock” to hurt Superman or could it be ground up into a powder and still harm him the same way? I was wondering if she would remember the watch at this point. So, exposure to Kryptonite would temporarily turn Superman into Clark, Better not explain it tht way to Clark. Thankfully, the results were only temporary; otherwise how else would Clark… Superman now be able to fly? Yes, this world would be in very bad shape if they were permanent. Well, actually not directly from the astroid, since Clark had been exposed beofre. The big question was which man would she think of when considering whom she loved? Chuck. sadly, she once again pushed her fantasies of making love to Super Clark That is a good way to think of him. That must be why the Kents offered to let Clark use the birth certificate of their dead son. At one level. There are deeper levels though. If Lois called them, would they tell her the truth? Maybe if she explained everything that had happened. A wave of sorrow enveloped her. She loved him for heaven’s sake, both sides of him, and he couldn’t even be himself around her. He can now though. Lois couldn’t believe that Cat had known all this time, and that it was to her that Clark had gone with all his secret identity problems and to be himself, instead of Lois.  This is why I always dislike Cat in this story. She seems to have a role that properly belongs to Lois. Was Cat somehow blackmailing Clark in exchange for keeping his secret? Not really, although maybe a little. Frankly, Lois couldn’t think of a single thing Cat would ask for to remain silent, besides sex. On the other hand, I would say Lois has a too simplistic view of Cat, but this is really Cat's fault. If Clark wouldn’t give it readily to Lois, the person whom he claimed he loved, she doubted he would give Cat that pleasure either.  she no longer thinks Clark cheated on her. Not only had she kissed a supposed other man, Only in her mind, not his. but her reason for doing so was horribly flawed,  Lois admitted she was wrong. It was possible that Clark and Cat had sex when Cat returned to his apartment that morning – Lois’s stomach turned somersaults at this analysis – but it wasn’t probable. Well, at least she is mostly convinced Clark did not cheat on her. Lois should have known that Clark wouldn’t cheat on her, even without his missing memories. Yes, but his actions were irregular. Clark had rushed off because he remembered that he was Superman, not to be with Cat. This is true. Although he was still rushing to Cat. and so, ‘no’ Lois refused to feel guilty for stealing that first story from him. I am surprised she di not analyze the way he used Superman to postpone her filing the story. Perry! Lois growled. He must have known. I doubt it. He seemed genuinely surprised. no way I don't think so. Absolutely not. Yes, but he beat out Lois by two days. Doubtful. Now she is just being silly. Amazingly enough, no. He has no suspicion at all. She bet her father knew as well, I doubt it. which was why he was so ticked off about Clark not saving her from being shot. No I think that is just his over-protective father bit. Was Lois the last person in Metropolis who hadn’t figured out that Clark was Superman? No, but we hope not many more figure out. She really was galatically stupid, wasn’t she? Nah, she figured it out way faster than canon-Lois. And the worst reporter on staff at the Daily Planet. Now she is just being unreasonable. I guess she is feeling a little down. Which is why Clark was probably right to not tell her when he did not have time to talk it through with her. Well, I still think he had enough time before flying off to stop nightfall, and it would have made things a lot easier, but I do see why he tried for a good time. Only, Lois refused to let herself to be bullied into giving up. She would prove to them, to everyone, that she was the best investigative reporter this city had ever seen. Hmm, I don't think anyone doubts that. She would somehow get Lex Luthor to confess to putting the hit on Clark, and all his other dark dealings, and get him behind bars. This would be her Pulitzer Prize story! I am really scared that this will put her in a lot of danger. Well, I am glad we get one more installment before the slight break. I am hoping Lois and Clark will talk in that one.
John Pack Lambert
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Top Banana
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*sigh* Great chapter but I was soooo wanting to see Lois and Clark meet up. I'm really desperate for that, please, please.
KatherineKent/Victoria Lois: "You put up with me for the same reason I put up with you. It's because I'm completely in love with you." Clark: "And I love you ... Did we just make up?" Lois: "I think so."
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Wow! What a chapter. awesome. Laura
Clark: “If we can be born in an instant, and die in an instant, why can’t we fall in love in an instant?”
Caroline's "Stardust"
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Well, duh, he was Superman! She winced at this word choice, wondering who that man from her vision was. CLARK: Lois, I’ve got this great Caribbean island I want to show you.  Michael
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I apologize in my delayed response to FDK over the past couple of weeks. First, I had computer problems and had my desktop in the shop. (I hate the touchpad on my laptop because it's always highlighting and deleting paragraphs without my permission). Then I went on vacation. I'm back now, only sadly with one more Part written. (106 is almost done.) I'll try to catch up with a little FDK each day. Please humor me. Joan: Thanks for your continued readership. Nice to see Lois finally putting the pieces together. Now, you know the true reason for having that man jump off Clark's patio. I needed to give Lois time to process all that she had learned. KatherineKent: Oh, dear. I'm betting my vacation was an extra long one for you. Hmmmm. I'd best start prepping Part 101.  Thanks for praise. ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/midi/konfus/c085.gif) I'm glad I'm still entertaining you.
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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John: Thank you so much for your indepth FDK.  Another reason this fic is so long, having to set up all these scenarios for Lois to see the truth and still have her be blind. Well it is not like she was ever in mortal danger, although more importantly nothing really happened. But at that early stage Clark / Superman was even more overprotective of her than he's learned to be since then. I guess she is right that she did effect Clark's feelings with her actions here. It's true that she did, but it's mostly hope talking here. They made love at the hospital? Or am I reading too much into this? The curse has been proved wrong? OK, I have assumed all along the curse would not work, but still. Although the key is Clark needs to know what happened.  Lois didn't state matter-of-fact either way. "Shared intimacy" could mean lots of things. His mind was only sort of there.  Exactly! Clark: What, she kisses me no matter what clothes I am wearing? How does this make her a bad girlfriend? I see nothing wrong with Lois kissing me more often.  I guess it all depends on one's point of view. Clark: But she only ever kisses me. How is this a problem? Well, let's hope she only kisses him... Really, she has never been tempted by anyone other than Clark, so I think there is really no problem. Even under revenge she was only attracked to Clark and Superman. Currently, she's in panic stage, grief stage of her thought process. I guess Superman is not immune to psycho-somatic illness. Hey, if he can be hypnotized... I am still wondering why Clark is not telling Henderson Cat was there. I guess there are a few reasons. 1-After Lois reactions to Cat he figures bringing her up might be more trouble than it is worth. 2-he wants to protect Cat from having to meet with the police. 3-he does not want Cat to slip and reveal his identity. 4-By not mentioning Cat he can basically put himself where Cat was standing, and does not have to try to work out the whole scenario anew in his head. Since he does not know Henderson knows, he figures he has to lie abotu this anyway, so it is simplier to just have him do what Cat did, and then insert Superman. Also, if the bad guys are still after him, he doesn't want to let them know how close a friend Cat is and go after her to get / punish him. So she was probably not there at all. Thank you, Det. John Henderson. He does not remember the curse. No, no he does not. Even without the associate there is still the guy who hired them. Oh, him too. More like someone who had failed to follow The Boss's orders. "Stay away from the girl who I want to bang"?
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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-- Continuation of Response to John's FDK -- True. Although Lex has it more out of proactive than defensive evil. CLARK: It really doesn't matter WHY he has it, now does it? He has it, and that's bad in my books. Not exactly. At least he has never seen it in action. LEX: Mrs. Cox! Time to run some more tests! This is the hardest question to answer to date. Because without this mythical rock, there wasn't any glue to hold the story together. This hurt him more than Lois realizes. Seeing Lana again had just torn him up, and learning about Rachel's death. And being exposed. So I guess he was not feeling supper, and when Lois laughed it was just too much. LOIS: And this is MY fault? If he had just shown me the truth, instead of giving up after his first attempt... I guess she does have a point. I still feel for Clark though. CLARK: Thank you, John. That was a painful time in my life (no pun intended). She is mostly right. Still, he was feeling down about everything. And if he had told her the truth? I was wondering if she would remember the watch at this point. Not yet. Maybe if she explained everything that had happened. LOIS: Oh, well, being a poker player, I find it better not to show people all my cards. This is why I always dislike Cat in this story. She seems to have a role that properly belongs to Lois. But then we don't have the gooey center of chocolate covered story. On the other hand, I would say Lois has a too simplistic view of Cat, but this is really Cat's fault. She has a better disguise than Clark then. Only in her mind, not his. She doesn't know this. Lois admitted she was wrong. She's feeling a bit down on herself at the moment. This is true. Although he was still rushing to Cat. But only to thank her for all of her help and to grab his boots. I am surprised she did not analyze the way he used Superman to postpone her filing the story. She doesn't want to think of him as devious. Henderson, Yes, but he beat out Lois by two days. LOIS: Wally, Ralph, Now she is just being silly. Her confidence has been shaken, and this shows how much. Amazingly enough, no. He has no suspicion at all. LEX: I'm sorry, I didn't catch that. What am I supposed to know and don't? No I think that is just his over-protective father bit. No, but we hope not many more figure out. CLARK: I've got to agree with John here. It's enough that Lois, Cat, the Kents, and Carlos know. LOIS: ....er... Clark? CLARK: What? PERRY: That conversation didn't happen, young lady. LOIS: Nothing. Nothing at all, Clark. HENDERSON: Does it get hot wearing long underwear in the summer, Kent? CLARK:  Is there anyone who doesn't know? JIMMY: Know what? Nah, she figured it out way faster than canon-Lois. She had some extra help. Now she is just being unreasonable. I guess she is feeling a little down. Which is why Clark was probably right to not tell her when he did not have time to talk it through with her. Well, I still think he had enough time before flying off to stop nightfall, and it would have made things a lot easier, but I do see why he tried for a good time. This is why Clark didn't want to reveal and run... uh... fly. Hmm, I don't think anyone doubts that. RALPH: I doubt it. PERRY: Don't listen to him, honey. LOIS: When have I *ever* listened to him? I am really scared that this will put her in a lot of danger. CLARK: Hey! I was going to say that. Well, I am glad we get one more installment before the slight break. I am hoping Lois and Clark will talk in that one. They talk... to each other?... ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/smilie/frech/e015.gif)
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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That, and I'm known for stringing things out.  I just realized the perfect Perry quip for this: They could use the yarn you're spinning to make spider silk shirts. After all, just like spider webs, the web you're weaving is strong, intricate, filed with tiny balls of knotted yarn, and once you're caught in it, there's no escaping  Michael
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Michael: Hi.  Sorry about the delay. I was trying to respond in the order the FDK was received. But now that I've tentatively finished Part 106, I will reward myself with trying to say something funny. She shook her head. He was probably from some sci-fi television show with that getup. ER: <<doesn't like the implied "cheesy" before sci-fi in Lois's thoughts>> And who kept her alive during those? Herself. <<See "Another Lois">> And who helped her break in? And who warned her about the goons coming? LOIS: So, he's helpful... sometimes. CLARK: I knew that was what she meant. LOIS: And *still* he did nothing! CAT: Hmpf. She’d never have acted on it, though. Chicken. CLARK: She looks good as a chicken. Maybe she should remember that for when he has to dash out on some errant once they’re married and the neighbor’s cat keeps getting stuck on the roof. So, you're thinking that once he's done the deed with Lois, he'll want to branch out? LEX: What’s so wrong about that. The sapien primate makes for some darn fine game. Only the antlers are a little on the smallish side… NIGEL: <<Holding woman tied to a rope>> So, sir, where shall we put this trophy? What Lois sees when she looks in a mirror: <<Lara_Croft>>
What Clark sees: <<Humpty Dumpty>> Ding! Ding! Ding! We've got a winner! Duh! See how galactically stupid she is?  Good Point! I’m sure they have some locked up in the Metro Gen psych ward. I'm sure they took those guys' glasses away from them. Is she going to figure it out? Nah. Where would be the fun in her NOT being glattically stupid? LOIS: Nah, he was actually with his trollop of the week. HENDERSON: <<checks calender>> Strangely enough, every other week seems to belong to someone named "Cat". That or he does a lot of cat sitting. CAT: Whatever position he wants actually. Post-Nightfall investigation: So, Mr. Kent, why did you not go and fly off to take out the second Nightfall? Mr. Kent aka The Coward: I had to perform my civic duty first. One always has to uphold the law and help the police officers in their duties. Eh, he had hours... And, yeah, a little bit. CLARK: No, I still have a box full protection in my bathroom. Well, the bloodspatter on the wall on the other side off the alley and the pile of pulp at the bottom suggest that our perp jumped off the balcony with enough force to almost knock a hole in the wall over there. He was certainly in quite the shape. Not very smart though, since he didn’t even know how to properly jump to his death. Nah, Clark doesn't live that high up. That sounds more like what they would say if Luthor jumped off of LexTower. Someone who’s witnessed his share of Ralphings. The Crime Scene Tech or the guy who jumped? Hello! Ugly Christmas ornament watch! She's blocked it from her conscious memory at the moment. Just like it was his fault for her hooking up with Superman. After all, *he* cheated on her with Cat first. Exactly! LEX: Good idea! Let’s try that one next. LEX: See, Nigel, I told you those microphones in Kent's apartment would come in handy. NIGEL: Um, sir, we didn't install those. LEX: Then where is this feed coming from? NIGEL: Lois Lane's brain. I installed one there. LEX: <<with admiration>> Good thinking outside the box, Nigel. Both? It’s always a good idea to think of them both when it comes to making love. Oh, was that going to happen? I thought with the curse... He hadn’t known. Otherwise, he would have done *something* once he knew of Clark’s identity issues after the first Nightfall. He did call Henderson and had him put an All Points Bulletin for his missing reporter. PERRY: And why should I interrupt Lois's steller job of using noogie to get Kent's memories back. Seemed to have work, didn't it? Even by the biggest bully at the DP. And that would be? Mad Dog Lane? CLARK: Lois, I’ve got this great Caribbean island I want to show you. It's named after a strange man named Gilligan. LOIS: That's not in the Caribbean. It's somewhere near Hawaii. CLARK: As if you could tell the difference. I'll make us a nice grass hut and... LOIS: Vatman? Is that you? I just realized the perfect Perry quip for this: They could use the yarn you're spinning to make spider silk shirts.
After all, just like spider webs, the web you're weaving is strong, intricate, filed with tiny balls of knotted yarn, and once you're caught in it, there's no escaping [Spider] ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/midi/konfus/c085.gif) Why, thank you, Michael. Thanks. It's good to be home, except for that waking up in the A.M. part.
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Boards Chief Administrator Nobel Peace Prize Winner
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But now that I've tentatively finished Part 106, I will reward myself with trying to say something funny. Ooooh! Wait, no funny in part 106? quote: And who kept her alive during those?
Herself. <<See "Another Lois">> True. But just barely. Well, Lex would have her bare. quote: CLARK: I knew that was what she meant.
LOIS: And *still* he did nothing! Duh! I’m a Gentlealien. So, you're thinking that once he's done the deed with Lois, he'll want to branch out? Who knows. LEX: Of course. I would. NIGEL: <<Holding woman tied to a rope>> So, sir, where shall we put this trophy? LEX: Bed. Duh! quote:What Lois sees when she looks in a mirror: <<Lara_Croft>>
What Clark sees: <<Humpty Dumpty>>
Ding! Ding! Ding! We've got a winner! ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/midi/froehlich/d025.gif) but also had high hopes Lois would take offense to shape of egg as applied to her. LOIS: I really don't like his use of the present tense in that sentence. I believe that should read "WAS".
CLARK: Now, who's correcting whose copy?  Michael
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Originally posted by Darth Michael: Ooooh! Wait, no funny in part 106? <<confused>> Oh, no, there is, but since I have to wait until posting, I can get quicker response with FDK. Michael? Michael? Ooops? True. But just barely. Well, Lex would have her bare. DAN: <<shyly raises his hand, only to be socked in the jaw by Jimmy, and slowly lowers his hand again.>>  I can make Mad Dog cower! LOIS: Like I don't do what I want anyway. Yeah, those are nasty. On the plus side, full inbox! EW: /Looks at inbox and sighs/ Yes, very nice.
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Oh, no, there is, but since I have to wait until posting, I can get quicker response with FDK. Michael? Michael? Ooops?  Michael
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Originally posted by Darth Michael: LEX: No, that’s much too uncomfortable on my knees. NIGEL: So, the vertical chains then. CLARK: You had to put the ‘alien’ in there, didn’t you? ER: <<sheepish blushing>> 
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.