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#94345 04/09/13 07:50 PM
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Nobel Peace Prize Winner
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Wrong Place, Wrong Time, Wrong Clark TOC can be found Here

See. Lois and Clark back together again. peep

Officially (according to Wikipedia), Lisa Marie Presley and Michael Jackson were married at the end of May 1994. At the end of February 1994, she was still married to her previous husband, Danny Kenough, from whom she got a quickie divorce and married Michael Jackson 20 days after the ink dried on the paperwork. The engagement announcement (rumor) mentioned in my story is of my own making. <<It was just too tempting an addition to resist.>>

Thank you for your patience during my vacation. I hope you don't mind me posting a few minutes early. laugh

Comments welcome.

Last edited by VirginiaR; 05/14/14 11:50 AM. Reason: Added Link

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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You continue to torment us with Lois pretending she doesn't know that Superman is Clark razz

Love the rumor about Michael Jackson and Lisa Marie Presley. Very timely.


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Awww! I was so hoping he'd blurt it out before Lois could start to pretend. But she got in there first with her 'interview' and then he began to suspect.

But what the heck is going on. I got the impression he was going to tell her, even though he came to the conclusion she didn't know, and then ... BAM ... he has to break up with her on his birthday!!!


(And what did really happen in that hospital bed????)

Lois: "You put up with me for the same reason I put up with you. It's because I'm completely in love with you."
Clark: "And I love you ... Did we just make up?"
Lois: "I think so."
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I will write a long response latter.

For now grumble Clark is such a lunkhead. grumble grumble It was bad enough when I thought Lois would break up with him. grumble grumble grumble Breaking up with Lois for her own good is a really, really, really bad idea.

John Pack Lambert
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Wow. Micheal Jackson and Lisa Marie Presley? LOL! Well Clark must really be confused. He thinks Lois knows and then she acts as if she doesn't. I am glad his memory is almost all back. He needs to go talk to her now and kiss her senseless. Laura

Clark: “If we can be born in an instant, and die in an instant, why can’t we fall in love in an instant?”

Caroline's "Stardust"
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He was from the planet Krypton, and the Kents had said something weird. Jonathan had said he was from another dimension. What was he doing here then?
So he really has no idea who he is.

Clark followed the curve of the Earth around until he saw the broad outline of North America and headed straight for the brightest set of lights. That must be Metropolis.

It turned out to be New York.
smile1 he still appreciates how she looks.

How lucky a man he was to have such a woman love him?
I hope he still thinks this is how things are at the end of this meeting.

Clark had somehow revealed his secret to her, when they talked earlier.
Kissing will do that.

He wasn’t sure how. Had he moved too quickly?
Wait, he now thinks he revealed it before he ran off to rescue Cat. Interesting idea.

Had he said or done something as Clark that he normally only did as Superman?
Maybe he did something as Superman he normally does as Clark.

It really didn’t matter how he had revealed his secret to her.
Actually, it does, a lot. He needs to avoid doing such a think with anyone else.

He knew he could trust Lois, and now that she knew, they could move forward with their relationship with no hurdles blocking their path…
I wish that was so, but I really don't see that happening anytime soon.

well, with the exception of his lack of memories.
Which means he just does not remember what the hurdles will be. She still thinks he is lieing about being Clark.

He still felt bad about making her cry earlier,
I am glad he feels bad about that.

“How’s your ankle?” he asked, breaking the ice.
I half wish he had lead with "are you ok with knowing I am also Clark", but I guess then we would miss out on the fun of Lois knowing but trying to prevent Clark from knowing she knows.

Talking made sense after hitting her over the head with his secret identity.
He is totally right about this. I actually have to even agree that his choice of conversation starting made sense.

Lois was staring at him, not blinking until his question. “Huh?”
I guess with everything else that has happened, that does not seem important.

He suspected she was about to launch into a big discussion about their relationship, and wondered if he should remind her that not all of his memories had returned.
It wouldn't hurt.

Before he could form those words, she spoke, “The world wants to know, Superman, where have you been since Friday?”
I guess this makes it seem Lois does not know The Secret TM, although it is not the only possiblity.

“What?” Clark sputtered. Did Lois just address him as ‘Superman’? Oh, right the suit.
Good thing he trust Lois with his secrets.

She must be teasing him.
If it were only that simple.

He had been so totally focused on her that, for a minute, he’d forgotten what he had just accomplished.
Good, he should avoid getting too prideful.

The adrenaline rush from his achievement finally caught up with his super speed. “I did it!” he said with a big proud grin on his face. “I stopped the Nightfall asteroid and saved Earth.” He really was Superman.
So much for not sounding prideful.

Lois gazed at him in wonder, almost sadness. “Is that really the quote you want me to use?”
I guess since Lois does not realize Clark is still not back 100%, she is not being intentionally cruel, at least not mostly.

“No!” he exclaimed. It would have to be with Lois. Anyone else would reveal that Superman wasn’t acting like his normal self.
I wish he had said that outloud. Lois needs to hear his level of trusting her.

“Uh… I’ve been resting?” he answered hesitantly, not quite sure what she expected him to say
Actually, I really am baffled by what Lois is doing.

Lois nodded as if this was an acceptable answer and jotted this down in her notebook. “Are you saying that the initial impact with the larger Nightfall asteroid wore you out?”
That might be a good story to spread. It is better to have people under-estimate his abilities.

Clark didn’t want her to interview him. He wanted to talk with her. What was the phrase Inspector Henderson had used? Off the record. “Lois?” he said, reaching towards her, but she turned away and started pacing. He dropped his arm.
I wish he would verbalize his thought process more.

“Why did it take you three days to reappear?” she asked. “Did the smaller asteroid not bother you? Were you not worried? Did you want to get a second opinion, as you hadn’t done with the initial larger asteroid? Or was it simply that you hadn’t heard of the smaller Nightfall piece and the danger it posed?”
I guess it makes sense she is asking these questions, they need to be asked. However since she knows the real answers, and knows these can't be printed, I am not really sure what her goal is here.

Clark could tell Lois was angry. He wasn’t sure if she was mad at him specifically, or at herself, or possibly at the situation in general.
Something like all of the above. However she is mad at you Clark.

He wanted to comfort her, but he wasn’t sure how to go about it with her in this mood.
It will be a bit hard. To some extent she just needs time. It might work if she was willing to admit to knowing CK=SM, but her decision to try to avoid learning that will prevent SM giving her any confort.

For now, he decided he would play along with this charade and searched for something quotable he could say as Superman, which was also the truth.
I really wish he had just scapped the charade, even if I understand why he didn't.

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“As soon as I was able to assist with removing the danger it posed… I mean, as soon as I discovered the danger and was able to assist in its… and was able to remove the danger it posed to Earth…?” he said, stumbling along with trying to find a suitable quote.
Clark you better avoid the broadcast media for the time being and stick with friendly reporters. Well, Lois may be made at you, but she loves you so it won't be too bad.

Lois stopped pacing and gazed at him quizzically. “Are you okay?”
hyper she realized that he does not have all his memories back. I wish this would get her to admit she knows, but I can see why she does not.

He sighed in relief; this inquiry didn’t feel like an interview question.
dance his memory is coming back. Oh wait, then he will remember the curse. No, stop the memory recovery now.

“And you don’t think this isn’t awkward for me?” she snapped.
Well, she is the one who decided to start the charade.

He guessed interviewing someone you knew as one person but had to pretend was someone else might be outside her comfort zone.
She is really going to have a hard time convincing him she does not know The SecretTM.

The fact that she couldn’t reveal him for who he really was, hiding his other identity from the rest of the world, must have been eating her alive.
And it has just began.

“Lois,” he whispered, resting his hands on her arms. “I love you. We’ll find a way to make this work.”
Now he is making it really hard for her. Of course he does not realize she is trying to pretend ignorance.

Lois looked at him with tortured eyes. “I love you too, Superman, but I’m in love with Clark.”
Well, that will possibly go a long why in convincing him she does not know the secret.

Clark’s jaw gaped open in stunned silence. Huh?
Now she just needs to protest to him that he has no right to be surprised.

“Even though I’ve always been enamored of you...” Lois’s voice cracked, and Clark saw that her eyes were filling with tears.
This will actually be convincing. The tears are real, although not quite for the reason she implies.

“Even though I always will be enamored of you, Superman...” she corrected, placing her hand over his. “I love Clark.” She squeezed his hand. “I love Clark more than anything in the world.”
Well, this has to be the best message Clark could get. If he had any doubt about telling her, he would have none now.

He is still sure she knows.

“He needs me,” she whispered.

Yes, and?
She needs to try hard.

Clark was still lost at what the problem was. Why was she addressing him, Clark Kent, as Superman?
He forgot to change clothes.

She knew he was Superman, didn’t she? Of course, she knew he was Superman; he was standing in front of her in the blue suit and red cape. He meant, didn’t she now know that Superman was Clark Kent? His eyes widened in realization. Did she? Hadn’t she called him ‘Clark’ while they kissed in the clouds earlier?
Technically no, but he does not know that.

Who did she think was his true self?
Lois:I have no clue. It can't be Clark, you stole a dead child's identity for that. It can't be Superman, I made up that name. What was your name of Krypton. What did your Kryptonian fiancee call you?

Clark:I had a fiancee on Krypton?

Lois:Well, it was before you came here.

Clark:Maybe that was in the other dimension.

Lois: dizzy What other dimension?

Clark:I am not sure. The Kents said something about not being my parents, but like the people who adopted me in the other dimension.

Lois: dizzy so your memory is not fully back?

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Which persona was? Even he didn’t know at this point.
He really is missing his memory.

He felt more like Clark than Superman,
smile1 he knows the truth.

but that was only because he had been introduced to his Clark persona before his Superman persona.
Maybe, maybe not.

He knew he had seen recognition in her eyes when he had set her down on the Daily Planet’s roof before he had flown to take care of that situation at his apartment.
So he knows Lois understood, although she might be able to convince him he was confused.

On the other hand, maybe her expression had meant something else.
She is going to convince him she does not know.

He still wasn’t up on everything Lois. He gazed at her in confusion.
Trust your first impressions Clark.

“I shouldn’t have kissed you earlier, Superman,” Lois clarified.
Clark:Lois, you kissing me is always OK.

He could tell now that her voice sounded hoarse as if she had been crying. “That was wrong of me.”
This is going to make Clark feel even worse over the whole thing.

“Oh, Lois, no. Never think that,” he corrected, pulling her into his embrace. If she didn’t know the truth, he would explain the misnomer now. “I love you…”
He keeps missing telling her the most important detail.

“And I love you, Superman,” she said, her voice wavering as she interrupted him. “But I’m in love with Clark. Please know that this has been the hardest decision of my life.”
Why does she go for such crazy plots?

“But, Lois, I’m…”
I hope she at least realizes he is trying to tell her the truth, and counts it in his favor that he is trying to tell her.

Lois placed her fingers over his lips. “When I kissed you earlier, I cheated on the most wonderful man I’ve ever met, and I’ll never forgive myself for that. Never.”
I guess it is good that she felt it was cheating from the perspective of convincing Clark she does not know the secret. I still think her whole plan is crazy.

Oh, no! What had he done? No wonder she had been crying. “Lois, please don’t think that,” he pleaded.
I wish he had said "but I am Clark" here.

“I will treasure that kiss, our one and only kiss for the rest of my life,” she said, caressing his cheek. “But Clark is my life now. That's the way it has to be. There can’t be an 'us'.”
You know if I didn't know that Lois knew I would be overjoyed for Clark. Since I know she knows and is enacting a crazy plan, I just can't build as much happiness.

Clark could see the anguish in her eyes. She truly loved both sides of him, which made him love her twice as much as he already did,
smile1 Clark loves her more.

He pressed his lips to hers, unable to keep himself from showing her how much he cared, and trying to let her see that he was really Clark.
If she had not figured it out before this might have worked.

Lois melted into him, tightening her arms around his neck and joining the kiss with as much fervent desire as he had ever felt for her.
smile1 more kissing.

Thoughts of all the times they had kissed flooded his mind.
I guess kiss reviving memories works a lot better in this story than it would in canon.

Their first kiss on Trask’s plane.
His memories are coming back strong if he realizes that was their first kiss, since he had kissed a Lois before that.

The soft tender kiss goodbye he gave her when she said she couldn’t be with a man who didn’t eat sweets.
That was one of the saddest moments yet in the story.

The kiss they shared on her bed after Lex shot her.
See, Cat should have left them alone last night. He would have gotten his memories back faster.

The kisses down his neck while she sat in his lap after Superman had dumped her.
I am not sure "sat" is the right verb there. She seemed to be doing a lot more than just sitting.

The kisses from the Metro Club’s supply closet.
Lois:I hope he rmembers more than just kissing. Oh wait, I am trying to not be too connected with him right now.

The kiss on her birthday.
I had forgotten they kissed on her birthday.

The kiss after the Kerth Award banquet.
Before being interrupted by Jimmy being at her place.

The kisses from when they read the newspaper together the next morning after the Kerth Awards.
That was my favorite part of the story.

The stolen kiss from under the mistletoe hanging in her window.
It would seem a lot of kisses. Except it has alos been a long story.

The kisses and other things
Maybe this phrase should have been there with the supply closet.

they had shared while she was drunk on Revenge.
smile1 He did not totally give up on telling her.

He shifted to bolt into super speed mode to go after her, only to be interrupted by a call for help. “Not now,” he grumbled, before snapping to attention to get the bearings of where the victim was located.
Another plot specific call for help. grumble always stopping Clark from telling the secret.

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“You lose your memories or something?” Cat cracked. “Did Clark erase your mind with a kiss?”
Please, please, no memory erase kisses. Those are horrible.

“Superman just told me that Clark was attacked at his apartment. Did that happen while you were there? Why didn’t you tell me?” Lois growled.
That is a very good question.

“You really don’t own that title right now, missy,” Cat retorted.
Clark:I think she is the hottest investigative reporter in Metropolis.

“When did this attack happen? Before Clark went into the alley?” Lois guessed. That would explain why he hadn’t wanted her to look in the alley. There was a dead body lying amongst the trash.
It would make sense.

Was that when you figured out that he was… you know? Because the forgetful lug kissed you outside Clark’s apartment?”
Actually, to be fair, Lois kissed SM, not the other way around.

“The what?” Lois said, getting even more annoyed. She hated that Cat knew more about Clark and Superman than she did.
Well, if she had asked him to change on the roof, I am sure he would have obliged.

It’s like having an all-access pass to a peep show with no peep.”
Lois:I am sure I could get him to let me have a peep with it. hyper Lois knows Clark had not fully recovered. Of course, the big question is, has he now?

“Someone knocked on the door after Clark went to the alley, apparently to talk to you,
Lois:We did more than just talk.

“Superman?” Lois echoed. Clark had said he remembered how to ‘access’ Superman, not ‘contact’ Superman, access him.
See Lois, he was trying to tell you over and over again, you just didn't listen.

She didn’t know if her plan would work while Clark still had amnesia.
Or if she could have the focus to go through with it.

It felt excessively cruel to enact it when he had no memories of deceiving her, even if it was for his own good.
I am really worried about this plan. Is she going to btreak up with Clark for his own good?

“He said that ‘the boss’ hadn’t wanted them to kill Clark, merely rough him up,
That does not even fit with what the guy did. If the goal was not to kill Clark, then why would he be in such fear at failure?

Lois started to pace. “So, he didn’t mention anything about Kryptonite?”
hyper Lois is going to give up her crazy plan.

“Where was he taking Clark in the boat? Out to the middle of Hob’s Bay or somewhere else? So, Clark wasn’t dumped off the pier where that other body was found back at Christmas…”
No his showing up there relates to something that happened on Christmas more directly.

Lois’s brow furrowed. More likely, it was because of what Clark meant to her.
Lois sees the truth.

How had Lex discovered that?
He did have the voyeur tapes.

She and Clark had been so discreet, hadn’t they?
She did run madly when she heard the honeymoon suite was bombed.

Lex had seemed extremely jealous about her and Clark spending those nights undercover at the Lexor together, despite all of Lois’s denials of anything having happened.
Obviously Luthor did not believe her denials.

Was he just being overly cautious?
Well he is sadistic and evil, he needs little reason to kill.

or did Lex really know about her and Clark?
He thinks he knows they have had sex multiple times. While Clark thinks it might have happened once, maybe.

Had Lex bugged her apartment again? No, Clark walked her home after his apartment had been robbed and, knowing how paranoid Superman was about her safety, probably checked her place for surveillance equipment.
Was that the last time Clark was at her place?

I am surprised it has not crossed her mind that Luthor could have had the honeymoon suite bugged for her last stay there.

If the guys who took Clark didn’t know… “Then what made Clark sick?”
This is the big question they need an answer to.

Oh, my. Clark was Superman, and she and Clark had… Lois blushed, pushing that thought out of her mind and returned to the topic at hand.
You are really trying to avoid being clear about what they did.

“No, I guess not.
He could keep it in a lead lined room to show a to his friends so they know what it is. Ok, that sounds like a horrible idea.

“Glows?” Lois repeated. Nobody had mentioned that aspect before.
Wait, didn't Thomas imply that the glow was what hurt Clark, or am I misremembering.

Lois nodded. Something nibbled at the edge of her brain. Green glowing crystal. That seemed familiar somehow, but she couldn’t remember where or when she had seen something like that.
frown I was so hoping she would remember the watch.

“Superman express. He thought it best if the guys coming after Clark didn’t know how close our relationship was, in case they went after me too or for payback for being there when their buddy died.
Lois should be thinking "If Clark is going to go to these lengths to protect Cat, what will he do to protect me". I have a really bad feeling about this.

he said he was going to helicopter out to his country house to spend his last hour with his dog, a golden lab-Rottweiler mix named Xerxes. How is that for a load of crock?”
Interesting that he even dares mention his country estate.

Lois stared at Cat in bewilderment. Lex had a country house? Where was it? Strange that he had never mentioned it. He had a dog? She just couldn’t see a man like that with a dog. Poor Xerxes.
I like Lois seeing through Luthor's lies.

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You know, before I say more, I just have to say that I think I would have been much more postive if Lois going off to check at the MPD had ended this part. Maybe I should have realized things were going to good and held off on reading the next part.

Clark landed in the alley behind the Daily Planet. He started spinning into his Clark clothes, only to realize that he had been wearing jeans and a t-shirt when he had met Lois in the alley. His whole bout with amnesia had screwed up his life.
I like that you make Clark have to deal with getting the right clothes. They never seemd to address that issue in canon, at all. There was the one scene where he had difficulty changing into the supersuit really early on, and that was it.

The worst thing about it was that the memories from when he was abducted were simply not there.
grumble you are doing this just so Clark does not realize that Lois being with CK is not as dangerous as it seems.

The last thing he could distinctly remember was arriving back to Metropolis after cleaning up the debris left from exploding Nightfall.
So his memory is almsot all back?

He assumed he had gone home because he not only had been found in a business suit and tie, without his uniform, but the Suit, which had fallen out of his armoire and into Jimmy’s hands, was the same one he wore to deal with Nightfall.
frown he does not remember calling Lois in preparation to telling him the secret.

Clark didn’t remember how he first met the man who had jumped off his patio, the boat, how he had ended up in the bay, or how he had been exposed to Kryptonite. It was just a great big hole.
It would be so helpful if he could remember this.

His memories began again from when he was pulled out of the water, but they were weak, blurry, and patchy.
This rememds me of the tvtropes page on amnesia. They cite Lois and Clark for a realistic portrayal of amnesia, in the case of Jimmy Olsen when he gets amnesia from his encounter with Veeda Doodsen. Unrealitic total amnesia backward from an event with nothing forward is so common, they do not bother mentioning that Lois and Clark both exhibit highly rare forms of near total amnesia.

They were weaker than the memories from Smallville when he and Lois went to deal with Trask, and even more paper-thin than those three days after that other Lois left him to return to her dimension,
So he now understands about the two dimensions. frown that he will not make any comment about her having shorter hair.

Clark spun back into his uniform and flew home… only to discover home was still a crime scene. He could either land as Superman, and answer a bunch of questions he really didn’t want to answer again at the moment about how that man had died on his watch, or he could go to the Daily Planet and hope Perry didn’t chew Clark a new one for the way he was dressed.
Couldn't he spin back into his regular, but not work clothes, and go and see if they would let him take out his work clothes as Clark?

He opted for the Daily Planet, mostly because Lois was there, and he wanted to set the record straight with her about her kiss… kisses with Superman.
hyper He still wants to tell her the truth.

He couldn’t believe what he had almost done with Lois.
hyper Clark is going to realize the curse is a lie.

Surely, Herb wouldn’t have come to him and told him not to consummate his relationship with Lois without concrete proof.
Why not. This is the guy who brought Tempus to the past. He obviously does not do the research.

He brushed that thought aside. Of course, Herb wouldn’t.
He introduced you to Lois with the intention of taking you back to a Loisless world in three months. He has deliberately fought you trying to asave your own Lois. Why do you think Herb is your friend Clark?

Then again, Herb did want him to return to his home dimension and take up the cape again there.
See, Herb wants you to leave.

Clark shook his head. No, Herb was his friend.
With friends like Heb, who needs enemies?

He wouldn’t sabotage his relationship with Lois without proof.
But is Herb's definition of proof sufficiently high.

He exhaled the very idea out of his head and continued up the stairs.
whinging wallbash This is a really, really, really stupid idea.

As Cat had said, if anyone knew his secret, Lois could be in danger from that person wanting Clark to do his bidding. Clark just couldn’t risk it. He couldn’t risk Lois.
Clark, you need to let Lois make that decision.

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He walked into the buzzing newsroom. There seemed to be a large crowd of people in Perry’s office, so he directed his feet in that direction. He peeked in, looking for Lois.
This is the first time ever I hope he does not find her. This is just a horrible plan he has. The worst ever. He needs to stop making Lois decisions for her.

“Whoa! Back up there, Kent,” their boss said, holding up his hand. “Who died, and why isn’t there a story about it on my desk, along with the Superman exclusive Lois said you would get us?”
Clark:Why does Lois have to give me the story now?

Great. Two stories he needed to write up.
He does have super-spped.

Perry’s brow furrowed. “What boat?”
Sadly there are probably too many boats in Metropolis to have this be a lead. Even if they found the boat they probably could not trace it to Luthor.

“Sadly, no. I mean, I have my hunches…” Clark said, letting his voice trail off with a meaningful glance at his boss.
So now they all suspect Luthor, but are going to be too pigheaded to work together on it. Mainly because Clark is too over-protective of Lois. I wish he would learn, but I guess after Lois his own Lois it is a bit hard.

He’s been busy putting out fires, literally, since he got back from space.
That was a fun line.

“Tell me about it,” Cat said, swiping a glass of champagne off a tray. “I heard a rumor that even Lisa Marie Presley accepted a marriage proposal from Michael Jackson. I mean, how desperate does a woman have to be for that to happen?”
hyper He is going to find her and wimp out of or forget about his stupid, horrible plan. OK, I don't really expect it to go that way, but I can hope, can't I?

“She came in, downed a cup of champagne in one gulp, and said she had to go meet a source and would be in tomorrow,”
Maybe seeing how emotionally cut up she is right now will convince Clark not to go through with the breakup yet.

“I don’t think the girl has slept more than two winks since Superman announced his mission to her Thursday night.”
Clark, she chose to stand by you. Let her do it. She does not mind the risk, and she will be safer with you protecting her, than not.

“MPD,” Jimmy said, joining their group and picking up a glass of champagne. “Lois went to talk to Inspector Henderson about your case, CK, and said she would be in contact and that if you needed help writing your Superman article to give her a call at her apartment.”
I hope he at least stops by her apartment. Breaking up over the phone, even "for her own good" is just tacky. OK, his whole plan is tacky.

Clark nodded. At least she had left him a message.
Clark, she loves you, or course she left you a message.

“Tell that to Lois,” she insisted, turning towards her desk.
That he could not have done it without Lois, or that he could not have done it without Cat?

Clark saw her bottom lip quiver for a moment, before she responded, “That’s two you owe me, Chuck,”
This is just wrong. Only Lois is allowed to call him Chuck.

“I owe you one dinner to talk about Phil.
Maybe Clark will see that Cat is jumping to conclusions.

“I forget,” he mumbled.
Or is it just too complicated to give a striaght answer?

Clark continued to stare at the words. It was his birthday, and he needed to break up with Lois. Some birthday gift.
frown whinging wallbash wallbash Clark, this is a horrible, terrible, unnecessary plan. Don't do it. You have broken her heart too many times as it is. You can protect her better with her by your side.

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Thank you all for sticking with me, even into the triple digit parts. smile1

Awww! I was so hoping he'd blurt it out before Lois could start to pretend. But she got in there first with her 'interview' and then he began to suspect.
Lois is quicker with the draw. Sorry.

But what the heck is going on. I got the impression he was going to tell her, even though he came to the conclusion she didn't know, and then ... BAM ... he has to break up with her on his birthday!!!

He was going to tell her, and then all those old fears for her safety came back with his memories. More on his plans in 102.

(And what did really happen in that hospital bed????)
Strange. My betas keep asking me the same question. My comment has been and will always be, Lois is the only one who knows. You must look to her for the truth. [Linked Image]

John: And I will respond to your longer FDK later as well as I'm holding off posting 102 until I finish this bit of response to 101.

For now [Grumble] Clark is such a lunkhead. [Grumble] [Grumble] It was bad enough when I thought Lois would break up with him. [Grumble] [Grumble] [Grumble] Breaking up with Lois for her own good is a really, really, really bad idea.
Then I believe you'll like the first line of Part 102. help [Linked Image] Best if you read on. wink

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Would his strength fail him at the last moment, hurtling the asteroid into him and squishing him like a bug?
/flashes back to MiB opening when the dragonfly gets squished by the truck’s windshield/

What was he doing here then?
Trolling for Lois.

and headed straight for the brightest set of lights. That must be Metropolis.

It turned out to be New York.
Batman: Noob.

Her hair, the shade of rich chocolate, moved slightly in the breeze as she munched on a strand.
LOIS: What? It’s not my fault Lucy got me chocolate scented conditioner for V-Day.

“How’s your ankle?” he asked, breaking the ice.
That scene would be awkward if Lois had just fallen while skating on a frozen pond and twisted her ankle.

“What?” Clark sputtered. Did Lois just address him as ‘Superman’?
That would be even more fun if she *didn’t* know by now.

Were you planning on giving this exclusive to another reporter?” she asked, speaking to him more sharply than he could ever recall.
As in: Her soon-to-be-dead hick partner?

Clark could tell Lois was angry. He wasn’t sure if she was mad at him specifically, or at herself, or possibly at the situation in general.
She’s run out of DFCBs and hasn’t been able to restock. The newsroom is at Defcon-Two by now, having sent Jimmy out on an emergency mission in the faint hope of staving off the big one.

The fact that she couldn’t reveal him for who he really was, hiding his other identity from the rest of the world, must have been eating her alive.
LOIS: Who cares about that? The creep made me cheat on him with himself and now he’s standing there, all doofus and adorable and begging for a treat. razz

Lois looked at him with tortured eyes. “I love you too, Superman, but I’m in love with Clark.”
eek Right, she doesn’t know he thinks she knows. Which actually makes her quite the manipulative Arianna.

Why was she addressing him, Clark Kent, as Superman? She knew he was Superman, didn’t she?
That would be fun, wouldn’t it?

Lois placed her fingers over his lips. “When I kissed you earlier, I cheated on the most wonderful man I’ve ever met, and I’ll never forgive myself for that. Never.”
Did she just make things worse for herself? Or for Clark?

They were both breathless, her from the kiss, he guessed, and him from breaking his most sacred Superman rule: never kiss Lois while he wore the super suit.
I thought that was ‘never think Clark-is-not-Superman’ while kissing her?

I’m afraid he showed up and saw us, when we kissed before and...” Lois said, falling into a now once-again familiar ramble.
Now she’s off the deep end. Or a really good actor.
LEX: hyper What if the second Nightfall was what was supposed to kill Lois?

“I heard a rumor that even Lisa Marie Presley accepted a marriage proposal from Michael Jackson. I mean, how desperate does a woman have to be for that to happen?”
wave Michael

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John: Yes, one of the frustrations for the reader is not seeing what's in my head or in my outline (which actually wouldn't be much help since I've deviated so far from it). What might be frustrating one Part could be resolved in the next, or not.

So he really has no idea who he is.
That's one of the drawbacks of amnesia. And one of the perks. Relearning about oneself.

I liked this scene. It makes sense that it would take a while for Clark to get fully up to speed.

I am also glad you gave us a more specific location for Metropolis.
Thanks. Sometimes I worry my jokes are too cheesy, because often, well, they are. laugh

Is this as good as he thinks?
CLARK: What is he talking about? It's always good to see Lois.

he still appreciates how she looks.
LOIS: [Linked Image] And why WOULDN'T he?

I hope he still thinks this is how things are at the end of this meeting.

Kissing will do that.
CANON LOIS: Not always.

Wait, he now thinks he revealed it before he ran off to rescue Cat. Interesting idea.
Possibly. He isn't sure.

Maybe he did something as Superman he normally does as Clark.
CLARK: clap

This will actually be convincing. The tears are real, although not quite for the reason she implies.
LOIS: Of course, the tears are real! Do you think this is easy for me? I want to hit the jerk over the head! But until he recovers his memories, what would be the point?

Well, this has to be the best message Clark could get. If he had any doubt about telling her, he would have none now.
It's possible to love someone and still be furiously angry with them at the same time.

He forgot to change clothes.
So, he should have floated out of the sky dressed as Clark? That would have been hard to deny. laugh

Lois:I have no clue. It can't be Clark, you stole a dead child's identity for that. It can't be Superman, I made up that name. What was your name of Krypton. What did your Kryptonian fiancee call you?

Clark:I had a fiancee on Krypton?
Yes, her name was Zara, but I don't think she was speaking yet when last you saw her.

Lois:Well, it was before you came here.

Clark:Maybe that was in the other dimension.

Lois: <<dizzy>> What other dimension?

Clark:I am not sure. The Kents said something about not being my parents, but like the people who adopted me in the other dimension.

Lois: <<dizzy>> so your memory is not fully back?
laugh Poor Lois. She'll be the one feeling like she's in another dimension with that conversation.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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-- Continuation of response to John's FDK --

So he knows Lois understood, although she might be able to convince him he was confused.
LOIS: If I can't convince an amnesiac man of something, I have no right being a journalist!

Clark:Lois, you kissing me is always OK.
Except before you know that Superman is also Clark Kent, then it wasn't okay to kiss Superman.

This is going to make Clark feel even worse over the whole thing.
LOIS: <<looking innocent>> What? I took the blame.

He keeps missing telling her the most important detail.
But love is always an important detail.

Why does she go for such crazy plots?
It happens when one falls in love with a lunkhead.

I hope she at least realizes he is trying to tell her the truth, and counts it in his favor that he is trying to tell her.
At the moment, she's not allowing him to earn any points.

I guess it is good that she felt it was cheating from the perspective of convincing Clark she does not know the secret. I still think her whole plan is crazy.
TEMPUS: They never listen. I kept telling them, to make a plan work worth anything, you have to be evil. They're just too good to make any good plans.

I wish he had said "but I am Clark" here.
Superman knows brevity, but Clark doesn't remember how to be Superman.

You know if I didn't know that Lois knew I would be overjoyed for Clark. Since I know she knows and is enacting a crazy plan, I just can't build as much happiness.
Sorry, should I cut that section out of the Archive version? wink

If she had not figured it out before this might have worked.
Well, Superman did tell her once that if they kissed once, he'd never be able to stop.

I guess kiss reviving memories works a lot better in this story than it would in canon.
He worked his magic on her, now it's her turn to work her magic on him.

LOIS: Oh, please, don't talk of magic. razz

His memories are coming back strong if he realizes that was their first kiss, since he had kissed a Lois before that.
Technically, canon Lois kissed him in the Alt-DP, and he put a stop to it. They never kissed again. frown

That was one of the saddest moments yet in the story.

I am not sure "sat" is the right verb there. She seemed to be doing a lot more than just sitting.
He's being polite.

Lois:I hope he rmembers more than just kissing. Oh wait, I am trying to not be too connected with him right now.

It would seem a lot of kisses. Except it has alos been a long story.
I've had to take it one day at a time or I'd go evil

Good thing Lois is a better liar than Clark.
CLARK: Hey, I had her believing I was two people for months!

But weren't they only kissing out of sight from the ground? Howe would Clark have seen it.
They were still kissing when they landed on the DP roof.

My first read I wondered why Lois asked this, however on second read it made sense. She has to to maintain she does not know the truth.
Perhaps it might be easier to understand her lines if you add a sarcastic tone to them that only the Reader can hear.

He did not totally give up on telling her.

Another plot specific call for help. <<grumble>> always stopping Clark from telling the secret.
CLARK: Yes, why can't these darn humans save themselves every once and while?

LOIS: Because you won't let us.

Please, please, no memory erase kisses. Those are horrible.
laugh Nah, I just threw that in for the Readers.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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-- Continuation of response to John's FDK --

Clark:I think she is the hottest investigative reporter in Metropolis.
LOIS: Why, thank you, Clark.

CAT: He's biased.

Well, if she had asked him to change on the roof, I am sure he would have obliged.
grumble I agree.

This rememds me of the tvtropes page on amnesia. They cite Lois and Clark for a realistic portrayal of amnesia, in the case of Jimmy Olsen when he gets amnesia from his encounter with Veeda Doodsen. Unrealitic total amnesia backward from an event with nothing forward is so common, they do not bother mentioning that Lois and Clark both exhibit highly rare forms of near total amnesia.
Well, Lois had the more rare type of Fruge state, where she adopted a new persona while under amnesia. Clark had the usual kind of not being able to remember, with patchy memory recalled, which then flooded back to him. I don't recall Jimmy's amnesia with getting old though. <Actually, I think Jimmy faked his amnesia to get away from a stalker ex-girlfriend, didn't he?>

So he now understands about the two dimensions. <<sad>> that he will not make any comment about her having shorter hair.
Not unless she cuts it.

Couldn't he spin back into his regular, but not work clothes, and go and see if they would let him take out his work clothes as Clark?
He really doesn't want to try that. They'll wonder why he was gone for hours and only now just "needed" his work clothes.

he remembers the curse. Oh no, oh no, oh no.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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-- Continuation of response to John's FDK --

Lois:What! Disastorous, no. Wonderful, beyond my wildest dreams.
CAT: Oh, dear. Maybe he IS really bad.

Clark is going to realize the curse is a lie.
The curse isn't a lie. It exists.

Why not. This is the guy who brought Tempus to the past. He obviously does not do the research.
I've always been of the belief that Wells is very fallible.

He introduced you to Lois with the intention of taking you back to a Loisless world in three months. He has deliberately fought you trying to asave your own Lois. Why do you think Herb is your friend Clark?
HERB: I have his best interests at heart.

With friends like Heb, who needs enemies?
LEX: Because he started it?

Clark, stop shooting yourself in the foot.
CLARK: But it's fun to see the bullets fly every which way.

Another really bad plan. Herb is a cosmic manipulator, stop trusting him at all.
Oh, dear, I've made John hate Herb. That wasn't my intention. Pity him, perhaps, hate no.

Well, this might work. If she was willing to tell him the truth.
[Linked Image]

More fun if he could get Lois to reenact the situation.

So Clark is wimping out of writing the article.
Of course not! But he hasn't come up with all his excuses just yet.

PERRY: I'm not buying it.

He is going to find her and wimp out of or forget about his stupid, horrible plan. OK, I don't really expect it to go that way, but I can hope, can't I?
There's always room for hope.

Maybe seeing how emotionally cut up she is right now will convince Clark not to go through with the breakup yet.

Clark, she chose to stand by you. Let her do it. She does not mind the risk, and she will be safer with you protecting her, than not.
LOIS: Don't listen to him! I don't want your protection. I'll get more accomplished without it!

I hope he at least stops by her apartment. Breaking up over the phone, even "for her own good" is just tacky. OK, his whole plan is tacky.
I doubt Clark is a phone break-up type of guy. He's a in-person type of guy.

That he could not have done it without Lois, or that he could not have done it without Cat?
She expects that he'll tell Lois the former, Cat's hoping he'll tell Lois the latter.

This is just wrong. Only Lois is allowed to call him Chuck.
He corrects her.

Maybe Clark will see that Cat is jumping to conclusions.

Or is it just too complicated to give a striaght answer?
Well, he didn't leave on his birthday, but a week or two later. Then he went back in time three years but three months later in the year. So, it is a bit complicated. Plus, here he's supposed to have been more in 1966. So, he knows he's one age, but he's pretending he's another... plus he has a lot on his mind.

<<sad, crying, frustrated Reader>> Clark, this is a horrible, terrible, unnecessary plan. Don't do it. You have broken her heart too many times as it is. You can protect her better with her by your side.
LOIS: Will you please be quiet!

Psst. This is my 5001 post. thud

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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CLARK: What is he talking about? It's always good to see Lois.
Clarly his memory is not back if he does not realize all the possible negatives to seeing Lois.

he still appreciates how she looks.
LOIS: [Linked Image] And why WOULDN'T he?
He's a lunkhead, sometimes he does things that make no sense. Nothing was meant to reflect badly on you Lois.

Kissing will do that.
CANON LOIS: Not always.
Canon Clark:Only because I always had my full memory when I kissed Lois in the Superman guise, so she never connected it with kissing Clark.

Wait, he now thinks he revealed it before he ran off to rescue Cat. Interesting idea.
Possibly. He isn't sure.
Lois:Well, he still did have gell in his hair, a little, maybe.

Maybe he did something as Superman he normally does as Clark.
CLARK: dizzy I did? What's that? Fly?
Kiss Lois.

Actually, it does, a lot. He needs to avoid doing such a think with anyone else.
Well, good thing it was the kiss then.
Lois:He had better not kiss anyone else, ever. If he comes down with Kryptonite poisoning from being kissed I will be extremely mad at him.

Is that because there is still ??? after my part number? Good guess. evil
Oh, I had not noticed that we still had question marks, just that you gave a number in which this story would not end. Plus, I figure you will keep Clark ignorant of what Lois knows for now.

Gee, where's the fun in that? No, no. Every properly raised young man knows, that first you start with the small talk, then move into the heart of the matter.
I was also considering that if Lois did not have the goal of preventing him from telling her, he would be able to tell her.

I guess this makes it seem Lois does not know The Secret TM, although it is not the only possiblity.
She's putting their relationship back on a business ground.
Well, the easiest way to write up an interview with Superman is to actually hold such an interview.

Good thing he trust Lois with his secrets.
CLARK: I shouldn't trust Lois? What? Why didn't Cat warn me?
Wait, I thought I was trying to say trusting Lois was the right decision.

Oh, come on, now. He can't feel pride in accomplishing saving the Earth without any prior knowledge on how to do so?
Hmm, good point. Clark probably has to work hard to not be too prideful, it is easy when you have such abilities.

She's trying to act as she would've if she hadn't discovered the secret. It's a fine line, and she does blur it a bit here.
Well, I have to say she is doing a convincing job of not knowing The Secret.

National Whisper: "Not so Superman, isn't he?"
Much better than "Superman knowcked out by Kryptonite, more available in Smallville".

Something like all of the above. However she is mad at you Clark.
Just a tad.
For that last line I think you deserve the understatement of the year award.

LOIS: What's it going to take for a man to trust me? Not Clark! Not Superman! Clearly not Perry! And even now, not even the gentle Readers. Oh, dear.
Well, I still think she is underestimating the danger that is Luthor.

Which is why he ONLY wanted to talk to her.
Very smart decision. Even if Linda could be trusted, talking to her would make Lois mad

She knows that if she tells him, he'll remember quite well even after recovering his old memories.
Too bad no one has taught her to do the memory wipe kiss.

Well, this has to be the best message Clark could get. If he had any doubt about telling her, he would have none now.
It's possible to love someone and still be furiously angry with them at the same time.
True, but I was focusing on the issue that he help out on telling her until she loved him. She clearly does now, so there is no reason not to tell her The Secret.

He forgot to change clothes.
So, he should have floated out of the sky dressed as Clark? That would have been hard to deny. laugh
Well, it would be one way to make sure that Lois could not claim to not know. She would only have the option of claiming his kiss wiped on memory.

Lois:I have no clue. It can't be Clark, you stole a dead child's identity for that. It can't be Superman, I made up that name. What was your name of Krypton. What did your Kryptonian fiancee call you?

Clark:I had a fiancee on Krypton?
Yes, her name was Zara, but I don't think she was speaking yet when last you saw her.
Although I was going with Lois assuming that the fiancee he did mention was kryptonian.

[QUOTE]Lois:Well, it was before you came here.

Clark:Maybe that was in the other dimension.

Lois: <<dizzy>> What other dimension?

Clark:I am not sure. The Kents said something about not being my parents, but like the people who adopted me in the other dimension.

Lois: <<dizzy>> so your memory is not fully back?
laugh Poor Lois. She'll be the one feeling like she's in another dimension with that conversation. [Quote]

Yep, it will be fun if he ever does that conversation with her. Even if it is after his memory is fully recovered it will confuse her.

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I hope she at least realizes he is trying to tell her the truth, and counts it in his favor that he is trying to tell her.
At the moment, she's not allowing him to earn any points.
OK, I hope she remembers he tried to tell her later when she is not so mad at him.

You know if I didn't know that Lois knew I would be overjoyed for Clark. Since I know she knows and is enacting a crazy plan, I just can't build as much happiness.
Sorry, should I cut that section out of the Archive version? wink
You could go all the way through Superman's return from stopping the astroid in Clark's view, and then do the whole section again in Lois's view. I am not sure people will be too thrilled at that though.

I guess kiss reviving memories works a lot better in this story than it would in canon.
He worked his magic on her, now it's her turn to work her magic on him.
So kisses from Lois here and from Superman in the movies have opposite effects. Lois' kisses revive memories, Superman's there destroy them. I have to say I like this version more.

His memories are coming back strong if he realizes that was their first kiss, since he had kissed a Lois before that.
Technically, canon Lois kissed him in the Alt-DP, and he put a stop to it. They never kissed again. frown
Still they did kiss.

I had forgotten they kissed on her birthday.
Well, you asked for a kiss tally.
Thankyou for it.

Before being interrupted by Jimmy being at her place.
Actually, on *that* night, I believe Clark interrupted Jimmy.
clap ture, but if Jimmy had not been there, who knows what would have happened.

Maybe this phrase should have been there with the supply closet.
They did more during PML than during the Metro Club.
I guess you are right about that.

Does he remember the curse?
[Linked Image] What do you think? That he'd regain his memories, but not that one?
Well, it is not like he is interacting with Herb. Maybe he is just regaining memories of Lois.

That was much better than in canon.
LOIS: I thought so.

CLARK: Wait, you remember kissing your first Clark?

LOIS: My first Clark?

CLARK: blush Never mind.

I guess that was better than the kiss in canon. And this way of SM and Lois sharing a kiss makes more sense than the one in canon.
Because she was kissing Clark before SM took off, and now they're kissing because SM wants her to know he's CK?
Well, that too. I was more thinking if Clark does not want Lois to be too associated with him, he should not publicly kiss her as SM. Plus, if there is any hope for them, her publicly kissing him as SM might point to The Secret in the future.

But weren't they only kissing out of sight from the ground? Howe would Clark have seen it.
They were still kissing when they landed on the DP roof.
OK, in theory he might have seen it there. Not likely though.

Another plot specific call for help. <<grumble>> always stopping Clark from telling the secret.
CLARK: Yes, why can't these darn humans save themselves every once and while?

LOIS: Because you won't let us.
I do have to say that some of the cries for help he responded to in the latter part of season 2 that drove such a wedge between him and Lois really did not seem to justify either his showing up and even more so his sticking around as much as he did. The having the punks clean off the grafitti which made it so he was not there when Scardino showed up with dinner and wine never really made sense to me.

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She did run madly when she heard the honeymoon suite was bombed.
Even if Clark were merely her partner, she'd be worried a) about him, and b) about their evidence.
But would Luthor think someone would care that much about just a co-worker?

Well he is sadistic and evil, he needs little reason to kill.
LEX: I'm always cautious. I don't want to be caught, now do I?
That's why he highers the people through multiple layers of delegation.

I am surprised it has not crossed her mind that Luthor could have had the honeymoon suite bugged for her last stay there.
But Lex didn't find out that Lois and Clark stayed there until after it was bombed, so why video them?
Thus, it is only likely on her last night there.

Wait, didn't Thomas imply that the glow was what hurt Clark, or am I misremembering.
Not to Lois. I believe that conversation was between the Kents and Thomas.
Hmm, I still somehow think he said something about it to Lois, but maybe I am just wrong.

I was so hoping she would remember the watch.
LOIS: I try to block out everything that has to do with Lex from my mind.
That will make investigating him tricky.

you are doing this just so Clark does not realize that Lois being with CK is not as dangerous as it seems.
So, you want him to remember the watch?
It would make things a lot simpler. I guess I should not expect simple in your stories.

he does not remember calling Lois in preparation to telling him the secret.
Nope, but I'm sure she'd play him the tape if he asked.
Well, maybe not right now. She probably should hold off on doing that until she is ready for him to tell her The Secret.

Well, Lois had the more rare type of Fruge state, where she adopted a new persona while under amnesia. Clark had the usual kind of not being able to remember, with patchy memory recalled, which then flooded back to him. I don't recall Jimmy's amnesia with getting old though. <Actually, I think Jimmy faked his amnesia to get away from a stalker ex-girlfriend, didn't he?>
He had only very sketchy memory of right before and after he was "trated" by Dr. Doodsen.

Couldn't he spin back into his regular, but not work clothes, and go and see if they would let him take out his work clothes as Clark?
He really doesn't want to try that. They'll wonder why he was gone for hours and only now just "needed" his work clothes.
Good point. I guess the path he chose requires the fewest near impossible explanations.

John Pack Lambert
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