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#94515 04/16/13 08:56 PM
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Wrong Place, Wrong Time, Wrong Clark TOC can be found Here


Comments welcome!

Last edited by VirginiaR; 05/13/14 12:33 PM. Reason: Added Link

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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... only to destroy everything with one stupid amnesiac kiss.
laugh Hahaha! Not an amnesia-inducing kiss, thankfully.

I'm getting very frustrated with Lois. Sooner or later, her schemes are going to backfire painfully.

I like how Perry was tip-toeing through his conversation with Clark, looking for evidence that he's Superman. Clark is going to flip out when Perry slips up one of these days and lets him know that he knows.

"It is a remarkable dichotomy. In many ways, Clark is the most human of us all. Then...he shoots fire from the skies, and it is difficult not to think of him as a god. And how fortunate we all are that it does not occur to him." -Batman (in Superman/Batman #3 by Jeph Loeb)
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Yeah, right. If Lex had wanted her know about Nightfall, he had had more than ample opportunity to disclose that information to her.
I think you want a "to" between her and know.

“He’s a source!” Lois repeated, and then lowered her voice. “Look, when I was at the bunker the other night, Lex hinted that the powers-that-be knew Nightfall was coming last spring, and knew that it supposed to come close, but not hit.”
I think it should be "that it was supposed to".

John Pack Lambert
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Clark had just bolted out of the office with some lame excuse about going to meet a source,
How long will Lois be able to resist saying "yeah right, you need to go rescue someone as Superman."

Lois picked up her telephone and dialed Lex’s private line.
This is still a crazy pan.

I wanted to thank you again for the other night,” Lois said vaguely, lowering her voice. “Your consideration of me and my needs, as well as your generous offer were very kind. I’m honored, and more than a little flattered, that you thought of me.”
I am surprised she can pull off thanking him for being so creepy. How does she avoid shuddering at it all?

“Excuse me?” Lois asked, her heart racing. She took an extra glance at Clark’s desk to reassure herself that he wasn’t within earshot. Had Lex thought that his ‘companion’ speech in the bunker was a proposal of marriage?
No, not in a thousand years.

“To dinner, say once a week, to discuss current events. I’ll talk to you about what I’ve heard. You’ll talk to me about what you’ve heard,” he said. “It would be mutually beneficial.”
It will probably be mutually frustrating. They will both be trying to manipulate the other into helping their goals.

After what he had said in the bunker, and having most likely put the hit on Clark because of her, Lois knew Lex was lying.
grumble no direct interaction of Lois and Clark. grumble

Eugene Laderman’s trial was back on after a month of continuances.
I like this mention here. It always seemed odd that Lois had been covering the trial, and yet we never heard of it until it finished.

Clark felt like an idiot. Why had he opened his mouth last night?
Yes, why did he do it? If he hadn't than they would still be dating, at least until Lois figures out how to brake up with him. frown

He never should have told Lois that he had come there to break-up with her,
Actually, it was the most honest thing to do. How else was he to explain his extreme lack of appetite? Still, there was probably a way and it would have been wiser.

How could he have let Lois dump him? How?
Well, she is her own person, so as long as he respects her freedom he does let her do things. Hmm, I was thinking her talk of it being temporary and still loving him in her heart would have caused him to be less down about things. I guess he really did not hear that part. Not at least with the earnestness and truth it was spoken.

He had her exactly where he wanted her. He loved her, and she loved him. Not that they could do anything but date and kiss from now until kingdom come, or Herb returned,
Don't expect that to happen anytime soon.

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How could he argue against her feeling horrible about kissing ‘another man’?
Really his only response is to tell her he is Superman which she keeps cutting off.

He had tried to tell her that he was Superman,
He should wonder why she cut him off so much.

tried to explain that she hadn’t technically cheated on him,
Which means in some way she did cheat.

and tried to convince her that she was better off with him than without him,
This would only be workable if she would tell him her true concerns.

She would not listen to reason, but she had listened to him when he said he was scared for her safety.
He should have focused on telling her more important truths first.

Lois, who wasn’t afraid of anything, had agreed with him that her life could be in danger, should they continue to date.
Which should clue him into there being other issues.

Sometimes, he just couldn’t understand her pigheaded logic.
They both are pigheaded though.

John Pack Lambert
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She kept him on his toes, constantly surprising him, not necessarily in ways that he liked, but often – as with both of his birthday gifts
I wonder how happily surprised he would have been if she had given him the other gift.

and how she wanted to hear about his amnesiac fantasy about Meena
I still have severe doubts it was a fantasy at all.

which he could happily spend his entire life trying to understand.
I am glad I do not have as much despair for their relationship working as he does. I was hoping her lines about "temporary" and such would convince him to not loose hope, but I am not seeing that happening.

Clark already missed her kisses,
He really has it bad for her.

her touches,
That makes more sense, although they never touched much in the newsroom.

and even her glances at him from across the room.
frown that Lois is at the trial.

Okay, they still shared those,
smile1 for shared glances.

but it wasn’t the same.

“Did Lois tell you what happened yesterday?” the Chief asked. “Why she froze?”
Not the real reason.

refusing to allow Lois to get a bad rap from missing the Superman exclusive due to his own weaknesses.
Well, I don't think that is the real reason she missed the story.

“With Superman?”
This is such a complexed interaction. Perry knows more than he is letting on. Everyone knows CK=SM, but trying to pretend it is not so to the others.

“Did she? I hadn’t noticed,” Clark replied, focusing on the screen, so Perry wouldn’t worm out of him that Lois had been anything but cold with Superman.
Perry:Now what is he trying to hide?

He never knew making out with Lois while he wore the uniform could be so hot.
Probably good he did not try it sooner, otherwise she might never have come to love Clark.

“You didn’t interview him at the same time then?” Perry asked.

Clark cleared his throat at that physical impossibility.
Actually it would be possible. Just not easy while keeping Lois unaware of The Secret TM. Although some people think that Clark can pull off the allusion of being two places at once. Hmm, he could always use a hologram.

“Uh-huh,” his boss replied, studying Clark.
He is trying to decide if Lois really was right.

Mostly because she wouldn’t like him covering for her in this way.
He needs to learn keeping secrets from Lois is always a bad idea.

When I didn’t call, she slammed me for it.”
If he would only learn to always call Lois.

because her description would have been the closest.
I wonder if this line really works. Closest to what?

“Maybe what you need is a few days apart,” Perry suggested.
frown bad idea. We like Lois and Clark together.

“Let her cool down. Why don’t you go visit your folks in Kansas? Get yourself out of Dodge, so to speak, and away from the giant target painted on your chest… back!
This does sound like a slip from Perry knowing that CK=SM.

Perry nodded. “I’m sure they’d love to see you too after your ordeal. I take it flying isn’t easy for them?” Then his boss made the oddest expression. “Plane fare being so expensive and all.”
Perry is trying not to say "like it is for you".

“My dad,”
smile1 there is hope for him yet.

Martha took a sip of her coffee. “Do you think she still has feelings for Superman? Did she officially break-up with you to see if anything would develop there?”
Oh no, that is that last idea Clark needs suggested to him.

“I don’t know. She said that she loves me, but that she needs time to work something out.
I have fears about where this is going.

She said it was only temporary, and I should trust her.”
That he really does not do enough yet. He still needs to trust her more than he does.

“She told Superman that even though she loved him, she was in love with Clark, and that there couldn’t be ‘us’ – a ‘Superman and Lois, us’.” He scratched his head. Had she changed her mind? “I don’t know. I really don’t know.”
That really does not sound like she is thinking about trying a relationship with SM.

“You’re right, Superman, one kiss changes everything,” Lois had told Superman after their first kiss.
Fortunantly that is not what she meant.

“Yeah,” Clark murmured, cringing from the very thought. He had built up a relationship between Clark and Lois for the last six months, since Superman had taken Lois into the mountains and broken up with her, only to destroy everything with one stupid amnesiac kiss.
I just have this thinking fear he will do something that will make everything worse.

John Pack Lambert
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Uh Oh I see where this is going.

Clark: “If we can be born in an instant, and die in an instant, why can’t we fall in love in an instant?”

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mrsMxyzptlk: Thank you for the FDK. smile1
Not an amnesia-inducing kiss, thankfully.
Not in this story, no.

I'm getting very frustrated with Lois. Sooner or later, her schemes are going to backfire painfully.
CLARK: See! Soul Mates!

I like how Perry was tip-toeing through his conversation with Clark, looking for evidence that he's Superman. Clark is going to flip out when Perry slips up one of these days and lets him know that he knows.
Will he or will it be just another reason he's the Yodeler? wink

Laura: Thanks for reading.

Uh Oh I see where this is going.
Forward? peep We couldn't go back without Wells, and he's not expected back until... glances at the calender... for another 2 months?

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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John: Thanks for the error proofing. All fixed! smile1

How long will Lois be able to resist saying "yeah right, you need to go rescue someone as Superman."
She does say it, just not out loud.

This is still a crazy plan.
So, she should just let Lex get away with trying to murder Superman / Clark?

I am surprised she can pull off thanking him for being so creepy. How does she avoid shuddering at it all?
LOIS: Years of experience of dealing with creeps, plus the telephone hides most of the shuddering.

It will probably be mutually frustrating. They will both be trying to manipulate the other into helping their goals.
grumble Thanks, Clark, thanks a lot.

Good question, why does Clark come up with such lunkheaded plans?
Lack of Martha and Jonathan in his formative years?

Oh no, that is that last idea Clark needs suggested to him.
But if Lois didn't know the secret it could have been a distinct possibility.

That he really does not do enough yet. He still needs to trust her more than he does.
LOIS: Yes, THANK you.

I just have this thinking fear he will do something that will make everything worse.
Clark? Nah! Not him. wink

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Originally posted by VirginiaR:
[b]mrsMxyzptlk: Thank you for the FDK. smile1
Not an amnesia-inducing kiss, thankfully.
Not in this story, no.

I'm getting very frustrated with Lois. Sooner or later, her schemes are going to backfire painfully.
CLARK: See! Soul Mates!

I like how Perry was tip-toeing through his conversation with Clark, looking for evidence that he's Superman. Clark is going to flip out when Perry slips up one of these days and lets him know that he knows.
Will he or will it be just another reason he's the Yodeler? wink

Laura: Thanks for reading.

Uh Oh I see where this is going.
Forward? peep We couldn't go back without Wells, and he's not expected back until... glances at the calender... for another 2 months? [/b]
What we only are one month past Well's visit, it seems so much more. Hmm, maybe that's because it was four months ago when you posted that part.

John Pack Lambert
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But isn't he already curios about that?
Combination of lack of history and lucky streak does raise a flag that looks suspiciously like a red cape.
Good point. A lucky streak would do that on its own.

That makes sense to me. Lex hasn't mentioned his Kryptonite theories to me.
I guess my initial though was he had some catch Superman with Lois plan, but I never saw any evidence of it, so that really did not make sense.

I'm sure they wouldn't have gone in as "B39", but undercover as technicians or janitors or something. If they had the gall to go to a newspaper and pretend to be federal agents, they wouldn't think twice about doing something similar to get into EPRAD Control.
You would think though that EPRAD would make sure that people claiming to be federal agenst were the real McCoy.

According to the episodes, IoG kidnapping of wealthy kids had been going on for three months and the Eugene Laderman trial for "months". Since I filled up almost every day of February for Lois, I gave it a month of continuances to explain the "months". Let's just say, Lois and Clark will not slow down just because it's March.
I went and checked the original airtimes for all the episodes. None were first aired in April, but they did air two in March. Of course, MoSB suggest Superman was there for most of the summer, and "Illusions of Grandeur" was iared in January, but as you say suggests weeks on buildup since the last episode. It does not work to hold the episodes close to their air time, especially since they essentially aired "Witness" out of sequence. I would say this story works entirely with the time line suggested in the episodes themselves.

Yes, he's working on never lying to Lois, which is why he told her.
I hope this not lying applies to explaining why they arn't having sex.

I wonder how happily surprised he would have been if she had given him the other gift.
Let's just say, it would have tested his willpower.
Oh, I thought that was already going on.

This is such a complexed interaction. Perry knows more than he is letting on. Everyone knows CK=SM, but trying to pretend it is not so to the others.
CLARK: shock Everyone?
Well, I think I meant everyone involved her, but yeah, that is a bit extreme. Jimmy and Jimbo don't know, nor does Lucy.

Lucy:What do you mean I don't know?

because her description would have been the closest.
I wonder if this line really works. Closest to what?
Closest to the truth. Since Cat would have said something to the effect of "What's with all the sexual tension in here? Clearly somebody needs to get laid." Or something just as horrible.
I think you should say "closest to the truth", "closest to reality" or something like that. It just does not sound right with just "the closest".

Perry is trying not to say "like it is for you".
No, a part of Perry was wondering if they could fly like he could.
So he is not convinced that Lois is right with her claims he was not raised in Smallville.

I don;t think this will work. It might if Lois had just been angry with him, but not with her bizarre scheme also involved.
No absence makes the heart grow fonder?
There is always the other theory, "out of sight, out of mind".

He had never doubted Lois’s love and affection for him,
Wait, what <<dizzy>> , he never doubted her love and affection for him? Then why did he feel so out when she didn't believe he was Superman, or on many other occasions?
Well, maybe not *never* never more like not recently. Hmmmm. Maybe I should change that line to 'he didn't doubt Lois's love and affection for him'.
Probably, unless he is included SM in "him".

This story is much better than canon with continuity.
Thank you. Just trying to smooth out those 4 foot drops in the pavement.
I think the explantion in canon is "there was a big gap between episodes. Season 1 may really take closer to two years". Hmm, do they ever later explicitly say how long Clark has been in Metropolis/Lois and Clark have known eachother?

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Oh, so it is the next day. This story is moving much faster now. The previous day took 5 parts, then Tuesday less than one.
I'm trying to keep this story under 1000 parts.
Yeah, I guess you would get there if you averaged 5 parts a day. I think we had no parts actually in January.

Isn't this hinting she knows the Secret?
She knows that Superman often gives Clark lifts to Kansas. That's his trade off for keeping an eye on Lois for SM. wink
Did he ever claim this?

Actually, I am not sure she was really mad about that at all.
LOIS: Actually, I expected that, and when he did a 180 I was stuck with being the bad guy. grumble Thanks, Clark, thanks a lot.
So she's mad he didn't break up with her?

Good question, why does Clark come up with such lunkheaded plans?
Lack of Martha and Jonathan in his formative years?
Except canon Clark had them and still did equally lunkheaded things.

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“Apparently, she didn’t get my messages.”
Ooooh! Message? Where?

“Yeah,” Clark murmured, cringing from the very thought. He had built up a relationship between Clark and Lois for the last six months, since Superman had taken Lois into the mountains and broken up with her, only to destroy everything with one stupid amnesiac kiss.
Does that qualify as an ‘oooops’?

wave Michael

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Originally posted by John Lambert:
What we only are one month past Well's visit, it seems so much more. Hmm, maybe that's because it was four months ago when you posted that part.
Yeah, sorry about the slow pace. blush Hence the Episode Wrestling to come to try to speed things up a bit. If this keeps up Michael might get his wish for a 200+ part story. grumble

I guess my initial thought was he (Lex) had some catch Superman with Lois plan, but I never saw any evidence of it, so that really did not make sense.
TEMPUS: A good plan uses subtlety, so that the villain isn't easily traced.

You would think though that EPRAD would make sure that people claiming to be federal agenst were the real McCoy.
You'd think, but if Lois and Jimmy could sneak into EPRAD, B39 shouldn't have any problems doing so.

I went and checked the original airtimes for all the episodes. None were first aired in April, but they did air two in March. Of course, MoSB suggest Superman was there for most of the summer, and "Illusions of Grandeur" was iared in January, but as you say suggests weeks on buildup since the last episode. It does not work to hold the episodes close to their air time, especially since they essentially aired "Witness" out of sequence. I would say this story works entirely with the time line suggested in the episodes themselves.
I try my best to work within those time constraints (probably more-so than I should).

I hope this not lying applies to explaining why they arn't having sex.
CLARK: cool

JOHN: I wonder how happily surprised he would have been if she had given him the other gift.
EW: Let's just say, it would have tested his willpower.
JOHN: Oh, I thought that was already going on.
CLARK: [Linked Image]

Well, I think I meant everyone involved here, but yeah, that is a bit extreme. Jimmy and Jimbo don't know, nor does Lucy.

Lucy:What do you mean I don't know?
Jimmy is clueless in my stories, it's part of his charm. Lucy, sadly, is out of the loop, being on the West Coast.

JOHN: Perry is trying not to say "like it is for you".
EW: No, a part of Perry was wondering if they could fly like he could.
JOHN: So he is not convinced that Lois is right with her claims he was not raised in Smallville.
Perry's wondering if Clark is the only Kryptonian on Earth.

There is always the other theory, "out of sight, out of mind".

Yeah, I guess you would get there if you averaged 5 parts a day. I think we had no parts actually in January.
True, I skipped January in a rush to get to PML. I also dropped the Christmas Party scene at Cat's parent's house to move the story further along. I really need to start jumping ahead again. [Linked Image]

JOHN: Isn't this hinting she knows the Secret?
EW: She knows that Superman often gives Clark lifts to Kansas. That's his trade off for keeping an eye on Lois for SM.
JOHN: Did he ever claim this?
Clark did mention SM taking him to Smallville for Thanksgiving and SM mentioned when he took Lois and Jimmy to Smallville to pick up his space capsule that Clark already introduced him to the Kents. Lois assumed the rest.

So she's mad he didn't break up with her?
Well, if he had, he would have been following is usual pattern. It was what she expected. When he didn't, then she had to think on her feet to stick to her plan.

JOHN: Good question, why does Clark come up with such lunkheaded plans?
EW: Lack of Martha and Jonathan in his formative years?
JOHN: Except canon Clark had them and still did equally lunkheaded things.
EW: Kryptonian DNA?
LARA: I think you mean "El" DNA. It wasn't *my* idea to stay on the death-trap Krypton and send my son off to Earth on his own, now was it?
JOR-EL: We couldn't all have fit into that spaceship.
LARA: But we could have boarded that vessel to New Krypton with the Kal-El's birth wife, Zara. Oh, nooooo. We had to stay on Krypton and witness it explode. :rolleyes: The House of El is full of Lunkheads.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Michael: Is that really you? [Linked Image]
Well, given how I had something nice in my inbox on Thursday, I figure it’s time to spend some time in LnC world doing other things than reading ahead on other fic…
Hmmm. Must work on Sue upping her posting schedule. [Linked Image]

Is HR allowed to hand out fliers to new hires?
Probably nothing "official", but they might consider a "How to avoid Sexual Harassment from one's co-workers" seminars (and how to file the necessary paperwork against them). They could hold it in conjunction with the yearly "safety" seminar, when they pass out condoms to the men and anti-Ralph spray (it smells like intelligence) to the women.

Yes, she certainly works better when she’s not affixed by Lex’s chain.
LEX: But it's a gold chain!

Maybe if he invested in prosthetics?
CLARK: I don’t need artificial fittings.
drool but that was some wrapping paper, I got distracted when I tore it off.
CLARK: [Linked Image] I have no idea what she's talking about.

So, shared custody it is?
LOIS: I’ll never trust a lawyer from Bender & Bender again.
Like she would ever trust anyone with that last name.

No, it’s just that she’s either bored by now from the endless repetition, or she needs a good vacation on an isolated island with a clothing optional super hero in attendance.
LOIS: I vote for option 2.
CLARK: Uh... er... How about if option 2 includes a game of catch. <<tags Lois>> You're it! [Linked Image]
LOIS: <<removes one piece of clothing>>
CLARK: drool That's not fair! That's cheating.
LOIS: <<shrugs demurely and tags Clark>> Caught you.

Oddly enough, they’ve now started to paint triangle-shaped targets.
I guess the round ones are too easy to hit.

but that would be as easy as trying to talk Lois out of a Double Fudge Crunch Bar.
LOIS: jawdrop Why would someone even consider doing such a fiendish thing? [Takes out trusty club to protect her DFCB stash]
Um... because someone has a death wish?

They have found his skin strung up over the main gate of Lex Tower.
PERRY: I don't understand it. One day, she just went all Ninja Samurai on all the criminals in town, starting with everyone at LexTower, even though there wasn't any proof that he was the one who killed her partner. But, sadly, when President Lois has wiped out crime in Metropolis, Cat's column became the most interesting section of the Daily Planet, which is why she's now editor and I took early retirement. How about you, Bill? Why did you take early retirement?
HENDERSON: I'm obsolete too. No crime, no criminals to catch. I got bored.

So, he got drunk and then flew under the influence? Is that safe?
Being that Lex currently controls all Metropolis's Kryptonite and the Kents control all that's been found in Smallville (during Trask's visit), it would have been difficult for Clark to get drunk. And, no, it's not safe.

So, now Lois is ticked off and has a date with Lex, whom she’s sort of doubting is pure snake oil salesmen of the year.

Ooooh! Message? Where?
Clark points to all those pieces of paper in plain sight.

Does that qualify as an ‘oooops’?
[Linked Image]

Thanks for dropping by, Michael. Come back and visit us really soon, ya hear!

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Originally posted by VirginiaR:
Yeah, sorry about the slow pace. blush Hence the Episode Wrestling to come to try to speed things up a bit. If this keeps up Michael might get his wish for a 200+ part story. grumble
shock I thought we were closer to the end than that.

You'd think, but if Lois and Jimmy could sneak into EPRAD, B39 shouldn't have any problems doing so.
But that would have little to do with their perceived government connections, unless Lois used her Dad's, oh wait, I have been reading too much Superman Returns fan fic lately and forgot that here Lois' dad has no government connections.

I try my best to work within those time constraints (probably more-so than I should).
Well, you did have Clark show up in the spring of 1993, so you gave yourself lots of build up time. It makes Lois's and Clark's interactions later more workable if they have known each other months instead of just weeks. If the time of association had been less she might have had more negative a reaction to Clark when Luthor told her Clark had no background.

Perry's wondering if Clark is the only Kryptonian on Earth.
I guess it is possible that others may be on earth and just better at hiding.

[QUOTE]Yeah, I guess you would get there if you averaged 5 parts a day. I think we had no parts actually in January.
True, I skipped January in a rush to get to PML. I also dropped the Christmas Party scene at Cat's parent's house to move the story further along. I really need to start jumping ahead again. [Linked Image]
But the details are so fun. Hmm, on the other hand if jumping ahead means we get to Lois and Clark kissing faster.

Clark did mention SM taking him to Smallville for Thanksgiving and SM mentioned when he took Lois and Jimmy to Smallville to pick up his space capsule that Clark already introduced him to the Kents. Lois assumed the rest.
Did she do the other assuming before or after learning CK=SM?

LARA: I think you mean "El" DNA. It wasn't *my* idea to stay on the death-trap Krypton and send my son off to Earth on his own, now was it?
Actually, in some incarnations Jor-el says he things he can send Lara along, but she refuses to leave him.

Of course, those are also incarnations without New Krypton.

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Is that really you? /EW does a dainty faint/
Oh my. What will happen this time?

Hmmm. Must work on Sue upping her posting schedule.
Huh. Good point. /signs petition/

and anti-Ralph spray (it smells like intelligence) to the women.
wave Michael

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Originally posted by John Lambert:
I thought we were closer to the end than that.
Uh... no. evil

EW: Clark did mention SM taking him to Smallville for Thanksgiving and SM mentioned when he took Lois and Jimmy to Smallville to pick up his space capsule that Clark already introduced him to the Kents. Lois assumed the rest.

JOHN: Did she do the other assuming before or after learning CK=SM?
Before. It's hard to change built in assumptions after the fact though.

Actually, in some incarnations Jor-el says he things he can send Lara along, but she refuses to leave him.

Of course, those are also incarnations without New Krypton.
Yes, that happened both with the Superman Serials and George Reeves AoS, but maybe NKs showed up at a time not shown during either of those series. wink

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Originally posted by Darth Michael:
Oh my. What will happen this time?
Michael is back. wave Ooooh. Is that new candy I see? [Linked Image]

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Michael is back...
blush And I almost got snagged again. /looks around carefully before donning tinfoil hat/ Well, I hope I eluded then…

I'm thinking as Beta you have more influence with her than us general readers do.
So, I should start clamoring as soon as I’m confident I can handle an onslaught of parts?

I guess Ralph's line ends with him?
Ralph’s Ex: I removed his… line already…

You mean because gold is a soft metal?
Okay. Yeah. We can take that. /moves back carefully from EW/

CLARK: Okay. Who switched Lois and Cat's minds?
ASABI: /slinks out of room/
Ooooooooh! /points excitedly at 106/

No, I think I need a partner well versed in the mushy stuff. I'll take Clark, thanks.

LOIS: <is unhappy she has no say in amount of chocolate made available to her by EW>

LOIS: You created it, lunkhead. Send that one off to the dungeons! Take the time-traveler too.
wave Michael

Join us on the #loisclark Discord server! We talk about fanfic, our favorite show, life, and more! (It’s almost like the IRC days of old again!)

I go by Michael on the Archives.
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