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Nobel Peace Prize Winner
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Wrong Place, Wrong Time, Wrong Clark TOC can be found HereClark and Lois are on again, secretly. Clark's worried about Cat. Lois is investigating Lex. Lex is no longer in denial of his love for Lois. Lois has done a favor for Jimbo. Somebody is kidnapping rich kids and Eugene Laderman is on trial for his life. It's another busy twenty-four hours in Metropolis. Comments?
Last edited by VirginiaR; 05/13/14 12:28 PM. Reason: Added Link
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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A small smile crept to the corner of her mouth, as she picked up the shoulder strap of her briefcase and hooked it over her arm.
Lois had just kissed Superman.
She grinned.
She was dating Superman.
About time! About time is right! Joan
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Well I just realized something from the part from last time. Lois is assuming she won't be doing anything more with Clark than Luthor has seen so far. Of course, that fits with her plan. I then got to this line “As did I. I apologize I wasn’t able regale you with any interesting stories from the trenches,” I think that should be "able to regale". I have to admit that if I didn't know that Lois was working to bring down Luthor I would be more disturbed by him kissing her hand. But knowing she is working against him, I can live with her actions. Although I still think she underestimates the danger. “Didn’t Henry Harrison work for you at LexComp, only to be fired less than a month of being eligible to retire with a full pension?” she asked. This line does not quite work. Of course, since it is Lois speaking, maybe she just mispsoke. In canon Clark asked "Is it true he was fired only a month before he was eligible to retire on a full pension?". I think the quote here would work if "before" replaced "of". Another workable solution is to change "less than" to "within". Some might disagree, but the "less than" plus "of" just does not seem to work.
John Pack Lambert
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Kent must have only have been the latest in a line of men who had hurt her I think you have one too many uses of have in that sentance.  that Lois told Lex that Clark cheated on her with Cat. I am just glad that it is clear that Lois no longer believes this. I do have to be a little "Lois, what are you doing" about it though. Won't this make it more likely for Lex to try to bump Clark off out of revenge, like he did to Ralph during "Another Lois"?
John Pack Lambert
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“It’s nice to have dinner and talk with someone without ulterior motives, She is really a good liar if Lex does not see through this line. “I promise I won’t mention him more than in passing from now on.” If she pulls that off, she is really a good actor. “Yes, but we decided that it was best that we keep our partnership strictly business from now on and be nothing more than friends,” Lois said. Clark:I so do not like this setup. “I want to focus on work from now on, not romance. I guess one reason this cover works for Lois is it agrees with her past actions. “Of course not!” he exclaimed, stepping into this elevator he rarely used himself. So if she does not need his protection, why is he coming? “I wanted to reassure you that not all men sleep around. I, myself, have never been attracted to the likes of Catherine Grant.” This sounds like overly specific denial to me. So he never sleeps with Cat, but that tells us nothing about who he may sleep with. Mrs Cox:Lois should know to not expect exclusivity from Lex. I don't. Her gaze became startled, as if she couldn’t imagine any man turning down such a strumpet, I guess if she is saying that Clark didn't, she needs to present such a view. “I wanted you to know that with me, you’d always be safe,” Lois:Safely inprisoned. Kent must have only have been the latest in a line of men who had hurt her, because no matter how hard she tried to mask the disbelief in her eyes, it was still there. Or she has finally seen through your lies, Mr. Luthor. Was she going undercover, or trying to blow Clark’s sky high? It does sound like she is going for the later option. “You’re wearing an entire dress.  This is the perfect follow up to the half-dress comment for "I'm Looking Through You". “No. Can’t a girl get dressed up every once and while?” Cat said innocently, But Cat does dress up, it usually involves even less clothing than normal. and was actually surprised that she hadn’t noticed him in the room. She really should have gotten a Clark-trakking device. but thankfully the only available seat left was at the other end of the table next to Perry.  it is so much more fun when they sit together. wondering if she would have time to get to EPRAD and back in time during her two hour window. Too bad she can't have Superman give her a lift. She stiffened her back, annoyed at herself and at Clark for not informing her of his quick return. After how she reacted to him not telling her he was leaving, I am surpsied he didn't mention his return. Clark:But, but, returning is a good thing. She was worried about my leaving because it scaredher, returns don't really need to be announced. “Thank you, Clark,” Cat purred, causing him to smile. Clark did like to make people happy. He is lucky Lois really does not think what she told Lex last night. “Do you even have anything in common with him?” Clark went on. This could also be seen as a dig at Lois' relationship with Luthor. It was strange, though. Lois had always thought of Cat as a party girl, not a gold digger; it didn’t seem her style. This is a useful observation. Cat going after a rich man never seemed in character in canon. Now it makes a lot more sense, knowing about Phil. “Well, I figured if it was a lifestyle choice good enough for you…” Cat said, leaving the end of that thought hanging as she shot Lois a glare. Now that is a new, low hit. Cat seems to have taken protecting Lois being undercover to the extreme, or not believe her at all. Was that what this was? Did Cat think that Lois was lying about her association with Lex, and trying to out her, subtly, in front of Clark? Interesting theory. It does fit what is happening. Unfortunately, Cat was about as subtle as a freeway pileup.  I have to agree with this line. Cat thought she was being a good friend to Clark, by letting him know what Lois was up to behind his back. Of course, that would mean that Clark had let Cat know he would be back in the office today, but not her. Well she did break up with him. Clark turned to look at Lois with alarm. She shrugged to imply she had no idea to what Cat was referring, and thankfully Clark seemed to buy it. They really should talk. When Clark refocused on Cat, Lois scowled at her. The last thing that Lois needed was Clark to become paranoid about her having one dinner with Lex. On the other hand, if Lois can use dinners with super-rich men as a way to get information, why shouldn't Cat? “Now wait a minute. You mean to tell me that you’re going to bamboozle this guy into thinking you’re a straight arrow?” Perry inquired.
“That’s my plan,” Cat replied. I guess this goes to why Lois and Cat's plans do not really seem all that similar. Lois did not set out to date Lex, but to interview him, and she never tried to alter her image in the process. “The ‘Magic of the Night Ball’ is next Friday night, and I’m hoping you’re all planning to attend,” So it is in a week?
John Pack Lambert
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OK, so you basically skipped Thursday except for the end of the dinner with Luthor. We will have a week to build up to the ball. Was that what that remark was about, or did her partner hate magic as much as she did? Clark:Magic includes curses. I hate it with an undieing passion. Partly because curses seem to create a passion that kills. She saw Clark reluctantly nod in agreement while not quite inwardly groaning. Maybe they could go together, laugh at the clowns, and then bow out early…  an almost date. except for the fact that they couldn’t. They could say they were there to cover a story. Clark glanced over at Lois and caught her staring. Instead of shifting her gaze away, she smiled at him in a reassuring manner. Clark:She smiled at me. Maybe there is hope for us yet. His brow furrowed in puzzlement as if he couldn’t understand why she had smiled at him. Could he really not know, He is a lunkhead, so yes. or was he that much better of an actor than she had given him credit for? Well, he did have her convinced he was two different people for nine months. “Me, too. My docket is full with the Eugene Laderman trial. So, you’ll have to cover any new kidnappings on your own, Clark,” Lois said.
“And I would hate for another child to be abducted,” he said gently. Clark really does seem a bit annoyed at her if he is making such underhanded replies to her comments. She heard Cat tittering across the table from her. “Well, of course, I meant that too,” Lois said.
“Sure you did,” Jimmy mumbled. The real reason Jimmy left, he made one too many rude comments to "Mad Dog" Lane. “And the only yahoos out there, are the ones leaving the Daily Planet for the Metropolis Star,” Perry went on. This sounds like a narrow appoach to their market potential. “If we need a naked woman for page 6, I’m sure Cat would comply,” she said. The Star is more low brow than I thought. Although that would undermine Cat's new image. “Not anymore,” Cat said, pushing her fake glasses up her nose. “I’ve given up premarital sex.” Which technically does not prevent nude photography. Clark shook his head. “Superman pushes the Nightfall Minor out of orbit, and yet all anyone can talk about are the little meteorites, which he didn’t zap away after crashing into Nightfall Major. There’s no winning for that guy.” If Lois did not know now, she might start to suspect. “Take Olsen,” Perry said, and Jimmy sat more erect at being given this assignment. “We need something for the front page. A photo of a space rock on the front page? That seems extreme. With the gas explosion, I was wondering if it was the result of lots of scientist in Lex's bunker doing experiements. “You’re welcome, Wally. The next time I can find out more information on one of your stories by talking to one person as opposed to five, I’ll keep the information to myself,” she retorted. This is such a Lois response. she would have thought twice about agreeing to cover it as a favor for Jimmy’s cousin, Jimbo. Eugene was one of his instructors at Metropolis University of Technology. You set that up ages ago when you had Jimbo transfer there over the summer? Hmm, it does make sense though. Jimmy was such a computer wizard later on, one would think he would have studied computers. He hardly seemed to be a photographer at all. She was either losing her mind, or someone was stealing her pencils. Clark? They better not touch her stash of Double Fudge Crunch Bars. Nah, he remembered he does not eat sweets. She opened the door, crossed to the shelf, removed a new box of pre-sharpened pencils, and then turned to return to her desk only to find her way blocked by Clark.  although I was half expecting to have Superman come in through the supply closet while she was there. Clark had run off after the meeting before they could catch up. Actually, this was the officially first time they had a chance to talk, as Lois and Clark, since their faux-break-up on Monday. They had not talked at all on Tuesday? “Dead end,” he said with a shrug. Or was the source a ruse to go be Superman. “How’s he doing?” she asked, more out of habit than for any other reason. She really opened herslef up there. Clark stepped closer and hesitantly ran his hand over her hair. “He wants to know why we broke up, and he’s hoping…” His voice shook slightly. “It wasn’t because you thought… that you and he…” He cleared his throat, shifted his feet uncomfortably, and glanced away. Lois:Yep, Clark is a lunkhead, and he didn't listen to me. “Uh… Lois?” Clark said, resting his hand on her arm to stop her. “You know I can’t punch Superman, don’t you?” Lois:Why not? You just take your arm and smash it into you other arm. Pretty simple really. “No,” she grumbled, although she’d pay that five dollars she had just won from herself to witness such a fight. She would pay five dollars to see Clark hit himself. “I want you to remember that this break-up is only temporary until we find out who abducted you…” Lois:And get him in jail, but Clark does not need to know that detail. “That it’s just a ruse in case you’re being watched…” Another jab, Of course that is not Lois' real goal. She couldn’t finish her thought as Clark’s lips descended onto hers.  more kissing. “I meant every word I said. Which one were you confused about?” She does have a point. She has not contradicted anything she said. Lois said tersely, stepping out of his embrace.  that they aren't touching. “Was it when I said…” She lowered her voice, “That I love you? He really did not hear that fully. Or that I need you to trust me? He does not do that fully. Or that I need time to deal with the overwhelming feelings of remorse I’m having because I had cheated on you?” Bringing this issue up on Lois part does seem a little disingenous. “Or is it that because you don’t consider ‘kissing’ as a form of cheating?” She shot him a suspicious glare. He better correct that idea of she will think he kisses Cat. OK, since she knows what he really means, not likely. “No! Of course I do, Lois, but he’s…” Clark glanced around, and clearly decided this wasn’t the place to talk candidly.  He wimped out again. He was so, so close to telling her, and he wimped out. I am beginning to doubt he will ever tell her. “He’s different?” Lois rolled her eyes. “I wish you’d get it through your thick skull that to me he isn’t some hero you worship in this scenario; he’s my ex. Lois:Well, at least my fake ex. Kissing him should be on par as kissing any other guy, maybe even worse, because out of all the people in the world, he’s the only one who could steal me away from you, Hopefully Clark hears "Lex has no change". I wish you could see this from my point of view, about how awful I feel about this.” Maybe she should take on a fake identity. Clark set his hands on her shoulders. “I forgive you, because I love you and don’t want to see you in pain, Lois.”
Bull hockey! Lois doubted the validity of that statement. I think she is a bit quick to reject his line. He does love her and not want to see her in pain. If she had kissed any other guy, whom he didn’t happen to be impersonating, Clark would have been crushed, hurt, and mad. I guess she is probably right. Although I think more crushed and hurt than mad. The only reason he forgave her was the plain and simple reason that he was Superman and, therefore, didn’t see the kiss as cheating. I think he would forgive her if she had kissed someone else. Maybe not as quickly, but he would. “Do you wish the kiss never happened?” he asked softly. Clark:I do, I so, so do. She wished she hadn’t kissed Superman out of revenge for what she had assumed Clark had done to her. She wished she hadn’t jumped to conclusions about Cat and Clark or believed Clark had cheated on her just because Cat was willing. I am glad she fully realizes she acted rashly. On the other hand, Lois also wouldn’t take back what she learned from that kiss. But she probably would have figured it out without kissing him, with a disoriented Superman matching a disoriented Clark. She didn’t want to go back to being in the dark about Clark’s – or was it Superman’s? – alter-ego. Well, she is still only partially in the light. She merely wanted to have that knowledge without having cheated on Clark to get it. A fair enough sentiment.
John Pack Lambert
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“Yes, and no,” Lois admitted. “Yes, I wish I hadn’t kissed another man and betrayed your trust, but…” She took a deep breath.  she's going to tell him she knows. “I’m glad I realized that by kissing him that there isn’t any other man I could ever want, but you. Or not exactly. Although I still think she should realize she has only wanted one man for the last nine months, when she thought she was becoming a cheater like her father. I’m glad for that knowledge; I just wish I could have obtained it another way.” Lois:Like you telling me you were Superman months ago. Clark slipped his arms around her, so that he was hugging her from behind.  they are hugging. I like this. “There isn’t anyone else I would ever want either,” he whispered, kissing her cheek and down her neck. This is probably the best response he could do. This would be more believable if it was clear he knew she had met with Luthor again. Let’s get out of here, so I can tell you how much.” Or does he mean show her? “Superman does; otherwise, he wouldn’t be coming by my apartment checking for cameras, Now she really is messing with his mind with her knowledge of the secret. nothing happened between us.” This seems like unneeded protestation, but on the other hand Lois' suspicion would get tiring. “What’s the point of pretending we’re not dating at work, only to meet up afterwards for a dinner date? Clark:What's the point of loving you if I can't be with you. “So, it’s like we actually did break up,” Clark said, his face falling. He does have a point.
John Pack Lambert
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Lois turned to look him in the eye. It was time for Clark to make a decision or, at least, think he was making the decision. This sounds very manipulative. “Do you want to go out into the newsroom and announce to everyone that we’re an item?” she asked. “If that’s what you want, I’m all for it. I love you, and I don’t want to hide that anymore. I really think it would be better to wait until after we’re over this little bump of my cheating on you with you-know-who, but it’ll feel so good to face the rumors head on for a change, instead of ignoring and ducking from them. Especially if I can tell everyone to go screw themselves, including whoever it is who keeps trying to kill you. Let’s tell Perry to announce it on the front page, so that this guy knows that if he wants to get to you, he’ll have to go through me!” This is not a choice, this is setting up an extreme alternate, ignoring any mid-way compormise. He smiled as he gazed at her with love.  he loves her. “No. If a little separation is what I have to endure to keep you safe until we figure this out, then so be it. I can’t chance someone hurting you to get to me.” But that will always be a change. She is a reporter who publishes sotries that send peopel to prison. She is always in danger. “But, Clark,” she added with a slight pout, dancing her fingers down his chest.  more touching. “I’m looking forward to working on your intimacy issues. We made so much progress while you had amnesia and couldn’t remember your ex.” Clark:If only my ex was the real problem. “You’re right,” he said with a nod. “We can wait to discuss my intimacy issues until after we find out who abducted me.” There he goes wimping out of mentioning the curse. Somehow I don't think the "but I'm Superman" excuse will at all work in convincing Lois they should not have sex. Of course, I still have strong hopes that Lois lied about what happened at the hospital. “And stop stealing my pencils!” Does he really? Lois shook her head. Right. Eugene Laderman trial. She blinked her eyes and ran her fingers through her hair, hoping to God that she didn’t look thoroughly kissed. Only Cat would really be able to tell. Clark hadn’t headed for the stairway to keep the rumor mill at bay; Superman had been paged. She should know Clark would not plan to be away from her that well. Lois had just kissed Superman.
She grinned. So much for feeling bad about kissing him. No, she borke up with him. Well she could have been dating him a lot sooner, but no, she kept rejecting Clark.
John Pack Lambert
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Clark: “If we can be born in an instant, and die in an instant, why can’t we fall in love in an instant?”
Caroline's "Stardust"
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Joan: Thanks for your continued readership. I'm glad you're as happy about Lois's discovery as Lois is. Laura: I really enjoyed writing the scene in the supply closet. It bounced from 103 to 104 and finally made a permanent home in 105, where it got a new fun ending. 
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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John Thank you for lengthy FDK. It makes me feel like I actually have lots of readers. Well I just realized something from the part from last time. Lois is assuming she won't be doing anything more with Clark than Luthor has seen so far. Of course, that fits with her plan.
I then got to this line...  What line? It doesn't really make sense with the regale line, which you quoted. But to answer what I know of your comment / question, yes, Lois isn't expecting for her and Clark's relationship to move forward while she's undercover. I think that should be "able to regale". Thanks. Fixed. I have to admit that if I didn't know that Lois was working to bring down Luthor I would be more disturbed by him kissing her hand. But knowing she is working against him, I can live with her actions. Although I still think she underestimates the danger. Lex kissed her hand and cheek often enough in canon. “Didn’t Henry Harrison work for you at LexComp, only to be fired less than a month of being eligible to retire with a full pension?” she asked. This line does not quite work. Of course, since it is Lois speaking, maybe she just mispsoke. In canon Clark asked "Is it true he was fired only a month before he was eligible to retire on a full pension?". I think the quote here would work if "before" replaced "of". Another workable solution is to change "less than" to "within". Some might disagree, but the "less than" plus "of" just does not seem to work. Thank you, I fixed it. Yes, well, this was a last minute fix before posting. In the script Clark mentions that Harrison had worked for LexComp for 20 years (!!) before being eligible to retire. It was at the last minute that I realized that they had edited this line in the actual show, probably to make Lex seem younger than he actually is supposed to be. Because if Lex remembers hiring Henry Harrison 20+ years before (as one would assume Harritech has been around for some years before going belly up) that really raises Lex's age. Also, 20 years before 1994 would be 1974, and I doubt there were many computer companies around at that time, since PCs really didn't become available mainstream until about 1980. I think you have one too many uses of have in that sentance. Yes, I did. Thanks for noticing. I've removed one. </font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif"><frowns> it is so much more fun when they sit together. But this way their interaction gets shared with all. After how she reacted to him not telling her he was leaving, I am surpsied he didn't mention his return.
Clark:But, but, returning is a good thing. She was worried about my leaving because it scared her, returns don't really need to be announced. CLARK: Exactly. I was expecting a little more 'happy to see me' expression. This could also be seen as a dig at Lois' relationship with Luthor. Nope, Clark is merely worried about his friend's odd behavior. This is a useful observation. Cat going after a rich man never seemed in character in canon. Now it makes a lot more sense, knowing about Phil. Thank you. I was trying to make Cat's actions make more sense. Now that is a new, low hit. Cat seems to have taken protecting Lois being undercover to the extreme, or not believe her at all. Cat isn't Lois's 'protector'. Anyway, since Lois hasn't told Cat the details of her undercover operation there seems no reason Cat shouldn't zing her for making plans with Luthor. On the other hand, if Lois can use dinners with super-rich men as a way to get information, why shouldn't Cat? I don't think Cat's looking for 'information' from Arthur Chow. I guess this goes to why Lois and Cat's plans do not really seem all that similar. Lois did not set out to date Lex, but to interview him, and she never tried to alter her image in the process. LOIS:  I thought I looked nice for my interview date with Lex. Yes. OK, so you basically skipped Thursday except for the end of the dinner with Luthor. We will have a week to build up to the ball. Don't worry, I won't detail every day. Plus, I've added some new stuff. Clark:Magic includes curses. I hate it with an undieing passion. Partly because curses seem to create a passion that kills. Interesting theory. He is a lunkhead, so yes. Well, Lois's actions are a bit perplexing. Well, he did have her convinced he was two different people for nine months. Which is why I find it funny (ironic) Lois always makes fun of Clark's undercover skills. Clark really does seem a bit annoyed at her if he is making such underhanded replies to her comments. He may be a little bitter, but he didn't mean to knock Lois, he's just being honest. The real reason Jimmy left, he made one too many rude comments to "Mad Dog" Lane.  But doesn't one only get undressed to have sex? If Lois did not know now, she might start to suspect. That Clark feel bitter about the treatment that Superman's getting in the press. What a good friend he is. A photo of a space rock on the front page? That seems extreme. PERRY: It's better than NO picture. With the gas explosion, I was wondering if it was the result of lots of scientist in Lex's bunker doing experiements. No. That would be an explosion to give the people in the bunker the feeling that the world ended topside. You set that up ages ago when you had Jimbo transfer there over the summer? Hmm, it does make sense though. Jimmy was such a computer wizard later on, one would think he would have studied computers. He hardly seemed to be a photographer at all. Although, he does take photos too. CLARK: Nah, he remembered he does not eat sweets. Hmmmm. But does he still not eat them, I wonder. although I was half expecting to have Superman come in through the supply closet while she was there. Uh... No. They had not talked at all on Tuesday? Not alone. No. Or was the source a ruse to go be Superman. Yes. Lois:Yep, Clark is a lunkhead, and he didn't listen to me. So, Clark is just being... himself? Lois:Why not? You just take your arm and smash it into you other arm. Pretty simple really. She was thinking jaw, but okay. She would pay five dollars to see Clark hit himself. Of course that is not Lois' real goal. He might be. But she figures she might be as well, or soon will be. He does not do that fully. Yeah. That's the toughy. He wimped out again. He was so, so close to telling her, and he wimped out. I am beginning to doubt he will ever tell her. He doesn't really want to tell her in the supply closet at work. He would like someplace more private where someone might not walk in on them. Hopefully Clark hears "Lex has no change". Hearing and believing are two different brain functions. Maybe she should take on a fake identity. I think she is a bit quick to reject his line. He does love her and not want to see her in pain. That's not the line she's rejecting. She's rejecting that's the reason for the forgiveness. I guess she is probably right. Although I think more crushed and hurt than mad. Exactly. I think he would forgive her if she had kissed someone else. Maybe not as quickly, but he would. Another reason why she wants him to show some backbone here and show SOME annoyance at her having kissed another man / Superman. Actually, Clark usually doesn't take back any of the kisses he shares with Lois. But she probably would have figured it out without kissing him, with a disoriented Superman matching a disoriented Clark. But that wouldn't have been as much fun. Well, she is still only partially in the light. LOIS: ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/smilie/konfus/g060.gif) Hey, Clark, why is this bulb blinking? CLARK: 
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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-- Continuation of Response to John's FDK -- she's going to tell him she knows. Now, where would be the fun in that? Or not exactly. Although I still think she should realize she has only wanted one man for the last nine months, when she thought she was becoming a cheater like her father. Well, since meeting Superman, she's only wanted to kiss two men. Superman and Clark. Now, they are one in the same, ergo, she only wants to kiss CK. Lois:Like you telling me you were Superman months ago. Exactly! they are hugging. I like this. This is probably the best response he could do. CLARK: I do have my moments. LOIS: You sure do. Let’s get out of here, so I can tell you how much.” Or does he mean show her? No, tell her CK=SM, thereby proving how much he trusts her. Clark:What's the point of loving you if I can't be with you. LOIS: Um... my protection? LOIS: Men! This sounds very manipulative. Not any more so than Clark making decisions on Lois's behalf. LOIS: Vanilla? Really? This is not a choice, this is setting up an extreme alternate, ignoring any mid-way compromise. She doesn't think he'd really fall for it anyway. And he doesn't. But that will always be a change. She is a reporter who publishes stories that send people to prison. She is always in danger. So, people not liking CK will go after Lois? There he goes wimping out of mentioning the curse. Somehow I don't think the "but I'm Superman" excuse will at all work in convincing Lois they should not have sex. Of course, I still have strong hopes that Lois lied about what happened at the hospital. What's the point of mentioning the curse at a point when she wants to put the relationship on hold? Wouldn't it be more of a risk mentioning it now, when she might make the break-up permanent? CAT: I've got to have some form of entertainment at the office. So much for feeling bad about kissing him. Did you want her to feel bad about it? No, she broke up with him. They didn't BREAK-UP. It's just a ruse. Now, Clark understands that as well. Well she could have been dating him a lot sooner, but no, she kept rejecting Clark. Right, and he wasn't to blame in the least?
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Thank you, I fixed it. Yes, well, this was a last minute fix before posting. In the script Clark mentions that Harrison had worked for LexComp for 20 years (!!) before being eligible to retire. It was at the last minute that I realized that they had edited this line in the actual show, probably to make Lex seem younger than he actually is supposed to be. Because if Lex remembers hiring Henry Harrison 20+ years before (as one would assume Harritech has been around for some years before going belly up) that really raises Lex's age. Also, 20 years before 1994 would be 1974, and I doubt there were many computer companies around at that time, since PCs really didn't become available mainstream until about 1980. They did have mainframes and such though, so there were some computer companies. I think they mainly wanted to cut back a little on the Lex creepiness factor. She didn't tell Lex this. He assumed it, which is why she has given him such a perplexed expression in response. This will be clarified later on. This makes me feel even better. Lois didn't say that Clark had cheated on her with Cat to Lex (he assumed this), but that she discovered that without his memories he had no attraction to her as she had thought, so that they decided to remain 'just friends' and partners when he got his memories back. OK, it makes a lot more sense now. Of course she realized the exact opposite, but she can't tell Lex that and not have him suspect her. Mrs. Cox will expect exclusivity from Lex should she ever become the next Mrs. Luthor. I guess at some level that makes sense, a married man sleeping around is seen as different than an unmarried man. On another level, it seems odd considering how much Mrs. Cox does know about Luthor. This was Lois's startled expression at Lex mentioning Cat. Ah, that makes more sense. And since Lois never mentioned Cat, it turns Luthors denial into "suspicious overly specific denial", which indicates he knows things he has not let on. <frowns> it is so much more fun when they sit together. But this way their interaction gets shared with all. Clark:Exactly what I do not need. Well, he did have her convinced he was two different people for nine months. Which is why I find it funny (ironic) Lois always makes fun of Clark's undercover skills. Maybe he does not try harder when going ndercover because it would tip his abilities too much. Nah, he remembered he does not eat sweets. Hmmmm. But does he still not eat them, I wonder. I was hoping to get an answer with that commetn. He wimped out again. He was so, so close to telling her, and he wimped out. I am beginning to doubt he will ever tell her. He doesn't really want to tell her in the supply closet at work. He would like someplace more private where someone might not walk in on them. With this set of high rules, I loose more hope every day.
John Pack Lambert
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I apologize I wasn’t able to regale you with any interesting stories from the trenches,” Sneaky Mata. “We’re all preoccupied with Nightfall and its aftermath this week. I’m sure by next week, everything will be back to normal again.” She took a breath. “I hope.” Translation: I hope to have enough material on you by the end of next week so that you’re taken off to the electric chair. It wasn’t a feeling he liked, this lack of control Lois Lane caused in him. Well, if he loses his control around Lois, things might become a bit dicey for her chaste lifestyle choice. “Didn’t Henry Harrison work for you at LexComp, only to be fired less than a month of being eligible to retire with a full pension?” she asked. You know, the discussion of 20 years of employment, Henry could have been the brains to Lex’s garage when they first started off LexComp at age 22. Gates and Allen started MS in 1975, so 1993 could work for LexComp. Also, firing him just before he is eligible for retirement is a sound decision, business wise. So long as Lex won’t get sued, or it becomes public knowledge that that’s a common practice with LexCorp. “It’s nice to have dinner and talk with someone without ulterior motives,  You went there, too. /mutters about another half-finished story sitting on hard drive/ Lois turned to gaze at her partner. Did Clark think every wealthy man out there was up to no good? True, he had been spot on with Lex, but still… In other words, Cat meant he is a man and she’s a woman, and they both liked her body. Me-oooow! “You mean those little green pieces of paper with dead presidents on them that he carries around in his pockets,” Lois insinuated, Meeee-oooowwww! “Well, I figured if it was a lifestyle choice good enough for you…” Cat said, leaving the end of that thought hanging as she shot Lois a glare. Bitch-slap! The last thing that Lois needed was Clark to become paranoid about her having one dinner with Lex. No, the paranoia is about what Lex would want to do with a GHB’d Lois. “If we need a naked woman for page 6, I’m sure Cat would comply,” she said. I think they’re called Page-3-girls in Britian. The concept is actually features all across Europe. And over here, we have an ad-financed paper they hand out for free in the subway that alternates between women and men in their underwear or similar attire. I guess, that’s what they call progress, huh? Jimmy squeaked. “I can photograph that!” he volunteered, prior to clearing his throat. “Not anymore,” Cat said, pushing her fake glasses up her nose. “I’ve given up premarital sex.” Well, she wouldn’t want to do false advertising. “Having seen Arthur Chow, I can see why,” Lois mumbled to herself. To be fair, so does Lois when she is engaged to Lex. Also, I found a fun way to work around that in… crap, now I need to not think about finding a title for my IoG one.
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Any more information on the rumors that the gas explosion in the vicinity of LexTower on Monday evening actually damaged buildings?”
Lois perked up. She had asked Lex about this specifically. “I spoke to a source at LexTower, who informed me that the explosion had damaged one of their lower parking levels,” Car bomb? Also, ‘source’ LOIS: What? If it’s good enough for Mister Superman here… CLARK: ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/midi/konfus/a045.gif) Lois! Secret! Lois tossed down her pencil with the broken lead, and opened her desk drawer to pull out a fresh pencil from the box she was sure she had put in there just a few days earlier, but it was gone. You know, I wonder who gets to resharpen all those old pencils. She was either losing her mind, or someone was stealing her pencils. They better not touch her stash of Double Fudge Crunch Bars.  Michael
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Originally posted by John Lambert: They did have mainframes and such though, so there were some computer companies. I think they mainly wanted to cut back a little on the Lex creepiness factor. They could have, but after posting my above-note, I realized they mentioned Harrison's 20 years at LexCom elsewhere in the episode. EW: Lois didn't say that Clark had cheated on her with Cat to Lex (he assumed this), but that she discovered that without his memories he had no attraction to her as she had thought, so that they decided to remain 'just friends' and partners when he got his memories back.
JOHN: OK, it makes a lot more sense now. Of course she realized the exact opposite, but she can't tell Lex that and not have him suspect her. Exactly. EW: Mrs. Cox will expect exclusivity from Lex should she ever become the next Mrs. Luthor.
JOHN: I guess at some level that makes sense, a married man sleeping around is seen as different than an unmarried man. On another level, it seems odd considering how much Mrs. Cox does know about Luthor. Apparently, there are some delusional women out there who actually think it's possible to change a leopard's spots. EW: This was Lois's startled expression at Lex mentioning Cat.
JOHN: Ah, that makes more sense. And since Lois never mentioned Cat, it turns Luthors denial into "suspicious overly specific denial", which indicates he knows things he has not let on. JOHN: Well, he did have her convinced he was two different people for nine months.
EW: Which is why I find it funny (ironic) Lois always makes fun of Clark's undercover skills.
JOHN: Maybe he does not try harder when going undercover because it would tip his abilities too much. ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/smilie/frech/e015.gif) Perhaps. JOHN: He wimped out again. He was so, so close to telling her, and he wimped out. I am beginning to doubt he will ever tell her.
EW: He doesn't really want to tell her in the supply closet at work. He would like someplace more private where someone might not walk in on them.
JOHN: With this set of high rules, I loose more hope every day. I try not to write hopeless stories, just hopeless sections. The hope will return!
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Darth Michael: I'm terrible sorry, I'm so behind at responding to your wonderful FDK, but I was trying to spend my very little spare time writing.  I've had a crazy past two weeks, but the birthday parties and house guests are gone, so hopefully I will be better. “We’re all preoccupied with Nightfall and its aftermath this week. I’m sure by next week, everything will be back to normal again.” She took a breath. “I hope.” ER Translation: I hope to have enough material on you by the end of next week so that you’re taken off to the electric chair. LOIS: <<considers>> Yes, I'll accept that. It wasn’t a feeling he liked, this lack of control Lois Lane caused in him. ER: Well, if he loses his control around Lois, things might become a bit dicey for her chaste lifestyle choice. LOIS: What? CLARK: “Fine. Why?” Cat replied, picking a banana from a bowl of fruit and sitting down at the table to eat it in the most erotic manner possible. ER: You went there, too. /mutters about another half-finished story sitting on hard drive/ Um... I didn't go *there*. Cat Grant did in canon. I'm just writing what I see. Lois turned to gaze at her partner. Did Clark think every wealthy man out there was up to no good? True, he had been spot on with Lex, but still… ER: [bangs head on wall, reminding self that he can write so much better than this addictive drivel] I *so* need to find the time to do writing. Actually, my IoG was mainly intended as an nFic adaption of the episode, but then the fore-play started to be 11 pages long already, and probably could go another 5-10 pages. And then I could clean it up (skip the naughty bit at the end) and put it on the gfic-boards. Or you could NOT cut the 11 pages and post it on the Nfic boards. I have a password. The last thing that Lois needed was Clark to become paranoid about her having one dinner with Lex. ER: No, the paranoia is about what Lex would want to do with a GHB’d Lois. Oh, so it's Clark's paranoia. Gotcha. I think they’re called Page-3-girls in Britian. The concept is actually features all across Europe. And over here, we have an ad-financed paper they hand out for free in the subway that alternates between women and men in their underwear or similar attire. I guess, that’s what they call progress, huh? News business so slow they had to bring forward the naked photos? “Not anymore,” Cat said, pushing her fake glasses up her nose. “I’ve given up premarital sex.” ER: Well, she wouldn’t want to do false advertising. CAT: They *aren't* false! They're the real deal. “Having seen Arthur Chow, I can see why,” Lois mumbled to herself. ER: To be fair, so does Lois when she is engaged to Lex. Also, I found a fun way to work around that in… crap, now I need to not think about finding a title for my IoG one. 
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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-- Continuation of Response to Michael's FDK -- Any more information on the rumors that the gas explosion in the vicinity of LexTower on Monday evening actually damaged buildings?”
Lois perked up. She had asked Lex about this specifically. “I spoke to a source at LexTower, who informed me that the explosion had damaged one of their lower parking levels,” Car bomb? Also, ‘source’ [ER implies perky reporter has been banging SM] LOIS: What? If it’s good enough for Mister Superman here… CLARK: [surprise] Lois! Secret! LOIS: Oh, Chuck, you don't want everyone to know we're dating? Okay. We're just having sex for fun and he's super! CLARK:  Internship? Ha! Servant is more like it! (and why EW brought it up in the story. What? Lois can't walk over and sharpen her pencil, she has to open a box of pre-sharpened pencils?  I mean, oh, look at the time. Bull hockey! Lois doubted the validity of that statement. If she had kissed any other guy, whom he didn’t happen to be impersonating, Clark would have been crushed, hurt, and mad. CLARK: Like she would kiss someone like Call-Me-Daniel, or Lex, or Deter, or Right-Clark. I mean, *really*? LOIS: Well, I *might*, but I wouldn't like it. CLARK: Neither would I! It was time for Clark to make a decision or, at least, think he was making the decision. ER: [stating the obvious] So, she’s a women, huh? Her hands ran down his back, curving around his butt, and giving him a slight squeeze, causing him to jolt upright. “Once I’m ready to move forward with our relationship, that is.” ER: She’s a bit of a tease, huh? Right-Clark: What was it? Three years? CANON LEX: Tell me about it. She wouldn't even put out before our wedding. What's up with that? “And stop stealing my pencils!” ER:  Lois is accusing Clark of stealing her pencils to give her an excuse to make out with him in the supply closet. “No,” he replied, lowering his lips to hers once more. ER: [Still obviously confused] Clark admits to this theft, but refuses to stop trying to meet her in the supply closet to make-out. Yes, she had definitely needed that. No, wait, pencils; she had come into the supply room for pencils. ER: So, good thing they didn’t do more than that, huh? LOIS: Yeah, right. If we *had* done more, I’d now be happy and sated instead of frustrated. CLARK: <<mumbling>> And you'd be dead. LOIS: What? CLARK: <<clears throat>> I said, "Join the club."
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Boards Chief Administrator Nobel Peace Prize Winner
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I'm terrible sorry, I'm so behind at responding to your wonderful FDK, but I was trying to spend my very little spare time writing. LOIS: Dicey? Hmmmm. CLARK: What? <Clark realizes that Cat’s got nothing on Lois when it comes to kink> Yes, it’s always the silent, demure ones. Lex is a city kid. Any "garage" he had was a parking structure. LEX: So what? I always dreamed big. LOIS: <<shrugs demurely>> I get that more than you'd think. PRANKSTER: I’m not obsessed with her. PROF. COLE: I’m not obsessed. I just want to ruin her life and then have her killed. LOIS: I don't speak French, but did he just say what I think he said about me? CLARK: No idea? <<coughing>> cut it out! You're going to get me in trouble. <<coughing>>  Michael
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Originally posted by Darth Michael: LOIS: Dicey? Hmmmm. CLARK: What? <Clark realizes that Cat’s got nothing on Lois when it comes to kink> LEX: Yes, it’s always the silent, demure ones. [QUOTE] Clark admits to this theft, but refuses to stop trying to meet her in the supply closet to make-out. ER: He really was. I would not have expected him to be so cavalier with other people’s property. MAYSON: Have you *seen* what Superman does to city property all the time?</font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">CLARK: What does Superman's obsession with violating city property have to do with me?  I was just trying to be honest. Geeze.
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.