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#94795 04/26/13 08:38 PM
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Wrong Place, Wrong Time, Wrong Clark TOC can be found Here

Thank you all for reading... and now for some A-Plot.

Comments welcome.

Last edited by VirginiaR; 05/13/14 12:27 PM. Reason: Added Link

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Hack from Nowheresville
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*ties all the plot threads around my head and goes to bed*

See you at the Kerths tomorrow! smile1

"It's the mythology of a sun god who wished he was a man because he saw something so great in us.
It's the story of a hero who could move whole worlds and see through stars and hear a whisper on the other side of the planet...
...and who fell in love with a storyteller." - ashmaht (x)
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“I’m just asking, Professor, why the data would have changed,”
I am very glad to see Daitch being called out on this. They never explained Nightfall well in canon. Well, actually it is easy to explain, since it especially in Season one they had very low continuity, but still.

Lois repeated, more than slightly annoyed that Daitch had postponed their meeting until late in the afternoon, causing Lois to make two trips to EPRAD,
Considering how little time she has for other things while covering the trial this has to be very annoying.

and that he was now trying to give her the runaround.
Admitting his data mat have been altered by outside sources is not a top goal.

“Well, no...” Professor Daitch said, shifting uncomfortably in his chair. “Not usually.”
See, outside data tampering admitted.

someone at the NY Times came up with the nicknames ‘Nightfall Major’ and ‘Nightfall Minor’ to describe the two versions of the asteroid.
Now what I want to know is the Times or the Daily Planet a more respected newspaper.

Perry:The Daily Planet, of course.

Lois:The Daily Planet. We had the first interview with Superman, we broke his return, we obviously are better.

The nicknames had been picked up by the televisions networks during the previous week and were now considered the official designations for the two versions of Nightfall.
This even explains the intial use of one name without keeping us stuck with that mess.

“We were able to analyze one of the small meteorites, which struck Monday night. Its composite was the same ratio of nickel to iron as shown on the remnants on Superman’s suit…” Daitch paused.
Sounds like she is trying to district Lois from her actual quest.

She didn’t know for what she was hoping. That the Nightfall asteroid was partially composed of Kryptonite,
That would solve some problems, but make bigger ones. Since Clark called her before vanishing, he clearly was not given amnesia by the astroid itself.

thereby proving without a doubt that Lex did not have Kryptonite and was trying to kill Superman.
I half wonder if it should be "was not trying". On a broader note, that would not prove that Luthor did not have Kryptonite, it would just make it possible that Clark was not exposed to Kryptonite by Luthor.

Lois didn’t want to exonerate Lex of this crime.
Well, technically he is not directly responsible for Clark's blackout. Although I guess if the goons had not kidnapped Clark, or Lex had not ordered him dumped and had had him brought to the manor, Clark probably would not have been exposed to the watch.

It would just make her investigation easier if she knew he wasn’t actively trying, or in the planning stages, to kill Superman.
But lack of kryptonite would not even prove that.

Lois looked at him skeptically. “Well, which was it? Nightfall Major changed from its initial course, or your data was wrong? Surely, you wouldn’t have sent Superman into space to collide with Nightfall without double-checking, triple-checking, the data to make sure that Nightfall Major had indeed changed course.”
Daitch:Why not, it took him less energy to go into space than it took us to recheck the data.

The man set the report to the side. “You may have a copy of this report, Ms. Lane, but Dr. Solsvig didn’t reconfirm my later findings.”
Lois:Aha, you rushed the second response.

Her eyes widened. “So, instead of having someone independently check your new findings, you decided to keep the information quiet? For what reason exactly?”
I can see why he postponed the meeting. He was probably trying to think of ways to explain things away and failing miserably.

If Lex and her vision were correct, the impact of such a story could be devastating to Superman as well as EPRAD, and that wasn’t the purpose of this investigation.
smile1 She is working to protect Superman. OK, I guess she has alwasy done that, but there was a very tiny possibility she might stike out at him. OK, not really.

The purpose of this investigation was to see how and possibly why the data changed.
Thus if it works the story will point a finger at Luthor as being to blame.

“A colleague in London,” Daitch replied vaguely.
And who is this "college", and how much was he paid by Luthor?

She didn’t look like a Superman groupie; she seemed awkward, nervous, and unsure if she should be there. Okay, that was how the Superman groupies acted too.
So she was acting like an SM groupie?

“Lois Lane?” the woman guessed with enthusiasm, grabbing Cat’s hand and shaking it. “I should’ve known by your classy outfit that you were her. You were my second choice, being that I know that you often write stories with Mr. Kent.”
I love this paragraph. I really love how Cat is in a situation where it is really hard to respond.

Clark –
Meet me in the conference room. New kidnapping. I’m Lois.
– Cat
clap that has to be the strangest note ever.

Clark:For once I am glad we are keeping me and Lois dating secret. Otherwise I would have to kiss Cat.

Lois:Don't even think about it buster.

Clark raised a brow and walked over to the conference room with a feeling of mystification. Cat, still dressed in one of her ‘snare Arthur Chow’ outfits, was listening attentively to a woman he had never seen before.
You know they really should have done the "Cat confused for Lois" line in this episode.

“This is my partner Clark Kent.
Clark:I am so glad Lois is not within earshot. She would go ballistic if she learnedabout this.

Clark, this is Claire Dawson. Mrs. Dawson’s sister has gone missing.”
This is getting even more intriguing. Now my question is, did this happen in canon, and we just did not learn about it, or is something new occuring because of changed factors?

“A week ago Sunday. The night before Impact Day,” Mrs. Dawson explained, raising a hand to her head. “Or, I guess, technically it was Monday; that night at some point.”
Ah, her sister is being held by Luthor. Although, Hmmm. This is different than the other kidnappings.

He nodded. What a horrible time to lose a child.
Who said anything about a child, it is Mrs. Dawson's sister that is missing. Although it might have been a much younger sister.

“Thirty-four,” Mrs. Dawson said.

Clark’s jaw dropped as his gaze darted to Cat. Thirty-four? Clearly, this woman didn’t belong to the ultra rich set whose children were being kidnapped.
I am not sure why he expected her to.

“Perhaps you can explain what my… partner and I can do for you?” he said, sitting down at the table with them.
Lois:That no good, two-timing, ahrrgh, he is calling Cat his partner.

“Stay-at-home mom,” Claire Dawson corrected. “My son Damien and his baby sister Carrie have been staying with my mother-in-law this week. I wasn’t getting anywhere over the phone and came out here in-person in hopes of finding something, anything.” She shook her head. “I feel as if I’ve been flailing my arms and spinning in circles. I need help.”
She might make more progress if she had contacted Lois. Although I guess Lois does not know that Luthor kept his prisoners.

Clark shot Cat a sharp glance. “I’m sure my case was unique, Ca… er… Lois,” he said with a warning tone.
I wouldn't be. The Boss has lots of peopel he wants to put away.

“It isn’t important,” Clark answered, knowing his experience would dash any hopes Mrs. Dawson might have at finding her sister alive.
He does have a point there.

“He was abducted and left to die in Hob’s Bay,” Cat informed her.
Not helping at all there Cat.

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“It would. The last time I spoke to Bren, she told me not to worry, that she would make it through whatever happened just fine, and that I should concentrate on taking care of my own family,” Mrs. Dawson said. “I asked her ‘how? How would she make it through on her own?’ and she told me that she ‘had a way’.
Yep, she went to Luthor.

“Finding you a top notch story, I would say. Did you hear what she said? MPD has been inundated with missing person reports since last week. This could be huge!” Cat exclaimed, her eyes alight with enthusiasm.
Good point, they probably have all 200 related to Luthor, but so many more that it is bound to be a total mess.

Clark set his hand on her arm and led her back to the table, shaking his head at the resemblance to his true partner. “Cat, what’s going on with you? This isn’t like you. These clothes, this story, impersonating Lois.”
Well, the first led to the others.

“Right. Sorry. I should’ve known that,” she said wryly.
Especially since Lois explicitly told her that it was just pretend.

Have you told her about all of you, then?”
Now she is being totally unfair.

He cleared his throat. “It’s a process.”
He tipped her off so she does know, he just does not know she knows.

“I can’t believe someone would use Nightfall as an excuse to go on a killing spree,” he went on, ignoring her comment.
Well there are psychos who enjoy killing, what better time then when things are about to collapse?

“Lois! Yeah, sure. Does this have something to do with Mr. Laderman’s trial?” Jimmy’s cousin Jimbo said, suddenly awake.
smile1 Jimbo is back.

“Yes, ‘hinky’. It’s a word, just as ‘chumpy’ is. It means funky, un-kosher, wrong, strange,” Lois said, defending her choice of words.
clap Lois the wordsmith.

Clark glanced up as Lois came down the steps and approached her desk.
dance They are together, at least in the same place.

He hadn’t seen her alone in days,

since their last rendezvous in the supply closet,
That was fun.

and his conversation with Cat was weighing heavily on him.
The part about not telling Lois the Truth?

he wondered if it was because she missed him as much as he missed her.
I'm glad he thinks that is likely.

He felt as if he should mention that Cat had impersonated her earlier.
Sounds like a good plan to me.

Clark picked up his telephone and hid his grin behind his hand as he dialed. That’s right, Minha, I still want to kiss you even when you’re mad.
I really like the Lois and Clark interactions.

Clark grabbed his notebook and one of the pencils from his ‘stole from Lois’s desk’ cup. “Who?”

Henderson chuckled. “You.”
Clark really does not count as a body.

“Thanks, Henderson. I’d appreciate it,” Clark said. He doubted his disappearance and Dr. Muldoon’s had any thing in common,
He underestimated the power of Lex Luthor.

and Henderson had just confirmed it.
Now just that they did not happen in the same way.

There was silence on the line, and Clark would’ve wondered if Henderson had hung up, except Clark could hear his heart beat increase.
What, that is the end? Lois is heading to the supply closet maybe, but we don't know, and you don't give us Henderson's reply. One things for sure, this story covers lots of time between episodes. We have gone several installments that pre-date most of "Illusions of Grandeur".

John Pack Lambert
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Hmmmm, off on another tangent eh? I've sort of forgotten where the story started. Our Clark is dead but his voice was talking to Lois and then when the other Clark came the voice stopped right? Or is that another story? I'm confused. Laura

Clark: “If we can be born in an instant, and die in an instant, why can’t we fall in love in an instant?”

Caroline's "Stardust"
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Yeah, Laura, you've got the right story. Now we've got alt-Clark trying to get together properly with alt-cannon-Lois instead of his own Lois, but when she was aware of alt-cannon-Clark haunting her, she wanted to go back in time to save him from being killed as a baby. Now she doesn't know about the time travel problem or trying to save baby Clark, but she still gets flashes of memory from her original (cannon) life and her haunted-by-Clark life.

I've been getting confused because I just re-read Bobbart's Nightfall story ( When the Sky Falls ) and getting it mixed up with this one. Which Clark has forgotten what, and who remembered what, and how much was destroyed? I think I'm reading too many in-progress stories at the moment. :p

So, I'm wondering just how much Henderson knows about the mass abduction. I'm also wondering whether the abductees know that they've been abducted. How much would it really take for Luthor to fabricate evidence that the world was destroyed that would be believed by people living in an underground bunker under his complete control?

"It is a remarkable dichotomy. In many ways, Clark is the most human of us all. Then...he shoots fire from the skies, and it is difficult not to think of him as a god. And how fortunate we all are that it does not occur to him." -Batman (in Superman/Batman #3 by Jeph Loeb)
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As I understand it, this Clark remembers everything except for right before and right after he was kidnapped. He does not have enough clear memories to be sure if he had sex with Meena, or really remember his kidnappers, but he knows where he came from.

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Kismatt: Thanks for reading. Sorry if those plot threads give you headache or are choking you. One of these days I'll learn to separate some threads and keep them for other stories. Hope you slept well. laugh The Kerth Awards were fun, but soaking my red velvet dress to get out the tomato stains, not so much. wink

Laura: Yes, this was that story... way back almost a year ago, when I first started posting it. blush Sometimes love takes a detour and a while to work out. I promise I haven't forgotten about that initial premise and we'll work back around to it. More on this coming up in May.

mrsMxyzptlk: hyper So, it's an investigation?

HENDERSON: wallbash

I'm also wondering whether the abductees know that they've been abducted. How much would it really take for Luthor to fabricate evidence that the world was destroyed that would be believed by people living in an underground bunker under his complete control?
Well, there was that gas line explosion which made the ground shake deep underground, and no prior knowledge that Superman returned for Lex's guests. They all went in figuring the world as they knew it was ending. They haven't heard anything otherwise, as far as we've been told.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Originally posted by VirginiaR:
[b]Kismatt: Thanks for reading. Sorry if those plot threads give you headache or are choking you. One of these days I'll learn to separate some threads and keep them for other stories. Hope you slept well. laugh The Kerth Awards were fun, but soaking my red velvet dress to get out the tomato stains, not so much. wink

Laura: Yes, this was that story... way back almost a year ago, when I first started posting it. blush Sometimes love takes a detour and a while to work out. I promise I haven't forgotten about that initial premise and we'll work back around to it. More on this coming up in May.

mrsMxyzptlk: hyper So, it's an investigation?

HENDERSON: wallbash

I'm also wondering whether the abductees know that they've been abducted. How much would it really take for Luthor to fabricate evidence that the world was destroyed that would be believed by people living in an underground bunker under his complete control?
Well, there was that gas line explosion which made the ground shake deep underground, and no prior knowledge that Superman returned for Lex's guests. They all went in figuring the world as they knew it was ending. They haven't heard anything otherwise, as far as we've been told. [/b]
I knew the gas line explosion was somehow realted to the people underground. I had not figured out exactly how though.

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John: Thanks for reading.
I am very glad to see Daitch being called out on this. They never explained Nightfall well in canon. Well, actually it is easy to explain, since it especially in Season one they had very low continuity, but still.
Well, since I brought it up, I figured I should knot that thread at some point. laugh

Considering how little time she has for other things while covering the trial this has to be very annoying.
I'm almost surprised canon Lois would agree to cover a trial months in duration (as it was explained in canon), which is why I explained it as favor for a friend.

Now what I want to know is the Times or the Daily Planet a more respected newspaper.

Perry:The Daily Planet, of course.

Lois:The Daily Planet. We had the first interview with Superman, we broke his return, we obviously are better.
Debatable. Those in NY say it's the Times. Those in DC say it's the Post, and those in Metropolis say it's the Planet.

CARPENTER: I wouldn't go that far. I know of a far better paper which scoops those other papers before the events occur!

This even explains the intial use of one name without keeping us stuck with that mess.
The keeping of the same name never made sense to me. This would imply that the first Nightfall and the second were the equivalent in the eyes of EPRAD scientists.

Sounds like she is trying to district Lois from her actual quest.
DAITCH: Who? What? Me? Distract an investigative reporter from investigating me? Never! Hey, what's that over there? <<runs off>>

That would solve some problems, but make bigger ones. Since Clark called her before vanishing, he clearly was not given amnesia by the astroid itself.
It was a straw and she was grasping at it.

thereby proving without a doubt that Lex did not have Kryptonite and was trying to kill Superman.
I half wonder if it should be "was not trying".
That's a good question. I figured that the not from the first clause also covered the second, but perhaps you're right and it doesn't.

On a broader note, that would not prove that Luthor did not have Kryptonite, it would just make it possible that Clark was not exposed to Kryptonite by Luthor.

Well, technically he is not directly responsible for Clark's blackout. Although I guess if the goons had not kidnapped Clark, or Lex had not ordered him dumped and had had him brought to the manor, Clark probably would not have been exposed to the watch.
Lex wanted Superman to be exposed to the watch to begin with so the blame still falls back to him.

But lack of kryptonite would not even prove that.
Also, true.

Daitch:Why not, it took him less energy to go into space than it took us to recheck the data.
Daitch admitted to the new data being checked 3 times by him and twice by his assistant.

Lois:Aha, you rushed the second response.
DAITCH: So, I should have just waited to see if it would hit? There were only 4 days. Time was of the essence.

She is working to protect Superman. OK, I guess she has alwasy done that, but there was a very tiny possibility she might strike out at him. OK, not really.
No matter how much she's angered at Clark, does not mean she would want to turn Superman into a villain.

LEX: sad And she had so much potential.

Thus if it works the story will point a finger at Luthor as being to blame.
Because he's sooooo lousy at covering his tracks.

And who is this "college", and how much was he paid by Luthor?

I love this paragraph. I really love how Cat is in a situation where it is really hard to respond.
Thanks. I figured she should see how others see her in this new gettup.

<<clapping>> that has to be the strangest note ever.

Clark:For once I am glad we are keeping me and Lois dating secret. Otherwise I would have to kiss Cat.

Lois:Don't even think about it buster.
I doubt it would be professional to kiss his partner, even if she was his romantic partner as well, in front of source.

You know they really should have done the "Cat confused for Lois" line in this episode.
I'm glad you like it.

This is getting even more intriguing. Now my question is, did this happen in canon, and we just did not learn about it, or is something new occuring because of changed factors?
Depends on whether you think it's possible how I string things together could also explain what happened in canon.

Who said anything about a child, it is Mrs. Dawson's sister that is missing. Although it might have been a much younger sister.
She could be half-sister from Daddy's second marriage.

I am not sure why he expected her to.
Because that's the only kidnappings he's been working on recently, so he had it on his mind.

She might make more progress if she had contacted Lois. Although I guess Lois does not know that Luthor kept his prisoners.
CAT: She contacted Lois! <<spreads arms>> Hello?

I wouldn't be. The Boss has lots of people he wants to put away.
Clark meant he wasn't the victim of a serial killer during Nightfall and that whomever abducted him did so because of Superman.

Good point, they probably have all 200 related to Luthor, but so many more that it is bound to be a total mess.
No one said that the ark-ites are all local from Metropolis.

Especially since Lois explicitly told her that it was just pretend.
Last Cat heard Lois dumped Clark.

Have you told her about all of you, then?”
Now she is being totally unfair.
How? He's saying that she's hiding herself from Chow, she's just saying he's doing the same thing.

Well there are psychos who enjoy killing, what better time then when things are about to collapse?
I agree, but that will have to be another story.

Jimbo is back.
Come on! You all knew he'd be back, didn't you? wink

The part about not telling Lois the Truth?
Dat would be the part.

Sounds like a good plan to me.
CLARK: But she likes me, right now. I don't want to be the bearer of bad news. You've heard of killing the messenger, right?

He underestimated the power of Lex Luthor.
Neither man knows for certain that Luthor was involved with Clark's abduction.

What, that is the end? Lois is heading to the supply closet maybe, but we don't know, and you don't give us Henderson's reply. One things for sure, this story covers lots of time between episodes. We have gone several installments that pre-date most of "Illusions of Grandeur".
Yes, sorry about the abrupt cut off here, but I'm really trying to stick to not more than 18 d.s. pages per part and this was the best spot to cut the scene. Being that IoM and IoG were both supposed to take place over "months" of investigation, they will overlap a bit in this story.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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She could be half-sister from Daddy's second marriage.
True but I have a counsin who has a son older than her full brother (I think she was 21 when she had her first child), so it does not even have to be a half-sibling.

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“I’m just asking, Professor, why the data would have changed,” Lois repeated,
Because the balance on his checking account also changed. Duh! Or, in Jimbo speak, because the number of digits on his wife’s right hand changed but then her life points didn’t.
Ralph: Maybe the number of boobies in his bed changed?

“You told Superman that the initial calculations indicated that there was only a thirty-five percent chance of Nightfall hitting Earth.
To be fair, with a 1-in-3 chance of hitting, people would have sent out Superman none-the-less: Torino scale

“Was there anything else about Nightfall Major or its path, which was different from other asteroids?” she asked.
Well…Superman ended up in its path. Or, maybe the Kryptonian palace flew past?

someone at the NY Times came up with the nicknames ‘Nightfall Major’ and ‘Nightfall Minor’
LOIS: [Linked Image]

She nodded. “At what point did you realize that your initial data was incorrect?”

“It wasn’t wrong!” Professor Daitch insisted.
It wasn’t?

Surely, you wouldn’t have sent Superman into space to collide with Nightfall without double-checking, triple-checking, the data to make sure that Nightfall Major had indeed changed course.”
DAITCH: Well, we had a pool going with SAC on how much damage Superman could do to an extra-terrestrial object compared to a nuclear warhead.

“Dr…. er… Dr. Martin Solsvig at LexLabs…”

“— confirmed our initial calculations.”
wave Michael

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Re-reading I think they really should have brought Lois into the investigation of Brenda's disappearance. There is just a small chance Lois might see that it connects to Luthor from the sisters description.

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Darth Michael: Slowly, but surely catching up. If I do one of these a night... I'll catch up when you do. laugh Thanks for sticking with me.
“I’m just asking, Professor, why the data would have changed,” Lois repeated,
ER: Because the balance on his checking account also changed. Duh! Or, in Jimbo speak, because the number of digits on his wife’s right hand changed but then her life points didn’t.
Ralph: Maybe the number of boobies in his bed changed?
Wrong. Nope. Uh-uh. laugh

“You told Superman that the initial calculations indicated that there was only a thirty-five percent chance of Nightfall hitting Earth.
ER: To be fair, with a 1-in-3 chance of hitting, people would have sent out Superman none-the-less: Torino scale
But 1/3 chance of it hitting is still better than a 9/10 chance of it hitting.

“Was there anything else about Nightfall Major or its path, which was different from other asteroids?” she asked.
ER: Well…Superman ended up in its path. Or, maybe the Kryptonian palace flew past?
ZARA: No comment.

She nodded. “At what point did you realize that your initial data was incorrect?”

“It wasn’t wrong!” Professor Daitch insisted.

ER: It wasn’t?
Nope. laugh

Surely, you wouldn’t have sent Superman into space to collide with Nightfall without double-checking, triple-checking, the data to make sure that Nightfall Major had indeed changed course.”
DAITCH: Well, we had a pool going with SAC on how much damage Superman could do to an extra-terrestrial object compared to a nuclear warhead.
ZEITLIN: I lost that one, big time. <<hands Daitch a dollar>> Of course, Superman colliding with the asteroid made it more likely to hit, so.... <<takes dollar back>>

“Dr…. er… Dr. Martin Solsvig at LexLabs…”
ER: LexLabs?
Yes, before he went to work with the guy who like to pretend he was an alien and kidnap people and brainwash them to jump out of helicopters. (Fences! Bob Fences. I totally blanked on his name for a minute.)

“You know, ‘need to know’.”
ER: And The Boss didn’t need to know?
LEX: Mrs. Cox, would you please talk to the president (casing sic) about this troubling matter?
Well, the thing is he didn't need to have EPRAD tell him, because he already knew, per his conversation with Lois down in the Ark, when he told her that the initial asteroid wouldn't have hit.

She didn’t look like a Superman groupie; she seemed awkward, nervous, and unsure if she should be there.
ER: The housekeeper!
Nope, just trying to throw the reader a curve ball, and give Clark something to do while Lois investigates Luthor.

she looked as if this was her last hope.
ER: To bad he’s not Obi Wan.
CLARK: I am *so* Luke!
LOIS: Wasn't Luke celibate?
CLARK: <<considering this fact>> Carlos is so Luke!
LOIS: Who's Carlos?
CLARK: Never mind. I'm so... Han!
LOIS: He didn't have the force, but Leia did, so I'll accept that answer if in this scenario force = intelligence, which of course, makes me Leia, the one in the relationship with the force.
CLARK: I walked into that one, didn't I?
JIMBO: Totally, CK, totally.

“Clark stepped out of the office for a few minutes. I’m…” Cat said, holding out a hand to introduce herself.

“Lois Lane?” the woman guessed with enthusiasm, grabbing Cat’s hand and shaking it. “I should’ve known by your classy outfit that you were her

ER: Wasn’t there a challenge about just such a scenario a couple months back?
Yes, around the time I was writing this section of the arc. [Linked Image]

So, Cat catnapped Lois and is now impersonating her?
CAT: No comment.
LOIS: Like she could ever kidnap me. Ha!
CAT: Oh, Lois, Clark asked if you could stop by my apartment while I out of town this weekend to meet with him.
LOIS: I'm so there! Damn. Okay, so, yes, it could happen.

“This is my partner Clark Kent. Clark, this is Claire Dawson. Mrs. Dawson’s sister has gone missing.”
ER: [confused that EW has given Clark something interesting to investigate while Lois is off with Lex.]
CLARK: I don't think this missing person's case is a fair trade-off for Lois dating other men while pretending not to date me.
LOIS: Not "men". One man. And we're not dating.
LEX: We're not? So, just sex then?
LOIS: No! Ewwww. No!
LEX: Why do I want you over for dinner then?
LOIS: :rolleyes:

“My sister is an OB/Gyn. She graduated top of her class from New York University’s School of Medicine, and has a thriving practice…” Mrs. Dawson’s voice faltered and she wasn’t able to go on.
ER: She’s now taken up a second career as concubine!
Um.... not quite.

“It would. The last time I spoke to Bren, she told me not to worry, that she would make it through whatever happened just fine,
LOIS: I don’t think ‘fine’ is the correct word. But then, maybe she likes male attention from old geezers.
LEX: Old? Geezer? NIGEL! Find out why Church Sr. is stalking my future fiancée!

She couldn’t have vanished off the face of the Earth without a trace.”
/Lex signs a bonus check for Nigel/
Nigel cashes check same day and transfers funds to offshore account, under the name Legin Nhojts.

She shook her head. “And who’s to say that this isn’t the real me? Only in really hot, scratchy clothes?” she replied, opening the top buttons of her suit jacket. “How can people breathe in all these layers?”
LOIS: By not getting all hot and bothered as soon as there’s testosterone in the room.
/Superman enters/
LOIS: Is it hot in here. /pops open most of the buttons of her blouse and hikes up skirt into a large belt/
CAT: See, not as easy as it looks, is it?

“Can I help it if I want this to be a better place than when I found it?”
ER: So, he intends to keep Lois alive, then, huh?
CLARK: Yep, that pretty much sums it up.

PERRY: So long as I get the headline…
LOIS: He replaced me with Cat, *really*? *REAAAALLLLLY?*
LEX: Looky there, he’s that attractive new investigative reporter who managed to *not* be enamored with Superman?
LOIS: I wouldn't say that, Lex. I hear they sleep together all the time. wink

/whispers/ unusual
blush So, he shouldn't look for the usual stuff? LOL. Thanks. Fixed.

“Yes, ‘hinky’. It’s a word, just as ‘chumpy’ is. It means funky, un-kosher, wrong, strange,” Lois said, defending her choice of words.
ER: What? ‘hinky’ is a perfectly acceptable adjective.
I agree, but it's still considered "slang".
LOIS: Right. Like "Chumpy".
CLARK: No, *not* like chumpy. Nobody says "chumpy".
JIMBO: <<raises hand>> I've been feeling a bit chumpy lately.

So, Jimmy flunked out and is now working at an exterminator’s apprentice?
LUCY: Yeah, I once caught a worm and it sent all my ‘artsy’ pictures into the –net. I’m just glad Mother’s not hooked up or it would have been a de-sa-ster.
So, you're saying "computer worms" is the wrong term? blush

JIMBO: I tried to get a job with Snoil Extermination but was told I had too much intelligence.

Better not. It’s much more of a surprise when Cat and Clark get nominated for next year’s Kerth award and then Pulitzer for their story on how they brought down the Tower of Luthor (on top of the imprisoned scientists’ habitat).
CAT: I so agree.
CLARK: Really, Lois, it was just a missing person's case, I swear!
LOIS: So, is this what you call an invite as your date?
CLARK: Um... no. I promised Jimmy I'd take him this year.

“Stop stealing my pencils, Kent.”
ER: Huh. Okay, I’m seeing a theme, but is he really doing it or is Lex having Ralph collect saliva samples from Lois so he can determine her fertility window.
CLARK: Um... I plead the fifth. laugh
LEX: I don't really care about fertility. I'll just bang her till I get bored.
LOIS: Shoot me. Shoot me now.

“No,” he replied under his breath. If stealing her pencils might mean a chance meeting in the supply closet, he would steal them happily away from her until they were both old and grey.
ER: Awwww, foreplay. And as an additional bonus, it gets Lois all worked up and mad.
CLARK: Just my way of making sure the curse never gets activated.

So, his family in the business since the times of Capone and his gang?
JONES: <<hesitantly>> Possibly.

LEX: Duh! I have mine usually processed by the sewage plant and turned into chowder.
NIGEL: We've been sticking them into buildings that have caught fire five minutes later recently. Harder to identify, you know.

[Linked Image]
Yep, that's my story all right. Only not so color coded.

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Originally posted by John Lambert:
Re-reading I think they really should have brought Lois into the investigation of Brenda's disappearance. There is just a small chance Lois might see that it connects to Luthor from the sisters description.
Now, where would be the fun in that? huh

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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CLARK: I am *so* Luke!
LOIS: Wasn't Luke celibate?
CLARK: <<considering this fact>> Carlos is so Luke!
LOIS: Who's Carlos?
CLARK: Never mind. I'm so... Han!
LOIS: He didn't have the force, but Leia did, so I'll accept that answer if in this scenario force = intelligence, which of course, makes me Leia, the one in the relationship with the force.
CLARK: I walked into that one, didn't I?
JIMBO: Totally, CK, totally.
Actually for what it is worth it appears that Luke did not revive really stupid ideas like having Jedi Knights be celibate.

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Originally posted by John Lambert:
Actually for what it is worth it appears that Luke did not revive really stupid ideas like having Jedi Knights be celibate.
Really? I thought he did in the books.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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LUKE: Celewhat? Have you seeeeen my wife? Next they suggest Lois give up chocolate.

wave Michael

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Originally posted by VirginiaR:
Originally posted by John Lambert:
[b]Actually for what it is worth it appears that Luke did not revive really stupid ideas like having Jedi Knights be celibate.
Really? I thought he did in the books. [/b]
I thought he hooked up with some lady and eventually had children, but I have only read a very small part of any Starwars books, so I could be wrong. So I went and looked on Wikipedia, and sure enough, Luke does eventually marry. So no celibacy for him. He even has a son named Ben Skywalker.

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Originally posted by Darth Michael:
LUKE: Celewhat? Have you seeeeen my wife? Next they suggest Lois give up chocolate.
Originally posted by John Lambert:
I thought he hooked up with some lady and eventually had children, but I have only read a very small part of any Starwars books, so I could be wrong. So I went and looked on Wikipedia, and sure enough, Luke does eventually marry. So no celibacy for him. He even has a son named Ben Skywalker.
Clearly, I didn't get far enough along in the book series. I'm glad to hear he didn't pursue that path. That takes a load off my mind. Phew.

LOIS: Don't anyone even *joke* about my chocolate!

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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