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#94901 04/30/13 08:25 PM
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Wrong Place, Wrong Time, Wrong Clark TOC can be found Here

Sorry about cutting the beginning scene in two but I had to cut it somewhere. peep

Comments welcome as the episodes collide.

Last edited by VirginiaR; 05/13/14 12:25 PM. Reason: Added Link

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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In fact, she felt like kissing another man right in front of him, at this very moment.

Ralph walked by, and the feeling quickly passed.

Maybe not at this exact moment.
Love this! goofy

No! Lois groaned with every fiber of her being. Anyone but her.
For some reason, Linda King comes to mind but I don't that's it. You've got me curious.


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"You know sources, Clark, you’ve got to keep them happy or they may dry up."
Clark: Um... just how happy are you trying to keep Lex?

Lois is all over the place in this chapter. I like her reasoning about Clark's motivations. Some of what she's deduced is right, though for the wrong reasons. He did get a job at the Daily Planet to be close to her, after all.

Lois heard Clark clear his throat and she glanced over her shoulder at him. He looked the same as before, but he appeared a bit more uncomfortable. Could Superman read minds? Oh, goodness! She hoped not. An evil grin spread over her lips. Actually, maybe she did.
I'm thinking that Lois was sub-consciously moaning quietly as she recalled her steamy dreams, and Clark couldn't handle hearing that.

A sense of empowerment washed over Lois. Superman was invulnerable to everything, but Kryptonite… and her.
I love these two sentences. This sums up Lois Lane from Action Comics #1 on. Superman is the most powerful man on the planet, but Lois can turn him to goo with just a seductive look.

My guess for who the "Anyone but her" is is Linda King. It's about that far into the story, right? And the paper is having circulation problems.

"It is a remarkable dichotomy. In many ways, Clark is the most human of us all. Then...he shoots fire from the skies, and it is difficult not to think of him as a god. And how fortunate we all are that it does not occur to him." -Batman (in Superman/Batman #3 by Jeph Loeb)
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“It’s a non-story, Kent,” Henderson finally said with a sigh, yet Clark didn’t believe him.
Well, that is the way Luthor gets away with things, no one investigating.

“You’ll see, all these so-called ‘missing people’ will be found again, soon enough.”
When Lois decides to try sneaking down to the bunker.

Dr. Brenda Muldoon didn’t sound like the type to continue hiding in a basement after the all clear had been announced.
But that only applies if she ever hears the all clear.

He wasn’t surprised by that, but he guessed Clark Kent should be.
Now he is thinking of of himself in the 3rd person. Hmm, he is also thinking of "clark Kent" as a mask.

“Bill, actually, but you can call me Frank until you get all your memories back,” teased the policeman.
If it was not for the super corny jokes I do not know if the intensity of this part would have been surviviable.

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“Kent, you’re been spending too much time with that partner of yours
Clark:She is only my partner, we don't spend enough time together.

Clark glanced over at Lois’s desk and wondered why she hadn’t yet returned.
She's waiting for you in the supply closet you lunkhead.

Without word, she unplugged Clark’s electronic pencil sharpener and took it to her desk.
I think that should be "Without a word", or "without saying a word". You need another word there.

Ooops. He smiled sheepishly at her, but that only seemed to make her eyes narrow further in annoyance. She was right. Secretly meeting in the supply closet had been his idea.
Then why did he not follow up on it?

Her phone rang. “Lois Lane!” she grumbled into the phone.
Can't Clark hear the other end of the line, so if it is his perspective shouldn't we hear both sides of the conversation.

“Oh, Lex! I’m sorry… No, no. I’m fine. I was merely in a heated discussion with an associate.” Her tone turned soft and pleasant, making the hairs on Clark’s neck stand on end.
Oh no, oh no, oh no, he is going to overreact.

“Dinner?” Lois glanced over her shoulder at Clark, clearly seeing his gaze was fixed on her and her telephone conversation. “That sounds nice. I could use a night away from the office. Thank you.”
Is she trying to make Clark feel horrible?

Clark realized that she had been seeing Luthor, since her and Clark’s faux break-up, just as Cat had implied.
She should have been more upfront about this.

“What was that about, Kent? Are you eavesdropping on my private conversation? I didn’t interrupt your phone conversation with your source.”
Clark:I don't have romantic dinner dates with my sources.

Lois shrugged. “He may. You know sources, Clark, you’ve got to keep them happy or they may dry up.”
Clark:And what exactly do you do to keep Luthor happy?

The words tumbled out of his mouth before they could stop them.
Even though Clark has some level of split personallity, talking about himself in the third person, I think you meant "he could stop them".

She smiled radiantly up at him as if she had won.
At least she is smiling.

Had her acceptance to dinner with Luthor merely been a ploy to pay Clark back for letting her stew in the supply closet for fifteen minutes?
I don;t think she is that petty.

“Thank you, Clark.”
This is better than I would have expected things to go.

“Don’t worry, Lois. I won’t be stealing your pencils any longer,” he grumbled, walking towards the stairwell. “Apparently, the joke wasn’t as funny as I thought it had been.”

Clark might be younger and had morals, but Luthor had money, power, influence, and connections. Wasn’t that what Cat had told him that every woman wanted?
See, I knew being friends with Cat was a bad idea.

Clark nodded. “Only, it’s more than I can have.”
Lois:But Lex does not get any of this sloppy or this love

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She grabbed his wrist and pulled him past the doorway to the basement level, where people were less likely to interrupt them.
smile1 although I think Clark still does have a point about having to be hidden is not the same.

“Stop pouting. We agreed to this. You know the truth, and this is the last time I’m going to reassure you. The very last time,” she said in her ‘I’m serious’ voice as she put her hands on her hips.
I hope he is sufficiently reassured. On the other hand, she has not directly addressed the issue of meeting with Luthor with Clark before.

Clark hadn’t been pouting, but calling her on it would only prove her point.
So sticking up for himself would equal pouting?

“I trust you, Lois; it’s him I don’t trust,” he replied, feeling guilty for his earlier thoughts.
He does not trust her enough, really. Although Cat's poison does not help.

“We’re just friends, not even friends.
Clark:Were just friends to most people, Luthor is not someone you want as a friend.

I’m using him to get information. That’s all,”
Well, I guess this is true from a certain point of view, but I doubt Clark would agree "that's all" if he knew everything that Lois was plotting.

He tried not to let a smile tug on his lips, and wondered if she remembered her old S.O.S. codeword with Superman.
Hopefully she does.

“Promise me that you’ll call him that to his face if he lays one finger on you,” he insisted, knowing that Superman would be between them an instant later, windows or walls be damned.
Clark really should not know what that means, so Lois should protest, so Clark should start to wonder why she does not react with a "how do you know about that" here.

“Do you think I’d accept dinner with Lex, if I thought he would try to make a move on me?” she said.
Clark:Well, you do seem to get into a lot of danger.

“Us, hiding our relationship from the rest of the world, doesn’t mean I’m going to start dating other people, Chuck.
Clark:It sure looks like your dating Lex.

Lex and me, that’s strictly business, I promise.”
Hopefully Clark will actually hear her this time.

“I miss you,” Clark whispered, caressing her cheek.

She nudged his shoulder with her fist. “You’d miss me less if you didn’t disregard the crumbs I keep leaving for you.”
What does she mean by this?

“Sorry,” he mumbled sheepishly. He glanced up and down the stairwell. They were alone. He lowered his mouth to hers. “It will never happen again.”
grumble Wells and his unhelpful meedling. They would probably married by now if it was not for his talk of curses. grumble This is pure torture of Clark. grumble

“We can wait,” she whispered, giving him another soft kiss. “We can wait until all this stress is over, Chuck. I don’t want to pressure you. You’re worth waiting for.”
I really hope I am right and Lois liedabout the night at the hospital. I do not expect Herb to tell Clark that he thinks his assesment is wrong. Of course maybe I have made Herb too much into a badguy. But he is responsible for torturing Clark.

He caressed her cheek, and wished he had the faith in him as she did. Then again, Lois didn’t know the truth about him or the curse.
Well, he is mostly half wrong. Lois knows enough about him that probably only the curse might change her views. And even if they did not consumate in the hospital I don't think she will accept the curse as real.

“Hey, how about we face those evil magicians together at the ‘Magic of the Night’ thing of Cat’s?” she suggested,
Wait, is the curse why Clark does not want to deal with magic?

running a calming hand through his hair. “We can meet there, if you’re afraid to arrive in my company.”
Clark:Lois, you are the one who doesn;t want to be seen with me.

A real date. Okay, a genuine date masquerading as a chance meeting between partners.
There is no lack of pretending in this story.

Someday, he knew he would have to let Lois go to lead a normal life with a man with whom she could have a full relationship.
frown although if he thinks Lois could ever send him away he does not get it.

It wasn’t an honest smile as the horror of that image refused to leave him.
You know, this makes me realize that the makers of Lois and Clark were less sadistic than they could have been. They could have actually showed us Lois dieing in "Soul Mates" and then had Wells show up. Although I am not sure the show could have survived that outrage. Soul Mates was weird enough as it was. But with the death only being a line from a ewspaper we could basically laugh in the show.

“Now, are we okay?” Lois asked.
I don;t think Clark will be OK again until Lois can convince him to stop fearing the curse.

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Joe handed Lois a pile of messages when she arrived into the office Friday morning.
So we are now two weeks past nightfall, to March 11, 1994?

It must have been stuck in back channels on Krypton,
Well, she is right it related to things that happened where Clark was before, she is just confused as to where he was before.

Lex had asked her about the cutbacks at the paper,
I am glad you added this in earlier. The lack of continuity between episodes is the biggest problem with Lois and Clark. Although it is not the only TV show to have this problem, and not the worst by TV standard either. I think the problem with Lois and Clark is that unlike say "I Love Lucy", the characters relationship develops in the show.

the dishonest billionaire.
smile1 she sees that Luthor is a crook.

She had noticed a man following her this morning. It could have been nothing,
Where there is smoke there's a fire.

Lois wanted to clobber Clark.
He really needs to tell her this whole thing from his view as soon as possible. I don't know she will quite agree with it. The only way she is going to understand him is if he tells her about the other dimension. Hmm, so does she think his parents real died, or does she think that story is a bunch of lies?

She recalled how he tried to convince her she wouldn’t be cheating on Superman with him. Ha! There was a minor understatement.
Lois:And if he had just said "Lois, I am Superman" everything would have been solved. But no, he had to keep his secret.

Ugh. She didn’t want to marry any man. It was such an archaic tradition, which only seemed to place a yoke on a woman.
Wow, she is really down on marriage, although I guess with her parents as an example it is not too surprising.

Then again, Clark could cook and, as Superman, he could accomplish the cleaning in five seconds. He also seemed to value her career.
So yes, she would consider marrying him.

Yet, would she want to marry a man who lied to her and hurt her on purpose just to save his own invulnerable skin?
But how did he hurt her to save his skin? It hurt him to break up with her too.

He deserved it.
Clark:Hey, I got to kiss her, how can I complain?

In fact, she felt like kissing another man right in front of him, at this very moment.
Oh no, oh no, oh no.

Therefore, Lex Luthor
For a moment I was afraid that Lois was planning to kiss Luthor.

must know that Lois loved Superman, or had back last summer. Terrific. Clark would not be happy to hear that, so she decided that she would keep that news item to herself.
He should suspect it, even if he has not yet.

Not that she was talking to the louse now anyway.
frown Her knwoing but him not knowing she knows is turning out worse than I expected. You know, I don't think it would have been this bad in canon. There she knew that he had a backstory as CK.

Was that why Lex had acquired Kryptonite? To rid himself of another of Lois Lane’s love interests?
Nah, he hates SM for deeper reasons.

Or had Lex become interested in her because… no, that was ridiculous.
Anymore ridiculous than a billonaire being a crime boss? Any more ridiculous than the arc?

Lex couldn’t have discovered she and Superman had been involved before then.
because he did not have surveilance equitments and spies everywhere? Of course he could have Lois.

Wouldn’t it have just been simpler, instead of leading her on as Superman and making up all these excuses on why they couldn’t be together, to explain to her why it would be better if she would only date his secret identity?
This is a real good question. I am not even sure Clark explaining the full truth will convince her.

He had certainly gone through many unnecessary hoops to make their relationship possible.
Unless his true self is Clark, and he feels that at a very deep level. Although I am only partly convinced of this.

Had he felt the connection too, but prior to that day?
Yes, that's why he came.

Had he stolen Clark Kent’s identity, just so he would have a reason to interact with her?
You know Lois should wonder more about why he decided to steal the identitiy of a child who had been dead for over 20 years. Would it not have made more sense to take the identity of someone who died in a crash, or at sea, recently? On the other hand, since Clark Kent died so young, there was really no identitity to steal. Lois should maybe wonder more about that.

not getting it because his portfolio was nonexistent being that he had just arrived on the planet,
Now see what he should have done was made short appearences in strategic other locations first to build a portfolio.

Clark:But it was so easy to get a job in my dimension.

A worthy reason in her opinion.
But if he had had a job she would have rejected him as an out-of-bounds co-worker.

He got the job without any experience,
Actually he had probably more experience than Lois. He really needs to tell her about the other dimension.

Alternatively, was it simply because it was the only way to rescue her from the bomb on the Prometheus?
I am pretty sure this second guess is the right one.

and someone started trying to blow Superman up.
Lois now knows this is almost certain to have been Luthor. She has enough to see Luthor is using her as a pawn, if she will just analize it.

She had confused matters, when she kissed Clark on Trask’s plane and announced that they were dating.
At least she recognizes that this confused Clark, even if not seeing fully why.

Clark had certainly believed her, gullible romantic fool that he was. Was that when he decided that ‘Clark’ might actually have a shot after all?
Actually it was more he did not realize that SM would attract so much admiration from Lois.

Lois thought back on that kiss with Clark on Trask’s plane, and how she had tried to pretend she was actually making out with Superman. Ironic, wasn’t it?
Yes it was.

In it, first Superman had floated them among the trees as he had made love to her.
I guess she is no longer draeaming of her past lives.

Then Clark hadn’t stopped her from seducing him the infamous Night of Passionate Pasta. Instead, he had… Lois closed her eyes and smiled as she remembered the feeling of Clark’s lips on her bare skin as he had pushed away her blouse.
So much for her staying mad at Clark.

Sadly, her alarm had gone off just after Clark had locked the Metro Club’s supply closet door and hiked up her dress, condoms be damned.
That would have made the story a lot shorter.

Could Superman read minds?
If he could he would know she knew he was CK, so I think she should assume no.

Clark glanced up and caught her grinning at him. He flushed. Could he read her thoughts?
No just her heart rate and expressions.

How had he described their lovemaking at the hospital?
smile1 they did disprove the power of the curse. Hmm, OK, that it probably only one reading of that line.

Oh, he was so going to regret the decision to keep his secret from her.
But he tried to tell her, multiple times.

She just noticed the new researcher, the one who replaced the woman whom Lois had pulled Ralph off in the conference room on Impact Day,
Wait, they have extremely high research turnover.

No! Lois groaned with every fiber of her being. Anyone but her.
I had no clue who this might be until I read through the comments. I noticed someone mentioned Linda King, and I think it might be her.

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Joan: Thank you for reading. I'm glad you're enjoying Lois's love to hate relationship with Ralph.

For some reason, Linda King comes to mind but I don't that's it. You've got me curious
That's one vote for Linda.

mrsMxyzptlk: Thanks for the feedback.

Clark: Um... just how happy are you trying to keep Lex?
EW: /wraps arms around computer screen/ I have no idea why you might think Clark might react like this at some point.

Lois is all over the place in this chapter. I like her reasoning about Clark's motivations. Some of what she's deduced is right, though for the wrong reasons. He did get a job at the Daily Planet to be close to her, after all.
Until she knows otherwise, she needs to find meaning in the facts as she knows them.

I'm thinking that Lois was sub-consciously moaning quietly as she recalled her steamy dreams, and Clark couldn't handle hearing that.
[Linked Image]

I love these two sentences. This sums up Lois Lane from Action Comics #1 on. Superman is the most powerful man on the planet, but Lois can turn him to goo with just a seductive look.
LOIS: Well, it wasn't fair that he was the only one who had superpowers. I'll have to make do with mine. angel-devil

My guess for who the "Anyone but her" is is Linda King. It's about that far into the story, right? And the paper is having circulation problems.
Yes, there are circulation problems happening at the Planet. I figured it just appearing out of nowhere during the Rival made no sense, so despite Superman, the Planet has already been having financial troubles.

That's 2, two votes for Linda. [Linked Image]

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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John: Thank you again for the long FDK. smile1

Well, that is the way Luthor gets away with things, no one investigating.
Clark and Cat are.

When Lois decides to try sneaking down to the bunker.
LOIS: Personally, I think one trip down there was enough for me.

Now he is thinking of of himself in the 3rd person. Hmm, he is also thinking of "clark Kent" as a mask.
Clark shouldn't know how Superman feels about such things, so in some ways CK is a mask as much as SM is. He really isn't a whole person, except around those who know (and he knows) the truth.

If it was not for the super corny jokes I do not know if the intensity of this part would have been surviviable.
Oh, was this part intense? I'm working to find the humor during these dark times. Be patient with me.

Clark:She is only my partner, we don't spend enough time together.
Actually, they haven't even been spending enough time together recently to be partners.

She's waiting for you in the supply closet you lunkhead.

I think that should be "Without a word", or "without saying a word". You need another word there.
Oh, does it? Thanks. Fixed.

Then why did he not follow up on it?
He was distracted by his conversation with Henderson.

Can't Clark hear the other end of the line, so if it is his perspective shouldn't we hear both sides of the conversation.
Clark usually doesn't try to eavesdrop on all of Lois's conversations. You'll notice that by the middle of the conversation, he IS listening in.

Is she trying to make Clark feel horrible?
LOIS: Well, slapping his face for letting me hang out in the supply closet for all that time, is out of the question. Anyway, there is no way for her to avoid Clark from overhearing. He should trust that I love him, and wouldn't cheat on him with Lex.

She should have been more upfront about this.
LOIS: You mean like he was upfront with me about his dual-personality?

Clark:I don't have romantic dinner dates with my sources.
LOIS: Trust me, I'd rather eat dinner with you. Dinner with Lex is two hours of trying not to hurl.

Clark:And what exactly do you do to keep Luthor happy?
LOIS: [Linked Image] What exactly are you implying, there, Kent?

Even though Clark has some level of split personallity, talking about himself in the third person, I think you meant "he could stop them".
rotflol Ooopps. Fixed.

See, I knew being friends with Cat was a bad idea.
LOIS: Okay, Chuck, that's the very last time I'll let you taking your knowledge of Cat and applying it to me. The VERY last time. I'll forgive you this time, but don't let it happen again. You don't want me to apply my knowledge of Claude and assume you'd do the same thing, now do you?

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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-- Continuation of Response to John's FDK --
I hope he is sufficiently reassured. On the other hand, she has not directly addressed the issue of meeting with Luthor with Clark before.
LOIS: I shouldn't have to explain my actions. He needs to trust me more.

So sticking up for himself would equal pouting?
In this scenario, pretty much... since he *was* pouting.

Well, I guess this is true from a certain point of view, but I doubt Clark would agree "that's all" if he knew everything that Lois was plotting.
LOIS: That's my story, and I'm sticking with it. If he knew "all", I would hope he'd understand how difficult this is for me.

Clark really should not know what that means, so Lois should protest, so Clark should start to wonder why she does not react with a "how do you know about that" here.
He didn't SAY that Superman would rescue her, he thought it. All Lois is hearing (or would be hearing if she didn't know the truth) is that she shouldn't be afraid to tell Lex what she really thinks of him.

Hopefully Clark will actually hear her this time.
He hears it, but doesn't necessarily believe it.

She nudged his shoulder with her fist. “You’d miss me less if you didn’t disregard the crumbs I keep leaving for you.”
What does she mean by this?
That he should have come to the supply closet.

This might undermine his ability to answer truthfully about having "illicit relations" with Lois Lane in an SLV case. I have to say Clark really lucked out there that they did not ask SM point blank "did you have sex with Lois Lane", but used the word "illicit".
Actually, in S4's PvsLL, they do ask SM directly if he loves Lois, while on the stand no less, and he never answered the question.

Who she can't even try to kiss without wretching.
LOIS: Hello! Not kissing Lex. help

You know Lois should wonder more about why he decided to steal the identitiy of a child who had been dead for over 20 years. Would it not have made more sense to take the identity of someone who died in a crash, or at sea, recently? On the other hand, since Clark Kent died so young, there was really no identitity to steal. Lois should maybe wonder more about that.
Often is children who have lived long enough to establish an identity but who have their identities stolen, so that the thief can make their past into anything they want and not worry about running into anyone else who might have known the victim beforehand.

Now see what he should have done was made short appearences in strategic other locations first to build a portfolio.

Clark:But it was so easy to get a job in my dimension.
Pretty much. Also, he wanted to get to the DP and Lois Lane and his new life as soon as possible.

But if he had had a job she would have rejected him as an out-of-bounds co-worker.
LOIS: Details. Details.

I am pretty sure this second guess is the right one.
I don't think I've ever seen a fic where the events surrounding the Prometheus remain the same, but Clark is able to save Lois without creating a hero in the process.

Lois now knows this is almost certain to have been Luthor. She has enough to see Luthor is using her as a pawn, if she will just analize it.
She's used to referring to this person as "someone" as opposed to Lex. When she gets proof (hard facts, people!) that Lex was behind it, her thoughts will change.

At least she recognizes that this confused Clark, even if not seeing fully why.
She's only just thinking about this from Clark's POV.

I guess she is no longer draeaming of her past lives.
Not here, no. These trees are the ones when he took up to the mountain to tell her about the cameras and microphones in her apartment.

So much for her staying mad at Clark.
It's another one of his super powers. It's impossible for people to stay mad at him forever.

CLARK: <<shrugs adorably>>

That would have made the story a lot shorter.
Different, not necessarily shorter.

If he could he would know she knew he was CK, so I think she should assume no.

Wait, they have extremely high research turnover.
I would say so. It's a lot of grunt work, with little pay, and almost no recognition.

I had no clue who this might be until I read through the comments. I noticed someone mentioned Linda King, and I think it might be her.
So, that's three votes for Linda.

LINDA: And Lois thinks SHE'S so popular. Ha!

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Actually, in S4's PvsLL, they do ask SM directly if he loves Lois, while on the stand no less, and he never answered the question.
Well, he answers by saying that Clakr loves Lois, which I guess is not an answer at all.

Oh? You think Lois was expecting an illicit meeting with Clark when she got dressed?
OK, maybe she did not plan her wardroabe with this meeting in mind.

Wells and his unhelpful meedling. They would probably married by now if it was not for his talk of curses. <<grumble>>
Perhaps. Perhaps not.
Well, Wells thought they would be if he did not return sooner to intervene.

HERB: That was not my intent. I was trying to keep Miss Lane safe.
I am not sure I buy that story.

Telling canon Clark anytime earlier would probably have stopped Clark from going through with the wedding entirely and tortured him for the rest of his life.
I guess that is at least an argument for Wells waiting until the wedding is a done deal to tell them. It still does not explain why he did not time it so he intercepted them as they reutrned to their apartment.

If you can have continuity for the B-Plots, they should have the same for the A-Plot set-ups as well.
I think they cared a lot more about B-plot continuity.

At this point, Lois thinks Clark's backstory (his parents dying and him ending up in "fostercare") happened on Krypton.
So she does believe that it is true. That is good.

This is still S1, and Lois wasn't very pro-marriage back then.
So anti-marriage she got engaged to Lex?

because he did not have surveilance equitments and spies everywhere? Of course he could have Lois.
Actually, it was merely because she hadn't set down the phone properly. Lex hadn't needed that other stuff.
I either forgot that detail, or missed it.

At least she recognizes that this confused Clark, even if not seeing fully why.
She's only just thinking about this from Clark's POV.
Well, I am glad she is, even if she still does not understand why he did what he did.

So much for her staying mad at Clark.
It's another one of his super powers. It's impossible for people to stay mad at him forever.
Wait, I thought staying mad was Lois' power. Somewhere she said "you can fly, I can stay mad."

That would have made the story a lot shorter.
Different, not necessarily shorter.
I think their relationship would be further along at this point in time. Although, it might have taken just as much writting to get their, so we might actually not have a shorter story length wise, just cover less time.

So, that's three votes for Linda.

LINDA: And Lois thinks SHE'S so popular. Ha!
I think Linda is misinterpreting our votes.

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“You’ll see, all these so-called ‘missing people’ will be found again, soon enough.”
Like Jimmy Hoffa…

Dr. Brenda Muldoon didn’t sound like the type to continue hiding in a basement after the all clear had been announced.
I’m sure she’s getting out of there once she’s no longer viable as a consort and her mind goes from the pills and alcohol.

Clark chuckled at this corny joke. Bill Henderson would regret the suggestion. “If you notice anything out of the ordinary, Frank, I’d appreciate a head’s up.”
He spent too much time with Lois.

Clark laughed. Even though the policeman always acted otherwise, Clark believed he had a soft spot for a certain set of journalists.
Cesspit, where he dumps people like Ralph when they misquote him?

Lois marched back into the newsroom some ten minutes later. It appeared as if she was still in her bitter mood. Without saying a word, she unplugged Clark’s electronic pencil sharpener and took it to her desk.
/smells rat/

“I’ve been in the supply closet for the last fifteen minutes searching for pre-sharpened pencils, Clark, but for some reason, we seem to be out,” she growled, setting up the machine and plugging it into her surge protector.

Wait, he really did orchestrate the nookie?

Lois shrugged. “He may. You know sources, Clark, you’ve got to keep them happy or they may dry up.”
They have a word for that.
LINDA: Professional journalism.

He didn’t want her within a half-mile of the man.
Well, he *could* put Lex into low Earth orbit. Okay, it would be more than half-a-mile away from Lois, but I’m sure Clark wouldn’t mind that all too much.

He wanted to take her and shake some sense into her, but in his current mood, it wouldn’t do either of them any good.
Lois’s head would pop off like a Mr.Bubblehead?

Wasn’t that what Cat had told him that every woman wanted?
LOIS: Thanks, but I don’t like ‘em used.

“Anyway, do you think he’s some octopus?”
LEX: Well, I have four limbs, plus my bed as a chain affixed to each post, so that means I have eight options with which to fixate her. Just like an octopus.

“Promise me that you’ll call him that to his face if he lays one finger on you,” he insisted,
What if he puts a hand inside her mouth?

“I have a black belt in Taekwondo, Clark, if you haven’t forgotten,” she snapped. “I can take care of myself.”
MLT once explained extensively why that won’t help if you eat dinner first. Or have a drink with your host.

Her heart rate increased, and she slammed him against the wall by the force of her kiss.

She wrapped her legs around him, pulling him closer, allowing his hands to trail up her bare thighs.

No! Lois groaned with every fiber of her being. Anyone but her.
Oooooh! Her ex from college is in town :p Come to think of it, Lois does have a track record of being ‘friendly’ with people she works with and then getting her story stolen by them.

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Originally posted by Darth Michael:
“You’ll see, all these so-called ‘missing people’ will be found again, soon enough.”
Like Jimmy Hoffa…
Clark:Why do people keep making references to President Presley's Secretary of Labor?

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Originally posted by John Lambert:
EW: Actually, in S4's PvsLL, they do ask SM directly if he loves Lois, while on the stand no less, and he never answered the question.
JOHN: Well, he answers by saying that Clark loves Lois, which I guess is not an answer at all.
Well, not if you don't know CK=SM, it's not an answer. (Wow, was that a triple negative? clap Touche! She's still mad. wink

JOHN: That would have made the story a lot shorter.
EW: Different, not necessarily shorter.
JOHN: I think their relationship would be further along at this point in time. Although, it might have taken just as much writing to get there, so we might actually not have a shorter story length wise, just cover less time.
dizzy At its heart this is a time-travel story. Time is very important, more important than the number of pages I can whittle it down to.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Darth Michael: Sorry about the lack of responding. I went camping this weekend and then returned home to no pages written for my new part and a dead router. dance And you say this like it's a bad thing.
CLARK: <<nods quickly>>

Yes, but before Clark, she had attracted lying sleazebags who hid their true self from her. Now, she… hmm…no…nothing’s changed really.

Umm…that would take care of his ardor. And likely absolve the need for protection for a day or two…
CLARK: Well, at least she wasn't mad.

NOR: See? New Krypton is a much more progressive society. We have slaves made up of lesser species to do the housework, the cooking, and taking care of the brood. Well, the wife still needs to be kept at home so she can bear the heir, and the spare, but she won’t have to work on pleasing her man. We’ve got that outsourced, too.
ZARA: Can you not see why I wanted to remain single?
CHING: dizzy

Oh dear. He’s…he’s…He’s got super senses and he noticed the shift in her… pheromone levels.
Possibly. evil

Oooooh! Her ex from college is in town Come to think of it, Lois does have a track record of being ‘friendly’ with people she works with and then getting her story stolen by them.
PAUL BENDER: I never stole her story!

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Originally posted by John Lambert:
Originally posted by Darth Michael:
“You’ll see, all these so-called ‘missing people’ will be found again, soon enough.”
Like Jimmy Hoffa…
Clark:Why do people keep making references to President Presley's Secretary of Labor? [/b]
[Linked Image] notworthy

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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I went [Linked Image] this weekend and then returned home to no pages written for my new part and a dead router.
[Linked Image]

Thankfully, I found a new router with an idiot-proof installation guide, which makes IKEA directions seem... well, in Swedish.
wave Michael

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Currently, caught up. Only had to postpone last Tuesday's posting. Oh, wait, I posted a new part last night. Now I have to write another part before Tuesaday. eek We're good. I'm already 4 pages done. laugh
Originally posted by Darth Michael:
Thankfully, I found a new router with an idiot-proof installation guide, which makes IKEA directions seem... well, in Swedish.

LOIS: I don’t know. Those instructions here (Insert Tab A into Slot B, repeat until satisfied) seemed awfully easy to follow, too.
Yep, they were easy enough instructions that my hubby, who couldn't program a VCR (back when we programmed one), could have done it... not that I let him, mind you. I bought it and set it up before he came home. Kind of like daylight savings. I'm in charge of changing the clocks... or, well, he'd late for work.

CLARK: <confused>
LOIS: <rolleyes> Boyfriends. He should really take lessons from Lex. *He* can even do it all by himself, too.
CLARK: I am more than willing to let Luthor do it all by himself. I'd much rather do it with you.
LOIS: Awwww. Isn't he romantic?
CLARK: blush
LOIS: Okay, here are the instructions for my new coffee table. I'm going to make coffee, you know, to put on top.
CLARK: clap
CLARK: That's quite a shocker!

Hey, wait a second. It’s not like Lois isn’t spending 23 parts in a row just thinking about Clark in As the Cape Flaps.
[Linked Image] You did realize that this was a Gfic, right?

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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We're good. I'm already 4 pages done.
They call that denial, don’t they?

I bought it and set it up before he came home. Kind of like daylight savings. I'm in charge of changing the clocks... or, well, he'd late for work.
wave Michael

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[Dizzy] At its heart this is a time-travel story. Time is very important, more important than the number of pages I can whittle it down to.
Maybe, but I was more debating whether we would still be in the process of the story getting done, and I figured that the answer was yes. Moving the time line around does not shorten the amount of material.

John Pack Lambert
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