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#95121 05/07/13 09:03 PM
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Wrong Place, Wrong Time, Wrong Clark TOC can be found Here

I was prepping the first 100 Parts for Archives the other day and I discovered that it ran 1277 pages, just for those 100 parts. thud

Thank you for sticking with me through thick and thin. I promise it will get hilariously funny again before the end. wink

Please leave comments here to grow and flourish.

Last edited by VirginiaR; 05/13/14 12:22 PM. Reason: Added Link

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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The very same dock where Clark had been discovered half-frozen and without any memories.
Now that she knows this detail she can move forward with other details. She knows that Clark was never directly exposed to kryptonite by Luthor.

Lex hadn’t exposed Clark to Kryptonite when he had him kidnapped, she had.
Not really, it was totally an accident.

Lois pushed away this guilt, because it was irrational and conditional.
I am glad she accepts that.

If Clark hadn’t happened to swim up to the same dock where she had disposed of Lex’s hideous gift…
Or if he hadn't been so curious about the shining, glowing thing in the water.

If only she had seen that Superman and Clark were the same man, or that Lex was an unreasonably jealous megalomaniac…
Well, at least she realized these things before doing anything truly stupid, like getting engaged to Luthor.

Lois sighed. No point dwelling on the should’ves and would’ves. There wasn’t a way for her to change to past, so she needed to focus on the facts.
I think you want to say "change the past".

Were they rubies, glass, or did Kryptonite come in other colors?
smile1 the third answer is right. Now all she needs to do is learn the effects of Red-K on Clark.

Had Lex really expected her to wear it, or just kept it in her apartment in a jewelry box?
Probably the former if he wanted it to be a way to kill Superman.

Did Lex know how much contact she actually had with Superman on a daily basis,
Fortunantly no.

or how close they had become?
Well, he thinks he knows this, and if he is wrong it is only because he thinks they are closer than they really are.

FACT: Lex, the Voyeur, had bugged her apartment at some point during the previous summer.]
Although even this is more a consequence of what he knew than the other way around.

John Pack Lambert
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I'm glad that Lois realizes how Clark was exposed to kryptonite. I wonder how long it will take her to tell him, though. I guess she really can't tell him until he knows that she knows CK=SM. I was hoping that this would induce her to let him know that she knows... but no dice.

If Clark wanted to tell her his secret, Lois wouldn’t stop him. She would allow him opportunity to tell her, but she wouldn’t tell him that she already knew.
I'm glad that she's come to her senses about this, at least.

“No, I mean,” she snapped, her voice rising in pitch and ferocity. “Coming to the Magic Club makes me feel as if my mouth is full of water and I can’t breathe!”
Ok, I'll admit that this one took me a minute to figure out. I think I've only watched the magic episode twice or so, and the last time I did, the WB website was being all glitchy and wouldn't play the end of the episode where Lois is in the tank. :p

He wrapped his arm around her shoulders and pulled her to his chest. “I won’t let that happen.”
I'm surprised that they're touching so much in public. Doesn't that run counter to their whole fake break up thing?

“Hoot!” he chirped, and then groaned. He had been ‘deprogrammed’ years ago, but the reflex was still there.
How many times did people mess with him and make him hoot for him to still have that reflex 15 years later?

Lana had suggested taking him to a hypnotist to erase his memories of seeing his parents die, so that he would be able to eat cake at their wedding.
Lana is really a horrible person. If she suggested that he be hypnotized to help him deal with his grief, that would be one thing, but just so he could do wedding cake? She has absolutely no sympathy for him, does she? Does she even care that he watched his parents die, or is she too worried about having the perfect society wedding?

Still, someone had exposed Clark to Kryptonite somewhere, and he couldn’t believe it was random trick of fate. If it wasn’t Luthor’s fault, then whose? Had Superman stepped on someone else’s toes? He would have to be more careful.
Lois needs to tell him what really happened!!!!!!!! How can she in good conscience keep that from him if she loves him as much as she claims to? ... Ok, I realize that my complaint goes both ways and can easily apply to many different parts of their relationship. It seems like Lois and Clark's biggest relationship problems, both in the show and in most fics I've read, stem from mis-communication. They either deliberately withhold information or don't think to convey information or misunderstand each other, sometimes deliberately. :sigh: Can't they just tell each other what's really going on?

"It is a remarkable dichotomy. In many ways, Clark is the most human of us all. Then...he shoots fire from the skies, and it is difficult not to think of him as a god. And how fortunate we all are that it does not occur to him." -Batman (in Superman/Batman #3 by Jeph Loeb)
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FACT: Lois had told Clark the night before he had found the cameras and microphones that she was in love with Superman.
Lois: grumble Why did he have to insist I be in love with his Clark persona.

Lex knew that Lois loved Superman, and that ‘Superman’ had discovered the surveillance at her apartment;
Lois:Why did Clark let us go all night under surveilance?

therefore, Lex knew that Superman had visited Lois at her apartment, at least once, but that didn’t mean that Superman loved her in return.
Maybe Lex had the roof under surveilance.

Had Lex somehow found out that she and Superman were involved, kinda, sorta, not really, the previous summer?
Yes, although I think he assumed beyond what he really knowns.

Did he do this because Clark stood between Lex and Lois, or between Lois and Superman?
The former. Although this does mean he assumes Lois is more attacked to Superman than to him.

FACT: Lex wanted Superman to die.
Lex:But it needs to be properly poetic.

Why exactly did Lex want Superman dead?
Lex is evil, need we say more?

Had Clark been right all along?

Was Lex head of a criminal organization, or just a megalomaniac who was obsessed with Lois and anyone standing his way to that goal was toast?
Sadly it is the first.

Lois needed to find out why Lex was so fixated with her.
He is an evil man, does she really want to get close enough to him to understand how his mind works?

Did it have to do with her, as her vision had implied, or with Superman?
Why not both?

She doubted it had anything to do with her position at the Daily Planet or what he could learn about their current investigations.
At least in canon Lex agreed to the initially dinner interview with Lois to through her off the scent of his nefarious dealings with Antoineete Baines. In some ways I think that making sure Lois did not get wise to his actions was a motivation, but Lex seems to have succeeded at pointing her away for so long he no longer sees that as a threat.

Lois couldn’t picture Lex putting his entire sample in one attempt to kill Superman, so he must still have more, somewhere.
This seems a logical asusmption

What was he planning on doing with it?
make a cage?

What would Lois have to do to get Lex to reveal where the Kryptonite was or his plans…?
Convince Luthor she also wants Superman dead, and even then it would be iffy.

What was she thinking? If Lex knew that Lois loved Superman he would never willingly reveal the location of his Kryptonite vault or his plans to kill Superman.
Actually, I think she in theory could convince Lex she no longer loved SM. In practice, I think that would be too hard on multiple levels.

She would have to find another way to get Lex behind bars, and then go after his Kryptonite stash with Clark.
Shounldn't she keep Clark as far away from the stash as possible.

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he had expected to be with her for several hours before checking in with EPRAD.
frown for lost opportunities.

Was he coming to tell her that he had just been to space as Superman or was he coming to tell her more lies?
Fortuantly it was the former. I am glad that Lois at least thinks he might have planned to tell her then.

Either way, Clark had put telling her that he was okay over telling EPRAD Superman was, she had to give him credit for that.
smile1 Clark is getting credit.

Lois considered how many times that she had stopped him since Impact Day from trying to tell her Clark Kent was also Superman.
I think the sentance would work just as well without the "that".

She felt a little bad about raking him over the coals for not telling her his secret.
grumble Luthor is not supposed to be here. grumble

My dear? That sounded a tad affectionate for a mere source.
Trust her Clark, please.

“Thank you, Lex,” Lois said, her back stiffening.
Hopefully he realizes this means she does not like Lex, at all, in any way.

Clark knew this because he had set a reassuring hand to the curve of her lower back.
grumble Jimbo messes everything.

CK and I can hang. Can’t we, bro? Lois, feel free to go off and do your own thing. I remember Lucy telling me how much you enjoyed Mr. Luthor’s company last summer.”
Jimbo you are making things worse for everyone.

They all turned in dumbfounded unison to stare at Jimbo, one stunned,
Oh no, Clark is going to doubt Lois' loyalty.

one in annoyance,
Lois:I don't know who I hate more now, my sister or her ex-boyfriend.

He thought for a moment that she sounded a bit peevishly melancholic, but then realized it was probably more the wishful thinking from his heart.
Clark, she was kissing you. She was conforting you. She is not that fickle.

She glanced back at Clark, caught his eye, and told him with her eyes that she would much rather be with him.
I just hope he gets the message.

She needed to do this investigation to put Lex away,
But now?

otherwise she would have told Lex where to stuff his invitation. No matter where her body went, no matter what she said to Lex, and no matter how many lies she told, her heart remained with that man from Krypton.
I just wish he could understand that.

Unfortunately, she didn’t think Clark would see it that way.
Not after Jimbo's line about her enjoying Lex's company.

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John: Thanks for the reading and the thorough FDK. smile1
Now that she knows this detail she can move forward with other details. She knows that Clark was never directly exposed to kryptonite by Luthor.
She solved that riddle but Luthor still has more.

Or if he hadn't been so curious about the shining, glowing thing in the water.
CLARK: But it was shiny!

Well, at least she realized these things before doing anything truly stupid, like getting engaged to Luthor.
Yes, one should really know who one is getting engaged to when one says "yes" to a proposal.

I think you want to say "change the past".
Thanks. Fixed.

<<happy>> the third answer is right. Now all she needs to do is learn the effects of Red-K on Clark.
How exactly is she going to do that without exposing him to it?

Probably the former if he wanted it to be a way to kill Superman.
But if Lex thought that Superman was coming to Lois's apartment back in December... and he came into the bedroom and got exposed to the Kryptonite, which was in her jewelry box, there would be nothing that pointed to that watch as being the culprit. Only one dead Superman. Now, if she had it on her wrist, SM would be more likely to notice it.

Although even this is more a consequence of what he knew than the other way around.

Lois: <<grumble>> Why did he have to insist I be in love with his Clark persona.
CLARK: <<shrugs adorably>> I'm a complex sort of guy.

Lois:Why did Clark let us go all night under surveilance?
Cause he was asleep.

Maybe Lex had the roof under surveilance.
Clark double checked.... er... Superman did, I mean.

Yes, although I think he assumed beyond what he really knowns.
LEX: I'm sorry, why would anyone with his powers NOT have sex with Lois when he could? Of course, they've been intimate.

The former. Although this does mean he assumes Lois is more attacked to Superman than to him.
She's told Superman that she loves him. She hasn't told that to Lex.

Lex:But it needs to be properly poetic.
Of course. clap

Lex is evil, need we say more?
Lois knows he's a bad man, but labeling someone as evil is a big step.

Had Clark been right all along?
JOHN: Yes.
LOIS: Darn! I hate it when he's right.

Was Lex head of a criminal organization, or just a megalomaniac who was obsessed with Lois and anyone standing his way to that goal was toast?
JOHN: Sadly it is the first.
EW: Nope. Both. Trick question.

He is an evil man, does she really want to get close enough to him to understand how his mind works?
Nah, just close enough to figure out where he keeps his kryptonite.

At least in canon Lex agreed to the initially dinner interview with Lois to through her off the scent of his nefarious dealings with Antoineete Baines.
Hmmmm. Interesting theory. I thought it was because he wanted someone new to warm him bed who was a bit more controllable than Baines, whom he was about to kill.

In some ways I think that making sure Lois did not get wise to his actions was a motivation, but Lex seems to have succeeded at pointing her away for so long he no longer sees that as a threat.
He seduced canon Lois through flattery.
CANON LOIS: Finally! Someone who sees the greatness inside of me. Lex really understands me.
Alt-Canon LOIS: Oh, really, that wasn't me. :rolleyes: I didn't do that, did I?

make a cage?
LEX: Hey, what a great idea! Thanks!

Convince Luthor she also wants Superman dead, and even then it would be iffy.
LOIS: Clark would really have to tick me off, because I'm not *that* good an actress.

Actually, I think she in theory could convince Lex she no longer loved SM. In practice, I think that would be too hard on multiple levels.
CLARK: I should hope it is.

Shounldn't she keep Clark as far away from the stash as possible.
laugh good point.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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-- Continuation of Response to John's FDK --
Clark is getting credit.
Learning how Clark got hurt and lost his memories helped her see perspective.

I think the sentance would work just as well without the "that".
Thanks. Removed. I wonder about those iffy places a lot.

I am just afraid he will wimp out of telling her, again.
Clark? Nah!

But when will he have the opportunity with her avoiding him?
LOIS: I'm not 'actively' avoiding him. I'm trying to protect him from my stalker, crazy, murdering psuedo-boyfriend, I don't like and am only using to get my next Kerth so nobody thinks I've gone soft because I fell in love with you.

CLARK: Uh-huh. You keep telling yourself that.

LOIS: Really? 'Cause it's a bit of mouthful.

Is that she won't open up on the subject, or is that when he tells her she won't reveal she has known for weeks. The former seems more likely, because the latter will be so difficult.
The former.

Well, no more secrets will be tough for this Clark.
Kind of like no chocolate for Lois.

LOIS: [Linked Image] Say, what?

Letting her continue investigating Luthor will also be tough. I half hope Clark does not tell her too soon. The longer he waits the easier it will be, sortof, in theory, not really.
In theory.

So if he does not agree to them she will break up with him?
LOIS: If he isn't willing to compromise, and do things my way, *for once*, then what's the point?

Maybe she can retreve it and isoltate the red kyrptonite.

The flashes from the past have returned.
Had they gone away?

At least he fully remembers that,
He remembers -- I almost said battling the Swarm -- Ooops. Wrong story. clap My favorite time of day.

Jimbo you are making things worse for everyone.
[Linked Image]

Clark, she was kissing you. She was conforting you. She is not that fickle.
Clark wants to be loved, and has lots of love to give, but he doesn't feel worthy of receiving it (due to what happened after the death of his folks and with Lana). Therefore, he finds it hard to believe that Lois loves him, even when he has it so close at hand.

Not after Jimbo's line about her enjoying Lex's company.
Of course, that was before Lex shot her, nor was it true. Lucy *wanted* Lois to be happy and enjoy her dates.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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mrsMxyzptlk: Thank you for still reading and dropping by. wave
I'm glad that Lois realizes how Clark was exposed to kryptonite. I wonder how long it will take her to tell him, though. I guess she really can't tell him until he knows that she knows CK=SM. I was hoping that this would induce her to let him know that she knows... but no dice.
She needs to verify her theory first to make sure the watch really was how Clark got sick.

Ok, I'll admit that this one took me a minute to figure out. I think I've only watched the magic episode twice or so, and the last time I did, the WB website was being all glitchy and wouldn't play the end of the episode where Lois is in the tank.
Oh, I hate that! When LnC was on Netflix's Instant list, HoL was missing 10 MINUTES towards the end! I had no idea about the whole Lois in front of the mirror or her doubts down the aisle or her telling Lex "no" until I bought the DVDs. I know! People kept referring to it in stories I was like shock Really? Was that CANON?

Yes, the water tank refers to canon IoG.

I'm surprised that they're touching so much in public. Doesn't that run counter to their whole fake break up thing?
They aren't at work. Most of these people don't know them. Technically, they ARE partners. They DO touch as friends.

How many times did people mess with him and make him hoot for him to still have that reflex 15 years later?
A lot. But, Clark's also stressed out being at the Magic Club and being reminded of the incident and all. If he was totally relaxed, and they were doing something unrelated, he wouldn't 'hoot'. He HAS been deprogrammed.

Lana is really a horrible person. If she suggested that he be hypnotized to help him deal with his grief, that would be one thing, but just so he could do wedding cake? She has absolutely no sympathy for him, does she? Does she even care that he watched his parents die, or is she too worried about having the perfect society wedding?
I always felt that Lana was being very Bridezilla during Tempus Anyone?

Lois needs to tell him what really happened!!!!!!!! How can she in good conscience keep that from him if she loves him as much as she claims to? ... Ok, I realize that my complaint goes both ways and can easily apply to many different parts of their relationship. It seems like Lois and Clark's biggest relationship problems, both in the show and in most fics I've read, stem from mis-communication. They either deliberately withhold information or don't think to convey information or misunderstand each other, sometimes deliberately. :sigh: Can't they just tell each other what's really going on?
And have it be a pre-marriage LnC fic? Probably not. laugh Yes, I've always loved the irony that the biggest hurdle in Lois and Clark's relationship is communication. And WHAT career did they both choose? Communication!

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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<<happy>> the third answer is right. Now all she needs to do is learn the effects of Red-K on Clark.
How exactly is she going to do that without exposing him to it?
I was thinking she could expose him to it. However I guess since as far as she knows it does what green kryptonite does, that is not likely.

But if Lex thought that Superman was coming to Lois's apartment back in December... and he came into the bedroom and got exposed to the Kryptonite, which was in her jewelry box, there would be nothing that pointed to that watch as being the culprit. Only one dead Superman. Now, if she had it on her wrist, SM would be more likely to notice it.
Good point, although if he thought it caused death on contact, would it matter if SM noticed the cause? Maybe other people, but not SM.

Lois: <<grumble>> Why did he have to insist I be in love with his Clark persona.
CLARK: <<shrugs adorably>> I'm a complex sort of guy.
Lois:But if he was SM all his life, then why would he want me to love his Clark persona. Even if SM is not exactly who he was on Krpton, he was obviously not Clark Kent their either, so why does he care so much?

Clark:Ah, you see Lois.

Lois:Look at the time, we have to go cover a news conference.

Lois:Why did Clark let us go all night under surveilance?
Cause he was asleep.
Lois:Not when we almost kissed

Maybe Lex had the roof under surveilance.
Clark double checked.... er... Superman did, I mean.
He did, wasn't that before he even noticed any survailance. At least I think we were talking about when Lois left Jimbo and Lucy in her apartment to go meet SM on the roof.

LEX: I'm sorry, why would anyone with his powers NOT have sex with Lois when he could? Of course, they've been intimate.
With that attitude, I am surprised Luthor has not tried to figure out what other women have had sex with SM.

She's told Superman that she loves him. She hasn't told that to Lex.
Clark: grumble now if she would only make sure to settle for the true one.

Lois knows he's a bad man, but labeling someone as evil is a big step.
Even after they tried to kill the move of your life?

He is an evil man, does she really want to get close enough to him to understand how his mind works?
Nah, just close enough to figure out where he keeps his kryptonite.
That still sounds like too close. Of course, if she can manage some unsupervised wandering around his place time she might have a chance.

Hmmmm. Interesting theory. I thought it was because he wanted someone new to warm him bed who was a bit more controllable than Baines, whom he was about to kill.
Well, OK, Lex implied to Baines that he was trying to date Lois just to mess up her investigation. I guess since he is a total liar, he may have had other motives.

Convince Luthor she also wants Superman dead, and even then it would be iffy.
LOIS: Clark would really have to tick me off, because I'm not *that* good an actress.
Maybe she should just think her angry at Clark thoughts while trying it.

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LOIS: I'm not 'actively' avoiding him. I'm trying to protect him from my stalker, crazy, murdering psuedo-boyfriend, I don't like and am only using to get my next Kerth so nobody thinks I've gone soft because I fell in love with you.

CLARK: Uh-huh. You keep telling yourself that.

LOIS: Really? 'Cause it's a bit of mouthful.
grumble I don't like more Luthor than in canon. It is very disturbing.

Yes, Clark isn't privy to many key facts. And Lois isn't privy to many key facts that Clark knows.
More support for my theory that if Lois were to tell Clark the investigation would move faster.

Of course, that was before Lex shot her, nor was it true. Lucy *wanted* Lois to be happy and enjoy her dates.
It being false, and from a skewed perspective won't stop Clark from believing it.

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Stubborn lunkhead!
Oh look! Lois managed to once again make it all Clark’s fault. So, to stress a TV trope, it’s all the husband’s fault.

FACT: Lex Luthor had to have known what the rare green crystal had been on the watch.
[Linked Image] What? No, I just thought they looked pretty. Plus, with the radioactive radiation they emit, I would have been able to track my love all across Metropolis.

Had Lex expected her to like it, or just accept it, assuming it was valuable because it was from him?
LEX: Sounds reasonable to me.

FACT: Lex wanted to use her to kill Superman.
LEX: Poetic, isn’t it?

Had Clark been right all along? Was Lex head of a criminal organization, or just a megalomaniac who was obsessed with Lois and anyone standing his way to that goal was toast?
LEX: Why can’t I be both?

Once he knew that she knew, he would have to promise not to keep any more secrets from her, and allow her to finish her investigation into Lex Luthor.

She would make sure Clark knew that those conditions were deal-breakers.
CLARK: Sure, honey. Let’s talk more about that after we spend some time on a clothing optional island, okay?

This was long before that newfangled toy of the next generation, the World Wide Web. It was something Lois still didn’t grasp, and left to the experts.
Young upstart in journalism class during her first internship at the Planet: The old hag is *so* going down wave Michael

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What? No, I just thought they looked pretty. Plus, with the radioactive radiation they emit, I would have been able to track my love all across Metropolis.
Wait, Michael are you caught up in reading, or are you just really good at thinking how Lex does about jewelry?

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Originally posted by John Lambert:
EW: But if Lex thought that Superman was coming to Lois's apartment back in December... and he came into the bedroom and got exposed to the Kryptonite, which was in her jewelry box, there would be nothing that pointed to that watch as being the culprit. Only one dead Superman. Now, if she had it on her wrist, SM would be more likely to notice it.
JOHN:Good point, although if he thought it caused death on contact, would it matter if SM noticed the cause? Maybe other people, but not SM.
But if he noticed it before contact, wouldn't he be better able to escape than if -- let's say -- distracted in Lois's bedroom?

LOIS: Yeah, I know. blush It gets pretty messy in there, and I know how much he hates mess.

Lois:But if he was SM all his life, then why would he want me to love his Clark persona. Even if SM is not exactly who he was on Krpton, he was obviously not Clark Kent their either, so why does he care so much?

Clark:Ah, you see Lois.

Lois:Look at the time, we have to go cover a news conference.
Now, that's just being accurate. wink These questions will be answered in time.

With that attitude, I am surprised Luthor has not tried to figure out what other women have had sex with SM.
LEX: Clearly, Superman is one of those one-woman saps.

EW: Nah, just close enough to figure out where he keeps his kryptonite.

JOHN: That still sounds like too close. Of course, if she can manage some unsupervised wandering around his place time she might have a chance.
LOIS: Hello? It's *me* we're talking about not some constantly screaming for help damsel in distress. <<holding up finger>> Don't say it!

CLARK: laugh I would never presume to tell you the truth, Lois... er... that you're wrong, that is.

Well, OK, Lex implied to Baines that he was trying to date Lois just to mess up her investigation. I guess since he is a total liar, he may have had other motives.
LEX: I make Clark Kent look like a Boy Scout.

CLARK: And that's a bad thing?

LOIS: I'm not 'actively' avoiding him. I'm trying to protect him from my stalker, crazy, murdering psuedo-boyfriend, I don't like and am only using to get my next Kerth so nobody thinks I've gone soft because I fell in love with you.

CLARK: Uh-huh. You keep telling yourself that.

LOIS: Really? 'Cause it's a bit of mouthful.

JOHN: <<Loves this explanation>> Although I do think if she explained this to Clark he would have a mix of total love and lots of fear that she was about to have something bad happen to her.
CLARK: Um... I hate to correct you, John, but I always feel a mix of total love and lots of fear for Lois.

LOIS: So, he'd be okay with it, then.

CLARK: evil

I guess this works, sort of, except graduation would be late April/early May, and it is only May. I think that is what threw me off, I was sort of still stuck at the start of the year. Still, it has not technically been 6 years since graduation, unless Lois finished a semester early. Although I guess a month or two shy can be ignored.
Most people speak in generalizations, not exact number of years and months.

So he does not remember that he called Lois.
Nope. His memory blackout starts before he returned home.

Still "on Kansas" is such an odd phrase.
Good thing she knows then. wink

In my thought that she should find his humaness odd. Shouldn't she expect Krypton culture to be different, and this to be reflected in Clark's actions at some level?
LOIS: So, what you're saying is that there aren't other planets like Earth out there?

Reader: grumble I don't like more Luthor than in canon. It is very disturbing.
Well, being that this story is set in canon S1, Luthor is a requirement.

More support for my theory that if Lois were to tell Clark the investigation would move faster.
PERRY: Sometimes children need to learn some lessons for themselves.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Darth Michael: Sorry, I'm falling behind again. help

LEX: What? No, I just thought they looked pretty. Plus, with the radioactive radiation they emit, I would have been able to track my love all across Metropolis.
Superman: Me, too. I'd only have to fly across the city, and she'd be located in the area where I fall out of the sky.

FACT: Lex wanted to use her to kill Superman.
LEX: Poetic, isn’t it?
TEMPUS: I thought so.

Had Clark been right all along? Was Lex head of a criminal organization, or just a megalomaniac who was obsessed with Lois and anyone standing his way to that goal was toast?
LEX: Why can’t I be both?
CLARK: [Linked Image]

CLARK: Sure, honey. Let’s talk more about that after we spend some time on a clothing optional island, okay?
A clothing-optional island where she can't escape and he won't have sex with her because he's afraid it will enact the curse?

LOIS: Sounds like *lots* of fun.

CLARK: But at least you'd be safe from Luthor.

LOIS: But you wouldn't be.

CLARK: Well, I could stay on the island with you...

LOIS: I'd be naked.

CLARK: Or on that island over there, that one adjasent.

LOIS: [Linked Image] Which island?

CLARK: That invisible island over there with all the women...

LOIS: [Linked Image]

CLARK: uh... Or maybe not.

Young upstart in journalism class during her first internship at the Planet: The old hag is *so* going down [evil laughter]
LOIS: :rolleyes: If that young twit thinks she can out-investigate me just because she knows how to contact AOL, she doesn't know anything about journalism.

Okay, that’s clever. I’m sure that colleague in London just made a simple clerical error and put in an off-by-one-cell reference in one of the formulas.
[Linked Image]

LNN might still release a documentary when Prof. Daitch is nominated for the World Peace Price and the World Physics Price next year.
LEX: I've got my eye on the Oscars[tm]!

CAT: What? I enjoyed my three lunches a day. The diet kept me fit and trim.
CLARK: With my metabolism, you would think I'd be eating lunch all day long...
CAT: clap Good guess!
CLARK: No, but I have a life-time membership to their "Free lunch for a hunk club".

He had been ‘deprogrammed’ years ago, but the reflex was still there.
ER: [confused by this opposite reaction]
The deprogramming meant that if someone said "owls" out of the blue, he was fine. It was only when he was stressed out, the reaction -- from force of habit -- reoccured.

Yeah, best keep the Kryptonian away from anyone with hypotonic…eyes.
RALPH: That’s why I never look a well-stocked women into the eyes.
LOIS: huh What? Hypnotise me to forget about the curse?

LOIS: What curse?

CLARK: Uh... I forget?

Note: The General Fund for the Termination of The Boss.
Nah. Chow isn't evil.

LOIS: The ruse is working! [cheering]
LEX: She’s tattling around about our relationship. Great, now I have to cut out her tongue. And I had such hi hoped for that piece of her anatomy.
CLARK: What? What’s going on? Why’s the floor spinning?
Um... not quite right.

No matter where her body went, no matter what she said to Lex, and no matter how many lies she told, her heart remained with that man from Krypton.
LEX: I like the notion that her body will be in my bed.
CLARK: Exactly! It is unacceptable that even if her heart would be with Superman, her body with be Luthor.
LEX: And?
LOIS: Did anyone say anything about Lex's bed?
LEX: I did. Oh, you like to be adventuresome? Terrific! <<takes out list>>

Ooooh! Pouty Clark. And more fighting! This will be fun when Linda puts her toothbrush on his sink
LOIS: Who said anything about Linda? I don't think Linda was mentioned any where in this part!
CLARK: If I'm getting a roomy, it needs to be someone I'm comfortable sharing my secret with, and.... whoa...
LINDA: I like to sleep in the buff.
CLARK: What was I saying? Secret? Nope. No secrets here. Time for bed! Lois surely wouldn't object to me sleeping on the ceiling, right?
LOIS: I object to everything to do with Linda.
CLARK: And I object to everything to do with Luthor, so we're even. Thanks for breaking up with me, Lois.

Congratulations getting the first half of your story ready for the Archives!
I still need to do a read-through and a re-edit of the first 50ish parts. I wonder since this story is so long, if LabRat would accept me submitting as three 1/3 stories? Ending with Lois finding out after the kiss? Hmmmm. No time to edit. Need to go prep the next part which didn't get posted last Fri due to depleted cushion. wallbash

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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I think they should let you submit the story through where Lois finds out. That seems like a complete story to me.

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Last week left me with almost no computer time. <Adores her story-genie almost as much as she does chocolate>

This week should be better. Let's see, you just posted FDK for Part 121, so... <realizes ER might catch up within a month> I'm really behind!

LOIS: When has it *ever* been my fault.

CLARK:<get me out of here>

Superman: Me, too. I'd only have to fly across the city, and she'd be located in the area where I fall out of the sky.
wave Michael

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Originally posted by John Lambert:
I think they should let you submit the story through where Lois finds out. That seems like a complete story to me.
I might, and see what LabRat says. But I need to go back through it. I'm afraid there might be little details I might need to change to work with what happens later on.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Originally posted by Darth Michael:
LOIS: When has it *ever* been my fault.
CLARK:<get me out of here>
LOIS: But if we divorce then... nope! We're staying married.
ARIANNA: It really is the only way to go.

EW: A clothing-optional island where she can't escape and he won't have sex with her because he's afraid it will enact the curse?
ER: Maybe she can wear him down?
Sounds like where the Cullen's honeymooned.
BELLA: Wearing him down didn't work.

CLARK: That invisible island over there with all the women...
ER: So, Themyscira?
[Linked Image]

KERTH MC in 2 years: And the price for best investigative journalism goes Rita St. James for her groundbreaking article ‘Glass users in a glass house’. Special contributions by James Olsen, James Olsen, and Clark Kent.
LOIS: Yeah, well, I sleep with Superman.
CLARK: [Linked Image]

CLARK: No, but I have a life-time membership to their "Free lunch for a hunk club".
LOIS: What good is a membership your wife won’t let you use?
CLARK: I take Bobby there for lunch sometimes.

Officially, not. She likes her stories whole. Unless you can sell it as an IES/ROJ thing with Lois frozen in Carbonite?
I might be able to do that. laugh Lois discovering Clark's secret is kind of like Luke discovering Darth's secret, right?

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Sounds like where the Cullen's honeymooned.
BELLA: Wearing him down didn't work.
I thought he was already game?
ER: There’ve been several stories where a pregnant Lois ended up with Clark’s powers due to the baby’s effects on her body.

CLARK: I take Bobby there for lunch sometimes.
wave Michael

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LOIS: Yeah, well, I sleep with Superman.
Clark (as people at the office give her stares of hate from reading the responses to her comment in the tabloids):I'm not getting you out of this one, honey.

John Pack Lambert
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