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Wrong Place, Wrong Time, Wrong Clark TOC can be found HereCan you all tell the IoG isn't one of my favorite episodes? Phew. Glad that's over... or is it? Comments?
Last edited by VirginiaR; 05/13/14 12:20 PM. Reason: Added Link
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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“Cat has moved on. You and I know what kind of woman she is, a beautiful butterfly who flits from flower to flower, never wanting to stay too long in one spot. She used Kent, and now has her eyes set on Arthur Chow,” Lex said this with as much confusion as Lois felt for Cat’s interest Chow. I think the last part should be "Cat's interest in Chow". Interesting that Luthor is so convinced that Cat and Clark had a relationship. I am glad Lois knows the truth.
John Pack Lambert
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Well, seeing Clark and learning about his hatred of magic had been fun. Leaving early with him would have been fun too.  that that plan got interrupted. “Excuse me,” she said, and happily took a sip of the drink. Lois:Of course I have to lit to Lex, otherwise I would be exposed for loving Clark. “You went because Clark Kent asked you to go. He’s young, handsome in an athletic sort of way, and ambitious, and I believe you still harbor some feelings for him,” Lex went on. Well, he is mostly right. Except "harbor some feelings" does not even begin to describe the situation. I know the irrational reasons why young people do things. I would hope this condescending line of calling Lois "young" would turn her off from Lex if nothing else had. I guess I feel safe in this view since she is clearly not attracted to Lex. He was her investigation. He was not her friend, nor her confidant. I am glad she keeps this in mind. It took all of her reserves not to outwardly bristle at him calling her young and lacking world experience. Stop holding back Lois.
John Pack Lambert
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“Kent didn’t go to the ball with Cat Grant either, did he?” Lex inquired. Oh no, Lex is seeing too much. “Did he ask you to go as his date to try to make Cat jealous?” Lois:Not in a million years. Clark does not care what Cat things only what I think. Her gaze jumped up to his. What? Where had Lex gotten the absurd idea that Clark and Cat were an item? From knwoing that Cat was at Clark's place when Lois stopped by after rejecting the arc. How he learned that I am not sure I ever understood. That is good to know. Why was he under the misguided belief that Clark had broken up with Lois because of Cat? Is he? If it had not been for Cat, Lois would not have cheated on Clark, with Superman. Not really, she would still try to get Clark if she thought she had any chance with him. You and I know what kind of woman she is, a beautiful butterfly who flits from flower to flower, never wanting to stay too long in one spot. After her reaction to Phil, I think Luthor is wrong about that as well. Lois:That would require her to have gotten to him, which only one woman has. It was quite surprising that Cat thought Arthur Chow wouldn’t hear of it. This is a good point. Unless Arthur Chow spent most of his time elsewhere, and ever then. I am thinking that is a point that never made sense in the show. “But Kent, he still desires her, and he wants her back, doesn’t he?” Lex went on when Lois didn’t speak. Lois:No, Kent only desitres one woman, and it isn't Cat. Lois stared at Lex, wondering where he was going with his strange hypothesis. He will assume she is shocked either because she somewhat believes it but wants to deny it. “Kent doesn’t want you. He wants Cat, and yet you haven’t given up hope that he’ll change his mind,” Lex said. I am glad that Luthor is so wrong. I am not sure it will help Lois though. “And remember what it was once like between you.” Lois:It was like that between us until just a few minutes ago. Was this what Lex meant by he came to ‘rescue’ Lois? He thought Clark was using her? It really does not matter why Lex intervened, he has manged to reck Lois and Clark's relationship. Oh, no. That was the opposite of what Lois wanted Lex to think about Clark. I knew this was a stupid idea. This undercover plan is crazy. She didn’t want Clark in Lex’s bad books; she wanted him off the radar completely. I don't think it is doable. “I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Lois sputtered. She took a deep breath and spoke more calmly. “Clark and I are just friends.” Somehow I don't see her convincing Luthor of that when he thinks he knows they have slept together on multiple occasions. “Lex,” Lois insisted. “Clark and I didn’t go to the ‘Magic of the Night’ ball together.” I guess this is technically true. Lois showed up alone. “So, you went to the ball by yourself?” he said skeptically. It is technically true. So,she did go there to be close to Clark, but she did not show up with him. Did you think that Kent would take notice of you again once he saw how beautiful you look tonight and that Cat had no real interest in him? Lois:Well, I did get dressed up in part for Clark, but I am never admitting that to this creep. Moreover, what exactly did that sexist pig mean about ‘men’s desires not being flighty’?  I like her calling Luthor a sexist pig. I do not think it really made sense for a strong willed woman like Lois to be attracted to a man like Luthor who so obviously thought of her as an object and a conquest and not a person. Did Lex think he could bring Lois’s interest around to him again? Clearly he does. She had to say that she didn’t share this idea, but she might be able to make it work in her favor. I wish she would just give up on this really, really diffcult and bizarre plan. “When I showed up tonight, you felt too embarrassed to admit that you didn’t have a real date, so you actually tried to get me to believe that you came with that young man. It is probably at some level good that Luthor so misreads the Clark/Cat dynamic. Otherwise he might see that Lois is trying to cover up her relationship with Clark. Maybe you also wanted Kent to suspect that you had moved on. I think she made more progess on that line than she intended. Lois:I had no intent of telling Clark I had moved on. Reader:I think he got that message though. We both know you would never have agreed to a date with what’s-his-name unless it was a cry for help. Luthor does come off as very arrogant here. No, no, you didn’t want me to feel sorry for your lack of a real date,” Lex said. Actually more she was trying to avoid too much time with him. His thumb caressed her cheek in a more than friendly manner. gag. Why does she pput up with this? Sorry that she was caught was more like it, and even more sorry that he had showed up to intrude at all.  she does not like Luthor at all. Too bad Clark does not see this. “But I guarantee you that I wasn’t there because of Clark…” she said, trying to think of another idea he might buy. Now she is lieing. “Yes, well, actually, I guess you could say I was.” She laughed. “But not for the reason you think. This goes without saying and is strictly between us. If I hear a word of this repeated on LNN, I’ll never speak to you again.” I so hope he spills the beans to LNN. “Lois, I’m hurt that you think I would ever reveal any of your confidences for personal gain,” Lex said, frowning slightly. “Or use anything you might say against you.” But he has already tried to kill her partner because of chance conversations, she will not believe him. Lois reached over and rested her hand on his knee in reassurance she did not feel. gag. and I was afraid… I didn’t want you to get the wrong idea about Clark and me. We’re partners, nothing more.” Clark:And whose fault is that. Lois:This is undercover work. I have to lie to Luthor. How many more times would she have to say it before it began to sink in, Lois wondered. More than she can say with it having any meaning. Lois jerked her hand away, blushing. “No!... Yes!...” she sputtered to Lex’s delight. The truth is yes. Although at some level she does not care if Luthor is jealous, only that he acts on his jealousy. She had no desire to go that deep undercover with any man, let alone Lex Luthor. True, she had dated him under such a guise last summer, but she wouldn’t again. How is her accepting his rides, champaign and touches not dating? She was turning him down because of how she felt about Clark, and because Lex was a bad, bad man who wanted Superman dead and had given her a watch with a Kryptonite band to accomplish that feat. Oh, not because he is way too old for her and has distained her as too "young" to really be in the know. Against every fiber of her being, Lois knew that she needed to give Lex some small encouragement to convince him that he was making some sort of headway with her.  I don't like it when they fight. “Come on, Clark, you and I both know it wasn’t a real date. I gave Jimbo my spare ticket for helping me out on the Laderman investigation,” she said. “And it was the ‘Magic of the Night’, Clark, after five minutes I had had enough magic to last me a lifetime, even Cat left early, and Chow never even showed up! Also, it said on the invite it was the ‘Magic of the Night’ Ball. Where was the ball, Clark? I didn’t see a band. I didn’t hear any music. Nobody was dancing. That isn’t a ball.” Good point. They never seemed to address that issue in canon. “You should’ve stuck around, Lois,” Clark said, and she couldn’t tell if he was being serious or sarcastic. “There was a terrific big band which played. Alice showed up and Perry convinced them to play some Elvis songs, including my favorite ‘A Fool Such as I’. I think he is being serious. I wish she had stuck around, Maybe her and Clark could have even danced. I met a nice woman, several nice women in fact, but one in particular, who gave me her phone number. I hope this was not Linda King. I’m thinking about calling her up for a date, since I’m currently not dating anyone.  this is so sad. He is not trusting Lois. Lois’s jaw dropped open. He met someone. Lois, you do keep on going off with Luthor. It is bound to be too much at some point, especially when you are giving him no reason to not think something is up with you and Luthor. Of course, she had left with Luthor, but that hadn’t meant anything. How is Clark supposed to know that. She told Clark that he had to trust her. But she has been friendly to Luthor in the past. “Sounds fun. I’m sorry I left,” she spit out, staring at him and hoping he didn’t misread the apology in her eyes. She needs to start telling Clark more and leaving less to his reading her expressions.
John Pack Lambert
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“I… I found out… Is everything all right, Lois? Nothing happened, did it?” Clark asked, clearly misinterpreting her expression as she saw panic show up in his. Well at least he still cares about her. “No, of course not, Clark. Lex just drove me home,” She really should have gone back to the Majic Club to make sure Clark was OK. Her investigation, her ‘in’ with Luthor, was going well. Not that she had actually learned anything as of yet, but it was a process, a slow and painful one, apparently. Too slow and too painful to be worth the effort. She didn’t want to intensify her relationship with Lex just to learn about the Kryptonite, but she was beginning to suspect that might be the only way to earn his trust. Oh no, oh no, oh no. Unfortunately, with his luck, he could picture Lois being thrilled at that development and figure that he had finally seen the light of her brilliance, whichever light that might be. He just needs to accept that Lois is her own person, and will do what she wants no matter what he says. If Clark had told her that it was a terrific idea to come down here and interrupt the ransom drop, instead of the truth, she probably would have dragged him along and Superman wouldn’t have been available for security. Nah, she would have let him come as Superman, seeing as how she knowns The Secret. As it was, she brought Jimmy along with her. At least, she hadn’t come alone. Or brought Luthor. She was acting most peculiarly. She said that she loved him, Clark him, but she still flirted with Superman, Lois:Well they are the same, can I help feeling for both of them? and then ditched Clark at the ‘Magic of the Night’ ball to accept a ride home with Luthor. They should have worked out the working on business story together beforehand. Why couldn’t Lois have told Luthor that she had just arrived at the ball and wasn’t ready to leave, yet?  why does she do such stipid things? Surely, it would do the rich jerk some good to be turned down every once and a while and learn that he couldn’t order everybody around. Lois:Not when it would clue him into the fact that I am onto him. True, Clark could see her not wanting to offend her source, but as far as Clark could tell, Luthor wasn’t supplying much in the way of information. See, even Clark knowns Luthor is not a worthwhile source. Since he didn’t have any actual proof that Luthor was the horrible criminal and murderer that he knew in his bones the billionaire to be, warning Lois about Luthor again would just cause another argument. He might be right, even though she now believes him, she would just feel he was underestimating her resourcefulness. Clark didn’t know why he told her that he had met someone at the ball and planned to ask her out. He is jealous of Luthor getting to spend time with her. Now, to make his statement lean closer to the ‘truth’ he would have to call the woman and make a date. But he is only pretending to have broken up with Lois, he should not act like it is real. Clark:But if Lois wants people to think we are not dating, the best way to achieve that is to make it look like we are dating others. Reader:Oh, this is such a bad idea. Perhaps that was what Lois needed, a good dose of jealousy. He was sick of all these games. I am not sure jealousy will work in this setting. Lois is not doubting him. Not because she preferred his company to Clark’s, but because she was afraid of what might happen if she didn’t do what Luthor told her to do or turned him down? Clark is actually fairly close to the turth. If Lois were truly afraid of Luthor, surely she would have said something to Clark or Superman about it. Wouldn’t she have? Not if she is afrad of what Luthor will do to Clark. He was beginning to suspect that his first misgivings on his ‘break up with Lois for her safety’ plan were right. Nobody had attempted anything on him since Superman took care of Nightfall Minor. Of course maybe that is because the goal was to break him away from Lois, and with it achieved there is no reason to try it again. He needed to tell Lois that he was ready for their relationship to come out of hiding. I hope he does soon, although she might not agree to let it do so yet. At least, she would be safer by his side, then going off alone with Luthor. He does have a point there. Together, he and Lois were stronger.  I love the ripping on Maskal. Superman glanced towards Lois. “He wasn’t in the car. Only Nick was.”  I lvoe that line. I wish she had mentioned owls. She probably could have even doen it in a way that did not let on that she had known The Secret. Hmmm. She should have cut in "I heard owls on the way here". Then Clark would spend a big time worried about how livid she was that she had just elarned the Truth, and he could not tell her more because he had to go do the rescue. Lois had an inkling that Clark knew where the magician’s assistant was keeping the boy, but he wasn’t planning to tell her. Her being Lois or the assistant? Superman landed again a moment later. It was not immediately obvious that he came back with Constance. With the speed Superman sometimes moved at first I thought he had taken her to the police and come back. “Take me with you!” Lois called, feeling as if she were a helpless female being left behind and not liking the situation in the least.  she wants to be with Clark. “Lois, I need you to handle things here,” Superman said sharply. “And explain things to the police. Can I trust you to do that?”  I was so hoping they would fly together, and talk. She glared at him. “You can always trust me, Superman.” I just wish there was a way to make him realize that this was really a message for Clark. “I know I can, Lois,” he replied, and disappeared into the night’s sky. Then why don't you Clark? Darren Ronick was wandering around too, but Constance had hypnotized him and Dr. Novak so that neither of them would notice the children she kept bringing and keeping there.  Dr. Novak lived. I always liked him. We have now had one person live who died in canon. So much for him being "wrong" Clark, he is helping the wrold be a better place. A part of Lois felt that she should call Clark and inform him what happened, because this had been his story for the most part. But he knows what happened, why bother with the charade? It was a very small part of her. Although it would be nice if they would talk. Good-bye shared byline. Hello, Superman rescue. But if he had come as Clark, could he had even stopped Constance at all? I knew he should not have said something that stupid. Fine. Clark was jealous of Luthor. Well, Luthor gets to touch her and be with her and Clark does not. How can he help it? She had told him that she loved him, not Lex, Actions speak louader than words. The action of whom she leaves the "Magic of the Night" Ball with speaks very loud. not Superman… okay; she had said she loved Superman too, but – come on! – How could she not? He was Superman, for heaven’s sake! I am surprised she is not going with the "he is Clark" argument. Anyway, not only had Lois told Clark that she loved him, but that he was the only man in the world for her, that their break-up was just a ruse, and to trust her. Clearly, he was still having trouble with that last one. Well, her actions do not make sense. Jimbo's comment really did not help either. She sighed. She trusted him, why couldn’t he trust her? How could she make him trust her? Start acting in a trustworthy manner? Sneak into his apartment and show him that is where she really wants to be? Maybe she should go up to the roof and talk to Superman about her Daitch discovery. That sounds like a good plan. Lois glanced at the clock. It was around the time when night turned to morning. Clark had probably already gone to bed, and so should she. Tomorrow was Sunday, and she had the day off. She would talk to him then.  I was hoping she would talk to him now. So is she going to talk to SM or CK tomorrow?
John Pack Lambert
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John: Thanks the continued in-depth FDK, I appreciate it.  Mostly, thank you for letting me know I still have readers despite my story's length and characters tendencies towards Lunkheadness. My muse survives on FDK. You are single handedly keeping her alive. LOIS: <shields eyes> Oh, no, stop this agony. I knew this was a stupid idea. This undercover plan is crazy. LOIS: But it's my plan and I'm sticking with it! Somehow I don't see her convincing Luthor of that when he thinks he knows they have slept together on multiple occasions. LEX: I'm just friends with all the women I've slept with... well, the ones I let live. It is technically true. So,she did go there to be close to Clark, but she did not show up with him. See! Good plan. Lois:Well, I did get dressed up in part for Clark, but I am never admitting that to this creep. CLARK: Lois would look beautiful in a corn sack. LOIS: Are you sure you aren't a farm boy? CLARK: I've always said I grew up on a farm. LOIS: Come on. Really? CLARK: Really. LOIS: Hmmmm. <<to self>> So, he grew up on a farm on Krypton. It's possible. I like her calling Luthor a sexist pig. I do not think it really made sense for a strong willed woman like Lois to be attracted to a man like Luthor who so obviously thought of her as an object and a conquest and not a person. And yet Lex attracted many strong willed women on the show: Dr. Baines, Toni Taylor, Lois Lane... (that we know about)... it's the challenge in trying to change him. (Except for Lois... You'll have to read my Univited Visitor for my latest theory on why canon Lois dated Lex.) I wish she would just give up on this really, really diffcult and bizarre plan. LOIS: I like difficult. I think she made more progess on that line than she intended.
Lois:I had no intent of telling Clark I had moved on.
Reader:I think he got that message though. LOIS: ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/smilie/boese/e035.gif) I told him I was *undercover* as just his partner. It's not my fault he hasn't figured out the truth. CAT: Well... CLARK: No, it's Lois's fault. BRUCE: I could have told you what Lois was up to, but we're not friends in this story. CLARK:  No reason. No reason at all. Luthor does come off as very arrogant here. As opposed to... when he calls Jimmy 'whoever' in HiM? Why does she put up with this? LOIS: <mumbling> Pulitzer. Meriwether. Kerth. Pulitzer. Meriwether. Kerth. <<happy>> she does not like Luthor at all. Too bad Clark does not see this. CLARK: <glances up from his drink> I'm sorry, what? I wasn't paying attention? Lois? No, I'm sorry, she left. She shouldn't lie to Lex? I so hope he spills the beans to LNN. LOIS: John, I thought you were on my side. But he has already tried to kill her partner because of chance conversations, she will not believe him. She doesn't believe him. Clark:And whose fault is that.
Lois:This is undercover work. I have to lie to Luthor. Right. She WANTS Lex to get the wrong impression of her and Clark. How is her accepting his rides, champaign and touches not dating? Motivation. Plus, they aren't kissing. no, oh no, of no, he is going to misread that. She *wants* him to misread that. How else is she going to catch him doing something he shouldn't? CLARK: Like killing her? LOIS: Yes, like... No, Clark. Lex won't kill me. He loves me. CLARK: :rolleyes: I don't like it when they fight. I must admit my muse doesn't like it either. I think he is being serious. I wish she had stuck around, Maybe her and Clark could have even danced. CLARK: If Lois had stuck around, we would have left early and danced in another way. this is so sad. He is not trusting Lois. He's trying to make her jealous. How is Clark supposed to know that. LOIS: <<jumps up and down>> He's supposed to be trusting me! CLARK: Like you're trusting me that I didn't really meet a nice woman? LOIS: That's different. CLARK: How? LOIS: You're... you're... CLARK: I'm...?? LOIS: You! CLARK: Who else would I be? LOIS: She needs to start telling Clark more and leaving less to his reading her expressions. LOIS: I wish he were telepathic. CLARK: No dice. HERB: Actually... CLARK: What?! LOIS: Who is that guy? CLARK: Nobody.
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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-- Continuation of Response to John's FDK -- She really should have gone back to the Majic Club to make sure Clark was OK. What if Lex had men watching her, which is how he knew so much about how she arrived at the Club by herself that evening? Too slow and too painful to be worth the effort. I doubt investigations are as quick as they showed on the show. He just needs to accept that Lois is her own person, and will do what she wants no matter what he says. Clark is always slow at realizing this. Nah, she would have let him come as Superman, seeing as how she known The Secret. LOIS: But it would have been fun to see him squirm and figure out a way to escape without telling me, once again. On a story? No, I don't think so. That would be as smart as bringing Deter on a... That was just a whole awful plotline. Sorry. Send that man to Tahiti (or a deserted island) and leave him there. They should have worked out the working on business story together beforehand. That would have been a good idea. See, even Clark knows Luthor is not a worthwhile source. LOIS: Some sources take time to cultivate. He might be right, even though she now believes him, she would just feel he was underestimating her resourcefulness. Plus, Clark would need to open up fully to make her believe this information about Luthor (if she was clueless like canon Lois). But he is only pretending to have broken up with Lois, he should not act like it is real.
Clark:But if Lois wants people to think we are not dating, the best way to achieve that is to make it look like we are dating others.
Reader:Oh, this is such a bad idea. CLARK: Lois started it. I am not sure jealousy will work in this setting. Lois is not doubting him. Jealousy isn't a logical emotion. Not if she is afrad of what Luthor will do to Clark. Of course maybe that is because the goal was to break him away from Lois, and with it achieved there is no reason to try it again. He's not saying that he should break up with her (for real), he's saying that it's time for them to come out of the closet as a couple, so she will no longer go out on dates with Luthor. He does have a point there. LOIS: True. Clark's side is much more comfy than Lex's. Lois:The only thing that would make me question that the breakup is a ruse is you, Clark, acting like it is fully real. CLARK: You started it. I think you want some modifier beofre magician. My guess is the best would be "like that magician". Thanks. Fixed. And again alt-Clark (wrong Clark) shows he can do things more right than canon Clark did, not getting hypnotized an all. That's because this Clark has been hypnotized before and knew it was possible. Canon Clark hadn't. I love the ripping on Maskal. Really? I do feel a bit guilty about that line, since Moskal seemed like a decent dad in canon. Probably the result of remembering her dreams at a subliminal level. She also came up with the door slamming incident (from Lucky Leon) without consciously dreaming it first. Sometimes, in times of stress, bizarre ideas from the past come to her.  Thanks. I wish she had mentioned owls. She probably could have even doen it in a way that did not let on that she had known The Secret. Hmmm.
She should have cut in
"I heard owls on the way here". Then Clark would spend a big time worried about how livid she was that she had just elarned the Truth, and he could not tell her more because he had to go do the rescue. He has been deprogrammed, so the owl reference might actually have worked. Her being Lois or the assistant? Lois. It was not immediately obvious that he came back with Constance. With the speed Superman sometimes moved at first I thought he had taken her to the police and come back. True, sorry, but I figured if he dropped Constance off at the police department, he would have to explain to them why to arrest her, which would take more time than super speed would allow. I was so hoping they would fly together, and talk. This isn't the time for that. This is the time for finding Chris Moskal. I just wish there was a way to make him realize that this was really a message for Clark. /Lois hold up green studded 2x4./ Then why don't you Clark? Superman trusts Lois. Clark doesn't. Dr. Novak lived. I always liked him. We have now had one person live who died in canon. So much for him being "wrong" Clark, he is helping the wrold be a better place. I liked Dr. Novak too. (  Ben Vereen), so he lives. But he knows what happened, why bother with the charade? If she didn't know CK=SM, would she have called Clark and told him that the boys were now safe? I think so. But if he had come as Clark, could he had even stopped Constance at all? Good question. I bet he could have ducked away in the confusion and reappeared as Superman. I knew he should not have said something that stupid. CLARK: It wasn't my best, I admit. Actions speak louder than words. The action of whom she leaves the "Magic of the Night" Ball with speaks very loud. CLARK: ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/midi/froehlich/d025.gif) LOIS: But are actions are a ruse, therefore, he *must* accept my words. I am surprised she is not going with the "he is Clark" argument. She fell for Clark separately than Superman, being that she hasn't really gotten to know him as one man yet. Also, she's speaking from the POV of Clark not knowing that she knows. Well, her actions do not make sense. Jimbo's comment really did not help either. LOIS: Jimbo's comment about how Lucy's *thought* I felt before I was shot by this man last summer? Please. Clark should know better. Start acting in a trustworthy manner? Sneak into his apartment and show him that is where she really wants to be? There's acting in a trustworthy manner. That sounds like a good plan. Thank you. I was hoping she would talk to him now. I have something for her to do first. So is she going to talk to SM or CK tomorrow? That's the new plan. 
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Lex is partially assuming too much, and hoping to convince Lois of this all at the same time. I guess that makes sense. It is a sign that Lois has convinced him she has broken up with Clark. Lois:See, my plan is working. Reader:I still don't like it. This Lois isn't attracted to Lex. I hope I've made that clear. I always thought canon Lex was patronizing. I've made it a bit more obvious in this story. Still, some of his actions people have seen as tell tale signs, like offering to send someone to pack Lois bags so she would not have a cahnce to leave the ark, were staight from canon. And what would Lex do if Lois stopped playing nice?  for Lois not believing Luthor. </font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">How is her accepting his rides, champaign and touches not dating? Motivation. Plus, they aren't kissing. Clark:It looks too much like kissing to me. How else is she going to catch him doing something he shouldn't? CLARK: Like killing her? LOIS: Yes, like... No, Clark. Lex won't kill me. He loves me. Clark:That is what Monique thought too. this is so sad. He is not trusting Lois. He's trying to make her jealous. See, he should stop listening to Cat. It does not work when she already loves him completely.
John Pack Lambert
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Originally posted by VirginiaR: [b]John: Thanks the continued in-depth FDK, I appreciate it.  Mostly, thank you for letting me know I still have readers despite my story's length and characters tendencies towards Lunkheadness. My muse survives on FDK. You are single handedly keeping her alive.  [/b] I've been eagerly awaiting every chapter and thoroughly enjoying each one. I guess I need to spend a bit more time letting you know.  Sometimes I read the chapter on my phone, and I don't like typing much on that, and then I forget to go back and comment once I'm back at my computer. I like that you had Clark describe the rest of the evening at the magic club. It's not really a ball without dancing, is it? I was wondering whether he actually met anyone or if he just made that up to make Lois jealous, but then I realized that it's not very far-fetched that women were hitting on him and he danced with some of them. I doubt that he really gave any of them a second look, though. I'm guessing that he wasn't actually planning on calling that woman who gave him her number. Lois really needs to tell Clark about her plan regarding Luthor. She doesn't have to say that she's trying to get information to save Clark or whatever; she just has to say that she suspects him of shady dealings, and she's trying to stick around him in case he slips up and she can find some evidence. She keeps telling him to trust her, but he can't see any reasonable explanation for her behavior.
"It is a remarkable dichotomy. In many ways, Clark is the most human of us all. Then...he shoots fire from the skies, and it is difficult not to think of him as a god. And how fortunate we all are that it does not occur to him." -Batman (in Superman/Batman #3 by Jeph Loeb)
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On a story? No, I don't think so. That would be as smart as bringing Deter on a... That was just a whole awful plotline. Sorry. Send that man to Tahiti (or a deserted island) and leave him there. That was the real problem with "It's a Small World", Lois should have been in process of geting Deter's license revmoked. He's not saying that he should break up with her (for real), he's saying that it's time for them to come out of the closet as a couple, so she will no longer go out on dates with Luthor. But the scenes in the closet are so much fun. True, sorry, but I figured if he dropped Constance off at the police department, he would have to explain to them why to arrest her, which would take more time than super speed would allow. You are probably right, but I was confused for a bit. I was so hoping they would fly together, and talk. This isn't the time for that. This is the time for finding Chris Moskal. At the rate things are going it will never be the time for that. Then why don't you Clark? Superman trusts Lois. Clark doesn't. Lois:I don't think it works that way. Not when Ck=SM. If she didn't know CK=SM, would she have called Clark and told him that the boys were now safe? I think so. So by not calling him she tips her hand? LOIS: Jimbo's comment about how Lucy's *thought* I felt before I was shot by this man last summer? Please. Clark should know better. Clark:But this is Mr. Olsen, the wiz kid of the 1990s, of course he knows what is up. Start acting in a trustworthy manner? Sneak into his apartment and show him that is where she really wants to be? There's acting in a trustworthy manner. They were meant to be two totally not related suggestions.
John Pack Lambert
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mrsMxyzptlk: How did I know that one phrase was going to come back and bite me on the butt? I've been eagerly awaiting every chapter and thoroughly enjoying each one. I guess I need to spend a bit more time letting you know. /My muse gorges on this yummy fresh strawberry tart of a compliment/ CAT MUSE: Who are you calling a tart? EW: Sometimes I read the chapter on my phone, and I don't like typing much on that, and then I forget to go back and comment once I'm back at my computer. I know the feeling, which is one of the reasons I don't allow myself to read on my phone. That, and I don't want to end up looking... ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/smilie/konfus/n035.gif) . I've got to admit, I've tried to lurk on a few stories, I'm just not good at it. When someone has obviously put effort into writing something, I feel the need to let them know I've read it. But if I don't comment on every part (even those long ones) I feel hopelessly guilty. It's a personality flaw I'm working on... and why I have over 5000 posts in two years. :rolleyes: I know not everyone is crazy like... er... My Muse... CAT MUSE: I heard that! EW: Sorry, Crazy like *I am* (who else would start this chocolate bunny of a story without realizing it was 30 feet tall?) LOIS MUSE: Did someone say 30 foot chocolate bunny? EW: My Muse(s) do not seem to have Alt-Clark's problem with sweets. CLARK MUSE: Awww, man, still? EW: Lois really needs to tell Clark about her plan regarding Luthor. She doesn't have to say that she's trying to get information to save Clark or whatever; she just has to say that she suspects him of shady dealings, and she's trying to stick around him in case he slips up and she can find some evidence. She keeps telling him to trust her, but he can't see any reasonable explanation for her behavior. But then they would be *communicating*. Where's the fun in that? Thank you for reading and letting me know you're still out there, lurking away. ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/smilie/frech/e025.gif)
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Lex took Lois’s elbow and guided her towards the gates of the Magic Club. Another magician jumped out in front of them, pulled a bunch of flowers out of thin air, and held them up to her, while he fell to bended knee. Wouldn’t it be awkward if Jack Napier showed up and sprayed poison from his flower into Lex’s face? Lois hated that the magician surprised her. It wasn’t that she didn’t like surprises. She was perfectly fine with them as long as she received advance notice they were coming. Umm… PERRY: Yes, I know. That’s why I have a copy editor standing by to clean up her usage of two (and more) syllable words. And boy, did she blow up when I got her a copy of the Oxford English Dictionary for her birthday two years ago. At least, he didn’t try to touch the base of her back as Clark did. She wouldn’t allow that. LEX: Great. That means she’d be fine if my hand walked lower on her hip. “After you mentioned last night that you would be attending this event against your will, I thought I might come rescue you.” Oooh! And yet, when she attends the bedding ceremony in Lex’s bedroom against her will, Lex will not come to the rescue. And if Superman does, he’ll take a dive off the balcony as soon as he is in range of the Kryptonite façade adornments. “You just admitted to hating magic, and last night you said that Cat had forced her co-workers to each buy a set of tickets for her charity ball, ergo you’re here against your will.” He’s a smart cookie. Lois pursed her lips. He wasn’t going to let her win this argument, was he? LEX: Where would the fun be in that? Women are much more sexually pleasing when they know they have been mastered. “You went because Clark Kent asked you to go. He’s young, handsome in an athletic sort of way, and ambitious, and I believe you still harbor some feelings for him,” Lex went on. Oh dear. Maybe Lois should do some thinking on the spot and spout some nonsense about the kidnapped kids and the magic boxes found on the lawn? He gazed at her like an errant child. “Lois, I may not live down amongst the common folk, but I still see and feel as well as other men. Hath not a billionaire eyes? Hath not a billionaire hands, organs, dimensions, senses, affections, passions; fed with the same food, hurt with the same weapons, subject to the same diseases, heal'd by the same means, warm'd and cool'd by the same winter and summer as a peon is? If you prick us, do we not bleed? If you tickle us, do we not laugh? If you poison us, do we not die? And if you wrong us, shall we not revenge? It took all of her reserves not to outwardly bristle at him calling her young and lacking world experience. LEX: But she is. And she’d be perfect if she knew more about the act of pleasing a man. *sigh* Will need to have Mrs. Cox teach her before the wedding night. Why was he under the misguided belief that Clark had broken up with Lois because of Cat? Oh dear. You’re having way too much fun with that, aren’t you? It was quite surprising that Cat thought Arthur Chow wouldn’t hear of it. Well, Arthur quite likely was unaware or he would not have run off with the stripper. I’m afraid men’s desires aren’t so flighty, my dear. Once we have set our sights on a particular… goal, it’s difficult to dissuade us.” That’s what they’ve made castration knives for. Moreover, what exactly did that sexist pig mean about ‘men’s desires not being flighty’? Did he think all women were like Cat? Oooh! Nice one! And to Lex, Lois proving to be a prime example of his theories, what with her resting on Superman’s…flower and Clark’s…flower and now vectoring in on Lex’s…flower. We both know you would never have agreed to a date with what’s-his-name unless it was a cry for help. No, that was to get back at her sister for ruining her favorite sweater. I didn’t want you to think that I couldn’t get one. Mitchell sick again? “Lois, I’m hurt that you think I would ever reveal any of your confidences for personal gain,” Lex said, frowning slightly. Indeed. Use them. Absolutely. But not reveal them. “Or use anything you might say against you.” Didn’t he just do that a few minutes ago? Lois reached over and rested her hand on his knee in reassurance she did not feel. LEX:  Michael
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Lois glanced at Superman, and he had the nerve not to even look the least bit sheepish. It took every ounce of her restraint to not to mention owls at that particular moment. I think you just want to say "to not mention". You use "to" too many times.
John Pack Lambert
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Originally posted by John Lambert: Lois glanced at Superman, and he had the nerve not to even look the least bit sheepish. It took every ounce of her restraint to not to mention owls at that particular moment. I think you just want to say "to not mention". You use "to" too many times. Fixed, John. Thanks. Actually, I believe it should be "not to mention" otherwise I'm splitting hairs or something. 
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Originally posted by VirginiaR: Originally posted by John Lambert: [b] Lois glanced at Superman, and he had the nerve not to even look the least bit sheepish. It took every ounce of her restraint to not to mention owls at that particular moment. I think you just want to say "to not mention". You use "to" too many times. Fixed, John. Thanks. Actually, I believe it should be "not to mention" otherwise I'm splitting hairs or something. [/b]Looking at it again, I am not really convinced there is any difference where you put the to, as long as you only have one.
John Pack Lambert
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Darth Michael: I had a good weekend of writing and Part 136 is almost complete (12 pages done). So, here I am to reward myself by see if I can trade witticisms with Michael. Wouldn’t it be awkward if Jack Napier showed up and sprayed poison from his flower into Lex’s face? “He didn’t hurt you, did he?” His voice took on a deeper tone and his posture stiffened. LEX: Not as far as she can remember, no. LOIS: What? LEX: Um... Not yet? LOIS: What? LEX: We must have her hearing checked. I really cannot continue to repeat myself. So, if Superman went, “Lois Lane, will you marry me and make lots of bunny love with me?” she would jump into Clark’s arms instead? LOIS: It's worth a shot. LEX: Now, that’s just ridiculous.  I didn't have sex with all those guys. CLOIS: Oh, sorry. That was me!
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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So, here I am to reward myself by see if I can trade witticisms with Michael.  /sharpens keys/ It took me a second to figure out who that was. I did look up the name. Need to watch Michael Keaton’s Batman sometime again. CKW, that's my partner all right.  Michael
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I'm trying to spend an hour a day catching up with FDK. Let's see how well that works. It's now day 2. Originally posted by Darth Michael: I did look up the name. Need to watch Michael Keaton’s Batman sometime again. I'd love to see it again too. They’re not in the room. They’re positioned outside, so she won’t see them. So, Superman only needs to enter from within the building? LOIS: Just like the master is much more sexually pleasing, when I have a sawed off shot gun in my hand aimed at his... EW: <<coughing>> Gfic. LOIS: Thinking spot. ER: And yet, the increased bloodflow to the thinking spot doesn’t help making better judgements. CLARK: Moderate amounts of alcohol actually expand the bloodvessels in the brain, thus resulting in more oxygen being the delivered and the brain doing funny things with said too much oxygen.[graphs and diagrams] LOIS: Wrong thinking spot, and, Michael, if you're going to give Clark diagrams can you make sure they are on the correct subject? CLARK:  Rebuttal edited due to Spoilers. LEX:: Does that mean I win? LOIS: No.
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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I'm trying to spend an hour a day catching up with FDK. Let's see how well that works. It's now day 2. quote: They’re not in the room. They’re positioned outside, so she won’t see them.
So, Superman only needs to enter from within the building? In the next room. In the walls and the ceiling. Stuff like that. I’m certain you can build a ballistic Superman trap using Kryptonite and a Lois as bait. Ballistic as in Superman is able to crash into the room but will be unable to leave due to the Kryptonite. LOIS: Wrong thinking spot, and, Michael, if you're going to give Clark diagrams can you make sure they are on the correct subject? CLARK: [Huh] I thought they were on topic? LOIS: See!  Michael
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Originally posted by Darth Michael: ER: They’re not in the room. They’re positioned outside, so she won’t see them. EW: So, Superman only needs to enter from within the building? ER: In the next room. In the walls and the ceiling. Stuff like that. I’m certain you can build a ballistic Superman trap using Kryptonite and a Lois as bait. Ballistic as in Superman is able to crash into the room but will be unable to leave due to the Kryptonite. Oh, like Bobbart's story. Gotcha! /signs Clark up for a subscription of LFI/ Better? JIMMY: CK, man, you're holding it upsidedown. CLARK: But Lois like to be on top. She said so. JIMMY: um... /glances over his shoulder again/ CK? That would just make it a picture of a naked girl on the ceiling. CLARK: The post-it note said I'm supposed to hold it upsidedown and then use my imagination. JIMMY: How's that working for you? CLARK: /closes magazine/ I like the idea of Lois on the ceiling, but that woman looks nothing like her. LEX: There is no proof I ever had plastic surgery. LOIS: Lex, there's no proof you've ever done anything. I bet there's no proof you ever were born. SUPERGIRL: Duh! He looks like the boogy-man from Mom’s bedtime stories. I might be rebellious, but even I won’t do everyone. Oh, I hadn't realized that Clark had illustrated their early adventures. LOIS: Yes, but I'm not getting paid by the hour. PERRY: So, I can move your overtime expense report in the circular filing bin? LOIS: Now, hold your horses, there, Chief! CLARK: You forgot the most important part. LEX: Which is? CLARK: Superman rescues her in the end. LEX: Oh. It's one of *those* fantasies. I see. ER: /guesses/ Horrific nightmare? Only for Lex.
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.