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#95288 05/14/13 06:48 PM
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Wrong Place, Wrong Time, Wrong Clark TOC can be found Here

This part is dedicated to all of you who wanted to know what would have happened next in 'Another Lois'.

evil [Linked Image]


Last edited by VirginiaR; 05/13/14 11:02 AM. Reason: Added Link

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Originally posted by VirginiaR:
This part is dedicated to all of you who wanted to know what would have happened next in 'Another Lois'
Yes! Closure!

So is Lex channeling Dan now? Lois doesn't answer the door, so he busts in uninvited? Too bad she didn't have a plunger handy.

Yay for Superman telling Lois who he is! Or starting to, at least. Fie on Luthor for interrupting. Couldn't he have arrived a few seconds later? Or never? wink

Enjoyable chapter, as always. smile

"It is a remarkable dichotomy. In many ways, Clark is the most human of us all. Then...he shoots fire from the skies, and it is difficult not to think of him as a god. And how fortunate we all are that it does not occur to him." -Batman (in Superman/Batman #3 by Jeph Loeb)
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That was a fun peek into the ending of "Missing Lois". I wish Lois would just tell Clark what she was doing regarding Lex.


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“— Lex Luthor,” the voice said.

“Lex Luthor? You’ve got the wrong number. No. No. He’s not here. Too early. I’m not letting any man into my bed until I’m married,”
I have a fear this will be encoraging to the caller.

It took only two seconds for her to be in Superman’s arms once more as he floated with her through the air.
smile1 more fun dreams.

“Superman,” she murmured, gazing at the ring on her fourth finger.
I guess this is not a flashback.

“Go into the clouds, so nobody can see me kiss you.”
Why are they kissing as Superman and Lois if they are married?

“Lois, you do know that Clark is who I am. Superman is only what I can do,”
Myabe this is her sub-conscience telling her this truth that her conscience has forgotten.

“No, Lois Lane is what… who you do, now,” Lois corrected him, wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him.
Interesting twist on the line.

Between kisses he murmured, “I told you, we couldn’t make love until we were married, and please call me ‘Clark’.”
Of course that avoids why he did not tell her sooner so they could get married sooner.

“Not while you’re dressed like this. While you’re in the Suit, I have to call you ‘Superman’,” Lois reminded him. “Them’s the rules.”
It does make sense, makes her less likely to mess up. Although if she is making out with him in the suit, or fingerin his arm like in "Sex, Lies and Videotapes", I am not sure it makes that much difference what she calls him.

A moment later, they were rolling on a real bed with real pillows.
This makes us sure it is a dream. Although with SM, maybe moving from one location to the other in a moment is possbile.

Lois’s eyes flashed open to find herself alone in bed, and it had been her own hands touching her body. “No!” she screamed and discovered she couldn’t move.
What happened to her? Did someone kidnap her?

“The roof,” Lex answered. “I’ve got a helicopter up there. I have a hunting cabin in the Swiss Alps. That should be above water level.”
After the Clark's voice part I figured this was a memory of after the end of "Another Lois".

~He’s crazy!~ Clark’s voice reminded her as Lex pulled her into a stairwell and upwards.
So the nut is gaurding the nuthouse?

The beginning will come at the end, Star had told her.
Hmm, I figured things had already re-set by this point.

As the helicopter started to rise, Lois took hold of straps of the seatbelt and tried to latch it.
I think maybe you want to say "hold of the straps".

Suddenly, everything went silent and a pair of strong arms held her.
Superman has returned.

Superman stood on her bed and held her in his arms.
grumble He was so close, and is interrupted again. I am beginning to wonder if he will ever tell her.

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“Lois?” Lex’s voice called through the door as he knocked again. “Are you all right, darling?”
grumble I now dislike Lex even more.

Lois flipped the locks on her door and swung it open.
Oh, I was hoping she would not respond to Luthor's demands.

irritation at Lex for, a) assuming she wouldn’t have plans on a Saturday night, and b) assuming the same thing was true for Sunday lunch.
He assumes she is available at the last moment. Or is he trying to catch her with Clark?

Lex went on, running his hand down her arm.
grumble more annoying actions by Lex. Why does he think he can show up if someone was not coherent enough to talk with him on the phone.

Superman glanced at her. His mouth pressed into a line but his eyes sparkled with delight that she had hung up on Lex.
Not only did she hang up on him, she did not recognize his voice at all.

Then again, he didn’t know that she knew his secret and might possibly have blathered it to Lex on the phone this morning while she was mostly asleep.
Fortunantly she seems to have not done that.

“Oh, nothing of consequence,” Lex said, but he smiled at her tenderly, which made her stomach drop.
She is going to worry about what she did say.

“I came over straightaway when you didn’t answer when I called back.
Instead of just recognizing she was in no mood to talk to him.

Superman looked at her with hope. Was he actually expecting her to tell Lex that she was meeting Clark for brunch? Hello? Faux break-up for a reason, there, Superman.
she could have said she had a brunch with a source.

“You need to eat,” Lex insisted. “Anyway, I have something for you.”
Stop accepting those false leads Lois.

“Well, okay, Lex,” Lois caved. “I’ll make an exception just this once.”
Now he will think he can always get his way if he badgers her enough.

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Clark could give her things, anything she wanted from anywhere in the world, and give it to her within seconds, and with all of his heart.
I guess the way Luthor said it it really did not sound like information to anyone but Lois.

‘Son, if a girl isn’t interested in you without you having to buy her love, then she isn’t a girl worth pursuing.’
Clearly he is still hurt by how Lana treated him.

Then he remembered that he already had Lois’s love for free.
grumble Luthor is all over the place in this sotry. grumble

If only Luthor hadn’t have showed up.
I think this would work better "hadn't showed up." It just seems a bit awkward with the have in there.

Luthor kissed her cheek. “Take your time, my dear. I don’t mind waiting.”
Which is why he came right over when she did not answer his phone call?

Lois headed towards her bedroom, stopped, and turned back around. Her eyes met and held Superman’s. “Thank you.”
hyper she is thanking him.

Luthor made an overt look at the damage. “Perhaps you should come with a warning label, Superman. Do you often burst into women’s apartments? Should I have an all points bulletin issued on LNN?”
So far Lois having a pretend relationship with Luthor has just opened Superman up to more ridicule.

“So, you say. She could have been screaming it in passion,” Luthor responded.
Considering how she reacted to seeing Superman, no, not at all.

“Temper, temper, Superman. You wouldn’t want to have to buy Lois a new broom as well, would you?” Luthor taunted. “The fact is you and I both know she can never have the kind of relationship she wants with you. We both know I can give her everything she could ever want in life.”
I really dislike Luthor.

Clark couldn’t be intimate with her, or marry her, and she would never be able to bear his children,
whinging that he thinks this.

but he knew a platonic love with Clark would be a better life than Luthor could ever give her.
This is true, but I hope Lois lied about the hospital.

In his gut, Clark knew that someday it would come to that, and Lois would want a real love that a non-evil man could give her and he would have to let her go.
Even if she can't convince him that the curse is false, I don't see her ever being able to leave him.

For now, this was a non-worry, he told himself. Lois would never fall for Luthor’s charms.
I am so glad that it appears he is right, at least for this go around. S

he loved Clark and that was all there was to it.

For now.
I wish he had more hope.

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Superman refused to leave Lois’s apartment until she and Luthor had left for brunch.
He should trust that she will be safe at her place. Luthor is not that unethical.

he had no way to get his driver’s license replaced without forgery,
Couldn't he show the birth certificate for the Clark in this dimension. It would help a lot to have a state ID.

It wasn’t as if he needed to drive anywhere or take taxis.
But not having an ID can be very problematic.

He was thankful the Kents had invited him to dinner Sunday night.
frown more ways for his to not see Lois.

Finally, Clark decided that since Superman had broken Lois’s window, it would have to be the Superman Foundation that paid for the repairs.
I guess this makes sense but it seems border-line misuse of funds to use it to fix his girlfriends apartment.

If he kept making mistakes as he had that morning, he might as well buy himself a set of tools to keep at his apartment.
Or maybe he should just move in with Lois so next time there will be no walls to stop him.

He hadn’t thought, merely reacted.
The situation does make sense with that explanation.

He was surprised that she didn’t see what he had. Purple was a combination of red and blue, the very colors of his uniform.
It was to real to her to consider the hidden meanings.

Octopus was her codeword for “help Superman”. Lois might not want a protector, but her subconscious clearly did, and a very specific protector at that.
Hmm, although if this is what actually happened, then maybe it was the use of octopus to start with that was subconscious.

especially with her enthusiasm at Superman existence.
I think that should be "Superman's existence".

He hadn’t wanted to encourage such behavior as she had told Clark that there would never be anything between her and Superman.
Well, since she does know that CK=SM, he really does not have to worry about that. Although since he does not know it, he still does.

Did she know that it thrilled him to no end that she both loved his super side and dreamed of marrying his Clark side?
Lois:Mostly. He might even be more glad if he knew I know they are just sides, and not different people.

Had the guilt from kissing Superman on Impact Day faded?
Mostly, especially when she forgets that he does not know she knows.

However, Lois seemed to have no difficulty in repeating that action.
One of them really needs to tell the other.

Yet, she had practically swooned while recalling making love to Clark in her dream.
If he does not tell Lois soon he might figure out she knows. Although none of her actions clearly point that way, at least if you start by assuming she does not know.

He wondered about her dream. It seemed overly detailed.
I am glad he notices that. Although clearly some of it was fully a dream.

She seemed only to remember those semi-psychic dreams she had… although, perhaps those were the only ones which she recounted to him.
To really understand it he would have to do indepth interviews with her about her dreams, which she might not be willing to do.

He knew he had plenty of dreams of her, only one of which he had ever mentioned to some extent.
Although since he is Superman his ability to remember his dreams might not be relevant at all.

Could she have been recalling the great disaster that ended her world?
2 points for Clark.

No, according to Herb, this Lois hadn’t ended up with Luthor.
But maybe Herb did not know as much as he thought.

Then again, could Herb have not counted Lois being Luthor’s prisoner as ‘ending up with him’?
From what Herb did know it seems that he was using the term to mean "in a relationship".

No, Clark couldn’t believe that Luthor died by being extricated from a helicopter by a large octopus while Metropolis was flooding.
It is a bit far fetched. ALthough, I guess that is mainly just a reflection of "Just Say Noah". Although it is possible that even with out SM Smiley's plan would have failed, but once it exists nothing really seems far fetched.

That was too fantastical for reality, even a reality where there was a man who flew.
But the world crashing reality is one that lacks a flying man. That is why Lois was put away (although Clark has never really been told that detail).

Lois still hadn’t returned home when Clark had completed the finishing touches on his repairs.
frown I was hoping they would get a chance to really talk.

Even if he wished to do nothing more than wait for her return, he knew that she wouldn’t be pleased at this seeming untrusting action.
He could hang out in the sky and see her from afar, and just happen to walk by as Clark.

Although she had whispered to him while in her shower that they needed to talk.
So she won't be mad if he stays around.

Luthor had noticed his intense expression of concentration and asked if Superman would turn his back towards Lois’s bedroom, so that Luthor would know that he wasn’t peering through the walls at her while in the shower.
This almost seems incriminating evidence against Luthor, although I can see why Clark does not try to use it, after Lois getting mad at him for trying to blame Luthor one too many times.

Clark hated feeling envy for Luthor. He remembered that supersonic watch that Jimmy had while they were in Smallville, and wondered if he could buy one for Lois to replace the watch she had lost in the robbery.
Actually, it just might work. As long as he was willing to actually stop hovering.

He smiled, liking the idea. Now, if Superman could only convince Lois to wear such a watch without her throwing it into his or Clark’s face.
True, she might get mad about it. But wonldn't it allow him to trust her more?

Lois came in early to the newsroom on Monday morning.
frown she never got to talk with Superman about what she learned. She needs to set up regular meeting times with him.

Lex’s interruption of her discussion with Superman the previous morning had upset her.
smile1 Good that she does not like Luthor barging in.

Had Clark been on the verge of revealing to her his secret?
Obviously, although he was stalling. If he had just said it all in one breath he would have beat Luthor's knock.

Superman certainly seemed as if he were about to kiss her, which she knew she shouldn’t have encouraged, but she had started it by kissing him first.
Under the circumstances her actions seem reasonable, and not really deceptive. Although maybe she should have said "Superman, I know your Clark", instead of saying it was not them who got married. I can see why she didn't, but wish she had.

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Anyway, she doubted Clark would kiss her again as Superman unless he was going to tell her about his secret first.
Yep, I think she is on the right track there.

Was she ready to tell Clark about her undercover operation with Lex? That was the big crux.
I think it is time for her to tell him.

Lex had taken Lois out of Metropolis to his estate located halfway between Metropolis and Gotham City.
Now if Clark ever recovers his memory of his abduction maybe they can connect the dots.

It would have been nice to have a little head’s up on the length of their excursion.
Even if Lex was not a criminal, he is so arrogant and not valuing Lois' opinion, I do not see why she would ever stick with him.

He had called ahead and had his staff, his servants, set up a romantic picnic brunch out in the gardens.
The servants seems the better choice, but Lois thinking through both terms is telling.

It wasn’t the kind of picnic lunch that she would have had with Clark.
Clark would have set it all up himself.

For one, the picnic included a table and chairs, and a butler to serve it.
How is it a picnic with a butler?

She liked that he was opening himself and his life to her, and letting her get to know the real Lex Luthor better.
Why do I have doubts that she is seeing the real Lex?

It meant that he was starting to trust her. Step one of her plan was complete.
This plan seems more complicated and drawn out than Clark's reveal the truth to Lois plan.

Who knew that the way to attract a man such as Lex was to express as little interest in him as possible?
I would say she is not exactly doing that. She could turn him down more often then she does for example.

Lois had no interest in Lex’s wealth.
If only Clark would realize this.

Quote]he had no interest in getting to know the man any better than she did already.[/Quote]

I wish Clark realized this too.

She certainly had no romantic designs on Lex.
It would help a lot if she could make Clark see this.

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I got some good Muse feeding FDK last night [img]http://tinyurl.com/cmlq5zn[/img] (I love that smilie!), so I think I'll respond before posting tonight to let you all know how much I appreciate you for continuing to read my story. smile1

Joan: Thanks for popping in to let me know I haven't scared you away. wave /psst. "Another Lois". Actually that's just a nickname; it's full legal name is: "Wrong Trilogy: Book 1: Another Dimension, Another Time, Another Lois", so I guess we could technically call it WTB1:ADATAL for short, but "Another Lois" is so much easier to spell. wink /

Note to self: Find title to Book 3 that has neither Lois nor Clark in the title. evil sort of way. That would deviate from what's left of my skeleton outline.

John: Thank you for your wonderful FDK. I'll try to get to some of it tonight, but I figured you'd rather have me post 112 first. jump

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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John: Sorry about not getting to this last night. My eyelids would not participate after I posted my story. Thank you so much for your comments.
I have a fear this will be encoraging to the caller.
LEX: A-ha! A challenge!

I guess this is not a flashback.
No, not entirely. grumble It counts, and speak for yourself. That's *my* Lois.

He is not listening closely enough, although the "we were on our honeymoon" part does throw it off. I am actually surprised Lois did not say "you" in the above dialogue.
Lois isn't used to speaking of SM as CK.

If Lois did not know The Secret already she would probably figure it our from this reaction.
SM has always (mostly) said that he wants Lois and Clark to be together, so he wouldn't be happy for them. Now, finally, Lois will leave him alone to move on with his life as a lonely martyring hero. No?

Well, I guess she will have to reveal she knows the Secret.
Yes, it would be difficult to get away with that without revealing that she knows. Not impossible, but difficult.
CLARK: Impossible.
HERB: I *do* hate that word.
CLARK: Oh, shut up!

Will Clark know realize she has memories of the Superman-free earth?
As Herb didn't know that Another Lois could really hear Clark's voice (he thought it was part of her insanity), and never told Clark that Lois had ended up in an insane asylum, it's doubtful. She's already shared "visions" of Clark not being there, when Jimmy didn't survive the Messenger Hangar explosion and the deaths of the people on the Prometheus. He knows she has memories of her life with the other CK/SM, and maybe possible life without either of them, but he's not sure and he really doesn't want to a) think about this is detail, or b) probe her to think more of this in detail.

Once the octopus showed up in her flashback I sort of expected it to lead to Superman showing up. Still, I never thought the octopus code would come up this way before that.
Never did I. This was a freebee from my muse.

He was so close, and is interrupted again. I am beginning to wonder if he will ever tell her.
Although I have a draft of the scene where Clark learns that she knows (actually, it was one of the first things I wrote for this story), I cannot recall if those words are used. It will become official that she knows at some point in the story.

I now dislike Lex even more.
clap How did I guess that this might be your reaction?

Oh, I was hoping she would not respond to Luthor's demands.
And let him (try to) break down her door?

He assumes she is available at the last moment. Or is he trying to catch her with Clark?
Possibly both.

Why does he think he can show up if someone was not coherent enough to talk with him on the phone.
LEX: I thought she had been drugged. I was worried about her safety. If anyone is going to drug Lois, it will be me!
SM: Excuse me?
LOIS: What he said.
LEX: Er... drugs as in medicine.
LOIS: I'm not sick, you are.

Not only did she hang up on him, she did not recognize his voice at all.
There are times when I answer the phone and cannot recognize my own sisters' voices, especially when they say something generic.

Fortunantly she seems to have not done that.
What Lois said to Lex is what she said in the Part, but the Readers know more than Lois.

Instead of just recognizing she was in no mood to talk to him.
LEX: That doesn't make sense. Why wouldn't she want to talk to me?

she could have said she had a brunch with a source.
That wasn't the point. She shouldn't *have* to lie. Saying she wants to be alone should be enough.
LEX: I don't understand. Why would she want to do boring stuff like be by herself instead of being with me?

Now he will think he can always get his way if he badgers her enough.
Doesn't canon Lex act the same way?

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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a) They are up in the air where most people won't be able to see them. b) they can't help themselves?
I guess those are good answers, but why are they even traveling by air instead of just hiding out in a nice bedroom.

Hmm, on second thought, this seems like what they should have had happen in "Soul Mates" or "Brutal Youth" on the trip to Hawaii they should have taken.

Although why Clark dresses as Superman to go to Hawaii is odd. a-it is not like he can show up as such at the hotel, so he will have to change back. b-if someone actually sees them leave or takeoff, it seems that Lois in SM's arms ON HER WEDDING NIGHT, will be more problematic than Clark seen flying. I guess maybe, there is a slight possibility that if people just vaguely see SM flying they will a-not realize who that women he is lip to lip with or b-if they are really lucky, not notice he has a women in his arms at all.

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-- Continuation of Response to John's FDK --
Sorry about the delay, but RL got in the way. grumble
I guess the way Luthor said it it really did not sound like information to anyone but Lois.
LOIS: I already told Lex that I cannot accept gifts from him, so why would he... Right, he's Lex.
LEX: What? I'm supposed to listen to her? Phishaw. She doesn't know what she's talking about.

‘Son, if a girl isn’t interested in you without you having to buy her love, then she isn’t a girl worth pursuing.’
JOHN: Clearly he is still hurt by how Lana treated him.

I think that should be "Superman's existence".
And you'd be right. Fixed.

Lois: Mostly. He might even be more glad if he knew I know they are just sides, and not different people.
He'd just be glad he wouldn't have to worry about an explosion, right?

If he does not tell Lois soon he might figure out she knows. Although none of her actions clearly point that way, at least if you start by assuming she does not know.
Yes, I wonder what would happen if he just started acting like she knows. [Linked Image]

I am glad he notices that. Although clearly some of it was fully a dream.
Yes, some dream, some reality.

To really understand it he would have to do indepth interviews with her about her dreams, which she might not be willing to do.
That and she doesn't know why he would be doing this.

Although since he is Superman his ability to remember his dreams might not be relevant at all.

2 points for Clark.
CLARK: Does that mean I win?
LEX: Hardly.
LOIS: He's got more point than your negative 36, Lex.

But maybe Herb did not know as much as he thought.
He didn't.

It is a bit far fetched. ALthough, I guess that is mainly just a reflection of "Just Say Noah". Although it is possible that even with out SM Smiley's plan would have failed, but once it exists nothing really seems far fetched.
Interesting theory.

But the world crashing reality is one that lacks a flying man. That is why Lois was put away (although Clark has never really been told that detail).
HERB: It wasn't germain. Clark came, therefore, Lois won't miss her Clark. All's well with this dimension, right?

He could hang out in the sky and see her from afar, and just happen to walk by as Clark.
He'd have to find her first.

So she won't be mad if he stays around.
Still a bit creepy.

This almost seems incriminating evidence against Luthor, although I can see why Clark does not try to use it, after Lois getting mad at him for trying to blame Luthor one too many times.
How is Luthor incriminating himself by telling Superman not to use his x-ray vision to watch Lois in the shower?

Actually, it just might work. As long as he was willing to actually stop hovering.
CLARK: I thought she liked the hovering.
LOIS: Flying yes, hovering no.

True, she might get mad about it. But wonldn't it allow him to trust her more?
But it implies that she'd be getting into trouble in which she needs SM's help to get out of... And she doesn't admit to that.

Obviously, although he was stalling. If he had just said it all in one breath he would have beat Luthor's knock.
Well, he started to, but then paused because he thought she was going to interrupt, so when he realized Lois wasn't going to interrupt, he started again and that's when Luthor banged on the door.

Under the circumstances her actions seem reasonable, and not really deceptive. Although maybe she should have said "Superman, I know your Clark", instead of saying it was not them who got married. I can see why she didn't, but wish she had.
She wants to give him to trust her enough to confess it without her telling him that she's knows first.

Now if Clark ever recovers his memory of his abduction maybe they can connect the dots.
[Linked Image]

Even if Lex was not a criminal, he is so arrogant and not valuing Lois' opinion, I do not see why she would ever stick with him.
Well, he did this in canon when he took her to Italy for dinner without informing her of their destination first.

Clark would have set it all up himself.
Much more romantic with Clark.

For one, the picnic included a table and chairs, and a butler to serve it.
JOHN: How is it a picnic with a butler?
Picture from Downton Abbey picnic, S3: [Linked Image] Picnic = eating outdoors.

Why do I have doubts that she is seeing the real Lex?
LEX: Because she has to undress me to see that.
LOIS: [Linked Image] Octopus! Octopus! Octopus!

This plan seems more complicated and drawn out than Clark's reveal the truth to Lois plan.
TEMPUS: Those good guys are such horrible planners.

I would say she is not exactly doing that. She could turn him down more often then she does for example.
She turns him down, and he wants her even more.

It would help a lot if she could make Clark see this.
LOIS: So, you're saying that Clark doesn't believe me when I say I love only him? Men! They never listen.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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“— Lex Luthor,” the voice said.
Oh dear.

“Lex Luthor? You’ve got the wrong number. No. No. He’s not here. Too early. I’m not letting any man into my bed until I’m married,”
wave Michael

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Superman broke her window by mistake, when there wasn't an actual emergency. How isn't it Superman's fault? Same would apply if it had been someone else's window.
It still looks fishy, using the "for charity" Superman Foundation to fix up his girlfriends apartment.

How is Luthor incriminating himself by telling Superman not to use his x-ray vision to watch Lois in the shower?
He's admitting that using special abilities to be a voyeur has crossed his mind.

Well, he did this in canon when he took her to Italy for dinner without informing her of their destination first.
Another big problem with "barbarians at the Planet", Lois did not go immediately ballistic about Lex's proposal, and considered it at all, when he was so condescending towards her.

LOIS: So, you're saying that Clark doesn't believe me when I say I love only him? Men! They never listen.
Actions speak louder than words. Lois's actions don't really suggest loving Luthor, just being a greedy women who is willing to two-time her man if the other man offers her enough goodies.

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Darth Michael: Hi! wave I think I can sneak one in before bedtime. laugh
Lex just got the details on the challenge.
LOIS: How much harder to get do I have to play?

“No, Lois Lane is what… who you do, now,” Lois corrected him,
ER: [shocked that Lois would state her intentions to her dream lover / husband so, well, blatantly]
CLARK: I'm okay with that sentence. Sounds good to me. *Here*, okay?

Ergo, he needs to get out of the suit for her to call him Clark.
[Linked Image]

“Oh, Clark,” she giggled. “There you are. I’ve been looking for you everywhere.”
ER: But apparently, not under Superman’s cape.
LOIS: <<giggling>> I looked there too, but there was still too much fabric for my tastes.

CLARK: [Linked Image]

“No!” she screamed and discovered she couldn’t move. She was now tied up in a straitjacket. She thrashed and kicked, but she couldn’t move on the cot in her cell.
ER: Oops? That’s evil.
What?! You wanted a fantasy dream? Hmmm. I guess I could write one of those... or two... to tide the readers over.

Looks who’s suddenly changed his mind.
Better the enemy that loves you than the enemy which just drowns you.

Lex climbed into the passenger seat and put on some headphones. “Let’s go!” he hollered, making a circle with his finger in case the pilot couldn’t hear him.
ER: Aren’t they forgetting Ari?
LEX: Who?

“Lois, you’re kissing me,” he said, stating the obvious.
ER: Oops?
LOIS: And? Do I need to draw you a diagram? Fine! First, the cape and shorts get folded and set on the chair...

he came to a standstill. One of her living room windows was gone. Well, mostly gone. The glass was gone and some of the frame. They littered her floor. Moreover, there was a big Superman sized hole where there had once been her window.
ER: Oops?
CLARK: Hmmmm. This seems to be a theme for this part. Did I do bad?

He got a bit over-eager to get into her bed.
CLARK: [Linked Image]

And what, Superman? Why would you think that Lex would ever hurt Lois? Maybe they should restrain him somewhere. He’s starting to be a menace to society.
Thank you, Jason Trask. Next...

He nodded, tilted his face as if he were going to kiss her, and said, “I’m C…”

A loud banging knock on her door jerked them apart.

ER: [Laughing so hard because he knows this isn't the last time this will happen]
Hey! At least it wasn't Jimmy. laugh

Maybe Lois should have her father (or Perry) screen her gentleman callers.
LOIS: Gentlemen? Gentlemen? I don't see any gentlemen callers around here, do you?

LEX: /glances at their fingernails/
CLARK: /busts out x-ray vision to make sure she's not hiding any more non-gentlemen callers around/

And this is why you always, *always* tab your phone.
Tab? Do you have a cold, Michael? laugh

What’s he afraid of? That a 1940’s model got out of her steel coffin and shot an RPG into Lois’s apartment?
LEX: Well, I have been known to cause that sort of jealousy before.

He got a piece of octopus appendage for her.
Suction cups included?

Why hadn’t Clark remembered that about Lana when he returned to Smallville six years later?
ER: Boobs?
CLARK: [Linked Image] Of course! That's why.

LOIS: Where? What is this, a bus terminal?
So, Lois doesn't consider herself a lady?

“Women looking for super attention should leave their windows open and fasten a favor to their window frame.
Sadly, that happened on the George Reeves AoS show and a fake Superman came and stole a little girl away. Since then, Superman doesn't encourage this sort of behavior.

He’s a bit of a pig, isn’t he?
LEX: A busy one. Not all of us can say that, can we?
CAT: I can!

“The fact is you and I both know she can never have the kind of relationship she wants with you.
ER: Where did he learn that one?
Um... that first time Superman tried to dump Lois and Lex caught it over the speakerphone?

Good thing Lois only attracts the dangerous whack jobs, then, huh?
DAN: Hey!
CLARK: See, whack job.

What? Does he think Lex would strip naked and join her in the shower?
CLARK: With Luthor, you never know.

There’s a reason Lois had her apartment remodeled and her bathroom walls painted with lead-based paint.
Was this recently? Before that she wanted Superman to peek, right?

Duh. It takes a village to keep a zoo.
LEX: I like to live simply.

Actually, considering they went to his hunting lodge…
LEX: She's lucky it's not hunting season.
NIGEL: Duck season.
ASABI: Rabbit season

Why should it only work with bitchy prom queens?
LOIS: Exactly!

LEX: Right. So much expressed hate usually means she has a biiiig crush on me already.
LOIS: The only thing I'm crushing is the antacids for the sour stomach you cause me.

How about “Neither Lois nor Clark are dead”?
wave Until tomorrow.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Originally posted by John Lambert:
It still looks fishy, using the "for charity" Superman Foundation to fix up his girlfriends apartment.
But *nobody* knows that CK=SM and therefore that SM is fixing his girlfriend's window!

PERRY: Me, too.
M&J: We do!
CARLOS: As do I.

He's admitting that using special abilities to be a voyeur has crossed his mind.
SM: Sadly, that evidence isn't allowable in court.

Another big problem with "barbarians at the Planet", Lois did not go immediately ballistic about Lex's proposal, and considered it at all, when he was so condescending towards her.
LEX: Hey, I'm rich. It tends to make women forget their ethics.

Actions speak louder than words. Lois's actions don't really suggest loving Luthor, just being a greedy women who is willing to two-time her man if the other man offers her enough goodies.
LOIS: Only from a very narrow POV. If Clark truly loved me, he'd now what I was doing! It's obvious! Well, hopefully, not to Lex...
LEX: You're holding out for more jewelry?
CLARK: That sounds about right.
LOIS: [Linked Image] Why do I love you again, Clark?

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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I think I can sneak one in before bedtime.
LEX: That’s funny. I thought the same about me and Lois.
SUPERMAN: [Linked Image]

LOIS: How much harder to get do I have to play?
Maybe if she did a nationwide televised address, maybe on Jack Lemo, on how she would never, ever, not even if the fate of the Planet depended on it, engage in carnal relations with Lex Luthor.
LEX: So, if I buy the Planet and threaten to close it down if she won’t marry me…?
LOIS: He doesn’t know just how much a woman’s interest in sex with her husband drops after the marriage, does he?

CLARK: I'm okay with that sentence. Sounds good to me. *Here*, okay?
A bit hard up, isn’t he?

What?! You wanted a fantasy dream? Hmmm. I guess I could write one of those... or two... to tide the readers over.
[Linked Image]

LOIS: And? Do I need to draw you a diagram? Fine! First, the cape and shorts get folded and set on the chair...
Looks they’re a matched pair when it comes to hard-upitiness.

Thank you, Jason Trask. Next...
What? What?
TEMPUS: Let Gramps be. He’s not done a single bad thing against society.

Hey! At least it wasn't Jimmy. [Big Grin]
LOIS: /makes vow to get back at EW for this/

LOIS: Gentlemen? Gentlemen? I don't see any gentlemen callers around here, do you?

LEX: /glances at their fingernails/
CLARK: /busts out x-ray vision to make sure she's not hiding any more non-gentlemen callers around/
wave Michael

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Originally posted by Darth Michael:
EW: I think I can sneak one in before bedtime.
LEX: That’s funny. I thought the same about me and Lois.
SUPERMAN: [Doesn't find the humor in that statement]
CAT: It's because he's so small.
SUPERMAN: Oh, I get it now. Poor fellow. clap

Superman announced his unsupermanliness on an open mike?
LEX: Yes, he said that he loved Lois. Can't get less manly than a whipped hero, can you?
LOIS: /fans self/ I don't know. I thought he was *very* manly.

CLARK: With Luthor, you never know.
LEX: Shower sex? /shudders in disgust/
MRS. COX: No, he likes it dirty.

LEX: She's lucky it's not hunting season.
NIGEL: Duck season.
ASABI: Rabbit season
ER: Yeah, but she qualifies as a fawn, doesn’t she?
LEX: /brings out crossbow/ Lois, my *dear*, it's hunting season.

LOIS: The only thing I'm crushing is the antacids for the sour stomach you cause me.
LEX: /pulls out sheet of paper/ I have a doctor’s signed affidavit that I’m very healthy and do not cause sour stomachs.
So, he's infertile?

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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LOIS: You all forgot the part where that's NEVER going to happen.
I think she’s concentrating on the wrong aspect here…

LEX: - That's why sex with Arianna never worked! I do usually like to try out the merchandise first, before purchasing. Then again, after the test drive, I'm never interested in the car after that.
LOIS: Is there any part of that statement that's supposed to make me not hurl my cookies?
Yes. It means she only has to put out for him once and then he’ll leave her alone.
LEX: Or kill her. hyper

LEX: Yes, he said that he loved Lois. Can't get less manly than a whipped hero, can you?
LOIS: /fans self/ I don't know. I thought he was *very* manly.
I don’t think she’s going to take long until she combusts.

quote: LOIS: The only thing I'm crushing is the antacids for the sour stomach you cause me.
LEX: /pulls out sheet of paper/ I have a doctor’s signed affidavit that I’m very healthy and do not cause sour stomachs.

So, he's infertile?
wave Michael

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Originally posted by Darth Michael:
LOIS: You all forgot the part where that's NEVER going to happen.
I think she’s concentrating on the wrong aspect here…
LOIS: It doesn't matter how big or small Lex is, he's never going to touch this /points to self/

It means she only has to put out for him once and then he’ll leave her alone.
LEX: Or kill her. [replaces innocent look] I mean, yeah, sure.
LOIS: Don't worry, Lex, after that one time, I'm sure to kill myself.

Oh, so you mean NOW?
ER: [Tries not to look like he's been checking the dark side every day]
But that would ruin the surprise! It'll arrive when you're least expecting it.
LOIS: Oh. So, now! hyper
EW: Or, not.

TEMPUS: Let Gramps be. He’s not done a single bad thing against society.
EW: So, does that make Tempus Lex's grandson or Tempus's?
ER: Jason’s related to Lex?
Ooops. I forgot who we were talking about. So, Tempus is Trask's great-great-great grandson.
TRASK: I wouldn't say he's that good.
TEMPUS: I killed Superman.
TRASK: I stand corrected.

LEX: Yes, he said that he loved Lois. Can't get less manly than a whipped hero, can you?
LOIS: /fans self/ I don't know. I thought he was *very* manly.
ER: I don’t think she’s going to take long until she combusts.
CLARK: That'd be awkward!

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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