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#95515 05/24/13 09:46 PM
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Wrong Place, Wrong Time, Wrong Clark TOC can be found Here

See, I told you LoLex was no Rolex. evil

Comments appreciated and gobbled up like chocolate cake with chocolate frosting. laugh

Last edited by VirginiaR; 05/13/14 11:57 AM. Reason: Added Link

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Lois spent the entire cab ride to her apartment informing Clark about Linda King’s true character,
Well, at least they are talking. I still wish they were touching.

Why couldn’t Lex have given her some generic watch?
That would be below his level of dealing with anyone.

She wouldn’t have noticed the difference, and he still could have put a tracker in it.
He was trying to mark her on multiple levels.

Oh, no. When Lex Luthor gave a woman a piece of jewelry, he was stamping his name all over her...
See this is why it is driving Clark so crazy.

as if it were from a Luthor line of luxury watches, which it wasn’t… officially.
Clark:It looks like a luxury item to me. It is more than I could afford to give Lois, especially these days, after being robbed so many times.

Okay, true, Lex could have given her a TimeLex instead of a LoLex, and Clark probably wouldn’t have freaked out.
Somehow I do not see that really changing Clark's reaction much.

Who was she kidding? Clark would have freaked out if Lex had given her a tissue to blow her nose.
Only a slight exageration.

According to Mr. Mazik, the owner,
So is this Jason's father or brother?

the LoLex brand of watches didn’t exist,
Interesting development.

Mazik estimated its value at not more than five-hundred dollars for this simple design.
Still, quite expensive.

He hadn’t. She had no idea where Clark found that name, but figured it was one of those mistakes with names that must happen when one moves to a new planet.
Interesting development.

Luckily, her dissection of Linda King’s true character kept the topic of the watch away from the table for the entire cab ride to her apartment.
This story is really focusing a lot on watches.

left Lois and Clark alone in the living room to say goodnight.
smile1 they are alone together again.

“No,” he said, shaking his head. “No, I’m sorry. I meant do you still want to talk to him about whatever it was you needed to speak to him privately about?”
I figured that was what he meant even before he brought it up.

“No, I’ll stop by and pick you up here at eight-thirty,” Clark suggested with one last glance around her apartment.
smile1 more time together. Although with the watch between them and him no longer wanting to tell her the Secret, I am torn by it.

Lois pushed him tenderly out into the hallway before he tried to kiss her in front of Eugene.
frown at no kissing.

Anyway, she hadn’t forgiven him for his ‘selling herself for a watch’ comment.
whinging that they had a falling out.

John Pack Lambert
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she said, shutting the door before Clark could remind her that he did.
frown that she shut the door in his face.

“Your landlord must let him in or lent him his keys or something.
I think you want to say "landlord must have let". Or I guess you could shorten it to "must've".

told him I was your older brother in town for short visit,
I think you want to say "for a short".

That smart kid, Aymee Valdez, had pirated her all the top channels, and they were still working as of this morning when Lois had checked LNN on the latest updates regarding Eugene’s escape.
I like how we get better continuity with changes in one episode still affecting things from other episodes.

“Excuse me,” she said, going into her bedroom, taking off the watch from Lex, and leaving it on her dresser.
I hope Superman stops by while she is not wearing the watch.

She needed to talk to her landlord, and didn’t know how sensitive a tracer Lex had put in the LoLex. Would it only be able to tell she was in her apartment building, or would he be able to discern that she had left her apartment and gone to another one?
I was more wondering if it could pinpoint what room in her apartment she was in. That seems more Luthor's style.

Lois asked him to be extra vigilant to strangers dressed as repairmen in the building as there might be a burglar on the prowl.
Somehow I think this would sound better as "vigilant with strangers".

Lois doubted that the repairman had been a burglar, but instead the Voyeur hard at work to set up new surveillance. She had been expecting this step from Lex, but it didn’t mean she would make it any easier for him.
But the easier she makes it, the quicker he is in place to get caught, and the sooner she gets her investigation done, and the sooner she can be fully back in Clark's arms. So shouldn't she not try to resist?

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Lois had called Mr. Mazik back after her conversation with Clark, and asked him if he had ever heard of a type of watch called ‘Rolex’. He hadn’t. She had no idea where Clark found that name, but figured it was one of those mistakes with names that must happen when one moves to a new planet.
That is, if the planet he came from HAD a Rolex.

CLARK: No. I'm just worried I'm a jinx.
CLARK: Yeah. Let's face it, ever since she's known me, Lois's been kidnapped, frozen, pushed off buildings, almost stabbed, poisoned, buried alive and who knows what else, and it's all because of me.
-"Contact" (You're not her jinx, you're her blessing.)
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It was almost back to the way it was that week before the Nightfall eclipse.
Except then they were not both thinking the other might be close to cheating on them, and they were not pretending not to be madly in love with eachother.

He and Lois were once more on a case together and everything felt right with the world,
So is she not wearing the watch, or has he managed to ignore it?

“The investigation will have to wait, Lois,” he replied, glancing down at her watch. “I have a date.”
I was so hoping he would conveniently forget this date.

“What? Laderman? You? My ordeal in the Bay? Superman? Us? What?” he asked.
Yes, what exactly should he not tell Linda?

“If you like, I’ll pick up a new wallet after lunch.”
Or Lois could give him a wallet. Maybe then he would be less mad about her getting a watch from Luthor.

Lois was tempted to wait a half-hour, and then go up to the roof to call for Superman.
Do it, do it, do it.

She wondered why Clark hadn’t gone to the Department of Motor Vehicles to get a replacement driver’s license for the one that was stolen or lost at sea.
Her knowing but not officially is really dragging out a long time.

Then she remembered that he hadn’t known about the real Clark Kent’s birth certificate until the Kents had offered it to him.
He should use this to get a drivers license and other forms of ID. It is the only way they will be able to get married.

Where had gotten his driver’s license from, then?
I think you want to say "where had he gotten".

Had it been a forgery? She had examined it, and it had looked real to her.
Well, she was right that it was real.

Lois paused as something tickled her mind. It almost felt like a memory, which was weird. How could one have a memory of the future?
Her memories of the way things were are coming back to help her.

It certainly didn’t have anything to do with Clark and Linda’s date.
More protesting too much.

Lois saw Linda interviewing the Fire Captain in charge of scene and Clark disappearing around the corner and into the stairwell.
I think that should be "Fire Cpatain in charge of the scene".

“What do you mean you ‘didn’t get a quote’?” Lois screamed at Clark.
Why is he being intentionally difficult?

“Cut?” Lois said, suddenly interested in the cable. “Then the accident wasn’t…”

“An accident,” Clark finished. “Somebody wanted the elevator to fall.”
At least they are working together. I still wish it was more.

“Dry-cleaning? Dry-cleaning? Are your new suits really more important than saving the Planet, Perry? Are they? I sent Rita to do research for a major story and you made her get your dry-cleaning?” Lois hollered so loud the windows of his office shook.
I like how we see how Lois thinks and acts here. It is a very good explanation of Lois' actions.

“Major story, Lois?” the boss said softly, tenting his fingers as he leaned back in his chair. “If memory serves me right, you sent her to snoop on Clark’s lunch date.”
Lois:Well, Clark dating her is also part of the investigation.

Clark:Sort of like you dating Luthor.

Lois:Exactly, this is all part of the investigation.

Clark:Even taking the watch?

Lois:I don't care about the watch. It has a tracker in it, I am using it to let Lex thing I trust him, he is going to mess up.

Reader:OK, maybe I am just too hopeful things will resolve.

Clark said, both thrilled and disturbed by this development. She was getting a bit obsessive over Linda.
He should just kiss her to distract her.

“Yes, but I was robbed. She wasn’t. I was a victim. She was the scooping reporter,” Lois clarified.
She does have a point. The robbers acted to make sure that Linda got the story, but at the same time did not have to deal with the police.

“And Linda just happened to be covering a fashion show across the street from the Metropolitan Hotel on Monday when the fire broke out,” Clark added
smile1 Clark is building up Lois' theory.

“See why you want to stay away from her, Clark?” Lois announced, poking him with her index finger. “She’s a good luck magnet for herself and a bad luck magnet for everyone else.”
Clark:Hmm, so dating her is not likely to get her attacked?

“I’d hire her with that kind of reputation,” Perry said. “If I could.”
I guess Perry was not there in the taxi hearing Lois's attacks on Linda, but still.

“Perry! You wouldn’t?” Lois gasped. “She’s liable to burn down the Daily Planet.”
Wait, has she burned something down in the past? Is Lois inplying Linda started the hotel fire?

“Geez,” she grumbled. “How many page one Superman stories do we have to get before people realize we’re the better paper?”
That was always a major question in "The Rival", how did people abandon the "Daily Planet" so quickly?

Jimmy scowled. “Well, she still is. Now, they’ve moved to the Lexor. Why call Jimbo in when you have me?” he asked,
Lois needs to learn to stop two-timing people.

Then he realized that she probably hadn’t, because Luthor seemed reluctant to shake Jimbo’s hand when they met at Cat’s ball.
He really is thinking that Lois is willing to use her influence and dating Lex to get just about anything.

“So much for the grieving widow,” Lois said, shaking her head and switching off the television.
Although if she was cheating with Lauderman before Harrison died, why would anyone expect a grieving widow at all?

“It’s more like what we have that they don’t. We have well thought out stories, quality writers, the best editor in the business, and morals,” Lois replied.
I am surprised that Lois "bought with a watch" Lane's claims about "morals" did not get a scoff from Clark.

Clark listened to this conversation with only half an ear. The headline on that morning’s Metropolis Star blared: Chow Marries Exotic Dancer.
How did the Planet miss this one?

“Aren’t you related?” Lois asked.
Interesting place for her to bring that up.

“But I thought we could take this video to Eugene and see if he recognized the man,” Lois said.
Go with Lois Clark, go with Lois.

“Any crueler than sitting on death row for a murder he didn’t commit?” she asked.
Interesting. In canon he was only give a life sentance, not the death penalty.

“You’re right. Okay, you do that. I’m going to send the elevator cable to S.T.A.R. Labs,
Why Star labs? It seems they know it was cut without doing that.

and then check on Cat. I’ll catch up,” he said.
I still wish they would not spend so much time apart.

resting her hand on Clark’s shoulder.
smile1 they are touching. We really need more touching. They are too distant.

“Not from you,” Lois said,
smile1 I am really glad she managed to tell him this. It would make him worry less, except since his main worry is Luthor and not Superman, it won't really help much.

and then pointed at him. “Hey, you know I don’t think we’ve ever done a joint interview with Superman before. Huh? I wonder why that is?”
If she did not know the Secret, she would be on the verge of determining it.

She continued to look at him, and he realized it wasn’t a rhetorical question. “I don’t know. Ex…” He coughed. “And current…”
Well, at least he called himself the current boyfriend, but does he believe it?

“Oh, right,” she scoffed. “And you wanted us all to have dinner together. Ha! I knew that was a bad idea.”
Actually, it would have probably been much better than what actually happened.

After her acceptance of Luthor’s watch, Clark didn’t know if they were still more than partners anymore.
I have to agree it is really hard to trust Lois in this case.

He should just come out and ask her, but not here.
Stop procrastinating Clark.

That night, back at her apartment, he decided. Smiling weakly, he waved as she left.
I hope he does not wimp out, but no longer am really counting on it.

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John: Thank you for the FDK. smile1
That would be below his level of dealing with anyone.
But she told him she couldn't accept expensive items from people she reported on.

He was trying to mark her on multiple levels.
LEX: Doesn't every woman want to have a Lex on them?

See this is why it is driving Clark so crazy.
LOIS: He really needs to get control of that jealous streak and trust me more.

Clark:It looks like a luxury item to me. It is more than I could afford to give Lois, especially these days, after being robbed so many times.
LOIS: You can give me love, which is much more valuable than anything Lex could ever give me.
CLARK: Well, when she puts it that way...

Only a slight exageration.
CLARK: [Linked Image]

So is this Jason's father or brother?
Father. I thought it looked weird to have Lois say the "old man", she's more PC than that.

This story is really focusing a lot on watches.
It wasn't supposed to. Sorry. blush

<crying> that they had a falling out.
Well, Clark did open his mouth and accuse Lois of selling out for a watch.

<sad> that she shut the door in his face.
She is Mad Dog Lane and Clark did do the above.

I think you want to say "landlord must have let". Or I guess you could shorten it to "must've".
Thanks. Fixed.

I think you want to say "for a short".
That one's fixed too. Thanks.

I like how we get better continuity with changes in one episode still affecting things from other episodes.
Thank you. Since this is all one story the continuity is supposed to be there. (Okay, the same could be said of a TV show...)

I hope Superman stops by while she is not wearing the watch.
But Lois said for Clark NOT to have Superman stop by, because Mr. Law and Justice would take Eugene to jail.

I was more wondering if it could pinpoint what room in her apartment she was in. That seems more Luthor's style.
If it could tell if Lois was in her apartment or at the landlord, it could also tell which room of her apartment she was in.

Somehow I think this would sound better as "vigilant with strangers".
I changed it to "vigilant for strangers" since I already have another 'with' in the sentence.

But the easier she makes it, the quicker he is in place to get caught, and the sooner she gets her investigation done, and the sooner she can be fully back in Clark's arms. So shouldn't she not try to resist?
But she doesn't want it so easy, that Eugene is caught in her apartment, or that the Voyeur sees another man staying at her apartment and she loses her source completely.

Except then they were not both thinking the other might be close to cheating on them, and they were not pretending not to be madly in love with each other.
Hence the 'almost'. He's trying to be optimistic here.

So is she not wearing the watch, or has he managed to ignore it?
CLARK: Gee, thanks for reminding me!

I was so hoping he would conveniently forget this date.
So, we should just let Carpenter run the DP into the ground?

Or Lois could give him a wallet. Maybe then he would be less mad about her getting a watch from Luthor.
help I'm sorry Spoilage Police have notified me that my previous sentence might have been too revealing. My apologies.

Thank you for reading and commenting. wave

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Christina: Hey! Thanks for stopping by and letting me know you're still reading! I hope you and the little one(s) are doing well.
That is, if the planet he came from HAD a Rolex.
Not necessarily; Lois think that he's confused Rolex with something else, because he's new to the planet Earth.

LOIS: What? It could happen.

CLARK: :rolleyes: She really doesn't understand me at all, does she?

Thanks for the comment! smile1

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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But she told him she couldn't accept expensive items from people she reported on.
That would only matter if Lex actually listened to Lois, which he really doesn't.

LOIS: He really needs to get control of that jealous streak and trust me more.
That is becoming progressively harder the more it looks like she is actually dating Luthor.

So is this Jason's father or brother?
Father. I thought it looked weird to have Lois say the "old man", she's more PC than that.
But it would be much less confusing for us.

This story is really focusing a lot on watches.
It wasn't supposed to. Sorry. blush
Well the plot for the last 20+ parts has been heavily driven by a watch, and Lois getting this one has just increased that.

Thank you. Since this is all one story the continuity is supposed to be there. (Okay, the same could be said of a TV show...)
It could be, but Lois and Clark really was not, although they were not nearly as bad as some shows. In a lot of ways Season 1 was the worst in lack of continuity, although some later episodes, like "Top Copy" and maybe in some ways "That Old Gang of Mine" seem to just be ignored in plot development and character development.

But Lois said for Clark NOT to have Superman stop by, because Mr. Law and Justice would take Eugene to jail.
Oh, is that why she didn't want Superman to come by. Still, I think it would do Clark good to see her without the watch.

So is she not wearing the watch, or has he managed to ignore it?
CLARK: Gee, thanks for reminding me!
It's not my fault Lois chose to accept such an expansive and flashy gift.

Or Lois could give him a wallet. Maybe then he would be less mad about her getting a watch from Luthor.
help I'm sorry Spoilage Police have notified me that my previous sentence might have been too revealing. My apologies.
grumble I was hoping I would really learn something.

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Lois spent the entire cab ride to her apartment informing Clark about Linda King’s true character,
/paraphrases/ Linda is a no-nonsense reporter who will stop at nothing to get the story printed first. She has drive, unbridled sexual energy and knows how to network.
CLARK: So, she’s like a more sociable version of Lois?

Mostly she did this to stop him from asking more questions about the infernal watch.
The one that’s not for sale in retail stores? The one Lex had custom made for his future fiancée so she can count the hours until she’s sharing his bed?

When Lex Luthor gave a woman a piece of jewelry, he was stamping his name all over her...
LEX: We’re doing the tattoo on the honeymoon and the branding for the first anniversary.
ARI: And two years later you get the divorce and a building with your name on it. razz

Clark would have freaked out if Lex had given her a tissue to blow her nose.
CLARK: Duh! Cooties!

Mazik estimated its value at not more than five-hundred dollars for this simple design.
/googles/ Wow, custom made watches really do retail between 300 and 1600 bucks.

She had no idea where Clark found that name, but figured it was one of those mistakes with names that must happen when one moves to a new planet.
Right. The spacefaring alien would confuse a Rolex chron-keeper able to tell the spacetime (sic) from here to Kessel up to a precision of 12 parsecs (sic) with the cheap knock-off hawked off the back of a truck by the local mob-boss. No wonder Linda gets all the scoops.
CLAUDE: You referring to se blonde pute who seduced moi and stole mon story?

Eugene took his broken heart to sulk in kitchen and left Lois and Clark alone in the living room to say goodnight.
He going to go after her chocolate icecream?

“I do, but it’s not urgent. Anyway, this isn’t the best time or place.
So, they’re putting the conversation off until after the wedding in May? (L&L’s that is)

Partners need to be equals, not a valiant knight and his damsel in distress.”
But Clark looks so adorable in a dress.

Anyway, she hadn’t forgiven him for his ‘selling herself for a watch’ comment.
Good for her. As if she would sell for 500$. That gets you just 15 minutes in the honeymoon suite’s bed with her. And the bra stays on.

“Oh, um… a technician stopped by to fix the cable shortly around ten this morning.”
Oooh! The one to her CCTV equipment?

She could just picture the nightmare conversation she would have with her mother, if Ellen called only to have Eugene pick up the line.
LOIS: *No,* Mother, I did not fail to invite you to my engagement party with the convicted killer. And I’m not planning to, either. Have an engagement. Not not-invite you. … *know* that there’s only so many men out there. … No, I *do* not think time is running out. … If Lucy wants to be first to give you a granddaughter that’s fine by me. … No, I’m not sleeping with the local mob-boss, either.

That smart kid, Aymee Valdez, had pirated her all the top channels, and they were still working as of this morning when Lois had checked LNN on the latest updates regarding Eugene’s escape.
How’s she going to smuggle that one past Superman once he moves in with her?
SUPERMAN: Ooooh, is that the Women’s Mudwrestling Channel?

Would it only be able to tell she was in her apartment building, or would he be able to discern that she had left her apartment and gone to another one?
Well, depends on the equipment. Google maps now has indoor maps, too, for museums and stuff.

“Better after than before. Linda is less likely to steal a man’s plastic baggie,” Lois suggested.

“Uh-huh,” Henderson replied, clearly not believing her. “It’s really a non-entity, Lane. Half the victims were found with their wallets, the other half without.”
So, Lex had a random person on the street kidnapped and killed and thrown into the river with his wallet on them for everyone he had disposed of?

“If I’m busy doing research, I’ll be too busy to retrieve the Chief’s dry-cleaning, and it’s Wednesday… dry-cleaning day,” Rita replied.
wave Michael

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She could tell that Eugene hated the idea that Lena had used him as fall man for the true killer, and wondered why she would ask Lois and Clark to ask him to turn himself in. Seeing no answer other than Lena not wanting the true killer caught, Eugene took his broken heart to sulk in kitchen and left Lois and Clark alone in the living room to say goodnight.
I think that should be "sulk in the kitchen".

“This isn’t about Clark. It’s about finding a connection between his abduction to the other murders,” she said.
I think that should be "abduction and the". Either that or you could replace between with from.

Rita looked like a doe caught by headlights of Lois’s semi-truck. “Not, yet. Dry-cleaning day and all.”
I think since you made the headlights specific and not general it should be "doe caught by the headlights of Lois's".

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Originally posted by John Lambert:
That would only matter if Lex actually listened to Lois, which he really doesn't.
LEX: Huh? Sorry, I wasn't listening.

LOIS: He really needs to get control of that jealous streak and trust me more.
JOHN: That is becoming progressively harder the more it looks like she is actually dating Luthor.
LOIS: Hence "Trust".

I guess the one problem is if she does it, does it make it too obvious that she knows that CK=SM?
CLARK: Oh, dear. There's Lois getting in trouble again. :rolleyes:

So is he figuring that it is safer to pretend he did not talk to SM, than to risk Lois realizing him and SM were never in a postion to talk to eachother unless CK=SM, or is he just mad at Lois for being there are feeling she was spying on his date?
To try and distance himself from his alter ego, he decided he didn't need to get a quote, since Lois was there.

I would not dare praise Linda within 1000 feet of Lois.
CLARK: thumbsup error finder.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Darth Michael: Only 10+ left to go to catch up. help
HENDERSON: I'm sorry, Clark doesn't know this information for a few more parts.

Maybe Lois will be able to kill him without the Kryptonite.
LOIS: There's a doubt in your mind?
CLARK: [Linked Image] No doubts in my mind.

[Sailors cringe at Lois's language towards her boss]

LOIS: You talking about the scoop on *Superman’s* newest fling? You *don’t* think that’s banner headlines?
SUPERMAN: How did she know about that girl in Arizona?.... er... I mean, 'no comment.'

It’s completely normal to have photos of your competition stuck to your dart board.
But it's not normal to take a sub-machine gun to them in the office.
LEX: It's not?

“Perry! You wouldn’t?” Lois gasped. “She’s liable to burn down the Daily Planet.”
ER: That wouldn’t be a story they could print at the Planet.
Um... they couldn't, because it would be burned down.

Just the one about Superman knocking up that waitress from South-West.
SUPERMAN: Lois, I can explain...

On the plus side, he only held the camera at their legs. Ralph would have gone higher.
But then they all would have gotten motion sick.

And lack of reach. Which results in Luthor-backed business to slowly pull their advertising.
LEX: [Linked Image] Hey, now. There's a good idea. Nigel!
NIGEL: Already on it, sir.
LEX: Oh, good.

Wouldn’t it be awkward if the pre-wedding bloodtest showed a relation between Lex and Lois?
clap That's a good one!
SAM: Ellen!
ELLEN: What? It's not like you were around.

She’s enjoying that one too much. It will surely come back to haunt her when she’s starting to boink after she accepts the Lexcedes cabriolet from Lex.
LOIS: I don't boink anyone to *borrow* their car.
CLARK: So, no boinking to fly Superman Express. I'm glad to hear that, Lois.
LOIS: I didn't say *that*!

Thankfully, not always what Clark believes is really the truth. Comments
ER: If it were, Lois would be unsatisfied and dead ten times over.
CLARK: Um... Michael, don't you have that backwards?

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Wouldn't it be funny if Claude stole Lois's gunrunning story, only to have Linda steal it and run off to the Congo and die instead of alt-Lois?
I think the way they tell it in canon, it seems that Lois went to the Congo there too, but there she came back. I always figure Clark had something to do with that, even if inadvertently.

Hmmm, they never actually say that Clark had not seen Lois before they meet at the planet. Hmmm.

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Originally posted by John Lambert:
Wouldn't it be funny if Claude stole Lois's gunrunning story, only to have Linda steal it and run off to the Congo and die instead of alt-Lois?
I think the way they tell it in canon, it seems that Lois went to the Congo there too, but there she came back. I always figure Clark had something to do with that, even if inadvertently.

Hmmm, they never actually say that Clark had not seen Lois before they meet at the planet. Hmmm.
This scenario has been addressed in several stories, but I've never read one where Linda went off to the Congo INSTEAD of Lois and ended up dying.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Only 10+ left to go to catch up. <is wondering about who will catch up first>
There. There. I’m worried, too. /talks to self like the little engine that could/

When do the kids head back to school?

Wouldn't it be funny if Claude stole Lois's gunrunning story, only to have Linda steal it and run off to the Congo and die instead of alt-Lois?

ALT-LOIS: [Mecry] Not my BFF! Anyway, I put the "mad" in Mad Dog.
ALT-EDUARDO: /holds up proof of rabies shot/ That she does.
Oh boy.

LOIS: Oh... L&L. Linda and Lex. Makes sense.
[Linked Image]

CLARK: EX'cuse me?
/points at dozens of times Lois had to rescue the big strong super man/
Actually, isn’t it funny how often he has performance issues? Just like with the Enterprise, when her shields, engines, or phasers are on the fritz right when the bad alien of the week shows up.

LOIS: <<cough>> one minute and no bed.
RALPH: Works for me. I can do that.
Does that qualify as an oops?

Who says Superman's moving in?
[Linked Image] Lois, if she has a say-so.
LUCY: I’ll vote ‘yes’, too.

LANA: It depends. How much money is it? And is the plastic baggie kept in a Camero or a Porsche?
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ARI: Exactly. And *then* he blows it up.
Maybe the Carlin Building was named after Old Man Carlin, and Lex was just getting his last revenge on the old man for having left it to charity and not his daughter.

John Pack Lambert
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Originally posted by Darth Michael:
There. There. I’m worried, too. /talks to self like the little engine that could/
I'll take my inspiration where I can get it. Just a little bit a day and surely I'll catch up by the end of the year, right? :rolleyes:

TAXI DRIVER: Ma'am, you've already thrown him from a moving vehicle. It's against cab rules to run him over.
LOIS: What? It’s not like it’s going to hurt him.
TAXI DRIVER: My insurance doesn’t cover voluntary manslaughter damage to the hood.
CLARK: So does that mean I can scratch the twins-idea for my next birthday?
LEX: [gets another naughty idea]
It's so nice of Clark to want to clone himself so that he can make love to Lois as both Superman and Clark at the same time.
CLARK: grumble So much for being evil.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Originally posted by John Lambert:
ARI: Exactly. And *then* he blows it up.
Maybe the Carlin Building was named after Old Man Carlin, and Lex was just getting his last revenge on the old man for having left it to charity and not his daughter.
Except in this story I changed the Carlin building to Carlen.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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I'll take my inspiration where I can get it. Just a little bit a day and surely I'll catch up by the end of the year, right? /firmly believes in statement/
[Linked Image]

It's so nice of Clark to want to clone himself so that he can make love to Lois as both Superman and Clark at the same time.
CLARK: [Shock] That's *not* what I meant!
LOIS: /is happy someone brought up the old Mxysplit story from the Archives/
[Linked Image]

MXY: Have you met my good friend "Q"? We both belong to the Practical Jokers Club of the 5th Dimension.
wave Michael

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Originally posted by Darth Michael:
LOIS: No touching and fully clothed.
RALPH: Yeah, so?

ER: I think we’re getting into Merchant of Venice territory here.
[Linked Image] Is that the one where the woman dresses like a man?

LOIS: I refused to live with both Superman *and* my sister!
LUCY: Oh, so just me and Supes. I can do that.
SUPERMAN: I’m a person, not a ‘that’.
LOIS: Ex-cuuuuuuse me?
[Linked Image] /I think you mean 'Lucy'/ Or did you mean that Lois is assuming his protest over wording means he isn't protesting meaning?
SUPERMAN: Of course, I wouldn't do it with your sister, Lois. Remember, I'm Mr. No-Relationship guy. laugh
LUCY: shock You mean, Superman is a... a...
LOIS: Very patient man. Not so much.
SUPERMAN: What? Yes, I am. No, wait. No, I'm not. I mean. Look 10 car pile-up! Phew. [Linked Image]

Give a man a shovel…
CLARK: Look, Lois, what a nice big hole Superman has dug there.
LOIS: Great. Now, add one Lex Luthor...
CLARK: Lois!
LOIS: But if he's still alive when the mudslide strikes, it's a natural disaster not murder, right?
LEX: [Linked Image]

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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