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#95947 06/18/13 08:39 PM
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Wrong Place, Wrong Time, Wrong Clark TOC can be found Here

My apologies again for Lex’s POV scene (and in advance of his POV scenes to come). His true colors shine more vibrantly (and graphically) as time progresses. Also, my solution for the IoM virus is not based in fact, but based on what was done in canon, which I cannot believe is anywhere close to the real way to solve such a problem.

Also, my added apologies for my delay in posting this part. Besides not having completed Part 125 last Friday, and thus maintaining my 5 part cushion, I also re-worked this part over the weekend. (So, please let me know if I made any huge errors. laugh )

Comments, as always, appreciated. wave Thank you again for your continued readership.

Last edited by VirginiaR; 05/13/14 11:43 AM. Reason: Added Link

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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That Lex is a real piece of work with his "Noah's arc" and re-population plan. Same with Brenda.


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Hmmm... So Lois is going to call in her favor with Eugene to engineer a back-history for Clark? I wonder what he would think of that. Will Lois try to coordinate with Clark so that he has some input on what his fake history will entail? And so that it will jive with what Clark has already told people about his background? Or will she just get it done and present it to him as a surprise?

"It is a remarkable dichotomy. In many ways, Clark is the most human of us all. Then...he shoots fire from the skies, and it is difficult not to think of him as a god. And how fortunate we all are that it does not occur to him." -Batman (in Superman/Batman #3 by Jeph Loeb)
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There are no huge errors, although I have to say I am not a fan of the Lex parts. I guess he is without question a villain. It makes it harder to see why Lois ever fell for him in any life, but I guess he is also very good at faking a situation.

Lex patted his double on the shoulder.
Too bad that Clark does not realize Lois saw clones in her memories. I guess even if he did it would not help much here.

“You’ll appreciate another visit topside, this time with some fresh air,” he said, leading the clone to the secret elevator hidden behind a bookcase in his ark’s study, where Nigel was waiting.
I guess it makes sense to have the clone in the Ark.

Lex inserted his keycard and typed in his code, the date of his White Orchid Ball when he had first met Lois.
He is obsessed with Lois more than I suspected.

“Nigel has an evening of skeet shooting planned for you, should you do well with your lessons.”
That was an interesting scene, with Lex skeet shooting. It was one of the signs that Lex really did not care about others than Lois ignored.

The Lex-Clone cowered for a moment before his resolve stiffened. “Well, it wasn’t as if I was speaking to an underling, Father. Should I not address you with more respect?”
I have to say this is better than the interaction between the clone and Lex in Vatman, even if the story of Little Red Ridinghood insurance fraud was funny.

She’ll be teaching you about proper tables manners and decorum while in the company of women.”
I think the phrase is usually "table manners".

The clone’s brow furrowed. “But, Father, if might is right, and the Luthors are mighty, why do I need ‘polite manners’?”
Considering how the SM clone treated Lois, I think in canon Lex never addressed this issue at all.

Certainly not fully ready for exposure to outside world as Lex’s double.
I think that should be "to the outside world".

“Yes, but do you really want Mrs. Cox in our little secret?”
I think that should be "in on our".

“Don’t call her that!” Lex hissed. “She is Dr. Carlin; that is all anyone ever needs to know. I had to inform Ari because her viewing room of the psychiatrist’s office is on the other side of Lex-C’s bedroom.”
The current phrasing probably works, but I half think it more likely he would say "the viewing room of the psychiatrist's office" or use her to modify both room and office.

If Lex-C had no personal experience with women, it was conceivable that one would be able to seduce him and thereby turning him into a docile and blathering idiot,
I think it would flow better if it was "thereby turn him into".

No, Mrs. Cox would be perfect tool for Lex-C to learn that women were objects to be used for nothing else save enslaving,
I think the phrasing should either be "a perfect tool" or "the perfect tool". Luthor has a truly disturbing view of women and how to interact with them. I guess we have seen this to some extent before, but not how deeply disturbed he actually is.

Starting Lex-C out with a female toy, whom he could enjoy by also physically hurting, would show the clone the true pleasure of women.
No wonder Clark does not trust Luthor.

“I won’t be staying the night, Asabi, and neither shall the lady,” Lex corrected.
Spending the night and using the bed and two different things, and the one does not require the other. peep

“Have precautions been made to ensure that the others in the ark don’t learn of my attentions? Each lady needs to feel as if she, and she alone, has my undivided attention.
The only way to maybe achieve this would be to isolate the women from each other. As long as they speak with each other it is highly likely they will mention his attentions to the other women.

“Please, call me Brenda,” she insisted. “Shall we now retire to your bedroom? Or do you wish to get undressed in here?”
jawdrop not beating around the bush here.

“Where would you like me to examine you?
Interesting development.

feeling distinctly outside of his comfort zone and taking a step backwards away from her.
I think that was her goal, not only with this line but with showing up early.

She wasn’t acting and speaking as he was led to believe a woman of her occupation and station would.
This is Clark's major advantage over Luthor. Luthor thinks the position defines the person, and as long as he sees Clark as merely a reporter, he will not at all suspect that CK=SM.

“Please, Lex, if we’re going to be intimately acquainted, you must call me ‘Brenda’.”
Hmm, she does not believe in beating around the bush.

my guess is that you want to fill my uterus for the coming dawn.”
jawdrop She really does not beat around the bush.

while I’m not a fertility specialist, per se, I do have lot of experience in the field.
That should either be "have lots of experience" or "have a lot of experience". I am not sure which form is better.

If any of the women in our community seem difficult to impregnate within this first year,
I find Muldoon's clinical approach to these issues disturbing, even if I guess if they were really all that was left of humanity it would make sense.

For the continuation and health of our species, it’s a must.”
I really hope the prison gets broken up before then.

beginning to wonder if he had misjudged this woman completely.
I am surprised there is still any doubt. Although considering what she things reality is, her actions are mainly logical. Although I would only admit that fully if the reality of the ark is significantly more females than males. Even if it was, I still would not wish being Luthor's child on anyone, so I still would dislike Muldoon's plan.

“Third session?” Lex gulped. Was she serious? “Tonight?”
Well, Muldoon is doing good at keeping Luthor on his toes.

He bristled at the assumption that he would need any pointers,
I am glad someone has managed to insult Luthor in a new and unexpected way.

He finished off his Scotch and set the glass on the sideboard as she continued.
He is not doing well at listening to the doctors instructions.

if only the asteroid had struck Earth, and Lois had willingly agreed to join his ark community.
Lex needs to realize the failure of Lois to join him is not conditioned on the asteroid not striking.

Not only would he have a harem of women ready to bear his children ‘for the good of mankind’, but Lois could now be his queen to do with as he pleased.
Lex really does not understand Lois if he thinks she would ever agree to be with a man who had a harem.

Lois would be joining his harem, by force if necessary.
More evidence that Clark is right to not trust Luthor.

It was that flying menace’s fault that his ark was only a fantasy of Lex’s concoction, instead of the real deal.
Except with no SM, the asteroid would hnot have hit at all.

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he hadn’t seen Lois since she bolted from the Daily Planet roof on Thursday afternoon…
frown That he is not seeing Lois.

True to her word, Lois had called and left a message on his answering machine…
So he did get a new tape?

but he doubted this one could come true without word from Herb.
It is odd that he does not seek more for the fulfillment of her visions in the past than the future.

Clark also made sure not spend any time in the woods, not that ‘Superman’ was supposed to have disappeared from a forest anyway.
Hmm, how would he know that? He had no clue where true Clark was when he was erased from the time line. Although, the more I think about it, the only way for it to make sense at all that he was erased from the time line is if he was somehow back in time when it happened, otherwise how could an event in the past only at some point effect the future?

when Lois waltzed into the newsroom from the stairwell as bright and cheerful as a daisy.
grumble pesky watch interrupting everything. At least this time he doesn't say anything about it.

I’ll meet you over there to help… well, give my moral support at least.”
At least Lois is realistic in admitting she had no computer abilities.

“Sure, Lois,” Clark said, wishing that they could go together. “Except that I don’t have a valid driver’s license, and the taxis have started price-gouging.”
Lois:That's OK, you can use your other identity when you get Eugene out of jail.

“Tell me about it. That’s why I drove this morning. I really doubt that the police will be pulling you over today, Clark. Their hands are pretty full with higher priority emergencies,”
That would not deter family members of mine from driving. Although, if Clark feels this much that it is important to have a license to drive, why did he drive in the past when his license was not valid in this dimension. Although, has he ever driven in this dimension. As far as I remember all the driving we have seen has been done by Lois. That was not the case in canon, but I think it may be the case here in wrong Clark.

Lois nudged his shoulder and gave him a grin,
dance they are touching.

No, they aren’t. He stared at her with disbelief. “Why don’t we give your article a read-through together, and then I’ll type it up for you? That way you can drive us,” he suggested.
I like this plan, mainly because I like anything that causes Lois and Clark to spend more time together.

“I stopped by your apartment after I left the courthouse last night,” Lois murmured, turning slightly towards him.
frown that he had to be out rescuing people. They could have finally had the much needed conversation.

Their lips were close enough for him to feel her breath on them.
You are probably going to be "stop being so picky", but I think this sentence would work better as "feel her breath on his". The item discussed is "their lips" and Clark only feels her breath on his lips. I do like the imagery though.

which gave me the notion of freedom to be myself that I haven’t felt a long time.
That should probably be "in a long time" or "for a long time". You need some another word there for it to flow.

A part of me loves it and wishes I could live in the safety of the darkness with you for a few more days.”
dance she wants to live with Clark.

“I’m fine,” he said, standing up to combat his temptation to join their lips together, the story be damned.
But this story would be so much more fun if he would give in to the temptation.

“Oh, no! I’ll never forget it, Lois. Do you think documented proof of you being wrong falls into my lap on a daily basis?” he scoffed. “This is a once in a lifetime opp…” He started to laugh and back away when she slapped his arm.
I am glad he is trying to laugh about it. Although it might be a little to not acknowledging how truly scared Lois was by her memories.

He stopped laughing, realizing how that memory must have affected her. “I’m sorry.”
I am glad he is now taking it more seriously.

“No, no…” he admitted hesitantly, before clearing his throat and lowering his voice. “I asked Dr. Novak, the hypnotist from the Magic Club, to come in and deprogram him.”
dance Dr. Novak is still alive.

Clark shook his head. “Jimmy volunteered himself to help Perry with some upcoming spring cleaning.”
I like how things make more sense now, with later actions being caused by previous agreements.

Clark was tempted to throw caution to the wind and kiss her, right here on the newsroom floor,
Do it, Do it!

Although, how or why she thought separating herself from his presence would ‘save’ his life more than being with him would, still confounded him, he had honored her request.
This from the guy who almost broke up with her to protect her.

I wasn’t even thinking specifically of him, either. I was just trying to joke about us saving the world and it just started to slip out.”
I guess this is a workable situation, still I was so hoping she was going to tell Clark that she knows.

“Your modesty,” she went on wryly, standing up.
Superman modest? I was going to say the guy is the antithesis of modesty, but that might be a bit much. Still, using the name "Superman" does not work with being modest, it is an overt sign of pride, even if it really does fit.

She rested her hands on his shoulders and started to rub them as he typed.
dance they are touching.

Perry:They are going to have a hard time convincing those who saw her do that that they are "just friends".

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Lois’s brow furrowed. Wait. The heat didn’t bother Clark.
I always thought he was too forward in showing that in "Man of Steel Bars".

She knew how frustrating it was for her, and she only knew his secret.
And has for 20 parts without telling him.

but he always came back. He must’ve known as she did, that the only way to slow down the emergencies was to get the antidote out to the major cities as quickly as possible
I thought he always came back because she was there.

Lois set her hand on Eugene and Jimbo’s shoulders.
Are their shoulders that close that one hand can be on both?

Lois smiled at Clark.
I would love if Clark figured out that Lois knew the truth from this action.

“I’ll see if I can contact him,” Clark said, jumping to his feet and rushing to the door.
He really should fail to contact Superman once in a while if he does not want people to suspect The Truth.

“Superman is coming here?” Jimbo gasped. “Here?”
Lois:If he only knew.

I am surprised Clark is taking so long to show up as SM, but I guess he has to give a reasonable amount of time.

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Originally posted by scifiJoan:
That Lex is a real piece of work with his "Noah's arc" and re-population plan. Same with Brenda.

Hmm, it seems like the plan is mainly Brenda's. Lex seems to not have taken steps to actually move forward with repopulation much. Although Noah's plan seemed to have involved balanced numbers of males and females, something that Muldoon and Luthor seem to not have decided on.

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Originally posted by mrsMxyzptlk:
Hmmm... So Lois is going to call in her favor with Eugene to engineer a back-history for Clark? I wonder what he would think of that. Will Lois try to coordinate with Clark so that he has some input on what his fake history will entail? And so that it will jive with what Clark has already told people about his background? Or will she just get it done and present it to him as a surprise?
I think the first plan would be much wiser. The only problem is that I can see Clark resisting it, so Lois might have a much better change to give it to him as a fair accompli.

Either way, I am not sure she is going to be able to do it without admitting to him that she knows that CK=SM. I guess she could claim she still believes the Italian Clark story.

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Any idea how many more parts this will be?

Clark: “If we can be born in an instant, and die in an instant, why can’t we fall in love in an instant?”

Caroline's "Stardust"
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Originally posted by Laurach:
Any idea how many more parts this will be?
For what it is worth we have not ye reached an event that we were told would be "about half-way through" but I think the EW did say that she had readjusted things, so it would not really be near the mid-point. She clearly denies this is likely to reach 200 parts.

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Joan: Thanks for your thoughts.
That Lex is a real piece of work with his "Noah's arc" and re-population plan. Same with Brenda.
Actually, it was all on Brenda, doing her job to save the human race. Lex probably would have joined in with her thinking if Nightfall Minor had truly hit, but as he knows it didn't, he could care less. He does agree with her harem ideas though.

mrsMxyzptlk: Thank you for your comments.
Hmmm... So Lois is going to call in her favor with Eugene to engineer a back-history for Clark?
I wonder what he would think of that. Will Lois try to coordinate with Clark so that he has some input on what his fake history will entail? And so that it will jive with what Clark has already told people about his background? Or will she just get it done and present it to him as a surprise?
Yes, probably one of those. wink

Laurach: Thanks for not giving up on me. laugh
Any idea how many more parts this will be?
The short answer: no. [Linked Image]

The long answer: Unlike other writers, my outline doesn't detail and break down each part. I give my characters and muse free reign (which is why they often find other interesting plots for me to explore along the road). My map is more like Lewis and Clark's than a modern day MapQuest/GoogleMaps one. I know where my characters will end up and the general direction they should be heading, but sometimes a mountain range comes into view that we didn't know was there. [Linked Image] (cough, cough, the current story arc.) To help the reader I have broken down my story (on the Wrong Clark TOC ) into three sections (possibly four, since my Betas will probably kill me if I stop where I originally planned on it). We are currently in the 2nd section. Per John's note, yes, that marker mentioned in my WHAM warning designating what I then considered would be my "half-way point", will hopefully show up towards the end of Section 2. I have also broken up my story into shorter (well... shorter than the full story laugh ) plot arcs -- chapters or short stories, so a reader can come and go from my story as they have time. I am currently anticipating that Section 1 will be the longest (it ended just before Part 100), Section 2 - next longest (and probably hardest to read because mostly A-plot stuff keeping the characters apart), Section 3 - even shorter ( peep

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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John: Thank you again for catching all my typos and errors blush and for the long FDK.
There are no huge errors, although I have to say I am not a fan of the Lex parts. I guess he is without question a villain. It makes it harder to see why Lois ever fell for him in any life, but I guess he is also very good at faking a situation.
If you read Master of Disguise by BJ it will give you a good understanding of why Lois fell for Lex in canon. (I just finished it and it's a thumbsup in my book.) Yes, the Lex POV parts will be harder to read, because it's like looking into the mind of deranged man (i.e. psycho), and due to Lois's investigation he's showing up more in this story than he did in canon. It's always been my assumption that the only reason Lex (barring Revenge) would have proposed to Lois was if they had dated more than we saw them do so in canon. Like you, I'm thankful, we didn't see more of that on the show. I'm not as nice. dance

That should either be "have lots of experience" or "have a lot of experience". I am not sure which form is better.
Thanks. Fixed.

I find Muldoon's clinical approach to these issues disturbing, even if I guess if they were really all that was left of humanity it would make sense.
That's what she believes. She believes that current society's norms and morals would be thrown out the window in such a case.

I really hope the prison gets broken up before then.
EW: No comment.

I am surprised there is still any doubt. Although considering what she things reality is, her actions are mainly logical. Although I would only admit that fully if the reality of the ark is significantly more females than males. Even if it was, I still would not wish being Luthor's child on anyone, so I still would dislike Muldoon's plan.
For one, Dr. Muldoon doesn't know that Lex is evil. For two, there are roughly 300 people in the ark, half male and half female.

Well, Muldoon is doing good at keeping Luthor on his toes.
I thought it was about time someone threw him through a loop.

I am glad someone has managed to insult Luthor in a new and unexpected way.
laugh My pleasure.

He is not doing well at listening to the doctors instructions.
And this surprises you?

Lex needs to realize the failure of Lois to join him is not conditioned on the asteroid not striking.
He realizes this, but he blames Superman.

Lex really does not understand Lois if he thinks she would ever agree to be with a man who had a harem.
He doesn't care what she thinks.

Except with no SM, the asteroid would hnot have hit at all.
Yes, but in Another Lois, Lex used this to try and trick Lois into the bunker as well, so he's assuming that she would have fallen for it, if Superman hadn't existed to give her hope.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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-- Continuation of Response to John's FDK --
That he is not seeing Lois.
Sorry, that's a main plot point in this Section of the story. frown

So he did get a new tape?

Hmm, how would he know that? He had no clue where true Clark was when he was erased from the time line. Although, the more I think about it, the only way for it to make sense at all that he was erased from the time line is if he was somehow back in time when it happened, otherwise how could an event in the past only at some point effect the future?
Clark doesn't know what would happen in the future if he (or True Clark) was erased in the past. Would Lois be talking to Clark at one moment, then then he fades away to nothing in the next (as she described)? As he spent most of the weekend as Superman, and it was "Clark" Lois saw disappear in the woods, he figured "Superman" was safe in the woods.

we have now beat the threat of destruction.
Not yet.

Since it is "a few others" sporting the think, should it not be "scowls"?
I guess that makes more sense. Fixed.

I have to say I am glad we only heard about it second hand, otherwise we might not have seen Clark at all this part.
If it hadn't been the complaints of my Readers most of Section 2 would have been from Lois's POV (and probably much shorter).

Clark:You still do Lois.
LOIS: I meant other than me.

pesky watch interrupting everything. At least this time he doesn't say anything about it.
You really give the watch more power over Clark than it actually has.

At least Lois is realistic in admitting she had no computer abilities.
Probably best to have the real experts solve the problems than have Lois not be realistic.

Lois:That's OK, you can use your other identity when you get Eugene out of jail.
CLARK: But then I couldn't be with you, and John says we don't spend enough time together as it is.
EW: wink

That would not deter family members of mine from driving. Although, if Clark feels this much that it is important to have a license to drive, why did he drive in the past when his license was not valid in this dimension. Although, has he ever driven in this dimension. As far as I remember all the driving we have seen has been done by Lois. That was not the case in canon, but I think it may be the case here in wrong Clark.
My assumption is that Lois doesn't always drive to work, unless she knows she'll need her car. Clark's license was a valid driver's license, even if not from this dimension.

I like this plan, mainly because I like anything that causes Lois and Clark to spend more time together.
CLARK: I knew John would like this plan.

sad that he had to be out rescuing people. They could have finally had the much needed conversation.
Yes, the world falling apart is quite a nuisance to their relationship.

Their lips were close enough for him to feel her breath on them.
JOHN: You are probably going to be "stop being so picky", but I think this sentence would work better as "feel her breath on his". The item discussed is "their lips" and Clark only feels her breath on his lips. I do like the imagery though.
His lips, maybe, but 'her breath on his' implies his breath could feel hers. The "them" implies his lips (two lips = plural, thus "them).

That should probably be "in a long time" or "for a long time". You need some another word there for it to flow.
Thanks. Fixed.

she wants to live with Clark.
clap I love how you read between the lines like that.

But this story would be so much more fun if he would give in to the temptation.
Wouldn't it? But that's not what this story is about.

I am glad he is trying to laugh about it. Although it might be a little to not acknowledging how truly scared Lois was by her memories.
Yep, too soon.

I like how things make more sense now, with later actions being caused by previous agreements.
Thank you.

Clark was tempted to throw caution to the wind and kiss her, right here on the newsroom floor,
JOHN: Do it, Do it!

This from the guy who almost broke up with her to protect her.
I love irony.

I guess this is a workable situation, still I was so hoping she was going to tell Clark that she knows.
There's a world to save. So, later, when their lives are nice and quiet.

“Your modesty,” she went on wryly, standing up.
JOHN: Superman modest? I was going to say the guy is the antithesis of modesty, but that might be a bit much. Still, using the name "Superman" does not work with being modest, it is an overt sign of pride, even if it really does fit.
Hence her saying it "wryly" (sarcastically).

Perry:They are going to have a hard time convincing those who saw her do that that they are "just friends".
She used to do that in canon all the time, when they were 'just friends'.
I always thought he was too forward in showing that in "Man of Steel Bars".
I noticed in IoM that Clark looked a little hot and sweaty, so I was trying to find an explanation for this. In MoSB, Clark admitted to sweating while nervous, which is kind of the reason I found.

And has for 20 parts without telling him.
But technically only three weeks.

I thought he always came back because she was there.
CLARK: That too.

Are their shoulders that close that one hand can be on both?
wallbash handS. Fixed.

He really should fail to contact Superman once in a while if he does not want people to suspect The Truth.
Which is why he wasn't able to get a quote from Superman when the elevator dropped during his date with Linda.

I am surprised Clark is taking so long to show up as SM, but I guess he has to give a reasonable amount of time.
You said to make it more difficult to connect the dots.

Hmm, it seems like the plan is mainly Brenda's. Lex seems to not have taken steps to actually move forward with repopulation much. Although Noah's plan seemed to have involved balanced numbers of males and females, something that Muldoon and Luthor seem to not have decided on.
Yes, the plan is Brenda Muldoon's. Lex may have brought equal number of males and females into his Ark, but that doesn't mean he's going to share.
I think the first plan would be much wiser. The only problem is that I can see Clark resisting it, so Lois might have a much better change to give it to him as a fair accompli.

Either way, I am not sure she is going to be able to do it without admitting to him that she knows that CK=SM. I guess she could claim she still believes the Italian Clark story.
[Linked Image]

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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I guess it makes sense to have the clone in the Ark.
The better to keep him safe and out of mischief.
I was more thinking it makes it so Lex does not have to spend as much time there.

I'm going to have to agree with you there. Lois, like Clark, should have assumed that Lex might miss one day.
I think Lois did come off too much as a shallow gold digger. Especially since Lex was old enough to be her father. The relationship never seemed to work. That is one think I liked about the late 1990s Superman animated series. Lex was younger, and we learned in the first episode that Lois had dumped him.

Lex doubted that Vatman would need such manners, since Superman isn't known to have much interaction with people, and even less one on one with women.
Clark:What, I thought everyone knew that Superman and Lois were in some sort of relationship. Maybe I am doing better than I thought.

Since the Psychiatrist's office doesn't belong to Arianna, but to the psychiatrist of the L.U.X. it doesn't need to be modified in that manner.
Of, so the distinction is meaningful.

Not necessarily. If Lex mentions to them to keep it quiet, they may do so.
Maybe, but it still might fail, and spectacularly so. If Lex is all like "I am showing preference to you, and don't want others to know I prefer one person here", but she goes and tells her friend anyway, who says "well, I slept with Lex yesterday, and he fed me the same line", they might decide to take some revenge.

For one, Dr. Muldoon doesn't know that Lex is evil. For two, there are roughly 300 people in the ark, half male and half female.
Thus, I think that in the long run, if this is the entirety or most of humanity, it would be best to not have Lex mass impregnating a large section of the population. Maybe from a purely clinical standpoint Muldoon's plan works, but that is all I can say for it. Still, I know Lex is evil, and what I wish on others, even in fiction, is controlled by that.

He is not doing well at listening to the doctors instructions.
And this surprises you?
Good point, Luthor does not believe in following instructions.

Lex needs to realize the failure of Lois to join him is not conditioned on the asteroid not striking.
He realizes this, but he blames Superman.
Even though it is his own creepiness that has caused it.

Lex really does not understand Lois if he thinks she would ever agree to be with a man who had a harem.
He doesn't care what she thinks.
Which is why he will fail.

Yes, but in Another Lois, Lex used this to try and trick Lois into the bunker as well, so he's assuming that she would have fallen for it, if Superman hadn't existed to give her hope.
But since he failed there to, obviously Superman is not the cause. Although I guess since he does not know that, his logic for blaming Lois not being there on Superman works as far as his own thinking goes.

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If it hadn't been the complaints of my Readers most of Section 2 would have been from Lois's POV (and probably much shorter).
clap I love how you read between the lines like that.</font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Well, we do know she has considered the idea, even if only by insisting she is not thinking about it.

This from the guy who almost broke up with her to protect her.
I love irony.
Clark:Hey, I didn't do it. I realized it was a bad idea.

I guess this is a workable situation, still I was so hoping she was going to tell Clark that she knows.
There's a world to save. So, later, when their lives are nice and quiet.
At the rate things are going that sounds like it will never happen.

Perry:They are going to have a hard time convincing those who saw her do that that they are "just friends".
She used to do that in canon all the time, when they were 'just friends'.
Perry:And I didn't believe it then either. Even if Lois was so in denial about feeling more towards Clark she ran to Luthor.

I noticed in IoM that Clark looked a little hot and sweaty, so I was trying to find an explanation for this. In MoSB, Clark admitted to sweating while nervous, which is kind of the reason I found.
I thought it was more Lois noticed him sweating while nervous. I don't think he ever explained that was what was going on, so I am not sure "admitted" is the right word.

And has for 20 parts without telling him.
But technically only three weeks.
I didn't realize it had been that long.

Which is why he wasn't able to get a quote from Superman when the elevator dropped during his date with Linda.
Another reason Lois should tell him she knows the Secret. Although he would probably still have been wise to have not gotten a quote then. It was not imperative, and since the EPRAD people though "talk to Clark to contact Superman" he probably wants to get fewer SM quotes.

You said to make it more difficult to connect the dots.
True, but speed is imperative right now.

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Also, my solution for the IoM virus is not based in fact, but based on what was done in canon, which I cannot believe is anywhere close to the real way to solve such a problem.
/has completely forgotten how they dealt with it, which must mean it was up to the standards for portraying software problems in television and movies. But I *think* they didn’t solve it by pouring coughing syrup down the cooler vents of the computers.

Into the Darkness
[Linked Image]

Lex patted his double on the shoulder. “You’ll appreciate another visit topside, this time with some fresh air,” he said, leading the clone to the secret elevator hidden behind a bookcase in his ark’s study, where Nigel was waiting.
And what happens when the clone decides to off his daddy and take over.
NIGEL: I would never allow that to happen, sir. After all, what would I do with a clone who doesn’t have the experience to lead your empire on his own?

Lex inserted his keycard and typed in his code, the date of his White Orchid Ball when he had first met Lois.
Awwwww… Will he replace it with the date when he has first consummated Lois once that happens?

“Nigel has an evening of skeet shooting planned for you, should you do well with your lessons.”
Mini-Lex: And what happens if I miss a skeet and it hits one of the passersby below?

The Lex-Clone’s eyes widened with anticipation. “Really? A gun? A real gun? Oh, Father, thank you. I’ve wanted to use one of those, since I first read about them.”
You should see what they can do to a grown man, such as your father.

“Uh-uh-uh,” Lex said with a shake of his head. “What did I tell you about expressing gratitude?”

“Well, it wasn’t as if I was speaking to an underling, Father.
Shouldn’t that be ‘minion’?
Mini-Lex: What am I? The Bitch-Queen of Church?

You’ll be dining with Dr. Carlin.
confused Lex is having Mini-Lex have a go at Ari during their anniversary?
LEX: I’m now in love with Lois. I don’t want that stiff, frigid… besides, my son needs a hobby, too.

She’ll be teaching you about proper table manners and decorum while in the company of women.”
Later that evening:
ARI: Ugh-ugh-ugh. No touching the hostess’s breasts until you have promised to put a ring on her finger. Or chained her up in your bedroom.

The clone’s brow furrowed. “But, Father, if might is right, and the Luthors are mighty, why do I need ‘polite manners’?”
Because the peasants might be poor and ill-equipped, but if they organize with pitchforks, you still need a machine gun emplacement to keep them at bay.

“Perhaps you are right, Nigel, but he’ll never be able to step in for me at a moment’s notice if he’s never taught how a woman should really be treated,” Lex reminded his majordomo.
LOIS: If he treats me like *that*, I’ll have something for him, too: [Linked Image]

I had to inform Ari because her viewing room of the psychiatrist’s office is on the other side of Lex-C’s bedroom.”

“Yes, Sir. I won’t make that mistake again,” Nigel insisted with a bow, disappearing into the elevator.
Oh dear. And Nigel’s still walking straight? He does take 100 lashes quite well, I must say.
NIGEL: The benefits of having been a covert operative for her Majesty's clandestine service during the Russian occupation of Afghanistan.

Lex-C considered the ex-Mrs. Luthor a type of mother figure, so using her for fine-tuning his nuanced skills with women would be pointless, despite the obvious reasons.
Obvious: That she’s stiff and frigid. Not so obvious reason: Lex apparently does not have an Oedipus complex.

If Lex-C had no personal experience with women, it was conceivable that one would be able to seduce him and thereby turn him into a docile and blathering idiot, regardless of Lex’s training.

Anyway, Mrs. Cox was starting to enjoy his latest series of punishments, so it was time to up them a notch.
And what if Mrs. Cox decides to make Mini-Lex heel and then offs both Lex and Nigel?

Starting Lex-C out with a female toy, whom he could enjoy by also physically hurting, would show the clone the true pleasure of women.
[Linked Image] That didn’t turn out too well for Cersei and her mongrel son.
MONGREL: I’m a *king*.
WISE ELDERLY GENT with a heart of gold (literal gold): If you have to say that you’re a king, you’re not a king at all. Now go to your room without supper and try not to torture another prostitute to death. It’s starting to get expensive.

“Have the arrangements been made as I requested them?”

“Yes, Sir, the woman in question should be here in five minutes,
Lois Lane look-alike?

gesturing towards the mock-fireplace dining arrangement that Lex liked to use with all his first dates.
Oh. Bren. Hope she likes being on the receiving end of an OB/GYN exam.
LEX: Why would I exam her? She’s here to pleasure *me*.

“Your grey suit and fresh linens have been placed on your bed.”
Isn’t that a tad cocky to assume he’ll score on the first date?
ASABI: That’s what the date rape drugs in the guest’s food is for.

Each lady needs to feel as if she, and she alone, has my undivided attention.
Huh. How’s he accomplishing *that* feat?

Only later, if the need arises, will we inform them that they are only part of my harem.”
Once he gets bored and institutes multiple partner events and jelly wrestling matches?

“I must change. See to it that someone from maintenance comes tomorrow and puts a more pleasant tone to that… bell,”
Huh, what’s about that? Or is it the first time Lex has heard a door bell?

“Good evening, Mr. Luthor. No problems. I’m afraid I was a bit early. This is a Cézanne landscape, is it not?” she asked.
The Ark is a good place to hide the originals he had acquired.

“Please, call me Brenda,” she insisted. “Shall we now retire to your bedroom? Or do you wish to get undressed in here?”

Is there some reason that you should wish a gynecologist for your private doctor?”
Wait, is she taunting him, telling him she knows he wants a private exam of a different nature?

Lex said, feeling distinctly outside of his comfort zone and taking a step backwards away from her.
It’s fun seeing him interact with a woman he’s too much woman for him. Mindy would have him run screaming. Or gassed.

She wasn’t acting and speaking as he was led to believe a woman of her occupation and station would.
And who led him to believe that? His previous experience with female members of the medical profession?

“Please, Lex, if we’re going to be intimately acquainted, you must call me ‘Brenda’.”
She’s taking the piss out of him. This is hilarious.

“Dr. Muldoon is only for my patients,” Brenda corrected him. “And being that you clearly aren’t rightly equipped with breasts and ovaries, my guess is that you want to fill my uterus for the coming dawn.”
[Linked Image] Although, a tad crass and not entirely feasible.
[Linked Image]
[Linked Image] She’s literally talking about Lex filling her uterus with his demon spawn in order to help populate what they’re calling the Coming Dawn. [Linked Image] She’s very practical, that Brandi.
LOIS: A bit of a whore, though. I wouldn’t spread my legs for that…that…misogynist scum if the survival of humanity depended on it.

“I would never presume…” he stated calmly, despite the surge of excitement that rushed through him at her words.
She’s not talking about sexual pleasures.

“Of course you would, so let’s cut past the chase.

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As the benefactor of our little ark community, you would want to sire as many children with as many women as possible for our new world to prove your dominance over the other men and assert yourself as our natural leader.

For the continuation and health of our species, it’s a must.”
[Linked Image]
In order to ensure our security and continuing stability, the Republic will be reorganized into the first Galactic Empire for a safe and secure society.
“I can assure you that my…uh… swimmers work perfectly well,” Lex retorted, beginning to wonder if he had misjudged this woman completely.
[Linked Image]

No, I have never had a… an STD, and I’m sure that whatever examination you have in mind will answer your third question for you.”
Lucretia Borgia’s first husband said the same thing before proven impotent in front of the entire college of cardinals when he failed to perform.

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I hope you’ll identify them to me to make sure that we don’t pair bond them with any of your new children.”
clap Maybe he shouldn’t have gone with the under-thirty crowd, after all.

using a time-honored technique I’ll share with you in a minute.
laugh She’s talking about the one that requires the rubber glove for hygienic purposes.
LEX: Ugh-uh.

If you are, then I’ll return to test and grade your performance as a lover, and give you any pointers as needed.”
[Linked Image]

He bristled at the assumption that he would need any pointers, let alone her ‘examination’ included a test of his abilities.
JANE from Coupling: …and remember, while they do go in and out a bit, they do not, however, turn around…

He had to admit, though, he looked forward to not only proving the good doctor wrong, but making her highly satisfied with his ‘performance’.
[Linked Image]

I recommend only ten to fifteen percent of the ark women for you personally, so that we maintain a good balance of non-family members to pair up in the later generations

To satisfy that many women, we need to make sure that your stamina is at top form.
Did she bring the little blue pills?

You may need to have sex with more than one woman a night, over multiple nights, to obtain the best results, especially if their cycles line up.
laugh He really hadn’t thought that through, had he? Can you imagine, several hundred women with their cycles lined up and Lex missteps just a little bit?

Not only would he have a harem of women ready to bear his children ‘for the good of mankind’, but Lois could now be his queen to do with as he pleased.
LOIS: Yeah, about that. I borrowed Mrs. Cox’s rusty pair of scissors.

Lois would be joining his harem, by force if necessary.
I don’t think that’s legal.

Lex was a *lot* of fun. I didn’t laugh that much in a long time. Thanks.

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Superman did a quick flyby of her apartment and verified that she was safe inside,
SUPERMAN: /ticks off boxes in his notebook/ Lois is safe while undressing… Lois is safe in the shower… Lois is safe while dressing in night wear… Lois is safe while alone in bed.

Early Sunday morning, Clark sat at his now manual typewriter –
No speedtyping for him, now.

It was most odd to see her smiling while the few others in the newsroom sported scowls.
[Linked Image] Women are said to smile that way when they get out of Lex’s bedchamber.

“Good morning, Clark,” she practically sang, and even her hair danced with her greeting. He noticed that her slightly damp bob had more natural waves to it than usual.
Froggy? Is that you?

She drew out of her briefcase a flat wrapped rectangular box and set it off to the side of her desk.
She got the Kryptonite watch from Henderson?

“Detective Reed and I caught Mr. and Mrs. Harrison red-handed at Harritech late yesterday evening,”

I explained to them, once they had surrendered to Detective Reed at gunpoint, that most of the computers in the farm belt wouldn’t be affected by the Ides of Metropolis, because they weren’t yet online.”
wave Michael

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Originally posted by John Lambert:
JOHN: I guess it makes sense to have the clone in the Ark.
EW: The better to keep him safe and out of mischief.
JOHN: I was more thinking it makes it so Lex does not have to spend as much time there.
That too. Lex is so lucky to have a clone to take over any of his extra duties.

I think Lois did come off too much as a shallow gold digger. Especially since Lex was old enough to be her father. The relationship never seemed to work. That is one think I liked about the late 1990s Superman animated series. Lex was younger, and we learned in the first episode that Lois had dumped him.
I wish it were available on Netflix instant list. I've been wanting to watch it.

Clark:What, I thought everyone knew that Superman and Lois were in some sort of relationship. Maybe I am doing better than I thought.
CANON LOIS: Nope, Superman flies in saves me, steals my heart, and flies out again. Then Clark stumbles out, straightening his tie, having missed the action once again.

Maybe, but it still might fail, and spectacularly so. If Lex is all like "I am showing preference to you, and don't want others to know I prefer one person here", but she goes and tells her friend anyway, who says "well, I slept with Lex yesterday, and he fed me the same line", they might decide to take some revenge.
Perhaps he uses more traditional techniques for keeping a woman quiet, such as "if you tell someone about us, then they will all get jealous and turn against you, ruining the community feeling of the Ark and I will have to deny it to keep the peace. Let us keep it quiet for a while longer, until they are ready to accept you as my mistress."

Thus, I think that in the long run, if this is the entirety or most of humanity, it would be best to not have Lex mass impregnating a large section of the population. Maybe from a purely clinical standpoint Muldoon's plan works, but that is all I can say for it. Still, I know Lex is evil, and what I wish on others, even in fiction, is controlled by that.
Correction: there was only room for 200 in the Ark, so roughly 100 are women. Yes, Muldoon's plans are clinical, but she's trying to be practical and not naive.

JOHN: Lex needs to realize the failure of Lois to join him is not conditioned on the asteroid not striking.
EW: He realizes this, but he blames Superman.
JOHN: Even though it is his own creepiness that has caused it.
Most people cannot see their own greatest faults.

EW: He doesn't care what she thinks.
JOHN: Which is why he will fail.
LOIS: Do you think it's possible he might fail, because I find him repugnant and I'm already in love with a man who is the antithesis of him?
LEX: So, you're in love with someone who is stupid and ugly. I always knew there was something going on between you and Kent!
LOIS: I think you mean I'm in love with someone who is a gorgeous hunk of a muscled man with wit and kindness.
CLARK: Are you cheating on me with someone, Lois?
LOIS: [Linked Image]

But it would be a way for her to let him know that she knows The Secret.
Ah... but there is always plenty of opportunity for that, isn't there? /crickets/ No, oh. Well, that's too bad.

I actually am OK with him driving, but it seems an odd set of objections and an inconsistent policy to not drive here. Unless he was seeking to go in the car with Lois all along. Where they evidently did not talk much.
CLARK: I wanted to be with Lois. I didn't want her to crash the car by telling her my secret.
LOIS: Is *that* what you think about my driving skills?
CLARK: There is no way to answer that question honestly without getting kicked out of the car while it's moving, is there?

CLARK: I knew John would like this plan.
JOHN: Hmm, am I that predictable?
Let's see John evil and keeps Lois + Clark apart or so that they can't talk whenever they are together, and they rarely touch.
LOIS: Yea! It's not our fault.
CLARK: Is anything ever *your* fault?
LOIS: You sleeping on the couch for the next year is *your* fault for saying that.
CLARK: Touche`

EW: There's a world to save. So, later, when their lives are nice and quiet.
JOHN: At the rate things are going that sounds like it will never happen.
They will discover the irony of this desire eventually.

EW: I noticed in IoM that Clark looked a little hot and sweaty, so I was trying to find an explanation for this. In MoSB, Clark admitted to sweating while nervous, which is kind of the reason I found.
JOHN: I thought it was more Lois noticed him sweating while nervous. I don't think he ever explained that was what was going on, so I am not sure "admitted" is the right word.
CANON CLARK: Okay, fine. The truth is I had some unpure thoughts about Lois and then she turned and looked at me and I was hoping to God that she couldn't read my mind telepathically and know what I was thinking about and that made me sweat. Phew. I feel better having gotten that off my chest. Thanks.
LOIS: So, you have unpure thoughts about me, Smallville?
CLARK: [Linked Image] I have no idea what you're talking about.

Another reason Lois should tell him she knows the Secret. Although he would probably still have been wise to have not gotten a quote then. It was not imperative, and since the EPRAD people though "talk to Clark to contact Superman" he probably wants to get fewer SM quotes.
CLARK: I'd much rather have the story be about the crime and it having been stopped than about SM and what I... *he* has to say.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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