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Nobel Peace Prize Winner
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Wrong Place, Wrong Time, Wrong Clark TOC can be found Here Mad Dog on the loose. Comments appreciated.
Last edited by VirginiaR; 05/13/14 11:35 AM. Reason: Added Link
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Clark glanced up as Lois marched down the ramp into the bullpen  we moved back to Lois and Clark parts. and slammed her briefcase down next to her desk. She appeared as if one should only approach her with a chair and a whip. He sighed as his heart sank. The plea deal meeting must not have gone as well as they had hoped. I guess it was good I did not have that high hopes for a trip to Kansas. “Terrific? Terrific?” she hollered, swinging out her arms in an erratic manner, and causing Jimmy to jump behind Clark. “I’m being punished for harboring an innocent man!” She's being punished for taking the law into her won hands and assuming she knows better than it. “Not only is this on my permanent record, Perry, that I was guilty, I have to pay a fine. I can see why she is mad about it. Well that might still happen. In fact, maybe she should play up the angle of prosecution for seeking the truth to the committee. “So, you’re going to trial?” Jimmy wondered. It sounded like she had agreed, so I doubted it. “No,” Lois grouched. “My lawyer said that there was a fifty-fifty chance I could see actual jail time because Eugene Laderman was technically an escaped felon at the time I harbored him. That sounds like more than it is worth. Plus, it would not solve her limited travel issues very quickly if they went to trial. That his conviction was overturned later, by my hard work no less, might not be admissible in court, That would make it hard to win. “That’s another thing,” Lois roared, clearly not over her rant. “They wouldn’t accept working at the Daily Planet as an investigative reporter as ‘community service’. Generally they do not take paid work as such. If the Daily Planet doesn’t help the community better than anyone, I don’t know who does.” I doubt anyone could get their main job counted as community service. “How long do you have?” Jimmy asked. This seems an odd way to phrase the question. He was certainly the bravest of the three of them, or the stupidest. Maybe both of those at once. “How long? One hundred hours! If I do two hours every day, that’s two months! That’s how long,” she yelled. “It would have been one month or fifty hours, but I protested the attached rider, which said that I couldn’t converse with criminals. Is this so Clark can't insist she stops talking to Luthor? I think that A.D.A. added that out of spite. How am I supposed to find a place to do community service, which hasn’t hired any other criminals of my ilk to do community service? That was not the first issue I saw, but it is a good point. I had to remind them that I’m a reporter. It’s my job to speak with criminals, known or otherwise, on a daily basis. That was the angle I figured from the beginning. I talk to sources, snitches, witnesses, not to mention elected officials and crooked D.A.s!” Hopefully she did not mention the last part in the negotiations. Perry winced. “And that’s how you got your sentence doubled,” he said more than asked. I guess Perry figures she did mention the crooked D.A.s in her harangue. Lois scoffed. “As if they thought their office was squeaky clean.” I am surprised she went on that line of attack. Her eyes narrowed. “With my luck, I’d discover an illegal drug ring using dogs as mules, which I couldn’t report on out of fear of having my ‘community service’ revoked and my butt thrown back in jail. Would people be that spiteful? Actually, I can see Mayson Drake being that spiteful. Clark decided not to mention that she could have taken two weeks of her vacation and done the community service all at once instead of piecemeal, Actually if she had not complained and gotten the 50 hours, she could have done it all with one week of vacation. Clark sat down next to her desk after the others had wandered off. “So, it looks like everything’s getting back to normal again. Power’s on, phones are working, planes are in the air, Mad Dog’s back…” Hopefully Lois will be glad to see that Clark still recognizes her fire. “Very funny,” Lois retorted. I guess not. “I should have let Lex’s lawyer defend me, instead of the Daily Planet attorney; Is she trying to outrage Clark? maybe then all the charges would have been waived. Actually, what I really should look into now is A.D.A. Drake and how corrupt she is. Schwartz said he had talked to her and that she was willing to give me a pass on all the charges, but as soon as I show up with a Daily Planet attorney, instead of some highly-priced one, she’s singing a different tune, saying that she never accepted that deal with Lex’s lawyer. Ha!” Maybe it is Schwartz and not Drake who is lying. “Community service is like parole. I’m not allowed to leave the state of New Troy until I’ve completed it without written permission from the state, and, personally, I’d rather not have them dictate my private life.” Well, hopefully Clark will be glad that she wants to spend time away with him. Although it is unclear whether this is because it keeps her from Kansas or London that it bothers her more.
John Pack Lambert
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Lois had told Clark about her wonderful idea for a trip to Kansas that weekend.  he thinks it is a wonderful idea. From experience, he had learned not to let his hopes get too high, knowing that was the surest way to have them dashed against the rocks.  that Clark has given up hope. Although I have to admit I had very low hopes for them actually making it to Kansas, although I did not expect Mayson et al to be the reason they did not go. As his luck would have it, it now sounded as if the trip was officially off the table for the time being. I was going to say they should appeal for a special exception, and go by normal air. However I guess Lois really does not want to tell more people about her and Clark than absolutely necessary. Apparently, he had been Linda’s pseudo-date and Preston Carpenter her official date. Sort of like in canon? Women made a date with him, only to have it be a ‘fake date’ because they brushed him aside for a wealthier man.  at Lois for even mentioning the Majic of the Night Ball to Luthor. What Lois really needs is a disguise so she can go places with Clark without anyone recognizing her and stealing her from him. Understandably, it wasn’t a feeling he enjoyed, and it was hard not to take it personally.  for Clark.
John Pack Lambert
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He knew that if he ever desired to do so, he could use his powers to become rich, very rich indeed, but that had never felt honest to him. If Lois keeps brushing him off for Luthor, I will not be surprised if he gives up and uses his powers to get rich. all he had left was that one photo of his folks, which he had guarded with his life. Maybe he should have created somewhere on his suit to carry it. Hmm, that brings up issues like, what happens to his wallet while he is Superman? Lana had definitely been a material girl, so often Clark had spent much of his money on gifts for her. I am surprised that never drove him to using his power for money. Although, if he had, would Lana still have accepted the gifts? Would that have made Lana ok with him having powers, if he had used them to make more to get her stuff? “Personal means pricier,” he had once overheard her complaining to one of her friends over the phone. “You’d think he’d know that by now.” Sometimes I do not understand why he did not break up with Lana sooner. Why save on airfare just because they could? Considering Lana's aversion to flying by Clark, I can see the reasoning behind this. Why he was willing to marry someone who disliked his true self, not so much. Lana didn’t want a house in the suburbs, and she certainly didn’t want to be a stay-at-home mom. That would require her to want to be anykind of Mom at all.  at all the talk of Lana. A small smile tugged at the edge of his mouth. He was happy that a tiny part of himself remained, which Lana hadn’t been able to find and take when she had sued him for ruining her life. He should have countered sued for emotional abuse considering how much she demeaned who he truly was. If the world was just they would see her as a major emotional abuser and punish her for it. Was she talking about him or Superman? Lois:Like there is a difference. Clark:What? Lois:As I said before, you both act remarkably the same. I wonder why that is. “Tell you what. Why don’t you take a couple of weeks of your vacation time, and do all the community service at once, and then we’ll go?” he suggested. Sounds like a good idea to me. Although I doubt she would go along. Clark figured she had calmed down enough to broach this idea. I think Clark needs to learn more about reading Lois if he thinks that. “But, Clark, I can’t take time off. Not now. I… we’ve got too much on our plates,” Lois insisted. Clark:Or is it you janst can't bare the idea of missing you weekly meetings with Luthor. Of course, Clark had used up most of the little he’d earned during the time he had amnesia. It's not like it should matter, since he does not get sick. “If I go on vacation right now, there might not be a Daily Planet to come back to when it’s over,” she reminded him. I hope they team up on exposing Carpenter. “Didn’t Superman tell you?” she inquired, taking a sip of her coffee and looking at him from over her mug. But she really can't make much progress on it until she can travel, so maybe she should expedite her community service instead of dragging it out.
John Pack Lambert
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Right, the EPRAD Nightfall Virus. Clark recalled Superman’s conversation with Lois from the night before. How could he have even more a moment forgot that? He could just picture Jimmy suggesting that they should rename it the Daitch EPRAD Nightfall Disaster. Then they could use the acronym ‘D - E.N.D.’, which Jimmy would then consider quite witty, and Clark would probably laugh, if it wasn’t so accurate. He should propose this name to Lois, at least it would lighten the mood. “Oh, that’s right, you were busy with your date,” Lois continued sourly, Now that is really an unfair comment on Lois' part. “What’s that smile for? Remembering fondly dancing with the slut?” Why did he do something so unwise as smile. He really should have shared the potential name aloud. A picture of him and Linda from last night’s party had been on the society page of the Metropolis Star that morning, Why did he still going dancing with Linda after Lois said she didn't want him to? He could have pleaded not wanting to disrupt her relationship with Carpenter. and Jimmy had showed it to Lois before she left for her meeting, Clark:Why do I consider Jimmy a friend, again? “Lois, you’re being unfair to Linda.  Clark, stop being such a lunkhead. You can do nothing but loose sticking up for Linda. She hasn’t done anything to warrant being called that,” Clark scolded. I could certainly see Lois classifying going to a meeting as her bosses date as Linda meriting the title. “She… she hasn’t… hasn’t done anything to… What is wrong with you, Clark? Do you need a new prescription for your glasses?” Lois rebuked. So much for mad Lois accidently revealing she knows The Secret. Clark:I have absolutely no idea about that detail. Now, if you did that Lois, I would know immediately, although you would not have any need to do that. “Well, there had been a misunderstanding. Apparently, she thought I was bringing you as my date, Lois:So you turned down dinner with me, when you were supposed to be bringing me. and she had made other arrangements with Preston Carpenter,” Clark explained. Lois:See, I told you she was a slut. She uses her body to get money. “Why would she think we’re dating?” Clark:Maybe she has bugs in the supply closet. Was there anyone in Metropolis who hadn’t been able to tell that he and Lois belonged together? Lex Luthor is convinced there is no belonging there. It seemed quite obvious to him, I thought this was about others realizing it, not him. Perry, and Inspector Henderson, These understand it well. and who know how many others. Cat Grant, but she does seem to fight it as much as she can. Well, Lois wanted to pretend that their relationship was a ruse for a while longer, so he figured he’d play along; This sounds like a very bad plan. although, he doubted they were actually fooling anyone. They are coming close to fooling themselves. “Not as a ‘date’ date, but attend the party as partners as a business networking function. I guess that is a way to explain away some of Lois and Clark's pre-first date date-like activities. Mr. Carpenter had nothing to say but raves about you and your dedication to your journalism, This is a new development. In canon Clark had to speak up to avoid Lois getting written off as just his plus one. He was disappointed he couldn’t meet you.” Lois:Clark, next time understand the event before hand, so you can bring me along. Clark:But I thought we were pretending not to be dating. Lois:I still like being with you. Lois rolled her eyes. Evidently, the feeling wasn’t mutual. Lois:Why would I want to meet a man who has his journalists use such simplistic language. “Which reminds me,” Clark said, glancing at his watch. “I better get running. I’m meeting Linda for lunch, and then I have an interview.”  he is already bailing on the planet. This is going to go awful. He had decided he needed to dig further into how the Metropolis Star’s reporters always seemed to be on the scene of crimes lately before they occurred. He should take Lois to the supply room and explain what is going on. Between Lois’s rant from the day before and Linda’s flirtatious idea of her and Clark joining forces, he had a good idea how to get the ‘inside scoop’.[./Quote]
It is a bad idea if it does not involve telling Lois what he is doing.
[Quote]He had already discussed his plans with Perry about trying to become a mole over the Met Star, and the Chief was all for it. So he should discuss this with Lois. ‘Anything to save the Planet,’ Perry had said, before reminding Clark that he wanted him to come back. With Lois as the planet, Perry should not worry about that at all. Clark had reassured him that it wouldn’t be a problem. I think he is underestimating Lois' ability to Clark leaned in and kissed her cheek. “Who said I would be the one doing the interviewing, minha?” he murmured. Hopefully she hears the underlying message. “Clark!... Kent!...” Lois sputtered, before exploding, See, I said he had underestimated her ability to do that. “What the…? Did you just kiss my cheek?” Clark:Luthor does it all the time, and you never get mad at him. Reader:So much for Lois's claims that she treats Luthor like she treats her co-workers. It had seemed like the natural thing to do. Still, Clark wasn’t sure why he had done it, especially here, in the middle of the newsroom. I am mainly not understanding why Lois is exploding. I wish it was part of an elaborate cover plan to his defection, but I don't think that is it. Lois’s face turned red with fury. Well, this will make his defection fully believable, I just hope he can find a way to get her to forgive him.
John Pack Lambert
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He could understand that. They hadn’t discussed or agreed upon revealing their romantic relationship to the office, yet. Still, The anger is probably more that he is leaving. I wonder if she has any memories from the time before of this incident. Moreover, it would make it more difficult for him to get a job over at the Metropolis Star, if news of that kiss reached Linda King or Preston Carpenter’s ears. Not when it is accompanied by Lois going ballistic about it. Anyway, liking Lois as a person does not mean he still has loyalty to the failed newspaper she works for. Lois and Clark were standing between her desk and Perry’s office, in the middle of the bullpen, and Clark knew they now had everyone’s attention, thanks to Lois’s outburst. He needed to make the most of this opportunity and hoped Lois loved him enough to forgive him later, should he rescue the Planet from financial ruin. This seems like a needlessly risky plan. “Good bye, Lois,” Clark said, trusting he had made it sound final enough as if the kiss had been one of departing… as in leaving the Daily Planet for good. The one hope is that he called her Minha. That name should be a clue that he still loves her, completely. “Damn straight, good bye, Kent!” Lois retorted, throwing the contents of her hot coffee in his face. Lois, are you trying to expose his secret? “You better get out of here after kissing my cheek without my say-so.” Clark:I guess you can be bought Lois, since the guy who gave you a watch can kiss your cheek whenever he choses. Hmm, I wonder if Lois is wearing the watch at at this point. “Lois! That was uncalled for,” he gasped, soaking wet. Lois:You want a convincing seen to show you have left us for the Star, I gave you it. He wiped his face and glasses, and shook the liquid from his wet hands. Lois:Whatever, that coffee must have been weak, you don't have any burns. Great. That was what he got for teasing her about being all Mad Dog again. Lois:Well, Linda won't doubt you want to go to her now. Now, he’d have to fly home and change his clothes, and he had specifically worn his good grey suit… oh, crap. The grey suit he had bought for his first date with Lois. I am glad to see he did not deliberately plan that level of insult. He hoped she hadn’t remembered that. Lois:You are not the only one with an eidetic memory. OK, maybe you are, but I still remember what the love of my life wore on our first date, even if he doesn't. By the fiery expression in her eyes, he guessed that she had. Clark:At least for the date with you, I bought a new suit. For the one with Linda, I used one from last year. Lois:Not helping Clark, not helping at all. “You just kissed our partnership goodbye, and I was ‘uncalled for’? You’re lucky I didn’t toss my mug as well,” she screamed, Lois:If I tossed my mug, your secret would be out buddy. Clark:What secret? Lois:That you are Superman? Clark:How would the mug prove that is the hot coffee didn't. Lois:I don't know, but I just wanted to shout that to expose your secret anyway. “Grab your stuff and… no! Don’t take your stuff, you… you, Benedict Arnold. We’ll have it delivered, C.O.D. Get out of here!” She pointed to the stairwell door. This is just over the top enough, that Lois might be able to claim it was all a ruse. Well, on the bright side, Lois had just validated his undercover assignment. “I had hoped we could still be friends,” he said. Why is he bringing that up now. Better to leave an option than kill all hope. “Friends? Friends? Are you daft, Chuck? I’ll never be ‘friends’ with you. Never!” she roared.  Although, she did say "Chuck", so maybe there is hope. Clark nodded, hoping that her use of the endearment ‘Chuck’ meant that she didn’t mean what she was saying. Well, considering her being ballistic about him kissing her cheek does not square with the reality of them making out in the supply closet, Clark probably has some grounds for hope. Although the fact that his defection is a cover also gives some hope. Still, I think he should have told her what he planned. He could have written her a note or something. Had she figured out he was going undercover at the Metropolis Star? Of course she has, this is Lois Lane, Kerth winner he is dealing with,she figures out everything. Clark:Than why does she not recognize me without my glasses. Reader:Maybe she does Clark, maybe she does. It had been her idea after all, in a roundabout way. But she also told him she really didn't want him to do it. He wondered if Perry had mentioned it to her. Clark, stop counting on Perry to do the communicating with your partner that you should be doing. Clark shook coffee from his hands again and headed for the stairs. I was so hoping he would figure out a way not to defect, or at least tell Lois first.
John Pack Lambert
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Lois turned and marched into Perry’s office, slamming the door behind her. Well, if Perry did tell her Clark was secretly defecting, she is doing an awfully good job of faking her anger. “Is there some logical reason that you and Clark saw fit not to inform me that he was going to go undercover with the Metropolis Star?” she hissed. Perry:What makes you think that Clark is going undercover? How do you know I have any part in this plan? “Do you two think it’s funny that he’d just march over there and get a job with our competitor and not let me know? Well her anger did make it so Carpenter was not likely to suspect a double-cross. Although, Carpenter gave me the impression of being too sure of himself to doubt that everyone would flock to his banner. We’re supposed to be partners, Perry!” This has not prevented Perry from having Clark not tell Lois about investigations in the past. Although I guess she does not know about it. “How? What? My God, girl, how do you know about him being undercover?” Perry asked softly. On the first reading I somehow thought that Perry had expected Clark to tell Lois what they were up to. However, it seems that he did not plan such. Although they should have been more clear about whether to tell Lois or not, since Clark thinking Perry might have told her means they had not made a firm decision on telling Lois. Lois stared him in the eye and didn’t dignify that question with a proper response. I wonder if her memories of past lives help. Still, knowing that a-Clark loves her, makes it unlikely to expect him to really leave. Knowing he is Superman might sway her to suspect he won't leave, but only if you assume Carpenter is a crook. That assumption I think is partly fueled by Lois' memory. “Why do you think?” And she tilted her hand skyward. See, I don't buy that Superman is the deciding factor. He still has to live somewhere. On the other hand, even without the Superman factor leaving does not make sense after what happened in the honeymoon suite. Superman might lie to her to protect his secret identity as Clark Kent – or was it the other way around?  she still does not know which is the true identity.  that not cheating on her came first. He had too much integrity for that. This is true. I still have to wonder if she isn't partly willing to trust him because she is doing undercover work with Luthor. “That was quite a show you two put on out there. Did you discuss the particulars beforehand?” he asked. This is the part where I did get the impression that Perry thinks Clark told her. They should have discussed the particulars before hand, although I do have to suspect it would have lacked the feel of reality if they did. Even if Lois could have given it her fully furry, Clark would have been hard pressed to react with genuine surprise. “No, we didn’t discuss the particulars beforehand,” she repeated back to him with amazement. Perry:I figured you could only have played into Clark's plan so perfectly by planning it. “We were talking about his date with Linda King, To be fair, it was more of a non-date. And he only agreed to it because Lois insisted on it, well, OK, maybe Lois going with Lex helped bring it about to. and then all of a sudden he said he was meeting her for lunch and he had an interview. This is speeding up the time table, but I guess the elevator incident happened weeks ago. Then… then…” She flung her hand towards the door. “The lunkhead kissed my cheek, and I just knew.” Perry:Lois, You seem to learn lots of things from kissing. Superman's identity, Clark's plans. Maybe if you and Clark kissed more often, you would have a Pulitzer. Perry’s jaw fell open. “From that you just knew? How could you get here from there?” The kiss called up memories of a past life  what is with all the wrong people touching in this part. “I… I don’t think that the particulars are germane.  he is still sticking up for Lois. Let me just say, that Lois’s obsession with Linda is affecting her performance,” Clark replied. Carpenter:So they have a more intimate relationship than I thought, if Clark knows about her performance. He didn’t want to bash Lois too badly behind her back. He had only mentioned the coffee incident at lunch because he was sure it was already a fixture on the press corps gossip circuit. Well, it will be now that he told it. Linda jumped on the bait and did it for him. “You’re being too modest, Clark. No wonder Lois hates Linda. Her choice of adjectives is horrible. This is not modesty, it is respect for others by not needlessly maligning them. Modesty is speaking less of your good qualities. is When he left the Daily Planet to meet me for lunch today, Lois threw a mug full of hot coffee in his face.” I guess it might relate to modesty if it is spun as desperate actions to keep the one good employee. But that would be a hard way to spin it, considering Clark had nothing to do with the scooping of Linda the day before. and he was here to see if the Metropolis Star had anything to do with that. I like the injections about his intentions. In canon they tried to leave it open that Clark really was defecting until Lois invaded his apartment. I really hope we do see that scene. OK, more like I would love having that scene, but doubt it will come up. “We don’t pull any punches here, Kent. We make things happen!” Carpenter said, slapping his desk with emphasis. I know this is canon, but it always seemed that Carpenter was too open about his methods considering how illegal they were. Clark wondered exactly how literal the publisher of the Star was being. More literal than any wise boss would be. Carpenter stood up and held out his hand. “Then welcome to the Metropolis Star.”
Clark shook his hand with a smile. “Thank you.” Hmm, well, I see we only have one more part left in this section. I guess it has been Ok, but there has been too little Lois and Clark interacting. I guess we had some this part, but not the type we really want.  that they aren't going to go to Kansas anytime soon.
John Pack Lambert
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John: I'll try to squeeze in some FDK response while I'm waiting for my kids to get ready to run errands. Thank you for reading and commenting. we moved back to Lois and Clark parts. She's being punished for taking the law into her own hands and assuming she knows better than it. She *did* break the law and get caught. “So, you’re going to trial?” Jimmy wondered. JOHN: It sounded like she had agreed, so I doubted it. I didn't know if I was being clear or subtle, so I decided to have Jimmy ask the question, so no assumptions are made. That sounds like more than it is worth. Plus, it would not solve her limited travel issues very quickly if they went to trial. I gave Lois a VERY good plea deal, not that she sees it that way. I could have given her 500 hours of community service. That would make it hard to win. Which is why she decided to take the deal. Path of least resistance. Of course, she doesn't *have* to be happy about it. Generally they do not take paid work as such. Okay, now she's on a babbling vent fest and nit-picking everything (in case you hadn't noticed). “How long do you have?” Jimmy asked. JOHN: This seems an odd way to phrase the question. I changed he question to "how many hours did you get?" Thanks. I protested the attached rider, which said that I couldn’t converse with criminals. JOHN: Is this so Clark can't insist she stops talking to Luthor? Sometimes I do not understand why he did not break up with Lana sooner. Lana was all that Clark knew and all that he had, and he thought she loved him. Considering Lana's aversion to flying by Clark, I can see the reasoning behind this. Why he was willing to marry someone who disliked his true self, not so much. Because until canon Lois came along, he didn't like his true self much either. Being different hadn't been able to save the good people in his life, and made other people not like him, and the burden of his secret rested squarely on his shoulders. That would require her to want to be anykind of Mom at all. True. <<sad>> at all the talk of Lana. Well, being with Lana was a big ol' influential chunk of his life. He should have countered sued for emotional abuse considering how much she demeaned who he truly was. If the world was just they would see her as a major emotional abuser and punish her for it. He just wanted Lana and the incident to go away quickly and quietly as possible. Was she talking about him or Superman? Lois:Like there is a difference.
Lois:As I said before, you both act remarkably the same. I wonder why that is. CLARK: I'm a great guy? LOIS: No, that can't be it. Must be something else. CLARK: Clark: Or is it you janst can't bare the idea of missing you weekly meetings with Luthor. Luckily, Clark's thoughts didn't go there. It's not like it should matter, since he does not get sick. CLARK: That's the rumor. But she really can't make much progress on it until she can travel, so maybe she should expedite her community service instead of dragging it out. She's still hoping that SM will change his mind.
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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-- Continuation of Response to John's FDK -- How could he have even more a moment forgot that? CLARK: Not forgot, forgot. I just didn't have it at the forefront of my mind. He should propose this name to Lois, at least it would lighten the mood. I doubt she'd have seen the humor of it. Why did he still going dancing with Linda after Lois said she didn't want him to? He could have pleaded not wanting to disrupt her relationship with Carpenter. He danced with her in canon without upsetting Carpenter. Perhaps Carpenter was using Linda as a lure to entice away good reporters from other papers. I could certainly see Lois classifying going to a meeting as her bosses date as Linda meriting the title. LOIS: Lois:If I tossed my mug, your secret would be out buddy.
Clark:What secret?
Lois:That you are Superman?
Clark:How would the mug prove that is the hot coffee didn't.
Lois:I don't know, but I just wanted to shout that to expose your secret anyway. LOIS: Well, if Perry did tell her Clark was secretly defecting, she is doing an awfully good job of faking her anger. LOIS: I didn't say I wasn't angry. Well her anger did make it so Carpenter was not likely to suspect a double-cross. Although, Carpenter gave me the impression of being too sure of himself to doubt that everyone would flock to his banner. Yes, but it's always good idea to have a back-up plan. This has not prevented Perry from having Clark not tell Lois about investigations in the past. Although I guess she does not know about it. I'm sure that little tid-bit won't anger her in the least, since she's doing the same, right? On the first reading I somehow thought that Perry had expected Clark to tell Lois what they were up to. However, it seems that he did not plan such. Although they should have been more clear about whether to tell Lois or not, since Clark thinking Perry might have told her means they had not made a firm decision on telling Lois. Clark discussed it with Perry that morning while Lois was out at her meeting with the ADA and her lawyer. Perry knows that Lois and Clark haven't had any private time to discuss it. I wonder if her memories of past lives help. Still, knowing that a-Clark loves her, makes it unlikely to expect him to really leave. Knowing he is Superman might sway her to suspect he won't leave, but only if you assume Carpenter is a crook. That assumption I think is partly fueled by Lois' memory. Partly. This is true. I still have to wonder if she isn't partly willing to trust him because she is doing undercover work with Luthor. She's trusting Clark not to cheat because she's not cheating? This is speeding up the time table, but I guess the elevator incident happened weeks ago. Linda has been around for most of the month of March and we're nearing the end of March. Is that what she really things, or is she just avoiding mentioning what seem to be visions of the future that might cause accusations of being crazy. LOIS: He had me institutionalized for hearing voices. What do you think? Perry:So did it feel like a real goodbye kiss, or a fake goodbye kiss. Is your sense of detecting facts through kisses that deep. Is that why you let your "source" Luthor kiss you, you get facts from his kisses as well? LOIS: Ewww. I don't *let* Lex kiss me. He does it without my permission every time. Lois:I wanted to help Clark have a convincing back story. Anyway, it is not like it could possibly hurt him. LOIS: ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/midi/konfus/c085.gif) I was mad? I might sympathize with this view, if Lois was not doing the exact same thing with Luthor. Oh, you haven't heard of Lois Lane's Standards of Double Standards then? “That’s different,” Lois replied, stiffening at his implication that she and Clark should treat each other the same. JOHN: Indicating that it really is essentially the same. This is essentially the same conversation she has with Perry during the finding out that Clark had the globe event in Foundling. Well, at least she is not using the Kansas excuse. LOIS: What does Kansas have to do with Clark Kent? CLARK: We can only hope that Lois will realize this huge double-standard is unworkable, at leat as a basis of anger. Oh, sorry, was Lois supposed to be a Vulcan in this story? Logic and anger usually don't ever go hand-in-hand. I guess maybe, but it really does not seem that way. It more seems he is letting his jealousy of Lex overcome his good judgement. But only to those of us privy to Clark's thoughts. Clark has a long haul in front of him. CLARK: That was always a given. This is a really good point. I wish she could figure out a way to make it to Clark. Well, first, they would have to have a moment of privacy to talk... I am surprised that Perry is even bothering to try to give the idea Clark is actually gone. That's the official story, and by saying that Clark's gone, he's saying that the conversation is over. I wonder if Perry suspects this is one of the things she is not telling Clark about? Perry's not stupid. He knows something's going on. Perry:If you don't want to be caught cheating, don't do the act to begin with. LOIS: *I'm* not cheating! I have doubts if Lois will tell Cat about her next trip to Lex Towers. LOIS: I owe that tramp nothing! Considering she had not been at the press function, I am surpsied he expected that at all. Carpenter's still hopeful. It *is* the Met Star, after all, who wouldn't want to work for it? Well, the murderer was proven to be not guilty. Hmm, I think Clark needs to stop having such a negative view of Lois and her journalistic abilities. It wasn't a negative view of her journalistic abilities, it was surprise anyone would want to hire someone caught breaking the law to get a story.  that Clark is attacking Lois. He's not attacking Lois, actually, he's not saying more than he did in canon. What if this most recent stunt was so outrageous Lois decides she really wants nothing to do with him ever again? OK, I don't expect that to happen. See, I told you he isn't without hope. At least he listened to Lois, although he seems to be under valuing the importance of her words. It wasn't that he was undervaluing Lois's words, more that he didn't want to think about Linda and Carpenter being intimate, especially while in the room with them during a job interview. He is mad because the Daily Planet scooped them on Lex's health? Scooped the Met Star on gossip about Lex's girlfriend. Lois:Cat knows that I don't really care for Lex. She should not have put that photo with her article. CAT: She walked into that mess. If she's going to go out in public with Lex, then it's my job to report it. I guess it is good that Clark reads all the paper, it prevents him from being too surprised. CLARK: A head's up from Cat would have been nice too. It is telling how much he really has given up on that front that he still thinks she things that. Although, maybe if he pressed her on the issue she would use the fake, thinks Lex is OK persona. Would she? Well, it will be now that he told it. Right and nobody else from the DP will have mentioned it? I guess it might relate to modesty if it is spun as desperate actions to keep the one good employee. But that would be a hard way to spin it, considering Clark had nothing to do with the scooping of Linda the day before. It could be construed as modesty, if Clark doesn't want it spread around that someone threw coffee in his face. I like the injections about his intentions. In canon they tried to leave it open that Clark really was defecting until Lois invaded his apartment. I really hope we do see that scene. OK, more like I would love having that scene, but doubt it will come up. I think in canon it was more for the shock value for the audience. He did give that huge grin after Lois threw him out of her apartment. I know this is canon, but it always seemed that Carpenter was too open about his methods considering how illegal they were. I'm sure his words sound innocent enough if one doesn't know he's actually making thing happen.
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Originally posted by VirginiaR: <strong>I protested the attached rider, which said that I couldn’t converse with criminals. JOHN: Is this so Clark can't insist she stops talking to Luthor?   that is just so what Lana would say. <<sad>> at all the talk of Lana. Well, being with Lana was a big ol' influential chunk of his life. Lois:I still wish he would forget her, so we can move our relationship forward. He should have countered sued for emotional abuse considering how much she demeaned who he truly was. If the world was just they would see her as a major emotional abuser and punish her for it. He just wanted Lana and the incident to go away quickly and quietly as possible. Good point. Although I was more thinking the world is unjust, and a Superman would never win an abuse suit of any kind. But she really can't make much progress on it until she can travel, so maybe she should expedite her community service instead of dragging it out. She's still hoping that SM will change his mind. Lois:I can be very persuasive.
John Pack Lambert
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he is already bailing on the planet. This is going to go awful. I'm sorry. Did you really want me to drag it out more? Well, we essentially got two Lois and Clark dates in "The Rival", and now we have none. Plus the Lois and Clark date in "Illusions of Grandeur" was cut short, and the other one vanished.  Hmm, we have come up with almost as many Season 1 Lois and Clark dates as Season 2. He should take Lois to the supply room and explain what is going on. CLARK: But... but... I've got lunch... Lois:But I am so much more fun, Clarkie. Clark: Luthor does it all the time, and you never get mad at him. LOIS: Yes, but as far as anyone else knows, he and I are friends. WE are just co-workers. Clark: Reader:So much for Lois's claims that she treats Luthor like she treats her co-workers. It's another case of Lois protesting too much, actually. Her claim about her relationship with Lex, her reaction to Clark kissing her, or both? I am mainly not understanding why Lois is exploding. I wish it was part of an elaborate cover plan to his defection, but I don't think that is it. It's part of her elaborate ruse plan. Clark:I wish she would explain it to me. Lois:Maybe if you start explaining your plans to me before doing them, I will reciprocate, eventually. Lois, are you trying to expose his secret? LOIS: It wasn't *that* hot. Jimmy:Then why did I get burned by some of the splash? Although, she did say "Chuck", so maybe there is hope. You need to read between the lines on that one. What she means is they could never be "just friends". Oh, interesting. Well, technically, she has never seen "Clark" without his glasses, so he doesn't know this for a fact.  Canon Lois got away with less time of Linda too. How does she get all the lucky breaks? Perry:So did it feel like a real goodbye kiss, or a fake goodbye kiss. Is your sense of detecting facts through kisses that deep. Is that why you let your "source" Luthor kiss you, you get facts from his kisses as well? LOIS: Ewww. I don't *let* Lex kiss me. He does it without my permission every time. Perry:If you really objected to it, you would stop chumming around with him. You defenetely do not throw coffee on him like you did to Clark. “That’s different,” Lois replied, stiffening at his implication that she and Clark should treat each other the same. JOHN: Indicating that it really is essentially the same. This is essentially the same conversation she has with Perry during the finding out that Clark had the globe event in Foundling. I hadn't thought of that. It seems worse here, because she is actually doing those things, instead of just in theory probably doing them. This is a really good point. I wish she could figure out a way to make it to Clark. Well, first, they would have to have a moment of privacy to talk... Which at the rate we are going will never happen. Perry:If you don't want to be caught cheating, don't do the act to begin with. LOIS: *I'm* not cheating! Perry:I know what you two do in the supply closet, and having dinner with Luthor does not seem faithful to that. Considering she had not been at the press function, I am surpsied he expected that at all. Carpenter's still hopeful. It *is* the Met Star, after all, who wouldn't want to work for it? Lois "loyal" Lane. Well, the murderer was proven to be not guilty. Hmm, I think Clark needs to stop having such a negative view of Lois and her journalistic abilities. It wasn't a negative view of her journalistic abilities, it was surprise anyone would want to hire someone caught breaking the law to get a story. But he thinks Carpenter is going around doing exactly that. While on the other hand, it is not really clear that is what Lois was doing at all.  that Clark is attacking Lois. He's not attacking Lois, actually, he's not saying more than he did in canon. I didn't like the way he jumped ship in canon either. At least he listened to Lois, although he seems to be under valuing the importance of her words. It wasn't that he was undervaluing Lois's words, more that he didn't want to think about Linda and Carpenter being intimate, especially while in the room with them during a job interview. Lois:He should just be glad Carpernter is unlikely to make the same pre-highering demands of him he made of Linda. He is mad because the Daily Planet scooped them on Lex's health? Scooped the Met Star on gossip about Lex's girlfriend. Lois:I am not Lex's girlfriend. I know this is canon, but it always seemed that Carpenter was too open about his methods considering how illegal they were. I'm sure his words sound innocent enough if one doesn't know he's actually making thing happen. This is what leads to me considering him over confident.
John Pack Lambert
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She appeared as if one should only approach her with a chair and a whip. Or a Hershey Bar taped to a long stick? The plea deal meeting must not have gone as well as they had hoped. Mayson offered Lois a deal: Clark or prison. Lois chose prison. Mayson figures she can now make a move on Clark while Lois rots in prison. “I got community service!”  Taking care of aging billionaires by giving them sponge baths? LEX: /pulls out birth certificate that looks like it’s from the last centure/ “That’s terrific, honey,” Perry said, patting her supportively on the back. “That’s showing them.” /waves good bye to Perry/ “I’m being punished for harboring an innocent man!” She is punished for breaking the law and making a fool out of government officials. LOIS: They made fools out of themselves. “Darlin’, community service is better than prison,” their boss reminded her. Lois doesn’t seem to think so. It was only enough to reduce the charges to a misdemeanor ‘hindering a prosecution’ charge. Please! I solved the case!” Maybe that will teach her to keep to television and only show her cute bum on prime time TV while reporting on the mayor’s parade and Lex’s latest charitable function. LEX: ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/midi/froehlich/d025.gif) One can only hope. Crawling through the mud of society is not becoming for the next Mrs. Luthor. “Keep in mind; they arraigned me for hindering the prosecution of an innocent man! Is that really obstruction of justice? Yes. Had she allowed due process to reign, he’d have been in front of a judge much sooner, there he could have told them that he’s innocent, and then be aquitted. They should be thanking me for doing their job for them. Moreover, I saved the infrastructure of the friggin’ country! STANNIS: I like this ADA. She is hard and fair. Just my kind of gal. STANNIS’s Nigel: Yes. My liege cut off some of my fingers for the smuggling and made me a lord for the saving. He is a very just man. ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/midi/verschiedene/c050.gif) They hand those out for outstanding journalism, not for moonlighting as a P.I. Eugene was found innocent, so I should be too!”
Well, at least she learned her lesson, Clark thought wryly. I don’t think she did. But maybe helping out in an old-folks home will teach her humility. “No,” Lois grouched. “My lawyer said that there was a fifty-fifty chance I could see actual jail time […]So, I took the deal.” What Lex hears: She is willing to do disgusting things if it keeps her out of the country club. “They wouldn’t accept working at the Daily Planet as an investigative reporter as ‘community service’. If the Daily Planet doesn’t help the community better than anyone, I don’t know who does.” One of Lex’s charities. They both could list a few charitable organizations, as well Metropolis’s emergency personnel, who could be considered more helpful, Would it be considered charitable work if she volunteered as a concubine for the Lord Kal El? Horde of Barely-Legal Highschool Girls: We’d do that community service to get some college acceptance credit! but why poke a stick at the raging lion? LEX: Because it’s fun? “How many hours did you get?” Jimmy asked 500? He was certainly the bravest of the three of them, or the stupidest. I’d go with #2. Clark would make sure to thank his friend for sacrificing himself for the good of the team later… if either of them survived that long. He does remember that he’s kind of immune to bodily harm as long as he stays away from Henderson’s office, doesn’t he? “It would have been one month or fifty hours, but I protested the attached rider, which said that I couldn’t converse with criminals.  and  Does that mean she’s not allowed to interview her fellow miscreant- erm community servants? I talk to sources, snitches, witnesses, not to mention elected officials and crooked D.A.s!” I think she got the extra 100 hours for the crooked D.A. remark. Perry winced. “And that’s how you got your sentence doubled,” he said more than asked. See? “I could have put you on the dog show circuit, Lois,” Perry reminded her. Actually, until she’s done serving her time, it would be very bad to put a convicted felon in charge of the front page. Maybe dog shows, obituaries, and doing the editing for Ralph’s work on the classified section would be best. At least, now, my community service doesn’t come with the ‘no conversing with criminals’ rider, so I’ll be able to do my job. Oh, that stipulation was meant for the time until she had worked off her community service. Now I get it. How about she took a week vacation and worked off the original 50 hours in one fell swoop? But nooo… Besides, in the olden days, they had women volunteering at the temples to take care of the bodily needs of those who couldn’t afford prostitutes or wives. I’m quite sure that qualified as community service back then. Clark decided not to mention that she could have taken two weeks of her vacation and done the community service all at once instead of piecemeal, See? “Very funny,” Lois retorted. “I should have let Lex’s lawyer defend me, instead of the Daily Planet attorney; maybe then all the charges would have been waived. And a solicitation charge added, thanks to an inside tip by one Charles King. Actually, what I really should look into now is A.D.A. Drake and how corrupt she is. ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/midi/frech/e045.gif) She’s not a fan of Superman. Schwartz said he had talked to her and that she was willing to give me a pass on all the charges, but as soon as I show up with a Daily Planet attorney, instead of some highly-priced one, she’s singing a different tune, saying that she never accepted that deal with Lex’s lawyer. ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/midi/konfus/a015.gif) Was Schwartz ralphing Lois? Or was Lex figuring that Clemmons would overrule his ADA when push came to shove. “That I don’t deserve to have all the charges dropped?” She’s guilty. And those solicitation charges would have made her eligible for an appearance in Cat’s Corner. I’d rather not have them dictate my private life.” LEX: ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/midi/verschiedene/b075.gif) I just have to pay the mayor so he orders Lois into my bed?  Nigel! Asabi! Bring me my Nigel! Earlier this morning, before her plea meeting, Lois had told Clark about her wonderful idea for a trip to Kansas that weekend. Couldn’t Superman use a flat piece of Nightfall to scoop up the entire Kent Farm and fly it to New Troy? Or what if Superman married Lois. Him being a foreign dignitary and all would mean they both have diplomatic immunity and Lois could flip off that ADA bitch and her notion of justice. From experience, he had learned not to let his hopes get too high, knowing that was the surest way to have them dashed against the rocks. As seen with Nightfall. And he did dash against *that* rock pretty darn hard after flying so high. Good thing I have something else to occupy my time this week, he thought glumly. The blonde skank currently nesting in his apartment? Apparently, he had been Linda’s pseudo-date and Preston Carpenter her official date. She’s not even hiding her twotiming anymore?
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Women made a date with him, only to have it be a ‘fake date’ because they brushed him aside for a wealthier man. JIMMY: You’ve been friend-zoned. And with the state of prenups in this country, it doesn’t look like friends-with-benefits-zoned, either. He knew that if he ever desired to do so, he could use his powers to become rich, very rich indeed, but that had never felt honest to him. Yes, but considering the gold digger sitting one desk over, that would give him an edge over her current sugar daddy. . “Personal means pricier,” he had once overheard her complaining to one of her friends over the phone. She sounds expensive. Let’s hope she was worth the money he spent. If legally, you're not allowed to leave New Troy until you’ve completed your community service, he will not be party to you breaking that condition of your deal. What if Lois left New Troy on her own accord? Wouldn’t it then be okay to move her to some place of his choosing? LEX: And hold her there as his sex slave. Yes. That’s a mighty fine idea. Then they could use the acronym ‘D - E.N.D.’, which Jimmy would then consider quite witty “Lois, you’re being unfair to Linda. She hasn’t done anything to warrant being called that,” Clark scolded. And using Clark as a fake date so she could exchange sexual favors for career advancement doesn’t count? “Tell me. Did she, or did she not, make a pass at you?”
He cleared his throat and adjusted his tie. “Not in so many words, no.” No, she didn’t. She thinks he’s too minor to register in her usefulness scale. partners as a business networking function. /whispers ‘at’ instead of ‘as’/ “Interview? Who are you interviewing?” she snapped.
Clark leaned in and kissed her cheek. “Who said I would be the one doing the interviewing, minha?” he murmured. Oh boy. They hadn’t discussed or agreed upon revealing their romantic relationship to the office, yet. Yes, but that’s not it. He just told her ‘ta-da, I’ll head to the Star’ and kissed her on the cheek and called her ‘minha’ to emphasize that she’s just a woman and he’s a man on the way up who won’t be held back by his main squeeze. He needed to make the most of this opportunity and hoped Lois loved him enough to forgive him later, should he rescue the Planet from financial ruin. He’s going to go for the nuclear option. Oh boy. And Lois is going to remove his interesting parts for this. Given how he’s unwilling to use them, anyway. “Friends? Friends? Are you daft, Chuck? I’ll never be ‘friends’ with you. Never!” she roared. Sounds like she’s primed to jump into Lex’s bed. “Is there some logical reason that you and Clark saw fit not to inform me that he was going to go undercover with the Metropolis Star?” she hissed.  Michael Edit: It's funny how many parallels there where in the FDKs (did FDK-while-reading, so it's all original thoughts) It wasn't a negative view of her journalistic abilities, it was surprise anyone would want to hire someone caught breaking the law to get a story.
But he thinks Carpenter is going around doing exactly that. While on the other hand, it is not really clear that is what Lois was doing at all. Actually, Carpenter doesn’t hire people who had been *caught* doing illegal things. LINDA: umm… LOIS: He doesn’t know about your solicitation charge from when you were 17. That’s in a sealed juvie record.
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Originally posted by John Lambert: Clark:Lois you have to stop seeing Lex, you agreed to not talk with criminals.
Lois:It only applies to convicted criminals.
Clark:So you agree he is a criminal.
Lois:Look at the time.  but I would have lowered her asking price to $50. Clark:Not bad really. Other people use their abilities to make money, why would it be horrible if I did? In some universes, he does. Lois:I still wish he would forget her, so we can move our relationship forward. Right. LANA is the reason they aren't moving forward with their relationship. CLARK: Who's this Lana person? Good point. Although I was more thinking the world is unjust, and a Superman would never win an abuse suit of any kind. Which is why he settled out of court. Well, we essentially got two Lois and Clark dates in "The Rival", and now we have none. Plus the Lois and Clark date in "Illusions of Grandeur" was cut short, and the other one vanished.  Hmm, we have come up with almost as many Season 1 Lois and Clark dates as Season 2. Picky. Picky. They've kissed more than in S1. Clark:I wish she would explain it to me.
Lois:Maybe if you start explaining your plans to me before doing them, I will reciprocate, eventually. Mainly, it's the discovery that he's going undercover and he didn't tell her about it beforehand. She thought he wouldn't keep secrets like that from her, and then he went and proved her wrong, which just makes her mad. CLARK: She really shouldn't make assumptions about me. This is Lois "Double-standard" Lane we are talking about. Lois:  Canon Lois got away with less time of Linda too. How does she get all the lucky breaks? Linda worked at the Met Star the same amount of time. Only in this story, Lois discovered her earlier. LOIS: Ewww. I don't *let* Lex kiss me. He does it without my permission every time. Perry:If you really objected to it, you would stop chumming around with him. You defenetely do not throw coffee on him like you did to Clark. LOIS: ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/midi/verschiedene/b075.gif) The Next Time she sees Lex: LOIS: /throws hot coffee in his face / You're right. That does feel good. Perry:If you don't want to be caught cheating, don't do the act to begin with. LOIS: *I'm* not cheating! Perry:I know what you two do in the supply closet, and having dinner with Luthor does not seem faithful to that. LOIS: I'm being perfectly faithful. I'm not doing what I do with Clark in the Supply Closet with any other man, and I'm not eating dinner with Clark. See! Faithful. But he thinks Carpenter is going around doing exactly that. While on the other hand, it is not really clear that is what Lois was doing at all. LOIS: Hee-hee. I'm keeping Clark on his toes. That's what I'm doing. Lois:He should just be glad Carpernter is unlikely to make the same pre-highering demands of him he made of Linda. CLARK: Some of us draw that line in the sand and refuse to cross it. LOIS: What do you mean 'some of us'? Do you think.... That I would.... Lois:I am not Lex's girlfriend. CAT: A picture is an easier sell than 1000 words. CARPENDER: We should hire that woman at the Met Star! She understands that words and facts get in the way of a good story.
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Darth Michael: Cheers! Or a Hershey Bar taped to a long stick? Yes, that would have worked better. LOIS: I've almost got it... I've almost got it... Mayson offered Lois a deal: Clark or prison. Lois chose prison. Mayson figures she can now make a move on Clark while Lois rots in prison. LOIS: Taking care of aging billionaires by giving them sponge baths? LEX: /pulls out birth certificate that looks like it’s from the last centure/ LOIS: No, sorry, Lex. That's what Julio got. Ooooh. Julio! JULIO: ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/midi/sportlich/p015.gif) LOIS: Have fun, Lex! “That’s terrific, honey,” Perry said, patting her supportively on the back. “That’s showing them.” /waves good bye to Perry/ LOIS: Clearly, Michael, you missed the silent "just" in my sentence. ER: [stunned speechless] She…she…she…how…when…Chuck?…He was right?… [passes out] It happens. Rarely, but it does. /Lois pulls aside blazer to reveal smart-cookie plaque on her blouse.  Does that mean she can be patient number one for the Luthor House for the Mentally Unbalanced? Fixed. Thanks. He is. So, afterwards, he bought new coffee and a new paper? And moved. Yeah, if he handed the Luthor investigation to the Star and they scooped Lois, Lois would be doing some scooping of her own. Using rusty spoons. For killing Clark? It's funny how many parallels there where in the FDKs (did FDK-while-reading, so it's all original thoughts) Great Readers think alike? [qb]EW: It wasn't a negative view of her journalistic abilities, it was surprise anyone would want to hire someone caught breaking the law to get a story.
JOHN: But he thinks Carpenter is going around doing exactly that. While on the other hand, it is not really clear that is what Lois was doing at all. [qb] ER: Actually, Carpenter doesn’t hire people who had been *caught* doing illegal things. LINDA: umm… [blushing modestly] LOIS: He doesn’t know about your solicitation charge from when you were 17. That’s in a sealed juvie record. CARPENDER: I don't care if my reporter gets arrested; they're a dime a dozen. All I care is that in doing so they give me a week's worth of sold out newspapers and front page stories.
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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quote: Or a Hershey Bar taped to a long stick?
Yes, that would have worked better. LOIS: I've almost got it... I've almost got it...  Michael
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Originally posted by Darth Michael: Mayson offered Lois a deal: Clark or prison. Lois chose prison. Mayson figures she can now make a move on Clark while Lois rots in prison.
LOIS: <Lois thinks that Mayson doesn’t stand a virgin’s chance in Lex’s bedroom> CLARK: Blonde! Not afflicted by curse! And she likes ‘Clark’! [decides to give her a try] Do you really want to anger a Mad Dog behind bars? EW: So, all Eugene had to say was that he was 'innocent' and then he would have been set free? Good thing nobody who's a criminal has thought of that! CONSTANCE: [tells Laderman to shut up or people will know how she dodged kidnapping and murder charges] Ah, Metropolis justice hard a work. He does remember that he’s kind of immune to bodily harm as long as he stays away from Henderson’s office, doesn’t he?
Lois = Kryptonite. Remember. ER: Yes, but still…he does have a Kryptonian body. Oh, right. Lois might boink him to death within 24 hours. LOIS: ER: Wouldn’t it be fun if one of those letters asked for Superman to wear the lacy thong, take a picture, and mail it back? SUPERMAN: Yes, I do get that kind of letter. I send them a list of reputable therapists instead. LOIS: But I don't WANT to get married! I'm only 26! ER: /guesses/ So, she prefers the unwed-mother style of life? LOIS: What is he referring to? EW: No idea. Not to mention a way to get numerous versions of LnC to hook up in numerous amorous fashions? That's why it didn't happen in this fic. ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/smilie/frech/e025.gif) CLARK: That was wink, wasn't it? Why was she winking? He not the smartest cookie in the box, is he? Perhaps he thought she should just love him for himself? LANA:  Sounds like a regular job to me.
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Boards Chief Administrator Nobel Peace Prize Winner
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Do you really want to anger a Mad Dog behind bars? ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/midi/froehlich/d025.gif) What’s she supposed to do? Make like a monkey? ER: Yes, but still…he does have a Kryptonian body. Oh, right. Lois might boink him to death within 24 hours.
LOIS: <admits to being a tiny bit hard up by now> SUPERMAN: Yes, I do get that kind of letter. I send them a list of reputable therapists instead. No fun. LOIS: What is he referring to? EW: No idea. <orders some more buckets of red paint, some fish, and a couple more guns to hand above fireplaces> That's why it didn't happen in this fic. <putting up her new guns while dipping fish in red paint> CLARK: That was wink, wasn't it? Why was she winking?  Michael