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#96247 07/02/13 07:30 PM
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Wrong Place, Wrong Time, Wrong Clark TOC can be found Here

And the saga continues As the Cape Flaps...

I know, I know. Lois and Clark aren't together in this part, AGAIN, but come on! He's undercover at the Met Star, she's busy doing stuff behind his back... they're still both thinking of one another, that's good, right? wink

Thank you for reading. I appreciate your comments. smile1

Last edited by VirginiaR; 05/13/14 10:32 AM. Reason: Added Link

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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I guess I should have known we would not actually have the story arc end with the part. frown I was so hoping that we would be rid of Linda King by the end of this part. frown

frown frown That there was no interaction between Lois and Clark this part.

“Mr. Kent…Jonathan, hi. It’s Lois,” she said softly. Lois had chosen the Metro Diner down the street from the Daily Planet, because she knew Clark wouldn’t be meeting Linda here for lunch,
But it would be more fun if Clark overheard this conversation.

and because she didn’t trust that her phone line at work was bug-free.
Smart move Lois.

She had locked her LoLex watch in her desk drawer before leaving, just in case.
party she does not have on the watch. frown that Clark won't see her like this.

She knew it was probably an irrational fear of it being bugged, but maybe S.T.A.R. Labs missed something when they found the tracer.
Plus, the less Luthor knows about where she goes the better.

John Pack Lambert
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Lois, this is sure a surprise,” Jonathan replied,
Do Jonathan and Martha still suspect Lois dumped Clark to pursue Superman?

She breathed a sigh of relief, knowing why Clark had chosen this family for his own.
Actually she has no clue why he chose them.

Their manners and politeness mirrored his own.
She is confusing cause and effect here. Their actions are his because they are his family, not the other way around.

It would make people naturally assume they were his folks, even if they weren’t.
They are more his folks than Lois realizes.

“Frankly, Jonathan, I’ve had a horrible week, and I’m hoping that you could brighten my day with a favor.”
Well, she is the one who insisted that Clark date Linda, so I think it is mainly her fault.

Jonathan paused before responding, and Lois wondered if she had been too forward. “Jerome isn’t here,” he finally said.
Lois:I know that, he is off having lunch with a slut who works for the competition.

“Oh, I know that, Jonathan,” Lois said, understanding that she probably deserved that response after the last time they spoke.
Well, that was the only time she had called and talked to Jonathan.

She wanted to cut to the chase, but she didn't quite know how to do so without seeming too ‘citified’, as Clark had described her actions in Smallville.
As long as she does not imply that people in Smallville don't know about modern technology, she should be OK.

She figured she first needed to smooth the way.
Maybe she should just use this call for smoothing the way, and not push for anything yet.

“I wanted to apologize for my behavior the other day when I called.
Jonathan:The person you should apologize to is Jerome. He was here ready to talk to you but you just hung up.

I had been so worried about Clark, him disappearing and all, especially right after he had gone missing and ended up in the hospital…”
Jonathan:Have you explained this to Jerome?

Her voice faded a moment as she recalled how her heart had lodged in her throat when Perry had first mentioned it.
Then why does she keep driving Clark away?

Then she remembered that Clark had gone undercover at the Met Star on a big story without informing her first, and found her voice again.
grumble what is with everyone figuring it out?

Clark:Well, it helps they found this dimension's version of me in the spaceship that landed back in 1966.

Lois: dizzy

Clark:I guess I should start at the beginning. In 1966 a Kal-el came here from Krypton, but was killed by an evil time traveler ...

“I was wondering if you had a way to get a copy of Clark’s birth certificate.”
Jonathan:Even better, we have the original.

Jonathan didn’t reply, so Lois plowed ahead.
Interesting reaction.

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“I know that you and Martha aren’t his real parents, but cousins of some sort.
I guess it makes sense that Lois does not want to tell Martha and Jonathan she knows before she tells Clark. Also, this it is probably best not to mention CK=SM over a phone line.

Anyway, Clark lost his wallet with his driver’s license in it during his abduction and the lunkhead hasn’t gotten around to going to the DMV to get it replaced.
Jonathan:Probably because he was using the one from his old dimension. I mean, that is just the sort of lunkheaded thing I expected he would do.

Over the weekend, I was arrested by mistake,
Detective Reed:No, we very much meant to arrest you Lois. We did not make a mistake.

and he couldn’t bail me out of jail because he didn’t have proper identification.
I thought it was only he could not see her because he lacked identification. I thought the bail delay had to do with court scheduling, not with any failures on Clark's part.

He seemed a bit evasive when I asked him about it the other day, and I was wondering if it had to do with the fact that he didn’t have a copy of his birth certificate to prove his identity.
Lois:Or maybe he didn't want to be exposed as an undocumented immigrant from Italy, overstaying his tourist visa by years.

I figure since his apartment was robbed just days before the Nightfall eclipse, any other identification he might have, such as his birth certificate and his passport, might be missing or were destroyed,” Lois rambled on.
Lois:Wait, Superman goes to all sorts of places without a passport. Maybe I should point out to him that he breaks the law then, so why is it such a big deal to drive without a license, if he crosses international borders without reporting to the approapriate authorities?

“And then with someone stealing the contents of his safety deposit box the night before Superman’s mission to Nightfall Major, any copies of those papers he might have kept there were also be gone,”
Lois:Not that I really think he ever had a birth certificate, but Jonathan does not need to know that.

she said, hoping something she was saying would encourage Jonathan to send the birth certificate of his dead son to Clark.
I guess there is always hope.

She knew it was a lot to ask of the Kents,
Well, they already offered it to Clark, and sending a document is not that hard.

but Clark couldn’t go on without a past for very much longer
But I thought Lois was not planning on getting arrested again. On the other hand, I think Clark really does need a past. I am surprised he did not work harder to develop one to start with.

and her window of opportunity was closing fast.
Is Laderman going to forget about his debts that quickly?

“I’m afraid that he’s embarrassed and feeling a bit like a non-entity, because he doesn’t have a way to prove his identity.
Jonathan:Or are you just sad that you missed his presence for a whole evening?

He’s a bit angry with me over some misunderstanding at the moment,
Jonathan:Well, when you chose to go out with a billionaire who gives you expensive gifts, like watches, over him, evidently because you value things more than people and relationships, I don't blame him for being miffed.

I’d go straight to the horse’s mouth, so to speak.” Lois opened her eyes wide. How could've she just said that? “Not that you resemble a horse in the least…”
Lois, no one thought that at all until you denied it.

“I do care about him. I really do. Clark’s my best friend, partner, and all.
Clark:Then why don't you ever tell me what you are doing?

Sometimes I feel like I need to take care of him; coming from the country and all, he tends to forget that people in the city aren’t as polite and trusting as he is.
hyper Lois wants a future with Clark.

Lois:Why did you ever doubt that?

John Pack Lambert
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Now, if Jonathan went ahead and sent Clark the birth certificate, which Lois could easily intercept this week,
Not if she is off galavanting with Luthor when it shows up.

all she’d need to do was mock up a couple of grammar school transcripts for Eugene to put into the school’s databanks.
One would hope this would be difficult.

‘Clark was a pleasure to have in class. Always so helpful,’ that sort of thing.
Sounds realistic.

She wouldn’t make Clark class valedictorian or anything, but a steady B-plus, or A-minus, grade point average in high school and at Kansas State would be enough. No, wait. It was Midwest University, wasn’t it?
Had he told her Kansas State at one point?

It didn’t have to be perfect, only pass a mild scrutiny if anyone else, besides Lex, went on a fishing expedition.
At first I thought this meant it would not need to be up to Lex detecting level, but then I realized that this is only mentioned because Lex has already done his search.

Maybe Louie could help her out. He knew people who knew people.
Is this the first mention of Louie in this story?

Hmm, are we ever going to meet Jack?

Clark would finally be able to get a legitimate driver’s license, and no longer be an illegal alien, literally.
Put if the document is gained under false presense, isn't he still technically an illegal alien?

It would be as if he’d been born here.
I was going to claim he was born in Kansas, but then I remembered he wasn't.

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“…And, lastly, the Luthor Conservatory of Music has sent over your season tickets for this month’s opera. They are for this Saturday evening’s performance of ‘Madame Butterfly’,”
That is sooner than I expected.

It would be nice to see Lois dressed up again;
I so wish she would turn him down on this, although I guess I do not have hope for her doing so.

it had been so long.

“Well, you know the news business, Lex. It never waits for anyone. Anyway, since Clark up and quit yesterday to work at the Metropolis Star with his new girlfriend Linda King,”
Why is she telling Luthor this? Does she want him to get mad and try another hit on Clark for abandoning her?

He watched as Lois’s eyes widened as she realized she had never confirmed their date. “Dinner and conversation sounds wonderful, Lex,” she hurriedly interjected, to his delight.
I so hate all this undercover work.

“I could really use a night off.”
Which is exactly what she won't get with Luthor.

He couldn’t wait until he could feel it glide through his fingers.
I wonder if Lois would cut her hair from realizing what Luthor thinks of it?

“Will you be driving?” he inquired, running his finger down her neck to her cleavage on the monitor.
Now this is truly disturbing behavior.

She looked a bit skeptical about the ‘enjoying opera’ part.
dance Lois does not share Lex's tastes.

He would bend her to his will on this one fact.
Clark:If Lex thinks he can bend Lois to his will on anything he has a lot to learn.

Opera was essential to any good relationship. Opera was about passion, love, and triumph.
I more associate opera with defeat.

He had yet to go to the opera with a woman, who didn’t open her legs to him afterwards.
Well he is about to be severly disappointed.

The champagne in the limousine didn’t hurt either. Often, they never made it back to his penthouse.
Yes, this weekend will not go according to LEx's plans.

“Why not?” Lois said, relaxing back in her chair. “But you have to promise to spoil me.” She laughed. “The full ‘date’ experience.”
Lois, are you sure you want to say that to Luthor?

She then leaned back in her chair again with a very satisfied expression on her face.
I am not sure why she thinks this is getting her any closer to her actual goals.

and Lex clicked the volume button to hear her response,
If only there was a way to get him for this persistent breaking of the law.

“I’m not having dinner with Lex so that you can fill column inches,” Lois informed her co-worker.
Cat:Well, it is not like he is ever a source for anything you write. If he is a source, we should use him like one.

It wasn’t as nice as the one he had of Lois in his private study,
Lois:I hope I can find a way to get him extra time for having that photo. I feel violated that it even exists.

and was thankful that Cat hadn’t used any photos during the time Lois had pulled off his sunglasses.
I so wish she had.

One didn’t have to marry the exotic dancer; she would give it away freely.
I get more disturbed by Luthor with every line.

All it took was one good divorce lawyer.
Luthor is a true synic.

He chuckled, jotting himself a reminder to make sure that the new Mrs. Chow had received a business card from the divorce attorney at Bender’s firm. All was fair in love and war.
Which since Luthor considers everything to be one or the other, means all is always fair.

The truth of the matter was that Cat Grant had been in his limousine.
So is Cat just in denial, or does she not know?

Between marrying Arianna and some not-so-legal business moves, Lex had acquired enough wealth to buy the Daimler Limousine.
So he got money out of marrying Ariana? Interesting.

That night, he had wanted to treat himself to sex with a living woman, instead of his cold fish of a wife.
So this was before he divorced.

but she had slapped his face and told him directly that she wasn’t that type of woman.
dance someone gave Lex what he deserved. This makes Lex's disparaging remarks about Clark and Cat all the more ironic.

Clark:See, I told you we can tell he is lieing because his mouth is moving.

He never allowed a woman to slap him. Instead of forcing himself on her, as he had been tempted,
That would have lead to his going to prison, one would hope. OK, maybe I have too much hope of justice prevailing.

So, he had apologized and insisted that he hadn’t realized that she was engaged, even though it had been he who had slipped the cocktail waitress the twenty to distract Cat’s date.
He is way worse that I thought.

No point in getting himself on the wrong side of the press.
frown that Cat did not realize that Luthor needed to be destroyed then.

shortly after Cat’s engagement to Owen-the-philanderer had been announced in the Daily Planet, Lex had anonymously sent her a plain manila envelope of a series of photographs of her fiancé intimately involved with cocktail waitresses, socialites, and friends of Cat’s from parties Lex knew that Cat had attended as junior society journalist.
I so hope Cat has a part in bringing Luthor down.

She didn’t recognize him as the same man whose face she had slapped all those years earlier, and flirted with him outrageously.
frown that Cat did not see through Luthor's lies.

He could have brought her home that night or any night since, and done as he pleased with her, but he had decided the best revenge was letting Cat Grant know the sting of rejection as she had dealt it to him.
Cat:I would have to actually want him to feel any rejection.

it had been Lex who had slipped a quarter ounce bottle of one-percent Revenge to the exotic dancer Arthur Chow was seeing on the side,
Very intriguing development. He just has to hope that marrying that lady was not too out of the ordinary doe Chow, otherwise there might be an investigation into why revenge is still floating around.

Clark was only thankful that nobody had needed Superman for anything that emergency services couldn’t handle.
Maybe he will now realize he does not need to run off on Lois at highly important times.

It only made him miss and appreciate Lois even more for giving him and Superman his personal space.
Now maybe he will stop being such a lunkhead and actually welcome her presence.

If he had, and if they were anything like Linda, it would have given him second thoughts about coming to this dimension to try to partner up professionally with Lois.
But knowing it worked for Lois and Clark in the other dimension would have probably made him ignore any negative partner experiences.

Of course, Lois wouldn’t be Lois if she had acted like Linda, now would she be?
Lois:I would not have a job at the daily planet if I acted like Linda. Perry does not tolerate reporters who try to get jobs by using their body.

Linda had told him at the Omir Embassy’s Orani Jewels press conference, after Carpenter’s phone call but before Lois caused that over-the-top scene,
This is the closest to Lois and Clark interacting we have come to this whole part. frown

that if Clark hadn’t come to work at the Metropolis Star, she, Linda, would have considered going elsewhere. Apparently, Preston Carpenter was consistently hitting on Linda and had even asked her out to dinner yesterday evening at the Press Club, just the two of them.
Lois:And Linda would mind this why? She always enjoyed the privilages and power that came from a "personal"connection with the boss.

It wouldn’t do his undercover assignment any good if Clark were canned for dating the new boss’s girlfriend.
But they could bring all sorts of inappropriate business structure charges against the Star.

If he had been human, it probably wouldn’t have done his health any good either.
Become bait for a knock off attempt and get Carpernter sent to jail for attempted murder.

He was only relieved that Linda let him go home yesterday evening without tagging along after work, because she had to get ready for her dinner date with Carpenter.
Lois:See, I told you she did not mind Carperter's advances. If she did she would not actually go on that date.

Perry was meeting Clark at his apartment for a progress report on his assignment, so Linda being present would have let the cat out of the bag.
Nah, Perry would have just had to come in disguise.

Clark had been surprised and reassured to learn from Perry that Lois had guessed all about his undercover assignment at the Met Star.
Stop under-estimating the power of her visions Clark.

Clark had been beginning to wonder if the coffee in the face incident had been out of jealousy of Linda,
Of course it was out of jealousy of Linda. Not that Lois is really afraid that Linda has any chance moving in on Clark. If she was afraid of that, she would probably tell Clark what she is really doing with Luthor.

especially after the screaming match between the two of them at the embassy press conference.
I am surprised Lois pulled that off knowing that Clark has not really abandoned ship. She is doing good at covering his work though. No one would suspect that he is a plant.

Perry:I don't know, she is almost doing too good.

He alerted security and told them that while lying in front of the closet door he heard the cocking of guns and someone trying to enter the room.
This Clark is so much less wrong than canon Clark, actually explaining how he knows things.

He had no idea how else he could have stopped the heist without drawing attention to himself.
Well, Lois made sure there was attention on Clark.

Perry:Lois, we want our stories syndicated across the country, not the Chicago Tribune and the LA Times running articles on the antics of our reporters.

When Clark asked Perry why Lois hadn’t accompanied him to their meeting since she knew the truth,
frown I was so hoping Lois would show up. She could have told Perry not to tell that she knew, and gone through the whole looking for Linda act.

the Chief had told him that Lois was miffed because Clark hadn’t informed her about the story in advance.
See, I knew that was a really stupid plan on the part of Clark.

It wasn’t as if they didn’t have separate stories. She had been working on at least the Harrison murder and the Daitch EPRAD Nightfall Disaster without conferring with him about it.
Separate stories is one thing, faking a defection without telling your partner is totally different.

Anyway, Lois had worked with him, slightly, on the elevator cable sabotage story, so technically it was their story…
All the more reason he should have told her.

so she shouldn’t have had any problems coming to the story meeting at his apartment.
Lois:But when you defected without warning me, you showed you wanted to do this story on your own Chuck. So fine, I will let you do it on your own. You don't want my advice and help, I won't bother you with it.

Of course, he now realized, it also meant that he should’ve told her about his undercover assignment.
Yes, that would have been the right decision.

Once again, things seemed to circle back around to Clark having not told Lois what he should have.
Like that CK=SM.

Regularly keeping someone apprised on his activities was a new skill he hadn’t quite, or at all, mastered.
Didn't he tell Lana what he was up to, or did he mainly try to keep her in the dark?

He wasn’t deliberately trying to withhold information from Lois,
So this is why she knows CK=SM. Oh, that's right Clark, you have withheld that information from her, so somehow I don't buy your weak defense.

they just hadn’t been able find the time to discuss things properly.
Because you refused a date with Lois in favor with going out with Linda.

It seemed as if whenever they were alone together, work or his secret was the last thing on their minds… well, the last thing on his mind.
If he had gone out with Lois instead of Linda it would be different.

Linda had told Clark that morning in the taxi that when Carpenter made another pass at her at dinner the night before, she had informed him that they should keep their relationship strictly business.
Luthor:Ah, another woman who likes to play hard to get.

She had then slipped her hand onto Clark’s and told him straight out that Preston Carpenter wasn’t the type of man she was interested in.
Lois:Well, Linda, Clark is not the type of man who is interested in you.

Clark had pulled his hand away
dance he puled out of the slut's trap.

and reassured Linda that she wasn’t the only reporter on the Met Star’s payroll who Carpenter called to check on her whereabouts. Clark had failed to mention, however, that the other reporters’ ‘scoops’ had also happened directly after receiving calls from their ‘hands-on’ publisher.
Linda:But he told me I was special to him. frown

Linda had reacted as if it had been a personal insult that she wasn’t the only reporter Carpenter called.
I see why Clark does not find Linda's claims of not being attracted to Carpenter convincing.

To Clark, it had validated his theory there was something not right going on at the Daily Planet’s rival, but he doubted that Linda was personally involved.
Lois:Of course she is personally involved. Putting her personal touch into a matter is the only way she has ever gotten a job.

The way Linda reacted when she got the phone calls from her boss seemed to be more in the realm of annoyance than anticipation.
Lois:That is because Linda is very bad at math, and unable to put two and two together.

He had finally been able to duck out of the Met Star offices with the double excuse to go get him and Linda some decent coffee while meeting a skittish source who would only meet with him.
Clark:Well, it is true, Lois will only come to the planned meeting if I talk her into it. Even then it is iffy, but with Linda along, we could never talk her into it.

Time to face the Mad Dog and call his true partner for her assistance and advice.
dance he still recognizes who his real partner is. frown that you cut us off just before Lois and Clark talk. Couldn't you have done less scenes with Lex?

someone who had wanted to keep their relationship hush-hush.
Lois:That is just what Monique told her friends. Maybe she was delusional. I mean, she did jump off a building, maybe the dating was all in her head.

No big surprise there. Cat had already learned about Monique’s secret boyfriend when she had gone through Clark’s desk to look at his story notes on the woman’s gruesome murder.
Lois:Doesn't Clark know how to keep anything safe from prying eyes?

What had been a surprise though, was the man had given Monique a silver Gucci watch.
Sloppy of Lex to use the same watch.

Not conclusive, or concrete evidence, but definitely something to look into.
Even if they could trace it back to Luthor, it would prove little. It is not a crime to give people watches.

Was it possible that Lex Luthor had been handing out silver Gucci watches with tracking devices hidden inside of them to some of the women with whom he was friendly?
So why not give Lois a Gucci too? Why give her the LoLEx instead?

She took an extra close look at Miranda’s wrist, where she found a silver Gucci watch.
Intriguing that Luthor left it there.

‘At least one of Lex’s former paramours is still alive and well,’ Cat thought. ‘Let’s see if she’s willing to talk.’
Why would she talk when Luthor has his agents all over the place?

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Thanks for all the great FDK, John. I'll try and catch up on it when I can.

Sadly, since summer break started it seems as if I get less than five minutes at a time to write, so Part 130 has not been finished. sad Therefore, to keep up my 5 part cushion, I will not be posting Part 125 tonight. Next week will be crazy for me (kid's birthday and all), but if I can get 130 done in time I'll try to post early (maybe Monday and Thursday nights instead of Tues and Fri nights). We'll see. My apologies.

Back to work while the house is finally quiet.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Now we have more time to ruminate on the suspense of Clark being on the verge of calling Lois. Will she go with his plan? I hope so, The Lois/Linda snipping at each other scenes are so fun. On the other hand, since the next section is being billed as part of the Flyhard arc, I suspect that we won't see too much of Linda and Lois being rude to each other.

I don't see Clark taking kindly to Lois going to the Opera with Luthor. frown that she keeps going palces with Luthor.

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My apologies. I tried to post Part 125 last night and as I hit 'send' (literally) I realized my internet was down. wallbash I only just got back up. Part 125 will be up momentarily.

"It's not my fault!"

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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John: Thank you for your patience and awesome FDK. smile1

I guess I should have known we would not actually have the story arc end with the part. sad I was so hoping that we would be rid of Linda King by the end of this part.
Clearly, I'll have to go back and make the transition between plots more clear. I could have gone into a whole Linda/Lois diatribe but that isn't where I wanted the story to go. She was lucky to have been included in as many scenes as she got, because originally my outline has Lois questioning whether or not Clark is really SM because of his defection. Since this arc has been more fleshed out than my outline anticipated, Lois's doubts were already put to rest.

I did come up with another Linda subplot, but decided to save it and possibly flesh it out for stand alone story. Truthfully, I was just ready to move on to the next hill of my roller-coaster. clap

Detective Reed:No, we very much meant to arrest you Lois. We did not make a mistake.
LOIS: Semantics, Reed. I knew Eugene was innocent. You arrested me, because I could prove it and you didn't want to look like a fool.

I thought it was only he could not see her because he lacked identification. I thought the bail delay had to do with court scheduling, not with any failures on Clark's part.
You're correct, but Lois is telling the story *her* way, putting the best shine to her actions and Clark's motivations.

Lois:Or maybe he didn't want to be exposed as an undocumented immigrant from Italy, overstaying his tourist visa by years.
That too.

Lois:Wait, Superman goes to all sorts of places without a passport. Maybe I should point out to him that he breaks the law then, so why is it such a big deal to drive without a license, if he crosses international borders without reporting to the approapriate authorities?
2 Tempus Irony Points for figuring that out. clap

Well, they already offered it to Clark, and sending a document is not that hard.
Lois also knows that they offered it to Clark, and want to help him with his identity on Earth, which is why she went directly to them and bypassed Clark.

But I thought Lois was not planning on getting arrested again. On the other hand, I think Clark really does need a past. I am surprised he did not work harder to develop one to start with.
TEMPUS: Heroes *never* plan. They only act. (If you remember, Lois had similar difficulties in ML.)

“I do care about him. I really do. Clark’s my best friend, partner, and all.
Clark:Then why don't you ever tell me what you are doing?
LOIS: Well, if that isn't the pot calling the kettle 'black'.

Those deliverymen sometimes leave packages leaning against your door, even here in the city; can you believe it? I’d hate for it to be stolen at his apartment after all the times its been robbed.
JOHN: This is so reasonable, I accepted it as Lois's true motivation on my first read.
EW: <<licks finger and adds point to subtlety column.>> evil

I guess she is not totally sure she can intercept it before Clark sees it.

Ahh, so that is why she thinks she has to act expeditiously on the getting Clark a new identity front.
[Linked Image]

I just hope the fact that the birth of Clark Kent was never officially recorded does not disrupt Lois's plan.
It amazing how many people wouldn't go back and check the paper files nowadays when they find a "copy" of the document in the computer database.

It is much easier to get forgiveness than permission, so Lois's method of doing this is probably wise.
LOIS: Of course, it's wise. It's my plan.

Lois wants a future with Clark.

Lois:Why did you ever doubt that?
CLARK: Gee, I can't imagine where John came up with a crazy notion like that? :rolleyes:

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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She knew it was probably an irrational fear of it being bugged, but maybe S.T.A.R. Labs missed something when they found the tracer.
JOHN: Plus, the less Luthor knows about where she goes the better.
Well, the less Luthor knows where she is the more specious he'll become on why Lois keeps taking off her watch.
Maybe the gold on the band bothers her wrist.

Do Jonathan and Martha still suspect Lois dumped Clark to pursue Superman?
No, Clark has corrected this misnomer.
So they now think she dumped Clark to pursue Luthor?

Clark:Why would I tell them when I even failed to tell Lois?

Lois:You did tell them you were Superman, and not me.

Clark:Actually, they figured it out on there own.

Lois: grumble what is with everyone figuring it out?

Clark:Well, it helps they found this dimension's version of me in the spaceship that landed back in 1966.

Lois: dizzy

Clark:I guess I should start at the beginning. In 1966 a Kal-el came here from Krypton, but was killed by an evil time traveler ...
It could happen like that... but you shouldn't hold your breath.
Sometime it seems their talking to each other keeps getting further away.

I guess it makes sense that Lois does not want to tell Martha and Jonathan she knows before she tells Clark. Also, this it is probably best not to mention CK=SM over a phone line.
She can't tell the Kents that she knows because they'll tell Clark, and yes, that's not a good conversation for a public pay phone.
Although she could tell them things so they know she knows, without saying things that make it so others would understand what she is saying if they are listening in.

I thought it was only he could not see her because he lacked identification. I thought the bail delay had to do with court scheduling, not with any failures on Clark's part.
You're correct, but Lois is telling the story *her* way, putting the best shine to her actions and Clark's motivations.
So she is making it look like Clark's failure to get a driver's license has caused more problems than it really has, with the hope this will make them more likely to help her get him a new one.

Lois:Wait, Superman goes to all sorts of places without a passport. Maybe I should point out to him that he breaks the law then, so why is it such a big deal to drive without a license, if he crosses international borders without reporting to the approapriate authorities?
2 Tempus Irony Points for figuring that out. clap
He breaks more rules and regulations than almost anyone else.

Well, they already offered it to Clark, and sending a document is not that hard.
Lois also knows that they offered it to Clark, and want to help him with his identity on Earth, which is why she went directly to them and bypassed Clark.
It is easier to get forgiveness than permission.

“I do care about him. I really do. Clark’s my best friend, partner, and all.
Clark:Then why don't you ever tell me what you are doing?
LOIS: Well, if that isn't the pot calling the kettle 'black'.
She has a point. I really wish these two would talk more.

I just hope the fact that the birth of Clark Kent was never officially recorded does not disrupt Lois's plan.
It amazing how many people wouldn't go back and check the paper files nowadays when they find a "copy" of the document in the computer database.
That is true. Also, I think if you presented what seemed a valid birth certificate to get a driver's license, people would not look to see if there was an official record.

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-- Continuation of Response to John's FDK --
Not if she is off galavanting with Luthor when it shows up.
LOIS: Nah. I'll only see him at night.

Had he told her Kansas State at one point?
It's been a while since I read the first 50 parts, but I do believe at one point he accidentally mentioned Kansas State, instead of MidWest, since alt-Clark actually *did* attend Kansas State.

At first I thought this meant it would not need to be up to Lex detecting level, but then I realized that this is only mentioned because Lex has already done his search.
Exactly. Lex already did a search.

Is this the first mention of Louie in this story?
I believe so.

Hmm, are we ever going to meet Jack?
We met Denny back at the Luthor House for Homeless Children and he mentioned that he had a brother named Jack.

Put if the document is gained under false presense, isn't he still technically an illegal alien?
LOIS: Still with the semantics there, John. But if the government accepts his credentials as real, doesn't it make them real?

It would be as if he’d been born here.
JOHN: I was going to claim he was born in Kansas, but then I remembered he wasn't.
Here as in Planet Earth, not Metropolis.

“…And, lastly, the Luthor Conservatory of Music has sent over your season tickets for this month’s opera. They are for this Saturday evening’s performance of ‘Madame Butterfly’,”
JOHN: That is sooner than I expected.
Actually Perry's birthday was March 17th, and the night at the opera date happens on March 26. I pushed back Secretary Wallace's trip to Metropolis a week or two, so the timing of the episodes got a little scrambled.

I so wish she would turn him down on this, although I guess I do not have hope for her doing so.
But what fun would FlyHard be without Lois?

What part of "I don't want your help" does Luthor not understand?
All of it.

sad that Lois will spend this weekend with Lex and not Clark.
Don't worry, she'll be punished. (see above acceptance of said date with Luthor. Isn't that punishment enough?)

LOIS: [Linked Image]

CLARK: I can see her point.

LOIS: Why am *I* being punished? He's the one who said "no"!

EW: Again, see above date with Luthor.

CLARK: Must you keep repeating that?!

Wait, does this mean he has killed off most of his children?
LEX: Um... <<slowly>> Nooooo. Why would you think that? I'm an upstanding citizen and patron of the arts. All around philanthropist. I don't go around killing women and innocent babes. <<aside to Nigel>> I think we've got a leak. Go plug it. Use the silencer.

Sick. However I think it should be "in a second woman".
Yes, he is. And the error has been fixed. Thank you. (I didn't want you to think that I had fixed Lex from being sick. He'll remain so.)

Somehow I do not feel any sympathy for Muldoon being trapped in Luthor's prison.
You need to think about her point of view. The world has ended and they need to repopulate the earth. The broodmare is a willing partner, not unwilling. Not necessarily smart, but I know that Lex doesn't care for that.

Lois:At least this time the Star did not scoop us, no thanks to Clark. grumble
Nor did the Star scoop the DP in canon, since Lois was there.

Why is she telling Luthor this? Does she want him to get mad and try another hit on Clark for abandoning her?
LEX: hyper Me, too.
EW: cool

sad that Cat did not see through Luthor's lies.
I'm sure Lex's face wasn't the only man Cat had slapped over the years.

Cat:I would have to actually want him to feel any rejection.
LEX: Of course you're feeling it, because I'm saying "no" to you.

CAT: Yea! party

Very intriguing development. He just has to hope that marrying that lady was not too out of the ordinary doe Chow, otherwise there might be an investigation into why revenge is still floating around.
It's also possible that the exotic dancer has enough to keep on spraying for awhile.

Maybe he will now realize he does not need to run off on Lois at highly important times.
LOIS: [Linked Image] Good one.

Now maybe he will stop being such a lunkhead and actually welcome her presence.
CLARK: What is John talking about? I've always welcomed Lois's presence.

But knowing it worked for Lois and Clark in the other dimension would have probably made him ignore any negative partner experiences.
That, too.

Lois:I would not have a job at the daily planet if I acted like Linda. Perry does not tolerate reporters who try to get jobs by using their body.
PERRY: [Linked Image]

LOIS: Of course, he did hire Cat.

CAT: Hey! I pull in the goods.

It wouldn’t do his undercover assignment any good if Clark were canned for dating the new boss’s girlfriend.
JOHN: But they could bring all sorts of inappropriate business structure charges against the Star.
Being that Clark is a new hire, I'm sure the reason for termination would be something else.

Become bait for a knock off attempt and get Carpernter sent to jail for attempted murder.
CARPENTER: Why won't that man die?!
LEX: Tell me about it.

Nah, Perry would have just had to come in disguise.
But then Clark would have to have somehow contacted Perry to let him know to come in disguise.

Of course it was out of jealousy of Linda. Not that Lois is really afraid that Linda has any chance moving in on Clark. If she was afraid of that, she would probably tell Clark what she is really doing with Luthor.
Umm.... Actually, the coffee in the face was for not telling her that he was going undercover at the Star.

I am surprised Lois pulled that off knowing that Clark has not really abandoned ship. She is doing good at covering his work though. No one would suspect that he is a plant.

Perry:I don't know, she is almost doing too good.
LOIS: And everyone was upset because I didn't do that drama seminar with Linda that one summer.

He alerted security and told them that while lying in front of the closet door he heard the cocking of guns and someone trying to enter the room.
JOHN: This Clark is so much less wrong than canon Clark, actually explaining how he knows things.
Experience. Anyway, canon Clark's explanation always bothered me.

Perry:Lois, we want our stories syndicated across the country, not the Chicago Tribune and the LA Times running articles on the antics of our reporters.
LOIS: But, *Per* rey! I was covering for Clark.

PERRY: :rolleyes:

sad I was so hoping Lois would show up. She could have told Perry not to tell that she knew, and gone through the whole looking for Linda act.
I didn't want to stretch out this scene too long.

See, I knew that was a really stupid plan on the part of Clark.
CLARK: [Linked Image]
TEMPUS: Plan? There was a plan?

Separate stories is one thing, faking a defection without telling your partner is totally different.
LOIS: [Linked Image]

Lois:But when you defected without warning me, you showed you wanted to do this story on your own Chuck. So fine, I will let you do it on your own. You don't want my advice and help, I won't bother you with it.
Yes, that was Lois's punishment. Plus, she's been working on a few angles herself.

Didn't he tell Lana what he was up to, or did he mainly try to keep her in the dark?
I'm going to go with "dark", especially since she didn't want him helping out.

Lois:Well, Linda, Clark is not the type of man who is interested in you.
LINDA: Strange, you said the same thing about Superman.

LOIS: Did I?

Linda:But he told me I was special to him. sad
Exactly. I'm guessing that this is Linda being sad for Linda, not John being sad for Linda, right?

I see why Clark does not find Linda's claims of not being attracted to Carpenter convincing.
LOIS: See? Told you!

dance he still recognizes who his real partner is. sad that you cut us off just before Lois and Clark talk. Couldn't you have done less scenes with Lex?
LEX: Phis-shaw. Doesn't John know who the true hero of this story is?


LEX: If you must ask...

LOIS: It's me!

CAT: Hello? Me!

Lois:Doesn't Clark know how to keep anything safe from prying eyes?
CLARK: eek What do you mean she's been going through my drawers?

CAT: <<whispering>> Not *those* drawers, handsome.

CLARK: <<gulp>> okay, then.

Sloppy of Lex to use the same watch.
LEX: None of these women have ties to me. Anyway, how was I to know when I gave them the watches that they'd all end up dead?

Even if they could trace it back to Luthor, it would prove little. It is not a crime to give people watches.
LEX: See!

So why not give Lois a Gucci too? Why give her the LoLEx instead?
Because Lois is extra special.

Intriguing that Luthor left it there.
Wasn't forefront of his mind. Plus, didn't personally handle the nitty gitty details.

Why would she talk when Luthor has his agents all over the place?
Maybe she won't.

Now we have more time to ruminate on the suspense of Clark being on the verge of calling Lois. Will she go with his plan? I hope so, The Lois/Linda snipping at each other scenes are so fun. On the other hand, since the next section is being billed as part of the Flyhard arc, I suspect that we won't see too much of Linda and Lois being rude to each other.
Er... um.... blush

I don't see Clark taking kindly to Lois going to the Opera with Luthor. [Frown] that she keeps going palces with Luthor.
Well, it's good that Clark isn't a jealous fellow then, huh?

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She knew it was probably an irrational fear of it being bugged, but maybe S.T.A.R. Labs missed something when they found the tracer.
Yeah, the fact that Lex has slipped every chocolate dealer in the greater Metropolis area a c-note a month to inform him of the amounts of chocolate Lois is provided and to supply her with a low-sugar, low-fat version of the stuff.

Their manners and politeness mirrored his own. It would make people naturally assume they were his folks, even if they weren’t.
To be so close, and yet so little right.

Then she remembered that Clark had gone undercover at the Met Star on a big story without informing her first, and found her voice again.
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Originally posted by John Lambert:
I was thinking he might have said one way or the other just before their first date (after they almost made love at the Metro Club, plus Clark waited on her hand and foot after she was shot), however she only asked him what position he played in college football, not where he played it.
Clark's reference to Kansas State happened off page. I did a search of my Archive version (first 50 parts) and found this paragraph of Lois's thoughts just prior to heading to the Kerth Ceremony...
Lois exhaled in relief. Clark did exist. Perry had checked his references and talked to somebody who knew him from college. Her brow furrowed. She thought Clark had said something about Kansas State? She shook her head. No, she must have misremembered that. She’d stop this stupid dead-end investigation into Clark’s past.
I apologize for any confusion.

You know your story is long when you do not definitely answer yes or no.
[Linked Image] Okay, fine. I did a search of the first 100 parts and the only 'Lou' who shows up is Toni Taylor's right hand muscle.

But Jack was in confinement, so we did not actually meet him. I remember that.
Hmmmm. So, he was.

The real question is, will he accept them as real?

We could still have FlyHard if Lois turns does Luthor. Lois and Clark are going to go see a movie, but she gets a last minute call that foces her to go back to the office. The terrorists can show up before they head out. The only difference is no Luthor.
I think some other authors have redone FlyHard without Luthor, but I can't recall which off the top of my head.

Clark:You're the one who didn't turn Eugene over to the police immediately upon finding him in your car.
LOIS: The man had a gun to my face.
CLARK: And you said he wasn't dangerous. Hey, isn't that the same gun you took away from him and the police charged you with possession of a stolen weapon?
CLARK: :rolleyes:

At some level her willing to go along with Luthor's fairly self-centered plan I find disturbing. Also, her willingness to treat people as objects disturbs me.
There are more surprises in store for Dr. Muldoon's character.

So she's lying through her teeth.
LOIS: Duh! Hello, should I tell Lex I'm investigating him since you're all on this honesty kick?
CLARK: No, but you could tell me.

Why spend the exorbitant rates to go to the opera if you are not going to pay attention?
clap Perhaps the *plan* was to pay attention but there were distracted.

Well, it is not as bad as I thought the photo might be. I had never noticed that the photo in Vatman was so creepy. Still the big issue to me with season 1 was that Lois was not creeped out by Luthor having copied her apartment. So for the rest of the season things felt off. Maybe I need to re-watch Vatman with the thought that the photo is really creepy.
It really isn't that creepy. The photo is a close-up of Lois walking down the street. The creepiness comes in when you consider how said photo must have been taken.

I guess that actually makes him an odd sort of optimist. I really hope his plan fails.
CHOW: [Linked Image] Prenup!

I guess I always thought he married her for love. Or maybe just infatuation on his part. Although the whole thing never fully made sense.
Maybe he did marry for love and the whole money issue was a bonus. This isn't Lex's POV from before his marriage to Ari, this is bitter and cynical Lex's POV 10 years later, who would never admit to himself that he ever loving anything.

I half hope she remembers this and realizes it was Luthor who did that to her.
She's currently distracted.

Which is why he turned down his last two chances to spend time with her?
CLARK: I had plans! wallbash Okay, I'm a lunkhead.

But we are so in need of Lois/Clark interaction.
There will be plenty of Lois/Clark interaction coming up shortly.

Well the story is named "Wrong Clark", although it is a Lois and Clark story, so it is hard to say. I would guess we have seen a little more Clark in the story, but since part 98 Lois has really been the only one who really knows stuff the other doen't. It is pretty balanced, except for the part that was a Smallville flashback.
And in the first 100 parts, Clark knew stuff that Lois didn't. See it all evens out.
LOIS: Hardly.

Although consorting with the head of a criminal organization like Toni Taylor might be the start of RICO charges.
TONI: He didn't coerce me.

Now I am wondering if Clark would be more or less mad if it was a Gucci Lois were wearing.
Anything that makes Clark associate Lois with Lana will make him mad.

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Darth Michael: razz No thanks.

Yuk. Why does this sound like he’s aborting the expecting mother?
LEX: [Linked Image] I have no idea what gave you that idea.

He means a woman with lesser standards.
LEX: Aren't they always the better woman?

He doesn’t sound like an all that nice a person.
SANTA: /takes permanent marker and goes to town on Lex’s name on the good-boy-list/
CLARK: Santa! shock You haven't taken his name off your list before NOW?
SANTA: Mrs. Claus always says nice things about little Lexie.

Umm…she’d be an octopus.
CLARK: Did someone say 'octopus'? [Linked Image]

He does realize that the *say* that Anne has been a bit of a whore after marrying Henry, doesn’t he?
ANNE: The trial was fixed I tell you. FIXED!
LEX: Don't worry, I adhere to a strictly Tudor style of marriage.
ANNE: Lois, *run*!

running his finger down her chin to her neck on the monitor.
LOIS: I suddenly feel dirty. Like a group of homeless people partied on my grave.
LEX: Nigel! Go kill off a bunch of partying homeless people, will you?
NIGEL: Consider it done, sir.

The name of Kent's girlfriend sounded familiar to Lex, but he couldn’t place it.
Lady Linda? The high-priced callgirl he had employed about 7 years ago?
Name of the woman Paul Bender mentioned leaving Lois for in College because Lois was too frigid.

He *is* a bit of a Sus scrofa, isn’t he?
A bit.

No, she just wants to get her Pulitzer and move on.
SPENCER SPENCER: This will be the first time an article in LFI won that particular award. Maybe I should get Lex Luthor’s body instead of Superman, given he is so well equipped, that even the mere recounting is award winning.
LOIS: Not for fiction, for news.

LOIS: Duh! I’ll be so fast asleep, I won’t even notice what he’s doing to me until it’s too late.
CLARK: /plugging ears and hmmmming/ I don't want to hear about that.
LEX: [Linked Image]
LOIS: I was joking.

This is going to be fun!
LEX: confused Madame Butterfly is broken. I should have the conductor fired and the diva sent to a Siberian brothel.
NATIONAL WHISPER: Opera House Employees happy that Lex Luthor didn't arrive for tonight's performance!

LEX: No, your honor, she did consent to the sex. After all, she had said ‘the full date experience’. I have it on a recording.
LOIS: That's not what I meant.
JUDGE: /pocketing cash/ Mr. Luthor is NOT guilty!

Yikes? Lois in the shower, with a dreamy look on her face?
No. The one of her walking down the street that Vatman noticed.

This sounds like maybe he’s not a 60+ Asian fellow with a potbelly but more like a young Jackie Chan.
I doubt Lois would have insulted his looks if he was a Jackie Chan type.

The truth of the matter was that Cat Grant had been in his limousine.
MICHAEL: [surprised that Cat *had* actually ridden on every ride in the park]
CAT: I didn't say that.

Wait, Lex kept the same car around for 10 years? I get it with a Ferrari, since those are collectibles, but a limousine, and actually keep using it, too? He’s not a very sophisticated rich person, is he?
It's a classic limousine. They never go out of style, since they look old to begin with. Perhaps he circulates it with others in his collection and it just came back up for use.

He’s a very immoral person, isn’t he?
You thought otherwise?

it had been Lex who had slipped a quarter ounce bottle of one-percent Revenge to the exotic dancer Arthur Chow was seeing on the side,
ER: I don’t know which of those remarks is more disturbing.
That Lex thinks he's punishing Cat by NOT sleeping with her, or that he caused Chow's ill-advise marriage to the stripper?

Maybe they should have Lex fixed?
CLARK: I'm working on it. /counts/ 98... 99... 100 rubber gloves. Will that be enough?
CAT: You're invulnerable. You can't catch anything he might have exposed himself to.
CLARK: /nods/ Fifty more, then. 101... 102... 103...

‘closed door’?
Actually, it was a 'closet' door, but how would he know that with x-ray vision, so I changed it to your idea. Thanks.

LOIS: First, you go and get a big shot of penicillin to take care of the VDs…
CLARK: But I didn't touch Linda.
LOIS: I saw your hand on her elbow.
CLARK: You're kidding, right?
LOIS: Shots!
CLARK: They don't work on me.
LOIS: /innocently/ Why not?
CLARK: Um... er... egg allergy?
LOIS: Try again.

So he can keep track of them and automate the accounting?
MRS. COX: Sir, this Gucci is an original isn't it?
LEX: Of course.
MRS. COX: Then can you explain this bulk order invoice for them?

It appears everybody is busy investigating.
[Even Michael, who is still searching for the missing Nfic side]
[Linked Image] It hasn't been written... yet.

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It really isn't that creepy. The photo is a close-up of Lois walking down the street. The creepiness comes in when you consider how said photo must have been taken.
I guess I always assumed that it was a widely available publicity shot of Lois or something like that.

CLARK: I had plans! [Wallbash] Okay, I'm a lunkhead.
He can say that again.

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<worried about people actually trying to limit other people’s chocolate intake> Is he trying to create a monster?
To be fair, he has no idea what chocolate limiting would do to Lois. All he can think about is the basic calories/shape-formula.
LOIS: /starts digging in her Rolodex for cheap Russian assassin/

LOIS: <hearing only what she wants to year> Michael says I'm right.
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Originally posted by John Lambert:
I guess I always assumed that it was a widely available publicity shot of Lois or something like that.
Why would an undercover investigative reporter have widely available publicity shot?

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
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Originally posted by Darth Michael:
To be fair, he has no idea what chocolate limiting would do to Lois. All he can think about is the basic calories/shape-formula.
LOIS: /starts digging in her Rolodex for cheap Russian assassin/
May I recommend "Anton"?

ER: Is that what they’re calling it these days?
JONATHAN: What exactly are you implying there, son?
ER: /points at diagram, then at photos of Martha and Wayne/
JONATHAN: /pulls out shotgun/ You want to say WHAT about my loyal wife?

ER: It’s similar. Only with Lex, other things start coming out of her mouth instead of a stream of babble.
LEX: Tongue? I can work with that.
EW: I believe Michael was referring to bees and hot lava.

It would shift them away from Lois?
LOIS: Works for me.
MEN OF L.U.C.: Oh, please, God, no!

Natural offsprings to carry on his legacy?
LEX: What part about the cloning-program do you not get? Stupid Reader. Nigel! Niiiigelllll!

He donating most of the toys Santa distributes during Christmas? Well, he offers them at a moderate discount.
I was implying other naughtiness on Mrs. Claus's part.

EW: Name of the woman Paul Bender mentioned leaving Lois for in College because Lois was too frigid.
ER: Huh, he actually talks to his nephew.
No, no. Sheldon just gives Paul a slap every once in a while. I mean when Paul ambushed Lex at the Gotham charity picnic.

Well, there’s apparently always another layer of gunk available for you to discover.
LEX: Michael means I have the heart of an angle. [Linked Image] It's over there, in a jar next to Venus de Milo's arms.

And option three about Arthur also seeing a stripper on the side.
Chow is cheating on his stripper wife with another stripper? [Linked Image]

Maybe if he had just dipped his hand in a vat of latex?
CLARK: I thought of that, but I didn't think the layer would be thick enough.

Does ‘original’ also imply that they are unique pieces?
MRS. COX: [Linked Image]
LEX: I never said that.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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