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#96514 07/19/13 09:15 AM
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Wrong Place, Wrong Time, Wrong Clark TOC can be found Here

I'm posting a little early because I'm going to be offline for most of the weekend. I hope you all can bear the burden as much as possible. wink

Comments welcome.

Last edited by VirginiaR; 05/06/14 12:24 PM. Reason: Added Link

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Cat can still call the police, though. She would think she's running out of time, though, with Lex being shot. Hopefully Clark can find some orange juice and gum to stick on Lex's shoulder.

I like Lois and Clark's interaction. She's helping him keep his cool and keep his secret identity, and he doesn't realize it.

"It is a remarkable dichotomy. In many ways, Clark is the most human of us all. Then...he shoots fire from the skies, and it is difficult not to think of him as a god. And how fortunate we all are that it does not occur to him." -Batman (in Superman/Batman #3 by Jeph Loeb)
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Lois pushed his shoulder in her attempt to stand up, but Clark continued to hold her with his arm to pin her behind him. That was when Lois realized that when Superman wanted her shielded, she was going to stay shielded, whether she liked it or not.
I'm sure that could be considered sexy in the right situation but I'm sure Lois is considering it rather annoying at that moment.

“I didn’t ask you to protect me,” Lois reminded Clark, stepping away from Lex’s grip. “I may be the only woman here, but if any of you treat me like a damsel in distress again, I swear I’m going to steal one of their guns and shoot up this party myself. Got it?”
Yup, not at all pleased with being treated as the "fainting woman."

Lois took this opportunity to walk over to where Clark was standing by the door. “You didn’t have to do that,” she murmured, but he didn’t even meet her gaze. “But thanks.”

“People aren’t going to look down upon you, Lois, if you aren’t always the strongest person in the room,” he said softly. “Let me do what I do best.”
At least she's appreciative. Too bad she just can't relax her guard like she ought to with him. Then again, she can't do that until he comes clean with her, I'm sure.

CLARK: No. I'm just worried I'm a jinx.
CLARK: Yeah. Let's face it, ever since she's known me, Lois's been kidnapped, frozen, pushed off buildings, almost stabbed, poisoned, buried alive and who knows what else, and it's all because of me.
-"Contact" (You're not her jinx, you're her blessing.)
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party party for early posts.

He stiffened as his lips dipped into a frown. Taxes, huh?
Lois:Hey, I got my taxes done early, and you were busy.

Reader:I was right Clark would not like this.

“I just have to rewrite my lead; you should have waited in the limo.”
Clark:At least she is not more excited about being seen in public with him than me.

Luthor had his hand on Lois’s elbow as if he didn’t want to let her out of his sight.
gag at Lois letting the creep touch her.

Clark knew the feeling. “I wouldn’t be much of a date if I allowed you come inside alone.”
That just killed any chance Lois has of convincing Clark she is not dating Luthor and two-timing him.

“Hello, Lois,” Clark called, unable to keep the bitterness from his voice.
Wwell Clark it is your own fault.

Lois froze, noticing Clark for the first time.
Clark:That's right Lois, the game is up.

Reader:I actually half think Lois is more worried about Luthor seeing Clark than the other way around.

That’s right, Lois, you’ve been caught in your lie.
Lois:I was not planning to go to the opera when Clark turned me down for a date, again.

Additionally, it looked as if he had never tied one before.
Clark should find this very strange.

“Ten minutes,” Lois groused back, ignoring Clark.
frown that she is ignoring Clark.

Clark doubted if the man recalled meeting Jimbo at the Magic of the Night Ball.
I guess being dismissive of your lesser makes it easy to be impersonated. You never can be called on not recognizing someone.

John Pack Lambert
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Hmm, I just noticed this story is almost 100 parts longer than "Once Bitten".

Clark tried to drag his gaze off Lois and back onto his tax forms.
Why bother, she will be gone soon enough. She is much better looking than tax forms.

She looked amazing in that black cocktail dress.
Clark maybe you should take her to the opera too.

She had pulled the front of her hair back with a clip and the line from her jaw down her neck to her shoulders and…
Lois: hyper Clark appreciates my look.

She had dressed up for Luthor, not for him.
Maybe she planned to go into the office all along. Maybe she didn't want Luthor to come so she could steal a kiss with you Clark.

His hands squeezed into fists, breaking his pencil. It was his fault.
At least he admits the truth.

If had only agreed to fly her out to Smallville,
Ithink you want to say "if he had".

they could be talking,
Lois:Talking? I was more thinking of smooching.

instead of Clark wanting to incinerate her date.
Well, since he is only a clone.

He had nobody to blame, but himself.
Good, he faces up to the truth.

Actually, that wasn’t true. He could blame his partner.
No, that is unreasonable.

Lois could’ve called him, instead of agreeing to go on a date with Lex Luthor.
Do you have tickets to Amdeame Butterfly, Clark?

There was no way she could deny that an evening at the opera was ‘just a meeting between a reporter and her source’.
I think he means "claim". either that or she can't deny it is a date.

He was trying hard not to jump to the wrong conclusions, but he was finding it difficult.
She still only wants you Clark.

I think this is an emotionally more harrowing encounter than it was in canon. Even knowing Lois is not really interested in Lex does not help me feel much better for Clark.

Suddenly, Clark heard Cat giggling out in the hall. His gaze jumped off Lois to the stairwell door.
frown that he stopped looking at Lois.

Guess Cat was right. She was over Phil.
A lot more than Lois is over you Clark. See, you never see Lois moaning with desire for Lex. Only you Clark, only you.

shifting her gaze to Lois and Luthor, where she lost her train of thought.
Now she knows either there are two Luthor's, or he pointlessly drove the jaguar somewhere.

“What are you doing here?” Lois asked.
Cat:I work here, if you hadn't noticed.

Clark raised a brow and shook his head. That was his best friend, all right.
frown that Clark thinks of Cat as his best friend. That title should be reserved for Lois.

“Better luck tomorrow,” Luthor said, patting her shoulder.
He is truly overly patronizing. IS this line from canon, or a result of the clone?

“Shall we go? If we leave now, we can still make the curtain.”
Lois:If Lex thinks I would give up on a story, he really does not understand me.

Her lips pressed together in annoyance,
party Lois is annoyed at Luthor and Clark can tell.

but since Luthor was standing behind her, the man probably couldn’t tell.
frown that Luthor is not directly experiencing Lois's anger.

A part of Clark hoped she turned around and belted the billionaire in the gut for his remark.
That would be so fun.

True, it was the same part of him that wanted to incinerate the man, starting with his hideous tie, but another, larger, part of him wanted it to be Lois who knocked the man down to size before running into Clark’s waiting arms.
Aw, why can't we have that happen?

He knew neither part was being realistic, though.
They still need to make up from when Lois threw coffee on Clark.

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“What in the Sam Hill?!” Perry said, stepping between Clark and the visitors.
Perry is either very brave or very stupid, stepping between Superman and the bad guys.

“Is something wrong, Chief?” Jimmy called, returning from the storeroom, only to freeze in sight of the gunmen.
frown I was hoping Jimmy would escape through the air ducts.

I suggest you cooperate and everything will go smoothly.
This is already hard to believe, these people are nuts.

In case you have a need to contact the authorities, or your friend Superman, you can tell them I’m holding a small but dirty nuclear device,” the man said, holding up a small transistor radio sized device. “If I catch so much as a glimpse of a red cape, the gene pool of Metropolis will pay the price. So, relax. By tomorrow morning, this will all be over, one way or another.”
But with Clark's speed, should he not be able to sneak up on the guy?

somehow knowing that Clark was here, and would never let anything happen to them, gave her a sense of calm.
smile1 that someone asked that question.

“Lois, there is lots about me you haven’t yet learned,” Lex explained calmly without really saying anything.
Lois:Like that you ordered Clark to be killed, and that you but spying equitment in my apartment, including the bathroom.

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“Now, we know what stuff Mr. Kent is made of, it’s apparent that we need someone with a cool head, and a keen sense of judgment to take charge.”
Because he thinks they should not provoke the enemy? This line from Lex never really made sense.

“Well, that counts Lois out as well,” Jimmy mumbled.
No wonder he vanished at the end of season 1.

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“You?” Clark scoffed at Lex.
I like that Clark can fully show disdain for Lex.

“Yes, why not? I have a thousand people in my employ…” Lex started.
That actually seems like a pretty low number for Luthor to claim.

“What does that have to do with this? Those people aren’t in your employ, Mr. Luthor,” Jimbo interrupted, pointing out to the newsroom.
grumble why did he have to bring her up. Nothing good ever comes of mentioning her around Lois.

“Cat?” Lois scoffed. “You want me to trust my well-being to a woman who is right now on the top of Metropolis Tower, banging hips with a Neanderthal, whose name she can hardly remember? Thank you, no.”
I have to agree with Lois's view, at least from what she knows. Clark should just give up now.

“Cat is a darn good investigator, Lois.
Even if Clark thinks this, it really does not good to bring it up. Does he want to ram home to Lois that Cat figured out CK=SM before she did?

Perry looked skeptical. “Cat?”
Clark should just end this line of discussion.

“What do you mean, Clark, that ‘she’s a darn good investigator’? Are you referring to that Muldoon investigation that you two were working on together? Come on! Cat had to use my name to get anywhere on that story,” she retorted.
Lois has a really good point there.

Clark pointed at her. “There’s more going on with Brenda Muldoon’s disappearance than we’ve been able to print, Lois, and Cat has been central to digging it up. Give her a little credit.”
Not that Cat is really doing anything on the Muldoon investigation, that was just a false lead to throw Clark off the trail.

“She’s looked hot in that dress,” Jimbo interjected, trying to be helpful.
I think it might work better as "She looked".

“Dr. Muldoon apparently stole drugs from both Metropolis General Hospital and her own clinic the night of her disappearance.
That definitely moves it beyond human interest into crime.

Additionally, Cat just found out – off the record – that human ova are also missing from the clinic’s fertility section.
OK, so maybe Cat is doing more on the story than I give her credit for. Still, it took them a few weeks to learn that?

Does that sound like your run-of-the-mill disappearance to you?” Clark countered.
Lois:Well, the disturbance around nightfall caused people to do new things. I mean, we made, ah, what I meant to say was some people who had not for years had sex.

It didn’t, but she refused to back down. “Oh, come off it, Clark. You’ve got to admit if anyone heard those shots; it would have been Willie…”
Does Willie even have full hearing?

Clark grabbed Lois and dove for the floor, covering her with his body.
dance they are touching.

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Lois pushed on Clark’s chest. “Get off me, Chuck!”
hyper they are connecting.

Lois tried not to show that his words washed over her like an intimate embrace.
hyper she showed a little. Still I wish she would not resist the connection so much.

A split second smile brushed his lips. “Not me.”
dance he gave the right answer.

She returned his lightning fast smile.
dance for the wink.

and turned back to Lex and Perry at the conference room table.
frown that she is not still ignoring Luthor.

“Do you really think they’d blow themselves up?” she asked Lex. He was the criminal mastermind in the room. If anyone knew, he would.
Still, Lex does not usually do his own dirty work, so he might not know much about such issues really.

Lex shrugged. “Terrorists believe that the value of a life, even if it’s their own, isn’t as important as their cause.”
Calling these people "terrorists" is a bit much. They are criminals, but terrorists seems a bit much.

“Thank you for that worst case scenario, Luthor. Let’s leave out the conjecture until we find out what their ‘cause’ is,” Clark said.
Very good point.

“Why take over the Daily Planet, and then not have us report it over the wire? Do they want to use us as their mouthpiece?”
Good point. They are not seeking attention.

“The point is: it’s up to us to stop them,” Lex replied.
Stop them from what?

“No, but I… we have no choice. If I… or any of us… try to get to the bomb, any one of those guys could kill any one of you… us,” Clark hissed at Luthor.
Hopefully neither the Jimmy's nor Luthor listen too closely to Clark.

Lois had never seen Clark so angry; he was losing control of his secret identity.
Good thing she already knows, otherwise we might see a regular Mad Dog Lane display here.

“And if that is a hair trigger under his finger, it could go off before I could stop it, and I refuse to take that risk,” Clark announced.
Clark has now virtually told Lois that he is Superman.

Lex scoffed and glanced at Lois as if her partner had lost it.
I guess just assuming he is self-absorbed is the other possibility. Lois knows him to well to think that.

She chuckled nervously, hoping that Clark hadn’t given himself away to the billionaire.
dance she really cares about Clark.

“Take it easy, Clark. I know he’s your friend, and you’re his biggest fan, but you’re not Superman,” she reminded him in what she wished sounded like a teasing manner.
I am not sure this was the wisest response. It introduces the SM issue. There are other possible reasons Clark might think he was specially able to stop the blast. She should have said "Clark, despite your bomb squad training, you aren't that good."

“Clark!” Lois interrupted, before he could dig himself into a deeper hole. “Superman will find away a way to save us. I know he will.”[Quote]

I think that should just be "Superman will find a way to".

[Quote]He gazed back at her unsurely. How could a man have such a combination of power and kindness at his fingertips, and still not have confidence that he would wield it properly?
Lana. Plus his Lois died.

He had already proven himself a hundredfold.
Clark:Lois you got shot. I was not fast enough to save you.

Being a superhero must be like being a reporter; you’re only as good as your next rescue.
Especially when Lois's life is in the balance.

Clark might doubt himself, but Lois had no doubts whatsoever. She smiled at him.
Yeah for non-verbal communication.

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“I believe in him,” Lois reminded him.
frown that he does not know that she knows.

I believe in you, Clark, she said with her mind,
She should just wisper this line sub-audbly, so he can hear it, but no one else.

an even larger part of her just couldn’t forget seeing two Lex Luthors and the puzzle it presented her.
I guess the two outfits, with no real time to have changed, make that the most logical conclusion, although how do you have to Lex's? One good thing is if she asks Lois if Lex acted differently, Lois could answer yes, if she is in a mood to cooperate.

“That’s right. The assistant store manager in charge of sporting goods at the new Cost Mart store.”
Clark:At least he does not work at Lexco.

Lex would never have waited an hour and missed the opera for Lois to fix her story.
Actually, he might. If he thinks he can get lucky with her with even a little opera.

Lois:If he thinks that, he is delusional. Only Clark gets lucky with me ever.

he had returned inside the car to wait.
Maybe not as out of character as one might think.

Asabi:Lex sometimes delves into the lady before going to the opera at all.

the likes of which she hadn’t had for the last two months.
shock it's only been two months since Phil? It seems longer. On the other hand, has it really been two months since Phil?

If George was so desperate to reach her before she contacted him, then it was good that he knew her name and where she worked.
I am sure her work number is very public knowledge. Cat needs to make it easy to get contacts.

“Absence only makes the heart grow fonder, George,” she reminded him with a wink.
Clark:Then why does Lois turn to Luthor when I am not around.

As soon as he left, Cat returned to the Daily Planet. She tried the revolving door, but Willie, the night guard, had locked it.
How does she know it was Willie that locked it? Especially if it never gets locked. For all she knows the chief could have been the one to lock it. At first I thought Willie was directly guarding it, but on re-reading I see no evidence of that.

Never before had this door ever been locked.
How does she even know Willie has a key to this door, if it never gets locked.

The rattling of the door drew Willie’s attention from the Information Desk. He waved to her, and called, “Closed for cleaning, Miss Grant.”
OK, so Willie is at the information desk. That does not mean he was the one to lock the door though.

“Luthor!” she heard Clark call out in shock, and she guessed who the man in the navy suit was.
Lois:Ha, Luthor got shot. Serves him right, after shooting me.

Clark was bending over and helping Lex from the floor.
Clark should not endanger his secret by being bold like this. He should just stay back and let Luthor die.

Lex held his left shoulder as Lois ran over and joined them to help him back to the conference room.
frown that Lois is helping Lex in any way, shape or form.

She covered her hand with her mouth. Okay. Gunmen held six people hostage at the Daily Planet. On the plus side, one of the people was Superman. On the negative side, one of the hostages had been shot.
If Lex goes completely out, maybe Clark will reveal who he is to the others and get them out secretly.

Okay, Cat, think, she told herself. How many bad guys had she seen?
at least 5, but they have automatic weapons.

The strange man who had been sitting at her desk, the woman in leather, and least three guys on the floor below the newsroom, made five.
Plus, she should suspect Willie if he claims there is cleaning going on.

Oh, yea. They could save the hostages.
Why, has she lost her mind? They would be mowed down like the British on the Somme when Kitchener's army was all killed in one day.

“No!” Cat yelled, waving her arms. “No! Come back!” But the fire truck was already out of sight.
The firemen are best off leaving. They don't have anything that would do any good against automatic weapons.

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Thank you all for your comments.

I apologize that I am so behind in replying to them and that I must once more postpone posting tonight's part. Part 128 is ready to go, but I've hardly completed half of part 133 (for my five part cushion), but I can let you know that the FlyHard story arc should be completed by Part 135, depending on how well I'll be able to streamline my next few scenes.

If I can get at least 12 pages written by tomorrow, I'll post it then. If not, it will definitely post on Friday. I apologize again. I wasn't able to get any writing accomplished on my camping trip this past weekend (let alone any sleep). I thank you all for your continued patience.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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I was expecting to see another post-ponement with you being away during the weekend. I hope you make progress on writing. I really do like this story.

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I've got a few minutes before I'll post Part 131, I'll try and catch up on the FDK. smile1 My apologies, once more for being so behind.

mrsMxyzptlk: Thank you for your comments.
Cat can still call the police, though. She would think she's running out of time, though, with Lex being shot. Hopefully Clark can find some orange juice and gum to stick on Lex's shoulder.
Cat's in a bit of shock and figures Clark, being Superman, will be able stop Lex from dying. Even though she, better than most, knows that is outside of his abilities.

I like Lois and Clark's interaction. She's helping him keep his cool and keep his secret identity, and he doesn't realize it.
LOIS: I'm trying. laugh

Christina: wave Hi! How are you doing? Exhausted yet? Thanks for popping in.
I'm sure that could be considered sexy in the right situation but I'm sure Lois is considering it rather annoying at that moment.
LOIS: Darn tooting!
Let's just say Lois will be annoyed in this fashion for a while yet that night.
LOIS: What? WHAT?!

Yup, not at all pleased with being treated as the "fainting woman."
Yes, this Lois is a bit more anti-protection detail than other Loises.

At least she's appreciative. Too bad she just can't relax her guard like she ought to with him. Then again, she can't do that until he comes clean with her, I'm sure.
Nor can she while she's undercover as "Lex's Date".

Thanks for the comments!

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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John: Thanks for the in-depth comments.
[double party] for early posts.
If I can get through the FDK fast enough, I'll post Part 131 early too.

Lois:Hey, I got my taxes done early, and you were busy.

Reader:I was right Clark would not like this.
What is there for Clark to like? Other than seeing that Lois is alive, that is.

Clark:At least she is not more excited about being seen in public with him than me.
Actually Lois has tried very hard not to be seen with Lex during the course of her investigation, which is one of the reasons she was extra ticked off at Cat for publishing that photo of her and Lex.

That just killed any chance Lois has of convincing Clark she is not dating Luthor and two-timing him.
So, Clark will believe what Lex is saying *here* but not at any other time? That's a bit of a double standard.

CLARK: Lois has her double-standards. I have mine.

Lois:I was not planning to go to the opera when Clark turned me down for a date, again.
That's true. Lois tried to make plans with Clark and only accepted this date with Lex when he rejected her weekend away suggestion.

Clark should find this very strange.
CLARK: eek Did he re-tie in it in the limo? Why had he untied his tie? Is *he* Superman?! No, wait. That's me. <<grabs own head and bashes it against desk so other thoughts don't take over>>

sad that she is ignoring Clark.
Is there anything she could say here to make things better between them?

I guess being dismissive of your lesser makes it easy to be impersonated. You never can be called on not recognizing someone.
Except those he might bump into at the opera, which is why he was told not to leave his box at intermission and interact with as few people as possible.

Hmm, I just noticed this story is almost 100 parts longer than "Once Bitten".
This story started posting much earlier than FH's, plus I'm sure she has more of a RL than I do.

Why bother, she will be gone soon enough. She is much better looking than tax forms.
Because Lex is standing right next to her, and tax forms look much better than *that*.

His hands squeezed into fists, breaking his pencil. It was his fault.
JOHN: At least he admits the truth.
And Lois keeps calling him a lunkhead.

I think you want to say "if he had".
You're right. That *is* what I wanted to say. laugh Fixed.

instead of Clark wanting to incinerate her date.
JOHN: Well, since he is only a clone.
LEX: Hey! Those clones are darn expensive and time consuming to create.

Actually, that wasn’t true. He could blame his partner.
JOHN: No, that is unreasonable.
She could have told Lex "no".

I think he means "claim". either that or she can't deny it is a date.
I changed the sentence around right before posting and missed changing this word. Thanks. Fixed.

I think this is an emotionally more harrowing encounter than it was in canon. Even knowing Lois is not really interested in Lex does not help me feel much better for Clark.
Both incidents were stressful to both Clark for different reasons; this one - more so - yes.

A lot more than Lois is over you Clark. See, you never see Lois moaning with desire for Lex. Only you Clark, only you.
CLARK: wave

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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-- Continuation of Response to John's FDK --
I like that Clark can fully show disdain for Lex.
CLARK: Strangely enough, he makes it easy for me.

“Yes, why not? I have a thousand people in my employ…” Lex started.
JOHN: That actually seems like a pretty low number for Luthor to claim.
That's actually a canon line. I too thought it weird, especially after Lois tells Clark in Neverending Battle that LexCorp employs a million people in Metropolis, which I've always considered to be an exaggeration. In PML she also says that Lex funds half the scientists in the city, put that together and you've got more then a thousand people in Lex Luthor's employ. Luckily, it works well for a Lex-C line. laugh

Is this Lois trying to get a story?
Lex said he had experience, she was just trying to figure out how... unlike in canon.

Jimmy needs to hear this even more than Lex.
Don't worry, Jimmy is a coward at heart and won't do anything wiser (CK and Perry) people tell him not to.

Wait, Clark did not hear him? How did that happen?
Yes, Clark probably heard him as well, but there are times that Lois forgets Clark is a super powered being with gifted ears.

Notice how Lex positions himself as the one not in the line of fire at all.
Originally it was Lois's plan, but there was a reason for me to keep it this way.

Lois is being smart for once.
LOIS: [Linked Image] For once?

I was always surprised they did not shoot Perry in canon.
FUENTES: If I had wanted them dead I wouldn't have planned this robbery for when the Planet was empty or I would have killed them all when we busted in.

Clark is showing respect for Lois.
CLARK: Hey! I always respect Lois.

Even if Clark thinks this, it really does not good to bring it up. Does he want to ram home to Lois that Cat figured out CK=SM before she did?
But Clark doesn't know that Lois knows that.

I think it might work better as "She looked".
And you'd be right. Thanks. Fixed.

That definitely moves it beyond human interest into crime.
BRENDA MULDOON: What? The world was ending? I needed the medicine to save the people who would repopulate the planet.

OK, so maybe Cat is doing more on the story than I give her credit for. Still, it took them a few weeks to learn that?
Investigations don't take over night. Anyway, it's not the only story Cat's or Clark's working on.

Lois:Well, the disturbance around nightfall caused people to do new things. I mean, we made, ah, what I meant to say was some people who had not for years had sex.
CLARK: dance Lois and Clark don't have sex.
JIMMY: Oh, man, Lois. Not smooth. Not smooth at all.
JIMMY: And here I thought he was the King.
CLARK: Kill me. Kill me now.
LEX: Okay! <<stabs Clark>> Hey, this knife broke.
CLARK: Its plastic.
LEX: Oh. blush Right. I knew that.
CLARK: Why do I have this strange feelings he's not the brains behind LexCorp?
CAT: Oooh! Ooooh! Ooooh! I know this one! Call on me!

OK, I really wish he would tell her he was SM. He could probably whisper it, so no one else would hear, but since he does not know she knows, I guess I have to admit that it is not safe to risk her shock at learning the Secret.
Best not to whisper something like that so she a) doesn't freak out, and b) scoff and tell everyone that Clark thinks he's Superman.

party they are smiling at each other. plus I love that Lex is getting two-timed while on a date. he deserves to have a women turn on him after how many times he has cheated on women.
LOIS: It's not a real date.
CLARK: See, we're connecting, even if we can't really speak freely.

Still, Lex does not usually do his own dirty work, so he might not know much about such issues really.
Lois doesn't know how much or how little dirty work Lex does.

Calling these people "terrorists" is a bit much. They are criminals, but terrorists seems a bit much.
At the moment, all the hostages know is that armed gunmen have taken the DP. There isn't anything of value (that they know about in the building), so what else could they be but terrorists?

“No, but I… we have no choice. If I… or any of us… try to get to the bomb, any one of those guys could kill any one of you… us,” Clark hissed at Luthor.
JOHN: Hopefully neither the Jimmy's nor Luthor listen too closely to Clark.
I changed this line a bit from canon, so it seems as if Clark is correcting himself to include the others. In canon he didn't do that and the speech seemed even stranger.

Good thing she already knows, otherwise we might see a regular Mad Dog Lane display here.
Why would a not-knowing Lois notice any more than canon Lois?

Clark has now virtually told Lois that he is Superman.
Just as much as in canon, where I took this line of dialogue.

I am not sure this was the wisest response. It introduces the SM issue. There are other possible reasons Clark might think he was specially able to stop the blast. She should have said "Clark, despite your bomb squad training, you aren't that good."
Canon Lois brought up Superman first.
CLARK: huh Besides I don't have bomb squad training.

I think that should just be "Superman will find a way to".
Ooops. That's just me not fixing a Beta correction properly. Fixed, now!

He gazed back at her unsurely. How could a man have such a combination of power and kindness at his fingertips, and still not have confidence that he would wield it properly?
JOHN: Lana. Plus his Lois died.
Yep. That and he also lacks self-confidence because he didn't have his parent there to believe in him.
CLARK: Gosh. My life really sucked.

Clark:Lois you got shot. I was not fast enough to save you.
And there was that, too.

sad that he does not know that she knows.
LOIS: I just told him that I believe in him. What more do I have to say to that lunkhead?

I believe in you, Clark, she said with her mind,
JOHN: She should just whisper this line sub-audbly, so he can hear it, but no one else.
Ooooh. That's a good idea! I wish I had thought of it.

I guess the two outfits, with no real time to have changed, make that the most logical conclusion, although how do you have two Lex's? One good thing is if she asks Lois if Lex acted differently, Lois could answer yes, if she is in a mood to cooperate.
Then again, Lex was in a high stress situation and that might account for his strange behavior, unless -- of course -- he burst into tears.
LOIS: eek Please tell me Lex isn't going to burst into tears. I can deal with a lot of stuff, but not that.
CLARK: <<cautiously avoiding eye contact so Lois doesn't remember his tearful breakdown after their first date>>

it's only been two months since Phil? It seems longer. On the other hand, has it really been two months since Phil?
It's the end of March. PML happened in early February, so close to two months.

Clark:Then why does Lois turn to Luthor when I am not around.
LOIS: Duh! I'm trying to protect you.
CLARK: From what? Happiness? Oh, yeah, that actually does make sense in a dark curse-ful sort of way. Thanks, Lois.
LOIS: confused

How does she know it was Willie that locked it? Especially if it never gets locked. For all she knows the chief could have been the one to lock it. At first I thought Willie was directly guarding it, but on re-reading I see no evidence of that.
He told her that the doors are locked, he's manning the security desk in the lobby, therefore she concludes that Willie locked the doors. Anyway, I doubt Perry has a key, if the DP never closes.

If Lex goes completely out, maybe Clark will reveal who he is to the others and get them out secretly.
And risk the terrorists learning his secret?

Why, has she lost her mind? They would be mowed down like the British on the Somme when Kitchener's army was all killed in one day.
CAT: But they're firemen! Good guys that save people from fires. They aren't armed. To mow them down would be sick and evil.
LEX: Hello, shot here! These people *are* evil.
CAT: But they shot *you*, Lex.

Thanks for the fun and insightful comments. Glad to know my characters can make you mad, frustrated, and happy. It means they're doing their job.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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That's actually a canon line. I too thought it weird, especially after Lois tells Clark in Neverending Battle that LexCorp employs a million people in Metropolis, which I've always considered to be an exaggeration. In PML she also says that Lex funds half the scientists in the city, put that together and you've got more then a thousand people in Lex Luthor's employ. Luckily, it works well for a Lex-C line. [Big Grin]
I guess it works as a Lex-C line. Perry tells us in "Smart Kids" that Metropolis has 12 million people. My first reaction is unless it is a company town on the order of 1950s Flint, Luthor employing 1 million there seems a bit much. We learn that Lex owns Utilities, transportation, the phone company and broadcasting, plus Lex Labs and all the things Walter O'Neil held, which I got the impression was mainly factories. Lex may well have 1 million employees in Metropolis, if Perry was giving the city proper figures, and so Lex may have employees in the city who live beyond its borders, or if Perry and Lex have different ideas of Metropolis. Even without that, if Lex owns most of the major factories in the city, plus the company that runs the docks and such, maybe him employing a million in a city of 12 million is not that hard to believe.

John Pack Lambert
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Clark’s head popped up in time to see Lois and Luthor walk quickly into the newsroom. He stiffened as his lips dipped into a frown. Taxes, huh?
Well, everyone’s doing it. Same as with Lex doing every women legally obligated to pay taxes but still too young to actually earn money so she can pay taxes.

That’s right, Lois, you’ve been caught in your lie.
No that’s unfair. He doesn’t know if she hasn’t done taxes earlier that evening or would do them later that night or use the opera as a tax write-off.

Additionally, it looked as if he had never tied one before.
Mini-Lex: [Linked Image]

If he had only agreed to fly her out to Smallville, they could be talking, instead of Clark wanting to incinerate her date. He had nobody to blame, but himself.
Ding Ding Ding! We’ve got a winner!

There was no way she could claim that an evening at the opera was ‘just a meeting between a reporter and her source’.
LOIS: That’s true. It’s an assignment more boring than the dog show circuit, except that I still need to stay awake enough to keep me from catching crabs.

A tall blonde man with glasses stumbled through the doorway with Cat in his arms and stopped on the landing.
/checks video/ Huh, you’re right. He does look a lot like Clark.

Guess Cat was right. She was over Phil.

“Better luck tomorrow,” Luthor said, patting her shoulder. “Shall we go? If we leave now, we can still make the curtain.”
[Linked Image] [Linked Image] [Linked Image]

He knew neither part was being realistic, though.
LOIS: Do I get to at least have him shot a bit tonight?

Three men in repairmen uniforms and a woman in black leather, all of whom carried automatic weapons, stepped out onto the landing.

“What in the Sam Hill?!” Perry said, stepping between Clark and the visitors.
New Neighborhood Watch group.

The woman started shooting at the ceiling.
[Linked Image] /checks calendar/ Maybe Lois could share some of her chocolate?

“If I catch so much as a glimpse of a red cape, the gene pool of Metropolis will pay the price. So, relax. By tomorrow morning, this will all be over, one way or another.”
Funny thing is, the nuclear material could have cost them more than the loot is worth. Plus, if you add the problematic aspect of getting slapped with a terrorism charge… Then again, they did just watch Die Hard but had to leave the theater early, so they still thought taking over a building was a good idea.

Lex had been awfully quiet since the gunmen had forced them into the room. He probably wasn’t used to being the one not in charge.
No, he’s just hoping nobody notices the foul stench emanating from the lower part of his suit.

Lex thought about that for a minute. “No, I don’t think we can count on him. He’s not paid to be suspicious.”
wave Michael

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Originally posted by John Lambert:
That's actually a canon line. I too thought it weird, especially after Lois tells Clark in Neverending Battle that LexCorp employs a million people in Metropolis, which I've always considered to be an exaggeration. In PML she also says that Lex funds half the scientists in the city, put that together and you've got more then a thousand people in Lex Luthor's employ. Luckily, it works well for a Lex-C line. [Big Grin]
JOHN: I guess it works as a Lex-C line. Perry tells us in "Smart Kids" that Metropolis has 12 million people. My first reaction is unless it is a company town on the order of 1950s Flint, Luthor employing 1 million there seems a bit much. We learn that Lex owns Utilities, transportation, the phone company and broadcasting, plus Lex Labs and all the things Walter O'Neil held, which I got the impression was mainly factories. Lex may well have 1 million employees in Metropolis, if Perry was giving the city proper figures, and so Lex may have employees in the city who live beyond its borders, or if Perry and Lex have different ideas of Metropolis. Even without that, if Lex owns most of the major factories in the city, plus the company that runs the docks and such, maybe him employing a million in a city of 12 million is not that hard to believe.
AS we discussed, back in 1994(ish) NYC didn't even have that many people and it was actually closer to the population of NYC and LA combined. clap Good one!

Clark:Lois you got shot. I was not fast enough to save you.
Clark:Canon Clark's Lois never got shot.
Lois (later, when she understands things more):How do you know that.
Clark:I x-rayed her arm. No signs of having been shot.
LOIS: What were you doing x-raying THAT Lois? She was a married woman?
CLARK: [Linked Image]

LOIS: I just told him that I believe in him. What more do I have to say to that lunkhead?
JOHN: If you said "I believe you can save us" it would work wonders. Although, maybe it would also alert Luthor.
CLARK: Yeah, no pressure there, either.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Darth Michael: hyper

So, he’s in charge of the light weapon’s smuggling division?
GEORGE: [Linked Image] Just inventory.

It’s what they call pest extermination?
CAT: /exhales in relief/ That makes me feel a whole lot better. But next time, can they send around a memo warning us in advance. I don't want to see that again.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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