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Nobel Peace Prize Winner
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Wrong Place, Wrong Time, Wrong Clark TOC can be found Here Comments welcome.
Last edited by VirginiaR; 05/06/14 12:22 PM. Reason: Added Link
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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Lemons. *giggles* You *are* an evil woman! ... I like it! 
"It's the mythology of a sun god who wished he was a man because he saw something so great in us. It's the story of a hero who could move whole worlds and see through stars and hear a whisper on the other side of the planet... ...and who fell in love with a storyteller." - ashmaht (x)
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Top Banana
Top Banana
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Lois was sitting next to Jimmy and was now locked to Clark’s right wrist. Due to Lois’s attitude and their earlier conflict, their handcuffs were looped through the armrests of both of their chairs. Lois is tied to Clark!!  (For some reason I've found this idea a bit of a kink lately... Um.... tmi?  ) “I guess, they thought with you shot, Clark could control me better,” Lois replied tersely, lacing her fingers with Clark’s and squeezing his hand under the table. Awwww.... And the reason it's become a bit of a kink for me. “Well, usually, this place is like a tomb on Saturday nights,” Lois said.
Clark nudged her shoulder and smiled. “We’ve spent many a Saturday night investigating here.”
Lois returned his smile. “Good times. Nothing like a quiet newsroom to get down to the nitty-gritty of a story. I’m here most…” She cleared her throat. “Uh… many a Saturday night… er… when I’m not busy.” Again, awwwww. Also, I'm sure a few in that hostage situation are thinking "I don't know if I want to know what those two are up to here on Saturday nights." “I’m not going to let you do it!” Clark said, grabbing her wrist and snapping the handcuff back on it.
Lois sucked on her top teeth and leveled a glare at him so deadly that Clark realized ‘let’ was the wrong word ever to use with Lois. Oooooo... Clark... Here Lois, let me. *looks for the "whacking another over the head with a bat icon but can't find it*) He glanced back down at their joined wrists, still tangled up with the chairs, and smiled sheepishly. Ooops. “I didn’t…”
“No, you didn’t. Now, I’ve got to unlock it all over again,” she said, elbowing him in the ribs. “This time, let me get a word in edgewise, would ya? Just because Superman isn’t here, in this room, doesn’t mean you have to take on all of his duties and go off half-cocked, as you did in the Messenger Hangar, and be the hero without a plan of attack. Look what good it did Lex.” Go Lois! He needs to hear this. It's obvious that your comment wasn't enough. “Well, I don’t think…”
“Clearly!” she said, interrupting him.
“At least, when I say I’m working on my taxes, I’m really working on my taxes,” he countered.
“For your information, Einstein, I finished my taxes this afternoon,” she said. The handcuffs clicked open once more in time for her to jab him in the chest with her finger. “And I’d appreciate it if you would recall that my weekend plans were canceled for no good reason. Therefore, I wouldn’t comment, if I were you, when I say ‘yes’ to someone else asking me to join him for an opera I’ve never seen before.”
“Are you finished?” Clark asked, taking the paperclip away from her and tossing it back on the floor.
“Hardly,” Lois replied.
Clark grabbed her wrist and snapped the now free handcuff around it. “Guess you’re stuck with me.” All the more reason for the office to believe they're squabbling lovers. “How did they do that?” Jimbo asked. “It’s like magic. One moment, they’re attached to the chairs; the next they’re free. Amazing!”
“Cuz, one thing you learn when you work with Lois and CK: nothing is impossible,” Jimmy replied. Yup. One can pick locks and the other is Superman. Tempted as Clark was not to do anything to help the man, and allow Luthor’s own selfish folly be his downfall, Clark knew he couldn’t take on the role of judge, jury, and executioner of Lex Luthor without losing Lois’s respect. Especially since she knows... even if he doesn't know she does.
CLARK: No. I'm just worried I'm a jinx. JONATHAN: A jinx? CLARK: Yeah. Let's face it, ever since she's known me, Lois's been kidnapped, frozen, pushed off buildings, almost stabbed, poisoned, buried alive and who knows what else, and it's all because of me. -"Contact" (You're not her jinx, you're her blessing.)
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She dug around in her bag and pulled out her mobile phone. She flipped it open, turned it on, and then paused. What would Clark want her to do? Call 911. It clearly is an emergency, waiting longer makes no sense at all. Clearly, for some reason, he had not been able to escape, How would he do that when he thinks no one knows his secret, and he wants to avoid having any of them over-react and blow his cover to Luthor. If she called 9-1-1 to report the gunmen at the Planet, news crews from LNN and Metropolis Star, amongst others, would show up, and it could be a big embarrassment to the Daily Planet, better than having the top staff all die. Had he hired some sort of double to go the Daily Planet in his stead, to keep the perfectly safe real man alive and well, while his double… what? Saved Lois from certain death at the hands of gunmen? It always did seem odd that the plot was not a Luthor one when so much else in season 1 was. That seemed a far stretch to up LNN’s ratings. It probably would not work. Being the center of a hostage crises could only help the paper. It would make people more excited about reading it. Lois was sitting next to Jimmy and was now locked to Clark’s right wrist.  they are together.  that Luthor and the rest prevent them from really, truly bonding.
John Pack Lambert
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Lois glanced at him, realized his predicament, and dropped her hand under the table. I am surprised she did not say "you can handle it, Superman." OK, I guess not really, but it would have been fun. OK, not with Lex there, but still. “This is just great. Just great,” she grumbled, switching her drumming fingers to her other hand. “Remind me to thank Cat for keeping a stash of handcuffs in her desk drawer.” Now Cat is really being made the badguy. They all turned to look at Luthor. Clark wondered if they were as thrilled by his selfish actions as he was. How in the hell was Clark supposed to save them with Lois tied to his wrist? He didn’t even know how he’d accomplish the impossible without anyone discovering his secret, least of all, Lex Luthor. Is it better to let someone die or reveal his secret? “How are you doing, Lex?” Lois asked, peering past Perry to look at her date.  that she is showing any concern for him. “We should have been handcuffed together, Lois. We’re here together.” Shows that the attackers understand proper pairing better than Luthor. They paired everyone with their proper equivalent. The two old guys, the two young people, and the two people of a between age. “I guess, they thought with you shot, Clark could control me better,” Lois replied tersely, lacing her fingers with Clark’s and squeezing his hand under the table.  she is squeezing his hand. “Oh, Lois, you’re priceless,” Jimmy said once he got hold of himself, patting her free hand on the table with his. “Nobody can control you.” Lois:I just wish some men in my life would recognize that. “I have no idea what they’re talking about, my dear. You’re perfectly amiable,” Luthor interjected. Lois:Is Luthor that out of touch with reality, or did his brain get wrecked when he fell over? Clark, then, coughed to cover his lingering smile. If only Lois were controllable, he thought, and then he realized that she wouldn’t be Lois then, she’d be someone else.  He finally realizes the truth.
John Pack Lambert
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This is my second attempt at FDKing this section. My first one had too many smiles, and got rejected, and then I lost it. Clark, then, coughed to cover his lingering smile. If only Lois were controllable, he thought, and then he realized that she wouldn’t be Lois then, she’d be someone else.  he has realized the truth that Lois is best the way she is. Too bad it has taken this long to realize she can't be controlled, and he still has not internalized it enough. “I got it, CK!” Jimbo volunteered, pulling his cousin across the room and back again as he fetched the items. It dawned on me today that having two Jimmy's makes some later developments in the show make sense. It may actually make Jimmy's statement about how long he has worked at the Planet in "AKA Superman" work. At least if we accept the way we see two Jimmys here. The issue it clearly resolves is the Chief telling Jimmy that Clark's piece on retirement homes that won the Kerth was Jimmy's first photo spread. That always seemed a bit odd with the number of pictures of Superman Jimmy snapped in the Pilot. It would keep them distracted as he tried to come up with an escape plan.  that Clark is not able to work with Lois on this. Although it is mainly his fault. Maybe someone had noticed something he hadn’t. I think he is getting very prideful. “I don’t care. Both of you take notes. Just shut up!” Lois demanded. It is good to have someone around who can solve problems. “I don’t think they’re regular terrorists,” Clark said, What is a regular terrorist? “They were looking at blueprints of the Daily Planet building before the sprinkler went off.” Focus on the details first, not the terminology. “The building?” Perry repeated in dismay. “There isn’t anything of intrinsic value here at the Planet, except its employees and my Elvis box. Everything else is replaceable.” He said Lois:At least he mentioned us before the Elvis box. I am glad he does not have the attitude of some of upper management, they seem to think employees are easily replaceable. “They could be using the blueprints to lay traps for the police or to set detonation devices,” Luthor suggested. That seems excessive. Just place the bombs. Clark and Perry exchanged a look. They hated to admit it, but it was possible.  that Clark is exchanging looks with Perry and not Lois.
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“Five,” Luthor said weakly, sitting back in his chair. “I saw three gunmen, the woman, and the leader.” So they have been taken hostage by a classic 5-man band. A classic 5-man band includes 1 woman. “One of the men is named Schumack,” Lois said, speaking up for the first time. “S-C-H-U-M-A-C-K.” Despite all his heavy listening Is that sort of like heavy breathing? Perry frowned. “If they had made it here, they would have checked the building. That means that someone stopped them… Willie!” His shoulders dropped. “No, not Willie. I recommended him for the job.”[Quote]
Why did he ever do that?
[Quote]“What’s that supposed to mean?” Perry retorted. “I stand by everyone I’ve ever brought on board here.” He jabbed the table with his index finger. That seems pretty confident of him. “Even Ralph?” Lois inquired, her free hand draping over her and Clark’s joined hands as she gazed over at their boss.[Quote]  they are touching a lot. I hope Clark sees that Lois prefers him to Luthor. [Quote]“He might not be up to your caliber, Lane, granted, but few are.” It seems a bit odd that Perry calls her by her last name. Unless he figures he should be more formal with an outsider present. “See! That goes to show that they’ve gotten him too,” Perry defended his friend. Or that he is a collaborator with their kidnappers. “So, they could have a sixth guy manning the front desk,” Jimmy suggested. That would be the only other logical conclusion. They had to admit that was possible. Clark turned and looked down through the floors, but Willie wasn’t at his desk. sometimes it seems that Clark never really benefits from having his powers. “Of course!” Perry replied. “I told Jose, the nightshift editor, that Jimmy and I’d be here tonight, so he could go out with his wife for their anniversary.” I wonder what Alice thought of this. I was re-watching the Pilot recently and thought it was odd that Alice was not with Perry at the White Orchid Ball. I am not sure she was even mentioned at all before "Pheremone My Lovely". Clark smiled at his boss, admiring his thoughtfulness. Lois:Clark, you had better not plan to ditch me for the office like Perry does his wife. Clark:What are you talking about Lois. Lois:Ah, nothing, let's move on. “Then why did Willie think it was strange that we were all here tonight? He said, ‘you’re not supposed to be here’ to all of us, not just me and Mr. Luthor,” Jimbo reminded them. Another thing is with the printing plant apparently in the same building as the newspapers offices, at least that was my impression from "Barbarians at the Planet", I would think that this indicates that there are probably printers in the building, I would think based on when they "put the paper to bed" some of the printing would be done over night. “Well, usually, this place is like a tomb on Saturday nights,” Lois said. Clark:Not when your here Lois, when your hear it is wonderful. Clark nudged her shoulder and smiled.  more touching. “We’ve spent many a Saturday night investigating here.” Jimbo:Yeah, sure, those tow "investigate". Lois returned his smile. “Good times. Nothing like a quiet newsroom to get down to the nitty-gritty of a story. Jimmy:Is that what they are calling it now. I’m here most…” She cleared her throat. “Uh… many a Saturday night… er… when I’m not busy.” Is she trying to throw Luthor off how much time she spends with Clark, or is she just embarrassed that it makes it sound like she lacks a social life? “See, that’s what I’m saying. That old timer should have known that. The Daily Planet doesn’t close,” Jimbo said. Well, Willie is fairly new. He might have been highered since Lois began spending more time with Lex.
John Pack Lambert
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Clark decided to take a moment while everyone was talking, about whether or not Willie was in on the plot, to murmur in Lois’s ear.  more communication. “We all know and admire how dedicated you are, Lois.”  more touching. OK, this mainly shows we have had too little of such in the last few parts.  at not getting the Clark calls Lois to bring her into the Met Star investigation scene. “And I’d appreciate it if you would recall that my weekend plans were canceled for no good reason. Why did Clark not counter offer with a more local place to spend time together, instead of just giving up altogether on spending time with Lois. I understand why Lois does not want to spend time with Clark in Metropolis, but I do not understand why Clark did not even try to arrange such. Plus, he has spent so much time with Linda this week, he is lucky Lois is not even more mad at him. Therefore, I wouldn’t comment, if I were you, when I say ‘yes’ to someone else asking me to join him for an opera I’ve never seen before.” Clark:If you expect me to buy that this was just a friendly trip to the opera, I have a bridge to sell you along with some prime real estate in Florida. Clark grabbed her wrist and snapped the now free handcuff around it. “Guess you’re stuck with me.” Lois:Not until you put a ring on it. “Very funny,” she growled. “And are you implying that’s a bad thing?”  Lois is willing to consider spending time with Clark a good thing. “It could be,” Clark mumbled under his breath, wondering why he didn’t just join her handcuff directly to the chair. Because he likes being connected to Lois. True, he felt her safety more keenly when they were together, but did it have to be literally? It's all he can get these days. Then he remembered Lois had freed her own wrist from the bands, not his. So he would have left Lois free to run off to Lex. She wasn’t expecting him to escape; she was planning to do it. Lois:Don't be silly. Clark can break out of chains. I saw him do it at the Messenger hangar. Clark:No you didn't, otherwise you would not have treated me like scum while being gaga for my alter ego. Lois:Well, I saw the results of you breaking the chain, I just did not understand it at the time.
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“What are you guys talking about over there?” Perry asked, breaking into Clark’s thoughts.  at Perry interrupting their private conversation. “About how exciting it is to be in the belly of the beast, Perry,” Lois said, lying through her teeth. This always seemed an odd line in canon. It is not like this is even the first time she was kidnapped. Once more Lois amazed Clark with her ability to think on her feet. I guess being amazed is good. “Okay, Lex. So, you don’t share my enthusiasm,” Lois teased. “But you don’t have to fall asleep on me.”
Luthor groaned.  that he did not pass out in a way that no one noticed. Clark stood up, and pushed his chair away. Lois was right there with him as they both went to Luthor’s side. I guess this is more a result of them being chained than Lois caring at all for Lex. “Well, don’t just stand there. Do something!” Lois demanded. This sounds like Lois is coming close to revealing that she knows. “What do you want me to do, Lois? As you quite aptly pointed out, I’m not Superman,” Clark returned. Lois:I lied. Lois looked at her partner directly in the eye. “Superman would never let someone die. If there was any way he could save him, Clark, he would.” Why is she trying to guilt him into saving Luthor. Wouldn't it be easier for her if Luthor died. Or is she beginning to have fealings for the scumbag, despite everything he has done to her? Is it that she realizes that not saving Luthor will eat away at him, or is it that she wants to brake open her investigation of Luthor, not have him die and derail it. Although, actually if he dies it will probably make it easier for her to investigate, so I think only the not wanting this to canker Clark's soul really works. “It’s a through shot, I think,” Clark stammered, returning his gaze to Luthor’s shoulder so that he wouldn’t have to see in Lois’s eyes her undying admiration for Superman.  that Clark does not realize this is respect for him. Tempted as Clark was not to do anything to help the man, and allow Luthor’s own selfish folly be his downfall, It would be just deserts. However with this really being a clone, I guess maybe I should not root for his death. I am highly conflicted on this. I guess in the long run Lois and Clark will be better off if Luthor does not die here and now, but in the short run it would make things so much better. Clark knew he couldn’t take on the role of judge, jury, and executioner of Lex Luthor without losing Lois’s respect. He would just be judge, the terrorists are the executioners. Perhaps not on this day, but as soon as he finally told her the truth about being Superman, she would realize there might have been more that he could have done to try to save Luthor’s life. But if she also fully learns what Luthor has done to her, would she still want him to live? In addition, Clark didn’t want Lois to believe he would let Luthor die out of jealousy. I doubt that would be suspected. If he were really jealous of Luthor, he could just show Lois his Super side. Hmmm, this is why I never understood "Barbarians at the Planet". Clark knows Lois is considering marrying Luthor. Clark loves Lois. Clark knows Lois loves his Super side. Thus, Clark should reveal his Super side to Lois, and get her to go for him. OK, in the long run that would not have been as satisfying and may have ended with the show ending at the end of Season 1 with Clark and Lois getting married. Hmm, OK, I guess in the long run Clark made the right decision, at least to tell Lois that CK loved her. I am still thinking he should just have not shown up as SM, he made things worse. He should have gone and found an earthquake to help with. I am very conflicted about his claim he had lied about loving her. I see where he was coming from, but I still think it was stupid. It made him seem almost as manipulative as Luthor.
John Pack Lambert
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Lois turned Clark to face her again, grabbing hold of his shoulders. More touching, yeah. Although, how does she do that with the hand cuffs on? “Clark, he will die if we don’t do something and do it now.” Her tone of voice and the expression in her eyes told him that she knew this to be a certainty. She had another vision. Although I am not sure why she is so pleading for Luthor's life, considering a-what he has done to her, b-if he dies, she can stop being undercover. Plus his death will save the planet. Although I guess she does not know that. Tempting, but alas, no. “It’s just a remedy I learned from a Borneo medicine man…” Clark explained vaguely. I still wonder if he was in Sarawak, Sabah, Brunei or Indonesian Borneo. The remedy was a great way to distract everyone from what he was actually doing, which he also learned from the medicine man. So it is not the remedy per se, but how he uses it. That makes more sense. It always seemed oddly coincidental that they just happened to have the specific things he needed in the room. Although I guess TV shows thrive on odd coincidents. If they didn't, you would have too high a cast turn over in action shows. “This better not kill him, Clark,” Lois warned Why would Lois find Luthor dying bad. It seems a win situation for her. It wouldn’t kill Luthor, but it would sting like the dickens. Still too good of treatment for the jerk. The pain roused Luthor from unconsciousness. “Kent?” he murmured. I'm surprised the clone remembers Clark's name. After all the misery Lois had endured when Luthor had shot her, she deserved to be the one to administer Luthor’s pain now. I just hope she is thinking of it that way. “No, wait. You should do it. Since you have your right hand free, you’ll have an easier time pouring it than me.  that he did not point out the real reason he changed his mind. Luthor’s eyes stared at Clark’s in confusion Too bad with him being mostly out, Clark will not see this as a sign that this is not Luthor. Plus Luthor is so condescending and rude to others, he might have forgotten he shot Lois. Lois set down the cup and rubbed Clark’s arm in gratitude.  she is touching him. Although, I am not sure why she is grateful Luthor lived. It almost seems she really does care for the scumbag. “Grab the first aid kit, Lois. Let’s put a new bandage on him,” Clark recommended. Why is Clark creating more ways for Lois and Luthor to touch? Lois handed Clark the first aid kit, and then knelt down beside Luthor.  that she is connecting with Luthor. “It’s not your fault, Lex. They shouldn’t have shot you,” she said. Although it is his fault he tried to run. I am surprised they did not shot him dead for sure. “No, Lois. I’m sorry I failed you,” Luthor said softly, running his hand over her head and pulling her into his embrace. gag, sick,  she is thanking Clark. Clark didn’t want her gratitude. Saving Luthor might have been the right thing to do, but who knew how many people would now die because this man had lived? But if he thinks like that he will be back to Superman letting gang members thrown into the canals drown. Superman is not responsible for the decisions made by those he saved. If he saved someone going on a killing spree from being hit by a bullet or a falling random rock, maybe, but other than that, no.
John Pack Lambert
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Still with you. I am waiting for this whole story to untangle itself. will Wrong Clark ever be right?
Clark: “If we can be born in an instant, and die in an instant, why can’t we fall in love in an instant?”
Caroline's "Stardust"
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Boards Chief Administrator Nobel Peace Prize Winner
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Ooooh! I’ve caught up with FDK-FDK Okay, Cat realized. It was up to her. She needed to save the day. Her.
Oh, crap. Had Lex Luthor set this up? Was this one of his crazy schemes? Only to what end? Had he hired some sort of double to go the Daily Planet in his stead, to keep the perfectly safe real man alive and well, while his double… what? Got shot together with Lois? Saved Lois from certain death at the hands of gunmen? Ooooh! He wore an exotic Indian outfit, which would have normally made her knees weak thinking about the numerous sexual positions he could know, ASABI: I’m sorry, but I’m a cut man. Mr. Luthor hired me for my personal services, but he prefers to rely on his female staff members for the *other* sort of service. “Not very, Miss Grant. Between you and me, Mr. Luthor sometimes chooses to travel by alternative method, usually to avoid the press, and forgets that he hasn’t informed me. Thank you for your concern,” he said to her, bowing diplomatically to indicate that their conversation had ended. Only to speed dial Nigel and inform them that they have a situation and need to get the cleaners ready. LEX: Boinking Buddy? The leather-clad woman snapped the last pair of handcuffs on Jimbo and Jimmy. JIMMIES: Kinky! “Remind me to thank Cat for keeping a stash of handcuffs in her desk drawer.” Stash? *Stash*? How in the hell was Clark supposed to save them with Lois tied to his wrist? They’re linked by metal. So, if he takes a piece of metal and shoves it into the nearest wall outlet? He didn’t even know how he’d accomplish the impossible without anyone discovering his secret, least of all, Lex Luthor. Perry knows. Lois knows. The Jimmies can be made to shut up, even if Lois has to flash some boobs. Lex and other crooks can be disposed of. “I guess, they thought with you shot, Clark could control me better,” Lois replied tersely, lacing her fingers with Clark’s and squeezing his hand under the table. 
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Boards Chief Administrator Nobel Peace Prize Winner
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Clark, then, coughed to cover his lingering smile. If only Lois were controllable, he thought, and then he realized that she wouldn’t be Lois then, she’d be someone else. Well, you only need to implant a pain device into her skull, and then if she doesn’t do as the guy with the remote pleases, baaam, splitting headache. LOIS: What! LOIS: No way? And I was *what* at the time?  So he *can* perform!  Michael
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Nobel Peace Prize Winner
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I just noticed that I'm... cough... REALLY far behind... 135-128=7 FDK parts behind. My apologies. Part 140 is being a real struggle; I'm almost to the point where I scrap what I've written so far and start again. Lois is tied to Clark!! [Party] (For some reason I've found this idea a bit of a kink lately... Um.... tmi? [Peep] )  Christina is starting to work on her NFIC story(s) again! Oh, sorry, that's not what you meant. Again, awwwww. Also, I'm sure a few in that hostage situation are thinking "I don't know if I want to know what those two are up to here on Saturday nights." PERRY: Working, what else? LEX: I concur. PERRY: This is Lois and Clark. They never stop working even to sleep togeth... uh... sleep. LEX: What? PERRY: <<examines his fingernails>> Nothing. JIMMY: He means that they still discuss work even while doing it. LEX: Doing *what*? LOIS: Work. Work, that's all Clark and I ever do, we work ALL day and ALL night, even weekends. Right Clark? CLARK: /nods/ Sounds about right. Oooooo... Clark... Here Lois, let me. *looks for the "whacking another over the head with a bat icon but can't find it*) Oh, I've got a few of those... Go Lois! He needs to hear this. It's obvious that your comment wasn't enough. Nope. First you have to hit him with one of those clubs, and then tell him, and then hit him again. All the more reason for the office to believe they're squabbling lovers. PERRY: Nah, all partners argue like that. She's just his work wife. LOIS: I'm his *what*? PERRY: /clears throat/ Clark's her work husband. LEX: Her what? JIMMY: Her work husband. That means they only have sex at work... probably in the supply closet. CLARK: /crawls under the table in embarrassment/ LOIS: That's... that's... that's... JIMBO: True? LOIS: Well, *he's* Superman! LEX: *What?!* CLARK: /groans from under the table/ Lo-is. PERRY: ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/midi/frech/g042.gif) Oh, is he now? PERRY, JIMMY, and JIMBO laugh as Lois blushes and Lex kicks Clark under the table. CLARK: Ow. LEX: Some Superman, there, Lois. Perhaps when we're done here tonight, I should introduce you to a friend of my Dr. Arianna Carlin about your Superman obsession. LOIS: I'm not obsessed! Clark's the one who likes to dress up and pretend he's Superman. I just play along. Yup. One can pick locks and the other is Superman. LOIS: ah-hem. Super Woman, thank you very much, and they're both me! Especially since she knows... even if he doesn't know she does. Even ghost Clark came to this conclusion during Another Lois. Laurach: Thanks for dropping in.  Glad to know you're still with me. will Wrong Clark ever be right? Yes, someday, for someone. Michael: I'll get to your FDK in turn. I think I last responded to... ugh... Part 117? I'll have to double check though. I apologize for being so far behind, especially now that you've caught up. 
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Part 115  Michael
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John: Hi!  Sorry about the delay. Call 911. It clearly is an emergency, waiting longer makes no sense at all. But then Lex might die. CAT: Nah, Superman is up there. He'll make sure Lex won't die. How would he do that when he thinks no one knows his secret, and he wants to avoid having any of them over-react and blow his cover to Luthor. Um... same way Jack does by going out the door and down the stairs? No SM need apply. better than having the top staff all die. True, but so far, only Lex has been shot. As far as she knows. It always did seem odd that the plot was not a Luthor one when so much else in season 1 was. Hmmmm. So, Intergang supplies Fuentes with the bomb? LEX: That makes sense. Edging in on my territory. LOIS: What? LEX: Corporate politics, darling. Nothing to worry your pretty little head about. LOIS:  I don't understand her. CLARK: Tell me about it. If she'd only "stay" when I ask her to. PERRY: Or write the stories I assign her. JIMMY: Or say 'please' every once and a while. LOIS: Guys, I'm still sitting right here. This is my second attempt at FDKing this section. My first one had too many smiles, and got rejected, and then I lost it. That's so frustrating. I always "preview post" to check my smilies count and then copy over to WORD if I've over-run with them and break them up there. Thanks for staying strong. he has realized the truth that Lois is best the way she is. Too bad it has taken this long to realize she can't be controlled, and he still has not internalized it enough. Implementing the fact that she can't be controlled is much more difficult. It dawned on me today that having two Jimmy's makes some later developments in the show make sense. It may actually make Jimmy's statement about how long he has worked at the Planet in "AKA Superman" work. At least if we accept the way we see two Jimmys here. The issue it clearly resolves is the Chief telling Jimmy that Clark's piece on retirement homes that won the Kerth was Jimmy's first photo spread. That always seemed a bit odd with the number of pictures of Superman Jimmy snapped in the Pilot. Ah, someone sees the wisdom of my ways. Other things will be explained in time, grasshopper. Maybe someone had noticed something he hadn’t. JOHN: I think he is getting very prideful. Statement of fact. *HE* has extra powerful senses and faster ability to think. He can hear and see things others can't. AND he's still asking for their opinion. Where is he being prideful? “I don’t care. Both of you take notes. Just shut up!” Lois demanded. JOHN: It is good to have someone around who can solve problems. LEX: Me! See, I told you I should be in charge. John agrees. PERRY: My ship! My ship! LOIS: I can get you all to do what I want because I'm a woman. CLARK: That's not... LOIS: /bends over/ CLARK: /starts to speak jibberish/ JIMMY: She's got a point there. JIMBO: What should we do, Boss? LOIS: ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/smilie/teufel/d035.gif) LEX: See, I'm in charge, because I control Lois. CLARK, LOIS, PERRY, and JIMMYs look at Lex in disbelief. LEX: What? Women will do anything for money and I'll soon be the second richest man in the world. LOIS: /whispers to Clark/ If he starts to bleed out, just let him die. What is a regular terrorist? People who invoke terror for a political cause. That seems excessive. Just place the bombs. But you would want to place them where they'll do the most damage (structurally), not just in a lunchbox on a snack table. LEX: /takes notes/ Good to know.  that Clark is exchanging looks with Perry and not Lois. Well, as far as Clark knows, Perry agrees with him about Lex and Lois doesn't.
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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-- Continuation of Response to John's FDK -- Despite all his heavy listening JOHN: Is that sort of like heavy breathing? Hmmm. That phrase is a bit awkward. I changed "heavy" to "focused". My guess is that Perry struck up a conversation with Willie one day outside the DP and Willie mentioned to Perry that he used to work in the building when he was younger. During the course of their conversation, Willie mentions he's seeking employment, and Perry offers to recommend him to HR. It seems a bit odd that Perry calls her by her last name. Unless he figures he should be more formal with an outsider present. On occasion, Perry does call Lois by her last name. He's talking about her credentials as a reporter and he usually calls all his (male) staff by their last names, so that's why he's doing so here. They had to admit that was possible. Clark turned and looked down through the floors, but Willie wasn’t at his desk. JOHN: sometimes it seems that Clark never really benefits from having his powers. The reason Willie isn't at his desk is because he's talking to Asabi at the front doors. Clark could scan the whole building for him, but it might be a bit obvious. I wonder what Alice thought of this. I was re-watching the Pilot recently and thought it was odd that Alice was not with Perry at the White Orchid Ball. I am not sure she was even mentioned at all before "Pheremone My Lovely". Alice could have been there, but since they used two different actresses to play her in S3 & S4, we might not have recognized her. What What was odd was that Jimmy AND Cat AND Lois AND Perry AND CLARK were all there. That seems excessive for one newspaper. I could see Perry being there as an obligation as his status of editor of the DP, but both Cat and Jimmy seemed extra since Lois and Clark were there, especially since Jimmy didn't have his camera, he was there just socially... as an gofer. The only other explanation of the lack of Alice was that she had a prior commitment (family) or had gotten sick, so Perry brought Jimmy instead. Lois:Clark, you had better not plan to ditch me for the office like Perry does his wife.
Clark:What are you talking about Lois.
Lois:Ah, nothing, let's move on. Don't worry, he'll ditch her for his other job more often. Another thing is with the printing plant apparently in the same building as the newspapers offices, at least that was my impression from "Barbarians at the Planet", I would think that this indicates that there are probably printers in the building, I would think based on when they "put the paper to bed" some of the printing would be done over night. Most of the printing would be done overnight. But it was my understanding that the printing rooms were in the sub-basement, which is why everyone from that level are running UP the stairs when the bomb explodes. It would also explain why the DP building is so short, since most of it's floors are underground. Is she trying to throw Luthor off how much time she spends with Clark, or is she just embarrassed that it makes it sound like she lacks a social life? The latter. Well, Willie is fairly new. He might have been highered since Lois began spending more time with Lex. Willie was released from prison at least 10 months previously as Fuentes says that he's been planning this job that long. he is being smart and complimenting her, in a way that really respects her, instead of Luthor's shallow compliments. Also, Clark believes his words. “Put it back on,” he said back. JOHN: Clark, you need to ask nice. The dialogue from the first part of this conversation with Lois was the same as Clark's conversation with Jack in canon. Clark really needs to tell Lois about his other dimension. If she understands why he is so worried about her dying, she probably still won't like his over-protectiveness, but they can discuss better what to do about it. Unfortunately, this is neither the time nor the place. why is he being such a lunkhead. He was doing so good, and now destroys everything. Again, canon Clark was just as rude to Jack. If only he would learn and not act this way in the future. I have my doubts. LOIS: He's young enough to still be trainable. I think that should be "about the room". Thanks, fixed! He needs to think before acting more. Clark: But I got us out of the messenger hangar alive. Lois:Sure, and you probably had the suit by then, so you could have changed to being Superman and saved me without us nearly dieing. Clark:  Wouldn't *that* have surprised Dr. Baines? DR. BAINES: Who's the stud in the tights? SUPERMAN: I'm Superman! DR. BAINES: You sure are, honey, but what's with the outfit? LOIS: It accents the good stuff. CLARK: *Lois!* Now he is just being petty. No, well, maybe, but he's angry about her not telling him about her date with Lex. Why did Clark not counter offer with a more local place to spend time together, instead of just giving up altogether on spending time with Lois. I understand why Lois does not want to spend time with Clark in Metropolis, but I do not understand why Clark did not even try to arrange such. Plus, he has spent so much time with Linda this week, he is lucky Lois is not even more mad at him. Clark was busy working on his undercover assignment with Linda at the Met Star and didn't know if his investigation would be completed by that weekend. Clark:If you expect me to buy that this was just a friendly trip to the opera, I have a bridge to sell you along with some prime real estate in Florida. LOIS: Why would I want to own a bridge? Lois:Not until you put a ring on it. Well, a handcuff is round. Lois is willing to consider spending time with Clark a good thing. She knows it can be. Because he likes being connected to Lois. Yep, not thinking with his brain... cause he was thinking with his heart. ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/midi/boese/a045.gif) And you all I thought I meant something else! So he would have left Lois free to run off to Lex. LOIS: I'm not running to Lex.  I freed myself, because he can free himself just by flexing his wrist. Lois:Don't be silly. Clark can break out of chains. I saw him do it at the Messenger hangar.
Clark:No you didn't, otherwise you would not have treated me like scum while being gaga for my alter ego.
Lois:Well, I saw the results of you breaking the chain, I just did not understand it at the time. CLARK: Anyway, I didn't break the chains. It had a missing link. LOIS: Hey, just like you.  at Perry interrupting their private conversation. Perry knew if he noticed them whispering to one another, so would Lex... so he was warning them that others could hear. This always seemed an odd line in canon. It is not like this is even the first time she was kidnapped. Technically, they've been held hostage at work, not kidnapped... and it's probably the first time that has happened.  that he did not pass out in a way that no one noticed. Now, who's the evil one? I guess this is more a result of them being chained than Lois caring at all for Lex. Yes. This sounds like Lois is coming close to revealing that she knows. Except that it's canon dialogue. “What do you want me to do, Lois? As you quite aptly pointed out, I’m not Superman,” Clark returned. Lois:I lied.  ugh. No. Unless fury counts as a feeling. Is it that she realizes that not saving Luthor will eat away at him, or is it that she wants to brake open her investigation of Luthor, not have him die and derail it. Although, actually if he dies it will probably make it easier for her to investigate, so I think only the not wanting this to canker Clark's soul really works. A bit of both. It would be just deserts. However with this really being a clone, I guess maybe I should not root for his death. I am highly conflicted on this. I guess in the long run Lois and Clark will be better off if Luthor does not die here and now, but in the short run it would make things so much better. Yes, not fair to punish the clone for Lex's evil deeds. As for the other stuff... He would just be judge, the terrorists are the executioners. But I thought the whole Princess Diana controversy proved that you're just as guilty if you watch someone die, when you're able to help and don't do anything. But if she also fully learns what Luthor has done to her, would she still want him to live? Lois's motivation will be explained during her POV. I doubt that would be suspected. If he were really jealous of Luthor, he could just show Lois his Super side. Hmmm, this is why I never understood "Barbarians at the Planet". Clark knows Lois is considering marrying Luthor. Clark loves Lois. Clark knows Lois loves his Super side. Thus, Clark should reveal his Super side to Lois, and get her to go for him. OK, in the long run that would not have been as satisfying and may have ended with the show ending at the end of Season 1 with Clark and Lois getting married. Hmm, OK, I guess in the long run Clark made the right decision, at least to tell Lois that CK loved her. I am still thinking he should just have not shown up as SM, he made things worse. He should have gone and found an earthquake to help with. I am very conflicted about his claim he had lied about loving her. I see where he was coming from, but I still think it was stupid. It made him seem almost as manipulative as Luthor. If you've ever watched the Julia Robert's film Notting Hill, she explains Clark's dilemma really well. (If you haven't, sorry for the spoiler.) Anna Scott (Julia Roberts): Rita Hayworth used to say, "They go to bed with Gilda; they wake up with me."
William (Hugh Grant): Who's Gilda?
Anna Scott: Her most famous part. Men went to bed with the dream; they didn't like it when they would wake up with the reality. That's what canon Clark's afraid of, that Lois will regret getting involved with Superman because Clark Kent doesn't live up to that image and she won't stick around to be with him.
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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-- Continuation of Response to John's FDK -- Lois turned Clark to face her again, grabbing hold of his shoulders. JOHN: More touching, yeah. Although, how does she do that with the hand cuffs on? Good point. At this point, Lois and Clark are attached his right wrist to her left wrist, with about 6 inches of leeway with the chain, so she can do it, but she takes his right hand along with her left one. She had another vision. Although I am not sure why she is so pleading for Luthor's life, considering a-what he has done to her, b-if he dies, she can stop being undercover. Plus his death will save the planet. Although I guess she does not know that. She doesn't know about (b). Her POV will be explained later. It may not be logical but it's still her opinion. So it is not the remedy per se, but how he uses it. That makes more sense. It always seemed oddly coincidental that they just happened to have the specific things he needed in the room. Although I guess TV shows thrive on odd coincidents. If they didn't, you would have too high a cast turn over in action shows. Yes, it was during this episode (and IoG) that I realized that a fruit bowl IS kept in the conference room for the staff, and here Clark thought there were only donuts available at the beginning of this story (must edit that for the archives). Why would Lois find Luthor dying bad. It seems a win situation for her. Rooting for someone to die isn't what good guys (and their gal pals) are supposed to do. In the abstract it is much easier than when it happens right in front of you. Still too good of treatment for the jerk. CLARK: I thought so. I'm surprised the clone remembers Clark's name. He's been well trained. I just hope she is thinking of it that way. LOIS: ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/smilie/frech/e010.gif) I have no idea to what you could be referring. /mutters as she pours the liquid/ How does *that* feel, buster? Like you've been shot?!  that he did not point out the real reason he changed his mind. To think about torturing someone is one thing, to point it out to all your friends and work colleagues is something else entirely. Too bad with him being mostly out, Clark will not see this as a sign that this is not Luthor. Plus Luthor is so condescending and rude to others, he might have forgotten he shot Lois. He hasn't forgotten. she is touching him. Although, I am not sure why she is grateful Luthor lived. It almost seems she really does care for the scumbag. She's proud of Clark's accomplishments and she's happy about her story not being killed off. Although it is his fault he tried to run. I am surprised they did not shot him dead for sure. REMI: Tell me about it. Intergang would have paid us double for the job and given us the money in the vault as well. *I* should have been the one to shoot him. If he had excaped, it would not have gone well for the remaining prisoners. OK, maybe it would have, since Clark might have revealed his powers and saved them all, but Luthor had no way to know that. Not necessarily. I wonder if anyone has ever written a story where Lex makes it through the door, unscathed.  that Clark does not realize that she knows CK=SM. Good thing Clark has a good memory and can recall all these phrases later on, then, right? /crickets/ Or not. “Thank you, Clark.”JOHN:  she is thanking Clark. Actually, she's telling Clark that she thinks he's the hero. But if he thinks like that he will be back to Superman letting gang members thrown into the canals drown. Superman is not responsible for the decisions made by those he saved. If he saved someone going on a killing spree from being hit by a bullet or a falling random rock, maybe, but other than that, no. Which is why he allow himself second guesses. He acts and doesn't think about the consequences. LOIS: Tell me about it. TEMPUS: Like I always say. Heroes act, villains plan.
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Originally posted by VirginiaR: [QB] How would he do that when he thinks no one knows his secret, and he wants to avoid having any of them over-react and blow his cover to Luthor. Um... same way Jack does by going out the door and down the stairs? No SM need apply.[?QB] But Clark cares about Lois's safety, he does not want to needlessly leave her at the mercy of the bad guys when he can protect her.  they are together.  that Luthor and the rest prevent them from really, truly bonding. So, you want Lois and Clark to be handcuffed together *alone* in a room without any witnesses? Well, it would be better than this. Although, the handcuffs are not really needed.
John Pack Lambert
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Well, as far as Clark knows, Perry agrees with him about Lex and Lois doesn't. Thus the sad part, Clark does not realize that he and Lois are on the same page. Sometimes I wonder if we will ever get to the point where that is the case. Still, we have made so much progess, and compared to canon Lois and Clark are much closer at this point, especially physically, that I should not really complain. I mean, to this point in canon they had only slept together once, and that was on a couch, and I am not sure Clark ever fell asleep. Oh wait, I got confused. I was thinking of Lois falling asleep on Clark's shoulder while watching a movie, but that was season 2. When Lois shows up afraid of Barbara Trevino, we just she her walk in. So far in this story Lois and Clark have slept together about 3 times. Clark:No we haven't, she is still alive. Reader:What do you call it when you and her were in the same bed? Also, I have strong suspicions more happened in the Hospital than Lois admits.
John Pack Lambert