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Wrong Place, Wrong Time, Wrong Clark TOC can be found HereNow that your curiosity over what the other characters were doing after Luthor was shot, we'll return to our main character's POV in the next part. Well, you wanted Lois and Clark to do more touching. Now, they can't help it if they tried. Comments welcome. EDIT: I noticed by reviewing my previous description of the ark, it is actually 500 Meters below Metropolis, not feet. This line has now been corrected. My apologies for not catching this error sooner. 
Last edited by VirginiaR; 05/06/14 12:19 PM. Reason: Added Link
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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If it succeeded at doing that, the Lex-Clone was allowed to kiss Miss Lane on the cheek as its reward before returning to ark. I think you want to say "the ark". Using techniques he learned while in the DMI (Indian’s Military Intelligence), It should either be "Indian Military Intelligence" or "India's Military Intelligence". I would probably go with the later, since I would probably say "the CIA, America's intelligence". I have to say I like the added details and background on Asabi.
John Pack Lambert
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Professional office cleaners would never leave someone in the van. Very good point. Their cover is pretty lousy. Especially with their guard not really paying attention. but he had tailed her on numerous occasions. I'm surprised Lois does not have more dislike for Asabi, or did she never figure out he was her tail? Due to this, he already knew how many flights up he needed to traverse. This has lead me to think they really need better security at the planet. The floor and the surrounding area of the desk were wet, although he couldn’t see any reason for it that. I think you either want to say "for that" or "For it". Suddenly, he heard Mr. Luthor… the Lex-Clone scream in agony. Lois is getting her revenge. Asabi considered his options. Contacting the real Mr. Luthor was out of the question. Yes, interrupting Lex's night with Ariana would be bad. Well, at least for Asabi's standing. It might be good for the pheromone-infected Ariana. Asabi would have to return to the penthouse to telephone him directly. Wait, but if it is an issue of St. John's phone not picking up, how would Asabi changing his phone help things? Mrs. Cox? No, that woman was more bother than she was worth. Additionally, she hadn’t been on Mr. Luthor’s personal invite list for the ark, and she might take it badly, learning of its existence. But how would telling Mrs. Cox about this inform her of the existence of the ark? Dr. Gretchen Kelly was Mr. Luthor’s personal physician, but she hadn’t been privy to the creation of the clone. Of, so that is why she tried to revive the body in "Another Lois", she did not realize it was a clone. First, on Asabi’s agenda, would be rescuing the Lex-Clone, preferably before it died of its wounds. See, I knew Clark should not have saved him. It just makes things easier for Luthor. Asabi would probably have to save the other hostages as well, which would be an extra burden. Clark:No, I will be happy if someone takes Lex as far away from Lois as possible. He doubted that Mr. Luthor would allow him to live if Miss Lane died under Asabi’s watch. She won't die as long as Clark is there. Next, he would need to find a plausible way to get the clone back to the ark without anyone being the wiser of its existence. This will be hard, since everyone else will try to send the clone to the hospital. Luthor might have to fake a gun wound, and this might involve shooting himself. Lois:Don't be crazy, I will do the shooting for him. such as a ‘recovery’ room set up at the penthouse for Mr. Luthor. Hmm, with him able to go to the ark, this will not be nearly as difficult for Luthor as it ought to be. Mrs. Cox would have to be notified about the change in Mr. Luthor’s schedule. I am surprised they have kept Mrs. Cox uninformed about the arc. Wait, but does she know about the clone?
John Pack Lambert
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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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It's the Adventures of Bill and Cat! woot! By day, she's a knockout society columnist in stilettos, and he's a not-so-much deskbound inspector. By night, they fight crime!
Looking good, Virginia. More please?
"It's the mythology of a sun god who wished he was a man because he saw something so great in us. It's the story of a hero who could move whole worlds and see through stars and hear a whisper on the other side of the planet... ...and who fell in love with a storyteller." - ashmaht (x)
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Clearly, whoever these men were they weren’t professional terrorists. Arguably most terrorists are amateurs. They do it for the love of the cause, not the money. Which also means professional might not be the best word to describe what he has in mind. They were being too careless. They were all doing something in that office: drilling, using a blowtorch, and shoveling away debris. Schumack:Why worry about guarding. Willie locked the doors, and we left Freddy in the van in the garage, so no one will get in. “Nah,” the first man replied. “That was Fuentes losing his cool, blowing off steam. There’s a reason I didn’t tell him our news face-to-face.” Oh, I thought he was just going for efficiency. that he had a lack of a social life. Maybe he just gets stuck with the night shift. Policemen do that. Although, I would guess not so much at the level of Henderson, they probably officially work 9-5 on salary, and really work crazy, insane hours. “Watch? What watch?” she sputtered. How had he learned about her watch investigation? Because he found the watch. Cat and Lois really need to coordinate on this investigation. Cat:And loose my chance to scoop her? Lois:What, do you think I am stupid. I know what happens when you share your story, look what Claude did to me. “Are you pulling my leg?” Bill asked with annoyance. “Because that doesn’t sound like something you newspaper types would tell me about until after the fact. Cat:Well, they are already hostage, so it is after the fact. tired of being treated less than human for one evening just because she happened to be a gorgeous woman with a sense of style. Although since Henderson can't see her, that might not be why he is doing this. as a best friend? Really?” Bill scoffed.  She did say her previous search for Lois was for a friend, so Henderson's conclusion makes sense.  someone else understands that Lois and Clark are first and foremost friends. Although,  it does not seem to work so well in this story. Join the club, Cat thought and not correcting him on his erroneous assumption of her relationship with Lois. Like he would ever believe it if she tried to claim Clark was her best friend. “If he’s really been shot, why didn’t you dial 9-1-1?” he asked. He needs an ambulance immediately. “Because their man on the inside is the security guard named Willie,” Cat explained. “He’s an old man, like white hair and shuffles old, and he likes to listen to the police scanners. If you can keep it quiet, and off the official channels, so they don’t know you’re coming, then maybe they’d be less likely to shoot more hostages.” I still don't buy it. Speed is of the essence to save Luthor.  that Luthor is still alive. “Wait! No! Cat, don’t,” Bill interrupted. “Get yourself someplace safe and leave this to the professionals, Catherine. I don’t need to deal with freeing a sixth hostage.” Cat:I investigate for a living, I am a professional here. “I thought you said… never mind. So did he miss that there were two Jimmies? wondered if Clark had heard the sirens. My guess would be they all heard the sirens, except maybe the Lex-clone. Of course, he had, but Clark couldn’t run out on some flimsy excuse to be Superman at the moment. I thought he only responded to calls that really required his help. Except in "Target:Jimmy Olsen"., which I still think was the stupidest scene ever, Superman specifically making sure some punks cleaned up graffiti when Clark should have been talking with Lois. They really should have had some scenes where Clark apologized for running out on her too often. Hmm, maybe I should write them.
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She hoped whatever that cop was rushing off to was something he could handle without super assistance. Superman stopping a crime seems to be more pressing if the police have not been notified. “Good. Then they’re doing their job. Well, they have only met once, so it really does not tell us much.
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What happened to letting the professionals do the searching. as long as you follow me over a block to my car and let me fit you with a vest,” he replied. For some reason the main thing that comes to my mind at this point is Lois wearing the vest in "Don't Tug on Superman's Cape". She shrugged. “If they don’t shoot me in the head.” This is a good point. Bill’s eyes trailed down her body and back up again. “You might have room under that turtleneck to hide it from view.” I am surprised that Bill does not have not marked vests for undercover work. Although, I guess if you are under-cover you can't often wear a vest. Lois:Good point, it would never have worked at the Metro Club. She rolled her eyes. “At least, I’m in disguise and nobody would recognize me as the chunky woman in black.” wouldn't that just make her disguise better, looking chunky? Luckily, the blowtorch was one of those equipped with a safety mechanism, which turned off if a certain button wasn’t held down. But that would not change the issue that the man Asabi threw into Schumack was already on fire. The two men landed in a pile of concrete debris on the floor. Between Schumack landing on his partner’s back and the concrete dust from their hack job they had done to the floor, the fire was extinguished. Hmm, I guess that works, maybe. but I didn’t want get any closer to see for sure.” I think that should be "want to get".
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Cat shrugged. “The man who shot Lex was sitting at my desk looking at some big pieces of bright blue papers when the fire sprinklers went off on him for no reason.” I guess Cat can't tell him why they went off, since she does not know Henderson knows CK=SM. Lois:How did everyone figure out before me. Henderson:Wait, you didn't know? Lois:Well, not until he rescued me as SM while his memory was still not all back. Henderson:I didn't learn much before you. but she could almost see past the window and into room. I think you want to say "into the room" (yeah, I know, those pesky articles). “If only Clark would come to the window…” she grumbled. “Maybe we could communi…” Wait, does she want to tell Henderson that. Shouldn't she at least say "someone" to not be so obvious. Suddenly, Clark was at the door scowling at her. He shooed her away. Lois:Let the hussy get captured, she deserves it. “He can’t hear you,” Bill reminded her. Now everyone gets to pretend they don't know. “Clark doesn’t have to hear me, Bill,” she replied, pointing to her mouth. “He reads lips.” Clark:It is true. Clark:Although they aren't really talking distinctly enough for it to really work. “A little bit, but nowhere near as good as Clark. Henderson:I don't think anyone on this planet is as good at that as he is. Clark raised both hands, giving the sign for six. From his right wrist dangled a set of handcuffs.  Lois is not connected with him. “Houdini, huh?” Bill murmured. “Where are the gunmen?” Clark held up one hand, five fingers. Then he waved his hand and held up six fingers again. At first I thought he was saying they were all in Perry's office. “Five or six are in Perry’s office?” Cat guessed.
Clark shook his head and held up two fingers. Oh, so he even clarifies for them. This is a really small operation. “How are the hostages?” Bill asked. It seems a bit odd to refer to them this way when Clark is one. “Five are well; one isn’t so well, but still alive,” Bill translated. It is good Bill is so good at hand speak, otherwise we might be totally lost. Clark gave a quick thumbs-up signal, and then turned away from the window to stretch his arms over his head.
“Someone caught him doing something,” Bill said. “Let’s hope it wasn’t the gunmen.” I really hope we get a recap of this section from Clark or Lois's view, or even Jimmy or Perry. Someone on the inside. Bill looked at Cat with genuine surprise. “How in the hell did he read my lips that time?” Bill is really good at covering that he knows CK=SM. So good, Lois and Clark might not know it ever in this story.  that Lois and Luthor have the same initials, otherwise I could use their initials. Cat shrugged. “Maybe he wasn’t responding to your question,” she suggested. Now the big question is, does WH think CG knows that CK=SM. Cat:The more important think is to know that CK loves LL. The policeman stared at her a good ten seconds, but she didn’t give anything away. So WH wants to know if CG knows. Cat nodded, but her heart was racing too fast for her to speak. She could still hear the echo of the shot that hit Lex and smell the burning powder. Interesting she thinks of him as Lex and not Luthor. Especially when she has strong reason to suspect it isn't really Luthor.
John Pack Lambert
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When Clark returned, Lois was handcuffed to his chest.  what was Clark saying about "running into a nuclear explosion", I couldn't run either way for it to matter when the bomb went off. Clark shook his head, and then inadvertently rubbed Lois’s stomach when he shrugged, earning him an elbow to his gut from his partner. But with Luthor out, shouldn't he be encouraging to take advantage of the chance to be affectionate. “Let’s hope he’ll be free to help us,” Bill replied, but he sounded doubtful. Lois:Clark, you have to leave me. Clark:Lois, if I do, and they let that bomb off, nothing else will matter. Cat took once last glance at her best friend, and whispered, “Good luck.” Clark:Hey, I am the one who gets to be real close to the love of my life. “I don’t know, but I think Superman’s been here,” Bill mumbled, But he knows Superman has been stuck upstairs all this time. That makes no sense. sounding as though he couldn’t believe the words coming out of his mouth. Why assume it was Superman. If Bill can be sneaking around with few people knowing why not someone else. Do they really think Luthor has that little security that he would just wander into the DP with no backup. That is actually the biggest issue with Flyhard, why did Luthor not bring his body guard. She blinked her eyes. Clark hadn’t been down here. He was locked upstairs with five other hostages, who surely would have notice him disappear. Lois:I covered for him. Actually though, how is Bill so sure it was the gunmen and not more late-night employees? If Clark hadn’t tied up the gunmen, who had? Lex Gaurds. Don't leave home without them. Well, no real cleaning company would leave a driver in the van. If he had seen her enter the building earlier… Cat’s eyes widened as thoughts raced through her mind at what could have happened. Clearly it didn't, so no point in worrying. he saw her. “Catherine?”
“Bill!” she gasped softly, staring at him with relief. Why does he call her Catherine and not Cat? Also, it is a bit odd he says Catherine and she doesn't respond with William. He moved closer to her. “Come on. Let’s go. I’m sorry that I allowed you to come along,” he said, If he were dealing with Mad Dog Lane he would get a kick in the ribs for that comment. “The driver of the van. Whoever tied up those men in Advertising wasn’t Superman,” he explained, Actually, he is still assuming that there is a direct connection between the van incident and them men in advertising. There is no real evidence for such. Occam's razor might suggest such, but in reality the simplest explantion (here read as few people as possible) is not always correct. “Superman doesn’t carry a knife, or slice open men’s throats. Either one of those terrorists has gone rogue on his team, or we have a renegade vigilante on our hands.” It might just be a random criminal who slit the guy in the van's throat, unrelated to the other incident. One more  over Lois and Clark touching. Even if we did not get to directly hear either of them this part.
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When Clark returned, Lois was handcuffed to his chest. Both of them had their arms crossed in front of her. Lois’s back rested against his chest, her right wrist was cuffed to his right, and her left wrist was attached to his left. There was no way to separate them from one another without tying the other into a knot or unfastening the two sets of handcuffs, because their hands were crisscrossed. Cat could see Lois grumbling about this new position’s lack of freedom. I'm trying to figure out how that would work. I have one image of them pretty much spooned with his right hand able to entwine with her right and the same with her left while the two handcuffs are twisted together. Is this correct? Regardless, this once again makes for fun intimacy between the two of them in a way that I adore. I can't wait to hear their story on how that predicament came about.
CLARK: No. I'm just worried I'm a jinx. JONATHAN: A jinx? CLARK: Yeah. Let's face it, ever since she's known me, Lois's been kidnapped, frozen, pushed off buildings, almost stabbed, poisoned, buried alive and who knows what else, and it's all because of me. -"Contact" (You're not her jinx, you're her blessing.)
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My apologies. Part 130 will be delayed. I doubt I'll have written the ten pages needed to post by tomorrow night, so let's be realistic and say Tuesday. I'm optimistic that my writing time will be more generous than during this past week, when it was reduced to what felt like nil. My five part minimum cushion is necessary for emergencies such as what I'm currently working on. I've moved around several scenes to make them fit the way I'd like in 134 (or how they feel best), but I believe it works better if I separate them completely and allow them to stand alone in 135, which means I need to write 10 more pages to finish Part 134. If I didn't have my cushion, my story would suffer plot wise. Thanks for bearing with me. Also, for Lois and Clark's positioning at the end of Part 129. Have someone shorter than you stand in front of you with their back towards your chest. (I used my daughter for my test run). If you both cross arms (make an X) over the person in front's stomach (with one person grabbing the wrist of the other person to simulate handcuffs), either two things happen: a) you get out (uncross arms) easily, or b) you're really stuck. I find if the arms in front are layered: Person A - right arm, Person B - left arm, Person A - left arm, Person B - right arm, you'll find that it is much more difficult to get free than if done Right, Right, Left Left, or Person A, Person A, Person B, Person B. But it's late, and my brain is fuzzy so I may have mixed up the hand positions as I worked this out weeks ago. I'll double check it in the morning and let you know. Also, up first in Part 130 is Lois's POV of the last scene.
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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On the Outside Looking In LEX: Oooooh! I’m having my wedding night with Lois. And Superman gets to watch  Michael
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Thank you all for your patience. With my kids back in school, I'm going to try and spend an hour a day catching up with my FDK.  First up, Part 129...  Yes, I enjoyed pairing Cat and Henderson together in this story. Alas, it wasn't meant to be... in this story. Looking good, Virginia. More please? Thank you. Do you mean more Cat and Henderson? They *will* meet again before this story is finished. Christina: In case you missed it, I did explain the positioning again during Lois POV (or after your initial Comment). Regardless, this once again makes for fun intimacy between the two of them in a way that I adore. Yes, I wanted to make it more fun for both of them than canon was. Let's just say, LnC never had them handcuffed together (as is a requirement on all buddy-cop / buddy-criminal films), so I felt the need to remedy that mistake. Michael: Terribly sorry, but I'm only as far as Part 117 in responding to your FDK, I believe, so I'll answer your FDK for this part in turn. *** Sadly, I started this FDK response screen almost 12 hours ago and this is as far as I got, due to almost constant interruptions since then. Then when I sat down to finish this tonight my Internet connection failed. John: I promise to get to your FDK first thing in the morning as I have some writing I want to get done tonight. My apologies on yet another delay.
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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John: Thanks for the long FDK! I think you want to say "the ark". Thank you. Fixed. It should either be "Indian Military Intelligence" or "India's Military Intelligence". I would probably go with the later, since I would probably say "the CIA, America's intelligence". Thanks. Fixed. I have to say I like the added details and background on Asabi. I figured since Nigel St. John was ex-MS6 (is that right?) that Asabi as Lex's personal bodyguard/driver/servant wouldn't be just a regular joe either. Professional office cleaners would never leave someone in the van. JOHN: Very good point. Their cover is pretty lousy. Especially with their guard not really paying attention. It never made sense to me why Fuentes had come in a van but planned to leave via helicopter. So, even though he whines about having planned this heist for 10 months or so, I'd say it wasn't well thought out. I'm surprised Lois does not have more dislike for Asabi, or did she never figure out he was her tail? He's former military intelligence. The man is also well versed in disguises and isn't as easy to spot as Lex's normal private detectives. BATMAN: I take offense at that statement regarding private detectives. SUPERMAN: So, you're a normal private detective? BATMAN: Objection withdrawn. This has lead me to think they really need better security at the planet. I've always wondered about this. They added extra security to the Daily Planet on several occasions (once I think during Witness and another time during DTOSMCape), but it never seems to last long. People are always sneaking in (Ms. Travino, Samathana, Kyle Griffin), and easily at that. BRASS UPSTAIRS: We currently don't have the funds to pay to keep our reporters safe. They should do that by not doing anything stupid. PERRY:  And, thusly, not getting any scoops for our front page. I think you either want to say "for that" or "For it". Thanks. Fixed. Suddenly, he heard Mr. Luthor… the Lex-Clone scream in agony. JOHN: Lois is getting her revenge.  So, what you're saying that this couldn't possibly be happening? PERRY: ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/smilie/boese/a057.gif) What do you mean you're buying the Daily Planet? Yes, interrupting Lex's night with Ariana would be bad. Well, at least for Asabi's standing. It might be good for the pheromone-infected Ariana. LEX: I didn't know that Asabi's middle name was 'James', otherwise I would have hired him. Wait, but if it is an issue of St. John's phone not picking up, how would Asabi changing his phone help things? There's a direct telephone line from Mr. Luthor's penthouse and the ark suite. But how would telling Mrs. Cox about this inform her of the existence of the ark? Nor had she been informed about Lex-C. Anyway, because the Lex-Clone lives in the Ark, and needs medical attention, bringing her in might inadvertently expose her to it. Of, so that is why she tried to revive the body in "Another Lois", she did not realize it was a clone. That is possible. Although, if she did that, she did it without the assistance of Arianna. Lois never discovered who actually stole Lex-C's body in Another Lois. It could have been Arianna to cover up the fact that he had frog DNA. See, I knew Clark should not have saved him. It just makes things easier for Luthor. Not necessarily. Also, allowing someone to die when he has the knowledge and means to save someone, would eventually eat away at Clark's soul. LEX: I find it doesn't bother me anymore. LOIS: You have a soul? LEX: Yes, Lois. I was born with a soul. ASABI: That's debatable. Clark:No, I will be happy if someone takes Lex as far away from Lois as possible. She won't die as long as Clark is there. Thankfully, Asabi doesn't know that. This will be hard, since everyone else will try to send the clone to the hospital. Luthor might have to fake a gun wound, and this might involve shooting himself.
Lois:Don't be crazy, I will do the shooting for him.  You forgot her innocently batting her eyelashes when she says this. Hmm, with him able to go to the ark, this will not be nearly as difficult for Luthor as it ought to be. You shall see. I am surprised they have kept Mrs. Cox uninformed about the arc. Wait, but does she know about the clone? Mrs. Cox knows neither about the ark (she wasn't invited) or the clone. They meant his work schedule and meeting schedule would have to be curtailed due to his "injury", which will be known by others because it was witnessed by all those reporters. Arguably most terrorists are amateurs. They do it for the love of the cause, not the money. Which also means professional might not be the best word to describe what he has in mind. Professional meaning "experience with terrorism", as in they've done this sort of thing before. Schumack:Why worry about guarding. Willie locked the doors, and we left Freddy in the van in the garage, so no one will get in. It's not like there's all those workers in the print shop to worry about. Oooops. Oh, I thought he was just going for efficiency. That too. Maybe he just gets stuck with the night shift. Policemen do that. Although, I would guess not so much at the level of Henderson, they probably officially work 9-5 on salary, and really work crazy, insane hours. I would assume (hope) that there are detectives and inspectors on or on-call every hour of the day in big city police departments. Especially since crime usually happens at night, but investigating said crime usually happens during the day. Because he found the watch. Cat and Lois really need to coordinate on this investigation.
Cat:And loose my chance to scoop her?
Lois:What, do you think I am stupid. I know what happens when you share your story, look what Claude did to me. Cat's referring to her Gucci watch investigation, not the red & green watch. CAT: Lois, you can be guaranteed that I will *never* sleep with you to steal one of your stories. Cat:Well, they are already hostage, so it is after the fact. He meant when the situation was already over, but good point. Although since Henderson can't see her, that might not be why he is doing this. CAT: He doesn't need to see me to recall that I'm a gorgeous woman with a sense of style. [John's happy] someone else understands that Lois and Clark are first and foremost friends. Although,  it does not seem to work so well in this story. Well, this Clark started out with a different agenda than canon Clark regarding Lois. Like he would ever believe it if she tried to claim Clark was her best friend. He might. Also, Cat claiming that Clark is her best friend doesn't necessarily preclude both Cat and Lois from being Clark's best friends. Although, Cat and Clark's relationship is more friendly as opposed to romantic as Clark and Lois's relationship is, which is why he's keeps referring to Cat as his 'best friend'. He sees Lois as being more than that. He needs an ambulance immediately. CAT: Clark's there. Also, I don't care if Lex dies. I still don't buy it. Speed is of the essence to save Luthor. Cat believes if Lex's life was truly in danger, Clark would do something about it. Cat:I investigate for a living, I am a professional here. HENDERSON:  I thought you said you gave it away for free. So did he miss that there were two Jimmies? Yes. I thought he only responded to calls that really required his help. Except in "Target:Jimmy Olsen"., which I still think was the stupidest scene ever, Superman specifically making sure some punks cleaned up graffiti when Clark should have been talking with Lois. They really should have had some scenes where Clark apologized for running out on her too often. Hmm, maybe I should write them. Don't worry, Lois called him on it after her reffed the kids' baseball game. Cat doesn't know which criteria Clark uses to pick which emergency calls to answer.
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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-- Continuation of Response to John's FDK -- Superman stopping a crime seems to be more pressing if the police have not been notified. Good point. Well, they have only met once, so it really does not tell us much. CAT: I'm highly memorable no matter what clothes I wear. What happened to letting the professionals do the searching. He's coming with her. Also, having experience with Lois, Henderson has found it's best not to leave a reporter unattended in such scenarios. I am surprised that Bill does not have not marked vests for undercover work. Although, I guess if you are under-cover you can't often wear a vest.
Lois:Good point, it would never have worked at the Metro Club. Does Bill do undercover work anymore? I thought he was only an investigator type inspector. wouldn't that just make her disguise better, looking chunky? Yes, but if someone DID recognize her, Cat would be mortified to be considered looking "chunky". But that would not change the issue that the man Asabi threw into Schumack was already on fire. No, but it means that the building didn't catch fire and burn down. I think that should be "want to get". Thanks. Fixed. I guess Cat can't tell him why they went off, since she does not know Henderson knows CK=SM. Also, Cat doesn't know for sure why the sprinklers went off. Lois:How did everyone figure out before me.
Henderson:Wait, you didn't know?
Lois:Well, not until he rescued me as SM while his memory was still not all back.
Henderson:I didn't learn much before you. Yeah. That conversation will never happen. Sorry. I think you want to say "into the room" (yeah, I know, those pesky articles). Clearly it didn't, so no point in worrying. But if he had... Why does he call her Catherine and not Cat? Also, it is a bit odd he says Catherine and she doesn't respond with William. She introduced herself as "Catherine" and he introduced himself as "Bill". If he were dealing with Mad Dog Lane he would get a kick in the ribs for that comment. Yep. Actually, he is still assuming that there is a direct connection between the van incident and them men in advertising. There is no real evidence for such. Occam's razor might suggest such, but in reality the simplest explantion (here read as few people as possible) is not always correct. True, but until proven otherwise, they are related. It might just be a random criminal who slit the guy in the van's throat, unrelated to the other incident. That's what Asabi is hoping they think. Thank you for the comments!
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Darth Michael: Hey, Look! It's only taken me a month to do 12 FDKs.  My apologies. I'm getting better, I promise. LEX: Oooooh! I’m having my wedding night with Lois. And Superman gets to watch This was added so he wouldn’t try to get more from her than a good-night kiss? LEX-C: But I was told I could kiss her cheek! So, what does that mean for Lex’s timetable on bedding Lois? LEX: Using a machete on Lex’s privy parts to get out of the wedding night? LOIS: ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/smilie/konfus/g060.gif) CLARK: Yes, but he *is* in a position to quietly interview for positions in other crime syndicates, considering the impetuousness of The Boss’s newest main squeeze is going to get him sent to a place where he cannot exercise full control over his empire any longer. Or he could start skimming off the top and end up with a nice little retail outfit where he sells meditation supplies and soul-switching rocks. Does he also have a master key to every apartment in every building owned by LexCorp so Lex can visit the better looking female denizens of the city at night? ASABI: I plead the fifth. NIGEL: As head of LexCorp security, it is my job to check out those apartments ahead of time. Yes. Lex has a penchant for ex-spies, huh? LEX: I got Mrs. Cox from the KGB’s Sparrow School. They're pre-trained, have low morals, and a love for cash? What about guarding the car against vandalism and theft? Cleaner: Where are we? Gotham? Batman: I wouldn’t advise staying in a parked car in Gotham. If someone wants to steal it, you’ll just end up dead. Exactly. Anyway, wouldn't a car alarm be more cost-effective? Because the direct line can reach a landline phone down in the bunker. PEST: Why would he have a telephone connected with the outside world? Because he used the bunker as a secret lab before Nightfall. Didn’t fancy the drama act, huh? LEX: [Uh... Duh!] MRS. COX: ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/smilie/boese/e035.gif) What do you mean I'm not first on the Mrs. Luthor list? LEX: I’d allow him to live as long as physically possible. Torturing dead people is only half the fun. True. LOIS: Octopus! Octopus! Octopus! They could spirit Lois away and have the DP building blown up with the rest of them inside? Maybe throw in Linda King for good measure, so they find a female reporter, too, and assumee Lois is dead as well. LEX: I don’t like that plan. If Superman doesn’t know I’m banging an alive Lois, then where’d be the fun in that? Exactly. Why to psycho crooks do anything, really? LEX: /points at plan book/ NIGEL: We should really stop hiring people with the lowest bid, sir. /whispers/ Comma before ‘they’. Thanks. Fixed. Hello? Police? Rescue? BILL: I’ve worked to long with Lane. That was the implication. LOIS: Awwww. I've spoiled him for other reporters. How sweet! /points at Linda/ LOIS: What? Everyone’s experimenting in college. In the episode of That 70s Show that I watched last night, it was brought up that guys fight as a way of making amends with their friends. Girls fight to the death. LOIS: /after finishing stringing up Linda by her toenails/ So, what are you implying with that statement? Considering the amount of hair and hairspray she’s sporting, her head should be safe. I’d say the vest would give them away. CAT: ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/midi/konfus/a050.gif) Oh, right, silly me. I totally forgot that criminals can't read. Then Asabi grabbed hold of the second man’s jumpsuit and swung him towards his cohort as the man turned on the blowtorch, catching his partner on fire. ER: Isn’t that kind of stuff illegal? The blowtorch or catching the criminal on fire? ASABI: And? CLARK: Hmm… /disappears again for a moment, then returns and holds one finger down while grinning like a schoolyard bully/ Oh, it looks like Clark found a lemon after all. I don’t think he knows. Otherwise, he’d have to concentrate on maintaining his fake reactions while also doing his current piece of high-stress work. And that could lead to him making a mistake. BILL: /coughing/ I'm that good. So, Clark’s now gotten to second base with Lois? CLARK: ASABI: Oooops. I didn't mean to imply... LEX: Hey. Hmmmm. That's a swell idea! BATMAN: I don’t use knives either. ARROW: [Looks away while indicating with a nod of his head the "No Parking" sign in front of the van.] SUPERMAN: And Lois thinks *I'm* a stickler for the laws.
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Hey, Look! It's only taken me a month to do 12 FDKs. [Embarrassed] My apologies. I'm getting better, I promise. Yes, certainly looks that way quote:This was added so he wouldn’t try to get more from her than a good-night kiss?
LEX-C: But I was told I could kiss her cheek! NIGEL: /applies another slap with a wooden board/ Face cheek. Not butt cheek. quote: Using a machete on Lex’s privy parts to get out of the wedding night?
LOIS: <thinks this a bit too messy. And might not last long enough during the application> CLARK: <Agrees with Lois that she would be soiled head to toe in crook blood and then he’d have to scrub her clean from head to toe in the shower.> Or he could start skimming off the top and end up with a nice little retail outfit where he sells meditation supplies and soul-switching rocks.  Michael
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Originally posted by Darth Michael: EW: Hey, Look! It's only taken me a month to do 12 FDKs. [Embarrassed] My apologies. I'm getting better, I promise. ER: Yes, certainly looks that way I'm all caught up... except for the FDK-FDK-FDK of... what's that?  Oh, look, new FDK over Part 147. ER: This was added so he wouldn’t try to get more from her than a good-night kiss?
LEX-C: But I was told I could kiss her cheek! NIGEL: /applies another slap with a wooden board/ Face cheek. Not butt cheek. LEX-C: But that's where father said I must kiss him! ER: Using a machete on Lex’s privy parts to get out of the wedding night?
LOIS: <thinks this a bit too messy. And might not last long enough during the application> CLARK: <Agrees with Lois that she would be soiled head to toe in crook blood and then he’d have to scrub her clean from head to toe in the shower.> ER: Or he could start skimming off the top and end up with a nice little retail outfit where he sells meditation supplies and soul-switching rocks. So, better to get out of the business before Lois takes her machete to him as a mere henchman? Depends on how much you pay the guy sitting in the car? Eventually the cost of the man sitting in the car will be more than the initial cost of the car alarm. LEX: By then I'll have bought a new car. CAT: Well, that explains his garage. EW: Were we even talking about Lex? LEX: It doesn't matter. All conversations turn to me after a while. I'm that interesting. BATMAN: If he says "I'm Lex Luthor" I'm suing him for trademark infringement.
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Boards Chief Administrator Nobel Peace Prize Winner
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I'm all caught up... except for the FDK-FDK-FDK of... what's that? <notices shiny thing> Oh, look, new FDK over Part 147. <is completely distracted> LEX-C: But that's where father said I must kiss him!  Michael
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Originally posted by Darth Michael: LEX-C: But that's where father said I must kiss him! ER: Yes, but only Father, not Mother. LOIS: *Step* Mother. LEX-C: (remembers bedtime stories) Evil stop mother? LOIS: /leans over and tucks Lex-C into bed/ Yes, I'm evil. I'm sending your Father to prison for all the bad things that he did and then I'm going to run off an shag my writing partner. LEX-C:  Now, I'll have nightmares! LEX: It doesn't matter. All conversations turn to me after a while. I'm that interesting. BATMAN: If he says "I'm Lex Luthor" I'm suing him for trademark infringement. ER: /points/ He’s more interesting. Even if we don't see him hanging around 'em girls that much. I'm sorry. Which man are you pointing at? NIGEL: /Raises hand/ Me? ASABI: /punches him in the jaw/ No, me.
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.