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Nobel Peace Prize Winner
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Wrong Place, Wrong Time, Wrong Clark TOC can be found HereSurprise! I know I said I wouldn't post until tomorrow night, but I had a good weekend of writing, so I thought I'd post tonight and give myself an extra day of writing before Friday's post day (which *will* happen, unless my Betas throw out everything I wrote this weekend... that's never happened, but you never know). Anyway, comments welcome.
Last edited by VirginiaR; 05/06/14 12:17 PM. Reason: Added Link
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Top Banana
Top Banana
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Loved it. Especially Lois' awesome idea about Superman hypnotizing people by kissing them. If I wasn't reading at work I would be LOL. 
KatherineKent/Victoria Lois: "You put up with me for the same reason I put up with you. It's because I'm completely in love with you." Clark: "And I love you ... Did we just make up?" Lois: "I think so."
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“Superman can hypnotize us to make us forget,” Lois announced.
“What? No! No, he can’t, Lois,” Clark insisted. “What would occupy our thoughts from this?” Jimbo asked, lifting up his and Jimmy joined wrists. “How, exactly, could our minds be distracted enough by something else? Wait? Superman would have to touch us for this mind wipe act to work? How?” Maybe a kiss? “Lois, this isn’t going to happen, so why don’t we stop hypothesizing what we would tell the terrorists if Superman agreed to your crazy plan?” Clark suggested. “Because he’s not going to agree to this.” Lois: You sound pretty sure of that, Clark. How do you know what Superman would agree to? Clark: ... I find it odd that Lois keeps arguing with Clark about what Superman would or wouldn't do. I guess she's trying to persuade him, but she knows that Clark is the expert on what Superman would do. Wouldn't a persuasive argument in favor of Superman negotiating work better to sway him than a "yes he would", "no he wouldn't" type childish argument? “’Cause it sounds as if you’re suggesting we tell the terrorists that Superman can hypnotize people by kissing them,” Jimbo said, throwing up his hands. “And, frankly, if that’s the case, I choose ‘death’.” Jimmy for the win! “Count me in,” Clark said. “I’d rather die too.” How, exactly, was Lois expecting Superman to "hypnotize" Clark in front of the terrorists? I get that she's thinking outside of the box or whatever, but she really hasn't thought this through. And she seems to think that telling Clark that she believes that Superman will save them is actually encouraging him. From his perspective, I think she comes off sounding like a groupie fangirl. What she's saying might be encouraging if he knew that she knew, but even then he might feel like she's putting all the responsibility for saving them on him when he's already stressed about it enough. So who got shot? The police? One of the gunmen? Willie? And how much did Clark convey with his cat/dog code besides the fact that Cat and Bill know what's going on? And did any of them who caught on wonder how he knows this?
"It is a remarkable dichotomy. In many ways, Clark is the most human of us all. Then...he shoots fire from the skies, and it is difficult not to think of him as a god. And how fortunate we all are that it does not occur to him." -Batman (in Superman/Batman #3 by Jeph Loeb)
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 The story posted early. I was very surprised to see it. “You have a lot of nerve, Miss Lane. Not good judgment, but a lot of nerve,” the leader of the robbers said to Lois, jerking her away from Perry’s computer and back over to the conference room. Oh, so that is why Lois was seperated from Clark. they took her too use the old system to print out the plans. Apparently, and much to her chagrin, the bad guys already knew who their hostages were. Fuentes: What type of idiot brakes into a place without learning about everyone there first? Since this man had no qualms shooting Lex, there was a psycho element to this office robbery. Maybe he only learned who the people at the DP were, not those elsewhere. She could no longer call this thug a ‘terrorist’, because clearly he had no interest in political matters, only money. All the better to finance other projects with. What was he doing with a nuclear bomb, then? He knows SM hangs around the DP, so he upped the ante. Clark was looking through the other doors out into the newsroom when they entered the conference room. Lois is not looking far enough. What he was looking at, she had no idea, but something must have caught his attention to take him away from watching her like a hawk in Perry’s office, per his norm. He saw another woman. 
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She answered him with a weak smile, still embarrassed that she had forgotten that with the system down, no one would be able to receive her ‘S.O.S.’ e-mail. Wait, the system is down? I thought only the phones were cut off. Oh wait, I guess it would ultimately be in some way connected with the phone. “I don’t trust these two,” the leader said of Lois and Clark. “They somehow got out of their handcuffs the first time. Make it more difficult for them.” Lois:He escapes handcuffs all the time. It is quite exciting. The gun-woman shoved Lois so her back was against Clark’s back.  they are touching. “No,” the leader said. “Since they like to walk around, let’s make her his human shield. Actually they shield each other about equally either way you put them. It will stop either of them from doing anything else stupid, if it puts his girlfriend at risk.”  someone identified correctly what Lois is to Clark. Lois glared at him. Why did everyone naturally assume that she and Clark were dating? Their friendly whispering and how they worked together while handcuffed. The woman nodded, turned Clark around, placed Lois’s back to his chest, and wrapped his arms around her waist, so that he was holding her in a tight, yet comfortable, embrace with their arms crisscrossed in front of her.  but she underestimated my boyfriends power. If it weren’t for the handcuffs, the guns, and the bomb, Lois might have enjoyed this position. The audience is loving it. “You do know that this means, if we sit down, I’ll have to sit in Clark’s lap,” Lois complained. Clark:I guess I better sit down.
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Originally posted by John Lambert: Fuentes: What type of idiot brakes into a place without learning about everyone there first? Doing his homework before storming the building doesn't mean he will necessarily recognize any given employee on sight. I wonder whether Willie told him who was there. Another question comes to mind: who was Lois trying to email? You can't just send an email without a recipient.
"It is a remarkable dichotomy. In many ways, Clark is the most human of us all. Then...he shoots fire from the skies, and it is difficult not to think of him as a god. And how fortunate we all are that it does not occur to him." -Batman (in Superman/Batman #3 by Jeph Loeb)
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The leader pushed against Clark’s back sending them both stumbling across the conference room. Thankfully, Clark’s balance kept them on their feet.  I was so hoping Lois would end up in Clark's lap. Lex stood up. “This is unacceptable. I am Lois’s date for the evening. Lois:Only because I need to expose you as the crook you are. That man is merely her co-worker, her partner. Clark:Partner sounds more permanent and connected than "date for the evening". If anyone needs to be her shield, it should be me!” Lois:But Clark is so much better at it. Anyway, he knows my body more intimately so he knows where to protect. I mean, he has more experience protecting me, from Sebastian Finn, for example. He saved my life twice, in one day. Lois shot Lex a ‘shut up’ glare for his gallant, yet jealous, More like overly possessive, treating her as a possession. effort at the same time Perry tugged at his cuff mate’s elbow to make him sit back down. Fuentes:So Lois here is Luthor's girlfriend. She is worth more than I thought. Lois:Lex, now look what you've done. “How exactly is that woman supposed to ‘shoot to kill us if we do anything’ and ‘go down and help’ at the same time?” Jimbo questioned. Lois:Shh, if they hear you they might realize their plan is flawed. “This is our chance,” Jimmy said, leaning forward. “There are six of us; I say we make a break for it. Lois:What part of machine guns do you not understand. In the battle of the Somme, one machine gunner took our 100 attacking British soldiers in some cases. There is a reason Kitchner's army is said to have died in an afternoon. Clark:Why didn't they move the tanks in first. Lois:Tanks would not be put into production until the next year. Clark:But didn't Churchill get them into full production during the Boer War. Lois:Churchill was a reporter in the Boer War, he did not enter the government until 1911. Clark:  more closeness. She tossed a wadded up ball of paper across the room at Perry and Lex, since she couldn’t examine it in her current predicament. So that is what the paper is. “Just a minute,” Clark murmured. How is she not seeing Cat and Bill? At first I thought it was because they were only seeable by x-ray vision, but if that was the case then they would have had to admit to each other that they know. Plus, how would they see Clark's actions. “Do you think Dragonetti’s vault is still in the building?” Lois asked, Lois:We should have had Clark look for it earlier. “Now that I know it’s money they want, all I’ll need is five minutes alone with these thieves, and I’ll make a deal to buy our freedom.” After what he has done to other crooks, would anyone deal? Not that Lex deserved to have his life spared, but if he had died, how in the hell would he be alive for her to reveal on the front page what an underhanded, deceitful, scoundrel Lex really was? If he is dead, she can print it without as many sources, the dead can't sue for libel (OK, maybe their estates can, but still). Oh, sure, she guessed it was possible to do an exposé on a dead man, but it wasn’t nearly as fulfilling as being the one who sent him off to jail. guess she has a point there. To get justice, Lex needs to be tried. That would be a fun story, Lois and Clark and Superman as witnesses in LEx's trial. Nor was it as prize winning. Actually, if the guy just died I think it is about as prize winning. Now, an expose of someone dead 50 years would be another story. She knew she should feel more compassion towards Lex as she had when she discovered he had been sick in bed all last weekend. Considering what really happened, she should have zero compassion for him. The compassion was still there, but she refused to waste it on this slimy excuse for a human being, Especially because he is the one depriving her of having her way with Clark. especially since she had learned that on top of trying to kill Clark, Repeatedly no less. Lex was now plotting to destroy the Daily Planet.  Lois sees the truth of what is up. Was he trying to murder everything she loved? Yes, but he thinks he has driven a wedge between her and Clark, or that Cat has. What would be next? Her fish? Why did he let the fish live? “They have no reason to trust you, Lex,” Perry admonished him. Lois:Especially after you shot me. You don't even do rescues right Lex. “Once they learn who you are, as Jimmy suggested earlier, they’ll use you to steal your fortune.” That would require his underlings to want him to live. On the other hand, just because the kidnappers recognize Lois does not mean they recognize anyone else. Jimbo:I am sure they don't recognize me. She was about to ask what he was doing but then figured he must be concentrating on something with his x-ray vision or super hearing or whatnot, and it was best not to disturb him. Clark:I am just reading lips. Lois:Whose? Clark:Cat's Lois:Well, as long as you aren't touching them. He had better not keep her in the dark once he was done, though. Clark:Lois, you want me to talk about super-hearing with Luthor here. Really? Something must be up. She wished he would share what it was that he saw, but knew he must be keeping quiet for a reason. Well, Lois, one reason is that you never told him CK=SM. although that is in large part his fault for being a lunkhead and not going to Kansas this weekend.
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“How do you know they know, darlin’?” Perry asked. At least someone is questioning this. “The leader knew my name, Maybe that is just from listening to them talk. so he probably already knows he shot the Lex Luthor,” Lois continued. That seems a major jump. She bet it had been that photo in Cat’s column, which had given them away. Because Lois and Lex have never previously appeared in photos? No one shot a photo of Lois and Lex at the White Orchid Ball? “I haven’t given up on Superman,” Lois responded, She needs to tell him she knows The Secret, before she can fully encourage him this way. and then glanced down at Clark’s hands. If he was not so busy looking at Cat he might notice this, and figure out she knows. He was opening and closing them as if they were stiffening up on him, Oh, I was hoping she was looking at her hand titly held in his. That was the image I had in my head anyway. but that didn’t make any sense. Why would Superman have stiff muscles from sitting around all evening? The pressure of being with Lois and not being able to do what he wants. If someone had Kryptonite, she was going to get seriously mad. If this was season 2 the bad guys would have kryptonite for sure. “I’m not getting closer to that psycho lady,” Jimmy insisted, You're within firing range either way Jimmy. “What’s she saying?” Lois hissed. Clark:We have to keep my cover, so I can't tell you now. Finally, his hand stopped gyrating and he caressed her stomach. Ah, maybe he has figured out she is pregnant.  we get Lois in Clark's lap. Hmm, and with that dress.
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Lois, being strapped to his chest, sat down in his lap.  he is going to finally get serious about our relationship. he murmured, tightening his arms for an extended moment and resting his chin on her shoulder.  more touching.
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Lois could tell that something was bothering him. They are stuck with a nuclear bomb, and she was being friendly-like with Lex. What is there to not bother him. Oh, plus he has to wonder who did take down those people down a level. Clark:Yep, Henderson and Grant are not that good. In her dream, the one where Ralph attacked her and she married Jimbo, As opposed to reality where she married Clark. Lois:When? Reader:Well, you did as much in your dream with Jimbo as you did with Clark. Lois:What, no, I did not make love with Jimbo. Clark: Lois:I didn't even have an intense makeout session on the Honeymoon Suite bed with Jimbo. Lex Luthor had confessed loving her just before he died while they were being held hostage at the Daily Planet. And she believes this one time he was not lying. Why? Clark stopped that from happening, either the confession or the dying. More like both. I don't think Clark prevents Lex from confessing love. Lex has nothing but disdain for Clark. She didn’t know what was supposed to happen next, but whatever it was, it wasn’t supposed to be this. But being in Clark's lap is so much better than anything that happened in her earlier lives. She has gotten way more from this Clark then she ever got from "True Clark". True Clark only kissed her at most 10 times, and with the Christmas kiss I think I still made 3 of those up.
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She felt vulnerable because of them and vulnerable without them. Well, we will get beyond them eventually, maybe. Although no time soon at the speed this story is going. “If Superman captured the gunmen, then how are they going to open Dragonetti’s vault?” Jimmy asked. But he left the gunmen behind, can't Remi and Fuentes just release the others? “And if they can’t get the vault open, what are they going to do with us? We’ve seen their faces.” It just speeds up the time of decision. Also, if they really took saw our faces=must die as a motto, they would have killed already. “Which one of you contacted Superman?” Havn't they heard of superhearing and x-ray vision. And nighttime patrols. No need to contact him. “How in the hell could we have accomplished that?” Lois asked dryly. Well, to be fair, Lois you are in contact with him. Not the most you have ever been, but pretty close. “We’re handcuffed together, Interesting, she could be seen do have said "how would I contact Superman? Were handcuffed together". some of us more so than others, Clark:Isn't it wonderful. we have no phone service, and you shut down our computer system so we can’t even send out e-mails.” Fuentes:But you can still scream Miss Lane, and that is how you normally contact him. “Superman e-mails?” Jimbo asked, sounding very impressed. Lois:Yes, and he understands it a lot more than I do. “No,” Lois groaned. “He’s faster than any e-mail message.” She knows from personal experience. “Lois,” Clark cautioned, tightening his hold of her once more. clark:Don't tell them about what happened at the hospital. “What my partner is trying so eloquently to say is: none of us have spoken to anyone but you all evening.” This is actually true. Making hand gestures does not count as speaking. “Then how did he find out about us?” Fuentes asked. “Did you signal to him out the window? Wave to him as he flew by?” Clark:Maybe it wasn't Superman. Lois:OK, I did do some hand motions to him, but they were much closer than through a window. “It’s a preposterous idea. He probably flew by and something caught his attention, something like you shooting Lex. Superman has pretty good hearing.” Clark:If I hadn't been here doing my taxes, I probably could have saved Lois. “Hush,” Clark murmured into her ear.  more closeness. “Did you find it? Dragonetti’s vault?” Jimmy asked. Should he really admit he knows what they are after? “I’ll double the money in that safe if you release us unharmed,” Lex offered. But why not just shot him and take the payoff from Intergang? ‘From what he’s heard?’ What did this Fuentes guy know about Lex’s bad dealings?  Lois is paying attention to clues for once. And why hadn’t any of her sources said one word to her about these rumors? What's the use, she is dating the man. More likely to turn on them than listen to them. Yes, definitely time for some new sources.  we will soon meet Bobby Bigmouth. He and Dr. Klein both really don't show up in that many episodes, but get mentioned more. For example we never see BB in "Individual Responsibility", but he is the one who tells them about Newtrich. “Luckily, all’s not lost. I still have my back-up plan,” Fuentes went on, lifting up his jacket and displaying his bomb. This always make him seem more crazy than anything. What can he get from having his dirty bomb. “Since Superman does have such super hearing, I hope he hears this. Lois:He's already heard about your bomb. I’m going to bring that equipment upstairs, while Remy watches you. If any of you flinch, she’ll shoot. If she sees a hint of red cape, she’ll shoot all the hostages. Lois:I am so glad Clark has learned to keep his suit hidden. If Superman interferes in any way, shape, or kind with me getting that money, I’ll detonate the bomb and goodbye Metropolis. Got it?” This makes it sound like he may have larger goals. This seems to crazy just for money.
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Lois shifted her position on Clark’s lap Clark:Not quite as good as when she was on my lap when I made her pasta. to glance over their shoulders back at Remy, the woman with the gun, who had tied them up like a pretzel. Clark:Well, obviously Remy is not all bad. “We need to negotiate,” Lois whispered ever so faintly into Clark’s ear. Personally, Clark felt like ‘the man of melted steel' for all the lack of action that he was currently capable of.  at Wells and his false talk of curse. Oh wait, is that not what Clark meant by "lack of action"? “Superman leaves negotiating to the professionals, Lois,” Clark said softly. Lois:I'm professional. “Let’s just say, I’m not such a big fan since my arrest,” Lois grumbled. Clark:Well, Lois, being accessory to Superman working with the terrorists might be seen as grounds of having violated your parole. Clark figured there was more to it than that, but he’d ask her about it later. I wish I really believed they would get a chance to actually talk. “Guaranteed safe passage out of here. Plus, he can open that vault with one punch of his fist,” Lois said. But why would he want to do either of those? And how would he be anything other than a criminal if he did? “No,” Clark replied at the same time Lois said, “Yes.” Clark:And which one of us knows Superman better. Lois:I do. He really can't say no to me. “Not even to get a possible dirty nuclear bomb out of Metropolis and save all of our lives?” Lois returned. Clark:LNN would never spin it that way. “Superman’s a smart fellow, I’m sure he could think of a way to help them right into your new girlfriend’s hands,” Lois said. Clark:And what good would it do for Linda to be in contact with them. Girlfriend? Clark stared at her. Oh right, things are over with Linda. Who is she talking about? Exactly, who is she talking about. She rolled her eyes. “Oh, ‘Bill’ isn’t a girl dog? It's not like his name is Shelby. It should be obvious no one would name a female dog Bill. “What? No, Lois,” Clark replied Clark:The only one who sleeps on my bed is you. with disbelief before another thought came to mind. “Is that supposed to be some crack about me being a Kansas farm kid?” No, those type of insults are normally saved for people from Montana. Kansas is much too populous for that. Lois batted her eyelashes innocently. “I have no idea why you would come to that conclusion, Clark, but if the shoe fits…” She does have strong anti-rural prejudices. “Why would he give them to his dog?” Jimbo asked, clearly puzzled. Jimmy:You have not seen his dog yet. “Why would they believe you?” Luthor asked. “You all are news reporters. Clark:Hah, I knew he paid no attention to Jimbo at the "Magic of the Night" Ball. “Lois, it isn’t going to work. Just give it up,” Clark said. He is right. “Superman can hypnotize us to make us forget,” Lois announced. Superman II Lois:Thankfully for you, not in your universe. The others merely stared at her in shock. Clark:Lois, don't even put such awful ideas in people's heads. “What do you mean ‘hypnotize us’?” Perry asked, glancing nervously at Clark as if he had been holding out on him. Lois:And Perry thought I wasn't saying that I knew out of meanness. I just have not been ready for 48-hour amnesia. “How do you know? It could be,” Clark:No more than anyone else's. “We could tell them it is. Clark:That will just spread fear of Superman. Clark and I are known Superman experts, right? Clark:I got the first exclusive. We’ve interviewed him dozens of times apiece. They wouldn’t know any better. They'll demand proof from someone they trust. If Superman’s talented brain moves as fast as he does, he might well have other abilities he hasn’t advertised, Like how he was able to survive the trip to space that Luthor engineered to kill him. and that we could be holding secret for him. Hell, he might even be telepathic.” Clark:No, then I would know you know. Clark groaned. She was making a bad situation worse. “Lois…No.” He should just tell her so she stops embarrassing him. “Honey, you’re beginning to sound like Bureau 39,” Perry warned. He does have a good point. “Okay, okay. What if we said that Superman could only hypnotize people when their mind was completely occupied elsewhere and… and… he was touching them, physically?” Deep kissing might fit the bill. Although maybe it would have to be more than that. but his arms were already crossed over Lois’s belly. Thus protecting their child. “I don’t know, Jimbo,” Lois responded. Jimmy:Yes she does, she just knows we would all object. “Yes, he would, so others wouldn’t think he could do this at any time.” This would never work. A-Superman would never agree to it. B-How would they do Superman touches Clark. C-How would they even do the negotiate with Superman thing with her on his lap? “It couldn’t be regular ‘touching’, could it?” Jimbo said. “Because otherwise no one would want him to rescue them, right?” Jimbo has a really good point. Actually not only not just regular toching, but not anything less than super intimate touching. “’Cause it sounds as if you’re suggesting we tell the terrorists that Superman can hypnotize people by kissing them,” Jimbo said, Jimmy:Actually, my idea was worse. Clark dropped his head onto Lois’s shoulder. Yeah, more touching. Although this seems more like He couldn’t believe that they were discussing this, and in front of Lex Luthor no less. He could just picture what LNN’s next big story would be. LNN report:Superman has developed a new date-rape technique. Police have now included him as a suspect in all unexplained rapes over the last year. “What?” Lois shook her head. “No. I’m not suggesting that.” What exactly was she suggesting? Anything less would undermine his rescues. “Count me in,” Clark said. “I’d rather die too.” Lois:But you sleep with him all the time. “Fine,” Lois harrumphed, crossing her and Clark’s arms tighter around her chest. Clark must really like this. “I was just spitballing ideas, trying to come up with a plan to get us out of here alive, but if you’d guys would rather die than seriously discuss...” Clark:Seriously discuss. We are talking about lying about Superman's abilities in ways that if talked about will make everyone afraid of him. Clark heard another gunshot and a scream of pain, Cat got shot? “Take me instead,” Clark insisted, standing up. She would at a minimum take him and Lois.
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Boards Chief Administrator Nobel Peace Prize Winner
Boards Chief Administrator Nobel Peace Prize Winner
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“No,” the leader said. “Since they like to walk around, let’s make her his human shield. It will stop either of them from doing anything else stupid, if it puts his girlfriend at risk.” I think they *don’t* know them, after all. “You do know that this means, if we sit down, I’ll have to sit in Clark’s lap,” Lois complained. CLARK:  That’s torture! LOIS: Such torture. ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/midi/frech/g042.gif) /makes note to wiggle a bit when sitting down/ “How exactly is that woman supposed to ‘shoot to kill us if we do anything’ and ‘go down and help’ at the same time?” Jimbo questioned. Not that Lex deserved to have his life spared, but if he had died, how in the hell Would she get her Pulitzer? would he be alive for her to reveal on the front page what an underhanded, deceitful, scoundrel Lex really was? She knew she should feel more compassion towards Lex as she had when she discovered he had been sick in bed all last weekend. Was he trying to murder everything she loved? Hobby? Maybe he could manage to get her mother into a sanatorium after she drinks herself into such a stupor that she becomes vegetative. He turn her sister first into a stripper and LFI-start and then into a hard drug addict who’s turning tricks. And her father, he could get both his legs broken in multiple places when he runs out of money and can’t pay back some depts? What would be next? Her fish? Something must be up. She wished he would share what it was that he saw, but knew he must be keeping quiet for a reason. Well. If you consider the first sentence and that he’s watching Cat, maybe he is sharing with Lois? If someone had Kryptonite, she was going to get seriously mad.  Well, the bomb does contain radioactive materials and plutonium is hard to come by… Lois, being strapped to his chest, sat down in his lap. “Don’t try anything funny,” she warned. Not unless she’s tickling his funny bone. “How in the hell could we have accomplished that?” Lois asked dryly. “We’re handcuffed together, some of us more so than others, we have no phone service, and you shut down our computer system so we can’t even send out e-mails.” Well, Jason always suspected telepathy. “What my partner is trying so eloquently to say is: none of us have spoken to anyone but you all evening.” That’s technically true. He should have become a lawyer. “Sorry, I just pictured myself waving a handkerchief out the window as he flew by, saying ‘Oh, Superman!’ as if I were some damsel in distress from a castle turret,” Lois explained, raising her voice into that baby doll fake voice she used whenever she was pretending to be herself. “I’ll double the money in that safe if you release us unharmed,” Lex offered. But he’s already been harmed, so… ‘From what he’s heard?’ What did this Fuentes guy know about Lex’s bad dealings? Buh, every crook from Capitol Hill to Boston’s Crane, Pool, and Schmidt know about his dealings. She really needed to contact Louie about helping her find some new guys. She could take out an ad in the classifieds section? She needed a source who really knew stuff and how to get it if he didn’t. LOUIE: Yeah, I know he looks skinny, but he’ll eat the hair off your head if you don’t watch out. “No!” Clark said adamantly, sitting up straighter. “You heard what he said they would do if Superman showed up.” He said, ‘red cape’. Maybe if Superman showed up naked and showed Remy a really good time?
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Boards Chief Administrator Nobel Peace Prize Winner
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“You have a cat, Lois?” Luthor asked. Yes, but she isn’t into sleeping with Lois in her bed. She’s more the out-all-night-sleep-all-day kind of feline. “Grant,” Lois grumbled.
“Oh, like…” Jimbo started before Jimmy elbowed him. The civil war general? Hmm…Funeral and Englishman came out later. Was he already a known bigshot back in 1992? “No, General Grant. Closet Civil War nut, that’s me,” Lois said with a fake embarrassed grin.  Michael
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Hmm…Funeral and Englishman came out later. Was he already a known bigshot back in 1992? I still think it would be more likely to mention Cary Grant. Hugh Grant did get an award at the Venice Film vesitval for "Maurice" in 1987, and he was in a few other films. The biggest thing I see is he was in "The Remains of the Day" in 1993, so I am not sure that was out yet or not.
John Pack Lambert
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Nobel Peace Prize Winner
Nobel Peace Prize Winner
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Originally posted by John Lambert: Hmm…Funeral and Englishman came out later. Was he already a known bigshot back in 1992? I still think it would be more likely to mention Cary Grant. Hugh Grant did get an award at the Venice Film vesitval for "Maurice" in 1987, and he was in a few other films. The biggest thing I see is he was in "The Remains of the Day" in 1993, so I am not sure that was out yet or not. /Jumps quickly in/ IMDb states "Four Weddings and a Funeral" came out on March 9, 1994. This Part takes place on March 26th, enough time for Jimbo -- the youngest of the group -- to be familiar with Hugh Grant's name. /Jumps back out of discussion/
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Good point about "Four Weddings and a Funeral". That was the top grossing British-produced film to date, and was the first film to star Hugh Grant. I had forgotten we were in early 1994 by now.
So it makes sense that Hugh Grant would be a big enough star to get some notice.
John Pack Lambert
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Originally posted by VirginiaR: /Jumps quickly in/ IMDb states "Four Weddings and a Funeral" came out on March 9, 1994. This Part takes place on March 26th, enough time for Jimbo -- the youngest of the group -- to be familiar with Hugh Grant's name. /Jumps back out of discussion/ ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/midi/konfus/c085.gif) For the oddest reason, I thought we had 1991/92 instead of 1994 Of course, this means Lois got her cat within the last three weeks, when she also had time to watch the movie and had time to switch from her crush n Mel Gibson to Hugh Grant. LEX: This sounds reasonable. She did once blow off a date in the last few weeks and I already know she's quick to jump ship when a better opportunity comes along. Superman is so toast  Michael
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Thanks to everyone who's still reading. My apologies that this response is so late. KatherineKent: Thank you for reading. Loved it. Especially Lois' awesome idea about Superman hypnotizing people by kissing them. If I wasn't reading at work I would be LOL. I wasn't sure if that conversation worked and told my Betas that they had to approve it before I included it in. Luckily, they approved. mrsMxyzptlk: Thank you for long FDK. Yes. I *did* go there. Lois: You sound pretty sure of that, Clark. How do you know what Superman would agree to? Clark: ... CLARK: Well, Superman is a man like I'm a man, so I'm sure he wouldn't agree to anything I wouldn't agree to. LOIS: Uh-huh. I find it odd that Lois keeps arguing with Clark about what Superman would or wouldn't do. I guess she's trying to persuade him, but she knows that Clark is the expert on what Superman would do. Wouldn't a persuasive argument in favor of Superman negotiating work better to sway him than a "yes he would", "no he wouldn't" type childish argument? She's working on persuasive but when you have two stubborn people arguing, they often sound like children. Well, he stated aloud what the others saw coming and were hoping to avoid. How, exactly, was Lois expecting Superman to "hypnotize" Clark in front of the terrorists? I get that she's thinking outside of the box or whatever, but she really hasn't thought this through. And she seems to think that telling Clark that she believes that Superman will save them is actually encouraging him. From his perspective, I think she comes off sounding like a groupie fangirl. What she's saying might be encouraging if he knew that she knew, but even then he might feel like she's putting all the responsibility for saving them on him when he's already stressed about it enough. Yes, she's trying to prop him up by saying she believes in him, which doesn't quite work when he doesn't know that the "him" she believes in is ALL of him. Her idea was to have Clark go to the roof and "contact" Superman, therefore they wouldn't have to be in the room at the same time. As she said, she was just spit-balling ideas. So who got shot? The police? One of the gunmen? Willie? And how much did Clark convey with his cat/dog code besides the fact that Cat and Bill know what's going on? And did any of them who caught on wonder how he knows this? Lex-C is kind of out of the loop on this one, not really knowing Cat or Henderson. Many things pass over the heads of the Jimmys. Perry knew Clark was concentrating on something out in the newsroom, so even if he didn't know CK=SM he would realize that Clark was up to something. Originally posted by John Lambert: Fuentes: What type of idiot brakes into a place without learning about everyone there first? Doing his homework before storming the building doesn't mean he will necessarily recognize any given employee on sight. I wonder whether Willie told him who was there. If Willie and Fuentes communicated about the hostages via walkie-talkie wouldn't Clark have overheard it? Willie may have said something before they went up on the elevator, which is why they arrived with guns drawn. Another question comes to mind: who was Lois trying to email? You can't just send an email without a recipient. I've always wondered this myself. Maybe she sent it to all staff.  Also how could she send the e-mail if she knew the system was down?
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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John: It's always great to be greeted with a  Good to hear. “You do know that this means, if we sit down, I’ll have to sit in Clark’s lap,” Lois complained. Clark:I guess I better sit down. I was so hoping Lois would end up in Clark's lap. Give them time. Lois:But Clark is so much better at it. Anyway, he knows my body more intimately so he knows where to protect. I mean, he has more experience protecting me, from Sebastian Finn, for example. He saved my life twice, in one day. CLARK: I may be better at shielding you, but Luthor would be better at accepting the bullets into his body. More like overly possessive, treating her as a possession. LOIS: Either way, it's not welcome. Fuentes:So Lois here is Luthor's girlfriend. She is worth more than I thought.
Lois: Lex, now look what you've done. Well, in canon Fuentes DID end up taking Lois as his sole hostage. Lois:What part of machine guns do you not understand. In the battle of the Somme, one machine gunner took our 100 attacking British soldiers in some cases. There is a reason Kitchner's army is said to have died in an afternoon. Clark:Why didn't they move the tanks in first. Lois:Tanks would not be put into production until the next year. Clark:But didn't Churchill get them into full production during the Boer War. Lois:Churchill was a reporter in the Boer War, he did not enter the government until 1911. Clark:  so they did charges against machine guns without tanks. No wonder your dimension had such a high death rate in World War I. LEX: What does any of that have to do with our hostage situation? Lois, reach into my pocket and withdraw a couple thousand dollars to bribe them with. LOIS: Not even in your dreams. Clark:So, Lois, why did you do something that might have caused him to go crazy? LOIS: Because like some hero we know, I act before thinking. How is she not seeing Cat and Bill? At first I thought it was because they were only seeable by x-ray vision, but if that was the case then they would have had to admit to each other that they know. Plus, how would they see Clark's actions. They are only visible if one is looking at the stairwell exit behind the snack area (the door Lex tried to escape out of). If she doesn't look there, and concentrate hard, she won't see them. Lois:We should have had Clark look for it earlier. CLARK: Me? How would I have found Dragonetti's vault? After what he has done to other crooks, would anyone deal? Maybe they only know of Lex's softer, gentler side. If he is dead, she can print it without as many sources, the dead can't sue for libel (OK, maybe their estates can, but still). LOIS: But I want to see the worm squirm! Actually, if the guy just died I think it is about as prize winning. Now, an expose of someone dead 50 years would be another story. LOIS: But I get to risk my neck more if he's still alive. It shows everyone else what a terrific investigative reporter I am. If I'm just looking through some dead guy's files, how boring is that? See, not anywhere near as impressive. CLARK: Considering what really happened, she should have zero compassion for him. But she doesn't know that. Yes, but he thinks he has driven a wedge between her and Clark, or that Cat has. CAT: See how useful I am? LOIS: No. Why did he let the fish live? LEX: What kind of sicko do you think I am? Lois:Especially after you shot me. You don't even do rescues right Lex. LEX: It was an accident! LOIS: Yeah. Yeah. We've all heard that one before. Maybe Fuentes shot you by accident, too. That would require his underlings to want him to live. Or they could use him to access all of his accounts. On the other hand, just because the kidnappers recognize Lois does not mean they recognize anyone else.
Jimbo:I am sure they don't recognize me. I'm sure they don't, either. LOIS: I'm an undercover reporter! Nobody is supposed to recognize me. This is another reason it never made sense to me that Lois would date and/or marry Lex. How could she continue her career if she was constantly being photographed with Lex for the society pages? Clark:Lois, you want me to talk about super-hearing with Luthor here. Really? LOIS: We're handcuffed together. You could've whispered it in my ear. CLARK: And have you exclaim aloud "You're Superman!?" LOIS: I wouldn't have done that. CLARK: Uh-huh. LOIS: I wouldn't have, because I already knew. CLARK: What?! LOIS: Well, Lois, one reason is that you never told him CK=SM. although that is in large part his fault for being a lunkhead and not going to Kansas this weekend. LOIS: It isn't MY job to reveal HIS secrets to me. If Clark really Loved me, he would tell me. CLARK: I can't win, can I? EW: Not anymore, flyboy.
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.