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#96838 08/13/13 07:37 PM
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Wrong Place, Wrong Time, Wrong Clark TOC can be found Here

The idea Henderson got from watching “Adventures of Robin Hood” show was actually based on “The Stolen Costume” episode from Season One of the original “Adventures of Superman” show with George Reeves. Alas, it doesn't look like he'll be using it after all.

I will try to post on Friday night as per the norm, but I may be traveling. If so, I will post either Thursday night instead or as soon as it is possible to do so, as where I'm traveling as iffy WiFi and Internet service. This will also apply to my posting on Aug. 20th and Aug 23. I apologize for any inconvenience.

For your sake, I'll try not to leave Lois dangling from the jaws of death too long.

Comments welcome.

Last edited by VirginiaR; 05/06/14 12:14 PM. Reason: Added Link

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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“Who’s Kyle Griffin?” Clark asked, after he and Lois returned to their seat at the conference table.
He really should have paid more attention when he studied Lois's backstory. Maybe he should have studied it more.

Once more she sat down on his lap.
grumble at Luthor and making investigating him take so long.

because she wanted to,
hyper hope this is the reason.

or just to confuse the terrorists into believing they were still handcuffed together.
I guess she has to convince others [cough}Lex[cough] that this is the reason.

Frankly, he didn’t care what the reason was, he was happy to have her there.
hyper they are together.

“Lois, darling, why don’t you sit here?” Luthor asked, setting his hand down on the chair between him and Clark.
Lois:Because I can get away with not being close to you right now, you creep.

“You’re no longer handcuffed to Kent.”
Lois:My connection to him was always provided by more than the metal.

“We know that,” she informed Luthor in a quiet tone. “But they don’t. It’s better if Miss Eagle Eyes over there doesn’t notice anything amiss.”
Clark:Especially since she is miss happy trigger as well.

“Well, I still don’t like it,” Luthor murmured under his breath.
Finally Luthor is not getting his way.

Clark moved his hand, which was closest to Luthor, and rested it on Lois’s lap,
hyper more touching.

He must have read about during his research on the dimension when he first arrived.
I think you want to say "read about it during".

if I had a dollar for every criminal who said that to me, I’d be as rich as Lex.”
Judging from the list we saw in "Dead Lois Walking", Lois is not exaggerating much.

“Terrific,” Clark grumbled. Another psycho from whom Lois needed protection.
Lois:I don't need protecting, I can deal with Griffin on my own.

“Right there with you, Chuck,” Lois agreed,
dance she called him the name.

using her pet endearment for him and bumping her arm against his in a slow caress.
party love more touching.

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“The police want to save our lives, but they won’t risk thousands more by setting free people like Griffin,” Perry reassured them.
Which makes us wonder how he got paroled.

“I still think Superman is the answer,” Lois interjected.
Hopefully she has at least given up on her kissing idea.

“Clearly, Clark,” Lois said, playing on his pause.
She seems to like to rip on him like this.

Lois patted his face.
grumble at Wells and his unsubstantiated talk of curses.

“I should offer them more money,” Luthor suggested, breaking through Clark’s thoughts. “Maybe they’d free us for sixty million on top of whatever they get out of the vault.”
Not if they don't trust Luthor at all.

“It sounded like they were upset mostly about their getaway plan falling apart. If Superman were to offer them a viable escape route…” Lois said, returning to her previous point.
She really never gives up.

“Which he won’t, darlin’,” Perry reminded her.
I am glad Clark does not always have to be the one sticking up for Superman's morality.

If he gave Fuentes and Remy his guarantee not to turn them over to the MPD,
He could turn them over to the FBI or ATF or NTSP (New Troy State Police), although I am not sure Remy would be stupid enough to get caught in such a trap.

they may be desperate enough to agree to it, no matter how scared of him they are,” Lois countered. “Surely, they would see it as a better plan than blowing themselves up.”
Not unless Superman guaranteed their freedom long term, which I doubt he would.

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They won’t be expecting us to leave by helicopter.
Fuentes really is sure of himself.

“Our helicopter isn’t coming,” Fuentes said,
I wonder what caused the guy to back out this time.

“Superman,” Lois whispered in Clark’s ear again.
hyper more touching.

“No,” Clark hissed back.
He so should have said "right here".

“It can’t hurt to ask him,” Lois said. “Talk to him and see what he recommends.”
Clark:I already did.

Clark still had his arms wrapped around her waist,
dance they are connecting. Still this would be even better if he knew she knows.

Lois stood up. “I’ll stay, and Clark will talk to Superman,” she announced. “We’re not exactly on speaking terms at the moment.”
What? Why does she even say that?

What? Her words startled Clark to his feet. “Lois, no!”
Clark:Send her, keep me, I don't want to put her life at risk.

“He didn’t stop this bullet in my shoulder,” Luthor grumbled.
Which actually also shows that Lois's claim that Superman will not let her be harmed is not fully true.

Clark glanced over at Luthor. “If he is able.” And is so inclined.
Arguably, Superman at times does harm. I mean, recently he warmed up a gunman's gun, that created some harm. Preventing all harm seems a pretty high standard.

“I see that you got out of my handcuffs,” Remy said with sneer.
I think that should be "with a sneer".

Clark took a step towards the women, and Remy raised her gun under Lois’s jaw. He took a step back. “What’s the question?” he asked, knowing that no matter at how quick he could be,
I think that should just be "no matter how quick".

“It’s more of a proposal than a question,” Remy responded. “We want Superman to guarantee us safe passage
Safe Passage how far?

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which had just pulled up next to the parking garage of the Daily Planet.
Is this the scam company run by the neo-Nazis.

As far as Dr. Leek knew, the private elevator went down to Mr. Luthor’s secret laboratory, and that was it. Asabi was sure that was the way Mr. Luthor and Mr. St. John would wish to keep it.
Dr. Leek being seen by any L.U.C. resident would also cause major problems in controlling the L.U.C.

As part of the terms of their hire, the Speedy Ambulance Service gave Asabi a uniform jacket to wear as so to appear as one of the crew and allow him to sneak back through the police lines.
I think that should be "wear so as to". Also I think it should be "crew allowing him to sneak". This is a continuation of the wearing of the uniform and a consequence of it, not a separate thing.

He added a dark navy baseball cap to the uniform to shade his face.
That seems a little out of the normally approved dress code.

Asabi saw that inside the car was the old security Daily Planet guard who had told him that Mr. Luthor and Ms. Lane had already left the building, and that it was closed for cleaning.
I think that should be "old Daily Planet security guard".

The group shifted as its members looked towards the patrolman, who had yelled at them regarding the pizzas, and he saw that Ms. Grant was among of the group and the only woman included.
you probably want to just say "Ms. Grant was among the group", although part of me almost things "in" would be an even better work.

Then, again, she did have insider information regarding the hostages, the terrorists, and the building.
She is probably the only person here who knows the building. The other two are even more clearly in her favor.

Asabi shook his head in amazement as the detective handed the hat and food over to young patrolman who was dressed in a red windbreaker and jeans.
I think you want to either say "over to a young patrolman" or "over to the young patrolman". Depending on if this is the same patrolman mentioned before.

He watched them lead the new deliveryman through the front door of the Daily Planet. This wasn’t acceptable to Asabi.
Lex's agents really seem to be endangering Lois's life.

Lois’s demonstration of trust in Superman steeled Clark’s resolve.
grumble "Adventures of Robin Hood" has whole episodes without Maid Marian at all. They do not understand her importance to the story.

Robin’s secret identity as Robin of Locksley was compromised by a couple of un-merry thieves.
Wait, Robin Hood's secret identity is Robin of Locksley. laugh This is almost as good as "Super Grover" where his secret identity is "Gover Kent", or "Larryboy", secret identity of Larry the Cucumber.

Wisely, Superman decided to ignore it for now.
I guess there is no easy way for SM to deny it, and it might cause people to loose focuse, which is unneeded when Lois's life is in danger. There are way too many LLs in Superman stories, otherwise I could use that for Lois. And L&C is not half as bad as some forms.

“I can assure you that the five other hostages were still alive and reasonably well in the conference room when I left Clark on the roof just a few minutes ago. I only just have time to give Clark my response.”
Why is he not constantly watching Lois?

Superman waited patiently for a minute for them to turn off their horns,
Why doen't he just leave now. He basically said he was leaving, no reason not to.

Yet, instead of speaking, Superman turned his gaze briefly up the Daily Planet building before he took off like a rocket.
party finally an SM saving Lois scene. We have not had one of those since before she knew.

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“How could you allow Kent to be freed to contact Superman?” Lex demanded.
Lois:At least we know Lex has no clue of The Secret.

Lois glanced away from the doorway, through which Clark had just exited, to raise an eyebrow at Lex and to dare him to continue with his sexist statement.
Why does Lois put up with this sexist creep?

Lois, in her heels and party dress, wouldn’t be faster than Kent,” Perry explained.

“It would’ve have been a close race,” Lois said, defending her physical abilities.
Actually, Perry even allowed for Lois being as fast as Kent. Although, considering her heels and dress, I doubt she could have been that, even ignoring that CK=SM.

Perry shot her ‘yeah, right’ glance before continuing as if she hadn’t interrupted.
I think that should be "her a 'yeah right'"

“And neither of the Jimmys have a solid rapport with the hero.
Jimmy:He did rescue me, or was that in some strange dream I had, where there was a lady sherriff in Smallville.

“It still wasn’t proper,” Lex scolded. “Lois, you shouldn’t have volunteered yourself to remain at risk.
Lois:I am not at risk, he will save me. He always does.

I hate that you’ve had to endure any of this and do wish you had taken this opportunity to save yourself.”
Only Luthor could run off on the rest of them like that.

“I’d like to see you try to escape out of that one,” Remy said, tearing off the end.
She really does underestimate the abilities of Lois "Houdini" Lane.

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The usually terse Remy seemed overly delighted with the idea of taping the bomb to Lois’s chest and immediately set to work.
Why are they putting the bomb on Lois?

“Not to mention, Clark and I
smile1 she is speaking of her and Clark as a unit.

are friends with Superman. If I’m injured, I doubt he would take it well,” Lois said as Remy applied the last piece of tape. “I had to talk him down after Lex shot me.”
Wait, did she really?

Lois looked at Lex’s stricken face and, despite her better judgment and only for the sake of her investigation, reassured the man. “I knew it was an accident, Lex.”
Why does she keep on giving him such assurances.

“Of course it was, Lois. I could never hurt you on purpose,” Lex said,
Clark:That does not keep her safe though.

Lois had to admit, between the duct tape and the bomb on her chest, she too had lost her appetite.
Plus, how would she eat the stuff. Have Lex feed it to her. Grosse.

“Hurry back, Clark,” Lois whispered, hoping beyond hope that he heard her.
frown that he does not hear she wants Clark back.

Now, that they had separated the terrorists from their bomb, Clark could take out the terrorists without having to worry about Fuentes detonating the bomb.
How could he think of that with the bomb on Lois? Although if the bomb is on Lois, what will stop SWAT from attacking Remy and Fuentes?

In Perry’s office, Lois could hear a scuffle in the dark.
Asabi snuck in and attacked?

She was alone
Finally she and Clark can have a real conversation.

in the dark with a bomb strapped to her chest. Unable to raise her voice any louder, she creaked out a dry rasping, “Help, Superman!”
I hope he gets there soon.

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Originally posted by John Lambert:
I still doubt he will even investigate this. If he compares notes with Cat, he will mainly be more dizzy . Even if the very unlikely Cat, Clark and Lois meeting in conference on what happened occurred, they still would mainly just be confused.
I agree, and I think that Clark would think "other dimension Lex" before he thought "clone Lex". Not that he would necessarily voice such an idea to either lady.

"It is a remarkable dichotomy. In many ways, Clark is the most human of us all. Then...he shoots fire from the skies, and it is difficult not to think of him as a god. And how fortunate we all are that it does not occur to him." -Batman (in Superman/Batman #3 by Jeph Loeb)
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Steady as she goes.
[Linked Image]
“Who’s Kyle Griffin?” Clark asked,
Lois’s first husband.

He didn’t know if it was out of habit, because she wanted to, or just to confuse the terrorists into believing they were still handcuffed together.
LOIS: I’ll let Clark think it’s the first and the terrorists that it’s the last. [Linked Image]

Frankly, he didn’t care what the reason was, he was happy to have her there.
/Lois wiggles/
Clark was suddenly very happy to have her there.

“Well, I still don’t like it,” Luthor murmured under his breath.
It’s just a little bump-and-grind between secret lovers.
LEX: [Linked Image]

Clark moved his hand, which was closest to Luthor, and rested it on Lois’s lap, knowing it was in full view of the billionaire, and earned himself a glare for his efforts.
Awww, Clark’s returning Lois’s favor.

Clark would press any little button he liked to annoy Luthor.
LOIS: [Linked Image] [Linked Image]

he’d take the victory
Shouldn’t that be ‘any’?

“Terrific,” Clark grumbled. Another psycho from whom Lois needed protection.
He only figures out that it’s a lifetime assignment? He might just as well marry her for good.
LOIS: Or bad. I’ll won’t marry him unless he promises to stay for the bad, too.

Who knew keeping Lois safe would be a full time job?

Better to keep her safe than deal with the consequences of the alternative.
Well, at least if she was safely in the ground, he wouldn’t have to worry about her sneaking out at night.
LOIS: [Linked Image]

“We need to make sure the power doesn’t go off, then,” Clark said. “We don’t know what will tip Fuentes into detonating his bomb.”
He could detonate the bomb inside the conference room and then use his glow-in-the-dark hostages to get some emergency lighting.

Lois patted his face. “That’s okay. Everyone knows that I’m the brains of our partnership, and you’re just the brawn,” she teased.
But she likes his brawn. Just like prawn.

For Luthor not to hear about the Planet’s undercover sting operation on Carpenter and the Met Star seemed implausible.
Well, since he’s neither sharing Perry nor Clark’s bed, how could he have known?
[Linked Image]
Right, Lois was in on it, too. Maybe she’s not into pillow talk?
CLARK: [Linked Image]

Did Luthor like Lois enough to have him killed?
LEX: Well, I actually have to like a person to *not* have them killed, so…

Had Luthor made the watch for Lois, as he had with the LoLex watch?

Just throw money at a problem and see if it went away?
If you throw 100 mil in gold coins at a terrorist, he will not bother you any longer. All you have to do, is throw them all at once.

If he gave Fuentes and Remy his guarantee not to turn them over to the MPD, they may be desperate enough to agree to it, no matter how scared of him they are,” Lois countered.
Some time later on a remote hill top.
SUPERMAN: So, which of the two of you shot Lex Luthor.
/Remy points at Fuentes/
SUPERMAN: /starts shaking his hand/ Thank you! I have wanted to do that for so long. Next time, please aim at an artery, though, okay?

“I’ve decided that ‘thinking’ isn’t your strong suit, Fuentes. I say, let’s ask the brains in the next room what they can come up with to save their lives,”
Ooooh! Will it turn out that Jimmy’s the true mastermind, which will then lead to Jimbo getting his job?
LUCY: razz And I thought Jimbo was the one with the potential.

No. Would he live the rest of his days without torment and self-blame, if a stranger’s life ended instead of Lois’s, because Superman hadn’t done everything he could to save their life, even if it meant bending the laws he treasured so dearly?
Then again, Lex is not a stranger.

Lex Luthor? Well, maybe not him so much.
laugh and ‘maybe him not so much’ instead?

“See,” Lois said in her usual confident tone. “Isn’t it easier if you just realize that I’m always right, straight from the…?”
But where would then be the spark. And Lois feeling like a winner?

What? Her words startled Clark to his feet. “Lois, no!”
What’s he expected?
LOIS: He’s a tad stupid, isn’t he? But I still love him, no matter if his father and mother shared their mother and father.

“He didn’t stop this bullet in my shoulder,” Luthor grumbled.
Everyone needs a laugh from time to time?

I’ll shoot her.”
This is what’s commonly referred to as a ‘bad thing’™.


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to administer its care.
Dipping in a vat of hydrochloric acid?

Asabi was sure that was the way Mr. Luthor and Mr. St. John would wish to keep it.
They could clone the deceased troublemakers down in the Arc to keep up the front?

He had first trained as a medic before being recruited into the Intelligence branch and, therefore, knew enough of basic triage to play the role convincingly.
ASABI: Quick, get me the herbal leaves and a hot poker!

with a big red box in back
‘the’ missing?

Fuentes, who didn’t care for the plan when Remy had announced it,
FUENTES: As if I’d argue with her during that time of the month, especially when she’s carrying an Uzi.

Even though he had interviewed Superman after that incident at his… Kent’s apartment, it always made Bill pause to think that Perry White’s friendly protégé was actually Superman in disguise.
Okay, he does know. /hands Henderson an Oscar/ Here, put him into Witness Protection so Snaps Provolone can’t get his hands on him.

Without a doubt, Lane was more tolerable a person with Kent in her life
And that’s with her not actually getting any. She’ll be a poodle once she’s convinced Clark to… stand his ground.

“He was shot while trying to escape earlier in the evening.
DP Headline: Hostage crisis in the newsroom – Lex Luthor shot while trying to be the first to flee.

Yet, instead of speaking, Superman turned his gaze briefly up the Daily Planet building before he took off like a rocket.
Lois been left alone too long? Again?

or Lois, as…”
The helpless damsel and love interest for both the hero and the villain of the play?
LOIS: Hey! That play is called *Lois* and Clark. L-O-I-S and Clark. I’m first. I’m the hero.

“Done!” Jimmy announced.

“Thanks, Jimmy,” Perry replied, rubbing his now-free wrist.
Remy allowed them to be freed all the while tying Lois down?

“Another word out of you, Missy, and I’m duct taping your mouth shut. Got it?” Remy told her.
Now, that would be cruel and unusual punishment.
CROOKS: And letting her talk isn’t?

Lois started to quickly nod her understanding, but seeing the lights of the bomb flashing against her chest decided against it, and instead gulped and nodded very, very slowly, once.
[Linked Image]
SUPERMAN: Great. How shall I disarm this bomb now and still remain a gentleman?

Clark could take out the terrorists without having to worry about Fuentes detonating the bomb.
Remote detonator?

In Perry’s office, Lois could hear a scuffle in the dark. Unfortunately, with nothing more than the faint emergency lighting from the newsroom, it was too dark to see anything.

She was alone in the dark with a bomb strapped to her chest. Unable to raise her voice any louder, she creaked out a dry rasping, “Help, Superman!”
wave Michael

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LOIS: Hey! That play is called *Lois* and Clark. L-O-I-S and Clark. I’m first. I’m the hero.
Nah, we just wanted to do a play on words of "Lewis and Clark", nothing else is implied. peep

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John: Thank you for the comments.
He really should have paid more attention when he studied Lois's backstory. Maybe he should have studied it more.
I think it might be even easier to slip up if he knew about every single story she had ever written. Even canon Clark didn't know who Kyle Griffin was and we all know how much HE loved Lois by the beginning of S2.

[John very happy that] they are touching again.
They will touch every once in a while.

Lois:I only wish sitting with him like this was habit. grumble at Luthor and making investigating him take so long.

Technically, Luthor did not do the exposing at all. With all the watches in this story, I am tempted to start calling it "Watch Clark".
[Linked Image] That was totally inadvertent.

Good thing he had already left for the orphanage when Lois came back with the watch.
CLARK: I wanted to invite her to join me, but she was busy visiting the Luthor House for Homeless Kids (caused by LexCorp).
LEX: That's not it's official title.
CLARK: Are you saying those kids aren't homeless because of you and your business practices.
LEX: I didn't say that. I just said, that I didn't call my charity that. Get the name right.

She really never gives up.
PERRY: She wouldn't be Mad Dog Lane otherwise.
LEX: Now, I get all those dog jokes. Funny.

I am glad Clark does not always have to be the one sticking up for Superman's morality.
So is he.

He could turn them over to the FBI or ATF or NTSP (New Troy State Police), although I am not sure Remy would be stupid enough to get caught in such a trap.
That's Lois's plan. Imply one thing, catch them with their lack of attention to detail.

Not unless Superman guaranteed their freedom long term, which I doubt he would.
LOIS: So, you're saying that someone who lives on a series of robberies thinks long term?

Fuentes really is sure of himself.
FUENTES: well, it would be stupid to shoot down a helicopter of the city of Metropolis, now wouldn't it? Much easier way to escape than via the van.

I wonder what caused the guy to back out this time.
I don't know. Seeing the mass of MPD surrounding the DP on LNN?

He so should have said "right here".
CLARK: Um... Superman isn't supposed to show himself; therefore outing myself to Lois is off the table.
LOIS: They said no red cape. So, if Superman shows up naked.
REMI: I'd turn myself in. Please, can we got with this plan. But I want him to take me directly to FBI HQ in Washington DC. As long a trip as possible would be nice.
CLARK: Superman doesn't fly naked.
LOIS: Not in this story, he doesn't.
CLARK: clap
LOIS: So, it IS telepathy! I knew it!
CLARK: Really, Lois. I would KILL to have that skill. Maybe it would make me understand you better.
LEX: I've got that threat on tape!
Next Day on LNN...
"Daily Planet Reporter Threatens to Kill to get SM's Powers"

If Lois did not already know CK=SM, she would have figured out 5 times this evening.
LOIS: /puts on her rose tinted glasses/ I have no idea what you're talking about.

That is not really the issue. As long as the crooks thing some people give them more pull, they will go for them, no matter what the reality is.
And what Clark realizes is that criminals could use many innocent people and his reaction would be the same. It's almost as if everyone is at risk, because of him.

Still, he would be putting Lois in danger. Also, this ignore the issue of why he didn't just tell Lois that CK=SM, and have her date CK.

But since Luthor is normally the bad guy, it really does not matter.
Which is why if someone threatened him, it wouldn't matter as much to Clark.
SMART KIDS: Yeah, right. Worked for us.

They could be happily married now if he had accepted she was right sooner.
LOIS: [Linked Image] Wait! No! I don't want to get married.

This would be so much better if Clark knew that Lois knew. It is really time for them to tell each other.
LOIS & CLARK: We agree with you. We're blaming: [Linked Image]
EW: What? Me?

[John's super happy he's dancing] they are connecting. Still this would be even better if he knew she knows.
LOIS: /note to self/ whisper to Clark that I know the next time he holds me close enough to whisper it without anyone else hearing.

Lois stood up. “I’ll stay, and Clark will talk to Superman,” she announced. “We’re not exactly on speaking terms at the moment.”
JOHN: What? Why does she even say that?
LOIS: Because he refused to take me out of town to visit friends this weekend, like I asked him.

Clark:Send her, keep me, I don't want to put her life at risk.
LOIS: Like *I* can contact Superman without you. If I got up to the roof and shout for SM, what will happen? Your head will explode. No, it's better if you go, Clark.

Which actually also shows that Lois's claim that Superman will not let her be harmed is not fully true.
CLARK: I knew I was to blame for Lois getting shot. mecry

Arguably, Superman at times does harm. I mean, recently he warmed up a gunman's gun, that created some harm. Preventing all harm seems a pretty high standard.

I think that should be "with a sneer".
Thanks. Fixed.

I think that should just be "no matter how quick".
What? Doesn't it make it more fun with extra propositions? Fixed.

Safe Passage how far?
SUPERMAN: I can take you as far as New Troy State Prison.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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-- Continuation of Response to John's FDK --
Is this the scam company run by the neo-Nazis.
That would be the one. I'm sure they outsource to all the criminals in Metropolis.

Dr. Leek being seen by any L.U.C. resident would also cause major problems in controlling the L.U.C.
That too.

I think that should be "wear so as to". Also I think it should be "crew allowing him to sneak". This is a continuation of the wearing of the uniform and a consequence of it, not a separate thing.

That seems a little out of the normally approved dress code.
Well, it's not like a Yankees cap or anything. Something that matches the uniform. I've see similar caps used for EMTs on TV before. Okay, true, not at night, but I don't think anyone would question it too much.

I think that should be "old Daily Planet security guard".
Thanks. Fixed.

you probably want to just say "Ms. Grant was among the group", although part of me almost things "in" would be an even better work.
Thanks. Fixed.

She is probably the only person here who knows the building. The other two are even more clearly in her favor.
CAT: drool Very distracting.

Anyway, it's only been a month.

PERRY: Lois has been Rescue Free for 30 days! Congratulations!
LOIS: Now, you've done it. You applaud workplace safety, Murphy's Law states that it then has to go to pot.
JIMMY: Explains hostage situation.

Lois:At least we know Lex has no clue of The Secret.
See, the hostage situation wasn't a total bust for Lois's investigation. laugh This is where you go when she's got a bomb strapped to her chest?

I hope he gets there soon.
SUPERMAN: /wipes mustard from his cheek/ Huh? But Lois claims not to need my protection. Let her get out of this one herself. Another hotdog please.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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mrsMxyzptlk: Thanks for stopping by. wave
Originally posted by John Lambert:
I still doubt he will even investigate this. If he compares notes with Cat, he will mainly be more dizzy . Even if the very unlikely Cat, Clark and Lois meeting in conference on what happened occurred, they still would mainly just be confused.
I agree, and I think that Clark would think "other dimension Lex" before he thought "clone Lex". Not that he would necessarily voice such an idea to either lady.
Hmmmm. Would Clark jump to another dimension Lex, before body double Lex?

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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I think it might be even easier to slip up if he knew about every single story she had ever written. Even canon Clark didn't know who Kyle Griffin was and we all know how much HE loved Lois by the beginning of S2.
I blame that on wanting to explain it to the audience. I prefer to think that Clark followed Lois's work before he met her, and decided to work at the "Daily Planet" so he could work with the great Lois Lane. Only realizing he was also in love with her when he met her.

How about: Possibly he had just wanted to end their partnership and have Lois’s friendship with Clark remain split up. ?? Does that sound better?
Yes, that sounds better.

Unless cloning is common (which it isn't), it really isn't a go-to answer. Even after dealing Vatman, they don't assume Lois's double in Madame Ex is a clone. (She isn't but that's beside the point.)
Even in "Double Jeopardy" where Clark was just involved in exposing that the President and the head of the secret service had been replaced by clone, it still takes Clark 12 hours to even consider that Lois might be a clone. Earlier he checks to see if she is a double. So he has obviously been convinced she is not acting at all herself, and even that takes too long. The fact he does not jump out of bed immediately and says "now who are you, and what have you done with Lois" is surprising. He still might have been able to save her quickly if he had realized then. grumble grumble grumble grumble

CLARK: I wanted to invite her to join me, but she was busy visiting the Luthor House for Homeless Kids (caused by LexCorp).
LEX: That's not it's official title.
CLARK: Are you saying those kids aren't homeless because of you and your business practices.
LEX: I didn't say that. I just said, that I didn't call my charity that. Get the name right.
So Jack and Denny's parents died because they ran afoul of the boss?

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Maybe Robin was a more common name back then. But if I remember it correctly (from the Kevin Costner film) everyone thought Robin of Locksley was still at the Crusades.
Even if you had a heroine in Mexico who is Maria the Strong, and her real name is Maria Lopez, and this is set in 1850 when possibly close to 50% of females in Mexico were named Maria, I still think it would be a weak disguise.

SM: I saved her from that Octopus dream.
Good point, I had forgotten about that at some level. Although since she was not actually really about to die, I don't know if it counts. Now if he had saved her by whisking her to his place where he could help her calm down away from the location of the trauma, he would have also rescued her from having to spend time with Lex.

Also, if he had told her his secret then, he would have saved her from having to pretend ignorance now.

John said:Jimmy:He did rescue me, or was that in some strange dream I had, where there was a lady sherriff in Smallville.
Virginia said:I don't think SM visited Smallville in GGGoH.
The idea was that this was a long scope strange dream. It included parts of his former, largely repressed life from multiple episodes. Specifically he was remembering both GGGoH and PML, and the rescue he is remembering is when Superman saves him from being killed by the car after April rejects him. At least I think that is what I was going for her.

LOIS: Except when he did, you mean.
LEX: That was an accident!
LOIS: Kidnapping Clark and leaving him to drown in Hobs Bay was an accident?
LEX: How did that hurt you?
LOIS: I stand corrected, Clark. Lex is the lunkhead.
Clark: dance I am not the lunkhead any more.

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Darth Michael: I see a light at the end of this backlog tunnel... Only 10 more until I catch up with Part 142. /EW does happy dance/
“Who’s Kyle Griffin?” Clark asked,
ER: Lois’s first husband.
My, that would be awkward wouldn't it?

LOIS: I’ll let Clark think it’s the first and the terrorists that it’s the last. [wickedly]
Ummm. To bother the heck out of Lex? Um... to bother the heck out of Clark?
LOIS: I'll take both for $200!

Frankly, he didn’t care what the reason was, he was happy to have her there.
/Lois wiggles/
Clark was suddenly very happy to have her there.
LOIS: Doubley-sure. Triplely sure! I'm your gal. You can count on me. My lips are sealed. Ooooh. Is that chocolate?

And that’s with her not actually getting any. She’ll be a poodle once she’s convinced Clark to… stand his ground.
See, this is why she has to show her Mad Dog tendencies NOW, because she might not have the fire to earn any Kerth's after Clark's done with her.
CLARK: I'll never be 'done' with her.
CAT: [Linked Image] She doesn't deserve you, Clark.

DP Headline: Hostage crisis in the newsroom – Lex Luthor shot while trying to be the first to flee.
A-ha! *Now* We know why Lex wanted to buy the Planet. It all makes sense.
LEX: First thing. I want a front page retraction that reads: "Daily Planet wrong. Luthor was shot while going for help."

Lois been left alone too long? Again?
Yep. Lex made a move on her.

The helpless damsel and love interest for both the hero and the villain of the play?
LOIS: Hey! That play is called *Lois* and Clark. L-O-I-S and Clark. I’m first. I’m the hero.
Pretty much.
LEX: And, Michael, I really appreciate you siding with me that Superman is a villain and I'm a hero.

Remy allowed them to be freed all the while tying Lois down?
They were freed after she and Fuentes returned to Perry's office.

Now, that would be cruel and unusual punishment.
CROOKS: And letting her talk isn’t?
CLARK: Well, they do have a point there, Lois. peep

ER: [pats SM on the back]
SUPERMAN: Great. How shall I disarm this bomb now and still remain a gentleman?
LOIS: Don't act like a gentleman.
SUPERMAN: Now, that would be just... just... [Linked Image]
LOIS: See, I'm the brains of the outfit.

Remote detonator?
Guess that's why they tied the bomb to Lois's chest with a great red bow.

Or Wonder Woman.
LOIS: I vote Asabi!
SUPERMAN: Why not Wonder Woman? She seems nice enough.
LOIS: I don't trust her.

ER: /always so excited when parts end with Lois strapped to a bomb/
LOIS: Gee, thanks. Now the EW will write more scenes like that.
SUPERMAN: /conflicted between working with Lois's chest on a regular basis and Lois being in danger/

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Originally posted by John Lambert:
I blame that on wanting to explain it to the audience. I prefer to think that Clark followed Lois's work before he met her, and decided to work at the "Daily Planet" so he could work with the great Lois Lane. Only realizing he was also in love with her when he met her.
Or maybe Clark was just playing dumb so that Lois wouldn't know how thorough a reading he had done of her stories.

Even in "Double Jeopardy" where Clark was just involved in exposing that the President and the head of the secret service had been replaced by clone, it still takes Clark 12 hours to even consider that Lois might be a clone. Earlier he checks to see if she is a double. So he has obviously been convinced she is not acting at all herself, and even that takes too long. The fact he does not jump out of bed immediately and says "now who are you, and what have you done with Lois" is surprising. He still might have been able to save her quickly if he had realized then. [very upset with writers]
That was just Clark's self-doubts coming in to play.

So Jack and Denny's parents died because they ran afoul of the boss?
Actually, their mom is still alive, but couldn't afford to raise them.... oh, wait, that was that Smart Kid girl. Um... Do we ever learn what happened to Jack and Denny's folks? Maybe they went missing while working on a huge architectural construction of LexCorp, so J&D were forced to fend for themselves?

Even if you had a heroine in Mexico who is Maria the Strong, and her real name is Maria Lopez, and this is set in 1850 when possibly close to 50% of females in Mexico were named Maria, I still think it would be a weak disguise.
CLARK: Yeah! He should just wear glasses.
LOIS: [Linked Image]

Good point, I had forgotten about that at some level. Although since she was not actually really about to die, I don't know if it counts. Now if he had saved her by whisking her to his place where he could help her calm down away from the location of the trauma, he would have also rescued her from having to spend time with Lex.
CLARK: /jotting notes/ this is some good stuff. I'll have to remember that for next time.

LNN: Lois Lane abducted by Superman!

Also, if he had told her his secret then, he would have saved her from having to pretend ignorance now.
LOIS: wallbash / [Linked Image] / Lex Luthor!

The idea was that this was a long scope strange dream. It included parts of his former, largely repressed life from multiple episodes. Specifically he was remembering both GGGoH and PML, and the rescue he is remembering is when Superman saves him from being killed by the car after April rejects him. At least I think that is what I was going for her.
Yep, that's convoluted all right. I totally missed it.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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I see a light at the end of this backlog tunnel... Only 10 more until I catch up with Part 142. /EW does happy dance/
It’s now part 143. And I believe the light looks something like this:
[Linked Image]

quote: “Who’s Kyle Griffin?” Clark asked,
ER: Lois’s first husband.

My, that would be awkward wouldn't it?
[Linked Image]

Ummm. To bother the heck out of Lex? Um... to bother the heck out of Clark?
LOIS: I'll take both for $200!
So, they both get to do her for a mere 200 bucks?
MINI LEX: I’ll take that deal!
CLARK: Let me see if I have enough on me… Mr. Terrorist Leader! Excuse me, but could you front me 100 bucks from your loot. See, my ATM card got stolen together with my wallet and I just got an offer I couldn’t refuse, so…

LOIS: /to terrorists/ We surrender! Please, whatever you do don't kill our leader. /points to Lex/
LEX: /straightens tie/ I knew she'd come around eventually.
He not so smart.

quote: he’d take the victory
ER: /suggesting/ Shouldn’t that be ‘any’?

He's not that desperate, is he?

CLARK: Why would you want to get rid of the kinks? I thought you liked the kinks.
wave Michael

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Originally posted by Darth Michael:
And I believe the light looks something like this: [On-coming train]
No, that's the light at the end of the tunnel that has become my story.
LOIS: What did she say?
CLARK: I think she said one of us is going to die.
EW: [Linked Image]
CLARK: /thinks about this/ hyper clap
LOIS: Don't laugh at that! That's just *wrong* I tell you *wrong*.
JIMBO: I have my scholarship money here. Can I join in on the fun?

LOIS: /to terrorists/ We surrender! Please, whatever you do don't kill our leader. /points to Lex/
LEX: /straightens tie/ I knew she'd come around eventually.
ER: He not so smart.
[Linked Image] Clone.

EW: He's not that desperate, is he?
ER: No?
Give him time. He'll get there.
CLARK: What? shock

EW: I bet $10K in quarters would do the trick just as well.
ER: That’s about 500 pounds (226,8kg to be precise). He’d have to put them all in a bag and then he should aim well or he might just injure them.
LEX: 50K then?

CLARK: What? I can't have exclusions? That isn't fair.
CANON CLARK: He is so defective. I still talk to Father O’Lonaghan about how I couldn’t save Lex from the collapsing subway station after he again tried to kill me and Lois.
CANON LOIS: And I keep talking to Dr. Friskin about how my husband just can't accept that Lex really isn't dead, he's just biding his time before he makes his next strike.

CLARK: No, it just makes Superman a marshmallow.
ER: White and sticky?
[Linked Image]

And Russian mobsters.
So, I should rent my accent... er... typing skills out to Sue?

LOIS: Doubley-sure. Triplely sure! I'm your gal. You can count on me. My lips are sealed. Ooooh. Is that chocolate?
ER: Does that mean if they consummate, he doesn’t remember and Lois isn’t telling, then the curse won’t know?
HERB: I don't think curses work in that manner.

LEX: And, Michael, I really appreciate you siding with me that Superman is a villain and I'm a hero.
ER: Maybe they should have used a vat that’s not previously been used to cook meth in when they grew him?
DR. LEEK: blush

SUPERMAN: Why not Wonder Woman? She seems nice enough.
LOIS: I don't trust her.
ER: Read too many Terry stories lately?
LOIS: Well, those, and the New 52s.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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