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#97464 10/03/13 08:19 PM
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Wrong Place, Wrong Time, Wrong Clark TOC can be found Here

So, well, um... er... comments? laugh

[Linked Image] [Linked Image]

Last edited by VirginiaR; 05/03/14 12:24 AM. Reason: Added Link

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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How do you spell lunkhead? Oh, yes, C-L-A-R-K K-E-N-T. [Linked Image]

How could he explain to her that Clark Kent was his name? He just wasn’t the Clark Kent from this dimension, but he had no proof of that. He had to convince her somehow that he wasn’t lying to her about his feelings. He just wasn’t sure how.
He should try telling the truth. If she believes he is a strange visitant from another planet, why wouldn't she believe he came from another dimension? mad Does he think Lois is so obtuse that she wouldn't understand time travel and multi-dimensions? razz Martha and Jonathan didn't know him, he didn't have any proof, he took their's son identity without asking them and even so they believed him. If simple farmers could understand multi-dimensions and alt-worlds, why couldn't a brilliant and intelligent reporter? [Linked Image]

And correct me if I am wrong, but what I have gathered so far is that he wants to marry Lois but never tell her the truth about his dimension, about his true Lois and canon Lois, because "she wouldn't believe it". [Linked Image]

“Is it?” Lois snapped, and Clark’s stomach sunk even lower. She leaned so her face was a mere inch from his face and hissed, “Superman.”
I was right. A long time ago I said he would never tell her. He didn't. frown She found out by herself and even when he found out she knew, he didn't tell anything. She had to tell him that she knew. sad


"My wife's love is what unites Krypton and Earth in my heart. Without it, without her, I truly would be in hell."

~ Superman: Man of Tomorrow #15
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Lois is an idiot. Sure, Clark needs to just tell her his real background, and that would alleviate some of their problems, but most of their problems stem from her not telling him anything and expecting him to read her mind. How is he supposed to know that she actually loves him? He can't just go by her telling him, "I love you; trust me." He has to go by her actions. She claimed that she didn't want to be seen dating Clark, and she dates Luthor and wears expensive gifts from him. And now she's considering accepting his proposal. She can't expect Clark to know that she's going undercover "for his own good" because she never gave him any indication of it. She's not giving Clark her reasons why she would accept Luthor's proposal, either. All she's doing is saying that she knows how she feels about him, not what those feelings are. She should have started off by saying, "I've been dating Lex to get him to trust me because I'm investigating him, and I've gotten in over my head. He asked me to marry him, and I'm considering it because I think I can get more information out of him if I play the fiancee for a while, but of course I'd never actually marry the creep."

Her conversation with Perry is particularly telling. Perry is pretty sensible, but he's lost all influence over her. Lois is just off in her own little world where she thinks everything she does is a sacrifice for the greater good and she's such a martyr who is going to single-handedly save everyone. She's in over her head, and she's too full of herself to acknowledge it. She claims that Clark stole her story. How can he possibly have stolen her story when her boss didn't know she was working on it? And how hypocritical is she to be upset at Clark for investigating Luthor without telling her?

And how can she legitimately get upset at Clark for not telling her that he's Superman when she knows that he tried to tell her several times, but she stopped him and told him not to?

Sure, Clark has made a mistake here and there, but it seems that everything Lois does makes things worse for herself and everyone around her. It would serve her right if she ends up walking down the aisle to Lex. She's making her bed; she's going to have to sleep in it. Superman can't save her from everything.

"It is a remarkable dichotomy. In many ways, Clark is the most human of us all. Then...he shoots fire from the skies, and it is difficult not to think of him as a god. And how fortunate we all are that it does not occur to him." -Batman (in Superman/Batman #3 by Jeph Loeb)
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“No, that’s where…”

Superman had dumped her.
Lois:No, I menat "that is where you dumped me." I know the secret.

She hadn’t needed to say the words, because both she and Clark knew what they were.
Lois:But if I had said them, Clark would probably realize I knew the truth, and maybe those listening in on this conversation would as well.

Breaking up with Lois as Superman had not only been the stupidest thing he had ever done,
Actually, he should have told her the full truth earlier.

and something for which he would be lucky if she ever forgave him,
Which is why he should have told her sooner, so he can get forgiven.

but it had also been one of the most painful experiences of his life in this new dimension.
It was really not a bright idea. He should have told her his secret then.

He had once thought it necessary for love to blossom between Lois and Clark, but now he wasn’t as convinced of that.
She was already starting to love Clark more. He needs to stop trying to force her feelings.

Clark arrived less than one minute after their phone call and ended up waiting an hour for Lois.
I am surprised he did not go check on her progress as SM.

It felt as if it had been a week since he’d seen her.
It has been six days right.

It had been a week, the longest week of his life and he had experienced many long weeks in his life.
If he only knew how long the next few weeks will be.

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Seeing Lois felt like a breath of fresh air for Clark.
party they are together. We are doing our last hurrah of happiness.

She didn’t seem at all like her usual confident self, though.
I wish he would focus more on why this is.

blaming the fact that she had left her watch at home
party party No watch.

She had said in her message that something had gone wrong in one of her investigations and that she had wanted to talk to him about it.
Clark, focus on what she wants.

It couldn’t have been that bad, could it? She would have mentioned something over the phone when they talked during the last few days, wouldn’t she have?
Not if she thinks her phone is bugged.

If it had been that important, she wouldn’t have left it up to a couple of cryptic messages, would she have?
They really need to get secure email accounts that they can send each other messages on.

He should have come home to check on her.
Yes, yes he should have. Which in some ways makes Lois's anger at him even less understandable. She is mad at him because he did not run to her when she called, but she has gotten mad at him so many times for it, he is trying to do better.

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she could see through it to the LNN building across the street from Centennial Park.
Is there no where in Metropolis free from Lex's all-seeing eye.

She immediately turned away from the carousel and headed deeper into the park, mumbling, “This was a bad idea, a very bad idea.”
Clark, offer to take her somewhere private and safe.

It was only ten o’clock in the morning, but still Lois refusing chocolate, let alone chocolate ice cream, was as unheard of as Perry admitting that Elvis was a so-so singer and bad showman.
party at least he understands the truth about Lois.

One thing he was sure of though, he was thankful, not to mention optimistic, that she didn’t want to explode her fury in too public a place.
But they still are in the park. He really should ask if she would like to go to his apartment so they can actually speak without being overheard.

I have to say that in WHALTTA they did way too much talking out in the open.

Since Lois knew of his dual life, it was well past time for him to tell her.
I wish he would be more open about what is going on.

If he were able to get the words out before she did, then she would realize, at the very least, that he wanted her to know and had decided to tell her on his own, and not because she had discovered his secret.
So, he thinks SM was her investigation, and SM=CK was her discovery? He thinks that is what she wants to talk about.

“Lois…” Clark began his admission of not being from Kansas originally, but Lois spoke his name at the same time. “Clark…”
wallbash they are both too focused on their own concerns.

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They looked at one another and then spoke in unison again. “Do you mind if I go first?” he said as she said, “I need to go first.”
Clark, she said need, let her go first.

“Lois, there’s something I’ve been meaning to say to you for a long time and I really think…” Clark said, before she started walking again.
Now that was just plain rude on her part.

“Lex proposed,” she whispered when he caught up.
dance touching. OK, maybe I am a bit crazy, but I am trying to squeeze any joy I can out of this part.

Lois waved her hands around her face as if swatting at flies, and he let go.
frown she is being more forceful in ending contact with Clark than with Lex.

“What do you think I said?” she snapped. “I told him I needed time to think about it. What else could I say to such a man?”
Clark:How about "no", "never", "not in a million years". Things like that.

Lois:But he might have gotten angry and killed me.

Reader:Oh, this would have been such a better way to go.

He placed his hand against a tree as he felt his entire body physically wince in pain.

It was as if her words had pierced his skin with a piece of sharp Kryptonite, making his head spin and it difficult for him to breathe.
frown and also he is not listening or thinking. He knows Lex is an evil man who will kill, so he really does know Lois can feel unsafe.

She had walked on and then, upon realizing that he wasn’t keeping pace, returned. “Clark, you need to keep up. I…” She glanced around again.
She really, really should stop to consider what is happening to Clark, and why he is reacting so.

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“Let’s get through that section of the park. It will open up into a large field. On the other side of the field are the backgammon and chess boards. We can talk more privately there.”
2 minutes later

Lois:How was I supposed to know the North Metropolis High School chess team would be playing games and the Central Atlantic Backgammon championship would be both happening here this morning?

Clark nodded absently in agreement. He tried to buck himself up by thinking, ‘At least, she didn’t say ‘yes’. Then again,’ his brain had instantly responded. ‘She didn’t say ‘no’ either.’
wallbash he needs to remember that it was to him she mentioned a desire to be handcuffed, not to Lex.

Clark:But many women marry a man other than who they love.

Reader:Do you really think Lois would do such.

Clark:Well, no, but I also didn't think Lois would be so quick to run off because of some expensive peace of jewelry, and I didn't think she would abandon her date at the magic of the night ball. But she did those things.

As they walked, Lois’s anxiety turned to nervous chatter. “Do you think I expected this? I didn’t. This was the last thing I expected from him.
He really should stop and ask for clarification.

make me regret that decision more than I already do, Lois,” Clark mumbled.

It's never wrong to save someone’s life, Clark,”
wallbash she isn't listening at all.

she reassured him with a pat of his arm. “It’ll turn out all right in the end.”
Clark:So, you think it will be right if you are married to Luthor?

Clark was having difficulty believing her.
He really should ask more questions.

“So, this is why I called you,” Lois said as they neared the game tables. “I need your help, your unbiased advice, Clark.
wallbash wallbash wallbash wallbash How does she even think her boyfriend can give her unbiased advice on this. It makes no sense.

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Partner to partner.
wallbash somehow I don't think Clark is really listening.

I’m not sure what I should do. I mean, I know what I should do.
wallbash If she knows, then why is she even asking Clark. This makes no sense, especially to him.

This is a once in a lifetime opportunity that I will never get again.
Clark:To marry? To marry a rich man?

wallbash Clark should really ask her directly.

Although, it really does seem she is saying "this is my one chance to marry, if I say no, I might never get another chance". At least based on what Clark knows.

I know how I feel about him and what I want to do.
wallbash because Clark does not cut in with "how do you feel about him?" and "What do you want to do". wallbash at Clark's stupid rush assumptions.

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On the other hand, I know what he thinks of you, and what you think of him.
Clark:So are you just trying to make me jealous. What is you point in telling me this?

I don’t know how to meld these two contradictory parts warring inside of me.”
This really does make it sound like she has positive feelings for Lex despite the negative feelings that Clark has towards him. Even knowing what I do, that is still the only way the last line makes sense.

She laced her fingers together and shook them in the air. “Oh, Clark, I’m totally flummoxed, and that’s not a feeling I like. I need you to look at this clearly for me.
hyper Clark let her. Let her speak again and clearer.

Clark didn’t know how much more explanation he could take.
wallbash lunkhead, let her speak.

Did he want to hear how Lois had fallen in love with Lex?
wallbash has she said one word of love. Has she praised anyone but you Clark. Listen to what she actually says.

No. Did he want to hear how marrying Lex would also be good for her career, because of his connections? Nope.
wallbash Clark stop assuming.

Did he want to hear how she loved Clark, but how Lex would be a much better match for her because of his social status and wealth? Certainly not.
wallbash stop treating Lois as if she is super shallow Clark. She fell in love with you as Clark, not just you as Superman. She loves you. Aargh, why can't he see that.

Taking Lois’s elbow, Clark led her to a nearby bench and invited her to sit down.
wallbash at Lois for not trying to start he explanation again.

He felt he must do something, but he wasn’t quite sure what.
wallbash Clark, you don't have to do anything. Action is not what Lois needs now. She needs a friend to listen to her concerns. Be that friend Clark.

He knew he had to say something or she would make the biggest mistake of her life,
wallbash No Clark, there is nothing you can do to make things better except listening to her.

and marry a murderer.
Then tell her to not marry the murdered.

Finally, he came to a decision.
wallbash at Lois for sitting quietly and letting him do this, when she said she needed to start over.

He would tell her the truth and let her make an informed decision.
wallbash at his off the wall understanding of what "the truth" is.

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Unfortunately, clarity and word choice failed him. “This isn’t how or when I wanted to do this,” he told her.
wallbash He is going to do something stupid.

Reader:Clark if it isn't "how" or "when" you want, then just plain don't.

“But there is something I need to say.”
wallbash He is going to do something so stupid, he will be lucky if Lois ever forgives him.

Lois looked up at him with a torn expression. He could see anticipation, as if she knew what he was about to do, as well as a hint of panic in her eyes. Additionally, her heartbeat increased.
Considering their actual experience, and the clothes she brought to the Lexor, it makes sense that Lois might expect what is coming.

One would think he had never done this before. Then he realized he hadn’t… well, not quite like this, not with Lois.
Why is he such a lunkhead?

Lois nodded. “Okay. Fine. Spill it. Let’s get this over with.” She waved him on.
Clark, just stop. Just stop. Think before you act.

Clark paused as he gazed at Lois. He knew that this would be difficult, being that she was already in shellshock due to Luthor’s proposal, but he had to try.
No, no you don't.

If he didn’t speak up and tell her now, he would regret it for the rest of his life.
No, he will be glad for not being a total lunkhead.

He discovered he was staring at her once again. He turned his face up to the light blue sky and hoped a small dose of sunshine would give him the courage to speak the words he had wanted to say since he first met Lois.
Then tell her that Clark, tell her "I have wanted to do this for months, but I knew I should wait longer, but with things going how they are now, I fear I will never get a chance."

He only wished Luthor hadn’t forced his hand, as this wasn't the way he wanted to do this.
Then don't do it Clark. Oh why, why is he such a lunkhead?

Clark took another steadying breath, more nervous than he had been the day he had “proposed” to Lana.
wallbash This is a horrible plan.

‘Promises should never be given lightly,’ he could remember his mother saying to him.
Then don't ask for them lightly either. Oh, this is such a trainwreck.

Now that Clark thought about it, Lana never gave the ring back after she broke up with him due to his becoming Superman, either.
Well, at least that means he does not have it here to use as a stand in ring.

When he still hadn’t said anything after a minute, Lois smiled at him with encouragement, sending a new course of butterflies through his stomach. He could do this.
wallbash Lois, don't encourage him.

Clark took Lois’s hands in his. “I have loved you since the first moment I saw you. You are intelligent and brave and beautiful and selfless and funny, a true friend and partner.”
Clark, stop, just stop. She is in shock. You have surprised her too much.

He wished her announcement hadn't knocked him sideways and that he had the time to fly out to Smallville to discuss or practice this spur-of-the-moment speech with Martha.
Clark, there is always time.

“This isn’t the right time, or the right place, or the manner in which I would want to do this, Lois.
wallbash this is a horrible plan.

Yet, I cannot – in good conscience – let you
wallbash wallbash wallbash wallbash wallbash wallbash This is just a horrible line. Clark, you have no control over her actions.

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make the biggest mistake of your life without putting my two cents in,” Clark continued, before kneeling down before her.
This is such a stupid idea.

“Lois Lane, will you make me the happiest man in the universe and agree to be my wife?”
This was such a horrible idea.

Her jaw fell open.
Clark, you just failed, totally.

He had always wondered what she’d be like stunned speechless and he guessed he now knew.
Bakctrack Clark, just backtrack.

Finally, her mouth closed and when it reopened, she asked, “You’re asking me to marry you?”
frown she just crushed his heart, totally.

Clark’s heart crumbled. He knew a ‘no’ when he heard one. “I will be a much better husband than Lex Luthor.
wallbash wallbash wallbash Clark, just stop, stop. You are making things worse.

I know that you love me,
Lois:If you knew that, then why are you acting so rashly?

or that you once did before we started in on this whole ‘pretending that we aren’t involved’ ruse.
wallbash Things are getting worse.

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If you want to get married so badly, why not choose me?”
hyper he loves her.

As Lois closed her eyes for a count of ten, that muscle in her jaw tensed. She opened her eyes, pulled him off his knee, and drew him onto the bench beside her. “No, Clark, you don’t,”
frown this is horrible.

she said, her voice sounding rough. He could see the sparkle of unshed tears in her eyes.
Clark you failed.

“A man doesn’t tell the woman he loves that the only reason he’s proposing is so that she doesn’t make the ‘biggest mistake of her life’ by marrying someone else.”
He really should point out that that was not his only reason, just the catalyst to act now.

She stood up, and Clark recognized the anger coursing through her as she began to pace. “A man cannot claim to love a woman when all he has ever done is lie to her.”
That is not fair. To confuse acting undercover with lying is just not fair.

“That’s not true,” he sputtered, getting to his feet in the need to defend his integrity. “I don’t lie to you.”
wallbash Clark, just stop making it worse.

“Or whoever you really are? First off, Clark Kent isn’t your real name.
wallbash this is so horrible.

I have no idea what your real name is,
That is because you Lois have been too focused on Luthor, and not the man who really matters.

but you and I sure as hell know you weren’t born Clark Jerome Kent from Smallville, Kansas.
But that is how I was raised. It is just as real as any other child adopted nearly at birth's name.

How could he explain to her that Clark Kent was his name?
Just tell her Clark.

He just wasn’t the Clark Kent from this dimension, but he had no proof of that.
Start by explaining it. Maybe then she will believe.

“Okay, so maybe I’m not the son of the Martha and Jonathan Kent you met when we went to Smallville, but I might as well be. I care for them as much as I did my own folks.
This is still a horrible way to explain things. It only says "they are like my parents" to those who know the truth. To Lois, it is empty platitudes, because this is the man who saved Luthor.

That person who you work with, talk to, and joke with, that is truly who I am. That is the real me.”
frown that Lois does not believe this.

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Ye, you got them talking ... which is what we all wanted. BUT you didn't get it right. They talked about all the wrong stuff, it was horrible. NO!

Clark made a real mess of his reveal/proposal. He was going to tell her and it all would have been fine, but he went off on an absolute tangent with his proposal. And Lois ... I think she majorly over reacted. She's known about Clark, and come to terms with it, for a long time now. She acted as if she'd only just figured it out.

ARGH. They can't get it right at all. I'm guessing that is because the are NOT right for each other. He is the WRONG Clark.

I know we are all probably rooting for them to get together and have a 'happily ever after' but I'm getting the feeling that it's not going to happen. Especially as this is only part 2 of a trilogy. I think that the real Clark is going to come back in part 3 somehow.

Does that mean there will be a time 'reset' again, because, even though this Lois and Clark are NOT soulmates, they HAVE fallen in love. To split them up and bring back the real Clark, but Lois to keep her memory of Alt-Clark would be so horrible. And poor Alt-Clark. If you send him back home with his memory of TRULY being in love with a Lois Lane that will be even more cruel.

*Sigh* And I just realised that if I'm right then we have at least another 100 parts before the final happy ending in part 3 with real Clark and Lois, I guess.

Lois: "You put up with me for the same reason I put up with you. It's because I'm completely in love with you."
Clark: "And I love you ... Did we just make up?"
Lois: "I think so."
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“Is it?” Lois snapped, and Clark’s stomach sunk even lower. She leaned so her face was a mere inch from his face and hissed, “Superman.”
frown this is the worst possible way for her to tell him.

“I have no idea who you are!” Lois announced, throwing her hands into the air.
Now that is just unfair. She knows who he is. A kind, caring individual who loves her. His name is not part of that equation.

all the while you pretended to be someone else, my friend,
Clark:What friend, you hated me then. You wanted to pretend to date me as Clark to be with me as Superman. You were the one who wanted to use me.

my partner to my face,
Clark:I broke up with you as SM almost as soon as we were partners.

and the person I turned to for comfort when I cried about how you…” She poked his chest with her index finger. “— in that costume, hurt me.”
Clark:I was the one who turned down your very attractive and high pressure attempt to get us to make love.

Clark could say that he had wanted to tell her, many times, but what good would it do?
It can't hurt.

He had tried to be honest about his feelings and that hadn’t worked.
Feelings alone are not everything. Lois has told him this before. That is what she told him in Smallville. He should have really listened.

“Jealous much?”
frown this just cuts me up.

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He has committed crimes from murder, sabotage, and arson, to destruction of the environment.
smile1 he is speaking the truth. Although he should have smile1

He funds medical experiments on children and he was the money behind Menken’s cyborg boxers. He routinely flouts laws and throws his successes in my face, in everybody’s face.”[Quote]

hyper he told her.

[Quote]The journalist in her emerged. “Why didn’t you tell me, Partner?”
hyper she called him partner.

“I have no actual proof, Lois. No ‘hard facts’ as Perry always says we need. Luthor has multiple walls between him and everything he touches. Nothing leads back to him. I could come forward to tell Inspector Henderson what I have witnessed, but it would be just Superman versus humanitarian Lex Luthor,” he explained.
hyper he speaks of himself as Superman while dressed as Clark.

“Nobody would believe me.” He only hoped that Lois would.
frown that her change in attitude won't reall help.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” Lois repeated, her gaze sharp as if she knew the words he was about to say.
frown he just opened up to her about what he knows, and all she can do is accuse.

“I did try to bring up the subject, Lois, and every time I did, you defended...”
It is true.

She held up hand to stop him. “That’s not the real reason. What’s the real reason?”
He should fight her trap.

Clark cleared his throat, before admitting, “I didn’t tell you because we thought you might be too close to him, Lois.”
Well, her constantly defending him made it seem that way.

“And you didn’t know if you could trust me,” she finished his answer, her voice cold.
frown this is so unfair. Especially since he did just tell her.

“You’re dating him.”
He has a real good point.

Her lips pursed. “No, Chuck. I was dating you.
Hogwash. She never spent any time with him. She abandoned him on their one date in the last month. She broke up with him on his birthday. Hogwash.

“I love you,
party she still loves him.

“No, Lois,” he insisted, rising to his feet and setting his hands on her shoulders. “Clark really is who I am and I do love you.”
I wish she would believe him for once.

“How can you say that you love me, when you don’t even know me?”
This is the worst line possible.

You admitted to me that you don’t trust me.
No, he showed trust by telling her all he had on Luthor.

You kept key facts of an investigation away from me.
He just told her all the key facts.

You allowed me to continue to associate with someone while withholding information of his so-called true character.
Hogwash. He constantly tried to tell her, but anything he said she would fight back at him. He chose to avoid fights.

Finally, you offered to marry me under the guise of stopping me from accepting another man’s proposal.
Clark:No, I offered to marry you because I love you Lois. I just rushed because of the proposal.

“There is not a way you could have possibly phrased a proposal today, where I would have accepted it,” Lois went on.
Is she trying to crush his heart. She clearly is succeeding.

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“The jerk proposed!” she announced.
And she crushed his heart. She claims to be doing this for him, but I think it is mainly motivated by her own selfishness.

“How could you?” she growled. “Clark said you gave him the story because I’m dating Lex. Why didn’t you trust me?”
Perry:I have on multiple occasions said I do not want employees with conflicts of interest.

“Honey, I didn’t know of any investigation because you didn’t inform me. In fact, I thought you had dropped it, because I never received that interview you promised me after the White Orchid Ball,”
He has a really, really, really good point. So good, I think Lois should just apologize for being so rude.

“And you shouldn’t expect those closest to you to read your mind,” he said. “If you keep us out of your loop, how are we to know what you’re doing?”
smile1 finally someone is speaking sense to her.

Lois looked up to the ceiling. “Both of you know I’m dating Clark! As if I would ever choose Lex over him.”
Perry:How do we know that? The only dates we see you go on are with Luthor.

“I told him to trust me!” she shouted, crossing her arms in a huff.
Perry:And then you flung yourself at a richer, more powerful man. What is he supposed to think?

She shrugged demurely. “Clark wasn’t serious.”
Lois, you are blind.

“Clark only proposed to give me a way out.
Perry:And you don't think he would take you to Vegas and marry you this afternoon if you were willing. Lois, that boy wants you in the worst way possible, of course he would do that.

He didn’t even listen to me when I tried to explain why I’ve been meeting with Lex.
She really could have been more forceful in trying to explain.

How many times did Lois have to tell Clark that she loved him before it sunk in?
Actions speak louder than words, and when her actions are dating Luthor, well.

How often had she kissed him at work over the last month,
Not nearly enough.

breaking her cover and risking Lex’s spy, whoever that might be, catching them?
People don't feel right about secret relationships, they want to let things be open in the light. If Clark was ok with secret relationships, they could have been making love all last summer. He hates secrecy, and wants to be open about his relationship with Lois.

She had thought that Clark understood that she was putting her life, her wants, and her desires on hold for him,
How, she never said such. She said that she was confused by kissing Superman. She said it was to protect her. She manipulated him into not going public by saying if they did she would be in danger. She never said anything about protecting him.

to find out who attacked him.
By making her not bait she was presenting this as a way to not meet the attacker.

She had told him she was going undercover as someone who wasn’t dating him,
Actually, she never made this very clear.

How much more clear did she have to get?
Well, it would really have helped if she told him what she was really doing.

She knew more about presidential candidates than the two men who proposed marriage to her.
But she did know that Clark was Superman.

“And if Lex was willing to break the law to spy on me, why wouldn’t he willing to murder my best friend,
I think that should be "he be willing to".

“By accepting his proposal,” Lois replied, heading towards the door of his office.
wallbash she is really crazy.

John Pack Lambert
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Actually, I have to say that this is no worse that in canon, and probably it is better than what happened in canon.

1-Lois loves Clark. In canon she thought she loved Lex. True, she realizes she is wrong, but that is a lot later.

2-No matter how stupid Clark was, he did not do anything as stupid as the "only a lead-lined robe will help" line.

So, while Clark did not get things right. I don't think he messed up anymore than canon Clark did.

John Pack Lambert
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Posts: 256
Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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Posts: 256
As they walked, Lois’s anxiety turned to nervous chatter. “Do you think I expected this? I didn’t. This was the last thing I expected from him. Well, maybe not the last thing. I didn’t expect he would jump onstage during a symphony orchestra performance of John Williams’s film scores and start to perform the ballet from Tchaikovsky’s ‘Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairies’ in a pink tutu to the theme music to ‘Jaws’. So, other than that type of oddball behavior, this was the last thing I anticipated when he said he was grateful that I encouraged you to save his life last weekend.”
*tries to picture Lex in a tutu*

thumbsup Virginia!!

PS: Someone give John an aspirin - he's gonna need it after all that headbanging-into-brick-wall action....

"It's the mythology of a sun god who wished he was a man because he saw something so great in us.
It's the story of a hero who could move whole worlds and see through stars and hear a whisper on the other side of the planet...
...and who fell in love with a storyteller." - ashmaht (x)
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Joined: Feb 2008
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I remember being blown away when I read this chapter during the beta.

Just wanted to re-read it to see if I'm still blown away.


Awesome chapter.

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