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#97553 10/10/13 09:37 PM
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Nobel Peace Prize Winner
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Wrong Place, Wrong Time, Wrong Clark TOC can be found Here


So, anyone want to comment?

Oh, and Happy 100 Years of 'Pride and Prejudice'. Go Jane! You inspire us all.


Last edited by VirginiaR; 05/03/14 01:15 AM. Reason: Added Link

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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“I’ll see you at seven then,” Lex said.

Lois raised her hand towards the window, towards Superman.

Clark shook his head in disbelief and turned to get away from this image before him.

“No! Wait!” she called. “I… love… you!”
Oh, great! :rolleyes: To make an even worse mess she must have said it while still on the phone, didn't she? [Linked Image]. Probably Lex will answer: I knew you would come around, Lois. I love you, too, Darling. wallbash

Lois and Clark's Cupid must look like this: [Linked Image]


"My wife's love is what unites Krypton and Earth in my heart. Without it, without her, I truly would be in hell."

~ Superman: Man of Tomorrow #15
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Top Banana
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I meant to comment on the Elizabeth Bennett quote in the last update but forgot in my post. When it got mentioned again above I REALLY meant to mention it, but you went ahead and did it yourself anyway just another paragraph later.

Great chapter. And great way to get in reference to another classic romance couple.

Lois: "You put up with me for the same reason I put up with you. It's because I'm completely in love with you."
Clark: "And I love you ... Did we just make up?"
Lois: "I think so."
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So Lois is channeling Elizabeth Bennett! smile

“But to allow that hack to steal my story, that was just the last straw! I’m a three time Kerth Award winner for heaven’s sake!” She only hoped Lex never asked her what story was stolen or which hack took it.
Lois is putting on a show for the microphones in her apartment, but how does she know that Perry's office wasn't bugged? In which case not only would Lex know which story and which "hack", but he would also know what Lois is up to. And what is preventing Perry from discussing her predicament with Jimmy, Cat, or Clark somewhere in the newsroom that is bugged? In fact, how does Lex not know that they're on to him?

And if Lex doesn't have Perry's office bugged, then how much effort would it take to find out who Lois is mad at in the newsroom?

How could I ever consider being his wife if I owed him such a debt?
Psst! Lois! Look for a man who wouldn't feel that you actually owed him anything for helping you.

Lois loved Clark so much, it hurt. It hurt that he still didn’t trust her. It hurt that he thought so little of her that he would even think she would consider Lex’s proposal. It hurt that he hadn’t even listened to what she had come there to say.
How did she really expect him to react to what she told him? Once again she's expecting him to read her mind and know that she's investigating Lex when she has never given him any reason to believe that that's the case.

Lois really treats Clark like garbage; I'm almost to the point of campaigning for him to go back home and try to patch things up with Lana. Or at least go back in time a few years and find his own Lois.

Ha! Marriage only benefited the male of her species, not the female. They were no longer in prehistoric times. A woman didn’t need a man for protection or to bring home the bacon. A woman could do that herself.
Woah! That's quite a slanted view on marriage. I realize that Lois has had no good role models in this area, but there are lots of ways that women benefit from marriage, including all the mutual benefits, especially when kids enter the picture. Of course, I assume that Lois isn't thinking about kids, either.

Didn’t Clark know that the last thing a career-minded woman wanted was a man to treat as master? A woman didn’t need someone else she had to cook and clean for, when she had hardly enough time to do those things for herself. Who needed or wanted a man who was constantly telling her what to do or fixing things in her life that weren’t broken?
Does she have any reason to believe that Clark would treat her that way?

Why did Clark always assume that she didn’t love him? That was where he jumped to first, every time.
Maybe because she doesn't act like she loves him... ?

Why couldn’t he have the confidence in himself to see that she was doing all this stuff with Luthor to save him from Lex?
Well, it helps if she actually conveys her intentions to him.

How in the world could Superman have such an underdog complex?
That's an entirely different question. She knows that he had a bad experience with a past fiancee. She should think that whatever happened there has something to do with his behavior. Once again, she's expecting him to cater to her demands and whims and put every consideration for her first when she's not even remotely willing to do the same for him. She completely ignores his point of view and the impact her actions have on him.

This Lois is quite the narcissist.

Then Lois remembered something she hadn’t consciously thought about over the past month. Clark had been engaged before. Clark had been engaged to a woman he had dated for nine years, and who had dumped him practically at the altar. A woman who played mean, rotten, nasty mind games on him. He had finally started to get over that horrible woman with her. And what did Lois do? She played mean, rotten, nasty mind games with him. She had kept their relationship a secret, while going out publicly with another man. Lois pressed the heels of her hands into her eyes. Why had she done that to him?
Hooray!!!!!!!!!! You've redeemed her (somewhat - pending her acting on her epiphany)!

Not only would it screw up her chances to go deep undercover as Lex’s fiancée,
Do it, Clark, do it!

it could reveal Clark’s secret to one of the last people on Earth who should have that information.
Ok, maybe hold off.

How did she distance herself from someone or something, but not to the point that Lex would want to get rid of it for her?
"...There's this guy who's been stalking me, and he's really creepy, and I wish Lex could get rid of him for me. He lives in that tall tower in the middle of the city..."

Maybe if I sent her into a long-term alcohol recovery center…
Lex: Done and done.

Perhaps talking to oneself in the third person wasn’t the best way to convince someone she was sane.
Why do people in stories and TV and whatnot always cite talking to oneself as a sign of craziness? Everyone talks to themselves. Maybe some people don't actually do it out loud, but my guess is that it's rare for someone to never talk out loud to oneself.

“I need to go down there today and apply, before I reply to Lex. Who do I know there who will give me a good reference?” she asked herself honestly.

Nobody, most likely, was the correct answer. They were all jealous of her zeal and results.
... Then wouldn't they want her on their side...?

So what happens when Lois's resignation is actually processed, and once she's done messing around at LNN, the DP board won't let Perry re-hire her because she's unstable?

So at the end, she's still on the phone...? Or did she hang up before she yelled at Superman? It looks like she's still on the phone, so what is Lex going to make of her outburst? The way she phrased it, it doesn't quite fit in the conversation. Maybe that won't matter to him.

"It is a remarkable dichotomy. In many ways, Clark is the most human of us all. Then...he shoots fire from the skies, and it is difficult not to think of him as a god. And how fortunate we all are that it does not occur to him." -Batman (in Superman/Batman #3 by Jeph Loeb)
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“Or the next three,” Martha said under her breath, taking another sip of her tea.
Clark:I don't think I can bear having Lois rip me apart 3 more times like that.

“I don’t want to believe that Lois would actually marry Luthor, but the fact that she’s even thinking about it...” Jerome said,
He really should have asked her why she was thinking about it.

returning the topic at hand,
I think that should be "returning to the topic at hand" hyper there is a way for him to phrase it acceptably tomorrow. OK, maybe Lois means "today" in a slightly broader sense.

“She’s absolutely correct, though. A man should never propose only to counter another man’s suit.”
frown that no one has told Clark this until now.

“You should have consulted her opinion before offering one of your own.
frown that he did not do this.

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Major decisions are best made with all the information possible and a proposal after lots of thought.
I wish he had had and followed this advice.

That’s why women prefer it when a man has a ring chosen and has planned it as a special event,
Good to keep in mind.

Jerome blanched. “I knew I should have talked to you first,” he mumbled,
He really should have. Lois had not even given Lex an answer yet.

pulling one of the plates towards himself and digging into the cake. “Mmmm, Mom, this is delicious.”
whinging that Lois does not learn about it. whinging that she won't have such anytime soon.

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“Don’t worry about it, son,” Jonathan replied with a smile. “Feel free to confuse my baking with my wife’s anytime. No insult there.” He beamed at Martha.
Well, it has been 22 years or so since Clark had his Mom's baking, so his memory is probably not all that good.

“I’m an idiot,” Jerome said, a few seconds later, after pushing his empty plate towards the center of the table.
He has passed the first step, admitting he is wrong.

Martha put her hand over Jerome’s again. “No, you’re not, honey,” she reassured him. “A fool perhaps, but not an idiot.
smile1 he is getting some reassurance.

Lois isn’t the type of woman who wants a man who will tell her what to do and, frankly, I admire her for it.”
I guess I see her point, but Clark was scared.

“But she’s not stupid,” Martha continued. “She loves you, and she loves Superman,
Clark:Then why did she reject my proposal when she found we were one and the same.

Martha:Because you worded it so horribly.

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that was clear even back last fall. Now, that Lois knows the truth, she’ll see that you’re best of both worlds.”
Which is the one of the big reason she is going through with her crazy plan.

“Luthor doesn’t stand a chance of winning her heart or her acceptance.”
Yes on the first part, sadly no on the second.

“I told you. Lois already knew the truth,” Jerome murmured, his head hanging contritely again. “That’s why she was furious.”
Actually she probably would have been more furious if she hadn't know.

“Certainly she’s angry, because you didn’t tell her the truth before you proposed, and she has every right to be mad, I may add,” Martha said.
Good point, someone had to tell him.

“No, Dad, Mom’s right. I planned to tell Lois, this morning in fact, but when she told me about Luthor’s proposal, that part of the plan flew right out of my head.

It didn’t seem relevant to the topic at hand.
He really was not listening back in October when Lois explained to him that she needed more than just feelings. whinging

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I knew… or I thought I knew that a part of her still loved me,
whinging that he is beginning to doubt she loves him.

which is why she hadn’t accepted Luthor’s proposal in the first place.
I think he is right on why she didn't accept, but for the wrong reasons. She knew how much it would tare Clark up if she accepted without him knowing what was up. However, they messed up the talking to eachother session, and so now he is being torn up just like she wanted to avoid.

I thought that’s what she wanted from me, a better offer,” Jerome confessed,
I guess this almost makes sense, but not really.

“Well, that respect is gone now.” He shook his head.

“No, that’s not right. She said she wanted my advice about Luthor’s proposal. See! This is why I thought she wanted me to propose.”
Martha:When women say "advice" they mean "advice" not action.

Undoubtedly, the word ‘advice’ had a different meaning in Jerome’s home universe, Martha surmised.
It would help if she said this aloud.

“So, your advice was ‘don’t marry him, marry me’?” Jonathan said softly. “Son…”
The way Jonathan describes it, it does sound like advice.

Jerome raised his hand. “I know. I know. The worst possible thing I could have said, apparently.”
Technically not. It would have been worse to say "Go get in bed with the devil, I don't care."

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Jerome shrugged. “She never said. I suspected back during Nightfall that she had discovered the truth when I kissed her as Superman, but I was mistaken.
He should have just pushed forward with the assumption that he was right.

Surely, she would have said something.”
This is Lois, she keeps everything a secret. She even keeps her undercover investigations a secret from her boss. It is amazing Clark knew about her being at the Metro Club at all.

my subsequent head-bashing
I wasn't the only one head-bashing last part.

Jonathan shrugged, suggesting, “Or it could convince her of his power in the world and his value as a source.”
Jonathan seems to have a really negative view of Lois.

“Not that I know of.
He underestimates Luthor's ability to guess. Also, seems to overestimate Lois's ability to hang up on Luthor.

I suspected him of being Lois’s stalker last summer, but never found any definitive proof. Anyway, Superman got rid of those cameras before Lois and I became close,
She spent the night at his place before the cameras were removed. At least Luthor thought that was what he saw, well, OK he thought a lot more than spending the night.

and as Superman, I made sure we met away from…her apartment,” Jerome admitted.
Which to Luthor would just mean he was trying to avoid getting caught. Luthor would assume Superman has had sex with multiple women. He projects his morals on others.

Away from temptation is more like it, Martha decided he meant.
I am glad he stayed away. This story would be much more harrowing if he hadn't. Although part of me does not want to contemplate the horror of this story being more harrowing.

“It was Luthor shooting her, which convinced her that we should partner up for good.”
Are you sure Clark. She said she was going to dinner with you before Luthor shot her.

Martha slammed her hand on the table. “Enough of this wallowing, Clark Jerome Kent. Fly back to Metropolis and talk to Lois,”
This story would be somewhat better if he actually did. Although, it isn't his fault she quit the DP already. She could have waited until the end of the day. It's not like LNN human resources people will even be in until Monday.

she insisted, pointing out the closed kitchen door. “From everything that you’ve told us that Luthor did to that woman, there isn’t a chance in hell that she will marry him.”
Which maybe should cause them to wonder what Lois is really up to.

Jerome glanced at her, unconvinced. “It could be a cute anecdote that they tell the…”
Lois:Tell the what, staff. Because there is no way I am ever having children with Luthor. Clark, maybe, Luthor never.

Which causes me to hope that Lois is really not pregnant. If she is pregnant that will cause Clark emotional breakdown. Even though it will be his child, he will assume it must be Luthor's.

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Flinching at that thought, he rose to his feet. “I can’t give up on her, even if she has given up on me.”
But Clark, if she gave up on you, she would give up on the investigation. OK, he doesn't know that, but I had to say it to try and feel a little better. There is a reason I fastforwarded through most of "Barbarians at the Planet" and "Fall of the House of Luthor" the first time I watched Lois and Clark, even though I knew that Lois and Clark got married. My first clear knowledge of exposure to the show is from reading a TV troupes entry on the episode "Sex, Lies and Videotapes", so I knew Lois and Clark would get married to eachother and this was not the no net progress work we got with the 1970s/1980s Superman movies (although to be fair, I think even there the plan was to eventually put Lois and Clark together as a couple, that just went out the window when creative control went to other people).

“It was his birthday!” Jonathan reminded her.
She really should have waited another day. What could it have hurt? OK, she might have lost her determination. Somehow I can't see that as bad though.

“Why?” Jonathan gasped. “When has she ever done right by him?”
In the hospital. In the Honeymoon Suite. She ran back to him, when she could have learned more spending more time talking to Luthor.

Martha gave him a sharp look. “Just trust me on this, Jonathan. Don’t hate the woman our adopted son loves.
smile1 Clark still loves Lois.

“Elizabeth Bennet said to Mr. Darcy practically the exact same thing that Lois told Jerome when he first proposed marriage as well. If their love is for the ages, so too must Jerome and Lois’s love be.”
Yes but there Elizabeth turned down the rich Mr. Darcy, here Lois is turning to the rich Mr. Luthor.

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Lois paced her living room. How was she going to accomplish stopping Lex from purchasing the Daily Planet?
Get Superman to fry him? See, I was right that she should have let Lex die. It would be much safer for the DP.

She had left work to come home to change into a nicer outfit, before heading over to Lex’s penthouse to accept his proposal and ask him for a job at LNN, but now she was having second thoughts.
smile1 she is going to call up Clark and accept his proposal instead. OK, I shouldn't needlessly get my hopes up like that.

Somehow, she needed to make Lex think that she had given up on the print news business completely,
But does she want others to think this as well.

Lois:Perry knows the truth. He will let me come back.

Reader:Only if he is still alive.

In addition, she didn’t want to pretend to be a pathetic woman who needed a man to ‘rescue’ her after stupidly quitting her job before lining up another one.
She should have thought about this and not quit the DP so rashly.

Yet, how could she walk that line and still accept his proposal?
Just go back to Clark Lois, he loves you as a person, not as a thing he wishes to exert control over.

When Lois had gone to meet Clark that morning, she hadn’t expected that the nitwit would propose,
She really should have thought things out more from his perspective. She does know he has been engaged before. She was just thinking about his fiancée when accusing all Kryptonians of being lunkheads.

so she hadn’t dressed for a proposal. She had been dressed in a long sleeve t-shirt and sweat pants.
At least she knows Clark's attraction to her is more than just physical. Something that is not clear for Lex.

She had wanted to disappear during her meeting with Clark, because she wanted to be completely frank with him about what was going on with her investigation of Lex,
whinging she should have lead with the investigation, not the proposal.

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She wanted finally to allow herself a moment to break down and cry after what Clark did to her this morning,
whinging that she has such a negative reaction to a proposal.

but with Lex possibly watching, she didn’t have that luxury.
frown this was really not a wise plan to turn her personal life into something under a microscope.

She had thought Clark loved her as she loved him.
But she has not been showing that love, so now he is getting scared and uncertain.

How could he think that she, of all people, was one of those women on the hunt for a husband?
She did say that the proposal was a wonderful opportunity. His interpretation was the most consistent with what she actually said.

“You’ll never guess what I did to myself to day? I quit my job,”
Today is normally written as one word.

“Why didn’t I interview at LNN before walking out on Perry and Daily Planet?
I think that would be "and the Daily Planet".

Oh, to work at LNN!

It would be the realization of my dream. I could work on scoops again!
Not with the limited responsibilities Luthor would allow her.

Make a real difference.
Not with more and more people quitting LNN in disgust over the lies it tells about SM.

Tell the news as it was happening, not a day later.
Actually, TV news has never been known for being breaking news. I mean, they generally give ads about the news hours before they air it. OK, maybe LNN is more like CNN. Still.

Lois turned back to face her fish tank. “I can’t ask Lex for a job at his company. No, I can’t do that to Lex after he’s been so kind to me.”
By trying to kill her best friend. By driving a wedge between her and her best friend. By constantly bad mouthing and maligning her best friend.

Her stomach started to churn with these words.
How can she stand to do this.

“— need his assistance in this.
She should have formulated something for Clark to do in this investigation before going to talk to him.

How could I ever consider being his wife if I owed him such a debt?
As opposed to being Clark's wife when she owes him the much bigger death of being alive. Although, this I never got in Another Lois. Why didn't Lois die in the shuttle explosion along with those hundred other people.

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Worst of all, her mother would love Lex!
Not if she tells her mother that Lex treated her like a prostitute.

Her knees weakened and she staggered towards her sofa. It was so cold and hard, it reminded her of Lex.
She should destroy it as a proxy for destroying Lex.

She saw her bed and instantly thought of Clark with him being so warm, soft, and cuddly.
whinging that he didn't fly straight here from the Kent place.

Lois loved Clark so much, it hurt.
party she loves Clark.

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It hurt that he still didn’t trust her.
But he did tell her everything he knows about Luthor.

It hurt that he thought so little of her that he would even think she would consider Lex’s proposal.
Well, she hadn't said no, what was he supposed to think?

It hurt that he hadn’t even listened to what she had come there to say.
Well, she did give up on even trying to restart. The one time her being stubborn and barreling ahead would have helped she didn't.

She knew she had blown Clark’s proposal out of proportion, but he started it!
Now she is just being petty.

Trying to fix her life, her problem with Lex, with a marriage proposal.
Well, she had said that Lex offered a possibly once-in-a-life-time prospect. What else was he supposed to think.

Lois had thought Clark had realized this, but he was acting just as bad as Lex.
That is totally unfair. He was scared and in shock and really worried, especially since she said the proposal opened up a great prospect.

Why did Clark always assume that she didn’t love him?
Because actions speak louder than words, and when her actions are to hide anything with him, and publicly admit only a connection with Lex, it hurts.

That was where he jumped to first, every time.
No one else has ever loved him, why would Lois be any different?

Why couldn’t he believe that she would love him and only him until the end of time?
Because she broke up with him, refused to acknowledged their relationship, and told him to date other women.

Why couldn’t he have the confidence in himself to see that she was doing all this stuff with Luthor to save him from Lex?
Because that makes no sense. Especially because she has never told him what she knows about the L.U.C.

How in the world could Superman have such an underdog complex? It didn’t make sense.
It does when he spend years in foster care, when his parents died on him and such.

Then Lois remembered something she hadn’t consciously thought about over the past month. Clark had been engaged before.
But she was specifically thinking about his fiancée earlier this day.

Clark had been engaged to a woman he had dated for nine years, and who had dumped him practically at the altar.
Finally she is getting the picture. It would make even more sense if she knew about alt-dimension.

A woman who played mean, rotten, nasty mind games on him.
Like what Lois seems to be doing by kissing him while accepting expensive gifts from Lex.

He had finally started to get over that horrible woman with her.
And then she started doing the exact same kinds of things.

And what did Lois do? She played mean, rotten, nasty mind games with him.
Good, she recognizes the similarity.

She had kept their relationship a secret, while going out publicly with another man.
I am surprised it has taken her this long to realize just how hurtful that is. Clark wouldn't do that to allow Lois to date Superman, and he would have gotten the best of both worlds. Although why he didn't just tell her then and there "Lois, it's all one and the same, since I am both Clark Kent and Superman", well, OK, he wanted her to love CK, but he should have realized just how manipulative that was.

Lois pressed the heels of her hands into her eyes. Why had she done that to him?
Good question. She really should have considered the emotional cost of this absurd plan.

Lois had been too proud.
So she is the proud one. Does that mean Clark exemplifies prejudice, or is Lois exemplifying both emotions. On another note, Jane Austen fans everywhere wish Pride and Prejudice was this long.

She needed to prove to herself, to the world, that even without superpowers, she was able to bring down the biggest bad guy out there, one who had even fooled her.
But why? She has 3 Kerth Awards, the last won after Clark showed up.

She had wanted to show that she was just as good, if not better, than the Man of Steel. She had been selfish.
Now that she realizes this, I wish she would give up this stupid investigation.

Because once Lois had learned that Clark was also Superman, she had brushed aside everything that had taken her months to learn about Clark and assumed he could take it.
She has not really internalized anything he has told her.

She had forgotten that deep under that suit of blue was a damaged and lonely soul still in need of healing, in need of love.
This is why he should have told her, because then he could have reemphazied to her that what he has told her about his past is true. whinging that he has not managed to tell her that.

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Had she subconsciously wanted to hurt him for lying to her?
Yes, which is why she should just have yelled at him earlier.

She thought she had been protecting him from Lex; instead, what Clark really needed was protection from her.
Exactly, she has hurt him way more than Lex ever could. Lex might be able to hurt his body, but she has ripped him to shreds emotionally.

Clark was the kindest soul she had ever met, and he was funny too.
frown that she has cut herself off from him.

Usually, when Lois wasn’t stressing him out too much, he was a good listener.
See, she should really have avoided the M word at all costs.

How could she have expected a man whose heart she had just crushed with the news that she hadn’t flat out refused Lex’s proposal to have been able to listen properly?
Exactly, she really should have thought this through better.

She had been jumpy, nervous, and scared of her own shadow, worried that she would never make it to her rendezvous with Clark,
She really should have had Superman come and whisk her away to an undisclosed secret corner of Metropolis.

and frightened that one of Lex’s men would steal her off the street before she could tell Clark what was going on.
She really is in too deep.

She hadn’t been thinking straight. When Clark’s proposal had come out of left field like an attack, she had defended herself.
That was the stupidest thing she could have done. She should have tried to see things from his perspective.

Lois didn’t know if Clark would ever forgive her.
Why should he. He bared his soul, and then had her come and rip it to shreds.

She did know, though, she wouldn’t blame him one bit if he never did.
OK, I am just too mad at both of them for being total lunkheads. I just knew something horrible would happen when she went with her stupid undercover plan. I am feeling perturbed at everyone. I am trying to not be too put out, but I am just discouraged with things.

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Of course, Lois realized, if Clark or Superman chose this moment to fly into her apartment and rescue her from her tears, the surveillance cameras would pick it up.
That would only be a problem if Clark decided to fly in.

Not only would it screw up her chances to go deep undercover as Lex’s fiancée, it could reveal Clark’s secret to one of the last people on Earth who should have that information.
Deep under cover is overrated.

She needed to steel her nerves and stop herself from crying about what might have been, before those very tears made a bigger mess of things.
What ever, she should just give up.

She knew she wouldn’t feel any better for a long time, but she had a job to do.
There has to be an easier way to bring Luthor down.

If Lex meets my family, that will be that. He’ll wash his hands of me, and I can’t say I’d blame him.
It would be a way to end Lex pursuing her without bringing Clark or the DP into the picture. Sounds like a perfect plan.

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Lucy? Well, Lois would have to send word through one of the Jimmys that she shouldn’t come to Metropolis due to the return of the Voyeur.
But can she trust that the Jimmies won't also reveal this detail to Clark?

‘At least this isn’t as bad as Lex and Lois Luthor’s wedding.’”
Gag, just gag.

She laughed at herself. Okay, she needed to come up with another way to talk to herself for the cameras that didn’t make her look bonkers. Although…

No! She needed to get the Kryptonite away from Lex.
Give it up Lois. You are never going to get the Kryptonite.

“LNN would be the dream job.

It’s so high tech and modern. If I use Lex’s assistance in getting a job at LNN, though, nobody there will ever respect me.
As long as she is dating Lex no one there will truly respect her.

Herb had told Clark that Lois hadn’t chosen Lex when there hadn’t been a Clark Kent to mess up Lois’s life,
Only because as far as she knew Lex had died.

and heaven knows that other Lois hadn’t chosen Lex Luthor in that other dimension where she was married to that other Clark.
He only thinks this because he knows too little about that dimension. For all he knows Lois was a widow when he met her.

she was attracted to winners.
frown that he still thinks she is attracted to Luthor.


You’re finally back where you belong,”
No he is not. He belongs in Lois's arms, and since she is not here, he is not where he belongs.

“You’re not exactly the easiest guy to reach, Sugar Boots,”

Clark was in the sky as Superman less than ten seconds later and heading for Lois’s apartment.
Why didn't he learn his lesson about not rushing into things?

“But it felt right.

I need to work somewhere that has a future in this global economy,

where I’ll be able to travel on the information superhighway. I don’t see the Daily Planet being that place. So, I decided I’d take that first step on my whole new life today.”
Are you trying to crush Clark?

Clark’s jaw fell open. Lois had accused him of not knowing or understanding who she was this morning, and if that truly was Lois Lane standing in her apartment, she was absolutely correct. He didn’t know her at all.

“No! Wait!” she called. “I… love… you!”
She really should have used his name.

John Pack Lambert
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I was re-reading part 143 (where they learn about Monique Kahn's death). I think Clark really has no one to blame for his current problems than himself. He is the one who did not trust Lois with information so many times.

I also realized with Lois knowing that Lex is the voyeur, if she, Henderson and Clark pooled what they know they could probably make a circumstantial case against Lex for the murder of Kahn, but I am not sure that would really hold up in court.

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Ultra Woman: Thank you for your comments.
Oh, great! <<Oh, Lois!>> To make an even worse mess she must have said it while still on the phone, didn't she? [Andreia feels the frustration dig in]. Probably Lex will answer: I knew you would come around, Lois. I love you, too, Darling. <<Oh, the frustration!>>
Your questions will be answered in Part 142.

Lois and Clark's Cupid must look like this: [Tempus Cupid innocently pretending not to know his arrows were deadly]
I love your smilies. It is true that this Lois and Clark have a harder mountain to overcome to find happiness.... or shall I say a *different* mountain to overcome.
CANON CLARK: Thank you for the correction. I thought our mountain was pretty big too.

KatherineKent: Thank you for reading.
I meant to comment on the Elizabeth Bennett quote in the last update but forgot in my post. When it got mentioned again above I REALLY meant to mention it, but you went ahead and did it yourself anyway just another paragraph later.
Yes, Pride and Prejudice is one of my favorite books and my inspiration for much of what happened in the park. You may not recall, but in Another Lois, we discover during Lois's flashback to when she is waiting in her non-lead lined nightgown for Superman to show up and to ask him if there was any chance for them, she is reading 'Pride and Predjudice'. Perhaps that is what subconsciously influenced her to say what she said in the park, perhaps not.

Great chapter. And great way to get in reference to another classic romance couple.
Thank you. In many ways, Lois and Clark are like Elizabeth and Darcy.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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