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#97644 10/17/13 09:06 PM
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Wrong Place, Wrong Time, Wrong Clark TOC can be found Here

For those of you who don't know Steffi Graf and Martina Navratilova were big tennis stars in the early to mid 1990s.

Thank you all for your patience. I've been working hard the last couple of weeks and have almost caught up with my back-logged FDK responses. I'll do better at responding to them on a more timely basis from now on.

Thank you all for reading and commenting. smile1

Last edited by VirginiaR; 05/03/14 01:12 AM. Reason: Added Link

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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Oh, you and Female Hawk made my friday!! Poor padre Carlos!! Without powers he became an easy Target... I hope Clark find a way to help him...

About Lex.... hhhhgggg!! I can't believe he discover Superman's reflect in the window AND Superman didn't hear Lois's words!!

About Lois's suggestion about have a runner between Lois and Clark.:... could that be Jack??

I can not wait until it is Friday again!!!

Clark: "So what are you saying? I should go crawling back on my hands and knees?"
Martha: "No, honey. Fly back. It's faster!!"
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Clark must have a guardian angel in the city's park maintenance department. That guy with the lawnmower has impeccable timing.

I really enjoyed this chapter. I didn't spend it banging my head on my desk over Lois's bad decisions. smile She came off much more level-headed than she has tended to lately.

I found it odd that Clark assumed that Carlos had had an accident. I assumed that he was sick. I don't remember there being any indication of whether he was sick or injured before Clark talked to the other guy about it.

I wonder what Carlos thinks of Clark. He knows Clark's story, right? So here he is, a Catholic priest, asked to swallow that he's the reincarnation of an alien whose alternate-dimension counterpart has come to visit. I'm not an expert on Catholicism, but I'd guess that reincarnation, if not aliens and other dimensions, falls afoul of their doctrine. (I guess he can't really escape the reality of aliens, though.) Maybe Carlos sees someone in need of spiritual help and is just humoring him as far as their connection goes, or maybe Carlos believes Clark and has reconciled that with his faith. Either way, it probably doesn't have any bearing on the story.

I just find it interesting to have fictional characters reconcile their religious faith with whatever crazy science fiction is thrown at them. As a religious person myself, I'm amused to find that I can easily suspend my disbelief on things like aliens with superpowers and alternate dimensions, but the ideas of reincarnation and soul mates rub me the wrong way so much that I tend to dismiss them and can't suspend my disbelief. Reincarnation is no less fantastical to me than flying and heat vision, yet I can suspend my disbelief on one but not the other. I find myself putting myself in Carlos's place - what if someone came to me with the claims that Clark makes? I probably wouldn't believe them, but Carlos has found some way to not believe that Clark is nuts.

"It is a remarkable dichotomy. In many ways, Clark is the most human of us all. Then...he shoots fire from the skies, and it is difficult not to think of him as a god. And how fortunate we all are that it does not occur to him." -Batman (in Superman/Batman #3 by Jeph Loeb)
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“I thank you all for coming today for this prayer vigil for Padre Carlos. I’m sorry to announce that his condition is unchanged. Let us bow our heads.”
frown for Carlos.

He had used Padre Carlos as a sounding board and for advice, time and again,
What he made what, two vistis to Brazil before this one. Not quite "time and again".

He was surprised that man in Gotham City was still alive.
Maybe that is why there is no Batman in alt-world. He died in his first attempt and being a vigilante.

and countless number of people had been in the church since then.
Part of me thinks this should be "countless numbers of" or "a countless number of".

roughly the size as Kansas City, Wichita, and Topeka combined.
I think you want to say "the same size as".

Clark also would never be able to protect Lois properly in his stead.
I think Clark is doing very good at protecting Lois, he just needs to realize it needs to be on her terms.

“I’m so sorry, Carlos,” Clark whispered in English. If only there had been a way for him to share his powers with another, he couldn’t think of a better candidate.
Too bad canon-Lois nor canon-Clark told him about lighting power transfer.

He recalled their last conversation. Carlos had wanted him to give a vow of abstinence before marriage. Even with the curse looming over him, Clark hadn’t been able to do it.
Wait, they talked after the Lois on revenge incident. Have they met three times or just twice?

“God, if you let Carlos live, I give you my word, I’ll save myself for…” Clark murmured as his words faded into a grimace.
frown that he does not think there is a chance. He should figure if Carlos can live, then he can get Lois back. One is not a greater miracle than the other. OK, it is easy for me to write that, I know Lois loves him, but still.

With Lois as good as engaged to Luthor, his words felt like an empty promise.
He really should not have played all his cards at once.

How would he ever make love again, if it couldn’t be to Lois?
Ah, but part 2 is not the case.

Anyway, Carlos’s life deserved a much better a trade than that.
He might have a point, but still.

Lex leaned back in his office chair, puffed on his cigar, and exhaled with contentment.
Things are really dark if Lex things he is winning, of course it is partly because he is the one being fooled.

His relationship with Lois couldn’t be progressing better.
It is good to know he is fooled.

Well, other than the fact that she hadn’t yet accepted his proposal.
But if she had, he would be bored with things.

On the other hand, he hadn’t asked again either.
He will probably have to do that.

She had wanted space to think about it, so he was giving her space.
By spying on her every move?

From watching her at home this afternoon, he knew she wanted nothing more than to be the next Mrs. Luthor.
party Lois has him fooled.

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Let her grow restless for a few days in her anxiety that he might not offer again.
Would she really be saddened by that.

Perhaps he should be too busy to take her or return her calls over the next few days.
If Lois was not manipulating Lex totally, I would be even more displeased at Lex doing so much of this.

“Once they stopped walking, I was able to get close enough to hear what they were saying without revealing myself.”
Lois should have let Clark tell her he was SM while they were on the way to the tables.

This one was a side view of Kent lifting up his glasses and obscuring his eyes as Lois scowled at him.
At least it was not a view of Kent's eyes uncovered. And the scowl will make Lex never suspect that CK=SM.

Lex looked at it again and beamed. Kent actually looked as if he were crying.
Lex is sick, getting enjoyment out of others suffering.

The man had shuffled his feet and appeared uncomfortable under Nigel’s glare. “Anyway, Ms. Lane spent the next five minutes yelling at Mr. Kent before marching off in a huff.”
frown my heart still breaks reading about this.

As Lex looked at that photo of Kent alone on the bench again, his spirits rose even higher.
Lex is just sick, finding enjoyment in others suffering.

Kent must really hate Lex if he was willing to propose marriage to a woman he didn’t love.
The ironic thing is that it is Lex who does not love Lois, and Clark who clearly does. Lex may think he loves Lois, but it is really just a sick, twisted desire to control.

Did that nobody Kent actually think that Lois would choose him over Lex?
Hah, she already has.

After dumping Lois for Cat Grant, Kent couldn’t possibly expect Lois ever to consider him seriously.
frown that anyone thinks Clark would chose Cat over Lois.

Lex knew that Lois had a problem with men who cheated, due to her father’s roving eye. It was why he had never given Lois any reason to doubt he was anything but loyal to her.
frown that Lex gets away with so much.

In any case, from what the investigator said and despite what Lois had once told him, it appeared as if Kent still hadn’t told Lois the mystery surrounding his non-existent past.
This is not good, that Lex thinks there is more to investigate.

To be honest, the not-knowing was a thorn in Lex’s side as well.
smile1 that there is something Lex is not getting his way in.

Earlier that night at dinner, Lois had told him that she would love to work behind the scenes at LNN,
frown that Lois has had dinner with Lex 3 times this week. That is more dates than she has had with Clark ever, or pretty close. frown We no longer are getting any additions to the Clark and Lois kissing count in this story. frown I think the last time they actually kissed was just before Clark left to go undercover at the MS, and she slapped him for it. frown

John Pack Lambert
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There was nothing more exciting than a woman screaming ‘no’ and fighting him when they had sex, pretending she didn’t want him.
Lex is messed up.

As wife to Lex Luthor, she would be too valuable to be exposed to the potential harm that a reporter might encounter.
Lois would go crazy in this situation. I am not sure how canon-Lois ever even considered marrying Lex. It made no sense at all.

The surge of excitement, which had passed through Lex upon hearing Lois say that she loved him, was so great that he needed to call Mrs. Cox out of a meeting to distract his mind and body from it.
Lex is sick, using one women when he is thinking of another.

Therefore, it wasn’t to him Lois had said her endearments, but to Superman. He should have known he had won too easily.
smile1 Well, at least some people realize that Lois loves Superman. This event will probably make the chances of Luthor realizing CK=SM zero. frown that Clark does not realize what was happening.

To Superman! Lex slammed his fist down on his desk. Always Superman!
Lois:Well, they don't call him Superman for nothing.

Moreover, by the expression on Superman’s face, he still loved her.
Good think Luthor thinks Clark does not love Lois, otherwise he might make the connection.

even if it was the last thing either of them ever experienced.
I just have this fear things will get real bad.

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Lois had to agree with that statement.
smile1 she wants Superman.

“How’d those documents for your partner work out for you?
So she did plant some background for Clark. She got to the birth certificate and used it before Clark ever saw it, I guess.

I saw that you and he caught Carpenter for being a bad onion, so the Met Star must’ve bought the background we built.”
Well, Clark got the job with the Planet without the background Lois and Louie built, so maybe he got the job at the Met Star the same way.

“Luthor is the kind of man I would strongly discourage my daughter from meeting, let alone dating, Lois.”
This is very unhelpful as an accusation.

She needed to save Clark, whether he wanted her to or not.
But will it work?

That didn’t surprise her. Lex could count her and Clark on that list.
Although she is trying to avoid Lex knowing she is actually on the list.

She had lost all of her support structure already on this investigation.
frown that Clark rushed to conclusions.

Straight as they come. “It’s not safe for me to go near him,” Lois said, glancing down at her hands clinched in her lap.
But it is so much fun.

Being near Clark was too much of a temptation.
See, my point exactly.

she still loved him.

Lois missed Clark,
I hope she brings Luthor down quickly.

and every minute they were apart she felt was a minute of her life she would never get back.
This from someone who is living her life for the 3rd time.

She craved his touch, his thousand-watt smile, his contagious laugh, and his gentle reassurances that he would always be there for her.
frown that Lois is deprived of the emotional support that Clark gives. This investigation will be nearly as hard on Lois as on Clark.

She wanted to feel his lips on hers with every cell in her body.
smile1 she still wants to kiss him.

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he could an asset to her life…
I think this should be "could be an asset".

bringing more good than bad to it. Unfortunately, that was a big ‘if’. She would be lucky if he ever talked to her again.
frown that she is so close to giving up hope.

Lois also knew that if Clark had played his cards right the day before, instead of betting on a pair of aces, she could have easily exposed her feelings for him in a way that would have jeopardized her entire investigation.
But they would be so less emotionally torn up.

That was why Clark should have taken her to Smallville when she told him that they needed to talk.
Yes, if he had been smart he would have taken her away. Of course, Clark did not know that she was likely to be followed. He thinks the voyeur is all an issue from last year.

Actually, that was why he should have told her the truth about himself months ago.
Well, he was going to, but she told him not to. OK, the Pheremone time probably does not count.

she could have easily fallen into Clark’s passionate embrace as had happened during their meetings on the sly.
frown the story would be so much more fun if that had happened.

Perhaps they were lucky that Clark had proposed in the manner than he had. Otherwise, she wouldn’t have rejected him so resoundingly and Lex would’ve moved Clark back upon his ‘persons of interest’ list.
Clark:I don't feel lucky. I just feel crushed and ripped apart and destroyed.

she consciously had to stop herself from slugging him.
smile1 she loathes Lex.

“So, you need someone to act as go between you and your partner?”
I half think this should be "act as a go between, between you". Although maybe that sounds too formal for Louie. Another part of me thinks maybe it should be "need someone to go between you and your partner".

“Mrs. Cox, Luthor’s assistant.
Interesting choice on who to investigate.

A woman with short spiky blonde hair, ala Annie Lennox, wearing a black sweatshirt and track pants, looked both ways before slipping through the blue door at 344 Clinton Ave.
smile1 Lois is coming to see Clark.

She knocked again, murmuring, “Come on. Open up, Chuck. It’s me.”
smile1 she used the name of endearment.

From out of the front pocket of her backpack, she removed a beige note. She kissed the front of it and slid it between the layers of the Daily Planets.
smile1 she gave him a note.

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chelo: Thanks for reading and commenting. smile1
Oh, you and Female Hawk made my friday!!
Maybe if I can get my new part to work better / puts 3 pages written last night into deleted scene folder / I'll post late Wednesday night. It seems like the weekend is become more and more crowded with stories posting.

Poor padre Carlos!! Without powers he became an easy Target... I hope Clark find a way to help him...

About Lex.... hhhhgggg!! I can't believe he discover Superman's reflect in the window AND Superman didn't hear Lois's words!!
I can't make this investigation too easy for Lois, can I? We don't know yet what Superman did or did not hear, but it was enough to send him down to Brazil to seek Carlos's counsel.

About Lois's suggestion about have a runner between Lois and Clark.:... could that be Jack??
[Linked Image]

I can not wait until it is Friday again!!!

mrsMxyzptlk: Thanks for not giving up on my lunkheaded characters.
Clark must have a guardian angel in the city's park maintenance department. That guy with the lawnmower has impeccable timing.
Yeah, I was wondering if that was too coincidental, especially for a Saturday. blush
HG WELLS: /wipes brows/ These new-fangled grass cutting machines are difficult to operate. I'm going to stick to time-machines.

I really enjoyed this chapter. I didn't spend it banging my head on my desk over Lois's bad decisions. [happy about that] She came off much more level-headed than she has tended to lately.
hyper Always good to hear.

I found it odd that Clark assumed that Carlos had had an accident. I assumed that he was sick. I don't remember there being any indication of whether he was sick or injured before Clark talked to the other guy about it.
Clark knew that Carlos was in good physical condition some six weeks earlier, so that he wouldn't automatically think of a sickness that would end Carlos up in intensive care. He figured that Carlos was hurt during his vigilante work as the Jaguar but that he would call the injury an "accident" to keep his secret identity in tact, which is why Clark called it an accident. He didn't think it was an 'accident' at all.

I wonder what Carlos thinks of Clark. He knows Clark's story, right?

So here he is, a Catholic priest, asked to swallow that he's the reincarnation of an alien whose alternate-dimension counterpart has come to visit. I'm not an expert on Catholicism, but I'd guess that reincarnation, if not aliens and other dimensions, falls afoul of their doctrine. (I guess he can't really escape the reality of aliens, though.)
I believe reincarnation goes against the doctrine of "heaven / hell" yes. Does he believe that Clark is from another dimension? Well, he didn't really believe in aliens until SM arrived so maybe it's possible that there are other dimensions and time-travel; although, he doesn't like the idea of tampering with what God had written.

Maybe Carlos sees someone in need of spiritual help and is just humoring him as far as their connection goes, or maybe Carlos believes Clark and has reconciled that with his faith. Either way, it probably doesn't have any bearing on the story.
There are some things that Carlos can't refute. A) He knows that CK=SM, and that SM is from another planet. B) that CK/SM looks like himself (that was one of the reasons he grew a beard after SM arrived on the scene, as a sort of secret identity / his "glasses" so to speak.) Does Carlos believe Clark about him being the reincarnation of baby Kal-El of this dimension? Not so much. He believes that Clark believes it. He's open minded enough to know that other religions' beliefs and his own don't always mesh. It doesn't make them wrong, only different. He's honored that SM comes to him for counsel, despite their different religious beliefs, and hopes he might be able to assist him on his journey. Maybe this was why God made him and SM so similar, in looks and interests, so that SM would be open to hearing Carlos's counsel. Does Carlos believe that Lois is his true soul mate? No, which -- besides the obvious reason, of him being a priest -- is why he openly and freely tells Clark not to change the past (well, that, and because he doesn't like the idea of man changing God's will). He doesn't want to believe that Clark can actually change the past, but he's not taking any chances. Being that Carlos goes against the Church to be the Jaguar, I have tried to write him more open to new ideas, but also having a keen sense of history (the Church having once believed in witches and curses and such) and values. His sense of right and wrong may differ from Clark's due to how he was raised.

I just find it interesting to have fictional characters reconcile their religious faith with whatever crazy science fiction is thrown at them. As a religious person myself, I'm amused to find that I can easily suspend my disbelief on things like aliens with superpowers and alternate dimensions, but the ideas of reincarnation and soul mates rub me the wrong way so much that I tend to dismiss them and can't suspend my disbelief. Reincarnation is no less fantastical to me than flying and heat vision, yet I can suspend my disbelief on one but not the other. I find myself putting myself in Carlos's place - what if someone came to me with the claims that Clark makes? I probably wouldn't believe them, but Carlos has found some way to not believe that Clark is nuts.
I grew up Catholic (at least through second grade) and I found that the range of people I met at the varying Catholic schools I attended went from open minded to closed minded, which I think really depends on how much control someone is trying to exert over their own life. I personally like the idea of reincarnation (I actually liked Soul Mates because of the time-travel / other lives aspect), whether or not it exists, though, falls in the realm of flying superheroes and aliens. It's not something I'm ever going to find an answer to during this lifetime. I like to think of other dimensions / parallel universes in the way the Gweneth Paltrow movie Sliding Doors explores, how our choices impact our lives and change the path we take. I was recently thinking how different my life might be if we had purchased another house (one with TWO bathrooms instead of one) we looked at down the street instead of this one. Would that one change in my past, being that the other house was a bit more expensive, led to me to return to work earlier? My children would have different friends, because they'd be attending a different school. Would I have found this wonderful fandom of LnC or would I have explored other interests? Would it have made our life better or worse or kept it the same? Truthfully, the only reason I write (long) alt-Clark stories is because I find him more flawed than canon Clark and thus, more human and easier to write. wink

Part of the reason I made Carlos a priest was to try to get into the head of someone who doesn't think exactly as I do. It's also why I'll sometimes write from a completely new POV (Lex, Mrs. Cox, Kirk, Perry, Martha, etc), to try and get inside their head and figure out what motivates them to make the choices they do. I hope I do them justice. Thank goodness for great Betas to make sure I don't make too big of mistakes. notworthy

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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John: *more* FDK. You spoil me! smile1
sad for Carlos.
Yes, it's hard being vulnerable.

What he made what, two vistis to Brazil before this one. Not quite "time and again".
Let's see there was pre-PML, and pre-ASU... and I was sure there was another one. /after checking/ blush Nope, I guess you're right. He *wanted* to go back, but his life had been too busy.
CLARK: It felt like he helped me more than that.

Maybe that is why there is no Batman in alt-world. He died in his first attempt and being a vigilante.
I never have a Batman in my alt-worlds, because I figure in that dimension Bruce's parents never died. /the juxtaposition of Clark's folks dying on him when he was 10/ Without that catalyst why would BW ever become BM?

Part of me thinks this should be "countless numbers of" or "a countless number of".
Thanks, fixed.

I think you want to say "the same size as".
I had that originally, but then thought how could it be 'same size' if he were adding their populations together?

I think Clark is doing very good at protecting Lois, he just needs to realize it needs to be on her terms.
Yes, that is the lesson I am teaching him.
CLARK: Gee, thanks.

Too bad canon-Lois nor canon-Clark told him about lighting power transfer.
But would Carlos want those powers? Is it right for Clark to impose them upon someone who hasn't asked for them (if Clark already knew), just because *he* believes they should have them? Also, if he knew, wouldn't he want to give Lois his invulnerability? No, it's better that this remain an unknown factor which could produce a happy accident... or a super villain, whichever strikes my fancy.

Wait, they talked after the Lois on revenge incident. Have they met three times or just twice?
I thought it was three times, but there was SM meets Jaguar in December, Clark finds Padre Carlos, pre-PML, and Clark goes to apologize and talk to Carlos about the curse. (pre-ASU). So, technically CK & Carlos met twice and Jaguar and SM once. wink

sad that he does not think there is a chance. He should figure if Carlos can live, then he can get Lois back. One is not a greater miracle than the other. OK, it is easy for me to write that, I know Lois loves him, but still.
"Save himself for... marriage" Technically isn't giving up ALL hope.

He really should not have played all his cards at once.
And which cards were those again?

Ah, but part 2 is not the case.
He still believes in the curse.

Things are really dark if Lex things he is winning, of course it is partly because he is the one being fooled.
Well, what would you call Luthor's greatest weakness?

But if she had, he would be bored with things.
LEX: /sighs/ So true.

By spying on her every move?
LEX: Implied space. She THINKS she has space to think, and I still keep an eye on her.

[super excited] Lois has him fooled.
LOIS: Hello? World's best investigative reporter here!

Would she really be saddened by that.
In terms of what it meant for her investigation, possibly. In all other terms, not so much.

If Lois was not manipulating Lex totally, I would be even more displeased at Lex doing so much of this.
So, tit deserves tat?

Lois should have let Clark tell her he was SM while they were on the way to the tables.
LOIS: Or maybe I could have just suggested that I thought I was being followed and for him to keep an eye and ear out for anyone.

At least it was not a view of Kent's eyes uncovered. And the scowl will make Lex never suspect that CK=SM.
peep they're both trying to control Lois.
LOIS: I knew it!
Let me finish. Clark is trying to keep her alive and doing whatever possible to justify those ends, but he still wants her to be Lois. Lex is trying to break her spirit by manipulating and controlling her, like a puppet.
CLARK: Not exactly the same thing, now, is it?

Did that nobody Kent actually think that Lois would choose him over Lex?
JOHN: Hah, she already has.
CLARK: Wait. Sorry. What? Did I miss something?

sad that anyone thinks Clark would chose Cat over Lois.
It does work well for Lois's undercover gig though.

This is not good, that Lex thinks there is more to investigate.
Fool Lex once, shame on Lex. Fool Lex twice, watch out!

sad that Lois has had dinner with Lex 3 times this week. That is more dates than she has had with Clark ever, or pretty close. sad We no longer are getting any additions to the Clark and Lois kissing count in this story. sad I think the last time they actually kissed was just before Clark left to go undercover at the MS, and she slapped him for it. sad
But how can things be spiraling out of control without sadness?

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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-- Continuation of Response to John's FDK --
Lois would go crazy in this situation. I am not sure how canon-Lois ever even considered marrying Lex. It made no sense at all.
Yes, I believe she would have hated that life.

Lex is sick, using one women when he is thinking of another.
LEX: But that's what personal assistants are for.

Well, at least some people realize that Lois loves Superman.
Really? Lex knowing is a good thing? Okay, he already knew, but still?
This event will probably make the chances of Luthor realizing CK=SM zero. sad that Clark does not realize what was happening.
Yes, sadly Clark is out of the country at the moment.

I just have this fear things will get real bad.
[Linked Image] And, no, we haven't hit rock bottom yet.

So she did plant some background for Clark. She got to the birth certificate and used it before Clark ever saw it, I guess.
LOIS: Well, duh!

Well, Clark got the job with the Planet without the background Lois and Louie built, so maybe he got the job at the Met Star the same way.
Businesses weren't so intrusive with background checks back in 1994 as they are today.

This is very unhelpful as an accusation.
Vague, but slightly helpful.

Although she is trying to avoid Lex knowing she is actually on the list.
She isn't thinking it's an actual list.
LEX: And that's where she went wrong. I stole Santa's naughty/nice list software and had those over at LexComm rework it so everyone who's with me is on the nice list and all my enemies are on the naughty list.

I hope she brings Luthor down quickly.
I'm writing as fast as I can.

This from someone who is living her life for the 3rd time.
LOIS: Yeah, tell me about it. Wait. What?

sad that Lois is deprived of the emotional support that Clark gives. This investigation will be nearly as hard on Lois as on Clark.
CLARK: I would like to beg to differ.
LOIS: You would.

I think this should be "could be an asset".
Thanks. Fixed.

sad that she is so close to giving up hope.
If she was giving up hope, wouldn't she be giving up the investigation?

Yes, if he had been smart he would have taken her away. Of course, Clark did not know that she was likely to be followed. He thinks the voyeur is all an issue from last year.
Yes, and who's fault is that?
CLARK: Not mine.
LOIS: Oh, come on. Is it that hard to figure out?

sad the story would be so much more fun if that had happened.
Especially since Lex had someone spying on them.

I half think this should be "act as a go between, between you". Although maybe that sounds too formal for Louie. Another part of me thinks maybe it should be "need someone to go between you and your partner".
CAT: /automatically raises her hand to be the person between Lois and Clark/
EW: I don't think John meant literally, or physically, Cat.
CAT: /lowers hand/.
EW: How about "act as a go-between between yous guys"? LOL /sorry, Sopranos flash/

“Mrs. Cox, Luthor’s assistant.
JOHN: Interesting choice on who to investigate.
That way if Lex heard about it, he'll think jealousy the motive.

Lois is coming to see Clark.
Wait. How do you know this is Lois? wink

she gave him a note.
Why lookie there. evil

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Part 142

Oh dear, EW started a new spin-off series in Brazil!

A/N: The town of Aldeola, Brazil (hometown of Carlos) has been changed to Pequenópolis, which is what Smallville, KS is called in the Portuguese language Superman canon.
razz I dated Lana. Anything since that can’t be contributed to me.

“God, if you let Carlos live, I give you my word, I’ll save myself for…”
Lois? His own Lois? Or his wife?

With Lois as good as engaged to Luthor, his words felt like an empty promise. How would he ever make love again, if it couldn’t be to Lois?
He does realize that a lot of people engage in extra-marital affairs, right?

Perhaps he should be too busy to take her or return her calls over the next few days.
Awww, he makes for a great teenage girl, doesn’t he?

“Once they stopped walking, I was able to get close enough to hear what they were saying without revealing myself.”
[Linked Image]

“Ms. Lane exclaimed, ‘How haven’t you lied to me, Clark?’ Apparently, Mr. Kent has been lying to Ms. Lane for some time now, and she was confronting him about it.
LEX: [Linked Image]

“Anyway, Ms. Lane spent the next five minutes yelling at Mr. Kent before marching off in a huff.”
LEX: [Linked Image]

Lex knew that Lois had a problem with men who cheated, due to her father’s roving eye. It was why he had never given Lois any reason to doubt he was anything but loyal to her.
So, he’s going to flush his dalliances from now on?

Not that the man mattered any longer, but Lex hated to leave any uncut strings dangling.
So, cut them already! :rolleyes:

There was nothing more exciting than a woman screaming ‘no’ and fighting him when they had sex, pretending she didn’t want him.
[Linked Image]

It was amazing how much silence increments of ten grand bought.
Lex does not sound like a very nice person. Maybe a stint in a mental institution combined with chemical castration and some mind-altering drugs would help?

Therefore, Lex would pass word to LNN’s president that Ms. Lane should be interviewed rigorously before being hired to work in their Metropolis news office.
Does this mean she has to please then entire office staff instead of just the HR-drone and the news editor before getting the job?

As wife to Lex Luthor, she would be too valuable to be exposed to the potential harm that a reporter might encounter.
Yes, but wouldn’t it be even more dangerous to walk out and about in Metropolis bedecked with jewels and Lex’s prints? She might get kidnapped for ransom or revenge.

Anyway, she would be too busy with her other wifely duties to bother about returning to work.
Being pregnant and screaming Lex’s name in pain or passion?

The surge of excitement, which had passed through Lex upon hearing Lois say that she loved him, was so great that he needed to call Mrs. Cox out of a meeting to distract his mind and body from it.
I don’t think that that’s a sign of perfect mental health.

She hung up the phone. Lex could hear her softly weep as her fingers, her whole hand, and then her forehead touched the window. “I love you.”

Lex’s brow furrowed as his teeth ground into his cigar.
Good thing he’s into Mrs. Cox instead of the male office help, huh?

Lex would make Lois love him, even if he had to wait for their wedding night.

Lex would force Lois to cry out his name in pleasure, in stereo surround sound if need be, and he would make sure that Superman had a front row seat for the show, even if it was the last thing either of them ever experienced.
Definitely not a healthy sentiment.

Back later wave Michael

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Apparently, the tracer on her LoLex watch wasn’t enough for Lex, now that he had proposed.
Plus, he wants photos of when she’s doing Superman so he can show them to Clark.

She hadn’t even agreed to marry the piece of slime yet,
Shouldn’t that be bucket of slime?

and he was already trying to control every aspect of her life.

She had no idea what Lex’s problem was.
Four inches and not a clue about proper procedure.

Moving over to her locker, she spun the combination of her lock before pulling out a bright pink gym bag from inside. She removed a couple of pairs of socks, a skintight leotard in leopard print, bright pink tights, and a pair of silver tennis shoes.
wave Michael

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Darth Michael: smile1

Well, he hasn’t known an unwed Lois carnally since his stay in the hospital, but now he’s coveting his neighbor’s wife. Well, his future boss’s fiancée, but that’s details.
CLARK: Forgive me, Father, but I have sinned...
CARLOS: What, again, Clark?
CLARK: blush

CLARK: But Mooomaaarthaaaa…

I don’t think that that’s a sign of perfect mental health.
Not being able to control one's urges?

Good thing he’s into Mrs. Cox instead of the male office help, huh?
ASABI & NIGEL: /wipe sweat off their brows and nod/

Definitely not a healthy sentiment
DR. M: Who said he was healthy? Surely, not I.
ARIANNA: I never said he was healthy. It was why I married him. To keep his psychosis under observation by a professional.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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-- Continuation of Response to Michael's FDK --

Plus, he wants photos of when she’s doing Superman so he can show them to Clark.
CLARK: Oh, gee, Luthor. You shouldn't have. And here I thought you were a bad guy. This was really sweet of you. Thank you. I'll treasure these forever.
LEX: [Linked Image]

Shouldn’t that be bucket of slime?
Are you saying that it's difficult to cut off a 'piece of slime'? Chunk of slime? Hmmmm. Yeah. You might be right about that.

and he was already trying to control every aspect of her life.
ER: Duh!
LEX: /points at 'Villain's handbook' again/

Four inches and not a clue about proper procedure.
DR. M: Don't you think "4 inches" is being quite generous?
MRS. COX: But it's what he can do with those 4 inches.
ARI: I was thinking maybe 2 and a half.

Ohhhh! She’s going to a porn-shooting!
Costume party.

The man placed his hand on her butt and squeezed. “You don’t need Louie. You need a man built for speed.”
ER: /covers in eyes in anticipation/ Bad idea.
CLARK: Clearly, she DOES need a man built for speed.
FLASH: wave
LOIS: I prefer nice and slow. Thank you.
BATMAN: I can be slow. Not all of us are super powered and in a hurry you know.

She’s like a female James Blond.
LOIS: blush Thanks.
EW: Does James Bond go in disguise? I thought like Batman, he likes to tell everyone his name.

Yeah, but his daughters don’t sell for grand a night.
LOUIE: [Linked Image] For a darn good reason.
DAUGHTERS: Because you won't let us.

So, they ended up inside concrete?
No, didn't you hear him. "Nothing concrete". So, don't ask him anything about those men swimming with the fishes.

Considering his interest in Padre Carlos, a very well built man and his disinterest in Cat…
CLARK: I like women.
CAT: Michael has a point. Not many men can resist me. And those that do, are suspect.
CLARK: Excuse me if I don't want sloppy seconds.
CAT: You didn't just say that.
CLARK: eek Uh... no?
CAT: You're Superman. Invulnerable. It's not like you'll catch anything other than a good time.
CLARK: I'm not allowed to have a 'good time'.
CAT: Oh, that explains your interest in Lois then.
LOIS: Hey! I'm fun!
CAT: If you have to tell people, then it's not true.

Nah, all she needs to do is flash some skin and then wait until his tongue works again.
LOIS: Shouldn't I just pounce while it's broken and he can't protest?

Maybe if she modified it?
HL JOKER: I can help!
LOIS: Not really an improvement.

MAYSON: See, Clark? Even Lois knows I’ve got more upstairs than she does.
LOIS: You mean the fake boobs?

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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In Part 141, I introduced the theme of these chapters (arc): "Rotten Luck Runs in Threes". "One" is in reference to that.
[Linked Image] help

The town where Carlos lives has always been the Brazilian equivalent of Smallville, KS.
So, not an actual Smallville spinoff lasting ten seasons?

LOIS: [Roll Eyes] Fine. But don't say come back and beg for my forgiveness when you realize that I'm right... What AM I saying? I'm sooooo going to rub it in your face when I'm proven right.

BRAZILIAN CRIME LORD: Nicolao, go up to Metropolis and teach that American playboy that he cannot defile our women and not pay for our drugs without punishment. Oh, and I hear he has just gotten engaged. I could use another woman in my stable. Bring her back to me.

quote: Why didn’t they also shoot Carlos?

Because they didn't want him dead, they wanted him to give them information.
So, you didn’t want him dead, yet. (ignores introductory remarks)

Clark isn't a good guy? But he's got the suit!
Everyone can buy one. Even Lex fantasizes of owning it.

quote: He does realize that a lot of people engage in extra-marital affairs, right?

CARLOS: <is none-too-happy about the rampant fraternization happing in big cities and small towns alike>

CLARK: Lois, I love you and I want to... AAAAAAGGGGGHHHHH... my eyes! My eyes! I'm blind. Don't look, Lois, or you too will be blinded. Take me back to my apartment. We can talk in private, there.

LEX: /holds up villain rule book and then reads/ 'Death to one's enemies must be served cold over an extended period of time as so to prolong your enjoyment and increase their torture. Pits of sharks are now considered passe.'
/holds up hero rule book/ Arrest villain while he’s still involved in setting up his way-too-complicated and elaborate plan for defiling the hero’s main squeeze and then killing the hero.

LEX: But how else is she going to show that I'm not the good guy?
He could steal a toddler’s lollipop from out of the stroller?

LEX: Nigel, I've decided to keep the Daily Planet and bomb LNN instead. Make it so.
NIGEL: Yes, sir. May I ask about this sudden change of heart?
LEX: They defiled the future Mrs. Luthor and *didn't* videotape it for my enjoyment.
laugh Also, watching TS:TNG lately, too?

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LEX: [Confused] Who says I'm letting her out of my bedroom? The chains will be long enough for her to be comfortable.
Does that mean long enough so she can tangle herself at the neck from the balcony?

quote:I don’t think that that’s a sign of perfect mental health.

Not being able to control one's urges?
No, having these particular form of urges.

uote: Plus, he wants photos of when she’s doing Superman so he can show them to Clark.

CLARK: Oh, gee, Luthor. You shouldn't have. And here I thought you were a bad guy. This was really sweet of you. Thank you. I'll treasure these forever.
LEX: <has lost track of the world>

DR. M: Don't you think "4 inches" is being quite generous?
MRS. COX: But it's what he can do with those 4 inches.
ARI: I was thinking maybe 2 and a half.
wave Michael

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BTW: Sorry about no FDK response yesterday. My internet was down all morning and I was baking cookies all afternoon. Time to catch up!

Originally posted by Darth Michael:
In Part 141, I introduced the theme of these chapters (arc): "Rotten Luck Runs in Threes". "One" is in reference to that.
MICHAEL: [Say what?]
LOIS: *Admit* that I was right!
CLARK: Uncle....
EW: Did I say Clois was going to show up in this story?

And since there’s no Tempus, no chance of a kidnapped Lois-baby showing up back in 1967 in Brazil, either.
That too.

Didn’t they just graduate?
Well, except for that one that the Joker killed off.

So, you didn’t want him dead, yet. (ignores introductory remarks)
Fine. :rolleyes: I don't want him dead yet.

EW: Clark isn't a good guy? But he's got the suit!
ER: Everyone can buy one. Even Lex fantasizes of owning it.
LOIS: It's not the Suit, people! It's the *man* under the suit, when he's behaving properly.

LEX: /holds up villain rule book and then reads/ 'Death to one's enemies must be served cold over an extended period of time as so to prolong your enjoyment and increase their torture. Pits of sharks are now considered passe.'
ER: /holds up hero rule book/ Arrest villain while he’s still involved in setting up his way-too-complicated and elaborate plan for defiling the hero’s main squeeze and then killing the hero.
CLARK: Hey! I didn't get one of those. That could come in handy, can I...? Michael? Michael, I do have super speed I could.... Ack! Kryptonite! But I just want to read... your... book. It'll only take a thud

LEX: But how else is she going to show that I'm not the good guy?
ER: He could steal a toddler’s lollipop from out of the stroller?
LEX: Do I look like I have super strength? It's not as easy as one was led to believe.

Also, watching TS:TNG lately, too?
I must have just watched Christmas in ST:TNG Thread

LEX: [Confused] Who says I'm letting her out of my bedroom? The chains will be long enough for her to be comfortable.
ER: Does that mean long enough so she can tangle herself at the neck from the balcony?
LEX: Mrs. Cox! Stop that this instant!

BATMAN: I can be slow. Not all of us are super powered and in a hurry you know.
SUPERMAN: Funny, how he tries to play his inferiority as a plus.
BATMAN: Just working on my modesty.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Sorry about no FDK response yesterday. My internet was down all morning and I was baking cookies all afternoon. Time to catch up!
Oh dear!

LOIS: *Admit* that I was right!
CLARK: Uncle....
EW: Did I say Clois was going to show up in this story?
[Linked Image] Mini-Lex needs a girlfriend?

LOIS: It's not the Suit, people! It's the *man* under the suit, when he's behaving properly.
LEX: So, if I behave properly, Lois will let me into her bedroom?

CLARK: Hey! I didn't get one of those. That could come in handy, can I...? Michael? Michael, I do have super speed I could.... Ack! Kryptonite! But I just want to read... your... book. It'll only take a [Thud]
Oops? /puts away green crystal and gets out bulletproof vest/ Let’s hope Lois won’t be too ticked off…

ER: He could steal a toddler’s lollipop from out of the stroller?

LEX: Do I look like I have super strength? It's not as easy as one was led to believe.
wave Michael

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Originally posted by Darth Michael:
LOIS: *Admit* that I was right!
CLARK: Uncle....
EW: Did I say Clois was going to show up in this story?

ER: /sheepishly/ Mini-Lex needs a girlfriend?
Who says he isn't going to get one?
LEX-C: hyper

LOIS: It's not the Suit, people! It's the *man* under the suit, when he's behaving properly.
LEX: So, if I behave properly, Lois will let me into her bedroom?
LOIS: Is that even possible?
LEX: [Linked Image]

Oops? /puts away green crystal and gets out bulletproof vest/ Let’s hope Lois won’t be too ticked off…
Well, she *said* she didn't want to fall too easily...

BATMAN: I can be slow. Not all of us are super powered and in a hurry you know.
SUPERMAN: Funny, how he tries to play his inferiority as a plus.

BATMAN: Just working on my modesty.
LEX: Yes, small people should always be modest.
BATMAN: I'm taller than you.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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