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Wrong Place, Wrong Time, Wrong Clark TOC can be found HereAnd here I thought Wednesday night would be a nice quiet night to post.  Silly me. Jack and Bobby are no relation to the Kennedys with the same names.  Well, none that I know of, at least. Comments always appreciated. --- I had to include this link of an actual Jaguar on a hunt, because it explains why the “Jaguar” is the perfect animal for Carlos to be in the Brazilian rainforest. How stealthy is that?!
Last edited by VirginiaR; 05/03/14 01:07 AM. Reason: Fixed broken Links
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Fantastic update as always.
I loved the conversation between Clark and Carlos. Such wisdom from Carlos. It was great.
I'm glad that Jack is Lois' contact and hope that she can have the effect on his life that Clark did in the original universe.
Hope Clark comes back soon and sees the notes from Lois. She obviously want to clear the air - tell the truth - forgive him - ask for forgiveness - etc. Can't wait to see that conversation. I'm dreaming of lovely waffy hugs, kisses, declarations.
Am I going to be disappointed?
KatherineKent/Victoria Lois: "You put up with me for the same reason I put up with you. It's because I'm completely in love with you." Clark: "And I love you ... Did we just make up?" Lois: "I think so."
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“I make do. Don’t worry about me,” he insisted. “I’m nobody’s charity case, lady.” Which is why he is eating in a soup kitchen. Clark had said that to her once,  she is thinking of Clark. “See that guy over there,” Bobby had whispered. “But don’t look! Aw… Jack, you looked. Jack is still new to surviving on the streets. His one regret was not asking Bobby about the Luthor House for Homeless Children before he and Denny had gone there. If Lois had met Bobby sooner season 1 would have gone so much better. but the truth was he had also used it as an excuse to avoid his own problems.  that he is away from Lois.
John Pack Lambert
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“The men, who attacked you, were found due to an anonymous tip left at the Pequenópolis police station,” Clark explained. “They won’t be bothering you or Pequenópolis, again.” It is good to hear the corruption and illegality have not reached the police in these parts. “I’ve decided to take your advice and abstain until marriage,” Clark announced in Portuguese.  I hope this happens soon.
John Pack Lambert
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KatherineKent: Thanks for sticking with me. I'm trying to write as quickly out of this hole as I can, but as I just mentioned to a beta, it seems with every step forward, I take two steps back. Fantastic update as always.  Thank you. I loved the conversation between Clark and Carlos. Such wisdom from Carlos. It was great. Well, Carlos does have *some* subconscious experience with Lois. I'm glad that Jack is Lois' contact and hope that she can have the effect on his life that Clark did in the original universe. I wasn't going to have Jack in this story, but I loved his character so much, I couldn't resist. Plus, I kept thinking what horrible things would have happened to him because he never met Clark (no robbery of Clark's apt, so no meeting) and I just couldn't do that to him. JACK: So, you inflicted me with Lane instead. Thanks. Hope Clark comes back soon and sees the notes from Lois. She obviously want to clear the air - tell the truth - forgive him - ask for forgiveness - etc. Can't wait to see that conversation. I'm dreaming of lovely waffy hugs, kisses, declarations. Am I going to be disappointed? Not if you're patient. 
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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John: “I make do. Don’t worry about me,” he insisted. “I’m nobody’s charity case, lady.” JOHN: Which is why he is eating in a soup kitchen. How did I know someone was going to bring that up? Jack is still new to surviving on the streets. Nah. It's just hard not to look when someone says 'See that guy'. LOL. If Lois had met Bobby sooner season 1 would have gone so much better. Hmmmmm. I wonder. It is good to hear the corruption and illegality have not reached the police in these parts. My guess is that any corruption in Carlos's hometown was cleaned up by the Jaguar long ago. he is making the right choice. Although not for the right reasons. That's what Carlos is trying to say. Well, at least he is wrong about what Lois chose. Little gifts of hope. CLARK: How can it be hope, if I don't know about it? EW: Hope for the reader. CLARK: Gee, thanks. Carlos and Clark both seem to blame themselves for the problems others have caused. Clark's love of vigilantism isn't the only thing that gets transferred from life to life.  that Clark thinks this. Yes, but he has only himself to blame (and Lois). LOIS: Hey! I tried to talk to him. He's the one who flew off. I hope we get to see that scene. Only time will tell. I am heartbroken that this is what Clark thinks he heard. Well, Carlos did tell him he was a lunkhead for eavesdropping. I hope this happens soon. 
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Oh my, did you post a day early? /points at 145/ Did he know Denny and his brother? The outside of the envelope was blank. He flipped it over. How was he supposed to deliver a note without an address? televisions, stereos, mobile phones, computers, and that sort of thing, brand new and still in their boxes. They are collectibles? Since Jack had been caught breaking into Big Louie’s car that morning, all Big Louie had gotten out of him was that Jack had escaped from the Luthor House for Homeless Children. Big Louie had been in the process of giving Jack a hypocritical lecture about keeping his nose clean or ending up with it broken “I’m not the Boss,” the big greasy caricature of a mobster said. “I’m just a business man named Big Louie. Never, and I mean never, confuse us again.” Could get dangerous with the D.A.? With that cryptic threat, Big Louie had grabbed his hero sandwich, tore a corner off it to toss to Jack, and went into his office, leaving Jack alone with these weird thoughts in the cold store room. Oh. Big Louie had stayed in his office with Steffi for a long stretch, and Jack wondered if Steffi was Louie’s woman on the side. Eventually the door opened, and Big Louie had returned. From behind Big Louie, Jack had been able to see a glimpse of the shapely butt of a blonde woman with short spiky hair, as she pulled on a pair of track pants. Yeah, definitely his broad on the side. It was as close as Jack had ever gotten to seeing an actual live naked woman, and she’d still been covered by a leotard. Not into visiting strip joints? Or waking past the streetwalkers flashing prospective customers?
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The women on the street cost too much or were more interested in drugs than personal hygiene.  Michael
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Darth Michael: Oh, dear. I'm behind again already.  Nigel, she's FREE! Yep. I thought he had Nigel make sure the girls where all 18? LEX-C: I’m only two weeks old and Father has me have sex regularly with his lady-parts doctor. LEX: Like he said 'no'. LEX-C: Well... Thank you. ER: /Very surprised by EW's bait and switch/ Not Bobby? /not sure if EW will pull it off/ Bobby's an independent contractor. LOUIE: Sure, they are. FAUX DRAGON: [completely in denial of the woman who just ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/smilie/boese/k085.gif) his manhood] It's an act he's putting on for the guys. “…Steffi make you go pipi sitting down from now on”? But why does Louie already know her alias? Did she tell him when she dropped off her Lennie-Stokes-Girl gymbag? Who else would show up with the same name as a famous tennis champion? Oh that’s where. Also [shocked that Louie was part of the Soprano family] Well, Lois is known for being blind... STEFFI: Yeah. I do am charging a hunni now for the straight stuff; three hunnis if it gets kinky. LOIS: Only for Clark. Everyone else is much more, millions more in fact. LEX: /take out pocket cash/ I've got it! Jack was there when Lois met Louie? Yes. That was the flashback scene. Jack was in the next room over from Louie's office. “I got the memo. You’re the Boss, and I’m just a pee-on.” ER: /laughs at EW horrible pun/ Yeah. I went there. Could get dangerous with the D.A.? How did you know Mayson was Lois's tennis partner in College? Yeah, definitely his broad on the side. LOUIE: And she gives me as much pleasure as the Mrs. Not into visiting strip joints? Too expensive for his blood. Or waking past the streetwalkers flashing prospective customers? I have Jack at roughly 16-17 in this story, so... not so much. JACK: -- more later --
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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-- Continuation of Response to Michael's FDK -- Sadly, this one is too interested in snaring a billionaire. LOIS: /shrugs demurely/ CLARK: Then why is she meeting in disguise this gangster on the lower East side? But Lois was overly optimistic. Or did she think Jack would be so overwhelmed by the fiver that he’d look at it from all sides? BOBBY: Knows must of my favorite take-out places. [holds up pro-Lois flag] Oh, so Bobby likes a girl with a good speed-dial list. Plus, her home surveillance system makes sure she doesn’t do anything rash like putting her head in the microwave oven. CLARK: It won’t start as long as the door is open. LOIS: I'm just cleaning it. Geez, people! which meant his metabolism was in a hyper drive and he burned calories like Superman. ER: Why would Jack know that? Bobby mentioned it in one of his Lois-like rambles. Only going to take light stuff. Like little globes and stuff. Exactly. Only this Clark left the globe in Kansas, because he didn't think it was right since it actually belonged to True Clark. CLARK: By now, Luthor has stolen everything I own (including Lois), but I hate the clean-up I need to do every time he trashes the place. Not much of a read-the-newspaper-while-enjoying-breakfast type is he? A) he's a kid. B) JACK: What's breakfast? Poor criminals. GOON #1: I have no idea, Hefe. The guys have been ripped to shreds. One looks like his guts and sternum have been ripped out of his body with one pounce. There’s been blood and guts everywhere. It’s like the Jaguar got into our stash of coke or something. CARLOS: [Oy-vey, Clark] CLARK: [in Lunkheadian] Too much?  So, you think the Jaguar acts like the Beast from my newest addiction Beauty & The Beast . His victims usually end up looking like that. CARLOS: I have no frequent lady vistors from whom I feel the need to hide half of my life. CLARK: [Admits that does sound like him] Actually, Carlos is hiding his dual life from everyone at the church. Carlos never planned for Kryptonian reporters trying to figure out his secret, huh? Kryptonian reporters found him back in February. LOIS: And it only took, what, 9 months? It's the Lunkheadian learning curve. INTERN who has just arrived in Heaven after the events of House of Luthor came down from the balcony: Well…he did promise. Besides, there is the small legal matter of the curse and Carlos is the other half the Loisclark soul, so it just seemed like a natural fit[blushes] GOD: [uh-huh] St. PETER: I’m sorry, Sir, he had all the right paper work right here. /points at birth certificate of one Alexander L. Uthor/ Great. Heaven has typos. LOIS: Because while I might love him, I still want children who are able to eventually tie their own shoes. RALPH: /raises hand/ Or not run into walls all the time. RALPH: /lowers hand/ Because Clark is not vengeful enough, yet to bargain for Lex’s life taken? Give him a few days. CARLOS: What did *I* do? LEX: /whips out little red book/ I've a few more ways to get what I want. JONATHAN: I'm sorry, Ms. Lane. I love Martha. Head back to Jerome now, deary. CLARK: So, I should give Lex the golden cup and tell him that it’s the Holy Grail LEX: Why does this wine taste like urine? CLARK: ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/smilie/frech/e015.gif)
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Oh, dear. I'm behind again already. I started posting on Wednesday night (my time) when my cushion hit 6 parts as a bonus to my readers. I'll move it forward one day for each extra part of my cushion over 5, I have finished. Ooooooh! So, every time you increase your buffer, we get a 6 instead of 7-day interval That actually makes sense. JACK: Kill me. Kill me now. LOIS: /skeptically/ Like you have $20. Homeless Dude#1: Sure, I do. /flashes cash/ I just invested in some glow in the dark spray paint and sold a bunch of rocks to this old English dude for like $2000. I want to live it up before he hunts me down and kills me. quote: What? I haven’t turned 18 yet. It’s illegal for me to solicit companionship.
NAN: That's NOT what the Mission is for! LOIS: It’s not? So, I should wear longer sweats? quote:Aren’t those kind of waitresses the worst? Pulling away your plates before you’re even done eating?
JACK: Yep. No tip for you, lady! The reason he kept quiet about the guy stalking the nice hooker-lady. Actually, I wrote up a whole description of the horrors that Jack lived through at the LHfHC but I wanted to stick on topic. Maybe I'll bring some of it back later on. JACK: I'll need more than $5 bucks. LOIS: $10? She a cheap broad, huh? quote:Bill for services rendered. She’s not yet figured out that you’re supposed to request the money up front.
LEX: [Hyper] Nigel, she's FREE! LOIS: Only for Clark. Everyone else is much more, millions more in fact. LEX: /take out pocket cash/ I've got it! LOIS: Ooooctopus? quote:Could get dangerous with the D.A.?
How did you know Mayson was Lois's tennis partner in College? No, but if word got around that Louie is called The Boss, someone might arrest him for trying to burn down half of Metropolis. quote:Yeah, definitely his broad on the side.
LOUIE: And she gives me as much pleasure as the Mrs. quote:Sadly, this one is too interested in snaring a billionaire.
LOIS: /shrugs demurely/ CLARK: Then why is she meeting in disguise this gangster on the lower East side? Because she’s strapped for cash and doesn’t want this dalliance to endanger her upcoming nuptials?
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quote:LINDA: Just like Preston. Does he also get 70% of the money Lois makes on her back?
Jack? No. JACK: [Mecry] LOUIE: /pockets wad of cash/ I won't go back and fix all the spots where I got it wrong on the boards, but it is now correct in the Archive master copy. [Big Grin] /and hopefully, from now on on the boards/  Michael
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Originally posted by Darth Michael: Ooooooh! So, every time you increase your buffer, we get a 6 instead of 7-day interval /excited by this concept/ Yes. This is why I'm posting on Tuesday night now. Of course, since I've only written half a page of Part 159, I better get cracking not to lose my 7 part cushion. LOIS: It’s not? So, I should wear longer sweats? CLARK:  /Please, no spoilers/
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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quote:LOIS: It’s not? So, I should wear longer sweats?
CLARK: [Mecry] I've lost her completely, haven't I? Yeah, he really should have taken better care of his finances. quote: JACK: I'll need more than $5 bucks. LOIS: $10? ER: She a cheap broad, huh?
CLARK: <happy that Lois won’t cost much> LOIS: Stingy! Not cheap. LEX: Nigel, see about giving her sister a Luthor Foundation Scholarship to Luthor U. Oops? Who else does that sound like? - Oh, right. That's in Book 3. Hey! No peaking! Or teasing quote: So, Cat’s actually Lois’s next incarnation? Gives an entirely new spin on Smallville, huh?
I'm only in S7. Has that been covered yet? [Dizzy] /Please, no spoilers/ No, I meant Cat from tBatB being played by Kristen Kreuk, just like Lana in Smallville.  Michael
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Originally posted by Darth Michael: Yeah, he really should have taken better care of his finances. So, there's no way for his to earn money quickly? JACK: I'll need more than $5 bucks. LOIS: $10? ER: She a cheap broad, huh?
CLARK: <happy that Lois won’t cost much> LOIS: Stingy! Not cheap. [doesn't like feeling like a clearance item] No, no. Clark was just happy that she wasn't materialistic like some other blonde fiancee in his past. Hey! No peaking! Or teasing EW: So, Cat’s actually Lois’s next incarnation? Gives an entirely new spin on Smallville, huh?
ER: I'm only in S7. Has that been covered yet? [Dizzy] /Please, no spoilers/ ER: No, I meant Cat from tBatB being played by Kristen Kreuk, just like Lana in Smallville Right, her name is Cat on that show. I was thinking Cat Grant showed up on Smallville. ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/midi/konfus/a050.gif) Let's just say that Cat from Beauty & Beast is more 1000% better character than Lana Lang. Since I'm not sure how Lana's character ends up, this is a believable premise. It also explains her fetish with the strange guy.
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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So, there's no way for his to earn money quickly? He seems too obtuse for it? Since I'm not sure how Lana's character ends up, this is a believable premise. It also explains her fetish with the strange guy.  Michael