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#98032 11/13/13 07:13 PM
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Wrong Place, Wrong Time, Wrong Clark TOC can be found Here

Sorry about my Bruce Wayne digression. I know I promised no appearance of the Caped Crusader in this epic... er... soap opera, but I wrote this part after re-reading '[K]Nightfall' and had Bruce on my mind.

Comments always appreciated. smile1

Last edited by VirginiaR; 05/03/14 12:01 AM. Reason: Added Link

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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Darn it, I was going to bed! And then I saw

Where we left off in Part 145 of As the Cape Flaps…
and I knew I had to stay up and read it...


"It's the mythology of a sun god who wished he was a man because he saw something so great in us.
It's the story of a hero who could move whole worlds and see through stars and hear a whisper on the other side of the planet...
...and who fell in love with a storyteller." - ashmaht (x)
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She only hoped that Clark took her advice to stop moping and to get Superman’s butt back into the air before someone associated Clark’s disappearance with that of Superman’s.
That's what she meant by "Stop It!" ? Gah! She's so dense! How is he supposed to know that's what she means? I realize that she's trying to leave a note that won't convey anything to a third party if it's intercepted, but not conveying anything to the second party does her no good in the first place. I'm thoroughly frustrated with Lois and have been for a while. I'm really not sure what Clark sees in her at this point.

She could have said, "Stop Moping," or something to that effect without giving anything away.

I'm wondering whether Rat is opening the messages or it's someone else. I hope it's just Rat, but I expect that we won't find out for some time, if ever.

Just because she didn’t want to get married didn’t mean it was the end of the world, did it?
What's she really expecting out of their relationship, anyway? There's a big difference between "I don't want to get married yet" and "I don't want to say yes because I hate the way you asked me" and "I never want to get married". She needs to convey which it is to Clark. (Of course, this would require actual communication...)

She still loved him. She had told him that.
Once again, words don't mean much if your actions don't back them up.

Geez, did she need to hang a poster in her window with a picture of an octopus and the words ‘I love you’ in big letters?
Might help.

I like how Lois convinced her tail not to try to tail her the entire time she was out. I wonder what Lex will think of her giving her tail her itinerary.

"It is a remarkable dichotomy. In many ways, Clark is the most human of us all. Then...he shoots fire from the skies, and it is difficult not to think of him as a god. And how fortunate we all are that it does not occur to him." -Batman (in Superman/Batman #3 by Jeph Loeb)
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“Hi,” she said, stopping and holding out her hand. “I’m Lois Lane.”
smile1 Lois is doing what she does best, moving things forward.

“Nice to meet you, Mitch. I used to date a Mitchell, but I dumped him because he was a total hypochondriac.”
The antithesis of her current boyfriend.

Mitch merely stared at her as if he had never spoken to a beautiful woman before and wasn’t quite sure what to do.
He probably has not spoken to a woman as beautiful as Lois before.

Clark:Obviously, he has never spoken to Lois before, and no one else on earth is as beautiful as her.

“Do you think your boss would be dating me if I were an idiot?”
No but evidently he does hire idiots if the guy falls for that trap.

I’ll be ending up at that bakery next door to the lamp store on the corner,
From where Clark got her birthday present.

If I do several hours every day, I’ll have wiped those one-hundred court-ordered hours clean by the middle of next month.”
She has a month-and-a-half to conclude the investigation. I hope she does it faster, but I have doubts.

John Pack Lambert
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he shrugged. “I guess that was bound to happen when one hangs out with criminals and murderers.” She stared him in the eye as she said this, taunting him and informing him that he didn’t scare her.
The real smart would also realize she is calling Luthor both because Ladderman wasn't.

Mitch finally found his voice, and cleared it before speaking, more to her leg than to her face, “It is, Ms. Lane, and Mr. Luthor just wants to make sure you stay safe.”
And now he has fully admitted who he works for without Lois having actually named anyone.

John Pack Lambert
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“Yeah, I got that, but… why are you friends?”
There is a reason why Phil gets described as awkward. His questions come off wrong.

“There was someone else. Cat helped pave the way for me.”
frown that he uses the past tense with Lois.

“Nobody’s perfect,” Clark corrected. “Take those blinders off now and you’ll be happier in the long run.”
Clark has a really good point.

Cat shook her head. “Don’t worry, Phil. This is another one of those times when Clark totally misunderstood what’s going on and probably stuck his foot in his mouth.”
On reading this again I realized that Cat did not say or even imply there was not really a breakup.

“Um… no, not that recently,
wallbash this is the worst thing Cat could have possibly said.

but she was quite adamant that if you should ever get the wrong idea, I was to set you straight,” Cat retorted. “There were all these awful metaphors about condoms and protection and…”
Cat could not possibly be making things worse.

“I proposed. She turned me down flat. Where’s there to misunderstand?” Clark inquired.
She didn't say never, just not today.

“Stop thinking that the world revolves around the glory that is you, Clark,” Cat scoffed.
But saving Clark is Lois's main goal. Without the Kryptonite issue, she might well have given up. More clearly without the Kryptonite issues she would have brought Clark in much sooner.

“The difference between Lois and me is that Lois hates marriage with a passion and everything having to do with it.
Now the trick is getting Clark to really believe this.

Correction: she fears marriage, almost as much as she fears being in a relationship,” Cat said. “I, on the other hand, hadn’t found anyone worthy of lifetime of my love, until I met Phil.”
So why was Cat engaged before?

John Pack Lambert
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“Lois doesn’t ‘fear’ marriage,” Clark corrected.
There is so little he knows about her. Of course it might be because he still assumes this is the same Lois as he met from canon dimension, except when forced to think otherwise, and he knows she does not fear marriage. Interestingly enough he is wrong in that view.

“In the past few years, Lois has been invited to two of her cousin’s weddings and she didn’t attend either event,” Cat stated as proof.
After having read this I noticed this is 1 counsin, 2 weddings.

“How do you know that?” Clark asked. He didn’t even know Lois had any cousins, let alone several married ones.
He is not paying close enough attention, although I guess he can't really hear the difference between 2 of her cousin's weddings, and 2 of her cousins' weddings. Although if Cat meant the other she would probably have said weddings of two of her counsins. So maybe Cat is making undue assumptions. Maybe it is just this cousin and not weddings in general that Lois avoids.

Clark stared at Cat. He couldn’t believe Lois would ever discuss anything that private at work, let alone with her mother, but Cat had nothing to gain by lying.
He underestimates how much Lois's mother is good at hounding and how good Cat is at hearing one side of a conversation and knowing what is happening.

“And when Valdez got married, Lois refused to come to her wedding too,” Cat informed him. “And that was before Claude.”
Well, now I will accept Cat does have a point.

The only reason she fell in love with you is that you never take her B.S.
I thought it was because he has great muscles and is really fast.

Lois:I was in love with Clark before I knew how fast he is.

She respects you for it. Well, that, and your rockin’ hot bod.”
I knew Cat could not keep up the only claim.

“She socializes with you,” Cat countered,
Clark:That was because I was her boyfriend.

“She hates that I’m more beautiful than she is
Clark:Lois is the most beautiful woman there is.

When she lowered her glass, Clark could see she was beaming with pride. “But I’ve gained her respect and trust lately.”
Clark:Because she figured out that Cat knew before she did. No wonder Lois is so mad.

No wonder Lois was furious at him. Clark dropped his head into his hand.
Things are bad, very bad.

“That Lois hates everything to do with marriage,” Cat lied, taking another sip of her champagne.
She only sort of lied. It is true that Lois hates marriage.

“Yes, Clark, everything.”
I wish he would believe this.

Cat leaned towards Clark. “Why indeed, Clark? That is the question,” she said, shooting him a pointed look. “Why?”
At least he is now being forced to think outside the box, but it is taking so long.

Cat practically threw her arms around him. “I knew you’d figure it out,” she whispered in his ear.
There they go again, talking around each other.

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I mean it. Stop it!
Well, Lois wins the award for minimalism.

Since he had just left dinner with the one person in Metropolis, other than Lois, who knew his secret, he doubted that was it.
Unless Lois sent the note.

Sure, with one wave of his magic wand Lois would no longer be blind. Oh, look, that didn’t work.
But she isn't blind.

In the middle of the top of the card was a faint smear of chocolate.

party he still has hope.

His heart beat for the first time since Saturday.

What would Lois want him to stop doing? Anyway, he hadn’t seen her in days.
Stop hiding from her of course. Stop not being seen by her.

He did fly over her apartment on his way back to the Daily Planet from Brazil this morning. She wasn’t home.
frown that he missed her.

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Batman was no Superman.
smile1 She knows what is up.

Nah. At this point in her life, she would prefer a real date with a Kansan farmboy wannabee than another billionaire.
dance she prefers Clark.

and, therefore, not having a single solitary secret since returning to Gotham City from his well-publicized disappearance into the Himalayas.
Oh the irony.

With her luck, he’d probably end up having a love child, or three, who he wasn’t publicly acknowledging.
Like Luthor and his 3 unacknowledged love children?

Lois purchased a New York Times and a Daily Planet, and continued on to her apartment.
I'm surprised she doesn't just have the DP delivered, that would be cheaper.

She still loved him. She had told him that.
Not in a way that he understood.

Geez, did she need to hang a poster in her window with a picture of an octopus and the words ‘I love you’ in big letters?

She scoffed. Boy, wouldn’t that get her in trouble in Lex?
I think that should be "in trouble with Lex".

Lois winced. Why did he always blame himself if someone else harmed her?
He feels responsible for letting his Lois die.

She knew Clark loved her, but why must that love always manifest itself as paranoia about her safety?
One Lois dying on his watch was one too many. Although his going out of town at this point shows a trust in Lois not dying.

Sure, she wasn’t invulnerable like he was, but sometimes he acted as if any little thing could kill her.
Little things can kill her. Like bullets. And poison.

She had discounted the whole thing as jealousy for Luthor, but had it stemmed partially from not being there to save her from Trevino?
More jealousy of the jaguar, fearing her soul mate lived in this world.

She had insisted that Clark walk her home, hoping she could get inside his head and reassure him that it was him not anyone else that she wanted.
Wouldn't that work better getting inside some other part of his body. dance she knows Clark will be ok.

Clark, the lunkhead, had had the audacity to choose that moment to ask about her father.
In this case he was not being a clueless lunkhead, he was deliberately sabotaging his relationship.

She could see now that he had been pushing her away for some reason.
Being too good hearted to seek what he really wants.

Had he already been worried about that problem he alluded to while they stayed at the Lexor?
Nope, he would not learn of the curse for another month and a half.

Not that there was really a problem; it was all up in his head.
See, I said Lois's pregnancy test came back positive.

She knew that Clark loved her. The kiss he had given her a few minutes later, under the mistletoe she had strung up by the window for Superman, had proven it.
It worked, she got a kiss from the guy she wanted a kiss from.

Lois had realized later on that had been the night when she discovered how very much in love with Clark she was.
Not when she realized that he had been shot by Trask?

One word, one look, one gesture, one… something and she would have been his, not that she even needed the “one” thing after that kiss.
Just one Clark not running fast was all she needed.

Lois often wondered what would have happened if he had stayed.
She would have a shiny ring on her finger by now. Maybe not two bands, but a shiny ring for sure.

He could have scooped her into his arms and taken her anywhere, and never heard a word of protest from her lips.
Why do I think she would have protested if he started to fly at that point, even if it was to Tahiti.

That thought was the seed from which most of her late night fantasies grew.
She really will get to go to Tahiti.

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Kismatt: Thanks for tuning in for the midnight showing. smile1
Darn it, I was going to bed! And then I saw...
Where we left off in Part 145 of As the Cape Flaps…
and I knew I had to stay up and read it...
dance Sometimes, I wonder if I'm being too subtle with it.

mrsMxyzptlk: Thank you for reading despite the frustration my characters bring. laugh
That's what she meant by "Stop It!" ? Gah! She's so dense! How is he supposed to know that's what she means? I realize that she's trying to leave a note that won't convey anything to a third party if it's intercepted, but not conveying anything to the second party does her no good in the first place. I'm thoroughly frustrated with Lois and have been for a while. I'm really not sure what Clark sees in her at this point.
Perhaps she had explained herself more fully with that note she had left him when he was in Brazil. [Linked Image] You know, that note tucked inside the newspapers that Jimmy took with him, so people wouldn't know that Clark wasn't home.

Clark still remembers the good times. Her current behavior is confounding him. Plus, he's a glutton for punishment.

She could have said, "Stop Moping," or something to that effect without giving anything away.
Yes, she could have, but where's the fun in actually having them communicate?

I'm wondering whether Rat is opening the messages or it's someone else. I hope it's just Rat, but I expect that we won't find out for some time, if ever.
Being that Lois hands the notes unopened to Rat to deliver and Rat slides them under Clark's door, it would have to be a very sneaking person to open the door just to read a note, and then leave again, leaving the note, wouldn't it?

What's she really expecting out of their relationship, anyway? There's a big difference between "I don't want to get married yet" and "I don't want to say yes because I hate the way you asked me" and "I never want to get married". She needs to convey which it is to Clark. (Of course, this would require actual communication...)
She didn't say 'she *never* wanted to get married'. There was a time in my life when I thought I'd never get married because of how my mother taught me to view marriage, and then I met and fell in love with my husband of 18 years and that all changed. Clark has made her loosen her previous career-orientated life plan (made firm after Claude used her), but it's hard for her to give up those beliefs so quickly.

This is why Ellen's character always confused me. Half the time she's a man-bashing, marriage-bashing, 'stand on your own two feet without a man' woman (I recognized very well in the mother that raised me), and the other half of the time she's planning this huge wedding for Lois and Clark. It was as if she had split personalities.

Once again, words don't mean much if your actions don't back them up.
Yes, but that's part of the undercover package. Acting one way, while actually meaning another.

Geez, did she need to hang a poster in her window with a picture of an octopus and the words ‘I love you’ in big letters?
Might help.
CLARK: [Linked Image]

I like how Lois convinced her tail not to try to tail her the entire time she was out. I wonder what Lex will think of her giving her tail her itinerary.
Hmmmm. Is the private eye all that forthcoming to his employer?

Thanks for your thoughts. I promise that your concerns will be addressed in the future. laugh

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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John: You spoil me. Thanks for stopping by and FDKing. laugh
Lois is doing what she does best, moving things forward.
She's doing her best.

The antithesis of her current boyfriend.
Lex? peep

He probably has not spoken to a woman as beautiful as Lois before.
Poor Mitch. What a sheltered life he's led.

Clark:Obviously, he has never spoken to Lois before, and no one else on earth is as beautiful as her.
/cough/ Biased /cough/

No but evidently he does hire idiots if the guy falls for that trap.
LEX: Did he fall? No! See, I don't always hire idiots. /holds up pistol and fires at current line of cheap thugs/ Try to save a dime, here and there.

From where Clark got her birthday present.
That's the one!

She has a month-and-a-half to conclude the investigation. I hope she does it faster, but I have doubts.
Nope, she has roughly 6 weeks before all her freedom is taken away from her and her already limited communication disappears completely.
LOIS: I hope this investigation is tied up before then!

The real smart would also realize she is calling Luthor both because Ladderman wasn't.
She means that within her career she's met up with unsavory types, she wasn't referring to any one person.
LOIS: Or two, if you include Nigel St. John.

And now he has fully admitted who he works for without Lois having actually named anyone.
LOIS: I *do* know how to make sources talk. They don't give out Kerth awards to just anyone, you know.

There is a reason why Phil gets described as awkward. His questions come off wrong.
He's just trying to figure out how close of a relationship Cat and Clark had.

/sad/ that he uses the past tense with Lois.
He doesn't know any better.

On reading this again I realized that Cat did not say or even imply there was not really a breakup.
Specifically, no.

/sooooo frustrated/ this is the worst thing Cat could have possibly said.
CAT: What? You want me to lie?

Cat could not possibly be making things worse.
CAT: I'm doing my best.

She didn't say never, just not today.
CLARK: So, today?
CLARK: How about now?
LOIS: :rolleyes: He'll never learn, will he? It's not about the question, it's about the attitude surrounding the question, and the timing of the question.

But saving Clark is Lois's main goal. Without the Kryptonite issue, she might well have given up. More clearly without the Kryptonite issues she would have brought Clark in much sooner.
In some ways, yes. But Cat knows Lois sees Lex as a huge story which once she got her teeth into she won't let go of until she's done.

Now the trick is getting Clark to really believe this.
CAT: Look into my eyes, deep into my eyes. /dangles a locket on a string between them/ You're getting sleepy very sleepy...
CLARK: [Linked Image]
CAT: Ooops. Too sleepy.

So why was Cat engaged before?
Because she was young and naive. She didn't marry him, did she?

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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-- Continuation of Response to John's FDK --
There is so little he knows about her. Of course it might be because he still assumes this is the same Lois as he met from canon dimension, except when forced to think otherwise, and he knows she does not fear marriage. Interestingly enough he is wrong in that view.
Clark thinks Lois doesn't fear marriage otherwise why would she get engaged to Lex.

Yes, they are still getting to know each other. There is a lot both of them still don't know about one another. For some couples (Phil and Cat, for example) that might not be a big issue... but Lois and Clark, it's a stumbling block.

After having read this I noticed this is 1 cousin, 2 weddings.
Yes, that would be her cousin Cindy (from ARGH wedding arc) who has been married multiple times.

He is not paying close enough attention, although I guess he can't really hear the difference between 2 of her cousin's weddings, and 2 of her cousins' weddings. Although if Cat meant the other she would probably have said weddings of two of her counsins. So maybe Cat is making undue assumptions. Maybe it is just this cousin and not weddings in general that Lois avoids.
It is possible, it's just Cindy Lois dislikes.

He underestimates how much Lois's mother is good at hounding and how good Cat is at hearing one side of a conversation and knowing what is happening.
Even canon Clark doesn't meet Ellen until S3, isn't it?

Well, now I will accept Cat does have a point.
Or perhaps it's just weddings for others when she herself felt she would never find a man worthy of loving. Weddings can be depressing for some people.

I thought it was because he has great muscles and is really fast.

Lois:I was in love with Clark before I knew how fast he is.
CLARK: Hey, guys, I really don't move that fast.
JIMMY: Didn't you ask her out on the first day you met?
CLARK: Well, okay, but she turned me down.
LOIS: Didn't you kiss me when we became permanent partners?
PERRY: Say, what?
CLARK: blush Really, Chief, she's making it sound much worse than it was.
CAT: Didn't you tell me that you and Lois made out in a supply closet at the Metro Club...?
LOIS: He said *what*?
CLARK: Okay, it's proven fact. I move fast. I met Lois in May, and made out with her in October and started dating her in February. That's lightning fast. /sarcastically/ How can the Flash even keep up with me?

I knew Cat could not keep up the only claim.
CAT: Come on, you don't think how Clark looks naked didn't factor in at all? Please! Lois may deny it, but she's only human.
PHIL: You've seen Clark naked?
CAT: I didn't say that, but technically 'yes', but he was moving too fast for me to see anything.
PHIL: hyper I win! I win! I win!

But she isn't blind.
Clark doesn't know that Lois isn't blind to Lex. Maybe Bruce, but not Lex.

Stop hiding from her of course. Stop not being seen by her.
Stop Lex. Stop the wedding. Stop the engagement. Stop Lex taking over the DP. Stop being a total lunkhead.
LOIS: Those all work for me.

Oh the irony.
What can I say? [Linked Image] I'm a Tempus fan.

Like Luthor and his 3 unacknowledged love children?
Three? Jaxon... Lex Jr... Who's number 3?
LEX: cool
JACK: [Linked Image] Please, not me!

I'm surprised she doesn't just have the DP delivered, that would be cheaper.
Sometimes Lois's building is locked from the outside (Lord of the Flys), sometimes it's not (all those unannounced visitors, such as Dan, Det. Reed, etc.)

I think that should be "in trouble with Lex".
Ooops. Fixed.

He feels responsible for letting his Lois die.
That would be the one... and his folks.

One Lois dying on his watch was one too many. Although his going out of town at this point shows a trust in Lois not dying.
He does have a tendency to fly from pain in his heart. Also, alt-Lois didn't die on his watch. She died before he would've met her.

Little things can kill her. Like bullets. And poison.
CLARK: Cars. Lex Luthor. Falling down stairs. Slipping in the bathtub.
LOIS: Think about my death much, there, Kent? That's a bit morbid.

More jealousy of the jaguar, fearing her soul mate lived in this world.
Yes, and the knowledge that Herb would be back in February to turn back time.

Which she still does not understand why it disturbed Clark so much.
Nope. She forgot about the whole doppelganger thing.

/excited/ she knows Clark will be ok.
CLARK: I'm okay?

In this case he was not being a clueless lunkhead, he was deliberately sabotaging his relationship.
Yep. He stuck his foot in his mouth on purpose.

Being too good hearted to seek what he really wants.
Being too good hearted to take what he knows he should give to others.
LOIS: EXcuse me?

Nope, he would not learn of the curse for another month and a half.
She's thinking about the psychological issues due to dating a manipulative person such as Lana.
LANA: Or Lois. She's just a manipulative.
CLARK: wave

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Lois locked her door, jogged down the stairs, and out her building’s front door. She waited for a car to pass, and then jay-jogged directly over to the man in the brown jacket, who was leaning on the building across the street.

“Hi,” she said, stopping and holding out her hand. “I’m Lois Lane.”
Looks like she’s servicing her newest customer some pretty mean balls.

The man looked like a rabbit caught in the headlights of her semi truck. “Hi, Lois,” he squeaked.
[Linked Image]

“Nice to meet you, Mitch. I used to date a Mitchell, but I dumped him because he was a total hypochondriac.” She paused and waited for him to respond.
Good thing Mr. Luthor has issued a mandatory sickness aversion therapy to his employees.

Mitch merely stared at her as if he had never spoken to a beautiful woman before and wasn’t quite sure what to do.
[Linked Image]

“You can tell your boss that Mitchell’s really a nobody and completely unimportant in the grand scheme of my life. I’d have totally forgotten about him, if your names weren’t the same.”
So, Mitchell going to phone in sick tomorrow, claiming he’s got two broken legs?

“Do you think your boss would be dating me if I were an idiot?”
No, if she were an idiot, he’d be doing her and then send her on her way.

“It’s not your fault your boss is all paranoid about my well-being.”
So, he’s working for Superman and she’s not into shooting the messenger? Which bizzaro-zone did we fall into now?

“This is a list of all my appointments today and tomorrow, so far. I’ll be jogging ten miles this morning. I’ve included the route, there, since…”

Either he returns my phone calls or he stops hiring personal security to follow me around, so I can get on with my life,”
How about option three: Have her escorted into his dacha, make a nice weekend out of it, and then dispose of her remains in the Hobbs river?

He liked Phil, and still was amazed that this guy attracted a woman like Cat. He wasn’t Cat’s normal type.
He doesn’t know because he doesn’t usually x-ray guys?

“So, did you two used to date?” Phil asked, taking a sip of his water.

Clark shook his head. “No.”

Phil leaned forward. “Why not?”
Because Clark prefers to hang out with priests and play with icicles?

“Nobody’s perfect,” Clark corrected. “Take those blinders off now and you’ll be happier in the long run.”
I don’t think Clark socialized much back in his home dimension.
LANA: Tell me about it. I could never take him anyplace I’d like to get invited to again.

“Lois and Clark often misunderstand each other.”
LOIS: I understood him just fine. He called me a lying skank who’s whoring out her body for a bit of ice on her ears and hot wheels underneath her buns.
CLARK: I understood her perfectly when she told me to suck it up because she’d never marry a loser-freak like me.
CAT: rotflol So, he’s hoping they’re never going to invite Lois and Clark for the holidays?

“That Lois hates everything to do with marriage,” Cat lied, taking another sip of her champagne.

Clark took a sip from his glass as well. “Not everything, apparently,” he grumbled under his breath.

“Yes, Clark, everything.”
Including the groom
LOIS: [Linked Image]

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“Then why is she considering getting married to that… that…?” Clark decided that he was in too polite company, even with Cat there, to speak the words that came to his mind to describe Luthor.
‘gentleman’? ‘philanthropist’?

Cat leaned towards Clark. “Why indeed, Clark? That is the question,” she said, shooting him a pointed look. “Why?”
CLARK: [Linked Image] Because I’m such a miserable failure that even an oozing boil like Lex Luthor is better as a suitor?

“Let me think about what you said,” Clark suggested. “Perhaps you can come over soon and we can discuss how I can help with the wedding.”

Cat practically threw her arms around him. “I knew you’d figure it out,” she whispered in his ear.

Clark nodded vaguely, not quite sure what it was he was supposed to have figured out.
Poor Cat. Thanks to the fact that Clark was never able to pleasure her, she’s not yet figured out that he’s not a female of his species.
ZARA: Yes, our men make dung beetles look like theoretical physicists.
SHELDON: I only asked Lenard to collect his poop for study *once*…

Sure, with one wave of his magic wand Lois would no longer be blind.
LOIS: I’d be open to try that… drool

In the middle of the top of the card was a faint smear of chocolate.

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Darth Michael: Oooh... Look, almost missed this one. blush
Looks like she’s servicing her newest customer some pretty mean balls.
LOIS: You mean like this? /searched for green crystal mace but came up empty on images/
CLARK: wave

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Oooh... Look, almost missed this one.

LOIS: You mean like this? /searched for green crystal mace but came up empty on images/
[Linked Image]

LOIS: It's amazing how many men in Metropolis look like that.
Isn’t it?

LOIS: Like if you hurt him there's only one person on the MPD's suspect list.
LEX: Ooops? Wait. Isn't he a lawyer? / [Dance] at loophole/
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Originally posted by Darth Michael:
LOIS: You mean like this? /searched for green crystal mace but came up empty on images/
ER: /suggests picture of green bat/
LOIS: No, mace... as in... [Linked Image] /strangely enough this one is from some DC Universe game/

LOIS: Plus, this is Metropolis. I'm not dropping my pants outside.
ER: Too many perverts watching from above?
LOIS: And from street level.

having a foursome with Cat and Phil?
LOIS: DINNER, not sex.

SUPERMAN: You're only jealous that *I* can get away with showing off my wares, and you *cannot*.
BATMAN: Still get more cat tail then you.
PHIL: Cat! No. Not him. [Linked Image]

That was over a month ago!
Umm... in *our* time, 'yes'. In story time, it was only a few days.

EW: Perhaps she was referring to fantasies from before she knew the truth. Also, if something had happened, how would it be a fantasy to draw from it?
ER: Because what she’s spinning from them is still fantasy?

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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LOIS: No, mace... as in... <what Clark thinks a mad Lois would look like if she found him shacking up with Linda> /strangely enough this one is from some DC Universe game/

BATMAN: Still get more cat tail then you.

PHIL: Cat! No. Not him. <hasn’t heard of the infamous leather-clad burglar in Gotham>
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Originally posted by Darth Michael:
What? It’s how one passes time while waiting for new parts to magically appear…
New parts magically appear every Tuesday night / Wednesday morning (depending on your time zone). wink Unfortunately, I was recently hit with the RL fairy who is known bless people with writer's block. I've now sent her on her way again (my apologies for the next person she visits) and hope to catch up with my cushion soon.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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New parts magically appear every Tuesday night / Wednesday morning (depending on your time zone). [Wink]
TEMPUS: Temporal magic. Me likey!
ER: Appears right when I get into work. Must be evil magic.

Unfortunately, I was recently hit with the RL fairy who is known bless people with writer's block. I've now sent her on her way again (my apologies for the next person she visits) and hope to catch up with my cushion soon.
Huh, that’s funny. I’ve just met a nice fairy who has a letter of recommendation from a Virginia R. Says she can help me find time for RL and playing with iron chairs.

wave Michael

Join us on the #loisclark Discord server! We talk about fanfic, our favorite show, life, and more! (It’s almost like the IRC days of old again!)

I go by Michael on the Archives.

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