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#98169 11/26/13 09:21 PM
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Wrong Place, Wrong Time, Wrong Clark TOC can be found Here

If you're wondering about Ralph's last name "Spagoda", I didn't come up with that gem. That honor goes to Rivka and Classicalla, from this Does Ralph Have A Last Name? thread. After reading that, I couldn't think of anything better. drool

Last edited by VirginiaR; 05/03/14 12:56 AM. Reason: Fixed broken Links

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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“Olsen! Find Spagoda!”

“On it, Chief!” Jimbo answered, before Perry shut the door.

I laughed so much at that. Very cool.

Great update as always. I cringed at Christine and Ralph. In fact it was more than cringe. Not at your writing but at the circumstances.

Anyway. I'm still waiting for all the yummy Lois/Clark scenes ... you've promised to make up for it now too!!!!!

Lois: "You put up with me for the same reason I put up with you. It's because I'm completely in love with you."
Clark: "And I love you ... Did we just make up?"
Lois: "I think so."
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I'm still reading with avid interest! Sorry about the lack of FDK... I misplaced my forum password for a while frown

A couple of general comments I've been holding onto for a while (when did you start this fic again?):

  • The tone of the story -- oh, all the atrocities Lex commits!! And with such gusto! I really think that this is what Lois and Clark could have looked like had it aired on Thursdays at 9 PM instead of Sundays at 8. You've definitely made me despise the character more thumbsup
  • I absolutely LOVE how you manage to weave canon story lines together without messing up the time line. It is very inventive and keeps the story from becoming predictable.
  • Well fleshed out characters: I really like the way you write Cat, and your Star is absolutely hilarious. I forgot which chapter it was, but I need to read it again. Bobby Bigmouth is a great new addition! Also, what a great way to explain the two Hendersons smile
  • Lois is is such as badass cool

Did you beat the record for the highest word count in a fanfic yet? Between this and Another Lois, it has to be true notworthy

I don't think I'd be able to read this as a completed story on the Archives... I probably wouldn't sleep for two months :p

I'm looking forward to your next parts wildguy

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KatherineKent: I'm glad you enjoyed Ralph's last name. As stated above, I cannot take credit for that gem. laugh

Great update as always. I cringed at Christine and Ralph. In fact it was more than cringe. Not at your writing but at the circumstances.
Hence the TMI (Too Much Information) Warning. smile1

I'm still reading with avid interest! Sorry about the lack of FDK... I misplaced my forum password for a while
That does sound frustrating. I don't know what I'd do if my computer forgot what my password was (and I couldn't find that original email from LabRat). Sounds like a nightmare.

A couple of general comments I've been holding onto for a while (when did you start this fic again?):
Uh... er [Linked Image]... um... Let's just say 2012.

The tone of the story -- oh, all the atrocities Lex commits!! And with such gusto!
Yes, I have a problem when writing Lex. I never think I write him evil enough, so I end up cranking up his badness until I go... Ooops. laugh It's the fine line of dancing between believability and still have him act within the bounds of canon Lex.

I really think that this is what Lois and Clark could have looked like had it aired on Thursdays at 9 PM instead of Sundays at 8. You've definitely made me despise the character more thumbsup
blush Why, thank you. Although, technically, THIS is alt-Clark.

I absolutely LOVE how you manage to weave canon story lines together without messing up the time line. It is very inventive and keeps the story from becoming predictable.
"Love" is a good word. I'll accept that. Thank you. [Linked Image] I try to keep it fresh enough that the readers know where in the canon story line the characters are, but how one slight deviation can have major consequences.

Well fleshed out characters: I really like the way you write Cat, and your Star is absolutely hilarious. I forgot which chapter it was, but I need to read it again. Bobby Bigmouth is a great new addition! Also, what a great way to explain the two Hendersons
I love Cat. She really was underutilized on the show. Many of the early scenes she's in are taken straight from canon, so I believe that it's a believable motivation that she knew... or at least, suspected the truth about Clark. I needed Clark to have a friend who know that he could turn to as canon Clark would turn to the Kents for advice. Since I put Jonathan in a wheelchair, that made it difficult for the Kents (plus, they're more cash strapped than they are in canon) for them to jump on a plane and come to Metropolis. Star, I believe, showed up in Part 87 for a brief cameo. I'm glad you're enjoying Bobby Bigmouth. This is a different meeting than I'm sure happened in canon -- as they meet almost as equals, so their relationship is slightly different. My stories try to right some of the wrongs made on the show. The dual Hendersons and dual Jimmys (and Cat's crazy personality changes after Nightfall and disappearance at the end of S1) all fit into this category. I'm glad I haven't totally fallen off a cliff with characterization. /phew/
Lois is is such as badass
LOIS: Yes. Was this ever in doubt?

Did you beat the record for the highest word count in a fanfic yet? Between this and Another Lois, it has to be true
Well, thank you. 'Missing Lois' (my first soap opera and the current record holder on the Archives) clocked in at 109 parts. 'Another Lois' was only about 25. So, as Michael would say, a mere prologue for a VirginiaR story, really. I'm not sure if I'll be able to post this story in one chunk or if I'll divide it into thirds. Part 1 of Book 2 (i.e. Wrong Clark) currently is roughly 543K words (basically through Part 98-ish) but it's still being edited for Archives. Archived version of 'Missing Lois' clocked in at roughly 500K words, so it's pretty close. I'm sure this second section (The Investigation) won't... /EW sticks foot into mouth/... let's just not go there, shall we? /Fates do dance / Too late. blush I'm not even going to mention the yet unwritten Section 3, let alone Book 3. evil Thanks for popping in to comment.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Had Lois been seduced by Luthor’s money? He wasn’t blaming her or calling her shallow, if she had.
I am sad that Clark does not know what is really going on. Also, the emoticons are not working for me.

Luthor was rich, very rich. Many people got weak and rubber-kneed around money and what differences it would mean to their lives.
Clark still things of Lois as acting too much like Lana.

Instead of Lois’s voice, it was Perry who greeted him from the answering machine.
I was hoping he would get a message from Lois.

“Kent, Perry White here. I don’t care what HR said, I need your butt down in my newsroom, yesterday!”
At least someone still wants Clark there.

Oh, it wasn’t the Chief. It was our new owner: Lex Luthor!” Jimmy exclaimed.
Jimmy really does not understand about Lex.

“Isn’t he something?” Jimmy said, his smile reaching ear to ear.
This Jimmy will never have grounds to claim he was not duped by Luthor.

Doubtful. “Maybe Lois suggested it,” Clark said weakly.
This is a horrible thing to say.

Lois selling her soul to save the Daily Planet from bankruptcy?
This is a horrible conclusion to come to.

It might explain everything that Lois said that day in the park about needing his advice on Luthor’s proposal.
Not really though.

Clark knew Lois loved the Daily Planet more than she loved anything else, almost more than Perry did, and that was saying something. Lois had admitted once that it was her second home.
If that is the case, then why quit?

The Daily Planet was Lois’s solid rock in the rapids of her life. Anyone who truly knew her knew she would never abandon it and that she would willingly sacrifice herself to save it.
Not as far as Clark thinks though.

“Oh, that’s right,” Jimmy said, snapping his fingers and pointing at Clark. “They’re friends, aren’t they?”
Jimmy knows how to rub things in.

Clark scanned it. It was rough, rough draft…
I think that should be "was a rough".

Clark’s eyes snapped up to Perry. “This is Lois’s story,” he said.
Yeah, he is still sticking up for Lois.

She needed to travel to London to check something out, but she couldn’t leave the country with charges pending.
He really should have given in and taken her.

“Yeah, but there was something wrong with it. The calculations were off. No matter what numbers you plugged into formulas, they consistently showed that the asteroid would hit Earth.”
At least they know what is up.

Clark fielded this one. “No, apparently Daitch got the computer virus from some friend of his in London…”
Now Clark has admitted to knowing quite a bit about this.

He wished she had trusted him with the information.
It is more that he never asked.

With Luthor owning the Planet and Lois trading her soul to save it, it seemed as if the billionaire had won.
frown that Clark gave up. I also figured out where my gremlins went. So I will end this comment section, and hope the next one works better.

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Clark didn’t like it, but he knew when he was licked.
Fortunantly he is totally wrong about what is up with Lois.

Perry pointed at him. “Don’t say that. We’ll be able to publish once he’s been arrested.”
And how will that happen with no evidence?

Clark held up his hand. “I know. She did this to save the Planet.”
grumble that is just close enough to the truth that Perry will not realize how wrong Clark is.

“I don’t know about you, but I don’t feel very ‘saved’.” His boss raised an eyebrow. “I was beginning to wonder if she’d told you.”
Oh no, Perry will think they actually spoke.

“It wasn’t until Jimmy told me about our new owner did I put her words together with what was going on and realized what she was trying to tell me.
I think that should be "new owner that I put".

Did she? “I don’t like her decision or execution, but I have to admire her motivation,” Clark admitted. “And her guts and her determination to do anything to save what she loved.” And most everything else about Lois.
Perry will even think this means Clark realizes that Lois still loves him.

“There would be no point for her to stay away now,” Perry insisted.
Clark really should ask Perry to elaborate and stop assume he understands what is happening.

He paused to pop a peanut into his mouth. “She still cares for you. She told me so.”
But will Clark believe it?

No matter how Lois felt about Clark, she hadn’t chosen him.
Actually she has, just not told him that.

If she had rushed down to LexCorp offices and barged into Lex’s office,
I think maybe this should be "down to the LexCorp Offices", or "down to LexCorp's offices".

“Nice to see you too,” the homeless person with Jimbo’s face replied.
I was so hoping it would be Clark.

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(Neither Lois nor Clark appear in the scene).
Ah, yes. I can see how such a scene could be considered TMI.

Instead of Lois’s voice, it was Perry who greeted him from the answering machine. “Kent, Perry White here. I don’t care what HR said, I need your butt down in my newsroom, yesterday!”

Perhaps ‘greeted’ wasn’t the correct word to describe this message.

Clark wasn’t sure what it was, but this Perry White had more zing to him than the one in his home dimension.
His King’s dead, so he knows about how short life can be and the need to live it to the fullest.

“Oh, it wasn’t the Chief. It was our new owner: Lex Luthor!” Jimmy exclaimed.

“Isn’t he something?” Jimmy said, his smile reaching ear to ear.
[Linked Image]

Doubtful. “Maybe Lois suggested it,” Clark said weakly.
So, all she had to do was spread her legs to get control of the Planet?

Was this what Cat had been referring to? Lois selling her soul to save the Daily Planet from bankruptcy?
[Linked Image]

The Daily Planet was Lois’s solid rock in the rapids of her life. Anyone who truly knew her knew she would never abandon it and that she would willingly sacrifice herself to save it.
LOIS: [Linked Image] I’d not even sacrifice myself to save Clark, so…

Clark winced. Why was it only now that he recalled her murmuring that story in his ear one rainy night last autumn, while he rubbed vitamin E lotion on her shot arm? Oh, duh. That probably wasn’t the best time to tell Clark anything important. Prolonged skin-to-skin contact with Lois and his brain function moved due south.
razz Thanks, as if I wasn’t sick enough already.

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Christine had to admit, did it for her. Nothing was hotter than a man who wanted her so badly he couldn’t wait to leave the alley.
Now, she does sound like a hooker. Well, actually…

“Huh? Who? What?” Ralph sputtered.

She sat back up, realizing she had distracted him too much. “Your editor?”
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Someone asked when this story first began posting. I believe it was June of 2012. It is also not the longest running by time story still in theory posting. Although it posts more regularly then its competitors for this title.

John Pack Lambert
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John: And the gifts keep on coming. smile1
I am sad that Clark does not know what is really going on.
Yes. Well, that's part of the problem from hiding the truth from the one you love. Canon Clark discovered this when he almost lost Lois to Dan.

Also, the emoticons are not working for me.
But... but... but... how can it be John FDK without grumble ??

Clark still things of Lois as acting too much like Lana.
Lana has had a strong influence over Clark's thinking about women.

At least someone still wants Clark there.
Perry isn't the only person who wants Clark at the DP.

Jimmy really does not understand about Lex.
It's harder for your friends to empathize when you keep them out of the loop.

“Isn’t he something?” Jimmy said, his smile reaching ear to ear.
JOHN: This Jimmy will never have grounds to claim he was not duped by Luthor.
I always thought canon Jimmy's "claim" about not being duped wasn't really grounded in reality.

“Maybe Lois suggested it,” Clark said weakly.
JOHN: This is a horrible thing to say.
If you don't know that Lex is the bad guy, and she convinced him to save the DP, how is it horrible?

Lois selling her soul to save the Daily Planet from bankruptcy?
JOHN: This is a horrible conclusion to come to.
It's worse to think that Lois martyred herself for the DP than actually fell in love with Lex Luthor? hyper
CLARK: Very funny.

He really should have given in and taken her.
CLARK: You want to add some curry powder to that salt you're rubbing in my wounds?

Now Clark has admitted to knowing quite a bit about this.
Just the bare bones.

He wished she had trusted him with the information.
JOHN: It is more that he never asked.
Lois and Superman had this conversation right before Clark went undercover at Met Star. Then the day after he returned to the DP, they were held hostage and then he spent a week searching the country for nukes, only to return to her telling him that Luthor proposed. He hasn't had time to ask.

And how will that happen with no evidence?
LOIS: wave

/grumble/ that is just close enough to the truth that Perry will not realize how wrong Clark is.
[Linked Image]

I think that should be "new owner that I put".
Thanks. Fixed.

Perry will even think this means Clark realizes that Lois still loves him.
So close, and yet so far away.

Clark really should ask Perry to elaborate and stop assume he understands what is happening.
Being that he thinks he DOES understand, he'd feel he might look like a fool if he had to ask Perry spell it out for him.

He paused to pop a peanut into his mouth. “She still cares for you. She told me so.”
JOHN: But will Clark believe it?
LOIS: [Linked Image] Care? Perry, I told you to tell Clark that I *love* him. What's with all this 'care' stuff?
PERRY: Do I look like Cupid? I don't send love messages. You want to tell him you love him, YOU tell him that you love him.

No matter how Lois felt about Clark, she hadn’t chosen him.
JOHN: Actually she has, just not told him that.
Not verbally.

I think maybe this should be "down to the LexCorp Offices", or "down to LexCorp's offices".
Thanks. Fixed.

“Nice to see you too,” the homeless person with Jimbo’s face replied.
JOHN: I was so hoping it would be Clark.
JIMBO: So, what's on the menu today?
LOIS: Surf and Turf. /fills his plate/
JIMBO: This looks like rice and beans.
LOIS: Oh, sorry. I was told it was 'Bait & Switch'. wink
/Okay, technically, it was meatloaf but that didn't work as well with the bait and switch joke./

Someone asked when this story first began posting. I believe it was June of 2012. It is also not the longest running by time story still in theory posting. Although it posts more regularly then its competitors for this title.
Yes, I'm trying to make sure I don't drop below one post per week as I don't want to leave readers hanging too long. I'd much rather post more often, but RL demands that I spend time with my family, eat, and sleep on a daily basis. Believe you me, if I was more organized I probably could have condensed this story down some (or saved some of the juicier distraction story lines for stand alone stories), but, well, I'm not. Apologies. I'll get to the end someday, but no promises as to when /psst. the fates are listening and they've already jinxed me when I said I'd finish by the Summer of 2013 and that I didn't want it to be over 100 parts... and when I said it wouldn't go over 200 parts./ I promise it will get better before I hit you all over the head with a tree sized club at the end. evil

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Darth Michael: wave
EW: (Neither Lois nor Clark appear in the scene).
ER: Ah, yes. I can see how such a scene could be considered TMI.
CLARK: I've read that scene and personally, I wouldn't want to be within hearing distance of it.
LOIS: Although, if either one of us were in that scene, wouldn't it have been much too much information?
RALPH: I wouldn't mind if you joined us? laugh
LOIS: [Linked Image] Really, NEVER going to happen.

His King’s dead, so he knows about how short life can be and the need to live it to the fullest.
Interesting theory. Perhaps. Alt-Perry lost his Lois, so that can't be said of him?

ER: [Not quite understanding Jimmy's hero worship of Luthor saving his job]
Then, again, Jimmy said the same thing about Lois. /I was trying to go with Jimmy's "Happy Days are Here Again" vibe from when Luthor announced he bought the DP in canon./

So, all she had to do was spread her legs to get control of the Planet?
LOIS: Actually, I didn't even have to do that. laugh

Was this what Cat had been referring to? Lois selling her soul to save the Daily Planet from bankruptcy?
ER: [Now, understands what happened to Krypton]
From Clark's POV, which would make it easier for him to sleep at night: a) Lois agreed to marry Lex because she loved him, or b) Lois agreed to marry Lex only to save the DP?

LOIS: [uh-uh] I’d not even sacrifice myself to save Clark, so…
I don't know, she willingly married Baron Tempos to save Sir Charles.

So, he should not hold her hand during press conferences?
LOIS: He’d better not. I need them to take notes and ask questions.
Holding Lois's hand isn't the same type of skin-to-skin contact as giving her a massage.

He going to send Ralph to find out how and why Lex bought the Planet?
Crazier things have happened.

Wonder how that’s connected.
It's not.

If you define 'hooker' as someone willing to trade sex for stuff, then 'yes'.

Oh, she’s the squeeze he got over at LNN.
CHRISTINE: Much better put. Thank you.

Huh, he’s dishing an actual old Lois story.
Just conversation.

/points at earlier part of the scene/
CHRISTINE: We're *not* in a alley.

Which also makes Lex Lois’s daddy.
LOIS: /razz/ Thanks, as if I wasn’t sick enough already.

Now, she does sound like a hooker. Well, actually…
IRS: Well, she doesn't have any extra income claimed on her taxes...

I’m sure she does. Just, what’s that to do with what Ralph’s doing?

Maybe she could be reassigned to the food column?
PERRY: Some of us *want* the DP to succeed!

Illicit affair at the office?
CAT: Sounds like a Page 1 story to me. laugh
LOIS: Ending in murder. Mine and Clark's.
CAT: Oh. That would be inconvenient. sad So, special edition then?

LOIS: /knows who *wasn't* born with reporter's instinct and who was/
CLARK: What? 'Boss' is a common nickname.

Isn’t it funny, how someone would assume that a timetraveller would make his reappearance dependent on how quickly he solves a task?
Yes, one assumes that said time traveler would make an appearance earlier as opposed to later in said time line.

Metal blades can be cold.
HENDERSON: So are metal bars. Just saying...

Women. And danger.
No wonder he likes Lois.

/points at her chicken costume, complete with feathers on her rump/
CLARK: She wouldn't even let ME ruffle those feathers.

‘Lois Lane, you have failed this city’?
LOIS: Good thing I didn't get a job offer from Starling City News, then, huh.

Oooh, fun! Now, for 149…
Posting tonight.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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LOIS: Although, if either one of us were in that scene, wouldn't it have been much too much information?
Got the perfect place for this /points at yonder/

LOIS: <dolling up like would for her wedding night with Lex> Really, NEVER going to happen.

LOIS: Actually, I didn't even have to do that. [Big Grin]
Lex did the heavy lifting for her?

From Clark's POV, which would make it easier for him to sleep at night: a) Lois agreed to marry Lex because she loved him, or b) Lois agreed to marry Lex only to save the DP?
CLARK: /picks door number three/

quote:LOIS: [uh-uh] I’d not even sacrifice myself to save Clark, so…

I don't know, she willingly married Baron Tempos to save Sir Charles.
That was Loisette. And I believe Lois explicitly stated that she wouldn’t in an earlier chapter. Or was that during FDK?

Holding Lois's hand isn't the same type of skin-to-skin contact as giving her a massage.
Oh, it’s just when he gets to rub her the right way, then?

quote: Hooker?

If you define 'hooker' as someone willing to trade sex for stuff, then 'yes'.
wave Michael

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Originally posted by Darth Michael:
LOIS: Although, if either one of us were in that scene, wouldn't it have been much too much information?
ER: Got the perfect place for this /points at yonder/
You mean on the "Sue Boards"?

From Clark's POV, which would make it easier for him to sleep at night: a) Lois agreed to marry Lex because she loved him, or b) Lois agreed to marry Lex only to save the DP?
CLARK: /picks door number three/
BOB BARKER: Clark Kent, you've won a fabulous date with Mayson Drake!

LOIS: [uh-uh] I’d not even sacrifice myself to save Clark, so…

EW: I don't know, she willingly married Baron Tempos to save Sir Charles.
ER: That was Loisette. And I believe Lois explicitly stated that she wouldn’t in an earlier chapter. Or was that during FDK?
She does say it in the story at some point.

EW: Holding Lois's hand isn't the same type of skin-to-skin contact as giving her a massage.
ER: Oh, it’s just when he gets to rub her the right way, then?
[Linked Image]

EW: But then, how will Lex be able to earn favors to buy his cigarettes?
ER: Umm…[reminds EW that Lex isn't supposed to survive that flying leap to be put into jail]
Oh? /checks outline/ cool

EW: Yes, one assumes that said time traveler would make an appearance earlier as opposed to later in said time line.
HERB: I like to make an entrance?
CLARK: He can say THAT again. mad

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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You mean on the "Sue Boards"?

CLARK: He can say THAT again. [Mad]
Still miffed about preventing a conscious consummation. Well, a consummation where Clark’s fully conscious and able to remember later what he did to Lois. As opposed to when Clark’s out of it and Lois is the one able to remember what Clark did to her.

wave Michael

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Originally posted by Darth Michael:
ER: You mean on the "Sue Boards"?
ER: Ken’s posting there, too.
Yes, I know and I meant no offense to anyone else posting over there. But Ken's stories are posting both HERE and THERE. Sue has two stories with no GFIC versions posting over there at the moment, which is why I gave her full credit.

CLARK: He can say THAT again. [Mad]
ER: Still miffed about preventing a conscious consummation. Well, a consummation where Clark’s fully conscious and able to remember later what he did to Lois. As opposed to when Clark’s out of it and Lois is the one able to remember what Clark did to her.
Possibly. peep

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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. Sue has two stories with no GFIC versions posting over there at the moment, which is why I gave her full credit.
wave Michael

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