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How's that for a bomb? Now, you know what #2 is. Please feel free to leave any thoughts here. Comments are enjoyed and devoured like rare dark chocolates. Thank you for reading. In case anyone new wants to start reading this epic soap opera, you can find the Wrong Place, Wrong Time, Wrong Clark TOC Here.
Last edited by VirginiaR; 05/02/14 11:41 PM. Reason: Added Link
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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Oh no, no-no, nononononono! At least she is facing what is going on in the newsroom, and even her fury against Ralph she warn him about some possible threatening against his life. Good girl. But please, don't stop tearing off his soul (metaphorically,of course) because that's what he deserve for stealing your notebooks
Clark: "So what are you saying? I should go crawling back on my hands and knees?" Martha: "No, honey. Fly back. It's faster!!"
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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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It seems to me that Cat is the only one who understand at them both....
Clark: "So what are you saying? I should go crawling back on my hands and knees?" Martha: "No, honey. Fly back. It's faster!!"
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tall grey cubicles that would insure the lack of collaboration between employees. Ensure, not insure. Lois wondered if she could find a photo in archives with her and Lex to put up on her bookshelf. Not that she’d want to look at such a photo on a daily basis, but it would stop the spread any further titters of malicious gossip. Um... what? How would having his picture up stop the gossip? They may think of her as the woman who slept her way to the top, but bashing the owner’s friend within the building was a sure way for someone to get fired. "Friend". Yes, that's it. People will think she's his "friend" if she's got a picture of the two of them up in her office. This seems to be one more instance where Lois proves that she doesn't actually understand real people. “A welcome gift from Mr. Luthor.” Ah, I see what she's doing. She got a job where Lex is her boss so that she can sue him for sexual harassment and take him down that way. 
"It is a remarkable dichotomy. In many ways, Clark is the most human of us all. Then...he shoots fire from the skies, and it is difficult not to think of him as a god. And how fortunate we all are that it does not occur to him." -Batman (in Superman/Batman #3 by Jeph Loeb)
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Not finding a pencil or notebook within to write up a list of supplies she would need for her new office, he headed out to search for that supply closet Erica had briefly mentioned on the tour. I think you mean "she headed out". “Sure, he can fly,” the man said as Superman took off into the air on the screen. “But it’s surviving in the concrete jungle, which really separates a real man from those called ‘super’.” Wow, what a winner. Give that guy an award because he lives in the city. Dr. Martin Solsvig of LexLabs Isn't that the name of the guy in the Thor movies? Or am I remembering wrong? ::looks it up:: Oh, it's Erik Selvig. No wonder I got them confused. Based on ... what?
"It is a remarkable dichotomy. In many ways, Clark is the most human of us all. Then...he shoots fire from the skies, and it is difficult not to think of him as a god. And how fortunate we all are that it does not occur to him." -Batman (in Superman/Batman #3 by Jeph Loeb)
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“Not any more, Lane. We’re a team here at LNN. If you care about the story, you’ll work with Radner and Cardinal about getting the truth out as quickly as possible,” Robertson said. ... He's got a point. Once again, she doesn't seem to understand (or care) how things actually work. She's being uber-possessive. At least, she now had a mobile phone. A bugged mobile phone? Lois stormed out of the elevator and into the Daily Planet newsroom. What makes her think that's a good idea? She has no business being there. Maybe he hadn’t mentioned it, because he hadn’t found any more information about it than the brief mention of it in her notes. You don't want that comma there. Because Perry knew that she was going undercover, she had assumed any story notebooks she had safely locked in her desk would be treated with kid gloves, kept in Perry’s protective custody, or given to Clark to guard. More narcissism. She quit. She's not a DP employee undercover anywhere. Sure, Perry should have handled her notes appropriately, but she has no reasonable expectation that they would be kept pristine and confidential. she screamed, marching down the stairs and into the bullpen. Security! So, I hope none of you are hiding that bald, incompetent bastard under your desk ... I don't want to know what he's doing down there. I was wondering when she was going to have another flashback/flashforward/flashsideways thing. It's been a while. Perry had once come straight into the office after being released from the hospital with double pneumonia. He never took sick days. Aaaand that explains the epidemic. “And I think Jimmy put your stuff in the storage room. I’ll get it for you.” Once again, she could recover any personal effects, but anything related to work would be DP property. That kid looks younger than I am, and I’m only twenty-six. How old is Lex? If he's over 38, he's violating the Standard Creepiness Rule . I went to LNN because you said that you loved the Daily Planet and that it was ‘a grand paper worth saving’. That.... doesn't follow. I’m not coming down to your place of business and telling you how to do your job, am I, Lois? Well, actually, you are, since you're my boss. He cupped her jaw in his hands and kissed her gently on the lips, freezing her with shock. Why does she allow this? Is she one of those stupid "no means yes" females?
"It is a remarkable dichotomy. In many ways, Clark is the most human of us all. Then...he shoots fire from the skies, and it is difficult not to think of him as a god. And how fortunate we all are that it does not occur to him." -Batman (in Superman/Batman #3 by Jeph Loeb)
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It was her fault. She had done this to herself. Finally she realizes that! “Phil’s amazing,” Cat replied, ignoring her barb. “And I hear you’re the biggest idiot in the universe.”
“Not the biggest,” Lois grumbled. That title went to Clark’s ex-fiancée. “He shouldn’t have proposed. It was too early.” I like your Cat. And Lois is wrong, of course, but she doesn't know about the other universe, so we can cut her some slack. “It might be,” Lois replied, looking at Cat. “I have to accept Lex’s proposal tonight.” Sigh. Did you really have to?
"It is a remarkable dichotomy. In many ways, Clark is the most human of us all. Then...he shoots fire from the skies, and it is difficult not to think of him as a god. And how fortunate we all are that it does not occur to him." -Batman (in Superman/Batman #3 by Jeph Loeb)
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Every time I read a new part, I feel more and more claustrophobic. The walls are closing in... You're really good at inferring that through your writing. Come on Clark! Come to the rescue! 
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chelo: Thanks for the comments. Oh no, no-no, nononononono! /jawdrop/ And, of course and CK, as the #1 idiot, will believe Lois is accepting Luthor's proposal because is in love with that ... thing.... please Cat! TRANSLATE them!! More Cat coming up soon. Oh, and sincerely I hope there aren't any microphones in the elevator. ... There could be, but if you re-read Lois and Cat's dialogue, you'll notice that they never speak Clark's name and one might actually believe that they're speaking about Luthor, except for one line where Lois says it's unsafe to speak, but she mumbles it. At least she is facing what is going on in the newsroom, and even her fury against Ralph she warn him about some possible threatening against his life. Good girl. But please, don't stop tearing off his soul (metaphorically,of course) because that's what he deserve for stealing your notebooks WE know that she's warning him, because we've seen her POV reasoning, but anyone else might think her words a threat rather than a warning. But I'm sure that Ralph heeded Lois's warning and so there's nothing to worry about, right? It seems to me that Cat is the only one who understand at them both.... That could very well be, but, then again, she has Clark's information, Lois's information, and her own... Now, if she only had Lois's hunch reasoning and Clark's super fast mind (when he isn't too depressed to react, that is)...
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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mrsMxyzptlk: And Lois is wrong, of course, but she doesn't know about the other universe, so we can cut her some slack. I don't know, this dimension's Lana isn't too much brighter by not letting Wayne Irig know he's a grandfather. Sigh. Did you really have to? Yeah. /points to outline/ It says right there "Lois steps in big pile of doo-doo, but that it's her fault for not watching where she walked." LEX: Xerxes! Bad Dog! Thanks for the comments.
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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datasprite12: Thanks for reading. Every time I read a new part, I feel more and more claustrophobic. The walls are closing in... You're really good at inferring that through your writing. /clap/ Why, thank you. ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/smilie/froehlich/e025.gif) The title of this plot arc is "Rotten things happen in threes", so 'yes' the walls are closing in. Come on Clark! Come to the rescue! CLARK: /looking around/ Just a minute. I'm looking for my ego and self-worth. I know I had them when I entered this dimension.
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Erica lifted her arm to indicate the room they had just entered full of tall grey cubicles that would ensure the lack of collaboration between employees. So nobody considers doing any deep investigative pieces on the less savory parts of Metropolis’s business world? Lois could just picture Clark describing the environment as sterile… well, with the grey carpet, the grey walls, the grey cubicles, and the grey metal desks he would have a point. It was just so lacking in… color. The reason Lois is always wearing colorful microsuits at the Planet? “Due to your… uh… unique qualifications and expertise…” I don’t think knowing how to please Lex is that unique a qualification. Erica paused and gave Lois a plastic smile, which told Lois exactly what rumors her co-workers were already spreading about how she had landed the job. Back in 50BC, they drew all sorts of pictorials on Roman walls about how Julius Caesar got the freak on with that Egyptian Whore™. Are we going to find the 20th century equivalents in the ladies’ bathroom? Until then, she’d give Clark Kent the run for his money on winning ‘Nicest Person in Metropolis Award’… well, at least, within the walls of LNN. I don’t think Clark would win NPiMA within the walls of LNN. It was a small non-descript room with an empty bookshelf, a wooden desk with a computer and telephone already set up, and a couple of chairs. At least the room had a window. No couch? No shower? Duh! The master is never going to visit his concubine. She’s the one to visit him. She’d bring in her non-personal personal items tomorrow to make this office her own... or appear as if it were her own. She would never be the real Lois Lane here. A pink deskplant? A photograph of her parents? A Barbie doll bobble head? As she went to sit down in her chair, she saw a piece of paper that someone had left there. Only one word had been written on it.
Whore. Not very creative. They should have gone with a big, fat, red letter ‘A’. She guessed it was just another demonstration of the differences between the Daily Planet’s staff and LNN’s. TV-reporters have to be concise and very clear in their reports, otherwise the average Metropolitan won’t get it? but bashing the owner’s friend within the building was a sure way for someone to get fired. Sometimes literally. “Todd from Maintenance,” the man announced before wheeling a big ficus plant into her office. It was decorated with a pink bow. /starts countdown for plant to commit suicide/ Or maybe Lex wouldn’t wait until tomorrow. “Thank you, Todd. Where would I be able to get a recycling can for my office?” she asked, holding up the ‘whore’ sign she’d been left in plain view of the ficus.
Todd appeared aghast at what the paper read and snatched it out of her hands, wadding it up. “Don’t you worry about that, Ms. Lane. I’ll take care of it for you.” Ooooh! “Those are the live feeds, which we can switch to at any moment should anything interesting occur,” the man replied. He gave her a nudge, and lowered his voice. Wouldn’t it be awkward if Lois’s own live feeds were to end up on those monitors? One was at the Metro subway station, where crime scene tape had cordoned off a stop, probably due to an accident on the rails. FDK 149: Wouldn’t it be fun if Ralph got knocked into an oncoming subway by a homeless ex-con he just spurned? <EW is considering Lois is an ex-con and soon to be homeless unless she manages to keep her current job> /EW enjoys herself/ Clark appeared more drawn than usual, almost as if the fire had gone out in his eyes. He’s not happy that Lois is with another man’s child. Apparently, he’s not happy that another man is going to raise his child as his own. “Oh, him,” the man said casually. “I’ve met him, you know.”
She couldn’t suppress a grin. I love him, you know. “Oh?” That guy not the smartest one, is he? “I interviewed him after he stopped a bank robbery once. He’s nothing special,” the man said, shrugging. He’s into girls, then? “Nice to meet you,” Lois said. “Lois Lane.”
The flirtatious smile dropped from his face. “The Lois Lane?” Scared about losing a body-part his wife/girlfriend has grown very fond of? She hadn’t spent more than a second looking at the screen before, but something in Cosgrove’s shocked expression after a reporter asked a question drew her focus. The Nightfall mishap? “The woman who first flew with Superman?” Reggie stammered. “The reporter with more Superman exclusives than any other? That Lois Lane?” Oh. And here I had thought he just gotten scared about hitting on the First Whore. Apparently, Reggie does have a man-crush on Superman. “Story stealing cretin,” Lois roared, jumping down from the chair for a better view. “I’m going to get him for this.” And he didn’t even have to sleep with her. Yet, you, EPRAD, and Professor Daitch all told us it had less than a ten percent chance of missing us,” said a LNN reporter with whom Lois was unfamiliar, continuing on in the same topic. That would be Ralph’s main squeeze. “That’s a difference of over fifty-five percent. Care to explain?” COSGROVE: The StarLabs astrologer(sic) is bad at math? It was still her story, and she was going to spin it so hard to save Superman’s reputation, if it was the last thing she did. I don’t think LNN is going to run with that. She could hear Sandra Ellis on the live broadcast, announcing, “Professor Daitch, head scientist at EPRAD and the astronomer who brought the Nightfall asteroid to our attention, was taken to hospital on Saturday by Superman. Unconfirmed reports state that the scientist had attempted suicide using the exhaust from his car. While still alive at this time, his current condition is unconfirmed and the hospital representatives refuse to disclose any information with the press at this time, stating doctor-patient confidentiality.” If he dies, could they spin it as Superman actually trying to kill him but making it still look like he’s a Good Samaritan?
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“When you’ve got the story written, give it to me to polish, and I’ll pass it to Christine Radner,” he told her. LOIS: Polish? She crossed her arms. “Excuse me?” This was her story; she wasn’t going to pass it over to someone else to screw up.
“Christine is one of our copy writers. CHRISSY! I had the lowest retraction rate at the Daily Planet. Because so many of her presented-as-facts persons end up dead before the story hits the light of day? I had the lowest retraction rate at the Daily Planet.” Well, until Clark Kent started working there.  Michael
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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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Please, Lois, inspect the ficus, because if there's not a bug/camera in it, I'll eat my hat.
"It's the mythology of a sun god who wished he was a man because he saw something so great in us. It's the story of a hero who could move whole worlds and see through stars and hear a whisper on the other side of the planet... ...and who fell in love with a storyteller." - ashmaht (x)
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Darth Michael: Hey! Sorry, I didn't respond earlier. I figured it was a toss up between answering FDK last night or posting the new part. I hope you didn't mind where the coin landed. MICHAEL: /crazy excited that he's suckered some poor writer into writing a fic that never seems to end/ So nobody considers doing any deep investigative pieces on the less savory parts of Metropolis’s business world? Christine's busy. The reason Lois is always wearing colorful microsuits at the Planet? I thought that was Cat. LOIS: Yeah, *my* suits were sold as 'power suits' for women. I don’t think knowing how to please Lex is that unique a qualification. LEX: ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/midi/verschiedene/c050.gif) Don't ruin the myth. It's what makes women feel extra special. Back in 50BC, they drew all sorts of pictorials on Roman walls about how Julius Caesar got the freak on with that Egyptian Whore™. Are we going to find the 20th century equivalents in the ladies’ bathroom? Maybe in 2000 years, SM's decedents will stumble across it when they finally allow people to enter the old LNN building when the radiation /Kryptonite?/ levels have decreased sufficiently. I don’t think Clark would win NPiMA within the walls of LNN. WOMEN OF LNN: Bite your tongue! Clark Kent is a sweet cutie! Superman, on the other hand, you might be right. I was describing the office she was given in canon. [gossips at LNN whisper in ER's ear] Duh! The master is never going to visit his concubine. She’s the one to visit him. ERICA: Totally! A pink deskplant? A photograph of her parents? A Barbie doll bobble head? Only if she's Clois. /Cloned Lois/ Not very creative. They should have gone with a big, fat, red letter ‘A’. That would imply they would know what that meant. Of course, they probably DID see the Demi Moore movie. /Oooops. My Bad. That doesn't come out for another year./ So, no, they wouldn't understand that reference. Just like people today don't realize that you're supposed to wear those big clunky headphones that are *so* popular with rainbow kneesocks (or knee pads if you're a guy) and roller skates. ![[Linked Image]](http://data3.whicdn.com/images/16613306/tumblr_livo37cOKQ1qau6v1o1_500_thumb.gif) Yes, people who think those headphones are cool, us old people are *laughing* at you, because of how dorky you look. /FYI: My hubby didn't appreciate me laughing at HIM when he looked them in the store yesterday/ TV-reporters have to be concise and very clear in their reports, otherwise the average Metropolitan won’t get it? Yes, they dumb down the news. but bashing the owner’s friend within the building was a sure way for someone to get fired. Sometimes literally. LEX: ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/smilie/frech/e015.gif) Make it so, Number Two. NIGEL: Stop calling me *that*. /starts countdown for plant to commit suicide/ Well, that's a new route. That guy not the smartest one, is he? Because he doesn't know a print journalist on sight? Superman or Reggie? They both are. Well, Superman not officially. Officially, he doesn't date. Reggie is just failing miserably at trying to be cool. Scared about losing a body-part his wife/girlfriend has grown very fond of? Scared that he just name dropped with someone who is up close and personal with the person's name he just dropped. He would have had the same reaction, if he had bragged about shaking Lex Luthor's hand. Yes, that would explain why Cosgrove's suit turned from blue to brown in a split second. Oh. And here I had thought he just gotten scared about hitting on the First Whore. Apparently, Reggie does have a man-crush on Superman. Nah. He's just realized he humiliated himself in front of a pretty girl. CAT: That's always fun to watch. It happens to me all the time, when men realize that the woman who just handcuffed them to the wall and gave them the best night of sex they'd ever had is actually smarter than them. And he didn’t even have to sleep with her. RALPH:  That was an option? That would be Ralph’s main squeeze. No, that's Christine's on-air reporter. Joy gets to be pretty for the camera and Christine does all the dirty stuff to get the story. CHRISTINE: Tell me about it. COSGROVE: The StarLabs astrologer(sic) is bad at math? Doesn't he mean EPRAD? Oh, you mean, that EPRAD was right all along? No, nobody is going to buy that. I don’t think LNN is going to run with that. LNN REPORTERS: If he dies, could they spin it as Superman actually trying to kill him but making it still look like he’s a Good Samaritan? SUPERMAN: Live, Daitch! Live, damn it!
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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-- Continuation of Response to Darth Michael's FDK -- LOIS: Polish? [shows Robertson her gator bite move] Sounds about right. Because so many of her presented-as-facts persons end up dead before the story hits the light of day? Her sources or the people upon whom she was writing? RALPH: Yeah, so? She’s lazier and he’s even more lazy. They only do a story, what, once every other week? PERRY: Nope, one or the both of them brought me a Superman story at least daily. Well, there might not be an I in Lane, but there is still an I in Lois. LEX: What I’m saying. LOIS: There isn't a "U" in Lois Lane, either. LEX: Well, not until you're Lois Luthor. RALPH: “You need to get on your knees, ER: [admits to having a knee fetish] LOIS: I offered him one of those when I was high on Revenge, but he said that he didn't like them. Of course, at the time we were in the middle of a crowded restaurant... but I believe he meant anywhere. CLARK: I... no... that's... ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/midi/konfus/a050.gif) Me, and my big mouth. That would be a new one, her asking for forgiveness. CLARK: What? I'm the only one who is supposed to grow and learn new things in this so-called relationship? Oh dear. Is Lex going to be happy about the cuckoo’s egg she’s dropping in his nest? But isn't that what Lex wanted? ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/smilie/konfus/g040.gif)
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Kismatt: Thanks for reading. Please, Lois, inspect the ficus, because if there's not a bug/camera in it, I'll eat my hat. But she already assumes there's a bug /microphone or camera/ in it, which is why she showed the planet her 'whore' sign that her new co-workers left for her. The plant, itself, didn't really care to be shown the dead chopped up body of another plant /i.e. the paper/ and is planning on killing her should she ever take a nap in her office. Thanks for the comment.
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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LOL Okay, caught. I was reading at work and I think I missed that tidbit!! I need to sit down and re-read Book 2 from the beginning, methinks. After the holidays.
"It's the mythology of a sun god who wished he was a man because he saw something so great in us. It's the story of a hero who could move whole worlds and see through stars and hear a whisper on the other side of the planet... ...and who fell in love with a storyteller." - ashmaht (x)
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</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Originally posted by Kismatt: <strong> LOL Okay, caught. I was reading at work and I think I missed that tidbit!!  Okay, see you back here in mid-summer sometime. EDIT: Although, if I keep up my posting once a week schedule, you might want come back and see what's new around Valentine's Day. ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/smilie/frech/e020.gif)
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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“And while most of our copy writers work in the newsroom…” Erica droned on. A very apt description of the type of presentations given by the likes of Erica.  Lois wants Clark. OK, that has never been in doubt to the reader (although it is in doubt to Clark) since at least part 88, but still. Lois wondered if she could find a photo in archives with her and Lex to put up on her bookshelf. That might not be a good idea if Superman flies by. Not that she’d want to look at such a photo on a daily basis, but it would stop the spread any further titters of malicious gossip. I think thatshould be "spread of any". They may think of her as the woman who slept her way to the top, but bashing the owner’s friend within the building was a sure way for someone to get fired. Friend or girlfriend? Apparently, his form of screaming was popular with some people. Sounds like how Lois would react to such. I never understood the idea of Lois and Clark wanting to go to a Pearl Jam concert. Had she really known him less than a year? It seemed so much longer than that. Is this because the story has been in process of being written for over a year. (run away). She was about to move to the next screen when a familiar streak of blue and red caught her attention. Yes, she gets to see Clark. Sad that it has been so long since he was where he belongs, which is in Lois's arms. Clark appeared more drawn than usual, Lois abandoning him is getting to him. “Oh, him,” the man said casually. “I’ve met him, you know.” Lois:I named him. She couldn’t suppress a grin. I love him, you know. Yes, she thinks in terms of love. Deep, Lois thought wryly. Under that definition, Clark must be ten times the man this guy was because he could do both. Actually, Clark is probably more like 20 times the man this guy is. “I said do you have any comment on the reports that Nightfall Major never would have hit Earth without your, EPRAD’s, and Superman’s interference?” the reporter on the screen asked again. Lois instantly recognized the slimy voice as Ralph’s. I half wish Ralph had died. “The way I heard it, Secretary, other astronomers, namely Dr. Martin Solsvig of LexLabs, stated unequivocally that Nightfall Major had less than a thirty-five percent chance of striking Earth. That is still insanely high. “Not any more, Lane. We’re a team here at LNN. If you care about the story, you’ll work with Radner and Cardinal about getting the truth out as quickly as possible,” Robertson said. The truth? LNN and the truth almost never intersect. She had completely forgotten about her investigation on what happened during Nightfall, So it is partly Lois's fault that Clark is getting attacked on all fronts. “Ralph Spagoda! I’m going to tear you to shreds and bury the pieces in the four corners of the Earth, so that you cannot be reborn!” she screamed, marching down the stairs and into the bullpen. Making such threats seems unwise on her part. “Clark went to meet a source,” Joe finally called from the Information Desk. Lois:  my one chance to meet Clark in over a week and he is away. “Lois! Darling, I thought I heard your voice. What are you doing here?” Lex said, exiting Perry’s office. This is the most annoying use of an endearment by Lex yet. “Who is that?” Lois heard the new guy ask someone.
“That is the formidable Lois Lane,” Cat answered. Skip really knows nothing about newspapers. and micromanaging Clark going to make this a better paper?” It will better meet Luthor's goals. “I left some things here when I quit. I came to collect them,” she said softly. Like Clark she is telling the truth, just in a deceptive way. Lex stood up and came around the desk to where Lois was standing. He cupped her jaw in his hands and kissed her gently on the lips, freezing her with shock. I am sickened by this. She could feel the ice crystals forming inside her inner fire as he kissed her again. I am even sicker now. “Not the biggest,” Lois grumbled. That title went to Clark’s ex-fiancée. “He shouldn’t have proposed. It was too early.” To Clark it seemed almost too late. “The tight-end doesn’t know you’re faking a pass.” So much for the "I love you" and the note working. “Riiiiiiight,” Cat said slowly, and Lois rolled her eyes in response. Well, she did choose Clark over Superman.
John Pack Lambert