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Wrong Place, Wrong Time, Wrong Clark TOC can be found HereHow is that for Valentine WAFF? Yes, I'm that  for ending it there. Feel free to comment (or throw tomatoes) here. Thanks for reading.
Last edited by VirginiaR; 04/29/14 11:55 PM. Reason: Fixed broken Link
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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He rubbed his forehead. “You’re insane. Do you really think some vague unspecific note with what, I’ve got to admit, appeared to be a drowned spider on it, meant that I wouldn’t let you out of my sight?” Yes! Call her on her uber-vague notes! I couldn’t fall off the grid as Clark for any undetermined amount of time to constantly watch you merely because you’re paranoid about your psycho boyfriend.” Yeah, this doesn't seem to have ever occurred to her. “You’re my psycho boyfriend,” she corrected, sticking her finger in his face.  He is pretty odd. “Octo… octopus!” she sputtered, half amazed that he hadn’t taken her note as seriously as she had hoped. He did take that note seriously until she brushed him off when he went to check on her. “Hear me out,” he requested. “When I lost my job at the Daily Planet, saying good-bye to Perry, and then James and everyone, I realized I could lose all that and still go on, painful as it was. I realized there was really only one thing I didn’t want to live without, and that was you, Lois, seeing you every day, working with you, just being with you…” James? Methinks he's not talking about the explosion today. “Then when I thought I had lost you all over again to Luthor, Yeah, that sequence of events wouldn't make sense to Lois. But maybe his being careless here will lead to her calling him out on it and force him to tell her that he's from a parallel universe. </sarcasm> She saw that he still held her hands. “I have a lot of changes going on in my life,” she said. “— and I just want to make the right decision, and I can’t do that until I know how you feel.” Ummm..... she's really losing it. What I’m trying, and clearly failing to say, is that when you meet your soulmate, you want your happily ever after to start as soon as possible. Can’t you believe that?”
He let go of her head and took her hands in his again, and smiled. “You always have to prove me wrong, don’t you?” ... I'm ... confused. Ok, I know Lois is being looney here, but Clark's response doesn't make any sense, either. Am I missing something? “Are you asking?” she inquired, glancing down at his Suit and then back to his eyes. “Or is Clark Kent?” Sigh. There's no way she's going to understand that if he never tells her how he can actually be Clark and still have stolen the other Clark's identity. So... they're planning to just run away? I'm surprised that Lois is going along with that. Sure, she loves Clark, but it always seemed that she loved her investigation more. (Despite her rationales.) I'm assuming that it's Perry and Jimbo at the door looking for their help with Jimmy's arrest, and Lois and Clark will realize that they still have responsibilities to their friends and can't just disappear.
"It is a remarkable dichotomy. In many ways, Clark is the most human of us all. Then...he shoots fire from the skies, and it is difficult not to think of him as a god. And how fortunate we all are that it does not occur to him." -Batman (in Superman/Batman #3 by Jeph Loeb)
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************* Back on Track ************* Funny how that works with the car-image from last part’s FDK  Also, after her brief stint of cavorting with a bum in the last part, she’s now back to marrying the 3rd richest guy who blew up the Planet? Hmm…Also, is my monitor’s pixel count increasing or are those parts are getting shorter? Holding Lois in his arms and against his chest, seemed to renew Clark as much as that first burst of morning light after a long dark night. Some people sleep at night, others just hope for the dark times to be over. “You’ve turned off your gravity boots.”  I don’t *need* protection. “And by doing so, your death would’ve been considered an acceptable risk by him. LEX: Well, hookers are a dime a thousand. It was a dimension without her, specifically. Oh boy. He’s fixated on the wrong Lois. Perry shook his head. “It’s gone, all gone. Why would someone do this?” Joe the Blow: Pretty boom! Then again, a man like Luthor wouldn’t have bought a business without first insuring it up and down until Thursday. See? He also knew that if Kent hadn’t been in the office when the bomb had gone off, it could have been much worse. The destruction and death toll would have been catastrophic. LEX: You win some. You lose some. I can still have Kent killed in the sewers somewhere. Perry felt as if he had lost his ability to yodel. LEX: She’s getting a bonus. Perry was thinking more along the lines of the legality of the Olsen cousins’ apartment being searched without their knowledge. Maybe he should write an editorial about this in tomorrow’s Planet? “You demoted me even though I’ve worked my butt off for this paper during the last year. Why, I practically lived here during some of Lois’s biggest investigations, and this was the thanks you gave me?” Jimmy said, pointing at Lex with his uninjured hand. “You don’t have any proof that the Jimmy Olsen who’s been framed for this bombing isn’t me.” So, pretty complete confession, huh? FATHER CARLOS: Ten Hail Mary’s.
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Lois took a step away from him and held up her hand as he tried to follow. “Chuck, it’s already been hours since those men attacked me in Suicide Slum. Lex must be wondering where I am.” LEX: She’s getting ‘taken care of’ by some of the attackers from Suicide Slum. It’s part of their compensation package. The other part are the small pieces of lead that will be implanted into their skulls by the cops when they rescue her. He rubbed his forehead. “You’re insane. Do you really think some vague unspecific note with what, I’ve got to admit, appeared to be a drowned spider on it, meant that I wouldn’t let you out of my sight?” She didn’t want to replace Lex’s golden cage for another one with Clark. Cage dancing? The one from the Lakes? “I need my personal space,” she murmured. Hence the cage. “I know. It seems now that the Daily Planet has been burned down, I’m out of a job, so… We don’t have any ties to Metropolis any more. We can go anywhere in the world and work freelance,” Write an in-depth review of the Kamasutra for LFI? Heavens, no! What was wrong with that woman? [img] http://tinyurl.com/qb62e6b[/img] :rolleyes:  Michael
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mrsMxyzptlk: Thank you for your comments. Yes! Call her on her uber-vague notes!  How did I know you'd go there? Yeah, this doesn't seem to have ever occurred to her. I was going for that problem Clark had in S3's "Contact" where Clark calls Lois on taking more risks, because she knows that he'll always be there to back her up. “You’re my psycho boyfriend,” she corrected, sticking her finger in his face. /laughing/ He is pretty odd. I'm glad you enjoyed this line. He did take that note seriously until she brushed him off when he went to check on her. Clark happily rocks back and forth on his red boots knowing that someone out there understands him. James? Methinks he's not talking about the explosion today. Good catch. He's talking about his old dimension. Yeah, that sequence of events wouldn't make sense to Lois. But maybe his being careless here will lead to her calling him out on it and force him to tell her that he's from a parallel universe. </sarcasm> Perhaps. But she's lost in another psychic flashback. Ummm..... she's really losing it. This scene takes quotes from the canon park sense, the canon scene where Lois professes her love to Superman, and the scene in this story where Lois first professes her love for Superman. Sorry, if it confused you. It was supposed to be confusing for Clark. What I’m trying, and clearly failing to say, is that when you meet your soulmate, you want your happily ever after to start as soon as possible. Can’t you believe that?”
He let go of her head and took her hands in his again, and smiled. “You always have to prove me wrong, don’t you?” ... I'm ... confused. Ok, I know Lois is being looney here, but Clark's response doesn't make any sense, either. Am I missing something? The line she quotes here is from way, way, *way* back ( Part 21 ) where Lois professed her love for this Superman. Clark with his eidetic memory recalls what she's referring to. Perhaps I need to add a tell from Clark that he's baffled for a moment and then a sense of recollection crosses his face. Would that make his realization more clear? Sigh. There's no way she's going to understand that if he never tells her how he can actually be Clark and still have stolen the other Clark's identity. In a way, she's asking who his true self is here... and he tells her "both". And, yes, that's something on their list of items needing to be discussed list. So... they're planning to just run away? I'm surprised that Lois is going along with that. Sure, she loves Clark, but it always seemed that she loved her investigation more. (Despite her rationales.) This investigation has burned her out in that everything has gone wrong. She's not allowed to choose love? I'm assuming that it's Perry and Jimbo at the door looking for their help with Jimmy's arrest, and Lois and Clark will realize that they still have responsibilities to their friends and can't just disappear. Could be.  Thanks for reading.
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Darth Michael:  Lex-C! You can’t go back to your apartment. You’re staying here tonight or at the Kents.” ER: Umm… [doesn't think that suggestion will go over well] LOIS: I'll let him have one suggestion, which sounds like order, then I'll break out the Kryptonite. Preferably in the form of evidence like guns and sledge hammers? Then throw the bundle into Hobs Bay? LOIS: /gazing into Hob's Bay as bubbles rise/ Wow. Those were heavier than I thought. I'll have to let Clark know when he returns from that rescue he went on. Oh, you thinking about melting the evidence so it actually burns through Lex’s limbs and fuses with the bone? LOIS: No, more like armor, really HEAVY armor. /starts to warm to idea of throwing Lex into the bay/ Dump the bundle into a foundation hole and pour concrete over it? LOIS: No. That's for cloned historical convicts. Awww…just like Clark does /appreciates the irony/ LOIS: /grumble/ I don’t *need* protection. CLARK: /scoffs/ And *I* do? LEX: Well, hookers are a dime a thousand. LOIS: I don't *sell* myself! /nudges Clark/ Go ahead, Clark. Tell him how I gave it to you for free! CLARK: Say, what? Oh boy. He’s fixated on the wrong Lois. EW: /glances at title/ Nope. He's the only "wrong" one here. LOIS: Exactly! Joe the Blow: Pretty boom! Write an in-depth review of the Kamasutra for LFI? CAT: *Now* whose article are you stealing?! Oh boy. She’s finally gone bonkers. His line about leaving the Daily Planet was just enough like canon Clark's that it brought the flashback / psychic moment forward in her mind. LOIS: See. Not bonkers. Just really in touch with my previous self. Gee. I wonder who could be at the door. An elderly British gentleman. /one with bad timing and a wicked sense of 'fun'/ or /one with wicked timing and a good sense of fun/ [oh, brother] Could be either of them. Thanks for the chuckles.
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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but I had hoped that this part was full of other yummy gooey stuff people wouldn't notice. <D’oh!> I should have known.  Well… when you answer enough parts, you tend to memorize the length of the scrollbar and notice when it’s just half as long as it used to be. Plus, I finished reading the part on a single commute, so… pretty big neon signs there. LOIS: Also, it’s like Clark giving me a half-sized box of chocolates. quote:Also, after her brief stint of cavorting with a bum in the last part, she’s now back to marrying the 3rd richest guy who blew up the Planet?
So, it can't mean Lois and Clark's relationship? CLARK: Yep, how did Michael know I was a morning person? LOIS: Morning, schmorning. Phish-aw. The best time of day is night. The newsroom is finally quiet and people have left their offices so it's easier to...um... investigate. HENDERSON: Is that what you call B&E these days? LOIS: No, I never called it B&E. I don't think I've seen that movie since the theatres. [Embarrassed] quote:Awww…just like Clark does /appreciates the irony/ LOIS: /grumble/ I don’t *need* protection.
CLARK: /scoffs/ And *I* do? Yes. Otherwise, Lois ends up pregnant. FATES: ER: Never mind. LOIS: I don't *sell* myself! /nudges Clark/ Go ahead, Clark. Tell him how I gave it to you for free! CLARK: Say, what? So, skank instead of hooker? LOIS: Volunteer caretaker! quote:So, pretty complete confession, huh? FATHER CARLOS: Ten Hail Mary’s.
For saying "Hell"? No, for fessing up to blowing up the Planet. So, Lex won't rescue her himself, thereby becoming the hero. No, I figured he’d let the cops do the shooting and then walk in after them. That way, He won’t have Lois see him kill all those bad men, traumatizing her further by this image if violence. LOIS:  The least he could have done was vivisect them for what they did to me. But no, he wouldn’t get his hands dirty. My guess, those kidnappers / robbers would have to be pretty stupid to remain in town. They would only get paid in cash at the end of their assignment? quote:Oh boy. She’s finally gone bonkers.
His line about leaving the Daily Planet was just enough like canon Clark's that it brought the flashback / psychic moment forward in her mind. I know. Bonkers is still funnier. LOIS: See. Not bonkers. Just really in touch with my previous self. CLAKR: Hello, Dr. Deter? I have heard you are a wonderful psychiatric specialist… An elderly British gentleman. /one with bad timing and a wicked sense of 'fun'/ or /one with wicked timing and a good sense of fun/ [oh, brother]
Could be either of them. Not really, hence the :rolleyes: You’re always welcome!  Michael
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Holding Lois in his arms and against his chest,  They are connecting. Lois said with a giggle as he moved his lips to her exposed neck. More kissing. Yes. “You’ve turned off your gravity boots.” Float kissing, yes.
John Pack Lambert
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“Huh?” He lowered them back down to the floor. But it is so much more fun in the air. “A band from the 80s. It doesn’t matter.” They probably don't exist in the alt-dimension. “I remember that you didn’t tell me about it until I was already tucked into my own bed for the night,” Clark replied. Lois:You could have been by my side in two seconds flat. Clark:And then Luthor would know that CK=SM. Lois:OK, but I still would have liked our first time to be when you were aware we were really doing it. Clark:What? Lois:Look at the time. I have to leave or Lex might find me here. Probably right, but it would still have been fun otherwise. As you recall I had you… well, you as Superman give me a tour of where you found the bugs in my apartment? Clark:And you already knew CK=SM then. He heard everything we said.” Clark:At least he can't hear what we are saying now. Clark flushed. That had been one of their more intimate phone conversations. Who was he kidding? That had been their most sexy conversation… More so than what happened in the Metro Club Supply closet? Clark: I said conversation, not actions. well, until he told her about his dream of their hot, passionate night at the hospital. Lois:  was it a dream at all?
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Lois:Why do you think I agreed to get enegaged to the creep? It is a much easier way to expose him. You can’t go back to your apartment. Clark, haven't you learned telling Lois what she can do is a horrible idea. You’re staying here tonight or at the Kents.” Lois: Why did you steal the Kents' son's identity? She put her hand on his chest and took a step back.  they are moving apart. “What good would that do?” It would give her back her privacy. “But it won’t stop him. It’ll just tick him off,” She does have a point. Although we have no evidence that he is violating the privacy of anyone else in a similar manner. “We’ll never bring him down unless we work together She should have thought of that when she rejected his proposal and ran away from him. Lois:I did send him a note to tell him what was up.
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“I’ve always wanted your help, Chuck,” she murmured, Didn't seem that way at the beginning of March. Then it seemed she wanted to do it all on her own. he said, pulling her chest against his and lowering his lips to hers. “I can’t lose you again.” “Oh?” Lois grinned, lifting herself on her toes to kiss him. Yes, more kissing. Jimmy, Jimbo, and Perry walked down the sidewalk, staring at what remained of the Daily Planet.  we move away from our two favorite characters.
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Unless the person who sent Daitch the Nightfall virus knew they were closing in on him or her, Ding, ding, ding, he has the answer. “Thank goodness for Superman,” Jimmy said, echoing Perry’s thoughts. Yes, his reputation is being rebuilt. but he’d bet his bottom dollar that if Lois knew about the destruction of the Daily Planet, she was with Kent. He is right on that one. At times like this, it was good to have a partner to lean on. More like lean into. “There was no mistake,” Lex said. “The incendiary device, which did this, was in his lunch pail.” Exactly how do they know this when the place was so thoroughly destroyed? “You don’t have any proof that the Jimmy Olsen who’s been framed for this bombing isn’t me.” If he gets a good lawyer, they will press the uncertainty of who the criminal is as hard as they can.
John Pack Lambert
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Lois dragged her lips away from Clark’s  more kissing. “Well, in that case…” Clark lowered his lips to hers once more, and she giggled as she turned her face away.  she called him her boyfriend.
John Pack Lambert
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“I’m right here,” Clark whispered, caressing her cheek. “And I’m not going anywhere and I won’t let anyone lay a finger on you ever again.” He really should have thought of this as her last ditch call for help. “I know. It seems now that the Daily Planet has been burned down, I’m out of a job, so… We don’t have any ties to Metropolis any more. We can go anywhere in the world and work freelance,” It still gives Lex the victory. “I didn’t… don’t want to live without you in my life anymore, Lois. How can he go back to her not being there, when they have made so much progress? “You’ve been in love with me for a long time,” she whispered, echoing what that image of Clark said on the park bench. Well, she could tell that SM loved her. “Lois? Lois, minha, are you okay?” Since Minha is used basically like a name, should it be capitalized? “Superman,” she said, standing up and pulling Clark to his feet as well.
“You don’t have to call me that here, Lois. Interesting, I guess her real meaning is too bafeling for him to gather. It’s just us. You called me ‘Chuck’ earlier. I prefer that or ‘Clark’ when we’re alone, even if I’m dressed like this.”  he is making progress in telling her who he really is.
John Pack Lambert
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“I’m not in love with your Suit, or your abilities, but the man underneath. I am glad she said this, although I think Clark already knew this. She told him she loved him before she knew CK=SM. I’m trying, and clearly failing to say, is that when you meet your soulmate, you want your happily ever after to start as soon as possible. Can’t you believe that?” Clark:Then why did you reject my proposal? “Yes. Yes! A thousand times ‘yes’,” she announced, throwing her arms around his neck and kissing him.  She just agreed to run away with him. This is the best development ever.
John Pack Lambert
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“Fine! I threw myself at you,” she conceded. She admitted that she was wrong on a small point, and he was right. “We both are,” he replied with a smile. Aww, the sweetness. I want what you want… I want you.”  she chooses him. “I love you,” she whispered as she felt her feet leave the floor.  she said it again.
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John:  Good job, everyone! She should have thought of that when she rejected his proposal and ran away from him. People rarely think logically in anger. Lois:I did send him a note to tell him what was up. That was later on. CLARK: Note? Didn't seem that way at the beginning of March. Then it seemed she wanted to do it all on her own. Let's just say, not in the same way he wanted to give it. /John having another party because Clark's finally being honest with Lois/ LOIS: I'd say that's worth a party. /sad/ we move away from our two favorite characters. One of these days, I'll write another story where only Lois and Clark are the characters, but that isn't this story.
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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-- Continuation of Response to John's FDK -- Ding, ding, ding, he has the answer. So, B39? Yes, his reputation is being rebuilt. Superman's rep was never damaged in this group. ALICE: Thank goodness, we'll need that bottom dollar now that the DP's been bombed. Exactly how do they know this when the place was so thoroughly destroyed? MPD BOMB SQUAD: We're that good. If he gets a good lawyer, they will press the uncertainty of who the criminal is as hard as they can. So, reasonable doubt? LEX: /picks up mobile phone/ BENDER! /Kissing party at John's/ more kissing. Ooops. That's not quite what I meant. /excited/ she called him her boyfriend. CLARK:  She called me psycho. LOIS (& READERS): He really should have thought of this as her last ditch call for help. Exposing him to Kryptonite? Or visiting his apartment? It still gives Lex the victory. LEX: Had this been in doubt? Thank you so much for your excitement in reading my story. I know I'm long winded and it takes me forever to get anywhere  so I really appreciate all those readers who haven't given up on me. This story is working towards a certain spot and goal. I promise!
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Originally posted by Darth Michael: Well… when you answer enough parts, you tend to memorize the length of the scrollbar and notice when it’s just half as long as it used to be. Plus, I finished reading the part on a single commute, so… pretty big neon signs there. LOIS: Also, it’s like Clark giving me a half-sized box of chocolates. Yes, but the shorter the part the more parts there is... EW: So, it can't mean Lois and Clark's relationship? ER: /finds the EW's answer so quaint/ HENDERSON: Is that what you call B&E these days? LOIS: No, I never called it B&E. HENDERSON: No, I meant... Oh, never mind. Although, I probably should pencil a repeat viewing in some time in the future. It’s kind of one of my favorite Star Trek movies. I’m a sucker for time travel and steam punk. COCHCRAINE: Are you calling the Phoenix *steampunk* /mad/ I'm supposed to have understood that reference, wasn't I? LOIS: You mean "on Krypton", right? Because Clark's not really from Nowheresville. CLARK: <tries to dig a hole to China> Well...
ER: Won’t help him now. You won't... or telling the truth won't? Lex went to see Mrs. Cox after he finished his business with his Lois? So, he didn't stick around for pillow talk? MRS. COX: CLARK: Lois Joanne Lane! That was a naughty naughty thing you did there. LOIS: Does that mean you will now have to punish me? /smile/ Sounds like you've been watching S7 of BBT again. /Amy being sick was LOIS: What? What? What? LOIS: I don't *sell* myself! /nudges Clark/ Go ahead, Clark. Tell him how I gave it to you for free! CLARK: Say, what?
ER: So, skank instead of hooker? LOIS: Volunteer caretaker! ER: So, pretty complete confession, huh? FATHER CARLOS: Ten Hail Mary’s.
EW: For saying "Hell"? ER: No, for fessing up to blowing up the Planet. LEX: Sold! EW: So, Lex won't rescue her himself, thereby becoming the hero. ER: No, I figured he’d let the cops do the shooting and then walk in after them. That way, He won’t have Lois see him kill all those bad men, traumatizing her further by this image if violence. LOIS: /mad/ The least he could have done was vivisect them for what they did to me. But no, he wouldn’t get his hands dirty. MPD OFFICER WHO RESCUES LOIS: So, I get the noogie? They would only get paid in cash at the end of their assignment? But if they don't complete their assignment then the forfeit their lives so why would they show up for the paycheck? I know. Bonkers is still funnier. Fine. Be funny, then. LOIS: See. Not bonkers. Just really in touch with my previous self. CLAKR: Hello, Dr. Deter? I have heard you are a wonderful psychiatric specialist… So, Clark doesn't like it when Lois touches herself? Not really, hence the /rolling of eyes/ So, no British were involved with the knocking on the door? But I thought we hypothesized that Jimmy was a reincarnation of H.G. Wells?
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Yes, but the shorter the part the more parts there is... Oh, you like when you divide a plate of brownies into 48 pieces instead of 12 and then only still eat one piece a week? LOIS: HENDERSON: No, I meant... Oh, never mind. He knows when to fold ‘em, and go after easier fish, huh? HENDERSON: /closes folder labeled ‘L A N E, L O I S’/ Now, for Lex Luthor… [Some comparison of vintage warp ships with 19th-century-looking modern-day technology] I'm supposed to have understood that reference, wasn't I? Zephraim Cochraine: Inventor of the Terran warp drive and first human to travel faster than the speed of light since Doc Brown :p He built the first warp ship out of a decommissioned Minuteman ICBM after WW3. The Borg tried to blow him out of the sky. You won't... or telling the truth won't? Telling the truth wont. I’d be happy to help him by locking him and Lois into a storage room with a big bed. Well…desk. So, he didn't stick around for pillow talk? MRS. COX: /happy that her work-hubby’s not one for talking with the home-wife Sounds like you've been watching S7 of BBT again. /Amy being sick was [Rotflol] /  Michael