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#99293 02/18/14 07:23 PM
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Wrong Place, Wrong Time, Wrong Clark TOC can be found Here

Originally, the previous part ended with Lois leaving but when I reworked the pacing of parts (because I ended up with a part which was 23 pages long), I chose to cut it at Perry's knock on the door to add in suspense. Perhaps I should have made it Detective Wolfe again for another wallbash cut. I apologize for that.

Thanks to anyone out there still reading my soap opera. Comments always appreciated.

Last edited by VirginiaR; 04/29/14 11:51 PM. Reason: Fixed broken Links

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Lois's hand rubbed up and down his sleeve. She stepped back as she suggested, “You’d better go change.”
Clark:Wouldn't you prefer I changed right here?

It’s the Chief,” he said, letting go of her slowly before disappearing into his bedroom.
Lois:Oh, he already knows, just let him in.

Clark:Knows what?

Lois:That I'm investigating Luthor, what else could I mean?

She gave him a quick kiss,
Yeah, more kissing.

“Don’t worry about her,” Clark replied. “That’s Wanda, my girlfriend.
Perry:He is more depressed than I thought. Now he is shacking up with some random lady.

You can speak freely in front of her. We don’t have any secrets.”
Perry:Lois will be so mad.

Clark must not have given up on her completely.
Nah, he was just too depressed to do anything about his loss of hope.

“Yeah, I didn’t think it has the presence Detroit does; although, I must admit, Dane is much easier to spell,” Lois replied,
Isn't Lois going too far in her disguise.

Lois:You don't think many blondes can spell.

She never knew it was a mafia club, tho’. What a fool!”
I thought it was she didn't know it was a prostitution front.

“Me, too, honey. Me, too,” Perry said, sitting down at Clark’s dining table. “Jimmy’s been arrested.”
So much for them leaving.

“What?” she exclaimed.

“Why?” Clark asked, which Lois had to admit was the better question.
He had more time to think.

“The arson squad must’ve found something early on. They moved in the instant Superman cleared the building,”
Don't ever underestimate Bob Henderson. Or since this is arson, was it someone else at the head of the group.

“Lois and I believe that Luthor was behind the bomb,” Clark said.
Yes, finally they are on the same page.

“It’s more of a hunch at the moment, than a provable fact,” she admitted, taking another sip of soda.
Like everything else they have against Luthor.

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If I didn’t know better, I’d have guessed he didn’t know that they’re two people.
That really should strike them as odd, but Luthor is just aloof enough that he might have totally missed the two Olsens right in front of him.

“He’s as much a victim of that virus as Superman and the rest of us,” Lois insisted,
Perry:I wish you would have focused more on that investigation.

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Lois met Clark’s gaze and then they both turned away as Perry continued to lament their dear departed newspaper.
It is so sad the DP has died.

Clark wrapped his arm around her shoulders once more,
Yeah, more touching.

“Where’s the ring now?” Clark asked her.
Does he know she is not wearing it? I guess he would have taken notice of that.

because I refused to take it with me to the Daily Planet after I heard it had been bombed. I didn’t want to chance Superman being hurt again,
This would be a more powerful line if she dropped the façade of pretending Perry doesn't know.

especially when he needed all his strength to deal with the rescue.” She gave Clark a slight squeeze at his waist.
Yes, she is communicating the issue with Clark.

“No pressure or anything, but I like the idea of Henderson keeping the ring in evidence,” Clark stated as he followed her towards his front door.
At one level I agree with Clark, but it would tip their hand to Luthor.

“Let’s keep it that way,” he said, sounding as if he took her words literally… and about his secret.
Well, we really hope Lex never learns about that. Good thing he never got to Globe so he does not even know to think that Superman dwells among us.

Clark took the faux opportunity to place a soft kiss on Lois’s lips.
Yes, more kissing.

Lois set her free hand on Clark’s chest again and lowered her voice so soft that Perry wouldn’t hear her. “I’ll never stop loving you.”
I am glad she is saying this as she leaves.

He threw open the door and rushed as quickly as humanly possible to her side.
Yes, they get to be together longer.

He shook his head. “You’re insane, Wanda. How are you going to sing with a swollen jaw?”
I like him using that name again.

pressing her lips to his before jerking instantly away.
Yeah, another kiss.

“Who I associate with or what I do in my private life is none of your concern.”
It is when she is acting to further a legal investigation.

“All except the ‘fear’ part, yes.”
Yeah, Lois does not fear, at least not for her own life.

Henderson’s eyes bugged. “It’s worth how much?”
What, did he think Luthor was chincy?

“I doubt it. He’s a pretty observant fellow,” he said,
Especially when the ring is on the woman he loves.

eyeing her for some strange reason.
Is he wondering again what her relationship with Kent is.

For a glorious two minutes that afternoon, Lois had seen a future with just her and Clark in it.
That only lasted two minutes. How sad.

or, better yet, all of them.
With the amount of energy they have put into investigating Luthor, I hope it is that one.

Her mind shifted as she recalled how wonderful it had been to be held by Clark, kissing Clark, freely with no secrets holding them back from expressing how they truly felt about the other.
Sounds like she will suffer even worse Clark-withdrawal symptoms.

“May I ask why exactly I would do that? Just out of curiosity, what charges do you believe I should level at her?” Henderson asked smoothly.
I love how Henderson has turned the tables.

“No. Do answer that!” Lois demanded, rising to her feet. “Why do you think I’m here, Lex?”
She does have a good point.

“You’re not under arrest?” her fiancée asked.
Lois:Unlike you, I am not a criminal.

Lex pulled Lois into his arms

Lex took her into his arms again. “Are you all right?”
Lois: Yes, but no thanks to your attempt to kill me.

“Lois?” Lex said gently and with some surprise. He knelt down beside her and set a hand on her back.
Gag again.

taking extra care to make sure she rubbed her dirty face against his crisp clean collar.
Good for her.

Lois sniffled and wiped her running nose on Lex’s handkerchief.
She should have used his sleeve.

“Why would some crime boss be after you, an upstanding businessman?”
Somehow I don't think this will be enough to catch him.

Lex smiled gently as he ran a hand down her hair. “Why wouldn’t they be, darling? I’m the second richest man in the world.
What? When did he move up to second?

would have to be that Clark changed his whole life to create another persona to shelter their love from the light of day.
I hope she is not too disappointed when she learns this is not really why Clark has done what he has done.

“This is why I have asked you to place restrictions on where you go alone and with whom you meet. It’s for your safety.
Sounds more like a way to kill her career.

“For the time being, Ms. Lane will be staying with me at the penthouse…”
That is extremely presumptive of him.

I will not stay the night in your apartment until we are husband and wife.”
Trnslated: I will never spend the night there, ever.

Lex had the audacity to blush. “I would never presume…”
He just presumed she would move in with him.

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“Not now,” Clark grumbled, refusing to pull his lips away from hers.
JIMMY: hyper

Lois's hand rubbed up and down his sleeve. She stepped back as she suggested, “You’d better go change.”

He glanced towards his front door. “Yes, I’d better. It’s the Chief,” he said,

“Yeah, I didn’t think it has the presence Detroit does; although, I must admit, Dane is much easier to spell,” Lois replied,
Awww, poor airhead, can’t even spell her name. Reminds me of when the Bundys talked about changing their last name and Kelly was all for ‘Cat’. But shouldn’t the Mayson-outfit be the one with the dumb-blonde?
LOIS: [Linked Image]

“For burning down the Planet. Apparently, they found bomb making materials at his apartment and…” Perry said.
RALPH: I always thought that copy boy was down to no good. Always stalking after ‘em chicks and broads in the dating office.
PERRY: ‘Dating office’?
RALPH: Yeah, ya know, the one where ye store all ‘em telephones and typewriters?

“The arson squad must’ve found something early on.
ARSON CHIEF: Yeah, was tucked to a Benjamin bill…

“It might have something to do with Lex being slicker than a politician’s backside.
Now, why does that sound like the politician had just had an encounter with Nigel after eating too many laxatives?

If I didn’t know better, I’d have guessed he didn’t know that they’re two people.
LEX: Because they make so little money, I thought we just paid two half-time salaries to the same person.

“Inspector Henderson and Dr. Klein have joint custody of it at the moment.

. “When I left S.T.A.R. Labs, Henderson and Dr. Klein were discussing a method to remove the glued-on dust from the ring without harming the band or diamond.”
Wouldn’t it be fun to put really ground up Kryptonite bits into the food Clark buys at fastfood stands outside the planet? Just little with each meal. Just enough to make his powers flaky and make him feel a bit sick. Like he’s not head enough sleep. Then, over the course of a month, slowly increase the dosage.

As if Lex could never win any competition for her heart over Clark.
Umm… ‘never’?

“He’ll never hear about it from me,” Lois returned, catching a skeptical expression shooting cross Perry’s face.
What if he threatens her? What if he drugs her with sodium amatol? What if he offers her a choice ‘worse than death’ if she won’t spill the truth about Superman?
LOIS: That he’s ten times the man Lex is?

His words were cut off by a yelp by Lois. He threw open the door and rushed as quickly as humanly possible to her side.

“I fell on purpose,” she exclaimed to his bafflement before pulling her hand free. “At least, now, I look like I was the victim of an attack. Sometimes all one needs is the appearance of weakness to fool one’s enemies.”
I thought she’s already gotten beaten up by Henderson?

“Ow. Ow. Oowww! Well, so much for kissing anyone anytime soon.”

Clark couldn’t stop the smile that came to his lips. He was more than okay with that development.
LEX: On the plus side, she won’t be able to bite down on anything, either.

Any evidence you obtain could be considered entrapment on my part,” Henderson explained.
He talking that it’s like sending a hooker to Lex so he can nail him for solicitation?
HENDERSON: That’s exactly like it!
LOIS: mad

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Secondly, I called you this morning due to being attacked and fearing that my life might be in danger. Is that not correct?”

“All except the ‘fear’ part, yes.”

Lex pulled Lois into his arms in the most unwelcome of embraces. “What happened, darling? Why did they call me down here if you aren’t under arrest?”
LOIS (with fake tears): Some roughians. They tried to take me. In broad daylight. They said you didn’t deserve a nice girl.

“Has she seen a doctor?” Lex asked Henderson.

“Hello? Standing right here,” Lois grumbled.
LEX: Well, Henderson? And don’t mind the little missus.

She could feel Lex’s jaw tense. “You think those men were after Superman?”

“Of course! Why else would they have Kryptonite?” Lois gasped.
LEX: They’re…? They’re…? And I…?
LOIS: wave Michael

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John: hyper Yea! John's still reading! And re-reading. And re-reading... hyper she called me her boyfriend.
LOIS: That's not what I meant.
CLARK: No take-backs.

Does he know she is not wearing it? I guess he would have taken notice of that.
I'm sure if she was wearing it, he wouldn't have asked the question.

This would be a more powerful line if she dropped the façade of pretending Perry doesn't know.
LOIS: And get myself in trouble with Clark all over again. Not on your life!
PERRY: I know nothing...

At one level I agree with Clark, but it would tip their hand to Luthor.
I did debate whether Lois should say that her attackers stole the ring, but then she could be considered culpable should anything happen to them.

Well, we really hope Lex never learns about that. Good thing he never got to Globe so he does not even know to think that Superman dwells among us.
He lives in the clouds above Mt. Olympus, then?

I am glad she is saying this as she leaves.
True, but the proof is in the action, not the words.

I like him using that name again.
The walls could have ears. wink

It is when she is acting to further a legal investigation.
Unless she finds anything against Lex, it really isn't a legal investigation, more of an illegal one.

What, did he think Luthor was chincy?

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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quote:Sounds more like a way to kill her career.

LEX: Well, as my wife, she doesn't really need a career above catering to my every need.
CLARK: You've never tasted her cooking, have you?
LOIS: /storms off in disgust of both of them/
SUE's CLARK: My Lois is great in the kitchen!

wave Michael

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Darth Michael: smile1 Another reader I haven't scared away yet... blush
“Not now,” Clark grumbled, refusing to pull his lips away from hers.
JIMMY: /super hyper about an interruption from jail/
Sometimes people have to interrupt on Jimmy's behalf.

ER: /actually surprised by this/ The *CHIIIIIIEF*? Also, why change?
LOIS: [blushes]
Because Clark is dressed like Superman and Superman can't kiss Lois in front of their boss.
LOIS: And Clark can?
CLARK: [Linked Image] Darn tooting!

Clark fluffy
Maybe a hyphen…
It's fixed. laugh

FELVIS: And do you, Wanda, take this Charlie as you lawfully wedded husband?
So, if they change their names the curse doesn't work?

Maybe he was so mad at her, he threw them up in the air and blown them up with heat vision.
Except that the soda is still there.

Hence the recommended use of pre-marital sex to keep the ADDing alien in line.
LOIS: [Linked Image]

PERRY: Clark, my boy, what about your wife, Lois? My daughter. The mother of my grandchild.
WANDA: /cat/
hyper She's protesting too much again.
EW: It's fixed.
LOIS & CLARK: Thank you.
LEX: Darn.

What if he threatens her? What if he drugs her with sodium amatol? What if he offers her a choice ‘worse than death’ if she won’t spill the truth about Superman?
LOIS: That he’s ten times the man Lex is?
LEX: I didn't need to hear that.
LOIS: Well, it's true, and I would've told you that without the drugs. Thank you very much.

I thought she’s already gotten beaten up by Henderson?
Henderson refused.
HENDERSON: sad Lost opportunities.

LEX: On the plus side, she won’t be able to bite down on anything, either.
LOIS: No, my teeth still work fine. Just my lips hurt.

He talking that it’s like sending a hooker to Lex so he can nail him for solicitation?
HENDERSON: That’s exactly like it!
LOIS: /mad/
HENDERSON: Well, Cat Grant did tell me what happened at the Metro Club, so...
LOIS: splat

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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-- Continuation of Response to Darth Michael's FDK --
And from a different point of view, the ring could be a choking hazard to billionaires.
BRUCE: I'll be sure to stay away from Ms. Lane then.
CLARK: Good idea.

HENDERSON: /points at Episode V/

LEX: No more snarkiness, either! Will have to keep her thoroughly banged from now on.
MRS. COX: Oh, no. He better not!

What about kidnapping Lex and having a bunch of roughians have their way with him?
You mean there was an error in booking and he ended up in general population where a rumor was spread that Lex liked young girls? No. Something like that could NEVER happen in one of my stories. [Linked Image]
LEX: Exactly! I'm going to get away with it. Superman is going to die. And Lois will be my sex slave.

KAL-El From Superman 2: [Knew there were benefits to that kiss]
Yeah, I know. I went there again. evil

The rogue thinks according to his nature.
Perhaps or someone led him to this conclusion.
MRS. COX: [Linked Image]

HENDERSON: Ms. Lane, you have the right to use Revenge within your own apartment and when Superman is present. You have the right to act wanton and seduce Superman. You have the right to drag him off to church after consummation so your child won’t be born a bastard named Chuck Crystals.
LOIS: /gushing/ Oh, Bill! You're the greatest! Thanks everyone. I've got to run... [Linked Image]

HENDERSON: I don’t take kick-backs. I have to get my kicks some other way.
Luckily humiliating Lane is usually a monthly occurrence.

Let’s start with entrapment and solicitation. Then there’s B&E, industrial espionage. Polygamy.
HENDERSON: Polygamy? Lane?
LOIS: I'm not married.
PERRY: Um... about that...

Oooh! Someone’s going to get a spanking!
BETSY: /hyper/
Yes, she wouldn't be adverse to that.

LOIS (with fake tears): Some roughians. They tried to take me. In broad daylight. They said you didn’t deserve a nice girl.
LOIS: So, I kicked them in the nads and told them I'm as far from nice as they'd ever see. I've just turned them over to the authorities and am making a citizen's arrest. Why?

LEX: Well, Henderson? And don’t mind the little missus.
That's the one.

LEX: They’re…? They’re…? And I…?
LOIS: /smiling evilly/
Yes, she's having fun at the expense of Lex's ego.

Turf war. Gun deal gone bad in the Congo. Now want some white slaves. Or drug deal gone bad. Now want some white slaves. Human trafficking deal gone bad. Now want some white slaves. Hmm… maybe I should not read about Russian mobsters so much…
She should really know that being an investigative journalist.
LOIS: So, too much of ditz?
LEX: I didn't notice a difference.
LOIS: Gotcha. I'll tone it down.

“Why wouldn’t they be, darling? I’m the second richest man in the world.
Third richest *person*. Second richest *man*. Either that or Chow's wife just filed for divorce.

So, how do you hold Lex’s power ransom?
LEX: Power’s a means. I hold pleasure dear above all else.
CROOK: So, we should take his ‘pleasure’ and hold it ransom?
Seems obvious to me.
MRS. COX: laugh

So, he going to replicate her wounds on their insides?
LEX: cool I didn't say that.

So, what if they consummated during the daylight, then?
LEX: Hey, that's what I heard too. A morning wedding then, my dear.
LOIS: sloppy

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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They've always been on the same page; they just didn't know they were reading the same book.
If Lois and Clark were on the same page about Luthor back in October and November, she had an extremely odd way of showing it.

Well, OK, I can't argue she seems to have largely suspected Luthor since November, but she never gave Clark a hint of that. Her use of him as a source confused everyone else.

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Originally posted by John Lambert:
They've always been on the same page; they just didn't know they were reading the same book.
If Lois and Clark were on the same page about Luthor back in October and November, she had an extremely odd way of showing it.

Well, OK, I can't argue she seems to have largely suspected Luthor since November, but she never gave Clark a hint of that. Her use of him as a source confused everyone else.
Lois developed suspicions that Luthor wasn't everything he claimed to be since the whole summer in November fiasco. That's when she started her investigation of him. She didn't want to talk about it with Clark because then he'd be able to crow about how wrong she had been (not that he'd ever would). She wanted to be able to be the one to prove Lex was the bad guy, and after she felt weak and vulnerable after falling head over heels with Clark, she wanted to do it on her own to prove to herself that she still could.

Not having the eidetic memory that Clark does, Lois has a tendency to change how she thought she felt about what happened in the past. Looking back, with fresh eyes, she sees her actions and motivations differently, than Clark who can pretty much remember everything the way it happened, if he wanted to.

Lois saying that she always wanted to work with him on this with her is true, from a certain POV. laugh She both wanted him to assist her, to tell her that she was right, and to be there backing her up... in THAT way, she wanted him there, but she wanted to do it all on her own (i.e. in her own way)... because she's Lois.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Another reader I haven't scared away yet... <tries for a new round>
Well… so far so good wave Michael

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Lois noticed that Lex’s gaze glanced to his majordomo as he said this, and from out of the corner of her eye, she saw that Nigel nod his head in agreement and open the door.
I actually only noticed this reading the intro to PArt 161. I think that would work better with "saw Nigel nod". You could also go to "nodded" and "opened".

John Pack Lambert

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