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#99458 03/04/14 07:35 PM
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I posted slightly early tonight because my Internet has been running VERY slowly all day. I hope it's not the Ides of Metropolis.

Feel free to comment or throw tomatoes at me here.

Thanks for reading. smile1

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Top Banana
Top Banana
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Awesome. I love it.

When Lois was talking to Carlo and dreaming about Clark speaking seductively to her in Italian I caught the Carlo/Carlos reference and wondered if there was something going on. I was pretty sure that this was some way for Clark to be in contact.

Love that he went to all this trouble to neck with her in the stairwell.


Now just give Lois that break she's after. Next time she visits Lex he just happens to be out of the office ... with his safe left wide open ... and a diary filled in with Lex's crimes ...


Lois: "You put up with me for the same reason I put up with you. It's because I'm completely in love with you."
Clark: "And I love you ... Did we just make up?"
Lois: "I think so."
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Top Banana
Top Banana
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Ok, I haven't even finished reading this story as I type this (just got to the point where Carlo's "son" delivered the pizza) and I started (quietly, my 5 month old was asleep next to me after all) squeeing and going clap laugh Double entendre intended, I'm sure.

CLARK: No. I'm just worried I'm a jinx.
CLARK: Yeah. Let's face it, ever since she's known me, Lois's been kidnapped, frozen, pushed off buildings, almost stabbed, poisoned, buried alive and who knows what else, and it's all because of me.
-"Contact" (You're not her jinx, you're her blessing.)
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True to form, Lex wouldn’t let Lois return to the Fifth Street Mission.
frown that Lois gave into another of Lex's demands.

Since Mayson Drake wasn’t actually officially logging her community service hours any longer,
grumble at the non-cooperative Mayson. I hope this causes Clark to dislike her from day one.

Cat: If you think there is any chance of Clark falling for someone other than Clark, you are confused.

John Pack Lambert
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Since Rat had spent time at the House, he should be in a record or file somewhere.
Which might help if it includes a photo.

Unfortunately, switching to the Luthor House meant the loss of her newfound friendship… well, acquaintanceship with Bobby.
This is so sad to loose bobby from the story.

Bobby had more trivia locked into that brain of his than Superman did. Okay, maybe not Superman,
Good, she got that right about Clark.

was Nigel’s near-constant company.
Boo, Nigel is so annoying.

“It’s only until you’re recovered,” Lex said through the lips of her boss News Director Robertson.
Which will never be deemed to have happened.

Then about four in the afternoon, Nigel would drive her to Luthor House for Homeless Children to work on mind-numbing paperwork,
I wonder if this should be "her to the Luthor House for Homeless Children".

i.e. press releases,
Arguably this is a better use of her skill set than serving dinner. Of course that would require the Luthor House to actually be a charity worth supporting.

No frozen microwave dinners or take-out for her anymore.
This sounds like a major violation of her freedom.

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What she would be willing to do to get a night with Clark eating pizza and watching movies,
Quit the investigation?

among other things,
Would the other things also, like eating pizza, involve the use of her mouth?

or even having a halfway intelligent conversation…
Such is not likely with the extremely condescending Luthor.

Although, he had sent her a dress to wear to some function with the LexCorp Board that coming weekend.
She should accidentally drop something on it to make it unwearable. Clark might give her a dress as a present, but never in a way to imply he thinks she doesn't know how to dress for an event.

with Nigel’s approval, a new treadmill was set up in Lois’s apartment.
That seems to be over the top, and insulting. It almost screams "Lois, I think you are too fat, I would like you to loose some weight". Although it is probably more "I want to be able to watch you run in sexy outfits on the tredmill". No one in their right mind would call Lois fat.

that the kid at least deserved better legal counsel than a public defender.
And she thinks Luthor would ever provide anyone such? He is the one who thought he was doing her a service by arranging Schwartz to be her lawyer.

The man only recommended that Jimmy plead ‘guilty’ in hopes of a reduced sentence. Jimmy promptly fired him.
Don't blame him, when he as so obviously set up.

So much for her trying to help her friend from inside the enemy’s lair. She’d be lucky if Jimmy ever spoke to her again.
Only because he is not likely to survive jail. (Duck).

Lex had been overly attentive this past week, insisting that they dine together almost every night.
How annoying. Okay, if she really wanted to marry him, this might not be so bad, but since she doesn't. Although, if she wanted to marry Luthor we would wonder about her sanity.

Therefore, repeatedly, she politely hung off Lex’s arm,

as an excuse to listen in on all his mind-numbing conversations with Metropolis’s other bigwigs in hopes to learn something…
Part of me thinks it might flow better as "in hopes of learning something".

but to drag them out night after night after boring night was trying even her patience. Yawnsville.
I always though Clark, not Lois, was the patient one.

Why would anyone want to live this life?
The food is good? On the other hand, most people don't go with dates they can't stand, although maybe more than we want to admit.

Toni Taylor: I never could stand Lex.

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a soft place to snuggle up with him
smile1 she got this furniture to be closer with Clark.

instead of her hard decorative furniture which reminded her too much of Luthor and his decorator’s sense of style.
Do you mean "Luthor's sense of style that is like a decorator" or "the sense of style possessed by Luthor's decorator"? It is not clear from the current wording.

Lois’s heart began to race.
Good, she still reacts the right way at any contact with Clark.

Her stomach grumbled and her lips dampened with desire.
Someoe has figured out what her heart wants.

Lois decided she couldn’t resist those terms. She went to telephone and dialed the pizzeria’s number.
I think it would flow better as "She went to the telephone".

There was a skinless chicken breast with steamed rice and vegetables. How bland.
Is this another one of his "subtle" hints that he thinks she should loose weight, serving sinless chicken breast?

Isn't that what Luthor normally call her?

the evil-incarnate Ellen Lane said.
How can she think of her mother this way when Luthor is so much worse?

“Hi, Mom,” Lois replied, shutting the carton of food again. “Our engagement hasn’t been formally announced yet.”
Than what was it that Cat wrote of in her column?

instead of making me read about it in the Metropolis Star!”
Lois: If you read tabloids, you can't hold me responsibl for the negative consequences. I havn't set a wedding date, so whatever they printed must be a lie.

“My what?” Lois gasped. Lex hadn’t. Not without informing her, had he?
Why is she so surprised, when he tried to sneak her into his bed under so many other guises in the past?

“Your wedding announcement. We have a lot of planning to do if we’re going to have the wedding of the century.”
Since she plans on skipping the wedding if worst comes to worst, why bother putting any energy in it?

“Daddy’s never really forgiven Lex for shooting me last summer.”
Good, because he does not deserve forgiveness.

“Yes, Mother. I told him that Lex was aiming at Max Menken and only shot me by mistake, but you know Daddy…” Lois said,
Good, she made sure to state that Luthor deliberately fired.

Who knows what sort of tart he’d drag in as his date,”
An android.

she hoped her mother only imagined the announcement in her drunken stupor.
That would be sort of scary though, since her mother would have come up with the idea of her marrying Luthor from some other source.

formally announce that their wedding will be held on Saturday, June 18, 1994.
Now that is tacky, the force the brides hand on a given day with an announcement.

Both wedding and reception will be held at Lex Tower’s conference center.’
Holding either in a place called a "conference center", seems to me the opposite of high class.

She pictured Lex standing in a cell at the Twelfth Precinct, disheveled, and holding onto the cold iron bars.
I love that image. I hope we get to it soon.

“Signore Carlo’s di Prim’ordine Pizzeria. Carlo speaking,” answered a very masculine, very sexy, Italian voice.
Lois is falling for voices even more quickly now.

“What kind of pizza would you like tonight? Your wish is my command.”
Lois: I don't want pizza, I want you.

An image of Clark talking to her in Italian flashed before her eyes and she licked her lips.
To make them nice and moist when they meet Clark.

Do you want to be filled with crema or cioccolato?”
Did Carlo really mean to say that? I would think he would say "do you want them to be filled", although I have to say the way it is now is much sexier.

Lois leaned against her counter, as her knees became fluid.
Clark and Luthor will hve to watch out for Carlo.

Cioccolato, Carlo,” Lois practically purred over the line.
I think this exchange is more sexy than the one Lois and Clark the last night she was in the Lexor.

Oh, and he stole a slice of your pizza, saying he had to taste test it for you,”
Now Nigel is really going down, he is stealing Lois's special pizza.

wishing that her evening bodyguard wasn’t a reject from Menken’s stables.
Oh, it wasn't Nigel. Well, Luthor has much more aginst him now.

Carlo’s big on leaving the customer satisfied.”
Lois: I would like to be satisfied by you.

She was looking straight into the eyes on Superman…
frown she does not always, in all cases think of him as Clark. smile1 smile1 That Clark is here.

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“Wait! I should give you a tip,” Lois insisted, for probably the first time in her life.
Like the tip of her tongue between his lips.

Clark beamed at her.
smile1 hyper She thinks of him as Clark.

“It’s the best pie you’ve ever tasted. You’ll swear it came from Rome itself, you will,” Clark said, waving his hand and walking down the hall.
She will be tempted to go back to her theory he was raised in Italy after eating it.

Lois: Maybe he first came to Italy, and then read one of my articles in the DP and decided that he needed to meet me.

She chuckled to herself and took her meal paid for by Clark over to her table.
I thought it was her meal made by Clark.

Flipping up the lid of the pizza box, the hot steam of pizza filled her nostrils, causing her to moan again.
Yes, she is moaning at Clark's work.

It was a date.
Party more, they will have a date.

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That was if she got his message and understood his hint.
Lois: I'm not the one whose a Lunkhead.

to hear her still moaning with delight over the pizza he’d picked out for her.
Yes, she is enjoying it.

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Yay they are finally together again. Missed that. Laura

Clark: “If we can be born in an instant, and die in an instant, why can’t we fall in love in an instant?”

Caroline's "Stardust"
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Squeee! That's the noise people make when their inbox overflowith, right? Thank you for not shooting me with tomatoes for Lois's overly flirty retort to Clark's teasing remark that he was reminding her what's she missing (by being in-depth with the Luthor investigation instead being in-depth with him).

KatherineKent: Thanks for reading and commenting.
Awesome. I love it.
[Linked Image] I mean... That's cool. Thanks.

When Lois was talking to Carlo and dreaming about Clark speaking seductively to her in Italian I caught the Carlo/Carlos reference and wondered if there was something going on. I was pretty sure that this was some way for Clark to be in contact.
Well, I wanted him not to let her be the one to initiate contact, because frankly he no longer wanted to wait for her nor was he sure he'd catch it when she did. Plus, he figured she couldn't say no to chocolate filled cookies.
LOIS: Well, that's just... just....
CLARK: Accurate?

Love that he went to all this trouble to neck with her in the stairwell.
CLARK: [Linked Image]

Thanks. blush

Now just give Lois that break she's after. Next time she visits Lex he just happens to be out of the office ... with his safe left wide open ... and a diary filled in with Lex's crimes ...
LEX: Dear Diary; Today was just awesome! I wore my black Armani Tuxedo with the pearl and emerald cufflinks, which I know Superman noticed. Ha! Fooled ya, Steel Man. Lois and I went out, and she hung on my arm all night. I knew eventually all those years of accumulating dough would allow me to buy something I really want: the love of a picky woman. Even the Kryptonite on her engagement ring scared off Superman tonight at the charity event. Boo-ya! I rule to world! Reminder: Give Mrs. Cox and Nigel bonuses for their work in blowing up the Daily Planet and killing off those minions who've already failed me this year. Gee, and it's only April. Also, call maintenance. I've forgotten the code to lock my vault full of cooked books and kryptonite.


I'm glad you enjoyed it.

Christina: Thanks for taking the time to comment, despite sleeping babe in arms. smile1
Ok, I haven't even finished reading this story as I type this (just got to the point where Carlo's "son" delivered the pizza) and I started (quietly, my 5 month old was asleep next to me after all) squeeing and going shock laugh clap rotflol party hail love
I'm glad I hit the right note for you. Also, the delivery guy wasn't "Carlo's son" but the ugly Americano. wink

Clark's MUCH better at this subterfuge stuff it seems.
Well, he does have more experience hiding his true self than canon Clark does.

Double entendre intended, I'm sure.
Oh, yeah. wave

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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John: You're spoiling me. Thank you.
sad that Lois gave into another of Lex's demands.
Sometimes you need to give up something to get something.

grumble at the non-cooperative Mayson. I hope this causes Clark to dislike her from day one.
No comment.

Cat: If you think there is any chance of Clark falling for someone other than Clark, you are confused.
Don't be ridiculous. Clark doesn't like himself enough to fall for himself. razz /note to self: stay out of Metropolis./

And she thinks Luthor would ever provide anyone such? He is the one who thought he was doing her a service by arranging Schwartz to be her lawyer.
One would hope that anyone that Lex hired would have graduated higher and from a more prestigious law school than a poor public defender.

Only because he is not likely to survive jail. (Duck).
LOIS: mecry
JIMMY: *YOU* cry? Hello? What about me, here?

How annoying. Okay, if she really wanted to marry him, this might not be so bad, but since she doesn't. Although, if she wanted to marry Luthor we would wonder about her sanity.
You mean, as we all wonder about Canon Lois's sanity?

Therefore, repeatedly, she politely hung off Lex’s arm,
Better his arm than his lips.

Part of me thinks it might flow better as "in hopes of learning something".
Thanks. Fixed.

I always though Clark, not Lois, was the patient one.
Lois's POV. Lois's opinion of herself.

The food is good? On the other hand, most people don't go with dates they can't stand, although maybe more than we want to admit.
One must date a thousand frogs to find one prince.

Toni Taylor: I never could stand Lex.
Nope. Actually, Toni liked Lex until he double-crossed her.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Continuation of response to John's FDK --
smile she got this furniture to be closer with Clark.
Actually, she mentioned that when she bought the sofa. Just a reminder of that.

instead of her hard decorative furniture which reminded her too much of Luthor and his decorator’s sense of style.
Do you mean "Luthor's sense of style that is like a decorator" or "the sense of style possessed by Luthor's decorator"? It is not clear from the current wording.
Nope, neither of those. Her hard uncomfortable furniture reminded her of Luthor *and* of his decorator's sense of style, since she doubts that Lex really did more than approve of his decorator's choices.

Good, she still reacts the right way at any contact with Clark.
But if Clark sent her a note and Lex found out, it could mean trouble for her and Clark.

Someoe has figured out what her heart wants.
What? You think food is the only way to a man's heart? Ha!
CLARK: [Linked Image]

I think it would flow better as "She went to the telephone".
Sorry, typo. Originally, I believe I wrote, "she went to telephone the pizzeria" and then changed it and forgot the definite article (again). blush Fixed. I wrote a story once (you know, one of those novel sized stories I used to write before I started writing these ditties here on the boards) where one of the characters dropped definite articles all the time when he spoke. I blame him for every time this happens. wink

Is this another one of his "subtle" hints that he thinks she should loose weight, serving sinless chicken breast?
Or is it one of Lex's subtle hints that he thinks all women are weight conscious and prefer diet food all the time, whether or not they actually do. It's Lex not taking the time to find out what Lois actually wants to eat.

the evil-incarnate Ellen Lane said.
How can she think of her mother this way when Luthor is so much worse?
So, evil can't incarnate in more than one form?
LOIS: I've known my mother longer?

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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Poor Lois, I bet she is desperately searching for clues to put Lex in jail, hope soon can acomplish her goal.

sloppy yuju! The canoli scene makes me believe that MAYBE you may delight us with an nFic post. ..
devil grovel ....

Clark: "So what are you saying? I should go crawling back on my hands and knees?"
Martha: "No, honey. Fly back. It's faster!!"
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He smiled at having brought her that little bit of pleasure.
I think he under-estimates how pleasurable it is to Lois to eat food made by a man who really loves her. I also think he under-estimates how enjoyable it will be for him when she shows her appreciation at the pleasure he has given her.

He doubted she had eaten anything in the way of guilty pleasures since becoming the future Mrs. Luthor.
How is Clark so familiar with the diet of the significant others of rich men?

Clark: Lana always tried for that diet, and me I had to earn the money to make it logical she followed it.

and Lois had gazed at him with unrestrained desire,
I'm surprised this didn't lead to him finding out the curse does not apply. peep

he felt the need to duck out of the event early.
So it wasn't an emergency?

Clark: The suit is very tight. I had t leave quickly so people would not accuse me of being indecent.

Anyway, he had told himself, if Lex Luthor still thought Lois’s engagement ring was covered with Kryptonite, it would be a good idea for Superman not to hang around to be “exposed” to the thing.
He could just fake not feeling good.

Clark: We don't want other people to think Kryptonite works.

Maybe Clark would luck out and Luthor would think Superman left early due to the ring and not his fiancée’s heated gaze.
And maybe Luthor speaks the truth at times.

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I see Virginia has already replied to some of my FDK, but I'm still not done.

With Lois and Luthor safely in a well-populated charity event,
Lois being safe anywhere near Luthor is an oxymoron.

it gave Clark ample opportunity to do a more thorough scan of Lois’s building and apartment without being caught by Lois’s security detail.
Sounds like a good plan. I just have this fear that Luthor might be vindictive enough to stab Lois for making eyes at the Super-hero, and be prideful enough to think he can get away with it at a formal dinner.

Lex: I wouldn't be the first extremely rich man to get away with killing a double-crossing woman.

The only new one he found was above Lois’s apartment door, so that the billionaire could see who was visiting his fiancée.
Good think he delivered the pizza in a disguise.

Prior to Clark landing softly on the roof, he once more scanned Lois’s building to make sure Luthor’s goons hadn’t added any new security cameras in the last twenty-four hours.
That would be really disrobing. Too bad he didn't scan this closely earier.

He could easily see Lois
Is this with his x-ray vision?

Clark: I did't need to use my x-ray vision to figure out she was wearing a purple bra.

Ten minutes later, Lois carried the pizza box and the empty cannoli bag to the trash chute.
Clark: smile1 She ate my cannoli.

Lois: I was hoping to enjoy your cannoli in a different way.

her arms entangled around his neck before the door had even shut.
smile1 sloppy twins They are touching.

Lois: I hope to touch him with more than just my arms.

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“Are we…?” she hesitated.
Clark: Yes, were on camera, so we might as well run away Lois.

“I checked for cameras. There aren’t any,” he replied,
He should have gone for my plan.

Clark: But I tell the truth.

Lois: Except about being Superman.

Clark: Hey, the first time I told you I was superman, you laughed at me. Hmm, I did tell you I was Superman, months before I proposed.

Lois: It doesn't count if you're bleading when making the claim.

Clark: So if I proposed while bleeding I could propose before telling you.

Lois: No. Anyway, you could have told me while I was in your arms while going to look at your ship in Smallville.

Clark: But I am Clark first, so I wanted to tell you as Clark.

Lois: How can you be Clark first when you grew up on Krypton and just stole Clark's identity not even a year ago.

Clark: I'll explain later, but right now there's a volcano going off in Hawaii that I have to divert.

resting his hand in the low of her back
smile1 party party More kissing. We seem to have just broken the canon season one kiss record in this scene.

Canon Lois: That is far too easy.

Canon Clark: and whose fault is that?

Canon Lois: Your's lunkhead. If you had kissed me in the supply closet, instead of turning me over to Toni Taylor. Or drawn me in for a kiss just after Trask got shot. Or actually kissed me when I was under he influence of Revenege. Or insisted on dancing with meinstead of going off with Linda. Or lots of other times probably too, we could have kissed a lot more.

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pulling him closer.
hyper more touching.

John Pack Lambert
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Moreover, he needed a pick-me-up after seeing her wedding announcement in the Metropolis Star’s afternoon edition.
Lois: Oh, that's why he is being so nice. He is trying to make up for the offense of reading the Metropolis Star.

“Mmmm. You taste like chocolate.”
Lois: You taste better than chocolate.

Lois instantly stepped three paces back and would have fallen down the stairs, if he hadn’t caught her.
Yes, Clark rescuted Lois.

Lois: I would have saved myself first.

Clark blushed sheepishly. “Um… No. No, I’m not. After chocolate binging during my amnesia,
Chocalte binging? What?

Just to play it safe, though, let’s leave roasting marshmallows off the list.”
Lois: When we go camping, will just have bananas. dance now she can have a chocolate wedding cake.

Lois: I have no plan of marrying anyone.

beaming at him as she wrapped her arms around him, again. “I’ve missed you.”
dance more touching.

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“Same here, minha.”
hyper they'll have a fun night, without complicating discussions.

Clark laughed. “I am, bella,”
Lois: I should have flirted with him more.

he answered in Carlo’s deeper tone. “Clark, Chuck, Charlie,
What about Chuckie?

Lois laughed. “And here I thought I was flirting with an old man,” she replied,
Clark: You only have to do that when you're undercover.

replacing her fingers on his mouth with her lips.
dance more kissing.

“Anyway,” Clark said, trying to concentrate on his checklist for this ‘date’. He slipped the phone into her hand.
Lois: Why couldn't he have slipped it into my pocket, specifically my back pocket.

Clark: Because you were showing me your good lingerie.

Lois: Only in my day dream, not reality.

Clark: Okay, because I wanted to avoid anything close to the positions we had while eating spaghetti last September.

Lois: But those were so fun Chuckie.

“I bought two phones. This one is yours, in case you need to make a call without someone listening.”
Lois: Clark you don't have to get me things to get my kisses.

Clark: I will still anyway.

“But…” She took the phone and looking down her own body for a place to hide it, probably so Lex wouldn’t see it when she returned to her apartment.
Lois: Can you put it under my bra for me Clark.

“Never mind. I’ll find a way.” Finally, she lifted up the hem of her blouse and tucked the phone into her pants.
We were hoping she would lift up her blouse on the other side.

Clark: Not me, I would have been too tempted to test what would activate the curse then.

His checklist completed, Clark returned to the task at hand of imprinting his lips upon Lois’s.
Yes, more kissing.

John Pack Lambert
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