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Wrong Place, Wrong Time, Wrong Clark TOC can be found HereI'm sorry this part is so short, but that was just a nice pleasant place to end, don't you think?  Next part will be longer, I promise. The undercover dating is now becoming more apparent. I hope you're okay with the characters explaining what happened off-page between kisses for a while. You get what you want, and I can move the story forward a bit. Please leave your comments here.
Last edited by VirginiaR; 04/27/14 09:28 PM. Reason: Fixed broken Link
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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You foisted Ellen on Lex. That (and the kissing) made up for the fact that it was a short part! teeeheee I love the Mrs. Cox is so jealous. That's rich!!
"It's the mythology of a sun god who wished he was a man because he saw something so great in us. It's the story of a hero who could move whole worlds and see through stars and hear a whisper on the other side of the planet... ...and who fell in love with a storyteller." - ashmaht (x)
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Top Banana
Top Banana
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I enjoyed the "tell not show" part of things here as it advanced the storyline. Besides, re-telling the same thing all over wouldn't have made sense.
CLARK: No. I'm just worried I'm a jinx. JONATHAN: A jinx? CLARK: Yeah. Let's face it, ever since she's known me, Lois's been kidnapped, frozen, pushed off buildings, almost stabbed, poisoned, buried alive and who knows what else, and it's all because of me. -"Contact" (You're not her jinx, you're her blessing.)
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She hated that she had to wait for Nigel and his key card to use the elevator. It made her feel like a child, and she had never liked that feeling, even as a child. So much for Luthor's claims of trusting her. “You’re right, Mrs. Cox,” Lois said, opening Lex’s office door. “I’ll just wait in here.”  Lois is getting into Luthor's office. “Don’t you need to answer that?” Lois asked innocently with a smile. “I doubt Lex would approve of you shirking your duties to play nursemaid to me.” I'm surprised it's so easy to talk directly to Luthor's personal assistant. I would think he would have a few more layers between himself and those answering the phone.
John Pack Lambert
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Lois bet she wouldn’t have more than five minutes, tops, before Mrs. Cox wrangled herself away from Perry’s inquiries. She underestimates Perry's persistence. Would Lex videotape his own office? I wouldn't be surprised. Would Lex want photographic evidence of what he did, or whom he did in the case of Mrs. Cox, behind closed doors? The later sounds like the type of crazy thing Luthor would do.
John Pack Lambert
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It wasn’t a professional photo in that she hadn’t posed for the photo. Actually, she couldn’t name off-hand the time or place at which it was taken. Was it even taken with her permission, or was this the disturbing shot that we saw in Vatman? It was just another example of Lex invading her privacy without her permission. I'm glad she realizes this. Who knew what would happen if Superman scanned Kryptonite? She needs to learn more about Kryptonite. She should ask him about it. Lois: It is more fun to kiss him. The case was also still open as the findings had been inconclusive. I'm glad they avoided it being ruled a suicide. Lex loved Lois enough to marry her, and deep in her gut she knew that he wouldn’t hurt her. She needs to trust her gut less. Luthor always hurts people. Superman hovered some ten yards off Lex’s balcony staring at her with wide worried eyes. Yes, she saw Superman. Lois stepped out onto the balcony and took a breath of the cool air of freedom. Now she knows that Luthor could make his office a place where Superman could not hear her say the code word. As she slid her fingers along the edge of the case, the door to the office opened and Lex entered. Sad. I was so hoping she would find the Kryptonite on this day. “Yes, but you’re early,” Lex said, drawing her close and kissing her cheek. Gag. “Why not? I believe it an excellent idea for the two main ladies in my life to better acquaint yourselves,” Lex said, Considering that Betsy is his mistress, this is just sickening. and Lois felt tempted to punch him in the gut. Do it, do it, do it. She was as acquainted with Lex’s mistress as much as she ever wanted to be. Yes, she used the right term for Betsy.
John Pack Lambert
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Lois swallowed, taking time to savor the moment of bafflement she caught in her fiancé’s eyes. She has outwitted Luthor. Although this may not have been wise to let him know of more of her family and friends. “So, how did the two of them get along?” Clark asked,  They're touching.
John Pack Lambert
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He hadn’t meant to show her how uncomfortable he was with this undercover assignment or how much he hated it, knowing it must have been harder on her. At least he now admits she has the tougher part. including introducing her mother, who Clark had yet to meet, to Luthor, Maybe he should be more open in telling Lois he wants to meet her mother. “Wedding or no, Chuck, I’m not marrying him,” she said, moving her hands to his chest.  more touching. I love you,” she reminded him. Clark: Yes, she said the three words. He smiled. “Not as much as I love you,” he whispered, lowering his mouth to hers.  kissing. n’t made a comment about him touching her underwear That's why he shouldn't use Superspeed when dealing with her underwear. No chance of that happening, Clark thought as her body melted against his. It was a good thing he could hold his breath for a long time.  next part will be subtitled "In which Clark learns the curse does not apply here."
John Pack Lambert
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Kismatt: I'm glad you enjoyed this part. You foisted Ellen on Lex. /roaring with laughter/  Just trying to move the story along faster through kissing. I love the Mrs. Cox is so jealous. That's rich!! They are both strong women and it always annoyed me in HoL how Lois seemed to cower around her. The Lois we know and love wouldn't let any woman touch her husband-to-be in the way Mrs. Cox touches Lex when he introduces them in BatP. Thanks for commenting. Christina: Thanks for still reading. I enjoyed the "tell not show" part of things here as it advanced the storyline. Well, technically, it was more a talk about not show part. Besides, re-telling the same thing all over wouldn't have made sense. I try not to do that, except with very important scenes, where I show something completely different by showing another person's POV. Anyway, I figured you guys would much rather see Lois and Clark together than Lois and Lex. LEX: I want to make a formal protest!
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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John: Hey!  /Rubs hands to see what new insights John has for me./ So much for Luthor's claims of trusting her. Well, I considered adding in a part... hmmm, maybe I still will, so I better not mention it here. This was actually set-up for something else which would be set-up for something else. We'll see. Maybe I'll just by-pass the rest of the set-up and just get to the something else. Lois is getting into Luthor's office. Getting there isn't difficult. Staying in there long enough to investigate is the difficult part. I'm surprised it's so easy to talk directly to Luthor's personal assistant. I would think he would have a few more layers between himself and those answering the phone. Well, I'm sure Jack wouldn't be patched through. Perry, as editor of Lex's now-controlled Daily Planet, would have more access to Lex's secretary than say someone like Jack or Louie. MRS. COX: /cough/ Excuse me. But I'm a *Personal* Assistant to Mr. Luthor. LOIS: Oh, is that what you're calling it nowadays? She underestimates Perry's persistence. I'm sure Mrs. Cox didn't get to be Lex's personal assistant just on her good looks, either. The later sounds like the type of crazy thing Luthor would do. LEX: ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/midi/konfus/c085.gif) Well, we are a visual sex; LexLabs proved that before LexComp started that new LXPorn website. Was it even taken with her permission, or was this the disturbing shot that we saw in Vatman? The photo from Vatman wasn't disturbing. It was a shot of Lois walking down the street. HOW the picture must have been obtained is the only disturbing thing about it. And, yes, it's like that photo, only a different one. I'm glad she realizes this. LOIS: /points to trashcan where she threw her rose-colored glasses/ She needs to learn more about Kryptonite. She should ask him about it. It's on her to-do list. Lois: It is more fun to kiss him. See, that's the problem. That one is in permanent marker and she never seems to get past it. I'm glad they avoided it being ruled a suicide. Probably due to nudges from Clark Kent. She needs to trust her gut less. Luthor always hurts people. How does Lex physically hurt Lois in canon? /The emotional hurt is obvious./ Now she knows that Luthor could make his office a place where Superman could not hear her say the code word. Good Point. Sad. I was so hoping she would find the Kryptonite on this day. Even if she could open the room off of Lex's office, would she be able to open the safe in which he keeps his valuable meteorite samples? Considering that Betsy is his mistress, this is just sickening. He's thinking of his future. She has outwitted Luthor. Although this may not have been wise to let him know of more of her family and friends. No? He already knows about them. /Reader dance party!/ we were spared more Luthor scenes. LEX: I say. That's quiet offending. /shrugs/ Mrs. Cox, cross that young man's name off the wedding guest list. MRS. COX: /writing/ "Send John an extra invitation." LOIS: He is quite handsy... I mean, *handy* to have around the bedroom... I mean the house. Yes, *house*. I didn't realize Lana loved anyone besides herself. No, that's just Lex. More people like Lana? This is a nightmare. Nobody is quite like Lana. Let's just say, she's the worse of the lot. What do you expect from a fiancé who treats you like a child? LOIS: Respect! Duh! Clark: I like the sound of that. Lois doesn't even know how her complaints of Lex are like twisting the knife she stuck in Clark's gut by rejecting him. even though you’re twice the man Lex could ever be.” What an insult, saying Clark is only twice the man Luthor is. Twice the man Luthor COULD ever be. As in, if Luthor was honest, kind, sweet, generous, and not evil, Clark would still be twice as good as him. I think that should be "not fully have forgiven him". Thanks. Fixed. I'm sure she would deny wanting children, although how true that would be is another story. She might if she learns Clark is unable to father a child before he asks her opinion of having children of her own. Kind of a which comes first scenario: the curse or Lois's honest answer. Lois:Well, what about what happened at the hospital? CLARK: You said 'nothing happened'. Is she trying to turn him on, or is she just that into cannoli frosting? We're past the part where she ate the cream-filled cannoli by this point. 
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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-- Continuation of Response to John's FDK -- At least he now admits she has the tougher part. She has to lead a double life, live in an apartment with 24-hr. surveillance and act like it's not there, and try to find the goods at Luthor at the same time. LOIS: It's not outside the bounds of hope for me to survive... I mean, to have success in my investigation. Maybe he should be more open in telling Lois he wants to meet her mother. I doubt her mother is the best person to trust with Lois's current double-life at the moment. That's why he shouldn't use Superspeed when dealing with her underwear. He'd much rather kiss Lois than touch her underwear. next part will be subtitled "In which Clark learns the curse does not apply here." No, actually, it's called "Back in Town." ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/smilie/frech/e020.gif) Thanks for your comments.
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Boards Chief Administrator Nobel Peace Prize Winner
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The things Lois did when she was furious had a funny way of coming back around and biting her on the behind.  Michael Edit: Anyway, I figured you guys would much rather see Lois and Clark together than Lois and Lex.
LEX: I want to make a formal protest! But Lois and Lex together are much creepier! No, actually, it's called "Back in Town." ![[Linked Image]](http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_yPWyFZEdY0s/Sj_mQDVfdNI/AAAAAAAAK7A/y1FoCaGhmgo/s400/hgwtip-hat.jpg)
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Darth Michael: Yea! All these kissing parts haven't scared off Michael!  Never mind. So, she’s not underestimating Lois Lane? MRS. COX: I can take her in a fight. Maybe she should have Lex buy her a new one. One that’s encrusted in silver and some sharp gemstones? MRS. COX: That sounds pretty. LOIS:  Who would want that? LEX: ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/midi/liebe/h020.gif) Ooops. I courted the wrong sister. Huh, funny. They’re using wax paper for wrapping… Don't most bakeries? The bride received some compromising photos about her fiancée and a high-priced callgirl? EX-GROOM: But she was a *gift* from my boss, darling! What was I supposed to do? Say 'no'? Some last vestige of Kryptonian survival instinct rearing its head? Well, he has noticed that Lois is more likely to kiss him if they aren't fighting... No, but Mother is getting shipped off to a spa, early. Also, Lex now had a fallback option, what with her mother being a slush, Lois probably is, too. So, if things ever need fixing, having Lois sent to a spa or having her die due to too much relaxing, well… That’s all very sad for Mr. Luthor, but he did try to help his dear wife after her crises with the Daily Planet. It’s not his fault that she was beyond helping. LOIS: Early? What do you mean "early"? She's helping me... Lex prep for the wedding. That long list of things that they still needed to discuss started to gather dust in his mind. ER: /such as "call me Daniel"?/ LOIS: Who? Oooh! What a fun way to end it. With Lois on the washing machine Thanks.  I have a fondness for laundry. But Lois and Lex together are much creepier! One vote for more Lois and Lex scenes. Gotcha! 
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Boards Chief Administrator Nobel Peace Prize Winner
Boards Chief Administrator Nobel Peace Prize Winner
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Yea! All these kissing parts haven't scared off Michael! Yeah, it was a tad icky, but you promised some Lex/Lois action early on so I just pushed through. Are the two love birds any closer to consummating yet? CLARK: <is worried about his next confession with Father Carlos> Have no idea what Michael could be thinking. Who, me? I’m not think anything. I’m too busy watching the clock… Might be less than 34 hours now. quote:SUPERMAN: I’m not touching that. Do you know how hard it is to get human intestine out of Spandex?
LOIS: Nor will I ever. You have Clark Kent to do your laundry. Thank you very much. He would have to go further back in history than Alex the Great to reach Ra. Yes, but the Ptolomeien dynasty still considered themselves pharaohs. SUPERMAN: Where's an amnesia causing asteroid when you need one?  Michael
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He'd much rather kiss Lois than touch her underwear. At least when the underwear is not on her. LOIS: It's not outside the bounds of hope for me to survive... I mean, to have success in my investigation. That would require he to actually make progress in her investigation, which seems fairly rare.
John Pack Lambert