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Wrong Place, Wrong Time, Wrong Clark TOC can be found HereHere's the link to Part 166 . Thank you all for reading.
Last edited by VirginiaR; 04/27/14 07:23 PM. Reason: Fixed broken Links
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Clark wasn’t sure how exactly to deliver Lois’s note to her sister. Good, she is warning Lucy. Lucy deserved more mention in the show than she got. Dropping Jimbo from the skies wasn’t exactly an option either. Especially since he's the out-of-favor boyfriend. Too many people in this dimension already knew that Clark Kent had extra abilities; he didn’t need one more. He already has one more, at least. The best option seemed to be to slip the note under Lucy’s door, but that wouldn’t guarantee her finding it. Clark hated this idea, mostly because of what he discovered shortly after he arrived to help Jimbo move over to his place.  he found the note.
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On the outside of the envelope, in the familiar block letters of the anonymous note giver, now known as Lois, was written “Chuck”. Even if there was nothing inside the envelope itself would have helped him. Clark knew now that Lois loved him. I'm glad he fully accepts this. He had stared at the note every night since, debating whether to read it, and always ended up falling on the side of ‘not’. I would have read it out of sheer curiosity. He had come to this dimension to meet, fall in love, and live happily ever after with Lois. I think "fall in love with" would work better here. She had most likely written things that she now regretted, at least he hoped she regretted. This seems to be true for the opposite of the reason he suspects. He missed their late night phone calls to say ‘good night’. Those were fun, even if there were far too few of them. Clark hadn’t acted this paranoid since Tempus revealed his secret to the Metropolis during the televised mayoral debate. I think "secret to Metropolis" is what you want to say here, unless you want to modify Metropolis with another word.
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I prosecuted you and I still believe you should be behind bars for breaking the law. That sounds pretty extreme considering Lois was protecting the innocent and her actions probably reduced the disruption to the country by an awful lot. “But you’re the only honest lawyer I know!” Ms. Lane said with exasperation. That was a horrible way to start this conversation if she wanted to get any actual cooperation.
John Pack Lambert
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John: Thanks for reading and commenting. Good, she is warning Lucy. Lucy deserved more mention in the show than she got. I liked Lucy at the beginning of S1 and am not quite sure why they got rid of her, except to make Lois more of a loner. Especially since he's the out-of-favor boyfriend. But he's a known entity. And it wasn't a messy break-up. They parted as friends. He already has one more, at least. Do you mean Phil, Henderson, or Perry? Even if there was nothing inside the envelope itself would have helped him. The unopened envelope HAS helped him. I would have read it out of sheer curiosity. This Clark has been burnt on more than one occasion and is a bit more emotionally cautious than Canon Clark. I think "fall in love with" would work better here. Thanks. Fixed. This seems to be true for the opposite of the reason he suspects. Those were fun, even if there were far too few of them. Mostly, they happened off page. I think "secret to Metropolis" is what you want to say here, unless you want to modify Metropolis with another word. And you'd be right. Thanks. I prosecuted you and I still believe you should be behind bars for breaking the law. That sounds pretty extreme considering Lois was protecting the innocent and her actions probably reduced the disruption to the country by an awful lot. It's like Mayson's dislike of Superman. She doesn't like it when people take the law into their own hands. CLARK: I... er... Superman doesn't do that! He follows the letter of the law. MAYSON: :rolleyes: Yeah. Right. That was a horrible way to start this conversation if she wanted to get any actual cooperation.  Good point. That may have been intentional... on my part, not Lois's. 
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Ms. Lane, you accused me of being in bed with some criminal organization called ‘Intergang’. Lois: I never said you were in bed with Mr. Church, that is an admission all your own. “I didn’t accuse you of being with Intergang. That was Lex’s lawyer…” Ms. Lane waved her hand around. She does have a point. “Schwartz, Marcus Schwartz,” Mayson reminded her with annoyance. Lois: Oh yes, Lex also tried to pawn him off on Jimmy. Luckily he rejected him, since the prosecutor and judge assigned to that case are both male, so Schwartz's methods would have even less chance of succeeding than they did with you. Hell, I wouldn’t even sleep with that no-good, rotten-to-the-core son of his the six plus times the man hit on me,” she corrected. Bill Jr.: Maybe I will have to buy this one a ring before I get any action. “Please, that man doesn’t have enough sense in his head to zip his fly,” Mayson replied. Nah, I think the failure was just to show off parts of his body to Mayson.
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Lane had practically kissed him on international television before he took off to endanger Earth by blowing up Nightfall Major. I am not at all surprised that Drake is weak minded enough to blame Superman. Mayson wouldn’t be surprised if Ms. Lane didn’t do a striptease by her windows every night, hoping to catch his attention. Lois:Maybe if I had tried this earlier, things would have progressed more. “I don’t!” Ms. Lane repeated, most likely due to Mayson’s skeptical expression. Lois:I only prance naked where only Chuck will see me. “Lex hired on my behalf,” Ms. Lane corrected. Lois:Without even having the decency to consult with me on it, or consider that I had cearly indicated I hated that lawyer. “And no. I know that it would be a breach of your ethics to recommend a lawyer to an innocent man railroaded by a billionaire and his crooked cronies in the Metropolis Police Department to take the fall for a crime he didn’t commit, I love how Lois sets up a situation where Drake has to agree her ethics include sending people to jail for crimes others committed. “Exactly,” Mayson said with a nod of her head. Yes, Mayson just agreed Jimmy is innocent. “Lex gave me a prenup he wants me to sign. I want to make sure there isn’t anything in here, stating I’ll have to pay Lex back for this impromptu wedding he’s arranging should I leave him at the altar. I don't think that would be possible, but I could see Luthor trying it. “Let me give you a practical piece of advice. A prenuptial agreement does not go into effect until the two parties are actually wed. So Lois does not have to worry about it every applying.
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Originally posted by VirginiaR: [b]John: Thanks for reading and commenting. Good, she is warning Lucy. Lucy deserved more mention in the show than she got. I liked Lucy at the beginning of S1 and am not quite sure why they got rid of her, except to make Lois more of a loner.[/b] I don't think it was even that. My guess is they decided to cut back on the core cast, or they just couldn't think of more ways to keep incorporating Lucy. He already has one more, at least. Do you mean Phil, Henderson, or Perry? I meant Henderson, and forgot about Perry. I figure Clark does realize that Phil knows. Those were fun, even if there were far too few of them. Mostly, they happened off page. I was thinking they also all happened post Honeymoon suite, but on further reflection I remembered there were earlier ones. Maybe even a lot just after she got shot. Getting shot by Luthor is the main key to this Lois and Clark having grown close together faster than canon Lois and Clark. Although there are other major keys as well.
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“Are you saying that Mr. Luthor has kidnapped your mother to ensure that you go through with the wedding?” Mayson asked, sitting upright. Sounds exactly like what Luthor would do. Although, she thought Ms. Lane would have changed her tune after finding those bugs in her apartment the previous summer and then again recently. Bugs in the apartment are nothing like telling someone if your mother is there so you can know she isn't dead. “Tell you what, Ms. Lane,” Mayson said. “I’ve always been curious what a man of Mr. Luthor’s wealth would list in a prenuptial agreement. This way she knows what to expect when she gets the one from Billy Jr. I’ll look over this document tonight and give you my findings on its legality in the morning.” Mostly, she was curious what kind of limitations he had planned for Ms. Lane after their wedding, More like wondering how Billy wants to limit her. as Mr. Luthor seemed to be the type of man who put creepy in ‘control freak’, See, Billy is so much nicer. He doesn't try to excessively control the women he is with. He will let them leave the car any old where as we saw in "Whine, Whine, Whine". Though Mayson wouldn’t want to touch the case with a ten foot pole, she could probably easily arrest Ms. Lane for fraud. No court in the US would ever up hold a fraudulent intent to marry case. “She helped a friend of mine Whose name we will not reveal but whose initials are Mayson Drake. overcome her obsession with a certain vigilante The Caped Crusader? and get her life back in control. Her name is Dr. Friskin.” Would Lois risk talking to Friskin? “I’m not obsessed with Superman,” Ms. Lane retorted. Lois:We have a balanced, consensual, reasonable relationship. There is no obsession involved. “I believe Dr. Friskin could help you figure out your love-hate relationship with Lex Luthor.” Lois: No love, only hate.
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Yeah. Right,” he scoffed. Probably it was someone else posing as her. Which is why phone authorizations are generally not allowed. There was soft knock on her door and she wondered if Erica had noticed that Lois had returned. I think "was a soft knock" would flow better. Lois couldn’t help herself. She buried her face in her hands and began to weep. Her mother was dead, and it was her fault. She was the worst daughter. Ever. What? You killed off Ellen. This is horrible. “So, the tabloids have learned that your mother went into rehab and broadcasted it over the wire,” he said. The real reason she should never have gotten engaged to Luthor. It destroyed her having any chance of a personal life. “I’m sure this will blow over in a week or two. Superman will be named as father to some love child and knock this…” Lois:I would never do that to him, and he would never do that with anyone else. One of the receptionists at one of the clinics she had called that morning most likely phoned the Dirt Digger to let them know that Lex Luthor’s fiancée was searching for her mother in rehab clinics. Which means it is Luthor's fault, because he is the one who sent her on a wild goose chase instead of telling her the truth. Nothing better than scandal linked to high profile society wedding to sell papers. I think "better than a scandal lined to a high profile society" would flow better. Her responding glare was so icy cold that he actually clutched his chest as he stumbled backwards in his retreat. “So, no?” To bad she didn't give the "in You Face" guy an equally strong stare in SL&V. Randy Goode had better have a good life insurance policy. She had a strange feeling that he was going to need it. No, only Mrs. Goode needs the policy. Samantha: I had better get a ring from Mr. Goode before things get bad for him. I hope he does no mind that I faked the picture of Mrs. Lane at the clinic.
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Lex hadn’t wanted to eat any of that pedestrian Americanized Chinese food, but Lois was cultured enough of a person not to know how to cook. Only someone as truly condescending and prideful as Luthor would see being unable to cook as "cultured". The smile he received for his efforts was well worth the sacrifice Gag at Lois smiling at Luthor. This is so sickening. It was to his pleasure, and his pleasure alone or possibly their joint pleasure, which should occupy her thoughts. After reading through this sentence several times, I realized it would sound a lot better as "It was his pleasure ...", I don't think the to works there. She should take a page from his notebook and merely not have any, or not to claim to, in any case. I think "or not claim to" would sound better here. That ended with her family. He had already separated her from her friends. I'm so glad he is wrong on this point. However, should she discover that Lex was unfaithful, or mentally or physically abusive, What is she discovers he's all 3. On the other hand, does it count if she knows of the mistress before the wedding? reassurances that he wouldn’t hurt her. Total lies like everything Luthor says. Lex might even make sure she was dead first. It took two readings to realize he was toying with the idea of burying her alive. But for their marriage to be a long, happy, and prosperous one, as they both wished it to be, Hah, he is so long. Superman, though, was still flying in the skies over Metropolis Yes, happy dance. Superman seemed to be keeping his distance from Lex’s fiancée. Hah, if he only knew. no one would miss him or even suspect foul play. Sounds like Luthor needs to go to his house for the mentally unstable if he believes this rubbish.
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“The captain has requested that all evidence be returned to suspects in which the charges have been dropped or discovered to be unfounded,” I'm surprised they had Reed and not one of the arresting, incompetent flunkies do this part. Lois would hate to face someone, had she ever been wrong, Clark: You say it like you never are wrong Lois. Lois:Name one time I was wrong. Clark:Well, I can't think of any off the top of my head. Lois:Exactly. Eugene’s tie, which Reed really should have returned to him. For all Reed knew this was the tie of one of the other men who regularly sleeps at her apartment. Lois: What? Reed:I wouldn't want to expose you any more than I already have. She would be the laughing stock with the MPD, if she wasn’t already. Why would writing such a great novel make her a laughing stock? Because Mayson was a fan of Charles King, the ghost of Lola Dane’s former love, Better keep the real Charles as far away from Mayson as possible. A nostalgic half-smile threatened to brush Lois’s lips as her thumb ran over the name on the disk: Lola and Charlie. Not to be confused with the much more amorous Wanda and Chuck. Of course Chuck  (the last part was blocked by the spoiler police). Since meeting Clark… and Superman, she had given up working on her novel, mostly because they made her life more exciting than fiction. She gets to touch her boyfriend, unlike Lola. I think this would flow better was an between that an awful. Tempust had fallen out of helicopter and into the murky waters as they fled Metroville for higher ground. I think you need a between of and helicopter. Lola persevered, moving to Tempest’s hunting cabin in the Alps,  Lola survived without Tempus. This sounds like an actually good ending to "Another Lois". Maybe, someday, if this thing with Clark (aka Chuck, alias Superman) worked out, she would show him her novel and he would know the perfect way to save Charlie, so Lola…er… Wanda could finally live happily ever after, too. They deserved that. He would definitely try.
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John: THE FDK - PART II. CLARK: Well, most everybody doesn't know it. Lois:I would never do that to him, and he would never do that with anyone else. ROBERTSON: I never said that the claims would be well-founded. Which means it is Luthor's fault, because he is the one who sent her on a wild goose chase instead of telling her the truth. LEX: I've never said that I know where Ellen Lane is. I think "better than a scandal lined to a high profile society" would flow better.  Is there a Mrs. Goode? Samantha: I had better get a ring from Mr. Goode before things get bad for him. I hope he does no mind that I faked the picture of Mrs. Lane at the clinic. I doubt there was ever a romantic relationship between them, but then again, it's been a while since I watched that episode.
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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-- Continuation of Response to John's FDK -- Only someone as truly condescending and prideful as Luthor would see being unable to cook as "cultured". LEX: Well, only pedestrian people learn to cook. The rest of us hire people to do it for us. Gag at Lois smiling at Luthor. This is so sickening. Again, this is Lex's POV. What Lois's intentions may not be what Lex believed them to be. After reading through this sentence several times, I realized it would sound a lot better as "It was his pleasure ...", I don't think the to works there. Thanks. Fixed. I think "or not claim to" would sound better here. Thanks Fixed. I'm so glad he is wrong on this point. LOIS: You know, I'm okay with his separating me from my family, it just the permanence of his choice I'm not comfortable with. What is she discovers he's all 3. On the other hand, does it count if she knows of the mistress before the wedding? I don't think so. Lex might even make sure she was dead first. It took two readings to realize he was toying with the idea of burying her alive. LEX: What? I don't take betrayal well. Sounds like Luthor needs to go to his house for the mentally unstable if he believes this rubbish. LEX: I'm taking this from the reaction, or lack-thereof, of Superman's disappearance during Nightfall. LOIS:  Definite articles, they are trying to ruin me! Thanks, John. I think you need a between of and helicopter. ARGH! Again!  /humbly crawl off to add definite articles before every noun whether needed or not./ Lola survived without Tempus. This sounds like an actually good ending to "Another Lois". Actually, "Tempest" is a stand in name for Lex. And, thank you, even if it isn't the happily ever after Lola deserves. Maybe, someday, if this thing with Clark (aka Chuck, alias Superman) worked out, she would show him her novel and he would know the perfect way to save Charlie, so Lola…er… Wanda could finally live happily ever after, too. They deserved that. He would definitely try. Try to fix Lola and Charles's problem so that they could be together? CLARK: You know, I've been told that's impossible, so I guess you're stuck with me.  /as guilt sets in, he pushes it to the side and tries to ignore it./
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Originally posted by John Lambert: I liked Lucy at the beginning of S1 and am not quite sure why they got rid of her, except to make Lois more of a loner. I don't think it was even that. My guess is they decided to cut back on the core cast, or they just couldn't think of more ways to keep incorporating Lucy.Yes, you're probably right, but they could have kept her on a recurring character like Eduardo. EW: Do you mean Phil, Henderson, or Perry? JOHN: I meant Henderson, and forgot about Perry. I figure Clark does realize that Phil knows. Yes, Clark knows about Phil. EW: Mostly, they happened off page.
JOHN: I was thinking they also all happened post Honeymoon suite, but on further reflection I remembered there were earlier ones. Maybe even a lot just after she got shot. Getting shot by Luthor is the main key to this Lois and Clark having grown close together faster than canon Lois and Clark. Although there are other major keys as well. Actually it started after she was shot. She discovered that Clark wasn't sleeping well (mostly because he was staking out her apartment, making sure she stayed safe), so she insisted that they talk at bedtime every night. It progressed from there.
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Ms. Lane seemed to exhale in relief for a moment before tensing back up. “Be that as it may, I still want someone to look it over and make sure I’m not signing my ovaries over to that man even if we never marry.” Well… Did she peek? Maybe her insanity is a hereditary trait. Isn’t she adorable? Although, she thought Ms. Lane would have changed her tune after finding those bugs in her apartment the previous summer and then again recently. Well…those are part of her job. “So, you have no proof that Mr. Luthor kidnapped your mother,” Mayson clarified.
“It’s just a hunch, a hunch based on knowing what he’s capable of and the fact that he has never-ending resources. The woman does sound like she’s suffering from a spot of paranoid delusions. Though Mayson wouldn’t want to touch the case with a ten foot pole, she could probably easily arrest Ms. Lane for fraud. For what? “But I want you to seriously consider talking to a psychiatrist I know,” Mayson said, :rotlfol: “She helped a friend of mine overcome her obsession with a certain vigilante and get her life back in control. Her name is Dr. Friskin.” Awww…her ‘friend’ wanted to bed Superman. LOIS: Good thing she went to see a doctor to get cured of those notions. . “Not that it matters, but my friend was obsessed with Batman, Ms. Lane,” Ooooh! Of course, duh! A blonde. Batman so got a thing for blondes. CLARK: And I did not date one blonde after the next one? LOIS: Speak on…
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“I believe Dr. Friskin could help you figure out your love-hate relationship with Lex Luthor.” She loves to hate him? She hates that he loves her? In his own way. “Look, lady, like I told you the first two times you called. We cannot give out personal information about our guests,” the man snapped at her.  Wait, did Lex just have a bunch of numbers set up and outsourced it to a call center in Bangalore? “Are you saying that someone else called you impersonating me?” Lois asked, a chill of foreboding trickled down her back, followed by a red-hot streak of anger. Oh. Right. On the second read this makes so much more sense. The first two calls were from the Dirt Digger. My bad. She sat up, because she realized suddenly that he looked as if he were about to deliver bad news. “Oh, god, no. Please, no. Please,” she murmured. “My mother?”  ? “Now, now, Lois,” Robertson said, his soothing tone edged with panic. “It’s not the end of the world.”
Lois raised her gaze and looked at him with bafflement. Who says that? Her mother was dead. Lois need never know Superman was there, watching and dying at her willing surrender to his enemy. So, Lois repeatedly plunging a steak knife into Lex’s belly and loins would be defined as ‘willing’? Pinching together his lips, Lex lifted up the blotter on his desk and pulled out the sliver of paper he had found between the folds of his cookie the night he and Lois had eaten take-out at her apartment.
What did it mean? Did it signify anything?  Michael
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Thanks for the FDK, Michael. I'll respond tomorrow, when I post the next part.  I can't compete against Anti-K and ShayneT for readers. (Plus, technically, my cushion is hovering at 4.75 parts at the moment. Part 172 should be finished tomorrow, allowing me to post. ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/smilie/teufel/a050.gif) )
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Darth Michael: Can I CLARK: Say what? LOIS: Nothing. Well…those are part of her job. LEX: I tell you, I've been tested recently for crabs. Oh, those weren't the bugs to which you were referring? Never mind then. I was lying. The woman does sound like she’s suffering from a spot of paranoid delusions. LEX: Isn't she adorable? Though Mayson wouldn’t want to touch the case with a ten foot pole, she could probably easily arrest Ms. Lane for fraud. For what? Fraudulently telling a man she'd marry him, if he made all the wedding preparations and paid for everything, all the time knowing that she would never marry him. BENDER: Sounds like fraud to me, but please.  I really need to brush up on my Chinese. Wise choice, considering the catering place? It wasn't Ralph's Pagoda, or wherever we see Bobby Bigmouth working in The Phoenix. Sounds like Americanize Chinese food. Yep. At her level? Why is he marrying her again if she’s such a slob? LEX: Superman wants to bang her and that's the only way I can get there first. So, she should have put out if she wanted to have more frequent Chinese dinners with Lex? LOIS: And what would be my incentive, there? LEX: Um... the sex? Ooooh! Also, did you mean ‘whip’ instead of ‘wipe’? /devil/ No, wipe. Sorry. But either works here. What about Lex making her twisted and evil so she would finally think of her own pleasure, take Superman as a lover and then off her husband down the reacto-… erm…elevator shaft? LEX: No. That's not allowed. So…California style, then? I do think that they use that format elsewhere too. What about a trollop with a baby who would consent to a paternity test? LEX: /phew/ I sterilize all the women I'm ever with, so that's never a problem. Lex! That’s not very nice. LEX: /sips some Amontillado/ What? One doesn't double-cross The Boss. That's the place. So, Lois repeatedly plunging a steak knife into Lex’s belly and loins would be defined as ‘willing’? LEX: ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/midi/konfus/a015.gif) Unless you don't mean what I think you mean by "steak knife", I'm going to have to say 'no' that's not allowed. The true reason he dislikes Americanized Chinese food? Apparently the Chinese equivalent is as confusing to understand. ‘High flying dream will burn like the sun?’  Good one! MAYSON: Good thing the office has a free printer available. That Charlie sounded just like Batman. MAYSON: It's evidence. I'm taking it home to examine it more closely. Maybe she really should talk to a shrink about her self-abusive tendencies. Or her obsession with abusive relationships. CLARK: I'm abusive? LOIS: :rolleyes: Thanks. Fixed. Sounds like an awfully cheesy story LOIS: /Scoffs/ Well, I... Can you believe...? It was only... I'm not inviting you to the party when it becomes a best seller! ‘almost’ given that he’s the Wrong Clark. That's the one. Awww… over on the dark side? CLARK: /gulp/ Um... Lois... /tugs at his collar/ You want me to write an Nfic with you? /swallows uncomfortably/ LOIS: Well, Charles can't touch her physically, so she'll have to do all the... CLARK: /soto/ Sounds familiar. LOIS: What? CLARK: Nothing. Lovely. Just let me read what you've written so far and I'll get back to you. FIVE MINUTES LATER: LOIS: /glances up/ Was that an explosion? It sounded as if came from Clinton. I hope Clark's okay.
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Hmm…must be Sunday I keep not figuring in kids-interruptus when I schedule my writing time this week (Spring Break). LnC: Neener neener neener! ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/midi/frech/a070.gif) That’s karma for you and your Jimmys and Herbs and Lexes. ER: Umm… you guys do know that you’ll never get to 2nd base if the EW keeps getting interrupted. And considering her buffer, Lois must currently be happily snuck away in Lex’s honeymoon suite in the Swiss Alps while EW is taking a break. LnC: Yes, Clark could do all that "testing the waters" stuff, but the nitty-gritty of it -- making unnecessary phone calls, setting up interviews, etc. -- would suck valuable time out of his schedule for investigative Luthor and looking for Lois's mom. I was suggesting he L. I. E. about what he’s doing out there. It’s not like someone would check up on him. I guess you forgot her wish in Part 165 that he never found the note. <EW things that people should actually remember this ‘last part’ reference> LOIS: Oh, that's Dan. I'm settling for him because when he proposes marriage he doesn't take it back when I accept. CLARK: Say what?! Or is it that he's not thinking much of how she had been thinking of him at the time? Right. This is Clark. There’s a reason why he’s wearing zip-up boots instead of ones with laces. Plus, fornication at 10,000 feet while not inside a metal tube.
LOIS: I *have not* done that.... (yet). So, point of great concern to her, huh? LEX: /preens at being considered world class./ MINDY:  He’s classy! quote: Me thinks the blonde harlot believes the nice cat lady is a tad bonkers between the ears.
Cat lady? CAT: Does she think Lois is me? Because if she does, then the ADA is the bonkers one. Yeah, I know. There’s Cat. There’s Catwoman. And then there’s the brunette living with two-dozen cats instead of a husband. Since canon Clark scolded Resplendent Man for sitting and watching, you're saying Alt Clark wouldn't torture (spelled correctly) himself by sneaking a peek? I’m just saying he would ever so often accidentally sneak a peek. Otherwise, how could he make sure she’s home alone, safe. SUPERMAN: Plus, she had a drowned spider drawn on her window. That meant I had to look. I'm glad you appreciated Mayson barbs. Well…it’s about time someone pulled Lois from her high horse. MAYSON: Yes. Yes, I am. So, why haven't I found a decent man in this town? LOIS: Because the only decent one flies above it. MAYSON: I've seen that uniform, thank you very much. It's not very decent. LOIS: You should see him out of it. [Drool] CLARK: Say what? LOIS: Nothing. BENDER: Sounds like fraud to me, but please. [Grovel] I don't want that case either. Afraid that Lois would send him a ticket to The Nutcracker? SUPERMAN: I'm a 'no woman' man. CARL (in Travel): /perks up/ Oh, really? I should *have* known.  Michael