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Posted By: bakasi Ukraine - 02/26/22 09:55 AM
I really hoped that I wouldn't live to see something like this happen in Europe again. And suddenly, we're facing another cold war. Suddenly, I'm not sure anymore that NATO won't be attacked, which would result in an unthinkable nuclear war.

As if Covid wasn't enough to turn our lives upside down.

I can't stop thinking about Sting's song," Russians"
I, too, hope that Putin loves his children, too, and will stop this madness.

I pray to the Lord that the killing in the Ukraine will stop soon, because nothing good has ever come from war.

Posted By: Lynn S. M. Re: Ukraine - 02/26/22 02:20 PM
Hello Barbara,

I have heard that some very courageous Russians have protested the war. From all I understand, this is Putin's war, not the Russian people's.

This was brings to mind all of the fruitless "duck and cover" exercises I went through as a child in school. (As if a desk would save us from a bomb's impact or its fallout.) It also resurrects all of the fears I had had growing up as a Cold War child.

My heart goes out to everyone in Ukraine, as do my prayers.

We do live in scary times.
Posted By: Sorbus Re: Ukraine - 03/07/22 09:47 PM
This situation is devastating and I am out of words. I have been pretty upset and it has affected my sleeping pattern as this has brought up some tough questions and realisation over what I really fear. And meanwhile people die and survivors are traumatized and we don't know how it'll end. Ordinary people suffer, on both sides but in different ways when one old man wants to show off. True strength would be to be humble, to step down, to tell you're wrong, and withdraw your troops.
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