Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Saori Fujiwara Who is hotter? Clark or Superman? - 05/06/10 11:59 AM
I'm sorry if it's stupid, but I think this will be fun for the ladies -- and maybe even a few gentlemen? laugh

So, the four-eyed cutie or the Man of Steel?
I love that everyone that has voted so far picked Clark. Maybe we're a bit biased.
Posted By: Vicki Re: Who is hotter? Clark or Superman? - 05/06/10 02:46 PM
Clark. Hands-down. No contest. smile
Posted By: Saori Fujiwara Re: Who is hotter? Clark or Superman? - 05/06/10 04:32 PM
But Clark's really just the cutest thing! Anyways, this poll will run for a month, maybe Kal-El will get a following in the next few days? laugh
Posted By: Shadow Re: Who is hotter? Clark or Superman? - 05/06/10 09:11 PM
I have a thing for guys in glasses...

In the LnC-verse, it's an easy choice for Clark. But if we want to consider the Superman movie-verse, things look different (because that Clark sucks). But since this is an LnC board... laugh
Posted By: Saori Fujiwara Re: Who is hotter? Clark or Superman? - 05/07/10 09:08 AM
@Shadow: me, too! And Dean's Clark is just SO totally human and likeable... in the first two seasons I wanted to beat Lois up so bad for making things so difficult for him! lol.

@Lara Joelle: this is just for the Lois & Clark universe. smile The movie Clark is a dyed-in-the-wool dork, which makes no sense because Superman is such a cool guy, and Clark's been Clark longer than he was Superman. It just makes no sense to me, the total dichotomy of the Superman / CK personas in the movies.
Posted By: BrenRen Re: Who is hotter? Clark or Superman? - 05/07/10 09:08 AM
Originally posted by Vicki:
Clark. Hands-down. No contest. smile
To steal a line from my own fic... more like hands-all-over-the place!

And yes, I must admit, I find myself aligning with the majority for a change: Clark--all the way, baby!!
Posted By: Saori Fujiwara Re: Who is hotter? Clark or Superman? - 05/07/10 09:31 AM
@Bren Ren: ROFLASTC with the hands-all-over-the-place!

And to steal jargon from tennis, the current score is 21-Love, favor Clark Kent. I can't really call a zero on our favorite hero now. laugh

Well, let's see. We may have a few renegade Supermaniacs ever-ready to defend Lord Kal-El's honor at the polls. laugh
Posted By: DW Re: Who is hotter? Clark or Superman? - 05/07/10 11:48 AM
I am definitely, without-a-doubt picking Clark - Superman is hot too, but I prefer Clark laugh
Posted By: TOC Re: Who is hotter? Clark or Superman? - 05/07/10 01:33 PM
Clearly Clark was "designed" to be the sexier of our favorite Kansas-Kryptonian's two incarnations. After all, the show was called Lois and Clark, not Lois and Superman, wasn't it?

All the movies, however, have been named after Superman, not after Clark. And in all the movies Superman looks better than Clark.

I think it all has to do with who we are supposed to root for, so to speak. When it comes to Clark Superman Kal-El Kent, one incarnation of him has to be the real protagonist, and the other one must be a mere disguise. Clearly the disguise must look slightly worse than "the real deal".

And that, no doubt, is why they gave Dean Cain's Superman that unbecoming slicked-down hairstyle.

Posted By: Saori Fujiwara Re: Who is hotter? Clark or Superman? - 05/07/10 07:02 PM
@TOC: Emotional manipulation with a cowlick. LoL.

Go Clark! (I couldn't help myself. Clarkaholism and all.) hyper
Posted By: Lynn S. M. Re: Who is hotter? Clark or Superman? - 05/07/10 07:42 PM
Originally posted by TOC:
And that, no doubt, is why they gave Dean Cain's Superman that unbecoming slicked-down hairstyle.
Interesting. My decision to vote for Clark had little to do with his hair, and much more to do with his smile and the warmth he exudes. As Superman, he always keeps himself very aloof and very serious. I'm curious about why others have voted the way they did.

Posted By: Saori Fujiwara Re: Who is hotter? Clark or Superman? - 05/07/10 10:33 PM
@Lynn S. M.: I love Dean Cain Clark's smile too. I'm not sure it's even legal. lol. Should be a registered weapon, really. Calling Dr. Antoinette Baines to the witness stand!!! laugh
Posted By: TOC Re: Who is hotter? Clark or Superman? - 05/07/10 10:39 PM
Originally posted by Lynn S. M.:

Interesting. My decision to vote for Clark had little to do with his hair, and much more to do with his smile and the warmth he exudes. As Superman, he always keeps himself very aloof and very serious.
Of course you are right about that, Lynn. But take a look at the movies, then. In the movies Clark isn't exuding warmth, and his smile isn't designed to win anybody over. In the movies, Clark exudes insecurity and reticence (Brandon Routh) and a downright hopeless geekiness and a great tone-deafness when it comes to reading other people's feelings and reactions (Christopher Reeve). Such Clarks can't be attractive. Christopher Reeve's Superman, however, seemed very sure of himself, was often smiling and certainly didn't lack warmth. Brandon Routh's Superman was soulful and suffering like a melancholy young actor, and he definitely looked much better than his hunched-shoulders Clark Kent.

You are of course right, Lynn, that it is LnC's Clark's very attractive personality that makes him so sexy, while his Superman personality is rigid andd stiff. But just imagine that the LnC people had switched hairstyles, so that Superman got the looser hairstyle while Clark Kent got the gelled-down hair. I think that the weird hairstyle would have taken Clark's sexiness down a notch.

[Linked Image]

Superman's hairstyle and Superman's rigidity...

But take a look at this version of Dean Cain: he's wearing a wet white shirt that clings to his body, but his hair is fluffy!

Fluffy-haired wet-shirt Dean Cain

Ah, sorry. The picture has disappeared. Well, take it from me, Dean's Clark-style hair was very loose and fluffy while his wet shirt clung to his pecs! laugh

And here is young Dean Cain as Clark Kent changing into Superman:

Young Dean Clark Kent Cain

Christopher Reeve's Clark Kent, not a hottie:

Christopher Reeve\'s Clark Kent

Brandon Routh's Clark Kent, better-looking than Christopher Reeve's Clark, but not up to Dean Cain's:

Brandon Routh\'s Clark Kent

Finally, take a look at this link showing Clark Kents through the ages, although whatisname from the Smallville show isn't on the list. But if you look at the Clarks there, who is the hottest one? Yes. Hmmmmm. I thought so.

Clarks through the ages

Posted By: Lynn S. M. Re: Who is hotter? Clark or Superman? - 05/08/10 04:33 AM
Hi Ann,

Originally posted by TOC:
But take a look at the movies, then. <snip> Such Clarks can't be attractive.
No arguments here.

But just imagine that the LnC people had switched hairstyles, so that Superman got the looser hairstyle while Clark Kent got the gelled-down hair. I think that the weird hairstyle would have taken Clark's sexiness down a notch.
Again, I agree with you. I much prefer his hair un-gelled. But if I had to choose between a slick-haired Clark and loose-haired Superman, both being Dean's interpretations of the roles, I'd still go with Clark.

But take a look at this version of Dean Cain: he's wearing a wet white shirt that clings to his body, but his hair is fluffy!

Fluffy-haired wet-shirt Dean Cain

Ah, sorry. The picture has disappeared.
mecry Sounds like it would have been a yummy picture.

And here is young Dean Cain as Clark Kent changing into Superman:

Young Dean Clark Kent Cain
Oh my. That photo should come with a warning for those with weak hearts.

You always do find the best photos with which to illustrate your posts. Thanks!

Posted By: Saori Fujiwara Re: Who is hotter? Clark or Superman? - 05/08/10 05:52 AM
@Lynn S.M.: I think Dean looks his best when he wears glasses. Please, no one hurt me! XD
Posted By: Classicalla Re: Who is hotter? Clark or Superman? - 05/24/10 10:12 PM
Clark in LnC is absolutely the best. In other Clark / Superman incarnations, not so much. George Reeves had a very nice smile and was pretty darn sexy. (I didn't think so when I was younger... But he was an older Clark / Superman so more likely to appeal to older folks.) And his Clark wasn't a dufus. Come to think of it, the only dufus Clarks were Christopher Reeve and Brandon Routh. I don't think Clark was ever that much of a dufus in the comics. And in mention of George Reeves, I'd just love to know whether he was murdered or whether he committed suicide. I guess we will never know.
Posted By: Saori Fujiwara Re: Who is hotter? Clark or Superman? - 05/25/10 05:01 PM
Originally posted by Classicalla:
Clark in LnC is absolutely the best. In other Clark / Superman incarnations, not so much.
Dang straight. I find myself falling in love over and over again with him. smile

-- Sayo (who is NOT related to Dean Cain. Uh, I know I went Tank here, please don't shoot me. peep )
Posted By: Morgana Re: Who is hotter? Clark or Superman? - 05/26/10 10:22 PM
Dean Cain's Clark is completely handsome. The only time he looked silly was during the actual wedding in Season 4.

Sorry people!
Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: Who is hotter? Clark or Superman? - 05/23/11 05:07 PM
Dean Cain's Clark is by FAR the sexier of the two personalities. It all comes down to how he plays the role - such warmth, such utter humanity, and there's a really fun-loving side to Clark. You don't get that with his Superman self until Season 3, once Lois knows about his secret...but then, it's always on a one on one with Lois. And as much as I love the Lois and Clark interactions on the show, I equally love how the Clark side of him interacts with ALL of the people around him - Jimmy, Perry, Cat, various other one-shot characters. We never get that same, approachable personaility when Superman is talking to Perry or Jimmy.

Yeah, Superman is hot and all, but I'd take Dean Cain's Clark any day of the week.
Posted By: Christina Re: Who is hotter? Clark or Superman? - 09/25/11 01:34 PM
For this version of Superman/Clark I always go with Clark because he is the more attainable of the two. Like someone else above mentioned, Superman does tend to hold himself aloof while Clark has always been more "comfortable in this own skin" so to speak.

It really does depend on the version, though. The Superman movies definitely are more Superman than Clark (Superman always seemed perfectly comfortable relaxing while Clark always seemed a little more wound up.)

I honestly can't say which version for the comics... especially as they haven't really given us enough info on the new Superman/Clark for me to say which one is hotter/more attractive.
Posted By: Mouserocks Re: Who is hotter? Clark or Superman? - 09/26/11 01:04 AM
Agreed. Clark wins. Always Clark. Dean's Clark. Brandon's Clark. I don't particularly like Christopher Reeve's portrayal of Clark, but to be fair I also don't like his Superman. The best and only reason that I believe Superman can even compete with Clark is because of spandex, and even then only when Clark is played badly.

I think we can just sum it up in two ways: one, that Dean Cain is the best looking Clark/Superman that ever has been or will be, and two- I might just have a thing for nerds laugh .
Posted By: AngelRose Re: Who is hotter? Clark or Superman? - 07/25/13 04:33 AM
Clark all the way! Gotta love a nice guy with a soul
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