I don't know what stories tell what, but I have to say that my favorite part of this story is that Julia Austell was included. James tells me she was mentioned in the first story I read (Slave Race), saying that she goes into labor during the evacuation of the base. I don't remember the details and I haven't wanted to go back and "mine" for details but want to sift out the story as it comes. I'm intrigued by the junior love triangle, since both Mark and Alan obviously have the hots for her and she has shown affection for both of them. I have to say that I was disappointed that Mark got the kiss, though. Mark seems to get all the girls. People who have a lot seem to appreciate what they have less than people who have little--which is my way of saying, "Go for the short one who's closer to your age, Juls!"

who doesn't want to know who Julia ends up with, whether it's Door Number One, Curtain Number Two or Box Number Three (although relations with a guy in a box don't sound appealing)