Pam, that's an interesting idea. Use a hero from the confederacy.

Okay, I think I've got this worked out now: At least in dealing with the one and the twenty. In my story, the American's won the war of independence and the north won the civil war. It's just that some of the people played slightly different roles wink

So here's my new paragraph:

In some ways, it looked real enough but why would they have replaced the picture of America’s first president, Benedict Arnold, with the face of that traitor, George Washington? And the twenty was wrong, too. It should be Robert E. Lee, the man who had led the North to victory during the civil war. Who was this Jackson character anyway?
I was going to use Madonna. But when I thought about it, I decided it was more likely that they would choose someone who is dead. So I changed Lee's roll in the war. After all, if I recall correctly he was against slavery and leaving the union. The reason, as I understand it, that he decided to lead the southern army was that he was from Virgina and decided to fight for his home. So I figure he could easily have gone the other way.

And since Lee was arguably the greatest general on either side of that conflict, I think it is entirely possible he could have been President in the future, had he commanded the Northern army instead of the Southern army.

Thanks everyone.

ML wave

She was in such a good mood she let all the pedestrians in the crosswalk get to safety before taking off again.
- CC Aiken, The Late Great Lois Lane