Enjoyed this section very much, Wendy. Lots of A-plot development interwoven with some nice relationship moments as Lois and Clark get closer together. And now they're doing what they do best together...investigating.

I noticed that Clark mentioned to Lois a couple of times that Luthor put Lois in a 'desperate' position. Soon to be married, did that make her a desperate housewife? wink

I had a bit of a problem following this:
Her expression brightened, as if she’d needed the reassurance. “Yeah. You’re right. But anyway, Clark,” she added more soberly, “I know you can’t afford to lend me money. You don’t have a job either right now.”
“Tell you what,” he said suddenly, decisively. “You do need some stuff. I mean, I can lend you T-shirts, but my jeans are way too big for you. And I guess you wouldn’t really want to borrow my underwear.” He bet that his blush was even redder than hers. “So after breakfast I’ll fly you to a small town somewhere a long way from Metropolis or Smallville and you can buy a few things. Okay?”
I got the idea that Lois rejected financial help from Clark...so when they're in Georgia, I wondered where the money came from. I wonder if you need a sentence somewhere that says that Lois reluctantly agreed that she had no other choice.

Or is it just me? huh

I'm with everyone else wondering what Lois saw. Was it the treasure trove?
