If this town had a JC Penney or a K-Mart, she’d get what she needed there. Even if once she’d never have dreamed of shopping at either place.
Lois Lane never dreamed of shopping at K-Mart or JC Penney's? She never had to? Ever? Boy - she must have always made a ton of money to never stoop so low as to shop at places where millions and millions of everyday people shop each day. (Actually, unless it's on sale, I don't shop at JC Penney's very often either - too expensive...)

Or is it because she "once" had all of Luthor's money to use and he didn't want her shopping there. Now that I can see. But, it's unclear.

Sorry - these sentences just jumped off the page and slapped me in the face. I was cruising along, then BOOM! I was in the ditch wondering who put that curve in the road.
