Avia asked:
I'm loving this. So, when's the next part?
Coming right up, Avia! Just as soon as I've thanked everyone for their lovely comments here!

As always, I'm really grateful for your feedback and suggestions. I'm glad to see that everyone's enthusiastic to see Lois and Clark get Lex! As to how... well, that would be telling. But Lois is very determined, as you saw!

I noticed that Clark mentioned to Lois a couple of times that Luthor put Lois in a 'desperate' position. Soon to be married, did that make her a desperate housewife?
ROFL, Gerry! rotflol

Oh what does she remember?
But what, pray tell, did Lois see?
So, Lois remembers, eh? Wonderful cliffhanger..., but I want to know WHAT it was!!!!
Next part, I promise! Though Jen has some very interesting speculation...

Works of art? Sculpture triggered her memory?? The first thing that jumps to my mind is a room Lex has with the rare works of art like the arms of Venus de Milo...but that seems too easy. I can't wait to find out what it is she remembers.
So, all will be revealed very soon.

Nan, thanks - and it was downright scary! We weren't the ones who skidded, which was even worse; our car had perfect traction, but the other driver's didn't. He caught us sideways on and spun us completely around. frown The scariest thing of all was the split second when I knew we were going to crash... horrible. sad But the important thing was that no-one got worse than bruises.

Okay, part 6 coming right up!

Wendy smile

Just a fly-by! *waves*