Ooh... halfway there!!

He shrugged. “It can wait. This is more important. You’re more important.”

He meant that trying to prove that her husband was a murderer and getting him safely locked away in prison was more important but, judging by the blush which crept over her face, Lois clearly interpreted his words more personally. Not that he minded. She was important to him in that way too.
Awwww!!! /me giggles blush

He smiled as he approached. “You look good.” And the admiration in his eyes was real.
Awww!!!! smile

Yesterday, she’d been petrified. Today, she was angry. Blisteringly, furiously, vengefully angry.

“I was just wondering if he’s still searching the Rockies for me,” Lois explained, still smiling.

“Actually, he’s back in Metropolis,” Clark told her, to her surprise.

He had been. It all sounded insane, in a way, though. That someone like Lex Luthor would scheme to buy a newspaper, and then blow it up, just to get one woman in his power. Could the man really be that Machiavellian? Or was he actually not quite sane?

Kerth nominations are opening on March 3!
🏆2024 Kerth Award Posts 🏆.

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