Thank you all so much for your wonderful comments! As this is the first thing I've posted in *months*, it's good to know I haven't lost my touch. I'm thrilled that you all like it so far! smile

searching for a nice comfy rock to crawl under
/me hands Sara some shamrocks and tells her to use them wink

Are you kidding me?
Sorry, SJH, no kidding at all... just RAFO. I hope you'll like just what I did. And remember, this is still the PG folder. laugh

What will Lois buy Sara?
Well, as I don't want to give away too much here, I guess that's also RAFO, Tricia. It wasn't easy to think of something, but with a little help, I thought of the perfect gift. <g>

Oh, and congratulations on being able to labhair as Gaeilge, a chara!
Ehm, I think this is the point where I admit I don't speak any Irish at all... I can write a few phrases, but you do not wish to hear me pronounce it. wink But give me a few years... All I know is tá grá agam ort and aisling deas . All the Irish I've used in this stories comes from Sara, who was a great help in this!

Now, for the fight over who is lesser evil between Sara and Sara... I say nothing but: I think with this piece I've proved I'm not the evil one anymore. laugh

Thanks again, Sara, Jose, Jen, Sara, SJH, Tricia, Andreia, Wendy and Maria!

The second and final part will be posted soon.

Saskia smile

I tawt I taw a puddy cat!