My husband works at one of the facilities in #3 and I know they've had kids as young as 8, though not often. Most are 10-19 with most of them in the middle of that range. They also have an emergency shelter for kids who have left the home for some reason [pulled out] and no where to take them - like the middle of the night or waiting for foster care placements etc. Those kids are any age including teens with babies of their own [occasionally].

I agree that those kids didn't really seem to qualify for a place like that though. Most of them have sexual and behavioral issues and those kids certainly didn't display any of those characteristics. I could see them in some kind of large foster home - where they take in a large number of kids [Chick-fil-A founder Truett Cathy runs a number of them - long term foster care homes called Winshape Homes - with a couple of house parents [2-3 couples iirc] in each of them] - something like that but not like what the Beckworth School seemed to be...
