I'm a new X-files convert and a shipper all the way! I wasn't that impressed with the A plot but it was entertaining enough.

* Mulder & Scully are together officially
* Mulder in a red swimsuit (not a speedo but the joke was not lost on me)
* Skinner showed up! (I actually whooped in the theater)
* I loved seeing Scully so emotionally wrapped up in something. For once, she was kind of like the Mulder of the conservative hospital she was at. Willing to try an experimental procedure because 'she wants to believe.'
* I also loved seeing Scully so passionate about her faith... kind of how Mulder had been so passionate in the past about his beliefs.
* And I also loved Scully standing up to Mulder and not just dropping everything that was important to her just to chase after him and help him with his case.

* The whole main story line was pretty blah to me. It never really seemed to get off the ground. And I was really hoping for something a little more paranormal.
* They didn't really develop any of the other characters very well. I could care less when Amanda Peet's character fell to her death... but maybe that's because she stroked Mulder's face after he shaved. (keep your hands off!)

So, yes, it could have been a little more entertaining as far as action, etc. go but the shippiness made my day. I can't wait to buy it and find some good nfic written about it!

A government which robs Peter to pay Paul can always
depend on the support of Paul.

-George Bernard Shaw