Okay, I'm back. This one's getting the full treatment feedback because it deserves it, and I can't help myself. blush

First off, I hadn't heard the song before, but I *love* it now. LOVE it. So I go looking for it on winMX... and I notice it's off the My Best Friend's Wedding Soundtrack. Hello, duh! I have that! :p

Anyway... <g> I know you didn't create the clips or direct the emotions behind them specifically for this video, but it sure as heck seems like you did. So bear with me when I go on about the clips, okay? laugh

It’s time to let you go

Oh, how sad!! And the fact that you started off with the clip that she's distanced from him really sets the mood for this one. You know she has to say goodbye, but she has to be okay with it. So the clip with that longing sad look, the distance between them doing nothing to diminish what they feel for each other... *sigh* I can tell right now I'm going to embarrass myself here. First line, first clip, and look at me already. goofy

It’s time to say goodbye

Brilliant to put the clip in there of Lois packing her Lois Kent nameplate away. She never really wanted Clark's last name over her own, but I have a feeling she might have chosen that over him leaving indefinitely. And it's not just her saying goodbye to Clark, it's her saying goodbye to everything. Their future, which will no longer be. whinging

There’s no more excuses

Excellent choice putting the sweater clip here. Because that's just what it represents - an excuse to prolong the goodbye.

No more tears to cry

Perfect. Don't need to say why.

There’s been so many changes

Perfect again!!! And I love that you switched to sepia for Lois's memories. So much more poignant that black and white.

I was so confused

So sad to see her remembering all the times she was confused, wasting time, but how could they have known? whinging What an image! And it cuts back and forth to the same scene. *sob*

You’re my best friend


But it’s so hard to let you go now
All that could have been

Okay, if anything in this vid kills me... it's that clip right there. All that could have been... *SOB* whinging whinging

I’ll always have the memories

This is where Sara officially turns into a big baby. Such perfect, heartbreaking clips! *SOB* I'm a mess... look what you've done to me, Anna! whinging Just so perfect!

And here is the point where I just have to shake my head at myself because this is a video... and I've used up all my graemlins already. :rolleyes:


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