Hi Mary! Time for a quick oneshot smile1
“Clark Kent said you wanted to see me?”

She looked up at him, a smile blooming across her face, and Clark felt his heart clench. Why couldn't she ever smile like that for him?
So, Clark’s once more Superman’s errand boy, huh?

Why did she have to reserve it for a flashy superhero...or a suave billionaire?
BATMAN: Well, I did tell you to mine those diamonds in the Pacific trenches, but no, Mr. Kansas didn’t want to have money…

Hearing that she wouldn't accept it until she spoke to “someone else” was just ample salt rubbed into the wound.
LOIS: So, Superman, is it true that you know Batman?

“No, really,” she said. “There's someone I'm very close friends with—in fact, I think we might even be best friends, kind of—and he recently asked me to marry him.”
Awww….she really does like Lex a lot, doesn’t she?

Lois nodded. “In fact, that's kind of a plus, in my book: since I don't love him as anything more than a friend, I don't have to worry about him breaking my heart.

But then...” She took in a deep breath. “His proposal made me realize that I am in love...with someone else.”
laugh Right! Cat. She’s in love with Cat!

“And this someone else proposed recently, too,” she continued, her words falling like the blade of a guillotine.
Oh boy. Whom does she love and who is the best friend.
LOIS: Ribbit?

“Well...” Lois leaned back on the arm of the sofa. “Even though I don't love him, we're still very close. He's always been good to me and, like I said, he's safe...”
[Linked Image] Bad author, leaving us to guess like that right there in the middle of the story. Bad author!

“This friend of mine,” she continued, lowering her voice even further so that a normal man would have had to strain to hear, “he kind of...needs...to get married.”
Ah, none is Lex. So, who *is* the one with the expiring green card?

“I mean,” she added, apparently seeing the confusion on his face, “he needs to be seen...with...a woman.”
Oh. Oh, Jimmy’s getting a reputation because he’s not dating enough women, is he? And when he gets married, he can use this to convince girls at the bar that he’s a catch?

Clark's been acting like a big baby about Bruce
shock rotflol Which reminds me of needing to get back to my own Brucelet that I started…uh…5 years ago or so…

“but Bruce has always been kind of suspicious about Clark, too. I can't think why; Clark's just a naive Kansas farm-boy. It's not like he really has anything to hide.”
This is a very fun twist, flipping the Batman/Superman dynamic like this clap

“Maybe,” he replied, smiling back at her. “But certainly not tonight, Lois.” And with that, he left.

The End
clap Highly entertaining. And you only slipped one Lex reference in there. You do love playing with your readers clap

wave Michael

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