
Great part. hyper

“Please, Clark....” Her voice changed completely all of a sudden, and when he looked at her, he was horrified to see the sheen of tears in her eyes. “Please don’t do this to me. It was supposed to be one perfect night...just one night...and you’re ruining it.” Her voice broke. “You’re ruining everything.”

He was ruining everything?

It was too much, on top of everything else. It was just way, way too much. His chest tightened at the sight of her tears and the bittersweet sound of his name on her lips, but he refused to be swayed. He was in the right here, and he wasn’t going to let her manipulate him into believing otherwise.

“It quit being perfect the minute you left,” he told her around the lump in his throat. “Right then, it became...what did you call it? A stupid one-night-stand. And that was your choice, not mine. I wanted to know you. To know...everything about you. And you weren’t willing to give me that chance.”
Don't let her get away with it. mad

She had lied to him, deceived him, pretended to be someone she wasn’t, and now she obviously wanted nothing more than to cost him his job. He should be running away from Lois Lane – running as far and as fast as he possibly could, which was very far and very fast. He was almost afraid to analyze the impulse that was making him stay, but he was pretty sure it didn’t have as much to do as it should with wanting to be a reporter for the Daily Planet.

The only thing he was absolutely sure of was that he was sorry – sorry for both of them – that the fleeting pleasure they’d found together now had the power to cause them so much pain.

Maria D. Ferdez.
Don't like Luthor, unfinished, untitled and crossover story, and people that promises and don't deliver. I'm getting choosy with age.